Prophecy Update Newsletter
2 Chronicles 7: 14 Not for Church? - By Terry James - Recently I heard a prophecy teacher -actually one of my favorite prophecy guys- say something like the following: "I hate to burst your bubble about what you probably believe about God's promises to the church and his promises to Israel. But 2 Chronicles 7: 14 isn't for the church. It is for Israel." He then went on to say that the context of that promise makes it obvious for whom it was given. It doesn't apply to we of the Church Age was his conclusion. I must take exception to that statement by this man, one who I respect greatly and consider one of the very top teachers and writers of Bible prophecy today. Let's have a look at the promise that god, indeed, made to the nation Israel. "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." (2 Chronicles 7: 14) The speaker was talking about whether the United States is in Bible prophecy. He was speaking to the many worries people have as to what will happen to America so far as concerns prophecy yet future. Particularly, as I recall, he was talking about the upcoming 2020 presidential election. People were, he said, wondering about what we should do as believers to seek God's divine intervention in this election. There are great fears that the opposition party to that of this president has turned totally toward the dark side and is more and more anti-God in their platform goals. The speaker was intimating that 2 Chronicles 7:14 is the scripture most invoked, but that it isn't in effect for the Church. It was given exclusively to the Jews -to the nation Israel. The basis for my taking exception to my friend's pronouncement in part is truth encased within the following scriptural areas. "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with who is no variableness, neither shadow of turning." (James 1: 17) "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever." (Hebrews 13: 8) God's Word is the very Person of Jesus the Christ, the Second Person of the Godhead. God the Father sent Jesus into the world as Himself in the flesh. Jesus taught and preached ultimate truth. Jesus and the Father are one -see John chapter 17. Jesus created all that is, see Genesis chapter 1. He did so by the spoken Word. Jesus is the Word. This is made plain in John chapter 1. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made." (John 1: 1-3) Jesus and the Father, the Lord verifies through His prayer in John chapter 17, are one. Jesus also says that we who believe in Him are one with Him, as He is one with the Father. Therefore His Father's children are Jesus' "people," just as they are God the Father's "people". We are all "one" with God. We are His "people". This includes all people of God's created order who "believe" for salvation as prescribed by God. Those who believe are His people. Therefore, it is my Bible-based contention that in 2 Chronicles 7: 14, the "my people" is referring to God's "people," no matter of what era. God changes not. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. God's Promise to Israel in 2 Chronicles 7: 14, in my view, apply to believers of all ages. It is true that Israel's "land" was healed on several occasions, after the people had drifted into backsliding and gross idolatry. America, it is equally true, for example, has not experienced what might be considered a complete healing in the sense of Israel in its ancient past. However, America, again for example, has experienced degrees of "healing." The great revival movements that came out of the Great Depression, was God at work in answering prayers of His "people." I believe the 2016 election for president was an answer to the prayers of God's "people." It was, to anyone possessing spiritual acuity, a miracle from the Almighty. Certainly, even the secularists -the mainstream media, and Mr. Trump's opponents, were stunned into a form of madness! Another friend defines the declaration that 2 Chronicles 7: 14 is not for the Church as a part of the Seminary Syndrome. By this, he means that the products of often self-exalted seminaries sometimes can't see the simplicity of God's truth for feeling they have to make it complex to somehow justify their existence as the last word on interpretation of scriptural truth. And, I mean no disrespect to the men and women who have the prestigious, seminary degrees of various flavors. Many, many of these are dear friends. But, for the Seminary Syndrome to induce them to say such things as the things mentioned above with regard to God's dealings with His "people," just smacks of being wrong to my spiritual senses. I have expressed before in my commentaries that I have the same problem with the Seminary Syndrome declarations that Matthew chapter 24 (the Olivet Discourse) is for the nation Israel only. -That the Rapture of the Church isn't to be found in that great teaching by our Lord. So please continue to pray in light of 2 Chronicles 7: 14 in regard to the 2020 presidential election. Our nation still needs healing, as we all know. Admittedly, as this generation seems to be at the very end of the Age of Grace, and at least half of the nation is deliberately moving away from, not nearer to God, it is unlikely that there is time to see a complete healing of America. However, the prayers of God's people have and can yet produce miracles within this land upon which God has so richly bestowed His blessings. Iran wants to challenge western navies in Gulf with China and Russia - Seth J. Frantzman - Iran's Rear Admiral Hossein Khanzadi announced a joint naval drill with Russia and China, after the US and France have both planned maritime security initiatives in the Gulf. Iran thinks it is entering the big league in naval powers as its Rear Admiral Hossein Khanzadi announced a joint naval drill with Russia and China. It came as a deputy chief of the Chinese Joint Staff was in a meeting with Khanzadi, according to Iran's Press TV. What's really behind the scenes of this is that Iran wants to show off after the US and France have both announced maritime security initiatives in the Gulf. Iran is pushing a "Hormuz peace" plan called HOPE. Now Iran says its Maritime Security Belt drill will go ahead on December 27. Iran wants to work more closely with China. Having Russia on board is a win as well for Tehran. The problem for Tehran is that while China is an emerging naval behemoth, and Russia is a historic naval power, Iran has a weak navy. Iran's great naval "achievements" of the last years has been using fast boats to harass real navies. One US official said at a conference in February that the US could destroy Iran's navy easily. In fact Iran's navy is bifurcated between the IRGC and the actual navy. The IRGC is the one that harasses western governments. The actual navy doesn't do much. But Iran has been showcasing new drones and other technology for its ships. So Iran's message is that it can play in the big league with the Russians and Chinese. That would be a big win for Iran as it faces the so-called "maximum pressure" campaign from the US. The US National Defense Strategy conceived between 2015 and 2018, is seeking to shift toward confronting big or threatening countries like Iran, Russia, China and North Korea. This is supposed to get away from the counter-terror obsession of 2001-2015. Go big or go home is the name of the game in this strategy. The US is going big at sea with a new $20 billion deal for submarines. China is looking to build its fourth aircraft carrier and China recently ended US military port calls in Hong Kong as a message for the US to stop interfering. The US is spending $650 billion on defense, while China is spending $250 billion. Russia has a new warship named the Gromky while it sent its advanced Admiral Gorshkov to Cuba this year. All this now impacts the Gulf because of Iranian attacks on oil tankers that began in May and because various countries want to project strength. France is also in the game in the Gulf. It got the Netherlands to sign on to its naval mission led from the UAE. The US held its Maritime Exercise IMX in the Gulf in October for three-weeks to show its forces. The US Fifth Fleet is based in Bahrain. The US has sought to lead an International Maritime Security Construct in the Gulf along with the UK, Australia, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia. Iran's defense budget is peanuts in comparison at only $20 billion. It has a relatively new destroyer called the Sahand and several other large ships. Overall though, Iran's naval posturing is purely about showing it can do a joint exersize with other countries amid the US pressure. This will lead to its message that nearby countries, such as Oman should work with it on its HOPE initiative. Nearing Midnight: I'm Rubber, You're Glue - Todd Strandberg - I'm sure you've all heard this children's insult poem, but just in case, here's the full phrase (as I heard/said it): "I'm rubber, you're glue. Whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you." The thought is so basic and easy to understand, millions of people may think they originated this rhyme. A Google search turns the phrase up in the Atlantic Monthly in 1948. Since there is no set source, its history may go back a hundred years or more. Regardless of the phrase's history, it applies greatly to our current political environment. If you are on the side of liberal media and the Democratic party, you are rubber. Unless you murdered someone, all your sins will quickly fade from the public record. If you are President Trump or someone on the conservative side, you are covered in glue. Of course, your past errors will be highlighted, and also any made-up lie that be applied to you. It is generally known that Barack Obama had his administration spy on the Trump campaign. The New York Times reported that the Justice Department's inspector general said it found no evidence to support claims that the FBI inserted spies into the 2016 campaign. We are told to believe that the FBI had its people in Trump's headquarters, but they just weren't spying. The dead giveaway of Obama's guilt is that the "no evidence" conclusion was leaked to the press before its scheduled release. Things have gotten so bad in Washington, Obama could freely admit that he broke the law by inserting covert agents into the Trump campaign and by ordering US intelligence officials to tap his phones. For that matter, he could finally confess that Yes, he was born in Kenya. The rule of law has degraded to the point that there is simply no will to enforce the rules. The process of America becoming a banana republic went into overdrive when Hillary Clinton was given a pass by former FBI director James Comey. As secretary of state, she set up a private server that she used to send and receive classified emails. During numerous campaign stops early on, she said her use of a private server was "allowed." She also said she turned over all of her emails. A federal investigation determined she was not "allowed" to transmit government secrets on a private server that was vulnerable to hackers, and reports show she destroyed tens of thousands of emails pertinent to the investigation. Chelsea Clinton has now taken up the family business of being a moral reprobate. Chelsea recently stated that transgender people are more likely to be murdered than non-transgender individuals. Andy Ngo, a conservative journalist, tried to disagree with Chelsea by saying America is actually one the safest places for transgenders. By simply disagreeing with her, Twitter blocked Ngo's account. Twitter, by its action, was saying we support this false narrative, and if you try to debunk it, we will ban you from our platform. CNN has hired the core individuals who have acted as Obama's Henchmen. It's unlikely they will ever face justice. If the Justice Department was to come after them, they would have a major News outlet to act as their defense counsel. I'm not sure glue is a strong enough adhesive to describe the effort to apply an offense to President Trump. For four years, this man has been under constant attack from the left. There are currently over 30 Federal, state and congressional authorities that are scrutinizing every aspect of Donald J. Trump's life through investigations. The impeachment hearings are currently about as productive as the Mueller Report. If people knew the damage that is being done to our Democracy with these endless witch trials, they would flood their representative's phone lines and email with angry messages. The public doesn't care because they don't see the danger. When they finally realize their mistake, restoration of liberty requires the shedding of blood. Trump recently predicted the anticipated IG report would reveal "perhaps the biggest scandal in the history of our country." When the reports comes on Dec 10 and there are no major fireworks, I think the Justice Department might as well close up shop. The swamp creators have the upper hand, and it's only a matter of time before they turn America into a one-party state. "And because lawlessness is increased, most people's love will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end, he shall be saved" (Matthew 24:12-13). Trump and Netanyahu Finalize Pact to Be Military Allies in Gog and Magog - By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz December - "After a long time you shall be summoned; in the distant future you shall march against the land [of a people] restored from the sword, gathered from the midst of many peoples-against the mountains of Yisrael, which have long lain desolate-[a people] liberated from the nations, and now all dwelling secure." Ezekiel 38:8 (The Israel Bible™) The White House announced that on Sunday night, U.S. President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu discussed the common threat from Iran. The discussion came at a key juncture; directly preceding a North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) summit in London that both leaders attended. Israel is not a NATO member but was granted Major non-NATO Ally status in 1989. Debka File, an English language Israeli military intelligence news site, reported that the dialogue between Netanyahu and Trump was to finalize a military cooperation pact whose details were worked out during meetings between U.S. and Israeli generals in recent months. If true, this military pact would be a landmark. Though the U.S. provides Israel with significant military aid and the two countries participate in joint military maneuvers, the two countries have never cooperated militarily and there is no known pact between the two countries in which they promise to actively support each other in a military engagement. Trump has frequently questioned the current relevance of the 70-year-old NATO agreements and criticizes the disproportionate role the U.S. is required to take in monetizing the effort intended to combat the now-defunct Soviet Union. The presidential displeasure led to other NATO members pledging to substantially increase their military spending and commitments of military assets to the alliance. But Netanyahu's European grip is focused entirely on their support of Iran. On Sunday, Netanyahu released a video lambasting the six countries (Belgium, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden) that signed on to the INSTEX barter mechanism designed to circumvent US sanctions against trade with Iran by avoiding the use of the dollar. "While the Iranian regime is killing its own people, European countries rush to support that very murderous regime," Netanyahu said in the video. Though Gog and Magog were mentioned in the Bible as specific individuals, the Prophets, most specifically Ezekiel, described them as leading many nations in the final pre-Messiah battle against Israel. Netanyahu is frequently criticized for having an obsession with Iran and though his focus on Iran is probably based on geopolitical considerations, the Bible explicitly identifies Iran's role in the War of Gog and Magog against Israel. I will turn you around and put hooks in your jaws, and lead you out with all your army, horses, and horsemen, all of them clothed in splendor, a vast assembly, all of them with bucklers and shields, wielding swords. Among them shall be Persia, Nubia, and Put, everyone with shield and helmet; Ezekiel 38:4-5 Iran is the modern incarnation of Persia. This anti-Israel alliance took on a new member last week when Iran announced it will for the first time be holding joint military maneuvers with Russia and China. The Mongols, an ethnic group that is the remnant of the Mongolian Empire, resides within regions of Russia, China, and North Korea. According to some reports, the Mongolian people claim Magog as their ancestor. It should be noted that Netanyahu's left-wing political rival, Benny Gantz who heads the Blue and White party, posted a tweet in which he said that his party will always oppose such a pact. "Blue and White under my leadership will not support an international agreement that will limit Israel's actions and the IDF's ability to protect the country from the threats it faces," tweeted Gantz. "I have deep respect for the strategic relationship with the US, our ally, with whom we share identical values and joint interests but there is a serious concern that a prime minister who is busy with himself will allow the hands of security forces to be tied, as opposed to the position expressed by the security establishment for decades." Daily Jot: Smelling a rat - Bill Wilson - In my early days, I was an award-winning investigative journalist. The awards came after having to convince my editors that there was a story when they just couldn't see it (or as I later learned about their leftist ideals, they didn't want to see it). But my God-given instincts were far more often than not, spot on. I had a nose for news, and a sixth-sense for recognizing iniquity. Fast forward to today with all the impeachment "news" and the Epstein pedophilia stories. Modern journalists for some reason just don't want to pry beneath the narrative to see the real story. But there is a deeper, darker story that is yet to be written and many fear to go there because they may be knocking on death's door. Here's the scoop. All indications are that the Democratic National Committee, the previous "president," and the Clintons' were hairline deep in working with the deep state as an insurance policy against a Donald Trump victory in 2016. They went so far as to pay for fabricated documents and use them to get the secret FISA Court to allow spying on the president-elect's transition team under the auspices of Russian influence (although these Democrats had ongoing business relations with Russia and Ukraine). Insiders at the CIA, FBI and a whole bunch of other deep state acronyms set out to undermine the Trump presidency because they felt he was dismantling their one world order foreign policy cabal. The Democrats and deep state then teamed up to overthrow, thwart, obstruct and impeach this president. Meantime, pedophile Jeffrey Epstein somehow commits suicide before coming to trial. This is best for the Democrats, especially the Clintons, because his testimony may have blown the lid off of an organized pedophile ring of the rich and famous-with the Clintons and many Democratic Party donors, office-holders, and deep-staters regular participants. While Hillary and Bill Clinton both have publicly denied frequenting Epstein's sex-slave properties, eyewitnesses and flight logs corroborate both of them often visiting Epstein's pedophile palaces. These horror stories are further confirmed by a recent UK Daily Mail interview of the security specialist who set up camera systems for Epstein. This story is not over. I smell a rat. If I were taking this story to my editors, I would frame it up that there is a worldwide power cabal linked to the Democratic National Committee, in particular the Clintons and the party leadership, protected by the deep state, and leveraged by an international pedophile and sex slave network to secure loyalty. Billions of dollars are made, transferred and used to buy and sell power. And nobody with the connections and resources will take this on because it would be their last attempt at journalism. Some who have tried are already dead. It's like Ezekiel 8:8-9 where the Lord told the prophet, "dig now in the wall: and when I had digged in the wall, behold a door. And he said unto me, Go in, and behold the wicked abominations that they do here." The swamp needs to be drained so these wicked swamp rats are exposed. Daily Devotion: Faith over Feelings - by Greg Laurie - No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.-Micah 6:8 I've been married to Cathe for 45 years now. When I first met her, I was a little nervous around her. I had butterflies in my stomach. But I don't feel that way when I'm around her now. In fact, if I were to say to her one day, "Cathe, I'm feeling kind of nervous talking to you," she would think I was having a heart attack or something. I cannot expect to have that emotional experience every moment of every day of our marriage. It's the same with our relationship with God. The Bible says the just will live by faith (see Romans 1:17). It does not say the just shall live by feelings. In fact, our feelings can mislead us. We can have all kinds of emotional reactions to all kinds of things. I think sometimes we come to church and want to have a breakthrough moment. We think we need an emotional touch. No, we don't. We just need to worship God whether we feel like it or not. We need to understand that the Christian life is a walk of faith. I have a watch that gives me constant feedback, telling me how many steps I've taken and whether I've reached my fitness goal. Wouldn't it be great to have a watch that tells us to read the Bible and pray, that keeps us on track in our spiritual lives? I think one of the best definitions of being a Christian is, to borrow Nietzsche's phrase, a "long obedience in the same direction." It's just putting one foot in front of the other and walking with the Lord every day. Some days you feel it. And some days you don't. That's because our objective as Christians is to walk with God and live by faith. Are you walking with God today? FROM THE HEART
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