Prophecy Update Newsletter
December 13, 2016
Thought Criminals - By Matt Ward -
"Political designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectful, and to give an appearance of solidarity to pure wind." -George Orwell We live in a time when almost anything you say can be deemed offensive. An entirely new way of interaction has developed in our culture and its aim is nothing less than the eradication of all free thought. It has come to be known as political correctness, and many today believe it to be a new and more enlightened way of thinking. The reality is somewhat different. Political correctness originally has its roots in Marxist communism. In one of its earliest forms the phrase "politically correct" was associated with the dogmatic application of Stalinist doctrine in post war Soviet Union. That in itself should make us stop and think. Stalin's purges killed up to 50 million people in the Soviet Union, many of these because they were deemed too "politically incorrect" to be allowed to live. Political correctness as an ideology, goes back even further than this, right back to an institute known as the Frankfurt School, in 1923, Germany. The Schiller Institute describes the aims of the Frankfurt School as follows: "The task of the Frankfurt School, then, was first, to undermine the Judeo-Christian legacy through an 'abolition of culture,' and, second, to determine new cultural forms which would increase the alienation of the population, thus creating a 'new barbarism.'" In 2016, political correctness has morphed, merging with the broader movements of Marxism. The aim of this movement, at an intellectual level at least, remains the same; the subversion of pre-existing cultural systems and their replacement with a more collectivist ideology. In other words, the aim of political correctness today is the destruction of traditional belief systems, such as Christianity and the support systems that go with it, such as the traditional family. They would be replaced by totalitarian dictatorship and complete state control of all aspects of a person's life, including their children. Does this sound eerily familiar to any readers of biblical eschatology? Former Soviet KGB agent, Yuri Bezmonov, after his defection from the Soviet Embassy in India in 1985, famously detailed how political correctness was part of a deliberate long term plan to subvert American culture. Bezmonov explained how this ideological revolution would happen to America and the West in four distinct waves: 1. First would be a long and covert process of demoralization, a process of bringing a nation to its knees. This process of depriving a nation of its spirit, courage and discipline could take anywhere from 15-20 years. The reason that the demoralization of a nation takes a minimum of 15-20 years is because that is the amount of time necessary for one generation to go through the educational system. America is now at the point where at least three full generations of students have gone through its education system, each being constantly and increasingly bombarded by Marxist Leninist ideology. We see the results of this all around us today, especially as it is manifested in political correctness. This demoralization process is already, in 2016, completed. 2. Next comes a period of destabilization, lasting between 2-5 years. This would be entirely overt. 3. This destabilization would then lead to some form of all-encompassing crisis. This crisis could be caused by immigration, financial collapse, war, terrorism or perhaps even a combination of all, as we see occurring today. This would last anywhere up to 6 weeks. 4. Violent change would then occur following crisis, then the normalization of society along Marxist collectivist lines, which would inevitably mean some form of totalitarianism. This would be permanent and ongoing. The question at this point is not whether this is credible, but whether we can actually see any evidence of this taking place. I believe we can. We are clearly somewhere between stages two and three on Bezmonov's KGB plan. It is rampant, unchecked political correctness that has laid the platform and provided the ongoing impetus for this societal change. We should be under no illusions; in 2016, political correctness rules. In its most basic form it is nothing more than language and thought control. It is fascism pretending to be manners. It has run amok in our schools and universities, in the coffee shops we frequent, in our work places and in our homes. Political correctness is for our time what George Orwell's "Newspeak" was in his seminal work, 1984. Political correctness is a tool which limits our ability to speak and think freely. You haven't a real appreciation of Newspeak, Winston," he said almost sadly..."In your heart you'd prefer to stick to Oldspeak, with all its vagueness and its useless shades of meaning. You don't grasp the beauty of the destruction of words. Do you know that Newspeak is the only language in the world whose vocabulary gets smaller each year? -1984, George Orwell Today's political correctness has long passed the threshold of absurdity. If you are referring to seniors or elderly people you must now only refer to them as "people of advancing age." Overweight or obese people are now "people of size," rich people are "people of material wealth," and if you are American, I can no longer call you American-now you are simply a "U.S. citizen." This last example is especially disturbing. Calling someone a "U.S. citizen" as opposed to an "American" may seem a small language shift, but its implications are enormous. To call someone "American" denotes a natural born individual with inalienable rights by virtue of being born in America. To label someone a "U.S. Citizen" is different; it denotes an individual who is subject to the U.S. Government, which lays exclusive claim as a corporation to the entire United States of America. The difference is subtle but the implications are individually huge. One, an "American" has inalienable rights, the other, a "U.S. citizen," derives his or her rights directly from the U.S. government itself. These rights, by definition, are not inalienable and can therefore, at some future point, be removed. But the madness doesn't stop there, nor does the erosion of our most basic rights of expression and freedom. If you now attend certain progressive universities in the United States you are banned from any speech that might "make people feel angry, impotent and disenfranchised." Another prominent American university has banned all speech which, "leads to a loss of self-esteem." On another campus "suggestive looks" are banned; on another "unwelcome flirtation," on another still "inappropriate laughter" is banned. "Lame" is now banned because it "ridicules and ignores the lives of amputees." "Man up," which "suggests there is only one way to be a man, also suggests that women can't be courageous, strong, etc." "Third world," which "reinforces hierarchical attitudes toward nations around the world, establishes westernized (industrialized) countries and cultures as the "standard," upon which to measure national well-being or economic status." And "crazy," which "creates a negative and demeaning perspective of people with mental health diagnoses." The University of West Virginia has even banned the words "boyfriend" and "girlfriend" because they are just too gender specific for the age in which we live. Instead of these offensive words we must now use the words "lover" or "partner." Our universities used to be places of robust and sometimes vehement discussion between competing ideas and philosophies. Our universities were once hotbeds of debate. Not any longer. Now the only permitted ideology is fascism mascaraing as manners. We have reached the point where the commissars of political correctness dictate what you can and can't say based on how "offensive" a word is. They have become so successful at this that now simply "feeling offended" is enough to legally restrict everyone's freedom of speech and expression. As a part of this on-going destruction of language the following words have been clearly earmarked for abolition because, apparently, they are inherent offensive: ...male, female, father, mother, too, hard worker, third world, crazy, insane, gay, tyranny, illegal alien, ghetto, lame, trash...the list could go on and on. Eerily reminiscent of the book 1984, even the words "politically correct" are to be banned, as they have "become a way to deflect, saying that people are being too "sensitive" and (therefore should not be) "policing language." "Don't you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thought-crime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it..." -1984, George Orwell These trends are not fringe ideas exclusive to academia either. This is what the next generation of young school children are being indoctrinated into every day. This is what our university-aged children are championing right now. This is their new "normal." They are being enslaved by an ideology they think will create a freer and more equal society. It is a perverse juxtaposition because what these social justice warriors will get will be the most repressive form of totalitarian communism. We obviously stand on the cusp of fundamental societal change. We are rapidly approaching a time when the satanically driven end game will be in sight; the attempted eradication of Christianity and Christian values from society. When that point comes, as it soon must, those who follow Jesus Christ will become so politically marginalized by their beliefs that they will no longer be able to practice their faith in public. Followers of Jesus will be driven underground and eventually subjected to active state sponsored persecution. One day very soon your belief in Jesus Christ is going to mean that you will be labeled a thought criminal, and you will be persecuted because of it. That process, I believe, has already begun and will soon reach its conclusion, after the Rapture of the Church during the Tribulation period: "...and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years" (Revelation 20:4). [email protected] Iran Stages Massive War Drills In Show of 'Supremacy' - Adam Kredo -
Unveils new drone technology Iran has been conducting a series of massive war-drills meant to demonstrate the Islamic Republic's "supremacy" and show Western forces that the country is prepared to attack forces stationed in the Persian Gulf region, according to Iranian military leaders and reports in the country's state-run media. The war drills, which began on Sunday in southeastern Iran and continued into Monday, include ground and air forces as well as unmanned drones. The war games coincided with the public release by Iran of a new unmanned drone, the latest in a series of such aircraft publicly flown by Tehran in recent months. Iran military leaders warned the United States against taking any provocative action in the region and promised a swift military response, according to comments over the weekend as the war drills began. "The Islamic Republic of Iran's military forces enjoy supremacy over the Persian Gulf region more than any other time," Brigadier General Massoud Jazzayeri, the deputy chief of staff of Iran's Armed Forces, was quoted as saying over the weekend. "The military and security conditions of the Persian Gulf are in a way that the enemy's forces and equipment are fully within the range of the Iranian military men." The war drills, which are expected to carry on into Wednesday, also included the introduction of a new jamming system that Iran claims is capable of bringing down enemy drones. Iran also displayed several precision missiles and helicopters armed with heavy ammunition. Iranian forces fired "several rockets" at two targets stationed in the Sea of Oman, according to the country's state-controlled press. Meanwhile, Iranian leaders have accused the United States of launching a new hacking operation on Tehran's infrastructure. "At present, the US has launched a project named Nitro Zeus with the aim of attacking Iran's defense and telecommunication infrastructures," Alireza Karimi, a member of Iran's Civil Defense Organization, was quoted as saying on Monday. "Based on studies that we have carried out, the project is assessed to be much more dangerous than the Stuxnet project," Karimi was reported as saying, referring to a joint U.S.-Israeli cyber effort to disrupt Iran's nuclear network. Iran to build nuclear-powered ships after US 'breaches' atomic deal -
Rouhani slams Congress for expected renewal of sanctions, says Tehran will complain to international committee overseeing accord Iran's President Hassan Rouhani on Tuesday ordered the country's scientists to start work on nuclear-powered ships in response to the expected renewal of sanctions by the United States. In letters read out on state television, Rouhani criticized the US move as a breach of last year's nuclear accord and told Iran's Atomic Energy Organization to start work on "planning the design and production of nuclear fuel and reactors for maritime transport." The president said he had also ordered the foreign ministry to prepare a legal complaint to the international committee that oversees the nuclear accord. Under the deal signed in July 2015, world powers agreed to lift international sanctions in exchange for curbs to Iran's nuclear program. But US lawmakers recently voted to renew 10-year-old sanctions legislation against Iran related not just to nuclear issues, but also ballistic missile-testing and human rights. US President Barack Obama is expected to sign the measure into law in the coming days, saying it makes no difference to last year's agreement because the White House will continue to suspend all the sanctions linked to Iran's nuclear program. Iranian lawmakers had raised the prospect of building nuclear-powered ships and submarines back in 2012 at the height of tensions with the international community over the nuclear program. International analysts said the announcement was likely just a bluff, since it would be an extremely costly effort for little strategic gain. Then nuclear chief Fereydoon Abbasi Davani said that Iran had the capacity to design nuclear reactors for ships but no plans to do so. He also said that nuclear-powered ships did not require the sort of highly enriched uranium which could also be used for weapons. Agreement wording ambiguous Iran has always insisted that its nuclear program was entirely peaceful, but hoped an end to sanctions would help revive its battered economy. Although it has seen a significant boost in oil sales since the deal came into force in January, its hopes of attracting large-scale foreign investment have been thwarted by continuing US sanctions in other areas. The biggest problem lies with world banks, which are needed to finance the bigger trade deals but remain wary of returning to Iran, fearing they could be fined by Washington. The Iran Sanctions Act passed the US Senate 99-0 earlier this month after easily clearing the House of Representatives in November. The language in the nuclear agreement makes it unclear whether renewing the sanctions - and keeping the nuclear ones suspended - amounts to a violation. At a press conference last week, conservative parliament speaker Ali Larijani said parts of the deal were "rushed." "Some of the sections of the JCPOA should have been written with more precision to stop differing interpretations," Larijani said. Rouhani, who is expected to run for a second term in May, has faced a barrage of criticism from conservatives who say his team made too many concessions for minimal economic gain. In a speech last week, he emphasized that his team had not acted alone and that supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei was closely involved at every stage of the negotiations. "We took no step on the JCPOA issue without consulting the honorable leader," Rouhani said. ISIS seizes big Russian-Syrian T-4 air base -
Islamic State forces pushed their assault forward to retake the central Syrian town of Palmyra Monday, Dec. 12. By evening, they had entered the big Russian-Syrian T-4 air base outside the town, carrying off substantial quantities of Russian armaments. Reporting this, debkafile's military sources add that the booty they snatched included different types of ground-to-ground missiles as well as anti-tank and anti-air rockets. Russian forces manning the base were hurriedly evacuated from Palmyra and the T-4 base, after the worst defeat Russian armed forces had ever experienced at ISIS hands in Syria. Military circles in Moscow commented grimly that the Russian army had suffered "a major disgrace" in Palmyra. According to our sources, long convoys of ISIS fighters backed by tanks taken booty from the Syrian army, first forced the Syrian 11th Tank Division to abandon the strategic Jhar Crossroad. After that, the way was clear for the jihadis' column to reach the T-4 base. debkafile reported on the ISIS terrorists' fresh momentum Sunday. Judging from the rash of reports claiming US-Iraqi military progress in the Mosul offensive against ISIS and the extra American special operations forces personnel posted to Syria for an impending US-Kurdish operation to capture the ISIS Syrian stronghold of Raqqa, the Islamic State ought to be cowering under siege, finally defeated - or at least on the run. But the facts tell another story. ISIS is on the offensive - so far in the Middle East. Over the weekend, Islamist terrorists accounted for dozens of deaths and injured hundreds more. Sunday, Dec. 11, at least 25 people worshipping at the Coptic St. Peter's and St. Paul's church adjacent to St, Mark's cathedral in Cairo were killed and scores injured. The Coptic pope often leads the prayers there. debkafile's counterterrorism sources reveal that the attack was carried out by Islamist terrorists from Raqqa who bided their time until they struck in the Egyptian capital. Saturday, six Egyptian troops were killed by another Islamist bomb near the Giza pyramids. On the same day, ISIS fighters pushed back into the ancient Syrian town of Palmyra, nine months after their expulsion. The Raqqa terrorist stronghold is clearly alive and kicking on more than one front. A number of contributing factors enable the Islamic State to unleash a fresh spate of terror. 1. The US-Iraqi-Kurdish drive has stalled without driving ISIS out of Mosul or choking off the terrorist fighters' freedom to move between Mosul and Raqqa, their Syrian bastion. US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter, who arrived in Baghdad Sunday, Dec. 11, was assigned by the Obama administration to make a last effort to reactivate the Mosul campaign. His chances of success are slim. The military coalition which launched the campaign two months ago has lost a vital component, the Kurdish Peshmerga, which backed out three weeks ago. The Iraqi military units which captured some of the city's outskirts stopped short when they reached the strongest defense lines set up by the Islamic State and have been unable to break through, even with US air support. The pro-Iranian Iraqi Shiite front which undertook to seize Tal Afar in order to sever the ISIS connecting link between Iraq and Syria are parked outside, having been warned by Turkey not to set foot in the town. Added to these setbacks, the US CENTCOM which is running the aerial war in Iraq is at loggerheads with the Iraqi Air Force command and has practically grounded all Iraqi warplanes. Even if Carter can wave a magic wand and resolve all these issues, the momentum and high hopes that actuated the Mosul campaign when it started have been lost and can hardly be recovered before Barack Obama leaves the White House. At least two of the incoming president Donald Trump's designated security advisers - Defense Secretary Gen, James Mattis and National security Adviser Gen. Michael Flynn - have criticized the operation in is current form. 2. What is happening in Raqqa doesn't fit the designation of an offensive. At most, small Kurdish and Syrian rebel groups are mounting sporadic raids against ISIS fighters on the town's outskirts, with the support of the Obama administration. Our military experts say that Raqqa can't be captured from the Islamist terrorists by conventional means - mainly because it is spread over a large area of mostly empty desert. ISIS has taken advantage of this terrain to distribute knots of defenders across a vast area ranging hundreds of kilometers from northern to eastern Syria up to the winding, heavily overgrown banks of the Euphrates River. So when Ash Carter announced Saturday that he would be sending another 200 Special Operations Forces into Syria to join the battle for Raqqa, he had no idea that he, the Russians and the Syrians were about to be caught off guard by a fresh ISIS initiative to reoccupy Palmyra, the ancient Syrian two from which they are thrown out in March. This was a poke in the eye for Russian President Vladimir Putin who proclaimed Palmyra's capture from ISIS as a signal coup for the Russian army in its war on Islamist terror. 3. He might well commiserate with Egyptian President Abdel-Fatteh El-Sisi. For two years, the Egyptian armed forces have been fighting an uphill battle to crush the ISIS groups infesting the Sinai Peninsula. The jihadists constantly elude punishment with the help of supportive Bedouin tribes. Every few months, they pose a real threat to the stability of the El-Sisi regime by striking inside Cairo, the capital, with some terrorist atrocity, for which they are aided by the Muslim Brotherhood underground and Palestinian Hamas extremists in the Gaza Strip. The bombing of the Coptic church Saturday was unusually the work of jihadists deployed from Raqqa, Syria. Egypt has reacted by placing extra guards at Christian sites and declaring three days of national morning for the disastrous bombing attack on Egypt's largest minority. The new Islamist drive is looking ominously like the onset of the Christmas-New Year holiday terror onslaught the Islamic State has threatened to unleash in the Middle East and beyond. US and European security services have been placed on high alert in the belief that returning jihadis are programmed to strike at home. Nearing Midnight: The Fake News Media Complain About Fake News - Todd Strandberg -
The new buzz phrase of the left wing is "Fake News." The defeat of Hillary Clinton is being blamed on websites being accused of publishing false news stories about her. To preserve the "integrity" of the obviously biased liberal news industry, there is a movement to red flag all sites that they falsely claim to promote hoaxes, propaganda or disinformation. There are sites that purposely post bogus news stories. The Onion is probably best known for fictitious "news" intention of being humorous. The left's agenda is to try to silence opposing views. The liberal media claims to be the source of truth and all sites run by conservatives are bias in their news coverage. Sites like MSNBC, Huffington Post, Slate, Mother Jones, and Think Progress are all partisan left outlets. You never see them on a "fake news" list because the liberal bias media has appointed itself as the gatekeeper of the Internet. The arrogance of the left has no limit. When the president gave an interview to Rolling Stone magazine, he lamented the impact he believes so-called "fake news" had on the presidential election. It is pure irony for Obama to be lamenting about 'fake news' to a magazine that just lost in court after being sued for peddling a rape hoax. The liberal media is following a standard socialist tacit: Blame the opposition for the same thing you're doing. In October, Hillary Clinton was being investigated by the FBI for wrongdoing related to her emails and the Clinton Foundation. On one news service I counted 32 negative news stories about Trump, and there were zero negative news stories about Clinton. That is a good example of fake news and it is all being carried out by the liberal (progressive) left. The greatest example of phony baloney media coverage occurred when Trump acted on this promise to save 1,000 jobs at the Indiana Carriers plant. The press could not hide their displeasure at having to report on Trump doing a good deed. Reporters for CNN were caught on a live feed joking about Trump's plane crashing. The topper of this story occurred in June when President Obama derided Trump for promising to save the Carrier jobs. He asked "What magic wand do you have?" This delicious news story never made is to the nightly news shows because we have a press that is heavily involved in the "fake news' business. The eagerness of the left to apply the alternative media with this "fake news" label has caused many of them to cross the line into defamation. The financial site, the Naked Capitalism has threatened The Washington Post with a defamation suit. The paper listed Naked Capitalism as a "fake news" site without providing any evidence for the claim. Former Democratic National Committee chair Howard Dean called Breitbart News executive chairman, Stephen K. Bannon, a "Nazi" during a recent interview. Pressed on whether he meant to use such a damning term, Mr. Dean responded, "Well, he's anti-Semitic, he's anti-black and he's anti-women." If Bannon decided to take Dean to court for defamation, he would easily win the case. Breitbart News is now the favorite target of the left simply because Bannon is president-elect Trump has named him as his chief strategist. So I guess Fox News can rest a bit easier. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has talked about creating a "fake news" filter for his social media site. He wants the majority of the news that gets posted on Facebook to come from a list of "trusted" sites. The firm already has a plug-in that blocks stories labeled as "fake news." Zuckerberg demonstrated the dangers of censorship when his own remarks on "fake news" were temporarily deleted from his own site. Another way that liberals are going after conservative sites is by cutting off their ability to make money. Since nearly all news sites survive on ad revenue, "fake news" labeling can mean death. The Kellogg Company has stopped advertising on the Breitbart News website due to concerns about its content. If the Kellogg company doesn't want anything to do with Hillary's basket of deplorables, they should come right out and tell them to stop buying their products. There is no logical reason why the left always has conservatives on the defense. A recent Gallup poll shows that trust in mainstream media fell to a record low 32 percent. Trust has been on the decline since 1972. The enemy controls the main media hubs, because the people on the right refuse to fight. If the Kellogg company sales collapsed 20 percent because of a backlash boycott, Kellogg would be begging Breitbart to be its exclusive advertiser. If the same pressure would be applied to CNN, it would be renamed the Conservative Broadcasting Network. Bible prophecy warns us that the day will come when there will be no freedom of the press. When the Antichrist system comes to power, all news will be fake. In the end, the only news that matters is the Good News of the saving grace that comes from those who put their trust in Jesus Christ. "Now, brothers and sisters, I want you to remember the Good News I told you. You received that Good News message, and you continue to base your life on it. That Good News, the message you heard from me, is God's way to save you" (1 Corinthians 15:1-2 ERV).
My Review of "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" Over the last 35 years, I have literally read hundreds of books on Bible Prophecy and End Time signs. I especially enjoy books on the Rapture, and I have read almost every Rapture-related book published. In all those years, devouring thousands of pages, and millions of words, I have not read a better book on the Rapture than, Rapture Ready...Or Not? Terry James might be physically blind, but he is spiritually sharp and well discerning beyond most authors. In "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" Terry has nailed the pre-trib Rapture, and removed any doubt what so ever about the Church going through the Tribulation. With great insight and Godly discernment, Terry explains with simple, yet profound words, why and how that he has come to believe the ways he does about the Rapture, the Tribulation, and the End Times scenario. I think after reading "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" you too will believe as Terry does, and be Ready for the Rapture like never before! - Randy Thomas - Publisher / Editor - Prophecy Update For more information and or to get your copy of "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" use this link: Biometrics - Precursor to The Mark of The Beast? - Tom Olago -
Biometric identification and security systems seem to be expanding globally at a rapid pace and, in the process, replacing traditional alternatives, either partially or fully. An indication of how pervasive this trend is becoming can be seen in the eager intention of governments to embrace it, most recently, Israel. The Jerusalem Post reports that the Israeli Interior Ministry has decided to push to make joining the national biometric database a mandatory requirement for all identity cards going forward. This will include finger prints and facial recognition photos. The push for mandatory forms of biometric ID in the US is also drawing lots of attention even as some people attempt to fight the requirement. Kaye Beach, a Christian from Norman, Oklahoma, filed the complaint through the non-profit Rutherford Institute, explaining she was unable to renew her license after refusing to have a photo taken and give a fingerprint. She says she essentially has been turned into "a non-person" by the state because she refuses to allow her image to be distributed to a wide range of national and international crime-fighting organizations, the complaint charges. Kaye's claims initially were decided in favor of the state by the trial court in a summary judgment. The case then was reinstated on appeal because the Oklahoma Court of Civil Appeals found the materials submitted did not demonstrate that the state had a compelling interest in requiring the biometric photograph or in denying a requested accommodation for her religious beliefs. John Whitehead, President of the Rutherford Institute pointed out that under Oklahoma's Religious Freedom Act, when a state-law requirement imposes a substantial burden on a person's religious beliefs or practices, the state is required to accommodate the person's belief unless the state can show it has a compelling interest in enforcing the requirement and that such enforcement is the least restrictive means available. The institute said the case now is going to the state Supreme Court to determine whether the state has good reason to violate Beach's beliefs "about participating in a global numbering identification system." "As Kaye Beach's case makes clear, failing to have a biometric card can render you a non-person for all intents and purposes, with your ability to work, travel, buy, sell, access health care, and so on, jeopardized," Whitehead said. She's been deprived of "common benefits and services that hinge on possessing a valid driver's license, including the ability to acquire prescription medications, use her debit card, rent a hotel room or obtain a post office box." According to the Federal Department of Homeland Security, "State-issued enhanced drivers licenses (EDLs) provide proof of identity and U.S. citizenship, are issued in a secure process, and include technology that makes travel easier. Most of the enhanced licenses have RFID radio transmitter technology as well as biometrics. Usage is expected to explode over the next few years. An industry report expects that by 2022, "annual production of biometric 'physical' identity credentials will peak at more than one billion a year. These biometric identity credentials - which include ePassports, national identity cards, and driver's licenses - will eventually be replaced by next generation 'virtual' credentials securely stored in mobile devices and accessed via biometric authentication." There also are biometric palm prints, fingerprints, hand geometry, dynamic signatures, vascular patterns, irises, voice recognition and facial features. Could this series of biometric developments and advances be part of, or assisting in leading towards objectives of the highly-acclaimed UN 2030 Agenda? Is control of every human on planet earth the ultimate covert globalist plan? In a recent interview with Virginia talk radio host Rob Schilling, pastor Carl Gallups said that the recent presidential election has brought panic to the camp of "globalists" intent on creating a "one-world government system" that he says will pave the way for the coming of a one-world ruler, the Antichrist. He warned that a United Nations sustainable development goal to "provide legal identity for all, including birth registration," is a forerunner to the Mark of the Beast: "It literally says that by the year 2030, the United Nations' goal--and whether they pull this off or not is up to the Lord, whether he allows it--but the bottom line is their goal is to, quote, have every man, woman and child on the planet marked--that's their words--identified--that's their words--for the goals of peace, safety, security, world peace--that's their words." And those who doubt that children - or persons below legal adult age - could be part of the identification plan need to be aware that similar initiatives tailored towards children - including babies - are already in the works. Vicky Hallett for the Washington Post noted that in 20 years, parents might be able to implant a GPS microchip in their babies to track their every move. "Want to know what's up with your kid? Just implant her with a GPS microchip that can track her every move", she quipped. Hallett quoted Adrienne LaFrance who, in an article appearing in the December issue of The Atlantic, showed how the tech industry has started to disrupt dirty diapers, naptime, tears and just about everything else that can be measured, charted and visualized about infants. None of the normal concerns - such as privacy or health - seem to be slowing the rate of infant-tech growth. LaFrance writes that the "logical conclusion" of this trend is implantable microchips with GPS capabilities - "like the Find My iPhone app, but for people". And that may come in handy, "because it's easy to lose a kid when you're spending too much time studying screens". All very interesting in view of the prophetic revelation received by the Apostle John on the Isle of Patmos almost 2000 years ago: Revelation 13:16-18 - Also he causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of his name. This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666. Daily Jot: Wisconsin recount ends, deception continues - Bill Wilson -
Wisconsin, a state the Republican presidential candidate hasn't won since Ronald Reagan did it in 1984, has certified its recount. President-Elect Donald Trump widened his lead over Hillary Clinton by 131 votes-adding 844 to 713 respectively. Remember, these are not new votes. Recounts mean that votes are disqualified and a winner is determined-the one that gains the most from disqualified votes. While the progressives (sic communists) Jill Stein and Clinton did not come out ahead, they did set a precedence of throwing enough of a tantrum to challenge election results. They and the news media cast doubt on America's election system that will not soon be forgotten. The stated reason for the recounts in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania was to determine if there was any interference from a foreign source, Russia. The Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton continue the narrative that the Russians swayed the US elections. They have pulled enough strings to get the CIA to brief members of Congress and to get the "president" talking about it, too. The media continues to write stories about "fake news" sites that spewed propaganda generated from Russian sources. There has been no evidence presented of Russian hacking the election. The "fake news" was all the media who were writing about skewed polls and declaring Clinton the winner before the vote. This ruse is two-fold: One, it attempts to call into question the veracity of America's election system and cast doubt on the outcome. Two, it is a designed attack on the Electoral College in favor of the popular vote. If a handful of states with large populations should control every presidential election, then abolishing the Electoral College is the route to go. If every American's vote counts, keeping the Electoral College preserves their votes. For all the talk about not requiring voter identification because it would disenfranchise minority voters, the Democratic Party doesn't mind disenfranchising the majority of Americans by allowing large population centers of democrats to determine the election. But the real problem here is the optics-trying to make it appear that the Russians told Americans how to vote and they did it. No, it's not the Russians' fault that the Democratic Party and its vassal, the mainstream media, lost the election. It's that their own sins caught up with them. They couldn't secure, nor cared to secure, sensitive information pertinent to national security. There was an organized pay to play influence scheme. The Democrats believed that those who didn't agree with them were irredeemable deplorables. The Clintons have been duping Americans for decades. Jesus said in Matthew 10:26, "for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid that shall not be known." Maybe, this was a "hand of God" election, but even so, these scoundrels wouldn't understand that because having eyes, they do not see. Daily Devotion: True Seekers - Greg Laurie -
And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. -Jeremiah 29:13 The arrival of the wise men in Jerusalem would have created quite a stir. These were strange men with a strange question, asking for the King of the Jews. They couldn't have said a worse thing to King Herod. In effect, they were saying, "We're looking for the King of the Jews-and clearly you're not him." This is why we're told in Matthew 2:3, "When Herod the king heard this, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him." The word troubled used here could be translated "to shake violently"-like a washing machine in the spin phase. That was Herod. And when Herod was agitated, everyone was agitated. When he was mad, everyone was afraid of what could happen next. So Herod called in the scribes, men who had committed themselves to studying the Scriptures. Without missing a beat, they went right to Micah 5:2: "But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of you shall come forth to Me the One to be Ruler in Israel, whose goings forth are from of old, from everlasting." There was no question the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem. Of course, Herod wanted to stop this Child from coming and wanted to destroy Him. God used these wise men to get Herod's attention. These were pagan men who were steeped in the occult. Yet God reached them in a way that they understood. He came to them by a star. The Lord says that those who seek Him will find Him. To educated men and women, He will come to them in a way they can understand. To little children, He will appear in a way they can understand. I believe that if people are truly seeking God, He will reveal Himself to them. FROM THE HEART
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