Prophecy Update Newsletter
Power of the Air - By Terry James - Many an elderly former television network broadcaster doubtless engages in ever-recurring conversations while sipping his favorite evening libation. "Remember how we once ruled the airwaves?" might be one such conversation starter. "Yeah. In the old days we could say it on the evening news and by noon the next day public opinion would begin to come around," the commiserating drinking partner might say. I can imagine a Dan Rather type and some other no longer relevant propagandist lamenting as the tonic and gin or bourbon on the rocks burns a liquid trail down their once golden throats. "Those were the good, old days," one of them shakes his head, blinks, and calls to the barmaid for a refill. "There's no leadership to ever bring those days back," I can hear the other irrelevant former anchor saying. "Now they all go their separate ways... There are far too many of them to ever come together." "It almost makes you see the need for the power of dictatorship...for the good of the republic," the Dan Rather-type says, taking the first sip from his newly refreshed adult beverage. "Yeah. We used to at least have that kind of influence over public opinion... for the good of the republic," the other, ageing broadcaster puts in. They must dream happily of when they and their network colleagues had the three network monopoly. Now, it must be a nightmare that they live through daily. Their personal influence is no more-the power of their profession significantly diminished. That this is the case is plainly presented in polls taken about how America's people feel about that profession. Always, news media, as being trustworthy in the eyes of the public, ranks very near the bottom of those polls. If there ever was a question about why that ranking is so low, we need only think on the past three years or so. It would almost seem that our two, ageing, former anchors need not worry for a second about the ability of the news conglomerate to speak with the power of one. The mainstream news media have coalesced in a way that ABC, CBS, and NBC could have and would have never done when they had, collectively, nearly sole power of the air. It is true that today's now fractionalized mainstream news media, as individual news forums, draw infinitesimally small numbers of viewers in comparison to numbers drawn by the big three networks during the good old days. But the power exerted by the new collective -the fractionalized mainstream media- is, I'm convinced, even more powerful than that wielded by the big three those years earlier. The proof of that is the absolutely fanatical cohesion that this new, media collective has cemented. Before the months leading up to Donald J. Trump's election to the presidency the new, collective, news conglomerate, at least presented the pretense of being independent, one from the other. Following Trump's becoming the Republican candidate and up to the present hour, that agglomeration of news forums has melded as one to destroy this president. They have, in the process, infected about one-half of the adult citizenry of America with an insane rage that I've characterized a number of times as "a reprobate mind." -The same mind-set described by the Apostle Paul as recorded in Romans 1: 28. In this sense, the new mainstream news media is far more effective than was that big three conglomerate that pretended to be independent of each other in trying to shape public opinion. They, this media today, are as driven in their insane rage as are the left-wing, anti-God public they possess. And, possession is what it amounts to in my estimation. I can say this because at the black heart of this propagandist cabal is the chief minion of the underworld. And this is provable, Biblically. Broadcast -at least as originally conceived and implemented- projected out over the airwaves. They were received by instrumentality antenna of those who tuned in to the messages of news, entertainment programs, and commercial announcements. So, as the broadcast industry was foundational, that method -over the air- was progenitor of this new mainstream media. This evil cabal which, although fractionalized as being individual entities, is totally conjoined in delivering up messages their master director wants delivered. That master director is indeed the maestro, who for the time being is allowed to be infernal minister of propaganda to seduce and delude the rebellious among earth's inhabitants. That he is undertaking to do with massive effort. Scriptural proof of his temporary right to his position as master of deluding all who will watch and listen is as follows. "Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience." (Ephesians 2:2) "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." (1 Peter 5:8) Satan is the prince of the power of the air. He is using that power in a very literal way to seek out and devour as many as he can delude. He has, during this last three and a half years, managed to seduce and bring into his insane rage nearly half of the adult population of the United States of America, it appears. But the God of Heaven has not left us without defense against this evil prince and his media minions. God's word tells of this protection for the Christian-all who believe in Jesus Christ for salvation. "Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world." (1 John 4:4) Jerusalem to remain united in 'Deal of the Century' - Tzvi Joffre - Jerusalem will remain united under mostly Israeli control with some responsibilities shared with a Palestinian state including the West Bank and Gaza, according to a purported draft copy of US President Donald Trump's "Deal of the Century" peace plan for the Middle East published by the Lebanese Al-Mayadeen TV channel on Monday. The unconfirmed reported draft details the timetable and methods of the plan. The parts that were released by the TV channel, which is based in Lebanon and affiliated with Hezbollah, discuss a trilateral peace agreement between the Palestinian Authority, Hamas and Israel in which a "new Palestinian state" would be established in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, excluding the settlement blocs which would remain as a part of Israel. Hamas and the Palestinian Authority are currently in talks to hold overarching elections for the West Bank, Gaza Strip and Jerusalem. Jerusalem will not be split up in the agreement, but instead will be "shared" between Israel and the Palestinian state, with the Arab population of the city becoming residents of the Palestinian state, according to the reported draft. Al-Aqsa Mosque will be put under Saudi Arabian control instead of Jordanian control, according to the reported draft. The mosque is currently administered by the Waqf, an arm of the Jordanian Ministry of Sacred Properties. It is unclear whether the rules currently prohibiting non-Muslim prayer at the site would change under Saudi Arabian control. It is also unclear why this change would take place. The Jerusalem municipality would become responsible for the entire city of Jerusalem, but the Palestinian state would be responsible for education and would pay the Israeli municipality taxes and utilities. Jews will not be allowed to purchase Arab homes and Arab won't be able to purchase Jewish home - and no additional areas will be annexed to Jerusalem. Holy sites in the city will remain as they are today, according to the report. In the Gaza Strip, Egypt would grant land to the new Palestinian state in order to build an airport and industrial facilities. Palestinians would not be able to live in the lands provided by Egypt. A highway and a pipeline for treated water would be built between Gaza and the West Bank, according to the reported draft. The United States, the European Union and the Gulf states would help implement the agreement and sponsor it economically. "An amount of $30 billion will be allocated over a period of 5 years for projects related to the new Palestinian state," reported Al-Mayadeen. The United States will provide 20% of the funds in the agreement, while the EU will provide 10% and the Gulf nations will provide 70%. The contribution provided by the Gulf nations will be split between them according to their oil producing capabilities. According to the draft, an agreement will be signed between Israel and the new Palestinian state, with Israel providing protection to the state from "external aggression," while the Palestinians pay for it. The amount that the Palestinians will need to pay for this protection will be negotiated between the Arab nations and Israel. The Al-Mayadeen report detailed a timetable provided in the draft copy of the agreement. Upon the signing of the agreement, Hamas will hand over its weapons and armaments to Egypt, and members of Hamas will receive monthly salaries from Arab nations. The borders of the Gaza Strip will be opened to international trade through the crossings with Israel and Egypt and by sea. Trade will also open between Gaza and the West Bank. A year after the agreement is signed, democratic elections will be held for the Palestinian state, with all Palestinian citizens being able to run as candidates. Around that time, all prisoners would begin being released, to be completed over a period of three years. Within five years, a seaport and airport will be established for the Palestinian state. Until that point, Palestinians will be able to use Israeli ports. The borders between the Palestinian state and Israel will be open to the passage of civilians and goods. A highway that rises 30 meters above the ground will connect Gaza to the West Bank. The highway would be built by a Chinese company. The Jordan Valley would remain under Israeli control, according to the report. Highway 90 will be expanded and will link the Palestinian state with Jordan. The highway will be supervised by the Palestinians. If Hamas and the PLO reject the deal, the United States will end all financial support they provide to the Palestinians and will try to prevent other countries from providing support to the Palestinians. If the PLO accepts the agreement and Hamas or the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terrorist groups don't accept, then the two organizations would bear the responsibility of their decision. In any military confrontation between Israel and Hamas, the US will support Israel in order to harm the leaders of Hamas and PIJ, as the US won't accept a situation in which dozens of people control the fate of millions. If Israel rejects the deal, the US will end economic support to the state, according to Al-Mayadeen. Although Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has said that the US is biased, one of his chief advisers reportedly said they would not reject Trump's plan outright. A letter published in The Guardian by former EU officials, including six prime ministers and 25 foreign ministers, called for postponing the "Deal of the Century" because it is unfair to the Palestinians. In the letter, which was sent to the European Union and EU governments, the former leaders argue that Europe must stand by the two-state solution and condemn the Trump administration's policy, which they claim is unilaterally in favor of Israel. Nearing Midnight: Is The US Constitution Dead? - Todd Strandberg - I find it increasingly difficult to conclude that a constitutional contract still exists between the American people and its government. The document that our founding fathers established as our rule of law is being violated on such a fundamental level it's almost void of any meaning. What we have today are rules that apply to people on the left and people on the right. If you are Hillary Clinton or the son of Joe Biden, you can commit any crime, and at best, you will receive a slap on the hand. If you are friendly in any way to the Republican Party, the vast resource of the government and the liberal media will be turned against you. The ongoing impeachment process against Trump is obviously a sham. When Donald Trump took office in Jan. of 2017, radical members of Congress called for his immediate impeachment. Dingbats like Al Green and Maxine Waters didn't think he met all the requirements to be President. After searching for three years to find something to use as their excuse to run the impeachment process against him, they settled on an issue involving the nation of Ukraine. Trump was said to have held up funds until Ukraine investigated Hunter Biden. Nancy Pelosi read out two charges against Trump: abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. In order to claim that Trump abused his power, he needs to be charged with a crime. Bill Clinton pleaded guilty to lying under oath, and Richard Nixon ordered a coverup of Watergate. Nancy is trying to impeach the President for being a bad man, in her view. The second charge, obstruction of Congress, is pure garbage. Because Trump runs a separate branch of the government, he has the constitutional right to obstruct Congress from invading his Executive turf. If they want to force Trump to do something, they need to get a veto-proof vote in both chambers. There is zero chance that the Senate will vote to remove Trump for office. If I was Senate Majority and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, I would laugh and just say "NO." Since He cleared the Senate calendar for the month of January, McConnell is going to take Pelosi's bait and have a trial. When they finally vote to acquit Trump, the House is going to start a new impeachment inquiry. Trump will likely set the record for the most impeachments for a single President, but it won't mean anything. The IG report was released last week, and IG director Horowitz "did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that political bias or improper motivation influenced the decisions to open the four individual investigations." FBI spies went in four times into the Trump campaign to seek information that could be used to harm Trump's presidential bid, and we are told they were just there to keep things on the up and up. This investigation was done with illegal authorizations that were used against security adviser Mike Flynn, former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort, and goofball Roger Stone. They all now face long prison terms for lying to Congress and the Justice Department; the organizations that set them up. At this stage, lying to any government agency has become a joke. They lie to get people into trouble, and then they seek conviction to restore the truth. The liberal media has become a vital partner with the government to strip people of their rights and to impose authoritarian rule. The New York Times has openly called for curtailing free speech. Its reporters actively work to promote a corrupt prosecutor in order to frame innocent people for rape, as the NYT did in the infamous Duke Lacrosse Case, and when the press wrongly accused the high school boys from Covington Catholic School of harassing a Native American. The result was active death threats against the students. The liberal media are the enemy of the people because they will now automatically attack anyone who opposes their leftist agenda. I think the US Constitution is doomed because mankind has a hopeless flaw in eventually falling for tyrannical governments. They promise to solve all our problems with money. The free handout always requires the handover of power. When they gain the political edge, the people become their slaves. Because we are so close to the tribulation hour, I cannot hold out any hope of a political or spiritual revival. All I see is a public that is so guilty of neglecting its heritage of liberty, it deserves the punishment that is rapidly headed their way. "Samuel told all the words of the Lord to the people who were asking him for a king. He said, This is what the king who will reign over you will claim as his rights: He will take your sons and make them serve with his chariots and horses, and they will run in front of his chariots. Some he will assign to be commanders of thousands and commanders of fifties, and others to plow his ground and reap his harvest, and still others to make weapons of war and equipment for his chariots. He will take your daughters to be perfumers and cooks and bakers. He will take the best of your fields and vineyards and olive groves and give them to his attendants. He will take a tenth of your grain and of your vintage and give it to his officials and attendants. Your male and female servants and the best of your cattle and donkeys he will take for his own use. He will take a tenth of your flocks, and you yourselves will become his slaves" (1 Samuel 8:10-17). The Earth Is Groaning In Travail - Dramatic Changes Upon The Earth - By Michael Snyder/End of the American Dream - Something is causing the waters just off the west coast to heat up dramatically, fish are dying off in staggering numbers, birds that feed on those fish are also dying off rapidly, and scientists have discovered 15,000 holes in the ocean floor off the coast of California. Oh, and scientists don't know for certain why any of these things are happening. Unfortunately, the mainstream media is not emphasizing this crisis, and so most Americans don't even know what is going on. But the truth is that what we are facing is extremely serious. In fact, officials have taken the "unprecedented" step of shutting down the federal cod fishery in Alaska for the year because of the lack of fish. We are seeing things happen that we have never seen before, and this is definitely going to affect our food supply. So why are the fish dying? Well, nobody knows for sure, but some officials are blaming the "marine heatwave" that has been happening in the waters along the west coast. The following comes from KING5 News... A massive warmer-than-normal pool of water that's formed in the Pacific Ocean off the Washington coast and up into the Gulf of Alaska may already be wreaking havoc with our weather. This is something that I have written about previously. Scientists are telling us that water temperatures are "as much as 6 degrees Fahrenheit above normal", and if such conditions persist we could see millions upon millions of fish die. At this point, we are being told that this vast expanse of water is roughly "1,000 to 2,000 miles" in size in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Hopefully, this "blob" will go away soon, but that hasn't happened so far, and nobody really knows what is causing it. Meanwhile, fish are dying off at an absolutely staggering rate. As I mentioned above, there are so few cod off the coast of Alaska right now that officials felt that it was necessary to shut down the federal cod fishery for the entire year... In an unprecedented response to historically low numbers of Pacific cod, the federal cod fishery in the Gulf of Alaska is closing for the 2020 season. It's a decision that came as little surprise, but it's the first time the fishery has closed due to concerns of low stock. When I first heard about that, I was quite stunned. And the outlook for the future looks quite grim because officials are telling us that there are "next to no" new eggs... A stock assessment this fall put Gulf cod populations at a historic low, with "next to no" new eggs, according to NOAA research biologist Steve Barbeaux, who authored the report. At their current numbers, cod are below the federal threshold that protects them as a food source for endangered Steller sea lions. Once below that line, the total allowable catch goes to zero -- in other words, the fishery shuts down. The birds that feed on those fish are also dying off in large numbers. Because of a severe lack of fish, they are literally dropping dead from starvation, and at this point, there isn't much that officials can do about it. The following comes from the Big Wobble... In November 2019, thousands of short-tailed shearwaters birds migrating from Alaska were washing up dead on Sydney's iconic beaches and the bird deaths had nothing to do with the massive wildfires in the area, thousands more, short-tailed shearwaters were dying out at sea, in what was confirmation of the incredible fish shortages in the Pacific Ocean. The corpses had been spotted at several shorelines including Bondi, Manly and Cronulla. The birds were migrating back to southern Australia to breed after spending the summer in Alaska. But, according to experts, a higher number than usual are dying on the way due to a lack of food. The birds need to be at full strength to make the 14,000km trip over the Pacific but the krill and other fish they feed on have apparently dwindled due to sea temperatures rising. Let us hope that things will return to normal eventually, but there is no guarantee that is going to happen. Our planet is becoming increasingly unstable, and really weird things are starting to take place. Speaking of weird, scientists are telling us that they have found 15,000 holes in the ocean waters off the California coast... Thousands of strange round holes scooped out of the ocean floor have been uncovered along the coast of California. Some measure nearly 600 feet across, but scientists are unsure how they formed. As many as 15,000 holes have been found during an underwater survey by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI). I was quite alarmed when I read that, and even more alarming is the fact that scientists are telling us that the cause of all of these holes "remains a mystery"... "The cause and persistence of the pockmarks still remains a mystery, but we find no evidence they were created from gas or fluid in the sea floor in the recent past. The micro-depressions are recently formed erosional features; they are not 'incipient pockmarks'. Overall, a lot more work needs to be done to understand how all these features were formed, and this work is in progress." For a long time, I have been warning about what is happening to our planet. Volcanoes are going off like firecrackers all over the globe, and there was another major volcanic eruption in New Zealand on Monday. And earthquake activity continues to rise to very troubling levels. In fact, it was recently reported that there have been almost 60,000 earthquakes of at least magnitude 1.5 around the world over the last 12 months... Earthquake tracking website EarthquakeTrack has recorded an astounding 59,841 tremors around the globe in the last 365 days on December 9. In the last 30 days, a total of 4,172 tremors higher than magnitude 1.5 were felt and 895 hit in the last seven days. The official story is that everything is just fine and our planet will start behaving normally again soon. But unofficially, a lot of scientists out there are deeply concerned about what we are witnessing. A great shaking has begun, and nobody is quite sure what is going to happen next. Daily Jot: Sowing and reaping - Bill Wilson - Coming back from New York City last night on the train, I was sitting next to a young lady who had just received her Doctorate in child psychology. Wanting to pass the time, we struck up a conversation. It's a long train ride from New York to Baltimore. Having said that, we steered away from politics in detail and had a pleasant discussion about it in general. Sensing that she was from the very liberal end of academia, I wanted to find out her mindset and how she thought about the current condition of the nation. I also wanted to see if talking about politics using leftist terms to support my conservative beliefs would work. The political part of our discussion began by talking about Brexit and the crash of the leftists in England. She said she was amazed that conservative British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his party won such a crushing victory. My response was that when one looks at democracy and the self determination of government, the people of Great Britain voted overwhelmingly in June 2016 to leave the European Union. Yet it's been over two years and the will of the people has not been accomplished. All the while my new liberal friend is nodding her head in agreement. Is it no wonder that Johnson won such a victory after two years of stalling by politicians who refused the will of the people just because they disagreed with it, I asked? She replied, "I see what you mean." I told her the political pendulum swings on this type of inaction. We went on to discuss the current state of America. I interjected Christian themes into the discussion about how we are to treat one another as we would like to be treated. She thought for a moment and agreed that the state of affairs in this country have become so visceral that nothing can be accomplished because there are no civil discussions. She likened it to a marriage where the husband and wife are so angry that they cannot discuss even the smallest of things without disagreeing. I told her that it was unfair and not right that people are painted with horrible labels just because they disagree. She said that she believed that there can be no progress on anything if people can't have a reasonable discussion. A couple of things. This person was reasonable. We were able to have a discussion. Throughout that discussion, I wove in the Word of God, gently and where it made sense. She did not grab on and say that she was Christian or Jew or nothing. She pondered the things I said in the context of our talk. We were able to agree that the visceral in today's society was not good for its people or for the country. All this to say that in these conversations with others, if we control our tongues, and listen, and resource the Word where appropriate, we can sometimes find agreement. Not everyone who is an unbeliever is unreasonable and mean. As Christ said in John 4:37, "And herein is that saying true, One sows, and another reaps." May we all be aware that how we sow a seed makes a difference on how it is received. Daily Devotion: Promises Fulfilled - by Greg Laurie - For the word of God will never fail.-Luke 1:37 I don't know about you, but I get a few gift cards at this time of year. And I have to say that I have quite a few In-N-Out gift cards. While I'm appreciative of these, I've shared a few of them with others, because I would weigh 400 pounds if I used them all myself. According to business researchers, an estimated $2 billion to $4 billion in gift cards will go unused this year. God's promises are a lot like of gift cards that are left unused. He has made a lot of promises to us, and we need to take hold of those promises. In fact, Christmas has a lot to do with promises. Going back to the very beginning, God promised Adam and Eve that a Deliverer would come one day. God promised Isaiah that a virgin would conceive and give birth to the Savior. And God promised Mary she would give birth to that Savior. The angel Gabriel even affirmed this, saying, "For the word of God will never fail" (Luke 1:37 NLT). Evidently, God wants us to know that He keeps His promises. He certainly kept His promise with Mary, and she was surprised and humbled that God chose her. Sometimes I'll come across a gift card that I forgot about, for a place I really like. I'm excited to discover that I have that gift card. I'm also amazed that I haven't used it yet. That is what the promises of God are like. They're just sitting there in the Bible, waiting for us to take hold of. But if we don't read the Bible, we won't know God's promises. We need to read them, believe them, and start living these promises out. Christmas reminds us that God keeps His promises. Are you taking hold of God's promises today? FROM THE HEART
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