Prophecy Update Newsletter
Gaslighting the Slow Burn - Pete Garcia -
Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse where a person or group makes someone question their sanity, perception of reality, or memories. People experiencing gaslighting often feel confused, anxious, and unable to trust themselves. (Source) Slow burn is a gradual building up of anger, as opposed to an immediate outburst. The political year 2020 was the culmination of a nearly four-year coup d’état by the left to depose President Donald J. Trump and his MAGA agenda from office. By the left, I mean Democrats, Progressives, Globalists, Deep State Intelligentsia, Swamp bureaucrats, Technocrats, Hollywood elitists, and socialist Academia. Their unconstrained, belligerent, and irrational hatred for the man himself eroded any pretenses that we were a united nation. What their increasingly irrational behavior exposed, was the two separate agendas vying for control over these United States. Their increasingly unhinged behavior also signaled they would stoop to any level, use any tactic, and destroy everything in their path to achieve said stated goal of dethroning Trump. The defeat of their presumptive progressive queen in 2016 was tragedy beyond measure. It was unthinkable. It was unfathomable. For nearly a year leading up to the election, leftists and liberals in their mainstream echo chambers had been fed a continual firehose of propaganda promising nothing short of landslide Clinton victory. From pollsters and experts to movie stars and the state-run media, the Clinton victory was as sure as the sun rising in the east the next morning. These same experts had Trump’s chances of winning hovering somewhere south of zero. Yet, by 2 AM on November 7th, Hillary Clinton had conceded and Trump won the office as the incoming 45th-president with 304 Electoral College votes. His victory was so shocking that even Trump himself was surprised. He, along with his campaign chief Stephen Bannon, were sure the fix was in for HRC from the outset. He must have assumed, like the two-failed Republican establishment candidates before him (McCain and Romney), he too would lose against the overwhelmingly crooked Democrat political leviathan. Yet the media, the Democrats, and even Trump underestimated the righteous anger of the so-called deplorables residing in flyover-country. Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto was once purported to have said (upon their surprise attack on Pearl Harbor), I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve. In 1941, this sleeping giant was the United States writ large. In 2016, this sleeping giant was the forgotten man. By 2020, this sleeping giant was American’s of all stripes, mortified at what the left was selling, and where they were promising to take us. This prospective future filled us with a terrible resolve. Trump won in 2016 with 68M votes. Trump won in 2020, with nearly 80M votes. This increase of nearly 12M votes, was because Americans of every stripe were finally waking up and realizing just how off course our nation had become prior to 2016. Trump understood there was real anger out in the hinterland, but even he initially underestimated just how much anger was out there. Nor would he realize just how momentous his actions as president would come to be over the next four years. Prior to 2020, most Americans, particularly those who never served in the military before, had no idea just how draconian our own government could be. Thus, life under the new normal of COVID-19(84) restrictions and subsequent state and national lockdowns was shocking. Most had innocently assumed the Constitution and our Bill of Rights were safeguards against tyranny. However, what Americans failed to understand was the insidious nature of the slow creep of tyranny growing like mold in the dark, damp, corners of our nation. Little did we know that the tyranny would not always come from our government, but from the technocracy, which grew in its shadow, being nurtured primarily by a transforming Democrat party. We did not understand how the left would use technology to silence and censor dissenting voices until they started doing it to people beyond the Alex Jones’ of the world. Most Americans are unaware of a decline in individual liberty, and the reason is obvious: the decline rarely takes the form of sudden personal deprivations but, instead, takes the form of unnoticed erosion, and thus we come, as do the Russians, to regard whatever state we are in as a normal condition. Leonard E. Read Most law-abiding citizens, believed the government excuse for this gradual encroachment upon our civil liberties, was ‘necessary’ for our own safety (e.g., Patriot Act). Fair to say, by 2020, the average American, who just wants to live peaceably, make an honest living, raise a family, and leave his children in a better place than he inherited, is increasingly frustrated and disenfranchised. Something was wrong with our nation. Something was turning sour, and many could not put their fingers on exactly what that was until just recently. For example, let us symbolize the United States as a sickly woman. She wasn’t always sickly, but due to decades of neglect and a steady, force-fed diet of globalism, socialism, post-modernism, atheism, and other assorted ideological toxins, she began to succumb to the poisons. The Republican establishment was content to ignore the cause and simply apply bandages to the wounds. The Democrats, not content with just bandages, also insisted on doping her with an assortment of drugs. Trump’s treatment called for pulling the bandage off, treating the festering wounds directly, and exposing the problem causing the problems in the first place. The treatment was painful and unpleasant, but it was necessary. He had campaigned on the promise to drain the swamp, but even he could not have known just how deep and dark the swamp had become. By the end of 2020, any pretenses that we were still a united, civilized country, died on the vine. What the faux pandemic provided globalists in terms of crisis management, was the opportunity to exercise naked aggression in the form of draconian governance. Similarly, the death of George Floyd provided anarchists and communists the opportunity to tear down the remaining foundations of our shared history. Not only were these anarchists and globalists supported by the usual suspects, Democrats, and establishment-type ‘squish’ republicans, but also, ironically, by corporate America. Professional social media sites like LinkedIn began filling up with social justice propaganda as one Fortune 500 company after another kowtowed to the pressure of the masses, even if diametrically opposed to their bottom line. Leftist terrorists (BLM, Antifa) were finally given full license and political top cover from their Democrat handlers to go on a scorched earth mission. Nothing was sacred. Not the statues of Frederick Douglass, Christopher Columbus, George Washington, nor iconic brands like Aunt Jemima, Gone with the Wind, or the Washington Redskins. Cancel culture reigned supreme for the waning months of 2020. Average Americans watched both in amazement and disgust, at the hypocritical silence of the media and the politicians who said nothing about the dangers of super-spreading events like riots and lootings, yet chastised us on the dangers of mom-pop stores, churches, and having family over for holiday. For leftists, facts do not matter. They did not care that Trump was reviving the economy at a record pace after eight years of mismanagement by the Obamanation. For leftists, truth does not matter. They do not care that there are biologically only two-genders or that the family is the building block of a nation. All that matters to the left is restoring their nearly century-long goose-stepped march toward a one, world government. Sounds crazy, because it is crazy. The left wants a one-world government. But why? First, we must just accept the reality that we are in a spiritual battle. The modern military prides itself in trying to master every domain of battlespace: land, sea, air, cyber, subterranean, and space. However, the most important battle space they are purposely ignoring (due to political correctness) is the spiritual domain. There is no getting around this reality- spiritual warfare is the primary and dominant form of warfare on the planet. It is the WHY communism exists; WHY terrorists do what they do: WHY globalists are so compelled to rush towards a one-world government: WHY everything becomes corrupted. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12 Second, to achieve this, leftism (left of center politics) advocates for strong, governmental control. Let me rephrase, they want strong governmental control, as long as they control the government. The idea that ‘government knows better,’ is rooted in the human politics of envy and bitterness. Like any good cult, leftists never speak plainly nor honestly. They hide the true definition of their intent behind the common, non-offensive language. If the left really said what they meant, leftism as an ideology would be vanquished like a fart in the wind. However, the foundation of leftism is really, rather simple, and it is the pettiest of sins, envy (you have, I want). Rather, leftism (in all its varying shades) is redefined and masked with honorable terms like equity, equality, community, sustainable development, and so on to hide its true intentions. Even terms, which in the past always had negative connotations such as socialism, have come full circle and been linguistically spun as some new noble endeavor. However, what is socialism? Let us go to an expert on the subject and see. The goal of socialism is communism. Vladimir Lenin The 20th-century is chock-full of examples of the absolute misery and devastation, communism wreaked upon a given population. Anywhere from 100-200M, people have died under communist regimes, whether through governmental violence, war, or just outright incompetence. Communism is the worst form of government ever constructed by mankind. It is the worst, because its foundations are built entirely on the false premises that man is inherently good, and we can rule ourselves apart from our Creator. Socialism always leads to tyranny, and this tyranny always ends up in the hands of one person. This is the world leftists want to make for the 21st-century. By 2020, anyone who dared speak out against the growing tyranny was quickly labeled conspiracy theorists and kooks. These political watchmen were quickly silenced, shunned, and relegated to the fringes of society in the hopes they just go away. The marketplace of ideas, once a beacon of free speech and opposing opinions was quickly becoming cluttered with catchy marketing ads, memes, and soundbites drowning out any single individual from being heard. It also became intolerant to any who spoke against going with the flow. We then began to discover through WikiLeaks, Project Veritas, and other truth-forums just how bad the corruption really was. Our nation was founded on the rule of law, however, what we have come to discover, is that “the law” was not equally applicable. There was a privilege to be had; yet, this systemic privilege was not based on race, but on wealth and title. Especially if you were a democrat. The results? We are witnessing in real-time, the dissolving, or dissolution, of the United States from within. There will be no happy ending to our American dream. This is not just my pessimism run amuck; this is war. The three parties involved in this cultural, governmental, and societal war, are the Republican Party (who is content to fight this war to a stalemate), the Democrats (willing to suicide the nation for total victory, and Trump (in it for total victory to preserve the nation). This leaves us with three opposing agendas and three destinies. Conclusion There is good news and bad news. The bad news is, even if Trump wins reelection (as I believe he will), the left will reconstitute their forces and either try more desperate measures to destroy the man and his legacy. They are left with three options: assassinate him, suicide our currency or civil war. As of 2020, the US is $27T in debt. Our national debt is both a massive, unstable, unsustainable liability, as well as a threat to our national security that nations like China, Iran, Russia, etc., will seek to exploit. This seems like the next most likely vulnerability they will go after. With nearly half of the US population ideologically opposed to both our history and our future as a nation, leftists have already mentally seceded from our nation and are increasingly comfortable with open conflict. The right (or just average Americans) are equally becoming more emboldened to fight back against the dying of the light. This does not bode well for our nation, and as President Abraham Lincoln once said (quoting Jesus Christ), a house divided cannot stand. I think either way this election turns out, civil war is a growing potentiality. To play devil’s advocate, if I were a globalist elitist and I wanted a one-world government, my first agenda is to create a one-world economy. This begins by multinational and transnational banking and economics. However, my main obstacle would be the United States, which means I need to make the US a non-factor in global affairs. If I could not get my Manchurian candidate into the highest office to help suicide the nation (e.g., Obama/Clinton/Biden/Harris), then I would need to make such a crisis that the US was permanently sidelined. Many believe that the China-virus was created to do just this. Others believe it is a precursor (or test run) for a coming future crisis. Since the left has already tried personal smears, investigations, impeachment, and stealing the election (theft from a thousand frauds) to stop Trump, the only options they have left are to kill the man, kill the currency, or create a civil war. If Trump is reelected, then any of these last three avenues are on the table. Regardless, these are simply means to an end. Ultimately, their goal is the dissolution of these United States. The good news is they do not get to control the narrative; God does (see also Psalm 2). God, who made the world and everything in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands. Nor is He worshiped with men’s hands, as though He needed anything, since He gives to all life, breath, and all things. And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings. Acts 17:24-26 The nation(s) may rage and the odds may seem overwhelmingly stacked against us, but this is ALL smoke and mirrors. The truth is Christ has already won the victory back on Calvary some 2,000 years ago. Everything since has been the writhing and thrashing of a headless snake. When God spoke to Satan just after Adam and Eve’s fall, He told Satan that he would bruise His (Jesus’) heel, but He (Jesus) would crush his head (Genesis 3:15). Satan is defeated and is frantically trying to counter this reality by using humans to bring this final kingdom into play earlier, rather than at its appointed time (the 70th Week). God sets the times and boundaries for nations, not Satan. However, God has allowed Satan to temporarily run this world. He is completely devoted to gaslighting the redeemed in these last days into believing either we are crazy or delusional for believing God is in control. We exist in a physical, natural, fallen creation that operates under the constraints God put in place after the fall of Adam. Thus, we are confined to enemy territory. I see us very much like prisoners of war in a concentration camp, grinding out an existence while the guards and everyone else walks free without a care in the world. However, the war is already over, and their side lost. We are just waiting for the victors to come through and crush them, and liberate us. God will control what the final crisis is that brings about the conditions for the Tribulation, not Satan. God will continue to use Donald Trump (as He has been) for as long as He wants to, regardless of how impossible His reelection seems now. Remember, God, specializes in the ridiculous. God flooded the entire world. On two separate occasions, God took a slave and made him the second most important leader in two different superpowers (Egypt and Babylon). God parted the Red Seas. He used a young boy to kill a seasoned, giant, warrior. He used a burning bush to speak. God has taken people alive (bypassing death) into heaven and translating them from mortal to immortal on the way up. God has promised to do that with an entire generation of believers. Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown. Revelation 3:10-11 Nearing Midnight: Prophecy Prospectus 2021 – Terry James - This year, one of the most tumultuous of American history, is at a close. While we think on the birth of the Savior at this Christmastime, the looming, dark clouds of 2021 foreshadow days just ahead that appear menacing. I think it good to think aloud at this point about what might lurk in the distance, overlaying that future with the template of God’s prophetic Word. That’s the only prism through which to view matters with any hope of ascertaining insight. The presidential election of 2020, despite declarations by no matter the accounting system, remains unsettled in the national, political sphere and the spiritual realm. The battle goes on and is centered within Ephesians 6: 12—as is obvious to those who use that biblical prophecy template mentioned above. I find the following excerpt, taken from what I consider to be a relevant article, to at least begin to summarize things as they’re shaping up for 2021 and beyond. In terms of the economy and the American social situation, 2020 is definitely one of the ugliest years on record, there’s really no way around it. That said, I get the impression that many in the public are operating under the assumption that we are about to cross over the peak of the mountain and it will be all downhill from here on. Unfortunately, this is not the case. All eyes have been focused on the pandemic event, and the thinking is that once the pandemic is “over,” the crisis will be over and everything will go back to normal. But, as the globalists have been telling us since the outbreak began, the world “will never go back to normal again”. It’s not because of the pandemic, mind you, it’s because THEY won’t allow things to go back to normal. The “great reset,” as the World Economic Forum calls it, is meant to go on for many years. And, the globalists intend that every aspect of our lives be changed into something almost unrecognizable. (“If you thought 2020 was bad, watch what happens in 2021,” Brandon Smith, presented by Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge, December 12, 2020) The author says that the reset planned by the globalists—bringing all nations into their desired new order by requiring that all join their one-world economy—won’t work. It is, he believes, destined to fail. What worries him, he says, is that a devastatingly serious or total collapse will cause a major depression. He says that breakdown is well underway. It has been initiated, he says, by international banks and central banks through massive debt creation and inflationary stimulus measures. The stock market—which, he says, has seen the Dow at a record 30,000 lately—is not the thing to look at with regard to how well the American or world economy is doing. But I don’t wish to get into the weeds on the economy; it’s not something I’m familiar enough with to delve into here. However, fringe economists (those other than the well-known pundits on TV) have long surmised that it’s just a matter of time before the economic dam bursts and the economies of nations come crashing down. America will, they believe, suffer the greatest of all implosions. My own thoughts continue to be the same as expressed in my series of ten articles written at the end of 2010 and the beginning of 2011, “Scanning a Fearful Future.” I write in the series that I don’t believe Bible prophecy predicts a huge economic collapse taking place until the moment God next catastrophically intervenes into wicked human conduct upon the That conclusion is based on Jesus’ words in Matthew 24:36–42 and again in Luke 17:26–30. The Lord plainly prophesies in those passages that it will be business pretty much as usual at the time of the Rapture. He has to be speaking of the Rapture, because He indicates that people will be buying, selling, planting, marrying—doing all the things of normal activity on earth. If He were describing the time of His Second Advent (Revelation 19:11), things would be so bad that nothing normal would be taking place. We know that, at the same time, it will be like the days of Lot. The world will be totally debauched, with every sort of evil going on. It will also be like in the days of Noah (Genesis chapter 6): Violence will fill the whole earth. We, of course, have all of the above taking place right at this moment. The “seas and waves” of Luke 21 are roaring. This refers to the peoples who are in turmoil around the world. Protests, riots—unrest of increasing magnitude—are taking place globally. And pestilence in the form of locusts and other sorts, along with a global pandemic of COVID-19, makes the Luke 21 prophecy by the Lord jump out at the observer of Bible prophecy. Yet, it is business as usual. If America collapses economically, the entire world will follow. The global economy is so intricately linked to the dollar and to the American economy that the weight of its fall would cause a fiscal earthquake. This will happen, I have no doubt. This is the conclusion reached in the series I mention. It will happen when Christ calls the Church—all believers—to Himself in the Rapture. Jesus said that, like when Lot was taken out of Sodom, that very day, God’s judgment will begin falling. The Rapture will be the beginning of the Lord’s Day. The economies of the world will crash. So we come to the crux of the article: the “prophetic prospectus” for 2021. Regardless of electoral results or ramifications, Jesus has indicated that things will be business as usual, while at the same time, societies and cultures will be corrupt, vile, violent, and evil, just like in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. Globalism will be advancing, it’s easy to believe, as Satan prepares to institute his man of sin. However, God has promised that when the man of sin is on the verge of being revealed to the left-behind world, God the Holy Spirit, indwelling the Church, will restrain the evil Satan wishes to inflict. That is what we see happening right now, as we’ve watched the wickedness unfold day by day, hour by hour, over the past years, months, and days. The prophecy prospectus, I strongly suspect, includes more of the same. The battle in the high places of Ephesians 6:12 will continue, with God’s restraining hand doing His work to hold back descent into total evil. Suddenly, then, in the “twinkling of an eye,” Jesus will shout, “Come up here!”. To see what happens then—from that moment of Rapture until God fulfills all prophecy—read Revelation, beginning with chapter 4. No matter what’s in store for 2021, the “prophetic prospectus,” if you’re a Christian, is glorious! 10 Things We Know About The New Mutant “Super COVID” That Is Causing Extreme Panic In The UK - by Michael Snyder - On Sunday, hordes of London residents were flooding out of the city after they learned that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was going to put them in Tier 4 lockdown for the holidays. Johnson said that he had to make this move because of a frightening new variant of COVID-19 that reportedly spreads much more easily than previous versions. Scientists are telling us that this new mutant form of the virus is “unlike anything we’ve seen”, and it is making headlines all over the globe. There is still so much that we don’t know about this new mutant “super COVID”, but here are 10 things that we do know so far… #1 British Prime Minister Boris Johnson says that this new version of COVID-19 “is 70 percent more contagious than the original strain”… The new Covid-19 variant that has ripped through the South East is 70 percent more contagious than the original strain, Boris Johnson revealed today. The PM today revealed the “frighteningly transmissable” new variant was spreading rapidly – forcing him to put millions of Brits in Tier 4 lockdown for Christmas. #2 We are being told that this new variant is the main reason why the number of new cases in London has doubled over the past week… The strain – called VUI202012/01 – has caused cases to double in a week in the capital as it buckles under the new variant. #3 According to Dr. Susan Hopkins, this new strain has now spread to almost every other part of the UK… She told Sky’s Sophy Ridge On Sunday: “It has been detected in many other parts of the country. “Every region has cases but with very small numbers. “It has also been detected in Wales, in Scotland, we have not had any detected in Northern Ireland.” #4 According to the BBC, this new new version “is rapidly replacing other versions of the virus”. #5 There are two key mutations that are causing a tremendous amount of concern. The first apparently makes it much easier for humans to catch the virus… One mutation called N501Y alters the most important part of the spike, known as the “receptor-binding domain”. This is where the spike makes first contact with the surface of our body’s cells. Any changes that make it easier for the virus to get inside are likely to give it an edge. #6 The second key mutation could potentially be even more dangerous, because it may make “antibodies from the blood of survivors less effective at attacking the virus”… The other mutation – a H69/V70 deletion, in which a small part of the spike is removed – has emerged several times before, including famously in infected mink. Work by Prof Ravi Gupta at the University of Cambridge has suggested this mutation increases infectivity two-fold in lab experiments. Studies by the same group suggest the deletion makes antibodies from the blood of survivors less effective at attacking the virus. #7 Joe Biden’s pick for surgeon general is insisting that the vaccines that have been developed will likely work against this version of the virus as well… Vivek Murthy, Biden’s nominee for surgeon general, on Sunday urged Americans not to let concerns over the new strain shake their faith in vaccination. “There’s no reason to believe that the vaccines that have been developed will not be effective against this virus as well,” Murthy said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” But the truth is that until testing is done, nobody really knows whether the current vaccines will be effective against this new strain or not. #8 Multiple countries have announced that they are shutting down travel from the UK in an attempt to keep this new variant from spreading. #9 So far, the U.S. continues to allow flights from the UK, and this is making New York Governor Andrew Cuomo very angry… Andrew Cuomo on Sunday slammed the ‘reprehensible’ inaction as the United States ‘continues to let in six flights a day’ from Britain, where a new coronavirus strain is spreading – as more countries, including Canada, ban flights from the UK. The New York governor told reporters: ‘Right now, this variant in the UK is getting on a plane and flying to JFK. Right now. Today. Literally six flights a day. And all it takes is one person.’ #10 We are being told that cases of the new strain have already been reported in at least three other countries… Maria Van Kerkhove, the Covid-19 technical lead at the World Health Organization, also appeared on the show. She said the variant had also been identified in Denmark, the Netherlands and Australia – with there being one case in the latter that did not spread further. We will wait and see whether or not the current vaccines are effective against this new version of the virus. If they are, the outlook for the immediate future may not have changed very much. But if the current vaccines are not effective against it, researchers may have to go all the way back to square one. And even if the current vaccines are effective against all of the variants that have developed and will develop in the future, the truth is that no vaccine will be the “messiah” that so many people were hoping for. According to the CDC, thousands of Americans have already reported severe problems after receiving the first shot… Thousands of people have been unable to work or perform daily activities, or required care from a healthcare professional, after getting the new COVID-19 vaccine, according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). As of Dec. 18, 3,150 people reported what the agency terms “Health Impact Events” after getting vaccinated. The definition of the term is: “unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work, required care from doctor or health care professional.” At this point, it is still very much an open question whether any of these current vaccines will be considered a “success” or not. And considering the fact that all of these new vaccines “hijack” the cells of those that get injected, there are millions upon millions of people that will never be willing to take any COVID vaccine under any circumstances. Meanwhile, scientists assure us that COVID-19 will continue to mutate. In fact, another new version of the virus was just discovered in South Africa… South Africa’s Health Minister Zweli Mkhize announced the 501.V2 mutation of the virus, reports The East African. Unlike the UK strain, this one might cause more severe illness. The official said on Twitter that local clinicians had found anecdotal evidence of the clinic presentation of patients. They said that a larger proportion of younger people are developing critical illness without suffering from other comorbidities. “The evidence that has been collated, therefore, strongly suggests that that the second wave we are experiencing is being driven by this new variant,” Mkhize said during a virtual briefing on Friday. If it is confirmed that the new South African version does indeed “cause more severe illness”, that is something that we will want to watch very closely. As I warned in my new book, humanity is entering an era of pestilences. COVID-19 has shown how vulnerable we are, and much deadlier bugs are constantly being cooked up in labs all over the planet. Ultimately, it is just a matter of time before more of these bugs get released into the general population, and future pandemics will likely be far more severe than what we are experiencing now. Israel Watch: Settle Your Heart, Saint – Jim Fletcher - For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7) Weird stuff is going on in our world, no doubt. A lot of good stuff, too. Israel has just established diplomatic relations with Morocco! No one would have believed that even a year ago, yet Donald Trump’s skills are responsible. It is expected that more Arab states will follow. But as we get close to Christmas, I want to write to you about fear. I was so startled this week to read a friend’s Facebook post. This person is solid as a believer. Yet the lengthy paragraph revealed a person racked by fear and anxiety over the position our country is in right now. I was so taken aback that I thought about it for a good long while. It just so happened that later that day I had the pleasure of lunch with dear friends Mike Hile and Terry James. They were traveling north for a couple days and we met at our favorite restaurant again. It was fortuitous, I think, because both those gentlemen are steady. Among the best Bible prophecy students I know, they both acknowledged where we are at as a country. But there was no fear at the table. (By the way, this is no bragging column. I’ve been so scared before in my life that I shook. Not proud of it, but that’s the truth.) America is in an unprecedented place. If you believe, as I do, that evil forces hijacked an historic landslide election for President Trump, then the next weeks are unusually stressful. Basically, from where I sit, the President can let this slide (the phrase sounds too trivial for the momentous moment), or he can invoke powers rarely used. As an aside, I am in favor of him doing what is necessary to save the country. Joe Biden is an evil, wholly corrupt career grifter, and don’t be fooled by his coziness publicly with Bibi Netanyahu. The Israeli premier knows exactly what Biden is. If our country were to be in the grip of the totalitarian forces propping-up their Biden puppet, it would certainly be frightening. Yet Scripture, the very Word of God, commands us to stand fast in the scary moments. I am getting to an age when I can look back already on a long, outrageously blessed life. Admittedly, I am not raising small children anymore. I’m not responsible for much more than myself and my dog and cat. It’s easy for me to say, Buck up! But we must. The world is watching a lot of things, but also looking at people of faith. Do we go wobbly? Think back to desperate moments in your life. If you are a believer, you are aware that you survived them. I have, as well. In this season of remembering the stunning miracle of Jesus’s birth and earthly life, capped by the Resurrection, think on those things. Remember that our Pilot has guided us through everything to this point and will to the end and the glorious beyond. If you are having difficulty sleeping or you are so anxious you can’t look forward to Christmas, the very best advice I can give you is: Take it to the Lord. Tell Him you are afraid and unsure. Ask Him for mercy and understanding. And finish by thanking Him for the victory. Christmas will come and go before we speak again, saints. I hope yours is blessed in an extra special way! Be of sound mind and ask the Lord to free you from fear. And then celebrate Christmas in whatever situation you are in. I love you all. [email protected] Daily Jot: We need to know the Truth – Bill Wilson – As we approach Christmas and the deadline for electors to choose the president, we as Americans, are faced with extraordinary and unprecedented times. These are times when we are told repeatedly that there is no evidence of election fraud, yet there are many documented reports saying there has been massive chicanery going on with the election. Ballots hauled in and counted in the early hours of the morning. Machines manipulated by algorithms. State bureaucrats unilaterally changing election laws to allow illegal mail-in voting. Each one of these facts are disputed by the news media and by Democrat and some Republican operatives. Yet, they call into question the very legitimacy of the presidency. Before any electoral vote certification, We the People need to have some answers. It is not about politics, it’s about truth. Our most fundamental constitutional right as a free people is the vote. If we don’t have honest elections, we don’t have freedom. Why even vote? They say there is no evidence of election fraud. What about those ballots that suddenly appeared and were counted hours after the polls closed? Why is my vote cancelled out by illegal mail-in ballots? Why did bureaucrats in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Georgia change the voting laws without consent of the legislature? What about the massive documented flaws in the voting machines? Voting machines with connections to China? Who else is connected to China? Why is the National intelligence report on foreign election influence delayed? Is this the deep state again? We have a right to know. Over 74 million citizens voted for president Trump, more than any president in history. Joe Biden received over 81 million votes—outpolling any previous president, even Barack Obama, by 15 million votes. Were legitimate votes cancelled out by illegal mail-in votes, and foreign-controlled voting machines? Patriot Thomas Paine once wrote: “These are the times that try men’s souls.” This election shocks my soul. This election tries my conscience. These are indeed unprecedented times. On Christmas 244 years ago, a small band of patriots led by George Washington boldly crossed the Delaware River. Heavily outnumbered and mostly armed with only their faith and their love of freedom, these brave souls put into motion the defeat of the most powerful force then known to man, the deepest of the deep state, a globalist power. Today, another bold move is needed to preserve and defend what it is to be an American. In the course of human events, when there are forces against life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; when our freedom is at stake, we must cross that mighty river again, armed with our faith and love of freedom. It is time for all good citizens to come to the aid of their country. Demand Truth. Know Truth. As Christ said in John 8:32, “the truth shall make your free.” The Truth will keep you free, too. Daily Devotion: Wonderful God - by Greg Laurie – You are the God of great wonders! You demonstrate your awesome power among the nations. —Psalm 77:14 - Listen Bertrand Russell claimed that the fear of boredom causes at least half the sins of mankind. We’ve never been more advanced technologically. We’re constantly flooded with new developments, trends, and discoveries in science and technology. Yet amazingly, we still get bored. For instance, you might get the latest and greatest gadget and be thrilled with it. But after a couple of weeks (or maybe even less), you become bored with it. Or a new model hits the market that suddenly makes your version outdated. We need to realize this world doesn’t have what we’re searching for. God created us to know Him. The Bible says of Jesus, the Messiah, “And His name will be called Wonderful” (Isaiah 9:6 NKJV). In contrast to the passing things of this world, Jesus is wonderful. There’s nothing this world has to offer that will satisfy our desire for wonder, our desire to know more than what we’re experiencing. In fact, a lot of our technology can dull our senses to the extent that we fail to enjoy how wonderful life is. The psalmist David wrote, “When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers—the moon and the stars you set in place—what are mere mortals that you should think about them, human beings that you should care for them?” (Psalm 8:3–4 NLT). As I contemplate this wonderful God and the sacrifice He made for us, it gives me a sense of awe, wonder, bewilderment, and yes, worship. The fact that God would love us in spite of our shortcomings and sinfulness should cause us to bow in worship. When you know this wonderful God, He will satisfy the deepest needs of your life. Do you know Him in that way? ![]() FROM THE HEART
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