Prophecy Update Newsletter
A Deal at What Price? The Wall for a Turkish Deal? - By Ronda Lane -
Many were floored by President Trump's recent announcement that the US will be making a "full and rapid" withdrawal of US troops from Syria. (See source A, at bottom.) Yet, in the light of Bible prophecy, we shouldn't be surprised. Another puzzling tidbit of news was overshadowed and (thus far) little talked about. We were clued in today that the US State Department is pushing for missile sales and anti-aircraft/anti-missile system sales from the US to Turkey. (Source: B, at bottom.) Could this have anything to do with the timing of pulling out of Syria? It sure looks that way after reading the article (Source B). Not only is it a 3.5 billion-dollar deal, but the US hopes (in vain) to strengthen ties with Turkey. Turkey has recently threatened to buy missiles and the S-400 anti-aircraft/missile system from Russia. By giving in to what Turkey wants, the unwise folks in Washington DC think they can continue a "seven-decades old US-Turkish relationship" with Turkey. And of course President Trump doesn't want Russia to gain more of a hold over Turkey. But at what cost? And will this work, or backfire? If and when Turkey buys our US Patriot air and missile defense system, they will then have access to some of our most sensitive technology. Did the State Department people not consider that Turkey may very well share this technology with Russia? I certainly believe it's likely they will. The timing is also odd. The proposed deal must be approved by Congress. And "the State Department has put together a special deal which only gives Congress a short 15 days to review and act on the deal." Does the president hope to get this accomplished prior to the new 2018 mid-term Congress being sworn in? Let's not forget that the House will then be majority-Democrat held. Is Pres. Trump making a last ditch effort to 'make a deal' with the (current) Republican-held Congress in the last hours of having a slim majority in both the House and Senate? Could that 'deal' look something like this? "You give me the WALL funding, and I'll make an arms deal with Turkey and retreat from Syria?" Just a thought. Yet one I think is very plausible. Especially considering the timing. There sure won't be any deals made after the Democrats take control of the House in January. So the timing is much more than just suspect. Pres. Trump knows his window of opportunity to get the wall funding passed is rapidly evaporating. He must realize that he won't get a wall (even by shutting down the government) for the next two years when the extreme obstructionists Democrats get into the House, holding the majority. The question is, how badly does he want the wall? Another question: How much does he like to make deals? Is his ego so big that he would make a deal for the wall at any cost? Here's another question: Why else would Pres. Trump choose now to abandon the Kurds, Yazidis, and Christians in Syria knowing full well that Turkey has full intentions of invading that area and massacring them all? Can you think of any other plausible reason for Pres. Trump to throw Israel under the bus as well as the Kurds, Yazidis, and Christians in Syria? We all know he wants the wall very much. We all know he's all about the "art of the deal." Many of us (myself included) voted for him because he promised to both be a friend to Israel and to build a wall and beef up the military and US security (which his predecessor left in shambles and depleted). But none of us ever dreamed those two things would ever come in conflict with one another. Nor could we have imagined a scenario like this one where they would! They seem to be mutually exclusive. But are they? Is anything mutually exclusive when it comes to the "art of the deal"? Yes, we need a wall. But at what price? This? No. The price is too high. And if this goes through, we'll know the deep state has control over the Republicans in Congress as well. Will they sell their souls for pork and pet projects? When haven't they? I'm sure that also will be part of the 'deal' the deep state is offering to broker for Congress if they hold their nose and throw Israel (and Kurds, Yazidis, and Syrian Christians under the bus). Nasty deals are made in Congress all the time. They've sold the US citizens out long ago. Do we really think they would think twice about selling out Israel, Kurds, Yazidis, and Syrian Christians? Yes, I suppose there are a few good Congressmen and women still in office. But I don't think it's a far stretch to conclude that there are far more sell-outs there to line their pockets and get rich in these perilous last days. Will the current Republican-held House and Senate stand up against this and do the right thing? When have they? We've been waiting for two years for Congress to do something. Especially since it was (for those two years) a majority-held Republican congress. Have we gotten anything from them over the last two years but empty promises? Think about it. One thing is for sure: President Trump wants a wall pretty badly. He knows it won't happen any time within the next two years after the Democrats take majority control of the House of Representatives. He's already called for the removal of troops in Syria, and already said he'd sign onto selling Turkey US missiles and anti-aircraft/missile systems. Did he make a 'deal' with the demonic deep state for the wall? My opinion is that it's very likely. I sure can't think of any other reason why he'd do something so foolish and damaging to all our Mideast allies (and no, Turkey isn't our true ally, even though they are a NATO member). What else would cause the president to throw our actual allies under the bus in preference of a fake ally (Turkey)? Has he forgotten it's only been two and a half years since Erdogan staged a fake coup and locked down the US airbase in Incirlik, Turkey? The Turks even shut off electricity and food supplies to US troops during that time. Turkey even tried to blame the US for inciting the obviously fake coup. Things were very tense during that time because the US had 50-90 tactical nuclear weapons at the Incirlik air base. Erdogan loyalists took to the streets yelling "death to the US" and called for the immediate closure of the Incirlik base. You can find plenty of articles about this (hopefully without leftist lunacy spin), as there was a lot of coverage at the time by conservative media. Strangely (or not so strangely), the leftist-run mainstream media had little to say about it (since Obama was in office at the time). Here's a "Gateway Pundit" article (Source D, at bottom) about the Incirlik air base lockdown (dated: July 16, 2016) The title: "Erdogan Holds 1500 US Servicemen Hostage at Incirlik" (In case you weren't aware of what happened, or had forgotten). Who did that fake coup benefit? Only Erdogan and his loyalists. All others who were in opposition to him becoming the supreme ruler and basically the dictator of Turkey were 'conveniently' locked up in prison, Most of whom still reside in prisons there today - even those whom he simply suspected of it, without any proof whatsoever. Erdogan has extreme delusions of grandeur. He thinks he will revive the Ottoman Empire and will himself be the Caliph over all of Islam. There's not space here to get into Islamic eschatology (both Shia and Sunni). But it is the mirror opposite of true Biblical end-time prophecy. Regardless, not many are even mentioning the proposed Turkish deal. They haven't yet connected the dots. However, many in the military are speaking out loudly about this abrupt announcement to withdraw all US troops from Syria. Most generals are scratching their heads and wondering what the president is thinking and whom he's getting such bad advice from. Politics aside, in the light of Bible prophecy, we shouldn't be surprised by either event. Both are hastening Isaiah 17 and Ezekiel 38-39. In today's podcast (12-19-2018, Source C), Mark Levin was outraged as well. He rightly laments over the fact that a US withdrawal will put Kurds, Yazidis, and Christians in peril. It will very likely be a bloodbath when Turkey steps in to seize control of northern Syria. And yes, it will also make it easier for Russia, Turkey, and Iran to take action against Israel. Here's what I believe to be far worse than those things Mr. Levin mentioned: What's worse? (And this is something else most people aren't connecting the dots on, but should be.) If the US sells missiles and anti-aircraft/anti-missile systems to Turkey, think of how we (as American citizens) would feel about our very own US missiles and systems being used by Turkey against Kurds, Yazidis, and Christians in Syria. Think about how we would feel about those same systems being used by Turkey against Israel (or attempted to be used against Israel, as the case will be when God destroys those who come against Israel in the Ez. 38-39 war). What is the president thinking? No 'deal' (not even a wall) is worth this. Yes, I do agree a southern border wall is needed here in the US. But not at this cost. Especially not when Turkey is just an 'ally' in name only. Not only the cost to our own troops in any future action (should the Lord tarry) after Turkey shares our sensitive missile-system information with Russia. The US will be at an extreme disadvantage militarily once Russia gets access to our systems secrets via Turkey. But worse? If and when Turkey uses these same weapons against our allies the Kurds, Yazidis, and Christians in Syria, and even worse, if they use these US-made systems against Israel (or attempt to - even though we know via scripture it will be an unsuccessful attempt). Nevertheless, how proud will any of us be of our US-made missiles and systems once Turkey uses them for any of these reasons? Levin didn't mention the possible US sale of missiles and anti-aircraft/missile system to Turkey in his podcast. I wonder what he will have to say about that? Will he be able to connect the dots also? But he certainly does see how bad this complete withdrawal of US troops from Syria is. He was livid over it. Levin (in the podcast, Source C) says: "I fear this will precipitate a major war... ." Yes, it sure will. Below is my long response to his social media post: "Yes, Mr. Levin. This will precipitate a major war. Read the Bible. Ezekiel chapters 38-39. Isaiah chapter 17. Exactly as foretold. Do you really think Russia, Iran, and Turkey are waiting outside Israel's border for no apparent reason? These nations were foretold to come against Israel in these latter days. (Trace the names given back to Genesis chapter 10; through to Ezekiel 38-39; and forward to the current-day names of Russia, Iran, Turkey, and smaller factions of N. Sudan and Libya.) Bible believers have been talking about this for decades. We've been waiting for this coalition to form. Yet here we are with the EXACT coalition foretold in scripture and no one else seems to have a clue?? Read Ezekiel 39:2-5. This coalition will attempt to invade Israel on the Golan, which is the northern mountains and open field described. Precisely as foretold. We even know WHY the Russian leader will desire to head this strike. The natural gas and oil in the Golan (the "spoil" of great monetary worth and the "hooks in the jaws" described in Ez. 38). We even know what the OUTCOME will be! God Himself will destroy that evil coalition. It's also foretold that NO NATION will come to Israel's defense. Why? Because God does not want or need any nation's help. He alone will defeat Israel's enemies when this wicked coalition attempts to invade on the Golan. Why? "And I will set my glory among the heathen, and all the heathen shall see my judgment that I have executed, and my hand that I have laid upon them" (Ez. 39:21). "So the house of Israel shall know that I am the Lord their God from that day and forward" (Ez. 39:22). Read both chapters. You'll get the flavor of what is soon to happen. Just as foretold, just as aligned. Mock at your own peril. What will you say when it comes to pass? Will you simply claim it's a 'coincidence'? As you are right now claiming it's a mere 'coincidence' that Russia, Iran, and Turkey are ready to invade Israel? Just as foretold! There's no reason to scratch your head in wonder. God's word foretold this coalition. God's word foretold that no nation (not even the US) would come to Israel's aid in this soon-coming war. Read and believe the scripture. God has this one! Furthermore, there's much more to come after this war transpires. Daniel 9:27 will occur. The antichrist will confirm a covenant with Israel, a seven-year (false) peace covenant also giving permission for Israel to build the temple and re-institute sacrifice and oblation. This will happen after Ezekiel 38-39 because only then will the Muslim nations have respect for Israel once they see Russia, Iran, Turkey (et al) defeated. Yes, the temple will be built on the temple mount. But it won't be what they hope for as the antichrist will defile that temple 3.5 years after this (Dan. 9:27; Matt. 24:15; 2 Thes. 2:4). What else will happen? Read Revelation chapters 6 -18. The wrath of God will be meted out upon the God-hating and Christ-rejecting world. It will be more horrific than any nightmare or Hollyweird movie you've ever seen. Over half of the world's population will be dead within the first 3.5 years (Rev.6:8; 9:15-18). Even worse for those who survive past the 3.5 year midpoint, as then the mark of the beast will be rolled out (Rev. 13:15-18). Those who won't accept the mark will be killed. Yet those who do accept the mark will be eternally damned (Rev. 14:9-11). God will take Israel through the time of Jacob's trouble (Jer. 30:7), and bring an entire 1/3 of them through to the end of those last 7 years of human government on earth (Zech. 13:8-9; Rom. 11:25-26; Rev. 12:6 and 12:14, among others). Many Gentiles will also come to Christ during that time period (Rev. 14:6); yet they won't be given the protected status that the Jewish remnant will have during that time. Instead, most will be beheaded (Rev. 6:9-11, 13:7, 20:4; Dan.7:21, et al). Jesus will return at the end of the 7 years and destroy the antichrist and all those who hate God and reject Christ (Zech. 12:10; Rev. 19:11-21, et al). He will rule and reign in righteousness for a thousand years wherein Israel will have land promises restored and many other blessings, as foretold. That is just a short summary. Those who reject Jesus now will suffer horribly in the soon-coming tribulation. Yet YOU are given a final warning now, ahead of time. Come to Christ now for salvation and you are promised deliverance from the promised and foretold wrath to come (1 Thes. 1:10; 1 Thes. 5:1-9, et al). God's word even tells us how those who believe on Jesus for salvation will be taken out of the way and delivered (1 Cor. 15:49-53; 1 Thes. 4:16-18). How do you come to Christ for salvation? Believe the gospel. Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and rose the third day (the gospel as declared such in 1 Cor.15:1-4). BELIEF is the requirement (Rom. 10:9-13; John 3:15-18; Rom. 3:23-26; Eph. 2:8-9, et al). Call upon the name of Jesus to be saved (Rom. 10:13). Only He can wash your sins away and bring reconciliation to God. Time is short, and God's word has foretold this all. God gave you free will to make the most important decision ever. Believe on Christ for salvation or reject Him and suffer God's wrath and eternity in hell. The choice is yours; choose wisely (John 3:18). There will be many who mock, ridicule, and scoff at this. Also foretold (Jude 1:18; 2 Pet.3:3-4). You do so at your own peril. God and His word will not be mocked without recompense (Galatians 6:7)." SUMMARY The above was my response. And I realize Mark Levin will never read it himself. Even if he did, he'd laugh it off. It never ceases to amaze me how many Jews don't study the Tanakh (Old Testament), and when they do, they often study only the law (the Torah, which is the 5 books of Moses). They often set aside the Nevi'im (the prophets). Isn't it strange that Christians who believe God's word and understand God's many promises for Israel seem to know His word (even the Old Testament) better than most Jews? There's a reason for that. Romans 11:25-36. Right now, Israel is "blind in part." As we know, many Jews have come to Christ throughout this entire church age/age of grace. Yet the majority of Jews right now are "blind in part" while God is also calling out Gentiles. This partial blindness of Israel has an end date, though. When the "fulness of the Gentiles be come in." Once the last Gentile in the age of grace/church age comes to Christ, this dispensation will close with the rapture of the church! Once the rapture occurs, the tables will turn. A new dispensation will commence. God will then be working predominantly with Israel, bringing them through the seventieth week of Daniel (and then the time of Jacob's trouble) with special provisions promised specifically to them. Instead of Israel being "blind in part," Gentiles will be, as many Gentiles will be given over to a strong delusion then (2 Thes. 2:10-12). While some Bible scholars believe the "time of Jacob's trouble" to be synonymous with the entire seventieth week of Daniel, I do not. I believe the time of Jacob's trouble to be the last half (last 3.5 years) of the 7-year tribulation. Compare these scriptures: "Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob's trouble, but he shall be saved out of it" (Jer. 30:7). "For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be" (Matt. 24:21). Jesus delineates between the first half and the second half of the tribulation by stating that the second half would be "great tribulation." In fact, so much so that the world had never seen such a time, nor ever would. This echoes the "none is like it" scripture of Jeremiah 30:7. It's clear that God's word is speaking of the same event and timeframe. The last 3.5 years of the seven-year tribulation will be "great tribulation" and the "time of Jacob's trouble." Yet, Israel (Jacob) shall be saved out of it (Jer. 30:7; Rom. 11:26; Rev. 12:6 and 12:14, et al). Sadly, Levin (and all others who have not yet come to Christ by the time the rapture occurs and this dispensation closes) will soon be going through the tribulation and then the foretold time of Jacob's trouble. I sincerely hope he will be one of the 1/3 remnant Jews who are saved, rather than part of the 2/3 which are foretold will be "cut off and die" (Zech. 13:8-9). I find it so frustrating to watch, read, and listen to otherwise brilliant Jews (such as Mark Levin, Caroline Glick, and even PM Benjamin Netanyahu). Here we Bible-believing Christians are shouting "read the Old Testament... read Ezekiel 38-39, Isaiah 17, and many others." Aren't they in the least bit piqued as to why we know the Jewish Old Testament better than they do? And why don't they want to alleviate this Biblical ignorance? You'll read their articles (or watch a video statement) wherein each of those brilliant people will have such insight and depth to almost every topic they speak of. Yet they are glaringly unaware of how it ties in with Bible prophecy. This leads me to one more speculation. We also know that Pres. Trump also wants to make the deal of all deals between Israel and Arabs. He's stated recently (and Jared Kushner and others in his cabinet have reiterated) that all parties "might not like" everything in the deal he is soon to propose. We've all wondered what he meant by that. Now let's think about the timing. Does President Trump not realize that pulling out of Syria and selling US missiles and anti-aircraft/anti-missile systems to Turkey puts Israel in a horrible position? Of course he has to know that. He really can't think Israel would trust any 'deal' he'd come up with now, right? Unless he's promised something big (which he likely can't deliver) in exchange for this betrayal with Turkey. Did he clue in PM Netanyahu prior to this horrible decision? Or was the rug pulled out from under PM Netanyahu's feet? Was he as stunned as we were? President Trump has to know how upsetting this is to the Israeli government. But another question might be: Doesn't he want to 'make a deal' there also? Could it be that he's promised Israel a lot of ear-pleasing things in the deal he's got in mind for them in exchange for something they "might not like so much" - such as the news that the US is completely pulling out of Syria AND simultaneously selling missiles and anti-aircraft/missile systems to Israel's enemy (Turkey) in one fell swoop? Before anyone reads that the wrong way, no, I do not think Trump is the antichrist. And no, I don't think he will be the one to confirm the soon-future Daniel 9:27 covenant. I believe this covenant (described in scripture) cannot even come to fruition until after the Ezekiel 38-39 war, when Israel has new-found respect and fear from the surrounding Islamic nations. So much so that they will (at first) agree to live in (false) peace with Israel and even agree to let Israel build the temple (which is another condition of the Dan. 9:27 covenant). Think about it; if President Trump (or anyone else today) were to even bring such a topic up as building a temple on the Temple Mount today, he would be laughed at. The 'deal' wouldn't go through, no matter what he (or anyone) offered the Arabs. But after the Ezekiel 38-39 war? That's a different story. The surrounding Muslim nations won't have much to say about it once Iran, Turkey, Russia, Libya, and N. Sudan have been dealt a devastating blow by God Himself. Only then will Israel be in the position to negotiate for a temple, and even the re-instituting of sacrifice and oblation. Both of which are also part of the Dan. 9:27 covenant. "And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate" (Daniel 9:27). As we can clearly see, this future (and I believe it to be soon-future, right after Ezekiel 38-39) covenant isn't only about false peace. It's also about building the temple and permitting sacrifice and oblation to resume (which will come to a screeching halt a short 3.5 years later when the antichrist defiles the temple and falsely proclaims himself to be 'god' (2 Thes. 2:4; Matt. 24:15; Dan. 9:27). So no, I don't think anything President Trump puts together will be "THE covenant" (the Dan. 9:27 covenant). But my question would be: What has he offered (or plans to offer) Israel in exchange for this horrible deal made with Turkey? It would have to be something big. No matter. The Arabs will reject any deal anyone makes (at least until after Ezekiel 38-39 when they'll have no option but to accept or be ousted from Israel altogether, along with the hideous abomination they built on the Temple Mount). I can't think of any other plausible timing when the Muslims would accept a Jewish temple. Certainly not prior to Ezekiel 38-39. There's nothing Pres. Trump can offer them that they'd accept, and especially not that. What is the take-away from all this? What are we believers to think? First, we know that our trust is not to be in mankind, but in the Lord! No matter what hopes we may have had (or still may have) for the president, he can't fix this sin-filled cesspool. In fact, he's only adding to the problems with these two actions of arming Turkey with US missiles and anti-aircraft/missile systems, as well as pulling US troops out of Syria. "Blessed is that man that maketh the Lord his trust, and respecteth not the proud, nor such as turn aside to lies" (Psalm 40:4). "It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man" (Psalm 118:8). What is the other take-away for us as believers? God's word will come to fruition. We've witnessed the Ezekiel 38-39 coalition form and solidify over the last 2-3 years. It should be no surprise to us that no nation will come to Israel's defense during the Ez. 38-39 war. That's exactly what God's word said would be the case. It only serves to bring hope that we believers are going home very soon! Grace/church-age believers cannot be present upon this earth when God starts opening Israel's eyes (Rom. 11:25-26). And as we see in Ezekiel 39:21-29, God begins opening Israel's eyes and pouring out His Spirit upon them by the end of that war (and it doesn't appear to be a long war, but quick and devastating to those who attempt to invade Israel on the Golan as described in Ez. 39:2-5). Not only will Turkey quickly invade Syria, and likely massacre the Kurds, Yazidis, and Christians there, but so too will this embolden both Iran and Russia to strike Israel without concern that the US will step in to help. We know this aligns exactly with scripture. No one (not even the US) will come to Israel's defense then. Yet we'd hoped this would be because the rapture would occur prior to the US abandoning Israel. Sadly, it doesn't appear to be the case. We already knew that the US' formal position is that the US doesn't recognize Israel's right to the Golan (even though we Bible believers do). So it shouldn't be a big shock that even President Trump is willing to throw Israel under the bus in order to 'make a deal' for the wall funding. The rapture needs to occur before the end of Ez. 38-39. Dispensationally and provisionally. One dispensation must end before the other begins. The church is not Israel (nor do we replace her). These last hours, Jesus is calling the last of the Gentiles in this present age of grace to Him for salvation. Once the last Gentile has come to Jesus in this current church age, the rapture occurs and Israel's eyes will only then begin to be opened, as foretold. We should take comfort that the rapture is nigh. It's always been scripturally imminent (could happen any day, any moment). Yet now, it must occur soon as we are witnessing post-rapture events lining up precisely with scripture. If nothing else, this should spur on believers to share the gospel with the lost even more fervently in these final hours of the age of grace /church age. "Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ" (Titus 2:13). Maranatha! SOURCES (click links) Source article A: (US Full and Rapid Withdrawal From Syria) Source article B: (State Dept. Backing Missile Sale to Turkey) Source C: (Mark Levin’s outrage) Source D: (Erdogan Holds 1500 US Servicemen Hostage at Incirlik - July 2016) Palestinians: The Real "Crimes" - by Bassam Tawil - The Palestinian Authority (PA) leadership's favorite -- and probably most used -- word in recent weeks is "crime." This is the word that PA President Mahmoud Abbas and his senior officials in Ramallah have endorsed as part of their anti-Israel campaign of incitement. Almost every statement that is issued by the Palestinian leadership concerning Israel includes the word "crime." For Abbas and his officials, almost everything Israel does or says is a "crime." ّIn their world, building housing units for Jews in the West Bank or Jerusalem is a "crime." According to the logic of Abbas and his Palestinian officials, the killing of a Palestinian terrorist who murdered two of his Jewish co-workers and Israel's subsequent demolition of his house is a "crime." As far as Abbas and other Palestinians are concerned, Israel's security measures in response to terrorist attacks are also a "crime." In other words, they are saying that Israel does not have the right to conduct hot pursuit after terrorists hiding in Palestinian cities or refugee camps. Each time the Israeli army enters a Palestinian city to arrest a terrorist, the Palestinians cry "crime". Visits by Jews to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem have been upgraded by Abbas and his officials from an ordinary "crime" to, in the words of one official, a "hellish crime." They and other Palestinian factions, including, of course Hamas, have gone as far as condemning the establishment of Israel as a "crime." Accordingly, Abbas's ruling Fatah faction, which is often described by international media outlets as "moderate," also considers the 1917 Balfour Declaration, which announced the British government's support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine, as a "crime against humanity." In recent weeks, the Palestinian leadership's list of "crimes" has grown to cover other matters. In the eyes of Abbas and his top officials, a recent visit by Arab journalists to Israel is not only an "unacceptable crime," but a political and national sin" as well. These are the words used by Abbas's Ministry of Information to condemn seven Arab journalists based in Europe for accepting an invitation to visit Israel. Last week, Abbas's ruling Fatah faction endorsed a statement issued by a group called the Islamic and National Forces that called for boycotting an Israeli-Palestinian shopping mall in east Jerusalem and warning Palestinians that "economic normalization" with Israel was a "crime" and an act of "intentional treason." Abbas's Fatah also considers real estate transactions with Jews as a "crime." For Abbas and his representatives, any Palestinian involved in selling properties to Jews is a "criminal" and "traitor." This "crime" carries a death sentence. Hence, we see that Abbas and his friends consider everything related to Israel and Jews as a "crime." They do not want Palestinians to do business with Jews; they do not want Palestinians to sell properties to Jews, and they do not want Arabs who believe in coexistence and peace to visit Israel. All these actions, according to the Palestinian leadership and its supporters, are "crimes" for which people should be punished. When it comes to the actions of the Palestinian leaders themselves, however, they see utter innocence. For them, the daily incitement against Israel and Jews is not a "crime." For them, the glorification of terrorists and paying salaries to their families is not a "crime." For them, the shooting of a pregnant woman at a bus stop is not a "crime." For them depriving their people of international aid and cracking down on public freedoms under Abbas in the West Bank and Hamas in the Gaza Strip is not a "crime." The daily use of the word "crime" to condemn Israel comes in the context of the Palestinians' continued effort to delegitimize Israel and demonize Jews. This is not a new policy. Abbas and his cohorts have long been waging a campaign of hate and incitement against Israel -- one that aims at depicting Israelis and Jews as "criminals" and "murderers." That is the main reason it has become almost impossible to find one Palestinian who is ready to accept any form of concussions or compromise with Israel. This campaign is also the main reason why Hamas has become highly popular among Palestinians, as the latest public opinion poll published last week showed. Palestinian leaders bombard their people with the following message: All Israelis are criminals. All Israelis are guilty until proven otherwise. The establishment of Israel is a crime. Israel's anti-terrorism measures are a crime. The hands of Palestinians, by contrast, are lily white. Such messages are driving Palestinians into the open arms of Hamas. If you are telling your people that Israel and the Jews are criminals whose hands drip with blood, and that anyone who does business with them or visits them is guilty of a "crime," you are telling them that Hamas has got it right: Palestinians should be seeking the destruction of Israel, and not peace with it. Falling in Place - By Daymond Duck - My wife recently bought a 1,000-piece puzzle that she thought would be easy to assemble; however, at first it looked like it was going to take weeks to do it. But after working on it for about a week, the pieces started falling into place and it got easier and easier. Some Bible prophecy is like a puzzle that is difficult to put together. We are in the last days, and prophecies that were difficult to interpret when they were written in the Bible are now making sense and rapidly falling in place. Consider the following recent events: First, God will gather the Jews back to Israel in two waves at the end of the age: a first wave in unbelief (the Jews will go back under the Law) before the Tribulation Period, and a second wave in belief at the end of the Tribulation Period (the Jews will repent and all Israel will be saved). Many Muslims have immigrated to France in recent years, anti-Semitism has exploded, and now about 200,000 French Jews want to relocate to Israel. This has prompted Prime Min. Netanyahu to urge the Israeli officials to speed up the immigration process so they can quickly take in many of these French Jews. Second, some Bible prophecy teachers believe the Antichrist will claim to be the Christ when he first appears and he will deceive the Jews by promising them peace and confirming the 7-year peace treaty. In early December, the Jewish rabbi in charge of King David's tomb in Jerusalem said there is now a plan to create a crown of gold for their long-awaited Messiah. The rabbi said this messiah will be the king of Israel, a descendant of David, come back to Jerusalem, ensure that the Temple is rebuilt and the Temple service is reinstated, gather the Jews from around the world, and his return is imminent. The fact that the Jewish religious leaders believe that the messiah will ensure that the Temple is rebuilt is one reason why some Bible prophecy teachers believe that the Jews will accept the Antichrist as their messiah, that it will be the Antichrist who gives them permission to rebuild the Temple, and that will happen early in the Tribulation Period. If the rabbis actually create a crown of gold, they will probably put it on the head of the Antichrist who will reign during the Tribulation Period (Jn. 5:43). Third, on Dec. 10, 2018, members of the Jewish Sanhedrin put on their priestly garments, rehearsed the daily sacrifice and dedicated an altar of sacrifice for use at the rebuilt Temple. City officials refused to give the Sanhedrin permission to sacrifice an animal on site, so they sacrificed an animal at another place, took the meat to the altar, and burned one piece of it on the altar. Denial of permission to perform an animal sacrifice on site is another reason why some Bible prophecy teachers believe permission to resume the animal sacrifices will come from the Antichrist (perhaps from the 7-year covenant) at the beginning of the Tribulation Period. Fourth, on Nov. 30, 2018, U.S. Pres. Donald Trump, Mexico's Pres. Enrique Pena Nieto, and Canada's Prime Min. Justin Trudeau signed the USMCA (the new NAFTA or the NAFTA replacement agreement). The New American recently published an article about it. Read it here. It was Pres. Nieto's last day in office, and he said the following in Spanish: "The negotiation of the Mexico-United States-Canada Treaty made it possible to reaffirm the importance of the economic integration of North America." He further remarked, "The renegotiation of the new trade agreement sought to safeguard the vision of an integrated North America, the conviction that together we are stronger and more competitive." According to The New American, "The real purpose of the new agreement, as Peña Nieto admitted, is integration - the merging of the United States, Mexico, and Canada into what The New American has long-described as the North American Union." "Just as the European Union is the culmination of decades-long European economic integration, so too would a North American Union be the culmination of the decades-long North American integration beginning with NAFTA and now the USMCA." Shortly after signing the agreement, Peña Nieto tweeted: "On my last day as President, I am very honored to have participated in the signing of the new Trade Treaty between Mexico, the United States and Canada. This day concludes a long process of dialogue and negotiation that will consolidate the economic integration of North America." The New American article reads, "The USMCA is not a step back towards American independence and sovereignty; it's a step closer toward greater integration." It is this writer's belief that the Ten Kings (Ten Horns or Ten Toes) mentioned in the Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation refers to ten leaders that will head up ten groups of nations under the Antichrist during the Tribulation Period. It is my belief that the U.S., Mexico and Canada will be merged or integrated into a North American Union (NAU/USMCA), and the head of the NAU/USMCA will be one of the Ten Kings. The pieces of the prophetic puzzle are rapidly falling into place, and the Church's hope is the Rapture - not the politicians. The True Messiah (Jesus) will remove His Church before the false messiah (the Antichrist) appears to confirm the 7-year covenant and give the Sanhedrin permission to rebuild the Temple and reinstate the animal sacrifices. Prophecy Plus Ministries, Inc. Daymond & Rachel Duck [email protected] Zechariah's Prophecy: Trump, Cyrus, Blood Moons and the Third Temple - By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - "The sun shall turn into darkness And the moon into blood." Joel 3:4 (The Israel Bible™) Next month, a super blood moon will pass over the U.S. capital on a Jewish holiday in a manner that one pastor argues connects to a prophecy in Zechariah, creating a link between Donald Trump and Persian King Cyrus building the Jewish Temple. On January 21, a confluence of worlds will take place when a lunar eclipse passes over Washington D.C. on the Jewish holiday of Tu B'Shevat (the 15th day of the Hebrew month Shevat): the arboreal New Year. It is expected that this eclipse will have the proper conditions to create a blood moon in which the moon has a distinctly reddish tint. If so, this blood moon will be a supermoon, which occurs when the moon is at its perigee, the point in its month-long elliptical orbit brings it closest to Earth. At that time, the moon appears up to 14 percent bigger and 30 percent brighter than at its apogee, its furthest point from Earth. This upcoming blood moon will bring together heaven and earth as the eclipse coincides with the Jewish holiday of Tu B'Shevat (the 15th day of the Hebrew month Shevat), the arboreal New Year and the second anniversary of Donald Trump's inauguration as President. Lest this be perceived as happenstance, it should be noted that Trump was born on the night of June 14, 1946, within fifteen minutes of a total lunar eclipse and 700 days before the state of Israel was established. Trump's lucky sevens did not end there. When he was sworn in as President on January 20, 2017, he was 70-years-old, seven months and seven days. Pastor Mark Biltz, the founder of El Shaddai Ministries, is deeply connected to the Hebrew calendar and authored a bestselling book on the subject. He is also connected to the concept of blood moons and believes they are signposts in the Messianic process as described by the prophet Joel. Before the great and terrible day of Hashem comes, I will set portents in the sky and on earth: Blood and fire and pillars of smoke; The sun shall turn into darkness And the moon into blood. But everyone who invokes the name of Hashem shall escape; for there shall be a remnant on Mount Zion and in Yerushalayim, as Hashem promised. Anyone who invokes Hashem will be among the survivors. Joel 3:3-5 Noting that a blood moon passed over Jerusalem on Tu B'shevat last year, Pastor Biltz emphasized that this was necessary for the sign to be a complete sign. "Jewish law requires two witnesses in order for the judgment to be complete," Pastor Biltz told Breaking Israel News. "As it says in Genesis, the sun and moon are signs of the times, not just that the days, months, and years are passing but they will signal when the times, the era, is changing." Hashem said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate day from night; they shall serve as signs for the set times-the days and the years; Genesis 1:14 "Two blood moons, both on the same day of the Hebrew calendar, are witnessing that the judgment has been passed and great things are about to happen," Pastor Biltz said. Pastor Biltz sees this blood moon as being especially portentous for the president of the United States regarding his relationship with Israel, as per his understanding of the first chapter in Zechariah. On the twenty-fourth day of the eleventh month of the second year of Darius-the month of Shevat...In the night, I had a vision. I saw a man, mounted on a bay (red) horse, standing among the myrtles in the Deep...Zechariah 1:7 "This is the second reign of Darius, who we know as the Persian King Cyrus. which takes place in the 70th year of the exile," Pastor Biltz explained. "The red horse, or the blood moon, will be coming in the same month, the month of Shevat. This will be the second year of Trump's presidency, just as Zechariah described the second year of the reign of Cyrus as being the time to begin building the Temple." Trump has frequently been compared to Persian King Cyrus, a non-Jewish ruler who ended the Babylonian exile and helped the Jews build the Second Temple in 516 BCE. Normally, lunar eclipses are considered a bad omen for Israel. In its discussion of eclipses, the Talmud (Sukkot 29a) specifically described this to be so since Israel is spiritually represented by the moon. If during the course of the lunar eclipse the moon appears red, as the upcoming eclipse will be, the Talmud states that this is an omen that great wars will come to the world. At the end of this section describing the omens contained within eclipses, the Talmud states a disclaimer: "When Israel does the will of the place (God), they have nothing to fear from all of this," citing the Prophet Jeremiah as a source. Thus said Hashem: Do not learn to go the way of the nations, And do not be dismayed by portents in the sky; Let the nations be dismayed by them! Jeremiah 10:2 Pastor Biltz continued in his interpretation of the prophecy. Thereupon the angel of Hashem exclaimed, "O lord of Hosts! How long will You withhold pardon from Yerushalayim and the towns of Yehuda, which You placed under a curse seventy years ago?" Zechariah 1:12 "We are now again at the end of the 70 years from Israel blossoming as a fig tree!" Pastor Biltz said. "The prophet declares that it is time to rebuild the Temple but adds a warning." Assuredly, thus said Hashem: I graciously return to Yerushalayim. My House shall be built in her-declares the lord of Hosts-the measuring line is being applied to Yerushalayim. Zechariah 1:16 "Jerusalem cannot be divided," Pastor Biltz warned. "HaShem is saying the nations will not determine the boundaries of Jerusalem. This is for God to do!" Daily Jot: Surviving the great Christmas fire - Bill Wilson - As many of you know, I grew up on our family farm in Northeastern Ohio. It was part of a land grant in payment to my grandfather seven generations back for fighting in the Revolutionary War. At the time my grandfather sent two of his sons to claim the land, it was wilderness, the most western part of the new America, and most certainly Indian country. They had to carve out their inheritance while defending themselves and learning how to farm fertile, but rather low land. The house they built was a sturdy two room structure with a loft above, with two-inch planks pegged together as walls and large beams, also pegged together, held the house up over the crude cellar. The house was added on to in 1840. The entire farm was handed down from Wilson to Wilson from around 1800 till even today, when my son will take over the property. We all were raised on this farm since then. When my father went on to be with the Lord in 1989, my mother continued living at the farm until she was unable to do so and moved in to our Maryland home. During those times before, we would pack up the family and "go home" for Christmas. Sometimes, my mother didn't make the best decisions at Christmas time, especially since it was my dad's birthday, and the anniversary of his death was just a few days after my mother's birthday, also in December. Mother, however, never wanted to admit that her decisions might not be the best. We were finished opening presents and all the paper from the gifts was stuffed into a couple of trash bags. There was no garbage pickup at the farm. We burned everything in an old sawed-off 50-gallon drum out about 30 feet from the milk house. Now this drum was old and had charred and rusted down to about half its height. On this Christmas morning, the wind was blowing pretty hard and there was no snow on the ground. I protested that it was not a good idea to burn these wrappings, but mom insisted--she was a neat-kin to the max and didn't want the trash in her house another second. So, I reluctantly complied. I set the wrappings on fire and soon they blew all over the pasture, setting tiny fires as they landed. These tiny fires grew into bigger fires and soon about half an acre of pasture was on fire with the wind shifting toward the barns. I was fighting the fire with a shovel and an old gunny sack while everyone else was in the house enjoying the morning, unaware of the fiasco outside. I finally prevailed over the fire. I came in the house with smoky clothes, smudges on my face, arms and hands, and my eyebrows were singed. My mother calmly sat across the kitchen table and without any hesitation said, "You shouldn't have burned that trash with that wind blowing like it was." Ephesians 6:2,3 says, "Honor thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise; that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth." You can, if you survive the fires <wink>. Daily Devotion: Let Heaven Fill Your Thoughts - By Greg Laurie - And I tell you this, that many Gentiles will come from all over the world--from east and west--and sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob at the feast in the Kingdom of Heaven. -Matthew 8:11 I have read that we only use five percent of our brains. Presumably, when we get to Heaven we will be able to tap that other ninety-five percent, perhaps even more. It will be glorious beyond our wildest dreams, and I look forward to it. Another great thing I am looking forward to in Heaven is not only being reunited with my son and with my loved ones, but also to the fact that we are going to eat in Heaven. Isn't that good to know? We are told in Revelation 19:9, "And the angel said to me, 'Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding feast of the Lamb.' And he added, 'These are true words that come from God'" (NLT). Not only will we be eating together, but we also will be in some pretty good company. The Bible tells us that they "will come from all over the world-from east and west-and sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob at the feast in the Kingdom of Heaven" (Matthew 8:11 NLT). Heaven will be amazing. And that is why the Bible tells us that we all should be more heavenly minded: "Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God's right hand. Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth" (Colossians 3:1-2 NLT). We spend the majority of our time thinking about things on Earth, things that we are concerned with and stressed about. The Bible isn't saying that we shouldn't think about these things. Rather, it's saying that we shouldn't stress about these things. Think more about Heaven. When you do, it will put everything else in the proper perspective. FROM THE HEART
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