Prophecy Update Newsletter
Tribulation Chronicles Pt. 10: Great Tribulation-3 - by Alice Childs - Revelation 8-18 As we move toward the end of the last three and one half years left to planet earth under the rule of the usurper Satan, you will have already witnessed (those few of you who will have managed to survive thus far) and will have already encountered unprecedented supernatural occurrences: globally devastating wars, death on a massive global extinction-level scale, starvation, global famine, incurable pandemic diseases, and earthquakes of previously unrecorded frequencies and intensities on a global scale. You will have experienced a meteor or asteroid or some kind of astronomical event that entered earth's atmosphere, with the result that 1/3 of all ocean life will have been killed; 1/3 of all green grasses and vegetation along with trees were burned up, and 1/3 of all freshwater sources poisoned. You will have seen by now a man from somewhere in Europe, from within the shadows of the old Roman Empire, arise to global prominence and power from seemingly nowhere, accompanied by a powerful religious leader who acts as this political phenomenon's right-hand man. You will have seen heretofore unseen supernatural strength and power exercised by these two men, the political leader having "confirmed" a "peace covenant" between Israel and "the many" (other nations), and you will have seen him broker this peace accord as the result of a devastating war that, against all possible odds, Israel will have won - though not from any military superiority of their own - but by the direct intervention of the true God of Israel. You will have witnessed the great majority of the Jewish people embrace this new world leader as their long-awaited Messiah since he will have allowed them to both rebuild their Temple on the ancient temple mount, and reinstate animal sacrifices within it. However, by now you will have also seen and heard the testimonies of two strange, extremely powerful Jewish men - two emissaries sent from Almighty God, His two "witnesses" - each possessing supernatural powers given them directly by God. These two men will have denounced most strongly this political rising star, his religious cohort, and his claim as being Israel's Messiah. As a result of the ministries of these two witnesses sent from Almighty God, 144,000 Jewish young male virgins (12,000 from each of Israel's 12 ancient tribes) will have come to faith in Christ, having been sealed in their foreheads. (Whether the "mark of God" upon these Jewish young men will be visible or invisible to humans, I cannot know pre-rapture). These 144,000 Jews will have moved throughout the entire world spreading the gospel of salvation to people from every nation, kindred, tribe and tongue. You will have seen the two witnesses of God finally overcome and killed, their dead bodies lying in the streets of Jerusalem for three and one half days, and then you will have seen them resurrected and caught up into Heaven, all of this being televised and broadcast worldwide. You will have seen people endure torment from some kind of supernatural, insectile, locust-like creatures (a torment that will have lasted for five months) from which the agonies had to be endured, because those afflicted were not permitted by God to die to escape their physical agonies. You will have seen by now this world leader, who is in fact the Antichrist, along with his False Prophet, institute a Satanic "marking" system required to be placed in either the right hand or the forehead, without which no one can live or transact daily life on any level. You will have seen this Antichrist seemingly die from a head wound only to appear to be resurrected miraculously, after which he will have become fully possessed and indwelt by Satan himself. You will have seen this now Satan-indwelt man betray the Jews by desecrating their newly rebuilt Temple, setting up some type of "living" image of himself (Think of some form of Artificial Intelligence-AI) in the most holy place inside the Jewish Temple called the Holy of Holies, whereupon the Antichrist makes the claim that he is God and demands to be worshipped as such by the world. You will have seen his hithertofore masked hatred for the Jewish people and new believers in Christ erupt like a festering boil, and in his utter hatred lash out at them to annihilate as many as he can find and kill worldwide by means of mass beheadings. This is a very abbreviated recap of all you've seen thus far. Following is an abbreviated list of what is yet to come during the remainder of this last seven years. As time ticks down, the last battle in the conflict of the ages is destined to take place in the Valley of Jezreel, in a place called in Hebrew, the Plains of Megiddo - better known as Armageddon. There, the usurper Satan, his puppet the Antichrist, the False Prophet, and all of the "earth dwellers," - those who have willingly accepted his mark and worshipped this "beast" - meet their end by the mere Word that will proceed forth out of the mouth of the conquering and returning King of Kings, Jesus Christ, as He makes His way from the throne room of Heaven to the devastatingly ravaged earth. At the end of these last seven years, the Lord Jesus Christ will return physically to the earth, crowned with many diadem, and riding astride a mighty white horse. His first destination will be to Bozrah - Petra, in the ancient Edomite Kingdom of Jordan. There, God will have gathered the Remnant of Israel to protect and provide for those whom He will have preserved. Once gathered there, the Remnant of Israel will at last recognize Jesus "whom they have pierced" as having been their long-awaited Messiah all along. This Remnant of now-believing Israel will cry aloud for their Messiah King to come to their defense and deliver them. Their Messiah will hear their cry and return to fight for and deliver them from what would otherwise be certain annihilation from Satan and his Antichrist horde (Isaiah 63). After King Jesus fights for His people in Bozrah, He leaves there, riding astride His horse with His garment stained with the blood of those He will utterly defeat. The armies of the Antichrist, filled with demonic hatred, will attempt to unite all of the armies of the "earth dwellers," on the Plains of Megiddo, in a final attempt to wipe out the one-third remnant of Israel and to defeat and prevent the physical return of Jesus, the Lion of Judah. They will not succeed, for the Messiah King will PERSONALLY fight for the deliverance of the Jewish believers, the freedom of the land of Israel, and for Jerusalem, God's holy city. The Battle of Armageddon will, in truth, be no battle at all. The conquering King will win with but a word from His mouth. When Jesus returns, He won't be riding into Jerusalem on a lowly donkey as He did when He presented Himself to Jerusalem as the Suffering Savior to offer Himself as the Lamb of God in sacrifice for the sins of the world. No, this time Jesus rides into the dimension of earth seated astride His powerful white steed, crowned in many diadem, His vesture soaked crimson with the blood of His conquered foes, riding in triumphant splendor as the conquering King He most surely is. Following along behind Him, also astride horses and dressed in garments "white and clean," will be the "armies of Heaven" comprised of the now glorified Church, along with the souls of the Old Testament Saints and the souls of the slain Tribulation Saints (The two latter groups will be awaiting their new and Immortal bodies, which they will receive just prior to entering the new Kingdom), and with the angelic hosts of Heaven. What a procession it will be to behold! Perhaps God may grant that you may witness Him coming from the throne room of God into the atmosphere of earth on His way from Bozrah to the war-torn, besieged city of Jerusalem and up to the top of the Mount of Olives just outside the city walls. The instant the King of Glory's foot touches the Mount of Olives, the Insurrection of the Ages will be over - FINISHED. A mighty earthquake will literally split the Mount of Olives in half from east to west. Then, King Jesus will order His angels to gather "from the four corners of the earth" to bring to Jerusalem all His elect (the Remnant of Tribulation Jewish believers and Tribulation Gentile believers), along with all those who managed to survive these last seven years. There the King will begin the process of exacting His righteous judgment - to pass sentence upon all who are left alive from every country on earth (Matthew 24 & 25). Next, He will begin to restore ALL that the Corrupted One has defiled since Eden. But before that glorious event occurs, there are yet more horrendous judgments that you who are left behind and still alive have to endure. Look now and see what will be coming upon you in rapid succession: (1) A bombardment of hailstones weighing at least 100 lbs. each will pulverize the earth. (2) The very atmosphere of the planet will erupt in fire, smoke, burning ash, and sulfur mixed with blood. (3) ALL ocean life will be killed. ALL OF IT. (4) ALL fresh water sources will be poisoned. ALL OF THEM. (5) ALL green grass and vegetation will be burned away. ALL OF IT. (6) The almost complete slaughter by beheading of nearly ALL believers (only a very few will escape), although there will be a few from every nation whom God will preserve throughout to bring to the end. However, no one will know whether he or she will be one of the ones allowed to survive until the return of the King. The truth that must be faced and accepted is that the vast majority will not survive to the end regardless of how diligent one might try to be. The breadth and scale of the devastation, the violence, carnage, and wrath of God poured out in judgment will simply be too unprecedented and too enormous for more than just a handful to survive. (7) Two-thirds (2/3) of all rebellious Jews will be slaughtered (1/3 of them will be saved by becoming believers in Jesus as their true Messiah and will be preserved and protected by the Lord (Zechariah 13:8-9). These 1/3 "remnant Jews" God will preserve and protect in the ancient fortified rock city in Bozrah, Jordan in the ancient Edomite Kingdom. (8) The entire earth will be on the very precipice of total annihilation, and indeed would be completely annihilated if King Jesus did not return to put an end to the carnage. (9) As a result of the astronomical devastation from meteors and asteroids and from Wormwood (whatever it turns out to be), other celestial devastation will occur as a result of the complete atmospheric conflagration. There will be the complete inundation of the upper atmosphere from multiple nuclear detonations, including ash, smoke, and pyroclastic debris from multiple volcanic eruptions. These things will result in utter darkness such as has never been experienced before in all of earth's history. This unprecedented darkness will utterly envelope the earth. (10) The moon will "turn to blood" whatever that means; YOU will know should you still be alive at this point. (11) The protective layers of the upper atmosphere, having been stripped away from all of the atmospheric devastation, will strip away all of the earth's protective layers, allowing the sun to burn people with its unfiltered solar intensity, even in the midst of darkness. (12) In an earthquake so massive and devastating, every mountain range, every valley, and every part of the entire world's topography will be moved and rearranged. Every single one. This will be a truly planetary shaking and upheaval. This is but a synopsis of all that is yet to be endured during the last three and one-half years before Christ returns to put an end to the destruction and rebellion. Oh, my dear beloved, if you are reading these chronicles now BEFORE the rapture has occurred, please, I beg you to come to Christ now so that you may become a part of the Church of Jesus Christ. Come to salvation NOW so that you will not be here to endure these coming horrors. If, however, the event of the rapture already has occurred, then I implore you now to delay no longer! Please come to Christ for salvation now - right now. You will most probably lose your physical life; but if you do, your immortal soul will go immediately to Heaven to dwell forever in the presence of the Lord. You will dwell with Him and with all of the redeemed of all the ages until the end of the Tribulation, when you too will be given a new and immortal body. If you choose not to come to Christ, if you choose to accept the "mark" of the Antichrist, then you most assuredly WILL die when King Jesus returns to set up His kingdom in Jerusalem, Israel. That is an absolute and unchangeable fact. Only believers will be allowed to enter into King Jesus' kingdom on earth. Only believers both mortal and Immortal will be allowed to enter and live in His restored and renovated earth. And you? If you die in your sins, if you take the "mark" of the Antichrist, then you will die physically and spiritually, and your immortal soul will live forever throughout all eternity suffering untold agonies in the Lake that forever burns with fire that God had prepared for Satan and his fallen angels. Dear Reader, here is what you must do to be saved: (1) You must understand and accept the truth that you are a justly condemned sinner in need of a Redeemer. You need the sinless God/man, Jesus Christ, to save you because you cannot save yourself by your own actions or merits (Romans 3:23; Romans 10:9-10). (2) You must believe (place your complete faith and trust) in the fact that Jesus - God the Son, came to earth in human flesh - that He lived a perfect and utterly sinless life so that He could, as a man, pay the penalty (wages) that sin demanded to be paid in order to satisfy God's (John 3:16-18) infinite justice. (3) You must believe that Jesus, who is God the Son incarnate, died a sinner's death as an innocent man - the perfect sacrifice - in order that by His sacrifice in our place He might redeem (purchase us back) from the penalty exacted upon us by the guilt of sin. You must believe that His death fully atones and pardons all of the sin guilt of all people who are willing to come to Him by faith, believing that Jesus Christ alone is the only One who can save lost mankind, and that through Him alone is the only means of mankind's redemption (John 14:6). (4) You must believe that Jesus bodily resurrected from the tomb three days later and that, by His resurrection, He conquered Death and sealed the eternal destinies in Heaven for all who are willing to believe on Him and who are willing to trust in His grace alone for the free pardon of their sins (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). Dear Reader, we are drawing to a close in this series of declaration and warning. I have attempted, as best as I am able, to give you the truth of all that is to shortly come to pass. I and all the other teachers, writers, staff, and fellow believers here at Rapture Ready have tried and will continue to the best of our abilities to be "watchmen and women on the wall" warning, pleading, and exhorting you that time is quickly running out for you to come to Christ before the rapture of the Church occurs. There will be only one more epistle in this series of letters chronicling what will occur once the Church is gone; and then, all that I have been called to write will have been written, and all that I've been led to do done. The "ball," as they say, is now in your court. Every believer here urges you with all that is in us not to delay coming to salvation. The rapture of the true Remnant Church of Jesus Christ can (and will) occur at any moment. Once it happens, if you have not accepted Christ as your Savior when we, the Remnant Church, are called up to depart this earth, then you will be left behind; and all (and far more) that I have briefly outlined here in these series of letters will occur to you. Please, come now to Christ while there is still time. Keep reading, the last epistle will follow shortly. New Year Supermoon Ushering in God-Based Feminism Necessary for Messiah - By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - "And on your joyous occasions-your fixed festivals and new moon days-you shall sound the trumpets over your burnt offerings and your sacrifices of well-being. They shall be a reminder of you before your God: I, Hashem, am your God." Numbers 10:10 (The Israel Bible™) The first night of the New Year will feature a full-fledged supermoon, the second in a series of three that will be the largest supermoon of 2018, a phenomenon which, in Jewish mysticism, embodies a process of God-based feminism based in Genesis which is, according to Jewish mysticism, a necessary component in bringing the Messiah. A supermoon occurs when the moon is at the part of its elliptical orbit that brings it closer to Earth, appearing up to 14 percent bigger and 30 percent brighter than when it is viewed at its furthest point. On the night of January 1st, the moon will be at its closest point of the entire year. Sara Yehudit Schneider, an author and director of A Still Small Voice Torah teaching institution, believes the appearance of a larger-than-normal moon is a necessary precursor to the Messianic era. Though a supermoon is a purely astronomical appearance, it embodies a God-based feminism that was hinted at in the Story of Creation and the moon's phases are a constant reminder of mankind's Messianic mission. "There is an aspect of the geula (redemption) process is a repairing of the moon, which basically means the rising of the feminine," Schneider told Breaking Israel News. "In Jewish symbology, the masculine archetype conflates with the sun and the feminine with the moon." As the basis for her claim, Schneider cited the Talmud (Hulin 60b). The Talmud discusses the seeming contradiction in the verse describing the creation of the sun and the moon. Hashem made the two great lights, the greater light to dominate the day and the lesser light to dominate the night, and the stars. Genesis 1:16 Though initially described in equal terms, the verse then noted the sun and the moon were not equal, with the sun being called the "greater light" and the moon the "lesser light". The Talmud explains that when God created the sun and the moon they were equal in every manner, including size and intensity. The moon complained, saying, "Two kings cannot share one crown." God agreed and made the moon shine less intensely, compensating the moon by commanding Israel to set the calendar by its cycles. "The moon was diminished as part of the creation, surrendering her throne," Schneider explained. "The rest of history, from Creation to Messiah, is the moon reattaining her fullness of stature. The bliss of the messianic era is when the masculine and feminine meet face-to-face, completely equal, as represented by the Cherubim on the ark of the covenant." "Our messianic goal is for the 'he' and 'she' to become completely equal," Schneider said. "The feminine polarity, or shechina (divine presence), is that aspect of the universe that is engaged in a dynamic moving towards perfection, represented by the moon. The masculine is represented by the sun, completeness in a state of unwavering perfection. All of creation has an aspect of feminine and is moving towards a sun-like completeness." "To do this, the sun and the moon need to be completely equal, but they aren't which is why the solar and lunar calendar are out of sync," Schneider said. "Though the lunar cycle appears circular, returning to the same point each month, each ascent to fullness leaves a trace of growth, bringing us closer to completion and Moshiach (Messiah)." Schneider emphasized that modern feminism is not intentionally moving towards Messiah but it serves a necessary and holy function nonetheless. "So many things that are necessary for the Messianic process can be done with a pure God-centered intention or a non-God-centered intention," Schneider said. "That applies to feminism as well. It is true that if we are not keeping up the pace, if there are changes and transitions that need to happen and the God-conscious folks aren't getting to work and fulfilling their responsibilities, Hashem will get people to push things through even without the correct intention." "One of the distinguishing features of the feminine that is necessary for the messianic age is the collapsing of hierarchy when everyone will be unique and equally the most beloved to Hashem" Schneider concluded. The night following the first full moon of the month will see the Quadrantid meteor shower light up the skies, although the moon's bright glare will make it more difficult to spot. The final supermoon of the trio will arrive on January 31. It is also a 'Blue Moon', so called because it is the second full moon in a single calendar month. On average, Blue Moons happen every two and a half years. This full moon will also be a blood moon. The moon's appearance will change during the eclipse, gradually getting darker and taking on a rusty or blood red color, making the astronomical spectacle a super Blue 'Blood Moon.' Nearing Midnight: The Death of Journalism in America - Todd Strandberg - The traditional job of the news media is to report the facts of world events. Their job is to ask tough questions to get to the truth. There has always been a bias in how news is covered by the liberal media. The press would bend and twist the truth, but it would never stoop to lying. The meltdown of journalistic standards over the past few years has now brought us to the point where the major news outlets have totally given themselves over to their liberal agenda. Some force of madness is compelling them to report whatever will help achieve their goal of toppling the president and changing election results. On December 1, ABC News correspondent Brian Ross went on air and reported that President Trump had instructed Michael Flynn to contact Russian officials before the 2016 election, while Trump was still a candidate. After the story flashed on the news wires, the stock market plunged by $300 billion in value. Stocks quickly recovered when it became clear that ABC had no source for its charge. Ross was suspended by ABC for four weeks, which gives him a nice extended Christmas vacation. A few days later, the New York Times ran a story that claimed Trump transition official K.T. McFarland had lied to congressional investigators about knowledge of the Trump transition team's contacts with Russia. This story was found to be false. On December 5, Reuters and Bloomberg reported that special counsel Robert Mueller had subpoenaed Deutsche Bank account records of President Trump and family members. The media was all excited that they had found the Russia bombshell. When it became clear that there was no connection to Trump, the story was quietly corrected to say Mueller was subpoenaing "people or entities close to Mr. Trump." On December 8, CNN reported that Donald Trump Jr. had been sent an email on September 4, 2016, with a decryption key to a WikiLeaks trove of hacked emails from Clinton confidant and Democratic operative John Podesta-that is, before the hacked emails were made public. Within hours the report was discredited. Trump Jr. himself pointed out that the email in question was sent on September 14, after the hacked Podesta emails had been made publicly available. CNN later admitted that it had never read the email that was at the core of its claim. Major news stories are not based on the hearsay of one person. Before anything is published, it passes through several layers of editors and fact checkers. To have several people fail to notice obvious dates or lack of supporting documentation, shows how the media is so fatally compromised that everything it publishes must be questioned. CNN still claims to be an objective news outlet. On its twitter is the hashtag "#Factsfirst." The problem with CNN's boast is similar to what Margaret Thatcher said about power. In this case, being Trustworthy in News is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't. Nearly all media are nothing more than a political arm of the Democratic party. The news coverage it gives to Trump is almost 100% negative. Hitler was the most evil man to be covered in the age of mass-media news reporting. None of the newsreels from the 1940's show the Trump level of fixation on every possible negative angle of the story. With willpower, it is possible to transfer any bit of news into a negative attack. If President Trump had saved a female from drowning in the flood, CNN would say that Trump's busy hand is the reason for him touching the woman. About 30 years ago a woman was in an elevator with Trump, and he hit on her. She told Trump that she was not interested in him. Today, the press is recounting this event as if it was sexual harassment 101. The only perversion here is the media spinning standard sexual practices into manufactured offenses. The death of Journalism isn't just about what the liberal media says about Trump. It's also about news stories that regularly don't make it through the leftist filter. Last week, unemployment for African Americans dropped to a 17-year low. This was unreportable news because there is a Republican in the White House. Several of the fires raging in California were found to have been started by illegal immigrants. Because these people are a protected class in the eyes of the media, you don't see reports on their connection to the California fires. The near total corruption of the press has moved us down the path towards despotism. In most cases where a nation has fallen under autocratic rule, a dictator takes over the government and then he takes over all the media outlets. In our case, the media have been the first to fall. If a dictator should soon come to power, the press will be fully ready to follow his commands. "In transgressing and lying against the Lord, and departing away from our God, speaking oppression and revolt, conceiving and uttering from the heart words of falsehood. And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter. Yea, truth faileth; and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey: and the Lord saw it, and it displeased him that there was no judgment" (Isaiah 59:13-15). Daily Jot: Traditional America does exist - Bill Wilson - In recent weeks the anti-everything-America crowd began attacking Hallmark Christmas movies as being too white, too traditional, too heterosexual, and not enough gay, black and, yes, Islamic. As put it, "...they all depict a fantasy world in which America has been Made Great Again." wrote, "This is a cultural representation issue and one made especially disheartening when you take into account the way these movies sell a nostalgia for a false, if durable, vision of an America that never existed." Slate and Salon are leftist publications that criticize everything they perceive as traditional American values. But they are clearly wrong that the Hallmark-depicted America never existed. I grew up in it. Wayland, Ohio is a small, rural burg even today. While Griff's old post office/general store no longer exists, and the town hall and church built in the early 1800s were sold by the township trustees in the late 1970s, Wayland still recalls the strength and ideals of America and the American way of life. Wayland is connected to Paris, Palmyra, Deerfield, Charlestown, and Edinburgh-each about five miles from the other. The people that lived in these communities when I was growing up were diverse-Italian, Welsh, Hungarian, German, Black, White, Catholic, Protestant, very poor, middle class, upper middle class. They were farmers, factory workers, storekeepers, volunteer firemen, construction workers. I remember one Christmas, the Umbaughs across the road from our church lost everything in a fire. They were not members of the church and they were largely first generation "foreigners" to the area. But everyone made sure they had food, clothing, housing, fuel and fellowship until they got back on their feet. Leonard Bell's father died. They lived next to Paris school. Everyone chipped in and made sure their needs were met. If someone's car stopped alongside the road, a neighbor would make sure they got what they needed to fix it and get back on the road. When it was harvest time, my Dad and our neighbors helped one another get the crops in. We took freshly baked cookies and pies to one another for no good reason except to be kind and neighborly. There was a connection between all the families in the area. And you know something, these traditions continue today. They are instilled in each of us. My wife's family lived only about 10 miles from mine. We knew each other from young ages. The American tradition depicted by Hallmark lives in them every day of the week, every month of the year, not just on Christmas. It reaches beyond differences in religious beliefs, politics, ethnic backgrounds, race, or all the "isms" the anti-America crowd likes to throw in our faces. We aren't perfect, but we are kind and civil. We follow a simple rule as spoken by Christ in Luke 6:31, " And as you would that men should do to you, do you also to them likewise." The America of Hallmark does exist in the hearts of those who love God, country and family. Daily Devotion: All in God's Time - By Greg Laurie - He will give eternal life to those who keep on doing good, seeking after the glory and honor and immortality that God offers. -Romans 2:7 We tend to think that everything that will happen must happen during the short span of life that we have here on Earth. But according to the Bible, we will live forever. And there are still things we will do yet in the future. I think of my own son Christopher who is in Heaven right now. He went home to be with the Lord at the age of 33. Christopher was a committed believer and a loving son, brother, husband, and father. He also was a talented designer. Does God still have plans for him to use that gift? Maybe in the future. The Bible says this of the Millennium: "In those days people will live in the houses they build and eat the fruit of their own vineyards" (Isaiah 65:21). We will have work to do. We will have tasks to accomplish. And maybe the dreams you never realized on Earth will be realized in Heaven-or on the New Earth when Christ comes to rule and reign, and believers rule and reign with Him. God loves us, and He gave each of us abilities. He gave each of us a desire to achieve and to do something with our lives. In fact, we are told in Romans 2:7, "He will give eternal life to those who keep on doing good, seeking after the glory and honor and immortality that God offers." We want that. We want to accomplish something. We want our lives to matter. God wired us that way. It all will be done in God's time, either here or there. But until that time, we want to be faithful. We want to be faithful with what God has set before us. We want to use our lives, our time, and our resources wisely. FROM THE HEART
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