That Day - Pete Garcia -
It was a normal Monday. People got up and had their breakfast and morning coffees. News and weather channels called for generally mild temperatures and forecasts for the week. Families readied their children for schools and universities were in mid swing for fall semester. Military units trained and people worked. Politicians went politicking, movie stars lived famously. The poor were poor and the world just seemed to keep moving in the direction it always has…until the announcement. Unbeknownst to the average person, OPEC announced that it would no longer honor the US Dollar as the ‘global reserve currency’, and would transition to that of a ‘basket of currencies’. It seemed, that Arab leaders within OPEC were not happy with the current American administrations handlings of both ISIS and Iran, and decided to hurt us where it really hurts, our wallets. This announcement then triggered a series of reactions. The first of which is that it sent the stock and bond markets into a panicked frenzy. Global reactions were varied. Many such as the BRIC’s (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) had long sought to delink itself from the current constraints of the US Dollar dominance. As if in conjunction or possibly in reaction to this report, Russia and Greece announced their new partnership and agreement to run a major natural gas pipeline and “joint” naval station in Greece. In exchange for both, the Russians would provide both the jobs and loans to offset what the European Union (EU) had been providing to keep Greece afloat. This helped Russia because it had lost its warm water port in Syria, and Crimea was could still be blockaded by NATO member Turkey, at Istanbul. The G7 (Britain, United States, France, Canada, Japan, Italy, and Germany) met for an emergency summit. After much discussion and a recommendation from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the G7 made a counter-announcement that same week. It’s as if the plan had already been in place, but was waiting for the right ‘trigger’ to implement it. A new global reserve currency had been established and would serve to replace the ailing US Dollar. The US Dollar had had a good run, but now was tied up into such massive global debt, that no nation could ever hope to pay back, and thus, had created its own insolvency. The new currency was a digital credit. It wasn’t tied to anything of intrinsic value like oil or gold, but could be manipulated artificially and thus wasn’t subject to the laws of supply and demand. Since most banking in the 21st century is not actually paper or coin currency anymore, the transition to strictly digital wasn’t as difficult a transition as had been predicted. The G7 announced that it would begin this initiative by a debt forgiveness initiative within the seven members as a means to level the playing field, but would be extended to any nation who wished to join. Participating nations who made the switch, would have their former, fiat currency based debts, wiped clean and baseline credit established, based off their current and expected Gross Domestic Product (GDP) forecasts. Debt forgiveness for poorer nations had initially been championed by Pope John Paul II, and then by subsequent Popes (Benedict and Francis), but it would allow these nations to restructure and leverage natural resources for digital credits. This message from the Vatican resonated strongly most with of Latin America, the Philippines, and Brazil. Participating nations would be given a baseline credit, to which they could use as a transition from US Dollar holdings, to that of the new Digital Kredit. Stocks and bonds likewise, would be converted and a conversion rate of four US Dollars to one Kredit was held as the standard due to the devalued status of the Dollar. Unlike a startup Bitcoin or Coin, or other current digital currencies and banking techniques, the Kredit would first be fielded through Central Banks and Federal Reserves. Global banking giants like HSBC, Barclays, JP Morgan, and Citibank, all transitioned their current holdings into the new Kredit, so to maintain their foothold as stable financial platforms, and banking giants. By transitioning, what this meant really, was converting to a new software program/code would be initiated, and participating banks would have a start-date by which they must be operating within. National currencies such as the British Pound, Japanese Yen, Euro, and US Dollar would still be honored at the national level (pay, gas, shopping, bills, etc), but would begin to be phased out incrementally over a period of six-twelve months. But national currencies had to be converted to the Global Currency Standard (Digital Kredit) in order for nations to conduct business with each other at the international level. This de-linkage between the national and global reserve, prevented any one nation from dragging down the rest (i.e…Greece, Spain, Puerto Rico, China, etc). In other words, a national currency could still fail internally, but that only worked to expedite the transition towards and the dependence on, the Digital Kredit. This international requirement for a Digital Kredit as the financial standard, also served as a work around to the US Congress. The US Congress (both Houses) primary means of strength, was both in their ability to legislate law into effect, and control the purse strings. Since the US Dollar was still the currency within the United States, they maintained control of it, albeit a dying currency. It is the Executive Branch who represents at the G7, G8, G20, etc. and entered into the international arrangement. Although International Treaties have to be approved and ratified by the Congress, they too can be pressed, bought, and bullied into supporting legislation that they may or may not have even read yet, i.e.…Affordable Care Act (Democrat controlled house) and Trans Pacific Partnership (Republican controlled house) In exchange for converting to the new system, a NATO like arrangement would be agreed upon, so that any nation opting in, would have a security agreement with the rest. Since the US provides the bulk of the strength for NATO, this meant US forces would be parceled out to new overseas bases and begin training operations for host nation forces. At the local level, the Digital Kredit was tied into a singular card, with a digital chip embedded into it. In the chip, was both the banking and biometric information of the card holder. One person could not use another person’s card (in theory), thus was created to specifically counter identity theft. But this could only be 100% secure, if the cardholder had the accompany RFID chip embedded into their hand. In other words, the card didn’t work, without both being present. Of course, the global elites knew that the reaction from Christian’s would be to call this the ‘mark of the beast’. But if you simply linked the card and the chip together as protection against identity theft, it was easier to swallow. In truth, the card allowed people to still buy and sell, as most businesses already had card readers, but not many had the current ability to read RFID chips. Those RFID readers would be fielded to the chain stores such as Wal-Mart and Target up front, but would not saturate the market for another 12-15 months. But the elites didn’t care what true Christian’s thought in regards to the Digital Kredit chip. True Christianity was on its way out, and had been marginalized by the media, political, and cultural leaders for a while now, so their voice would be drummed out and/or ignored. The prospect of total financial security was more appealing, than some 2,000 year old prophecy warning of doom and gloom. And like everything else, pretty soon, you won’t have a choice. You will either have to convert to this new system, or not be able to participate in the marketplace. Assessment He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666. Revelation 13:16-18 While I am no economic expert, the above is a scenario that could play out. Truth be told, we won’t know until it actually happens. What we are seeing today, is the economic and geo-political stage being set. The world is getting ready and you can already see that our current financial system is teetering on the verge of collapse, but is somehow being stayed in place, until the time is right. If you’re a born again believer, you won’t be here to live through it when it finally makes its manifestation as the ‘mark of the beast’. How do I know that? Because the Bible promises us that the Church (Revelation 3:10) will not be here for it. That is not to say that we won’t see the stage being set. We have definitely entered into this increasingly period of Post-Christian era, in which we see the antichrist spirit raising up in the world. What that means is, we may go through some trying times until the Lord returns, but there will be a clear delineation between what we see today, and what will ultimately manifest in the ‘Mark of the Beast’. The Seals The ‘Mark of the Beast’ will be an irrevocable form of loyalty and worship to THE Antichrist. Whoever this final world leader is, will likely take these systems that are already being created today, and use that to conquer the world. Thus, the Seal Judgments in Revelation 6, chronicle sequentially, the natural repercussions of a world without the restraining hand of the Holy Spirit. (2 Thess. 2:5-8) Seal 1: Rider on the white horse who conquers with crown and bow Seal 2: Rider on the red horse, peace taken from the earth as the world revolts against him (Antichrist) Seal 3: Rider on the black horse, who triggers financial calamity and famine as a result of global war Seal 4: Rider on the pale horse, who introduces death on a grand scale, which follows global famine and war. Many think that because the world is already seemingly at the point where this could happen, that we must already be in the ‘hour of testing’. But if the Antichrist is released at the First Seal, and he can only be revealed when the Holy Spirit, no longer restrains him, then the role that was given to the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, must be removed or recalled. Remember, Christ said… Behold, I send the Promise of My Father upon you; but tarry in the city of Jerusalem until you are endued with power from on high.” Luke 24:49 And we see this play out ten days later (Acts 1-2) at the Day of Pentecost in Jerusalem, when the Holy Spirit descends as ‘cloven tongues of fire’ on those who believed. The Holy Spirit then has been in the business of:
God the Holy Spirit is omnipresent, and has been for all eternity, but as we see according to scripture, that His role changes. At Creation, He energizes life. In the OT, He is sent specifically to certain people at certain times (Samson, Saul, David) to accomplish certain things. And at Pentecost through today, He is the Guarantee from the Father, for all who believe and have placed their faith in the Son. But just as the Church age had a beginning, it too, will also come to an end at the Pre-Tribulation Rapture. Just as the omnipresent Holy Spirit descended down in dramatic fashion, likewise, the Rapture of the Church will in dramatic fashion, remove from the earth the body of Christ (Col. 1:18) by ascension, and translate and resurrect our mortal bodies, into our immortal bodies, (1 Cor. 15:51-55) so that we may exist with Christ in the heavenlies, until the time comes for us to return with Christ, at the Second Coming. (Jude 1:14, Rev. 19:7-14) So while the times now appear to be dark, and the Babylonian system of control seems on the verge to be overtaken every facet of our life, we know that day will not come, so long as the Church remains on the earth. But it appears to be drawing close, and that should encourage us, who see that Day approaching, to live emboldened for our Lord, sharing our faith, and living out our testimonies by the grace and mercy that Christ applied to our own soiled and broken lives. For this reason I also suffer these things; nevertheless I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day. 2 Timothy 1:12 Even So, Maranatha! |
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