The Birth Pangs - Pete Garcia -
Treblinka. Sobibor. Belzec. These were the often less heard of death camps positioned along the eastern Polish/Soviet border, away from all civilization, and served only one purpose…to exterminate as many Jews as possible. In fact, more people died at Treblinka as a single point on the map, than at any other place in human history. Survivors from these particular camps were few, and as the subsequent years go by, only a handful of those survivors remain. In watching the testimonies of these men in a documentary on Treblinka, the question both survivors (both currently unbelievers) asked toward the end was, “where was God in all of this?” These men survived the worst of the worst, and had lived to tell the tale, and yet, the same attitude they had, is common amongst many Jew today, which asks, “If the God of our fathers is real, why didn’t He intervene?” And this is why many Jews today, remain unbelievers and non-practicing in Judaism. In their minds, they cannot reconcile a faith, which tells them to pray to a God who has selected them as the “Chosen” people, yet allowed six million of their fellow Jews, family, loved ones, and friends…die under such brutal circumstances. It is hard to comprehend what that generation had to do to survive such an ordeal, and at such a high cost of pain, suffering, and dignity. But while we today hem and haw and Monday-quarterback about what the Jews should have done and not done leading up to the Final Solution, so as not to be at the receiving end of a Nazi ethnic cleansing campaign, the truth is, they didn’t know what they didn’t know. They thought what people of any given generation think, and that is, things will eventually get better. They couldn’t believe, or perhaps, wouldn’t allow themselves to believe that a Holocaust could happen to them in modern, western, educated Europe. In America today, we are eye witnesses to a similar aggressive assault upon, and eroding rights of our own civil liberties, despite being under the protective umbrella of the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution. Yet, despite being a supposed majority in the US…the American church has remained eerily silent over the years. Hypothetically speaking, were America and the world to survive intact for another 50 years, those in that future generation might look back and say “why didn’t the American Christian’s stand up and speak up for themselves, before they came and took them all away?” American Christianity has allowed and tolerated a whole slew of offenses which are against both God and humanity to embed itself into the fabrics of our society. It began with intellectual acceptance of human secularism in the 19th century, which declared that man was not created, but was an accident. This was supported by the theory of naturalistic evolution (made popular by Darwin), which supposedly provided the “science” to prove that man came from animals. This fed into the rising secularistic and atheistic psychology movement, which enthusiastically pronounced that “God was dead”. It then progressed within the eugenics movement, which gave mankind the idea that we could and should play God, and decide who lived, and who shouldn’t. Then liberalism and socialism began creeping in, and infecting the seminaries and universities, polluting the minds of young students to believe that the government knows what’s best for you and I. Then World War II broke out with the rise of Adolph Hitler and the invasions of Czechoslovakia and Poland. Whether the Jews want to admit it or not, God was there. God allowed these events to play out for a specific reason, and that is to fulfill Bible Prophecy in both the Old and New Testaments. (Amos 9:14-15, Zech. 12:6, Isaiah 11:11, Luke 21:24) Whether the United States liked it or not, she was going to be pulled into the war, because at this moment in time, God would use her as the instrument of His punishment and also to preserve the Jewish people and allow for the creation of the state of Israel. So out of the atrocities of that global conflict, which would cost the world the lives of six million Jews, and hundreds of millions of others, there would arise a Jewish nation again, after almost 1,900 years of global diaspora. And as horrific as the holocaust was, it would fundamentally instill in the Jewish people the mindset of, ‘Never Again’. At least some then had the forethought to make sure that this was documented, chronicled, published, and fast. General Eisenhower, while touring a labor camp near Gotha, Germany remarked; "The same day [April 12, 1945] I saw my first horror camp. It was near the town of Gotha. I have never felt able to describe my emotional reactions when I first came face to face with indisputable evidence of Nazi brutality and ruthless disregard of every shred of decency. Up to that time I had known about it only generally or through secondary sources. I am certain, however that I have never at any other time experienced an equal sense of shock." "I visited every nook and cranny of the camp because I felt it my duty to be in a position from then on to testify at firsthand about these things in case there ever grew up at home the belief or assumption that `the stories of Nazi brutality were just propaganda…'” But even then and just prior to the Nuremburg Trials, both the Russian and American leaders, decided to preserve some of the Third Reich’s top scientists (Operation Paperclip) for their own geo-political agendas. In a deliberate way, we set aside our principles and our convictions, to bring in men who were members of a vicious and barbaric regime, which had systematically killed millions of people, just so we could gain the militaristic edge over the other power. Quickly thereafter, we were pulled into another war (Korea), and then another (Vietnam)…and so it would seem to be the case for the next forty years. Small skirmishes and simmering tensions embroiled the world in a Cold War, and while we were distracted with that, allowed for the rise of radical Islam. Wars and rumors of wars, and against enemies in whom despite our military advantage (remember Operation Paperclip?), we could not win against. Sure, we won the battles, but the wars were lost by the politicians, the media, and by the American public. Hollywood and pop culture began promoting rampant hedonism at levels unseen in the modern era. Politicians began adopting and incorporating the corrupt techniques from the larger and more Democratic cities, to every echelon of government. The Industrial Military Complex ramped up its efforts to stay in business, erstwhile, the politicians began making careers out of staying in office. Abortion on demand became legalized in 1973, while our government legally funded and exported our own mini-versions of Treblinka to every city across our fruited plains. Instead of calling them what they really are (a Treblinka) we just renamed them Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood, who is the creation of Margaret Sanger (a die-hard Eugenics supporter), led the Nazi’s to the belief that they too, could play God and thus eventually allowed for the legal and scientific support for the Nazi’s Final Solution. [See how this all comes full circle?] To our own detriment, the American Planned Parenthood industry of death, has effectively put to shame every other tyrant and dictator of the 20th Century (to include Hitler, Stalin, and Mao) by exterminating over sixty million born and unborn children. Surely, for your lifeblood I will demand a reckoning; from the hand of every beast I will require it, and from the hand of man. From the hand of every man’s brother I will require the life of man. “Whoever sheds man’s blood, by man his blood shall be shed; for in the image of God He made man. Genesis 9:5-6 Assessment “The heavens are not so simple as they seem, nor is God so mocked as He consents to appear, and to appear for long. He gives our desire, and it shrivels our soul. Of our pleasant vices He is making instruments to scourge us. The passions, ambitions, and adventures of men go on to achieve their end through a riot of worldliness, wickedness, defiance, and guilt; but they are after all the levers for a mightier purpose than theirs, which thrives on their collapse. The wrath of man works the righteousness of God…” “The non-intervention of God bears very heavy interest, and He is greatly to be feared when He does nothing. He moves in long orbits, out of sight and sound. But He always arrives. Nothing can arrest the judgment of the Cross, nothing shake the judgment-seat of Christ. The world gets a long time to pay, but all the accounts are kept—to the uttermost farthing. Lest if anything were forgotten there might be something unforgiven, unredeemed, and unholy still.” PT Forsyth While I do not believe in the possibility for a present-day American holocaust to come at the cost of American Christians, surely we know that according to the Scriptures, a persecution is coming. We are the generation who are witnessing the preview of ‘things to come’. This coming persecution will be so severe, that if God did not cut it short, no flesh would survive. (Matt. 24:21-22) But that day is not now, and not under these conditions. Too many people own weapons, and too many of the Armed Forces and law enforcement would not go along with some kind of genocidal Martial Law to make it even feasible. Remember, the Active Duty Army is the largest component of the Department of Defense, and even then, only makes up less than 1% of the general population of the United States. No, in order for this to see the light of day, it would have to come on the heels of an event so globally catastrophic, that the world will be forced into it whether it wants to go or not. An event such as the Rapture of the Church will force that change. But the Rapture will find the world too embroiled in its own drama, to even see That Day coming. (Luke 17:24-30; 1 Thess. 5:1-9) Out of the chaos and aftermath of the Rapture of the Church, will come a man who seemingly has the solutions to the problems the world is looking for. What are those problems?
You and I know the world has been looking for the solutions to these problems for many decades now. In recent years, we have been witness to the acceleration and exasperation of problems listed above, to the point in which we have reached a culmination point. Simply put, these problems have reached the level in which we can proceed no further, without fundamentally changing everything. The world’s industrial and western nations are drowning on their own debt. Whole regions are on the verge of geo-political collapse due to political instability. And the world can proceed no further without the full compliance of the United States, which it cannot do by our own Constitution. The solution to these problems lie in two areas: one natural, and the other supernatural. The technology to implement both economic and military control over the whole planet exists today. What they lack, is the right crisis to implement said controls. The right crisis, is the Rapture of the Church. But since we don’t know the day or the hour in which the Lord will return, we don’t know exactly when this will take effect. But those who are paying attention, can see the storm clouds brewing, and we know we are in that season of the Lord’s return. (Matt.16:1-4) We do know that there are Christian’s in every nation on the planet, some more heavily saturated than others, which means that this will impact every nation, not just the US. But if the world’s elite can wrap their arms around an evolving and heavily fraudulent crisis such as Global Cooling, Warming, Climate Change…you can bet they will embrace the Rapture as some form of Maia or Alien induced judgment on the planet. Even if only 10% of the United States is taken, that is still 30 million American’s. This will wreck our economy and since the world relies on our economy to keep all the other economies in balance, this by default will destabilize the whole world’s economy, thus necessitating the need for the drastic change. If you think we are not the generation of in question in the Parable of the Fig Tree, think about what it cost in terms of human lives, to rebirth Israel again in the table of nations. It cost them six million souls. God views every life as precious, and you can guarantee that the Holocaust was not in vain. (Jeremiah 30:7-11) And at 60 million plus deaths of our most innocent at the idolatrous altar of convenience, our usefulness in God’s agenda has just about run its course. God will get His reckoning on this nation, and that is to take it away from being a nation. And speaking of pregnancy… But concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, you have no need that I should write to you. For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night. For when they say, “Peace and Safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape. 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3 |
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