Time's up? - Wendy Wippel - http://www.omegaletter.com/articles/articles.asp?ArticleID=8134
Fouad Hussein was your average Jordanian journalist until jailed in 1996-a jail also occupied by Abu-Musab al-Zarqawi, top A.-Qaeda operative. He recognized the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and spent the next few years infiltrating Al-Qaeda-- to the top-and then wrote a book, detailing their intentions. My advice? Go ahead and spend your retirement. What Fouad discovered, over the time he spent in that den of snakes, was that Al-Qaeda (as it may seem if you watch much prime-time news), is not just a random collection of bloodthirsty jihadists that (maybe because they watched too many American movies) get their jollies by killing as many people as possible and watching things explode. What Fouad found-and documented-was that Al -Qaeda, in fact, had put together a comprehensive and detailed business plan. But their plan wasn't concerned with mere profits. No. They had much loftier goals. Al-Qaeda had put together a detailed plan for restoring the former Caliphate (translation: Islamic Empire) that had ruled a big chunk of the world until it was dismantled after World War I. But a bigger, better caliphate. Because the caliphate they envision will encompass the whole world. Their plan consists of seven phases. Phase 1: The Awakening Phase 1 intends to awaken the west to Muslim power and ambition, and to awaken those not already on board in the Muslim world to the glory to be obtained by ridding the world of infidels, establishing an islamic Caliphate as a one-world government, and bringing all the world's citizens under Sharia Law. Phase 2: Opening Eyes The goal of Phase 2 is to, through key tactical victories and liberal use of propaganda, replace mainstream ideology in the Arab world with the radical, jihadist ideology, espoused by Al-Qaeda until that jihadist ideology becomes mainstream. According to the plan, this will serve to both 1) commit the Muslim world to restoring the caliphate and 2) alarm the west into initiating some sort of military response. Phase 3: Islam Arises The focus of Phase 3 is to foment revolution in nearby Muslim countries that have either secular governments (e.g. Jordan, Yemen, Egypt, Syria, Turkey, Burkini Faso), or anti-Islamic governments (basically Israel). Phase 4: Collapse Phase 4 will consist of (given that the plan has up till now succeeded in achieving its intended goals) watching secular governments in the Arab world topple as popular revolts (read that insurrection by Islamic fundamentalists) put new leaders in power and more extremists into the Al-Qaeda fold. Phase 5: The Caliphate Established In Phase 5,the success of efforts to radicalize the Islamic sphere and dwindling will in the west to wage war against radical Islam enable and official declaration of an Islamic State, setting the stage for increasing ideologic division of the world into the Muslim righteous (dar-al al islam) and the nonbelievers (dar al-har) who must be eradicated. Phase 6: Confrontation The rapid rise to prominence of the caliphate leads to world war, as the west finally recognizes the end of western civilization and unites to fight the Muslim agressors. Phase 7 Simple. They win. Islam and Sharia law rule the world. Sounds crazy, right? It gets worse. The Al-Qaeda plan had a timeline, too. Start to finish, their intent was to rule the entire world within 20 years. Rule the world in 20 years? Their god must be crazy!! What we need to remember is that their god is Lucifer himself. Crazy he is, no doubt. But, unfortunately, until his rabid little behind is chained, powerful he is as well. Which would explain why this crazy twenty-year plan to world dominance is right on schedule. Also crazy, but unfortunately true: Phase 1: The Muslim Awakening? Phase 1 was slated for 2000-2003. And on September 11, 2001, as we all remember, the west woke up (literally) to an awareness that the world had changed. And it had changed courtesy of an Islamic group called Al-Qaeda. (The role of 9/11 in awakening the Muslim world to the possibility of Islamic dominance in the world evidenced by the ongoing celebration of September 11 in the Muslim world.) Phase 2: Opening Eyes. Phase 2, scheduled to consume 3 years (2003-2006) was to consolidate Islamic commitment to the caliphate, partially by inducing the west to mount some kind of military response to 9/11. A coalition of forces from the U.S., the U.K., Australia and others invaded Iraq on March 19, 2003. According to Fouad, Al-Qaeda was very pleased that their plan worked so well. The devastating events of 9/11 had convinced the west to launch an attack. Phase 3: Islam Arises Phase 3, slated for 2007-2010, if you remember, purposed to encourage fundamentalist revolutions in Islamic populations of secular countries. Phase 4: Collapse of all infidel governments: Phase 4, to begin in 2011 and end in 2013, was intended to consist of successive topplings of secular Islamist governments by internal populist insurrections, adding extremist Islamic revolutionaries to the Al-Qaeda fold. The demise of Saddam Hussein and the collapse of his rule in Iraq produced a spreading instability in the area, with the season we know as euphemistically as "Arab Spring" actually consisting of a series of government shake ups in Arab governments that resulted in a significant move toward Islamic fundamentalism and radicalization of the government. . Namely? 1) Egypt, 2011: Hosni Mubarak out, Moslem Brotherhood in. 2) Libya: 2011: Islamic Fighting Group now a prominent player in government. Ditto Tunisia and Morocco. 3) Yemen 2014: Moderate President Selah forced to step down, extremely fundamentalist Houthis take control. 4) Syria, 2011: Civil War designed to weaken the reign of the non-sunni Assad (also an infidel in Al-Qaeda's book) as the ruler of what consists, to fundamentalists, as appetizers to be consumed before Islamist consumption of the main course, Israel. 5) Turkey: Prime Minister Recep Tayipp Erdogan (while not deposed) made an Arab Spring tour of Arab countries in which he increasingly espoused support for Palestinians. Solidarity with Islamic countries, indifference towards EU membership and animosity towards Israel. To name a few. Erdogan, in fact, admitted that democracy was never seriously in view in these Islamic countries, where Sharia law is the only rule of law acceptable. From Erdogan's lips, "the calls for democracy that the White House celebrated, were only the train we board to reach our destination." Their destination being the whole world under caliphate rule. Phase 5: The Caliphate Established Phase 5, planned to occur between 2011 and 2013--was a time believed to be a point at which, due to ongoing pro-Jihadist propaganda in the east (particularly through social media) combined with dwindling willingness to commit resources to fighting radical is Islam in the west, at which the Al-Qaeda vision of an Islamic empire would have gained enough momentum to formally establish an Islamic State. And it had. Al-Qaeda itself, Osama bin Ladin having met his rightful end in 2011, lost momentum, but their ideology, as hoped in Phase 2, was now mainstream and a new group called ISIS carried its flag. ISIS established and formally declared a new Islamic State in 2014, with its capital in al-Raqqa in Syria. And the sickening brutality that has been the ISIS hallmark is calculated, meant to leave no doubt that if you're within ISIS reach your choices are either submit to Allah and sharia law or die. Thereby setting the stage for increasing ideologic division of the world into the Muslim righteous (dar-al al islam) and the nonbelievers (dar al-har) who must be eradicated. Pretty good track record so far, eh? But as 2015 comes to a close, will their record hold? Time will tell. But the next phase, phase 6-- scheduled for 2016-2019---was forecast as a time, with the Islamic State established and growing in influence and power, that the west will finally unite to fight the Islamic threat. And worldwide war ensues. And phase 7? Of course they win, all infidels are disposed of, and Islam rules the world. Fortunately, we know that's not God's plan. But God does describe a period of time in which a servant of Satan, pretending to be a white knight (riding a white horse) will eventually bring the whole world under his thumb. Are they the same guy? Are the somehow otherwise connected? I don't know, but it would seem that the end is really drawing near. After all, Phase 7 is scheduled to end in 2020. And I know we're all ready to go, But what was it Paul said? "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body." Phil1:21- 25. We have the words of life in a dying world. What could be more important? |
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