12 Questions for Those Who Dismiss the Validity of Future Bible Prophecy – Jonathan Brentner -
Was the reestablishment of Israel as a nation in 1948 a fluke of history or the result of God’s miraculous working on behalf of His people? Although I and many others see God’s supernatural hand in it, most church leaders today claim Israel’s current existence has nothing to do with Bible prophecy. They teach that God rejected the people of Israel after their actions led to Jesus’ crucifixion. As a result, He transferred His promises of a glorious future kingdom from Israel to the church, albeit spiritually. We refer to this belief as “replacement theology” since its proponents say that the church has replaced Israel in God’s prophetic scheme. Does this really matter? Yes, it’s highly important because those immersed in this teaching . . . Fail to recognize the myriad of signs pointing to the nearness of the seven-year Tribulation and thus to Jesus’ soon appearing. Acknowledge the rampant evil of our day, but do not see the satanic nature of the deadly battle that rages around us. Remain blind to the spirit of the antichrist that is now openly and actively setting the stage for his coming kingdom. This is not a trivial matter, replacement theology not only strikes at the validity of future Bible prophecy, but it also mutes the voice of the church at a time when pastors need to warn their flock about what’s coming and comfort them with the “blessed hope” of the Gospel. My prayer is that the following dozen questions and my brief answers to them will encourage you. Our joyous hope in Jesus’ appearing to take us to heaven before the seven-year Tribulation has its roots deep in the promises God made to Israel long, long ago. 1. HAS GOD RENEGED ON HIS COVENANT OF THE LAND WITH THE PATRIARCHS? When the Lord made His covenant of the Land with Abraham in Genesis 15:12-21, He made its fulfillment totally dependent on Himself rather than on the behavior of its recipients. Furthermore, Israel has never occupied all of the Land He promised to the Patriarchs. In Psalm 105:7-11, God specifies that His covenant of the Land is “an everlasting covenant.” How can one say that this “everlasting covenant” is now invalid without altering the meaning of the word “everlasting?” God’s covenant of the Land with Israel remains in effect today. It’s impossible for Him to renege on the solemn oath He swore to Abraham in Genesis 15:12-21. It is, after all, His eternal promise. 2. WHEN DID GOD CLEANSE THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL FROM ALL THEIR SINS AND PUT HIS HOLY SPIRIT IN THEM? In Ezekiel 34:22-37, God promises, among many other things, to gather the Israelites “from the nations,” cleanse all their sins, and put His “Spirit within them.” The fulfillment of these verses couldn’t have happened before Jesus’ ascension back to Heaven (John 16:7) because God couldn’t give the Holy Spirit in such a way before that time. One must greatly distort the meaning of the prophet’s many physical promises to Israel in this passage to make them even remotely apply to the church. Both the spiritual an tangible pledges refer to a future restored Israel. The question remains: When did the Lord fulfill the promises to Israel that He recorded in Ezekiel 34:22-37 after the Lord’s ascension? He hasn’t done so, but will do so in the future. 3. WHEN DID THE ISRAELITES REPENT AS RECORDED IN ZECHARIAH 12:10-13:1? In Zechariah 12:10-13;1, the prophet records a time of great repentance for the people of Israel that occurs once they recognize that they crucified their Messiah. In this passage, the Lord goes out of his way to emphasize that this prophecy applies exclusively to the descendants of Jacob and no one else. It’s as if God knew that someday people would take this as a reference to the church and He needed to disallow such confusion by making sure we understand that this future awakening further applies to the “house of David” and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. These words surely await a future awakening of Israel, the one Paul refers to in Romans 11:25-36. 4. WHEN DID JESUS RULE OVER THE NATIONS FROM JERUSALEM? In Zechariah 14:9, we read these words: And the Lord shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one Lord, and his name one. The context makes it abundantly clear that Jesus reigns over the nations of the world from Jerusalem. If we take the words of this prophecy in the way the prophet intended, the reign of Christ as described in Zechariah 14:9-21 has not yet happened. The words of this prophecy absolutely cannot apply to the church unless one subjects them to human wisdom in the form of allegory, the subjective symbolizing of the words. Since all of Zechariah’s predictions regarding the first coming of Jesus happened precisely according to the words in the text, what’s the justification for applying symbolical meanings to specific words not yet fulfilled? There is none! 5. WHEN DID GOD “MAKE AN END OF SINS” AND “BRING IN EVERLASTING RIGHTEOUSNESS?” In Daniel 9:24, we find this promise: Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy. This prophecy refers to Daniel’s “people,” the descendants of Jacob, and “the holy city,” which must be Jerusalem. The Messiah will accomplish the ending of sins and the bringing in of “everlasting righteousness” during the “seventy weeks” of years designated for Israel and Zion. And since these words remains unfulfilled to this day, God must still have a purpose for both His “people,” and “holy city.” If one suggests that this prophecy somehow refers to the church, we must ask: Has God ever worked through the church to “make an end of sins” and “bring in everlasting righteousness?” Are these tasks the New Testament assigns to the church for now or in the future? The answer to both questions is an emphatic NO! There must be a seventieth week of Daniel because the Lord has not yet accomplished all He promised to do in Daniel 9:24 during the seventy weeks of years. 6. WHEN DID THE SEVENTIETH WEEK OF DANIEL OCCUR? If there is not a glorious restoration of a kingdom for Israel, that signifies that God gave up on His purposes for His people and city before completing the seventy weeks of Daniel 9:24-27. That scenario, of course, is impossible. As I demonstrated in The Biblical Necessity of a Third Jewish Temple, there must be a future seventieth week of Daniel because a key event in this week has not yet happened. The Bible says the Lord Himself, at His return to earth, will kill the one who desecrates a temple, which happens in the middle of the last week (see 2 Thessalonians 2:3-8). Has this happened? No! Either Paul was mistaken about the defilement of the Jewish temple by the antichrist or the fulfillment of the Daniel 9:27 will happen in the future during what we call the seven-year Tribulation. In other words, if there is no future time when the antichrist defiles a future Jewish temple and is subsequently killed at Jesus’ return to earth, we cannot trust Paul’s words in 2 Thessalonians 2. Of course, the words of the apostle are inspired Bible prophecy; there must be a future seven-year period of time when God turns His focus back to the Jewish people. 7. WHEN DID JESUS RULE OVER THE NATIONS WITH A “ROD OF IRON.” If one believes that God has replaced Israel with the church, one must subject hundreds of verses in the Psalms to subjective symbolism. The Psalmists often speak of Jesus’ Second Coming and His reign over the nations of the earth. Psalm 2 is the first such Messianic Psalm: verses 7-12 describe Christ’s inheritance of the nations from His Father. In verse 9, we read these descriptive words about the nature of His future reign: You shall break them with a rod of iron and dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel. Does Jesus rule in such a way over the church? Absolutely not; the Apostle Peter refers to Him as our “chief Shepherd” (1 Peter 5:4). Jesus “nourishes and cherishes” His church (Ephesians 5:29), He does not rule with a “rod of iron” over His own body. Can Psalm 2 refer to the eternal state? Again, that’s impossible because sin will not exist in this future realm (Revelation 21:4). If the words of Scripture mean what they say, there must be a time between the church age and the eternal state when Jesus rules over the nations just as the prophet Zechariah tells us (14:9-21). This rule must come from Jerusalem and include punishment for evil behavior. 8. DID GABRIEL MISLEAD MARY WHEN HE TOLD HER SHE WOULD BE THE MOTHER OF THE MESSIAH? In Isaiah 9:7, the prophet says that someday the Messiah will sit upon the “throne of David.” We take verse 6 as literal when it says that Christ would enter the world as a “child,” why not regard His kingdom rule on the “throne of David” in the same way? Many, however, do not. I believe the words of Gabriel to Mary, as recorded in Luke 31-32 confirm the literalness of all the prophet’s words in Isaiah 9:6-7. And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: When Mary heard these words from the angel, was she thinking of a spiritual kingdom or a literal realm? Was there any precedent for her to regard her Son’s future rule as anything but that of a physical reign on David’s throne? If so, what was it? Since God knew her understanding would be that of a tangible kingdom on earth, why would Gabriel repeat the entire promise of Isaiah 9:6-7 if Mary was not to take it at face value? Even the disciples on the day of Jesus’ ascension into heaven expected a future physical kingdom for Israel. How can we assume Mary regarded the promise of Gabriel as anything but that? And if so, it’s fulfillment must happen exactly as the Lord, through Gabriel, promised Mary or else we create a tangled web of epic proportions. 9. WHEN DID GOD BREAK THE FIXED ORDER OF NATURE? After prophesying about the new covenant that God would make with “the house of Israel and the house of Judah” (Jeremiah 31:31-34), Jeremiah records the Lord’s unalterable pledge to Israel’s continuance as a nation in 31:35-.36: Thus saith the Lord, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The Lord of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the Lord, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever. The continuing fixed order of nature confirms that the Lord still has a purpose for the nation of Israel. And to counter any “spiritual” application of His words, God cites physical places within the city of Jerusalem that will be rebuilt someday. He repeats the identical pledge in regard to His covenant with David in Jeremiah 33:14-22 and then again in 33:23-26 in response to Jews who at the time said that God had rejected Israel. In these passages, we have God’s emphatic confirmation of His covenants with Israel and David, which He pledges will remain intact as long as the fixed order of nature continues. 10. WHEN DID DAVID RULE OVER ISRAEL AFTER THE BABYLONIAN CAPTIVITY? During the time that the people of Judah were in captivity in Babylon, the prophet Ezekiel recorded the Lord’s amazing promises for His people in Ezekiel 37:24-28. Two aspects from these verses stand out in my mind: David will be king over Israel in the future. The Lord will establish an everlasting “covenant of peace” with Israel at the time of David’s reign over Israel. (See also Isaiah 54:10 for another reference to this still future covenant.) I believe that during the Millennium, a resurrected David will rule with Jesus in Jerusalem with duties that pertain to Israel. Others regard this prophecy as a reference to Christ, David’s descendant. Either way, the promise remains unfulfilled to this day. Ezekiel 37:15-28 specifies a restoration for Israel that has not even remotely happened since the time the prophet wrote these words. All attempts to apply these verses to the church fall woefully short. 11. WHEN DID THE “GREAT TRIBULATION” OCCUR In Matthew 24:21, Jesus said that a period of “great tribulation” will occur just before His Second Coming. During this time, the antichrist will persecute the Jewish people after desecrating the Jewish temple (see Matthew 24:15-22; 2 Thessalonians 2:3-8). Matthew 24 presents a dilemma for those who deny the restoration of a glorious kingdom for Israel. If Jesus’ words point to a still future time, it confirms that the seventieth week of Daniel 9:24-27 awaits a future fulfillment. Abundant discrepancies and contradictions arise when teachers assume that Matthew 24 refers to the entire time from Jesus’ ascension to His return to earth. Those who say that all of Matthew 24 represents past history, as many claim, do irreparable harm to the words of the text and to many other Scriptures as well. The “great tribulation” to which Jesus refers awaits a future fulfillment as it leads directly to His Second coming. All the words of Matthew 24:3-31 were future when Jesus spoke them, but today the Lord is graciously giving the world the precursors of the signs in this text as a warning that its words, as well as the judgments of the book of Revelation, will most certainly happen in the not too distant future. 12. WHY DID THE DISCIPLES STILL EXPECT A FUTURE RESTORATION OF A KINGDOM FOR ISRAEL? In Acts 1:6, the disciples asked Jesus this question, “Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?” I remember a pastor roaring with laughter when I told him that the disciples’ continuing expectation of a restored kingdom for Israel meant this glorious realm was still future. I listened as another preacher changed the wording of the disciples’ question in order to support his belief in replacement theology. Four years ago, I wrote a post titled, The Expectation of the Disciples. In it, I demonstrated why the disciples’ question in Acts 1:6, along with Jesus’ response to it, verifies a still future restored kingdom of Israel. SUMMATION Only the expectation of a still future glorious kingdom satisfactorily answers these 12 questions. All the errant views regarding the end times begin with the assumption that God has replaced Israel with the church. I know that many who hold fast to replacement theology also maintain the purity of the Gospel, which I applaud. However, I also know that those who symbolize Bible prophecy regarding the restoration of Israel open the door for the same treatment of other passages. The churches most likely to compromise with the evils of our culture are those that have long dismissed Jesus’ rule over Israel during the Millennium. This comes as the result of applying symbolic meanings to other clear passages of Scripture. Tim Moore, in a recent Harbingers Daily article, wrote: Why did God foretell so much about Jesus’ First Advent and Second Coming? Clearly, He wanted those “with eyes to see” to have discernment and to keep their hearts attuned to the Messiah. The Lord Jesus expected the Jewish leaders of His day to recognize the signs of the first advent because of the many prophecies in Scripture (Matthew 16:1-4; Luke 12:54-56). How much more is it incumbent upon us today to do the same with the end times? My book, The Triumph of the Redeemed-An eternal Perspective that Calms Our Fears in Perilous Times, is available on Amazon. In it, I examine both church history and Scripture in defending the restoration of a glorious kingdom for Israel and the Pretribulational Rapture. Note: Please consider signing up for my newsletter on the home page of my website at Thanks! Nearing Midnight: Memo of Love to Israel – Terry James - Many who view Bible prophecy from the pre-Trib view believe the United States has a special relationship with the nation Israel. I am certainly of that camp, as I’ve clearly expressed throughout the years. My own meaning is that America was used by God in the process of bringing Israel back as a nation after millennia of being dispersed throughout the world. The Diaspora began, as Jesus prophesied, in AD 70 when the Romans, led by General Titus, destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple atop Mount Moriah. The Jews scattered, but with the promise that they would one day return to their God-ordained homeland, where they would never be uprooted again. President Harry S. Truman stood against most of his presidential cabinet in supporting the rebirth of Israel, and the nation came into modernity, with its own language of Hebrew still intact even after all those centuries of dispersion. The date was May 14, 1948. This rebirth is considered a miracle even by many secular historians. The one bright prospect for this nation of destiny is that the God of Israel will never let that nation be destroyed; we have His Word on it. This is what the Lord says, “He who appoints the sun to shine by day, Who decrees the moon and stars to shine by night, Who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar—the Lord Almighty is His Name; Only if these ordinances vanish from My sight,” declares the Lord, “will the descendants of Israel ever cease to be a nation before Me.” (Jeremiah 31:35–36) That being established, God nonetheless pronounced that His chosen people, the Jews, will suffer a period of great tribulation. It will be known as the time of “Jacob’s trouble” (Jeremiah 30:7). Jesus further foretold this horrendous persecution of God’s chosen. He said the following while sitting atop the Mount of Olives. For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. (Matthew 24:21) The bottom line is that Israel, the Jewish race, is again destined to become hated and persecuted–this time with satanic vitriol that will make Hitler’s Holocaust look somewhat less terrible by comparison. Antichrist—the long-foretold, sometimes-spoofed, but 100 percent-guaranteed-to-come-on-the-world-scene tyrant, will implement genocidal policies against the Jewish race that will go far beyond Draconian. I didn’t make up this prediction. God’s Word, the Bible, says it. I accept that Word as the only truth there is. I and other Christians who know Jesus Christ as Lord love, or should love, the Jewish people–the nation Israel. To Israel, we say, “God loves you; so must we. You are His chosen.” However, neither I nor Israel can change what God has prophesied to take place in the relatively near future. Despite the current American president and his administration observably moving away from supporting Israel, the American people, remarkably, continue to back the Jewish state. The following explains. For decades, in the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, the American public has sided with Israel. In fact, in recent years it has done so by rather hefty margins. Consistent with many earlier surveys over the years, the 2022 Jewish Institute for Liberal Values (JILV) survey of likely voters in the U.S. found that Israel sympathizers out-number Palestinian sympathizers by almost a 2:1 ratio, or 39% to 21%, to be exact. And if we focus upon those with strong feelings—those who strongly favor Israel or strongly favor the Palestinians—the pro-Israel advantage in the American public grows to nearly 3:1 (22% for Israel vs. 8% for the Palestinians). Adding to this narrative, pro-Israel profile feelings emerge from another key question in the JILV survey. The question asked about competing images of Israel, giving respondents two dramatically opposing choices in how to characterize Israel in its conflict with the Palestinians. Respondents could choose to see Israel as “an occupier and a colonizer using modern military power to attack defenseless Palestinian civilians to steal more indigenous Palestinian land.” Alternatively, the likely voters could choose the pro-Israel option: “Israel is a sovereign nation which has the right and the obligation to defend itself from terrorists intent on killing civilians.” So, is Israel seen as an occupier and colonizer or as a nation defending itself? Once again, the results favor Israel by a 2:1 margin. As many as 51% see Israel as sovereign with the right to defend itself from terrorists, while just 22% see Israel as an occupier and colonizer attacking defenseless Palestinians. (“Liberals, Progressives, Wokeness and Israel,” Samuel J. Abrams, JewishJournal, 12/13/22) This same survey, however, finds that such support is eroding. This erosion comes from the constant diatribe of mainstream news sources against Israel and pro-Palestinian rhetoric within journalism and academia. So, despite America’s current support for God’s chosen nation, the trend is toward development of the coming time when all nations will turn against the Jewish state. This is seen in Zechariah chapter 12 and other Scriptures outlining the time of Daniel’s Seventieth Week. It is not altogether pleasant to be among those charged with pointing out God’s coming judgment. But we are charged with showing individuals within Israel the way to escape the coming time of Antichrist’s regime of horror. Accept Christ now. He is Messiah. And one day, perhaps very soon, He will call His people—Jews and Gentiles who accept Him as Savior—to be with Him forever. This will be the Rapture. (That stunning event, in which millions of people will vanish from the earth, can be found in 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18 and 1 Corinthians 15:51–55. Jesus spoke of it in John 14:1–3.) The Rapture will take place before that time of horror—the era Jesus called “great Tribulation” (Matthew 24: 21). The people of Israel who are unrepentant (the remnant, for most will die in this last holocaust) will accept Christ at the last moment. Here’s what that future remnant’s Messiah—the Lord Jesus Christ—says: And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem. And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn. (Zechariah 12:9–10) Israel will then be made the head of all nations, with the resurrected King David ruling as co-regent with the Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ, atop Mount Zion at Jerusalem for one thousand years–the Millennium! Believe it or not, that is your nation’s great God-promised destiny. We who love Israel pray that you will believe. And God’s unbreakable promise is that you will indeed believe, as a people. Here is how to believe now, in individual repentance that will spare you from going through the time of Jacob’s trouble. That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. (Romans 10:9–10) Prophecy Update Videos Must Watch Videos!
Something Really Strange Is Happening… - by Michael Snyder - Have you noticed that a lot of people have started to behave very strangely? It is almost as if the level of insanity in our society has been suddenly ramped up several notches, and I don’t have a rational explanation for why this is happening. All I know is that everywhere I look, people are behaving quite oddly. Perhaps we have simply reached a point where the number of stupid people in our society has reached a critical mass. Sadly, the truth is that intelligence levels in our society have been dropping for decades. But you would have to be a special sort of dumb to try to sneak a snake onto a plane. One woman in Florida actually tried to do this, but she didn’t quite make it… Snake on a plane? Almost. This isn’t the plot of a sequel to the action flick. Last month, a woman traveling through Tampa International Airport attempted to stow her boa constrictor in her carry-on luggage, according to the Transportation Security Administration. A TSA tweet shows the X-ray of the four-foot creature that passed through the screening machine passengers must navigate before getting to the gate. When the woman was asked why she tried to bring a snake on to the flight, she said that it was “her emotional support pet”. WATCH: Our criminals are getting stupider too. In Chicago, a 22-year-old man recently stole a car so that he wouldn’t be late for his court appearance. So why did he have to appear in court? Well, it turns out that he had previously been arrested for stealing another vehicle… A Chicago man received a combined 16-year prison sentence for carjacking a driver so that he could get to court for a stolen vehicle case. Edward Flemming, 22, was arrested in January 2020 after he sole a Ford Fusion while wearing a ski mask, but he was released on his own recognizance, CWB Chicago reported. The following month, Flemming, along with a 17-year-old boy and a 14-year-old girl, threatened a 22-year-old male with the intention of stealing the victim’s car so that Flemming could arrive at his court appearance at 9:00 a.m. on February 25, 2020. Our politicians are also behaving very strangely. Earlier today, I was stunned to learn that one member of Congress actually wants to “put a bust of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in the U.S. Capitol” on a permanent basis… Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) has introduced a resolution to put a bust of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in the U.S. Capitol, to officially honor the patron saint of the military-industrial complex with a graven idol. “Resolved, That the House of Representatives directs the Fine Arts Board to obtain a bust of the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, for display in a suitable, permanent location in the House of Representatives wing of the United States Capitol,” the resolution states. Instead, why don’t we just put a 500 foot tall gold statue of Zelensky right in the middle of the National Mall? That way the American people would be able to bow down and worship Zelensky any time that they choose. Two years ago, hardly anyone had heard of Zelensky. So much has changed since then. Speaking of change, Fox News is reporting on a new study that very much surprised me… The U.S. is more lenient than any European country when it comes to allowing children to access medical services for gender transitions, according to a new study. The study, published by Do No Harm, a group that seeks to insulate the health care profession from “radical, diverse and discriminatory ideology,” analyzed the laws of European countries and concluded “the United States is the most permissive country when it comes to the legal and medical gender transition of children.” Laws vary in the U.S. by state, but overall, transgender youth in America have greater access to gender clinics, puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgeries, in some cases without parental consent. So apparently, we are leading everyone else in the western world when it comes to gender transitions. Meanwhile, anything having to do with the Christian faith is increasingly being considered “offensive” in this country. In fact, authorities recently tried to kick a man that was wearing a “Jesus saves” shirt out of the Mall of America because they believed that the shirt was “offending” other shoppers. WATCH: What in the world has happened to us? I never thought that I would see the day when people are getting kicked out of shopping malls for simply having the name of Jesus on their shirts. But of course I never thought that I would see the day when heroin and crack are being openly sold in stores, but that is precisely what is about to happen in Vancouver, Canada… A shop that will sell heroin and crack is set to open in Vancouver, Canada, to tie in with the decriminalization of hard drugs at the end of the month. British Columbia is due to decriminalize the possession of Class A drugs for personal use on 31 January – a move that has been widely criticized by conservative politicians and pundits. Local businessman Jerry Martin has announced plans to open The Drugs Store, which will allow customers to buy up to 2.5g or heroin, crack and a number of other hard drugs such as methamphetamine. Before I end this article, I wanted to acknowledge the passing of former American Idol contestant CJ Harris. WATCH: He was just 31 years old. Every time we lose another young person with so much potential it should deeply sadden all of us. Unfortunately, I believe that much more sadness is ahead. Our world has become such a strange place, and I am entirely convinced that it is about to get a whole lot stranger. Are you prepared to handle whatever comes your way as our society slowly but surely goes mad? I hope so, because what we have experienced so far is just the tip of the iceberg. Gaslighting & Gas Stoves: Start With Outrageous, Progress on the Ridiculous – By David Fiorazo - As you may know, Democrat darling, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has become notorious for modeling hypocrisy. She recently took to Twitter to suggest people ditch their gas stoves. Stoves just like the one she owns. The Biden administration had been considering banning gas stoves over alleged health concerns and many progressives jumped on board. The one-party media says this is a non-issue, that Republicans are just trying to create a new culture war. And that, my friend, is what they are so good at: gaslighting. But the good news is most Americans don’t seem to be buying what the left is pedaling. Many realize proposed restrictions on natural-gas stoves are simply climate policy by another name. Radicals these days can claim practically anything and justify it because it’s bad for the earth and unhealthy for humanity, of course. After all, Democrat socialists and Marxists often proclaim that “climate change is an existential threat to the world.” But, gas stoves? I have a theory. They know it’s far reaching. The left is being outrageous on purpose so the next radical idea they push receives less resistance because it’s not quite as ridiculous. This is a tactic they’ve used again and again to wear people down and gain ground. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission is considering stopping production of new gas appliances and encouraging people to discontinue using them. And naturally, it’s all under the guise of saving the environment. But over 40% of homes have gas stoves. To force change, the commission could set standards on emissions from stoves, or even look to ban gas stove importing or manufacturing. They’ve deceptively taken it up a notch as they try selling this issue as a threat to both climate and health. AOC tweeted: Did you know that ongoing exposure to NO2 from gas stoves is linked to reduced cognitive performance? She should know. She’s likely used a gas stove all her life. Ocasio-Cortez immediately endorsed the wild idea of doing away with gas stoves after a Bloomberg News reported that a ban was on the table. Then, as the left often does, the Safety Commission quickly backtracked after the report came out and they were accused of pushing a nanny state. They assured Americans that if you like your gas stoves, you could keep it. They sheepishly suggested a gas-stove-ban was not really being considered, though the commission still plans to hold a public comment period on the alleged dangers. Senator Cory Booker wrote a letter to the agency last month calling the harmful gas-stove emissions a “cumulative burden” on minorities. You read that right. New York’s Democrat governor Kathy Hochul gave an address Tuesday and announced a plan to eliminate gas heating and appliances from all construction projects by 2030. Another radical, Richard Trumka Jr. said gas stoves were creating “a hidden hazard.” AOC even told New Yorkers to watch for future tax credits/rebates for gas-free appliances. She said last year’s Inflation Reduction Act “contains funding for a lot of different climate related rebates for people.” These people have apparently thought this through and hatched a game plan. But why haven’t we heard about the importance of better ventilation, for example, to improve any potential negative health effects of indoor stoves? That would be common sense. Karen Harbert, president of the American Gas Association argued against a ban: “The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and EPA do not present gas ranges as a significant contributor to adverse air quality or health hazard in their technical or public information literature, guidance, or requirements,” To the power-grabbing, money-grubbing left crying environmental disaster, if it’s not coal or cows or cars, it’s gas stoves or something else they can blame to grind down the people. Fear-monger, legislate, regulate, control. The strategy of the left is to start with something absolutely outrageous, even demanding the impossible. Then down the road, they suggest something just a little less ridiculous and since it doesn’t seem as outlandish, there’s a bit more openness to an idea. You may have seen the photos on line of AOC, Elizabeth Warren, “doctor” Jill Biden, and Kamala Harris in their kitchens – all of them having gas stoves! This reminds me of the billion-dollar debacle from ten years ago when the left was all about “green” energy. Hillary Clinton, Barrack Obama, Joe Biden, and many other progressives didn’t have solar panels on their homes, but pushed it on the rest of us. They were all-in on the $535 million loan given to solar energy company, Solyndra courtesy of American taxpayers. But the solar panels failed. Solyndra and other Democrat-endorsed companies went bankrupt. I reported on the Obama/Biden green energy failures and the fact the liberal media looks the other way rather than hold Democrats accountable. After the massive waste of taxpayer money, while campaigning for reelection in 2012, Obama and Biden told people that if they were to win a second term, their administration would continue “investing” taxpayer dollars on green energy projects. They even went on record admitting “some of the businesses we encourage” with government loans “will fail” like Solyndra. Nothing to see here, move along. So today, the agenda hasn’t changed and they move on to the next thing. Ben Lieberman at National Review writes: When explained plainly, Biden’s regulatory agenda is a political loser with a public that is just not buying climate change as a serious enough problem to warrant any significant sacrifice. Even the administration’s biggest legislative triumph in this area was euphemistically named the Inflation Reduction Act, concealing the fact that it gave hundreds of billions toward green energy. The liberal media narrative about a gas stove ban is laughable, suggesting that it’s a GOP plot to intensify the culture war. It’s as if they all get a memo from the White House and yet, too many citizens are hoodwinked by their tactics and the lies that cover them up. It’s what they do. The problem is we fail to learn from history, fall for the deception, and end up repeating the cycle again. Keep an eye out for the next “gas stove” debate or policy change, because – it won’t be about gas stoves. Always remember, the issue is never the issue; the issue is the revolution. Daily Jot: World Economic Forum Beast Metaverse Rising - Bill Wilson – Day two of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Davos meeting is underway with The Global Collaboration Village, “the first global, purpose-driven metaverse platform” and “the beginning of a transformative technological development to support global progress.” In partnership with Accenture and Microsoft, WEF is launching the prototype at this annual meeting. WEF hails this virtual reality environment as bringing people together to “realize the dream of instantaneous, inclusive and impactful cooperation” supported by “a consortium of leading global corporations, governments, international organizations, academic institutions and NGOs.” In short, it’s a new effective way to brainwash people. WEF reports, “The capabilities of the metaverse create the conditions to make extraordinary progress in global interaction and collaboration. That’s why we established the Global Collaboration Village, the first global, purpose-driven metaverse platform. Created to enhance more sustained public-private cooperation and spur action to drive impact at scale, this global village will not replace the need to meet face-to-face but will instead supplement and extend our ability to connect regardless of where we are physically located around the world. The immersive nature of the Global Collaboration Village has the potential to create a powerful and efficient means to drive global progress.” This is not just a fantasy world. WEF says, “Inclusive and responsible by design, it will be a creative place to imagine alternative futures, explore ideas and systems transparently and safely, and envision what the future of engaging multistakeholder collaboration could be. For example, people will be able to “dive in” to an interactive ocean experience that reveals the importance of safeguarding our ocean and challenges us to picture the positive impact we could have through collective action. Instead of telling us how important mangroves are for coastal ecosystems, it invites us to witness and experience the power of restoration and conversation for ourselves – all while engaging with global experts and innovators who are on the physical frontlines of this work.” “Collective action” is code for Marxism. WEF won’t say it outright, but that’s what it is. In other words, this is a powerful interactive, high-tech way to teach Marxism while promoting an agenda. That “dive in” to an interactive world is one that is built to show a certain political viewpoint of the environment. The power of virtual reality is extraordinary because it really convinces or “tricks” the brain that you are in a very real environment. Imagine the Global Collaboration Village tackling climate change, lockdowns, business-government-media collaboration on social and political issues. The WEF is targeting youth—the next generation of leaders—with this metaverse technology. WEF has an entire page of testimonies from young people about this. Christ warned in Matthew 24:4, “Take heed that no man deceive you.” Herein is the most organized global deception apparatus known to man at this time. Is it the rise of the Beast system? See who is part of the World Economic Forum: Daily Devotion: Muscular Christianity - by Greg Laurie – But when they did not find them, they dragged Jason and some brethren to the rulers of the city, crying out, ‘These who have turned the world upside down have come here too.’ —Acts 17:6 Listen Some Christians have been raised in Christian homes, while others of us have lived on both sides of the fence. We know what it’s like to live without Christ and how empty and pointless it is. Then we made a commitment to follow Jesus Christ, and incredible changes took place in our lives. We discovered there is a God who loves us and has a unique, custom-made plan for our lives. We also discovered that becoming a Christian is more than just saying a prayer and having the assurance of Heaven. We realized that being a Christian means following Jesus not just as our Savior but also as our Lord. The problem is there are people in the church today who name the name of Christ but haven’t discovered what it means to follow Him. They haven’t discovered that being a Christian is more than just saying a prayer and then going on their merry way. And sadly, many are settling for a brand of Christianity that isn’t biblical, one that embraces Jesus as Savior but neglects Him as Lord. It is big on self-esteem, but it is small on self-denial. It celebrates success but repudiates suffering. This brand of Christianity is not changing our world. The church of the first century, the church we read about in the book of Acts, transformed their culture. People described Christians as “these who have turned the world upside down” (Acts 17:6 NKJV). If our faith is not turning us upside down, then it certainly isn’t going to turn our world upside down. We need to get back to the Christian life as it’s presented in the New Testament, which was a muscular Christianity and not a watered-down, anemic version of it. We need a first-century belief system, the kind the apostles lived and that Jesus taught, the kind that can turn our world around. PROPHECY UPDATE NEWS HEADLINES Yesterday's Prophecies - Today's Headlines HEADLINES IN PARTNERSHIP WITH TRACKING BIBLE PROPHECY 1/17/23
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