12 Signs the World is Running Out of Normal – Jonathan Brentner -
Many people say that today is no different than any other time in history. “Sure, things look bad now, but this was also the case during World Wars I and II. Things have a way of working out so that things eventually return to some semblance of normal.” I understand why many question Jesus’ soon return given the fact that it’s been two thousand years since He promised to return. In spite of the long wait, I’m convinced that Jesus’ appearing is imminent because of the myriad of signs telling us that the Tribulation period is right on our doorstep. I have compiled a list of 12 signs that tell us we are rapidly running out of normal. If you are weary of waiting and long for the day when you will meet Jesus in the air, I am writing to encourage you; He’s coming soon. If you doubt that the Rapture will happen anytime soon, please take some time to review the following points and read the supporting links. 1. ISRAEL’S MIRACULOUS REBIRTH AS A NATION Did you know that Isaac Newton predicted that Israel would reappear as a nation? Based on his in-depth study of the books of Daniel and Revelation, he made that startling prediction over 250 years before it happened. Newton correctly recognized that the fulfillment of biblical end times prophecies requires Israel’s renewed existence. He also wrote that Israel would build a third temple once it became a nation.[i] On May 14, 1948, Israel miraculously became a nation again. The amazing rebirth of Israel fulfilled the words of Isaiah 66:8, which predicted that it would happen in a “day.” Only God could resurrect a nation that had not existed for two-thousand years, supernaturally protect it amid countless wars, and bring it to a place of prosperity such as Israel enjoys today. Did I mention that only God could do such a thing? Israel’s remarkable rebirth makes today different than any time previous to May 1948. 2. THIRD TEMPLE FEVER Scripture tells us that the antichrist will defile a still future Jewish temple (Daniel 9:27; Matthew 24:15; 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4). In a recent article, The Biblical Necessity of a Third Jewish Temple, I demonstrate why the building of the third Jewish temple is a necessity for the fulfillment of biblical prophecy. If we can trust the words of Scripture, there must be a third temple in Jerusalem by the midpoint of the coming seven-year Tribulation. That’s when the Bible says the antichrist will desecrate it. Do we see evidence today that this will happen? Absolutely! Just ten years ago, few people could have imagined today’s passion in Israel for the building of their temple. Did you catch the celebration in Jerusalem when the five perfect red heifers arrived there from Texas? The Law requires one perfect red heifer for the purification of the temple and its priests. The Temple Institute in Jerusalem has spent over thirty years researching and preparing furnishings for the third temple. They are currently training Levites to serve as priests in it. The Israeli government is planning infrastructure for the coming temple, which includes a train that will run from the Ben Gurion Airport to the temple mount as they expect a great many visitors will want to visit the new temple. Israel plans to complete this rail system in April of 2023. This alone makes 2022-2023 far, far different. 3. KICKING AND READY In October, I wrote Globalism, War, Economic Turmoil, Devaluing Human Life — The Day of The Lord Is Looming. In it, I provided evidence for just how close the world is to the conditions described in Revelation 6:1-8. These verses describe what’s commonly referred to as the “four riders of the Apocalypse.” They are kicking in their stall, ready to start their trek across the planet. Revelation 6:8 says that the death toll from the chaos caused by these riders will total one-fourth of the world’s population, which today would be two billion people. World events today demonstrate just how easily the seal judgments could result in such a high death toll. 4. DIGITAL CURRENCY If people can buy and sell goods on a cash basis, it would be impossible for the antichrist to control commerce in the way that Revelation 13:16-18 predicts. The fulfillment of this prophecy requires the elimination of cash, and that is precisely what we see in our world. The New York Federal Reserve in the U.S. recently began a twelve-week pilot program evaluating the use of a digital dollar using credit card companies and global banks. Leo Hohmann, a blogger, author, and investigative reporter, wrote this about the coming digital currency: “I believe the new Central Bank Digital Currency, or CBDCs, will make their debut in 2023. And this digital currency will tie in directly with the digital health certificates on people’s cellphones in what will become a personal dossier on every individual, tracking and monitoring their movements and behaviors.”[ii] The normality of using cash for purchases is slipping away and with it any privacy regarding our finances. The digital currency will enable governments to monitor how we spend our money and soon after that, they will control it. Both India and China are rapidly moving toward a digital currency. 5. DIGITAL HEALTH PASSPORTS At the November 2022 meeting of G20 nations in Indonesia, leaders of the largest economies in the world agreed to work together to implement a “digital health passport” that will begin by tracking everyone’s vaccine status and expand from there. This is also an absolute necessity for what the antichrist has planned for the latter half of the Tribulation. His system must instantly recognize whether one truly has his mark on them, and it will. Below is the path that elite powerbrokers of our world have laid out for the future:
We already see many of these things in China. 6. MARK OF THE BEAST TECHNOLOGY Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, along with the development of gigantic computer databases, also makes today unique from any other previous time in history. Prior to these technical advances of the past dozen years or so, the antichrist would have needed an exceedingly large number of people in every nation on earth in order to enforce the requirement of his mark for all buying and selling. It would have been impossible. Now, with recent advances in AI and the 5G global network, the technology exists for one person to set the parameters and thus control commerce everywhere in the world. These technical innovations not only make the fulfillment of Revelation 13:16-18 possible, but also increasingly likely when one considers the agenda of the globalists! 7. IS IT REALLY HUMAN? How will the coming man of lawlessness exercise the complete control over the earth’s population such as we see in Revelation 13 and elsewhere in Scripture? The answer is transhumanism. Transhumanism is the combination of humans with machines and it’s not only something that the antichrist needs, but it’s also a high priority of the WEF and all the many nations that are now committed to its Great Reset. Please refer to Transhumanism: Marching Toward the Mark in which I explain how the globalists’ development of technology for this dovetails perfectly with the fulfillment of Revelation 13:16-18. Did you know that Joe Biden recently signed an executive order requiring Americans to comply with the push for transhumanism? Transhumanism is a necessary for controlling people in the coming kingdom of the antichrist. 8. THE SOON ARRIVAL OF ONE-WORLD GOVERNANCE The books of Daniel and Revelation predict that in the last days a worldwide government will exist and that for a short time, the antichrist will rule over it (Daniel 7:23-25 8:18-26; Revelation 13:1-18). The UN’s Agenda 2030 is all about establishing a global governance by 2030 if not well before that year. The Great Reset of the World Economic Forum (WEF), also known as Build Back Better, is the economic companion of Agenda 2030 and both groups have united in their push to establish a one world government. The rapidly forming one-world government only remains a secret to those who don’t want to believe that it’s happening. 9. THE WORSHIP OF CREATION RATHER THAN THE CREATOR In the book of Revelation, we see the presence of a one-world religion under the leadership of the false prophet. Do we see the rise of such a unified religion today? Absolutely! The stage is fully prepared. In November 2022, religious leaders from all over the world reenacted the giving of the Ten Commandments. However, the top ten things on their minds consisted of worshipping nature, that of preserving their god. Combating climate change has become the religion bringing together many diverse faiths as they worship the creation rather than the Creator. 10. WHEN THE WORLD WOBBLES Since 2001, the earth’s magnetic north pole has been moving. An article on the Forbes Magazine website, Earth’s Magnetic North Pole Is Shifting Dramatically From A Powerful Tug Of War, discussed how this shift has speeded up in recent years. Why do I include this in the list of 12 signs? It’s because of warnings of what happens when the pole shift may reach forty degrees. That’s the point at which the north and south poles will swap places.[iii] What’s so significant about this? The Bible tells us that during the Tribulation period, the world will wobble (see Isaiah 24:19-20 and Revelation 6:12-17). I find it more than a little curious that what many predict will happen at the time of the pole shift matches what these prophetic passages say will happen during the Day of the Lord. It’s much more than a coincidence. 11. YOU DON’T REALLY BELIEVE THAT DO YOU? 2 Peter 3:2-4 says that scoffers will arise in the “last days” that will mock our hope in Jesus’ soon return. Jude 17-18 also warns of “scoffers” that will come in the last days that will ridicule our hope. This time has surely arrived! It’s commonplace today for people to mock our hope in Jesus’ soon appearing. Sadly, even believers and leaders of churches have also joined the chorus of naysayers. It’s because of this mocking that I included two chapters on church history in my book, The Triumph of the Redeemed. Scoffers today use the relative newness of the word “Rapture” to reject the event that Paul describes for us in 1 Corinthians 15:51-58, Philippians 3:20-21, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11, and Titus 2:11-14. It’s as if the term itself discredits the words of the apostle in these passages. Such mocking is all about Satan deceiving people into believing that there’s no such event as Jesus’ appearing to take His church to glory. Don’t fall for his lie. 12. PERILOUS TIMES ON STERIODS ARE HERE We live during a time of perilous times on steroids. While the characteristics of this that Paul lists in 2 Timothy 3:1-5 have always been evident in some ways since the time he wrote, they now define our world just as the apostle said they would in the last days. More than at any previous time, we see these nineteen characteristics abounding throughout the world. This is something I have written about many times. RUNNING OUT OF THE OLD NORMAL MEANS THAT JESUS’ GLORIOUS NEW NORMAL IS EVER SO CLOSE Just as with King Belshazzar of Babylon, the handwriting is on the wall (see Daniel 5). Perhaps the end will not come as swiftly as it did for this ancient king (the Medes and Persians killed him just hours after Daniel interpreted God’s message). The signs, however, reveal that God’s judgment will soon fall on this world. After the Rapture of the church, God’s wrath will devastate the world. The good news is that the glorious new normal that Jesus is bringing will last forever. When Jesus returns and reigns over the earth from Jerusalem, we will experience life in a glorious kingdom as we reign with Him for a thousand years. This will be a “new normal” worth celebrating (and we surely will), but the future is even brighter and more joyous! Revelation 21-22 describes the most blissful set of circumstances imaginable. Refuse to be satisfied with the fake “new normal” that the world offers. Once we meet Jesus in the air and return to glory with Him, what we see then will make our very best days in this life seem mundane and boring. My book, The Triumph of the Redeemed-An eternal Perspective that Calms Our Fears in Perilous Times, is available on Amazon. In it, I provide a solid biblical basis for our hope in Jesus’ appearing. He is coming for us soon! Note: Please consider signing up for my newsletter on the home page of my website at . It will help me reach more people. Thanks! [i] Snobele, Stephen D., Statement on the date 2060, March 2003; updated May 2003 and June2003 – Taken from a website titled “Isaac Newton Theology, Prophecy, Science and Religion.” [ii] Leo Hohmann, Health minister tells G20 nations they must implement WHO-approved ‘digital health certificates’ tracking all human movement for ‘next pandemic’, November 15, 2022, @ See also the Reuters report at: [iii] My recent information on this comes from the Facebook page of John Traczyk. He appears to be credible and has information on his page backed up by experts. I am still learning about this, but it very much seems to be such a sign of the nearing Tribulation that I could not leave it out from my list. Nearing Midnight: Anti-Semitism in America - Todd Strandberg - There is a rapidly growing problem with anti-Semitism in America. The worst part of this trend is in the Black community. Blacks are the perfect conduit for anti-Semitism because many believe they are incapable of being racist, and some believe they are the true Jews of the Bible. I do not understand why Kanye West is a major celebrity. There are clear signs that this man has mental problems. He has currently taken on the name Ye, and I refuse to refer to him by this name because it is the shortest verse of his title of him claiming to be God (Jesus Christ). West has amplified many anti-Semitic tropes and conspiracy theories. During an interview on Revolt 0TV’s “Drink Champs” series that was posted and then removed, he repeatedly blamed “Jewish media” and “Jewish Zionists” for numerous alleged misdeeds, stating that “Jewish people have owned the Black voice” and that “the Jewish community, especially in the music industry … they’ll take us and milk us till we die.” Referencing Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, he also commented that he was “#MeToo-ing the Jewish culture. I’m saying y’all gotta stand up and admit to what you been doing.” West doubled down on his anti-Semitism during an interview with NewsNation, criticizing the so-called “Jewish underground media mafia” and alleging that “every celebrity has Jewish people in their contract.” He also claimed that his life was threatened by his Jewish managers, lawyer, and accountant due to his political beliefs. On both “Drink Champs” and NewsNation, West is one who holds to the view that Black people cannot be anti-Semitic, stating that “we are Semite, we Jew, so I can’t be anti-Semite.” West lost an Adidas deal that was worth $1.5 billion over his anti-Semitic remarks. He is apparently such a devoted Jew-hater, the loss of all that money had no effect on him. West is such a lunatic that many people ignore him. Even if his words are seen as crazy talk, more and more people agree with him. Brooklyn Nets guard Kyrie Irving has been suspended due to a now-infamous tweet in which he included a link to a film chock full of antisemitic tropes. After Irving chose not to “disavow antisemitism,” the Nets had no choice but to sideline him. The 2018 film Hebrews to Negroes, based on director Ronald Dalton Jr.’s book series of the same name, is a three-plus-hour effort to “prove” the Black Hebrew Israelite belief that certain people of color, including Black Americans, are the true descendants of the biblical Israelites. The film includes passages from Henry Ford’s The International Jew and two purported (though seemingly fabricated) quotations from Adolf Hitler. “[The Americans] plan on moving these false white Jews into a state of Israel. Because the white Jews know that the Negroes are the real children of Israel, and to keep America’s secret, the Jews will blackmail America. They will extort America; their plan for world domination won’t work if the Negroes know who they are.” [Fabricated “quotation” falsely attributed to Adolf Hitler] The suspension of Irving has done wonders for nearly all the books that promote the Black Hebrew Israelite lie. Thousands of people want to read or listen to the forbidden book/movie. The Book Hebrews to Negroes: Wake up Black America has been out for several years, and now it’s in the top 10. Some of the damage on the anti-Semitism front was done by Comedian Dave Chappelle. On SNL, he waded into the controversy caused by Kanye West and Kyrie Irving. “Before I start tonight, I just wanted to read a brief statement that I prepared,” he began. “I denounce anti-Semitism in all its forms, and I stand with my friends in the Jewish community,” said Chappelle. He then went on to make a number of jokes about the Jewish community, implying he secretly agrees with West and Irving on many points, saying: “If they’re Black, it’s a gang. If they’re Italian, it’s a mob. But if they’re Jewish, it’s a coincidence and you should never speak about it.” He added: “I can see if you had some type of issue, you might go out to Hollywood and start connecting some kind of lines, and you could maybe adopt the delusion that Jews run show business. It’s not a crazy thing to think. But it’s a crazy thing to say out loud in a climate like this.” “I’ve been to Hollywood … it’s a lot of Jews. Like, a lot,” he said. “But that doesn’t mean anything. There are a lot of Black people in Ferguson, Missouri. Doesn’t mean they run the place.” Soon after the show aired, writer Adam Feldman was among the first to criticize the performance on Twitter, suggesting that Chappelle’s comments “probably did more to normalize anti-Semitism than anything Kanye said.” In response, fellow writer Mark Harris echoed the disapproval, saying, “It’s not brave or edgy to play games with the idea of anti-Semitism, and “We all know it’s kinda true, but we just can’t say it” is a glib, ugly approach to the subject that many anti-Semites who see themselves as embattled truth-tellers will love.” Any sign of anti-Semitism should trigger alarm bells. Outbreaks of hatred against Jews have occurred multiple times in history. The Bible predicts that there will be a final global hatred of Jews that will force them to turn to Jesus as their Savior. As we enter into the last of the last days, make sure your love for God’s people remains strong. “Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another” (Matt.24:9-10). “And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob: For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins” (Romans 11:26-27). Prophecy Update Videos
It Is Beginning: 41 Percent Of All Small Business Owners Could Not Pay Rent In November - by Michael Snyder - Many experts are now warning that we could see the housing market and the commercial real estate market simultaneously crash in 2023. If that were to happen, it would put an extreme amount of stress on our financial system. The only way we will avoid such a fate is if the Federal Reserve starts reducing interest rates. Unfortunately, that isn’t going to happen. In fact, officials at the Federal Reserve keep telling us that interest rates are going to keep going up. This is literally a suicidal course of action, because higher rates are going to absolutely crush the economy. If you doubt this, just consider what is already happening. According to a new Alignable survey that was just released, 41 percent of all small business owners in the United States could not pay rent in November… Due to high inflation, reduced consumer spending, higher rents and other economic pressures, U.S.-based small business owners’ rent problems just escalated to new heights nationally this month, based on Alignable’s November Rent Poll of 6,326 small business owners taken from 11/19/22 to 11/22/22. Unfortunately, 41% of U.S.-based small business owners report that they could not pay their rent in full and on time in November, a new record for 2022. Making matters worse, this occurred during a quarter when more money should be coming in and rent delinquency rates should be decreasing. But so far this quarter, the opposite has been true. In September, that same survey found that 30 percent of all small business owners could not pay rent. Many were deeply alarmed by that figure, and then it jumped up to 37 percent in October. Now we are at 41 percent, and if there is any time when small business owners should be able to pay rent it is during the holiday season. When commercial real estate tenants cannot pay rent, it inevitably has a domino effect. It appears that we will soon have millions of empty commercial spaces all over the nation, and many owners will soon be unable to make loan payments because sufficient rent money is not coming in. If the Federal Reserve insists on raising rates even higher, I anticipate that we will eventually be facing a commercial real estate crash of unprecedented size and scope. Meanwhile, the implosion of the housing market continues to pick up speed. Existing home sales have now declined for nine months in a row, and the median price of a home in the U.S. has now fallen by about 7 percent. Sadly, many experts are now warning that things will only get worse in the months ahead. Here is one example… “In one line: Collapse in prices is coming,” wrote Kieran Clancy, senior U.S. economist at Pantheon Macroeconomics. I told my readers that this would happen if the Federal Reserve aggressively hiked interest rates. Of course home prices could soon fall a lot more. In fact, Pantheon is projecting that they could ultimately fall by a total of 20 percent from the peak… Pantheon estimates that existing home prices will keep falling, ultimately dropping by about 20% from their June peak of around $414,000. If you are planning to sell a home, I would try to do it as quickly as possible before prices go way down. Meanwhile, another troubled cryptocurrency firm has just filed for bankruptcy… Distressed crypto firm BlockFi has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of New Jersey following the implosion of putative acquirer FTX. So why is BlockFi in so much trouble? Well, the truth is that there are a lot of reasons, but one of the biggest is the fact that they loaned 275 million dollars to FTX that will never be repaid… In the filing, the company listed an outstanding $275 million loan to FTX US, the American arm of Sam Bankman-Fried’s now-bankrupt empire. I warned my readers that FTX would not be the last domino to fall. And now another one has tumbled over. Needless to say, there will be many more, because FTX “has more than 1 million creditors”… In a matter of days, FTX went from a $32 billion valuation to bankruptcy as liquidity dried up, customers demanded withdrawals and rival exchange Binance ripped up its nonbinding agreement to buy the company. Gross negligence has since been exposed. Ray added that a “substantial portion” of assets held with FTX may be “missing or stolen.” FTX has more than 1 million creditors, according to updated bankruptcy filings, hinting at the huge impact of its collapse on crypto traders and other counterparties with ties to Bankman-Fried’s empire. FTX was just one giant Ponzi scheme, but of course the entire system is just one giant Ponzi scheme. The entire thing is eventually coming down, and a lot of prominent voices are trying to sound the alarm about this. For instance, author Robert Kiyosaki tweeted the following just a few days ago… Many of you know I do not invest in equities, bonds, ETS or MFs. Please DO NOT listen to what I’m going to say next: “I would get out of paper assets.” The world economy is not a “Market.” I believe economy is the biggest bubble in world history. Of course he is quite correct. We have been living in the largest bubble in all of human history. And once it finally shatters into billions of pieces nobody is going to be able to put it back together again. So get ready for a massive adjustment in your standard of living. With very hard times looming, the Washington Post is encouraging their readers to reduce food costs by eating bugs… The Washington Post advised Americans Sunday that instead of a traditional season dinner, which now is unaffordable for a quarter of families, they should instead look to eating bugs. Yes really. In an article headlined Salted ants. Ground crickets. Why you should try edible insects, the Post stated “Consumers can already find foods like salted ants on Amazon and cricket powder protein bars in Swiss grocery stores.” I don’t know about you, but I don’t plan on ever eating bugs. No matter how bad things get, I just couldn’t eat ants or crickets or beetles. Unfortunately, most people are completely and utterly unprepared for the times that we will soon be facing. A tremendous amount of economic chaos is on the way. The Federal Reserve could help matters a great deal if they would just stop raising interest rates. But that isn’t going to happen, and so it appears that 2023 will be a year of severe economic pain all over the nation. Climate Alarmists Bemoan Earth’s Population Hitting 8 Billion, But How Should Christians View This Milestone? – By Ken Ham - Earth just hit a significant milestone. For the first time ever (that we know of—no one knows what the pre-flood population was), there are now eight billion people on the planet. While this has been celebrated by some people, many climate alarmists, as expected, have been wringing their hands, moaning about the damage that such a large number of people are doing to “Mother Earth.” But how should Christians view this milestone? Be Fruitful and Multiply Well, we should view it according to God’s Word. In Genesis, God gives humanity their mandate: Genesis 1:28 KJV – “And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.” This charge to have children and fill the earth is then given again after the flood, Genesis 9:1 KJV – “And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.” In the biblical worldview, there is no “Mother Earth.” Earth didn’t give rise to life—God created life. And he formed the earth to be inhabited (Isaiah 45:18) by that life. And the crowning jewel of his creation is mankind, Adam and Eve. Yes, all of God’s creation is beautiful (though now it groans from sin—Genesis 3; Romans 8:22) and he cares for it—but the crown, the most beautiful jewel, is mankind that bears his image (Genesis 1:27)! So, we shouldn’t bemoan what 8 billion people might do to the planet—we should celebrate that there are 8 billion image-bearers of God living on this wonderful planet he made for us! We Have Dominion Also, we recognize that God has given us dominion over his creation. This doesn’t mean we can abuse the earth and do whatever we want, with no thought of the future. Rather it means we carefully steward what God has entrusted to us, using creation for our good and his glory while caring for the creatures that God has made because he also cares for them. Understanding dominion is important because it puts nature into the right perspective. Nature has intrinsic value because it was made by God and he cares for what he’s made. But it isn’t more important than people who bear God’s image and it shouldn’t rule over us. Instead, we should rule over it for God’s glory. A Falling Population Is a Big Problem! Many of the news items reporting on the unknown 8 billionth person’s birth, like this one, highlight that: While the Earth’s population is growing quickly, the growth rate is starting to slow down. Eventually, it will start falling and our societies will shrink. And: We’ve already hit peak child – there will never again be more children alive than there are today, with fertility rates plummeting across the globe. We’re getting older and older, which means there are fewer people able to work to support more people who can’t. So, while climate alarmists (whose predictions, it’s worth noting, rarely ever come to be!) are concerned that there are too many people on earth, and others are concerned because declining fertility rates mean fewer young people to work jobs and care for the elderly. A declining birth rate, like we’re seeing in western countries and many Asian countries, is really a bad thing for the future of humanity! Sadly, this declining birth rate is largely the result of teaching generations of children things like: Babies are just a choice and not a blessing from God. You need to have your career well underway, have traveled, have a house, and be financially “ready” (whatever that means!) before even thinking about maybe having children. Babies aren’t persons until they are born and can be murdered if the mother decides she doesn’t want the baby. Motherhood is drudgery and women should aspire for literally anything other than being a wife and mother. Marriage is bad so don’t get married. Climate change will ruin the earth so don’t bring children into this world because either they will just add to the problem or they will suffer from the effects of climate change. And so on and so forth! I need to add that tens of millions of children have been killed (actually murdered) in the US (an estimated 1 billion worldwide) by abortion. Now that has had a significant impact on future population growth. All of these ideas run contrary to God’s Word and his plan for the family. But we shouldn’t be surprised—Satan has always attacked marriage, the family, and children! 8 Billion People—A Challenge for Evolution I would also like to point out that humanity’s population size is actually a challenge to the evolutionary worldview. Why? Well, consider that evolutionists believe modern man has existed for over 200,000 years. And yet, as the article I linked above states, we didn’t hit even a billion people until about 200 years ago. So, for tens and tens of thousands of years, humanity’s size somehow just didn’t grow? Did it stay ridiculously small for an almost incomprehensible amount of time before suddenly exploding in our modern era? That doesn’t make any sense, even with our medical advances! In this view, if we use conservative numbers, there should be a whopping 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 people on the planet (more atoms than there are in the universe!)—and that’s only going back 50,000 years in supposed human history! Go back to 200,000 years and the problem just gets worse! But consider the 8 billion number through the lens of Scripture. Humanity has only been around for about 6,000 years—and the population dropped to just eight about 4,350 years ago during the global flood. Even using a conservative estimate for population growth, 8 billion is a very reasonable number for us to be reaching in 2022. As always, the observational evidence confirms God’s Word, not evolutionary imaginings. Daily Jot: Of public health and tyranny - Bill Wilson – Fearmongering in the guise of public health and safety has become a commonplace lever to institute tyranny in America. We are seeing this play out on a daily basis with government policies toward what is considered the many aspects of public health. The government, big business, and the mainstream media continue to collaborate on a fear narrative to control where citizens go, what they can say, even whether they can work in their desired profession—all in the name of protecting citizens from, in COVID’s case, a contagion where statistics indicate there is less than a one percent chance of mortality. But there is even a more sinister movement designed to make everyone comply with government authority. In 1961, future president Ronald Reagan said, “One of the traditional methods of imposing statism or socialism on a people has been by way of medicine. It’s very easy to disguise a medical program as a humanitarian project, most people are a little reluctant to oppose anything that suggests medical care for people who possibly can’t afford it.” Reagan reasoned that once a government or a tyrannical power has your medical information, it can dictate your life or diminish you. It stands to reason, then, that Reagan would have said, “I told you so” if he had lived long enough to see what has happened in America since Obamacare passed the Senate without a single Republican vote. This is a threat to every freedom you have because the government has installed the apparatus to oppress you. Let’s face it: socialist healthcare is performing exactly as those of us who opposed it said it would—it isn’t. Worse yet, it has established a prescription of fear as the cure for everything. No wonder the pharmaceutical companies agreed to support it—vaccines and pills are more common than common sense. Our wellbeing has been hijacked by government. The latest Biden Administration announcement essentially turns nursing homes into forced COVID education camps to coerce senior citizens into taking an experimental shot that is ineffective and may do them more harm than good. This extends to almost every aspect of life. Public schools and universities are leveraging their positions to normalize the LGBTQ+ agenda as essential to “behavioral health.” Big business, mainstream media and government are leveraging their power to censor dissent on COVID mandates, coercion, and science claiming it is “disinformation/misinformation.” The threat of government funding being withheld from schools, hospitals, nursing homes, even your Social Security and Medicare wields the fear of the government god. We are seeing Reagan’s warning first-hand. This is a threat to every freedom you have because the government is installing the apparatus to oppress you. Do as Ephesians 6:20 urges: “that therein I may speak boldly as I ought to speak.” Your religious and personal freedoms are on the line. Daily Devotion: Share Their Burden - by Greg Laurie – Then they sat on the ground with him for seven days and nights. No one said a word to Job, for they saw that his suffering was too great for words. —Job 2:13 Listen In one day, Job’s world fell apart. He lost everything he held dear in life. Then, to make matters worse, he was struck with boils from head to toe. As he sat in ashes and scraped his boils with a piece of pottery, his wife managed to add insult to injury. She said, “Do you still hold fast to your integrity? Curse God and die!” (Job 2:9 NKJV). Job really needed some encouragement. Then we read that three friends came to visit him. And when they saw his miserable condition and how he was covered in boils, they were so stunned that they simply wept and sat with him for seven days without saying a word. That was the perfect thing to do in that instance. The Bible tells us, “Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep” (Romans 12:15 NKJV). Sometimes, that’s all we need to do. We should avoid the easy answers and clichés when we’re seeking to comfort a suffering person. Sometimes, what we say to them can offend them because we didn’t think it through. We try to be helpful, but we can instead end up being hurtful. We say things like “I know how you feel” when we really don’t, or “There’s a reason for everything” when the person we’re trying to comfort clearly can’t see one. And it certainly doesn’t help to point out that there’s always someone worse off when there are also a lot of people who are better off. That doesn’t mean there’s no time for us to share Scripture or to pray with someone who’s hurting. But don’t come in with a fast answer. Just go with them through what they’re going through. Accompany them. Be a companion to them. The Bible tells us, “Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2 NLT). When someone is suffering, sometimes the best thing that we can do for them is to simply be there for them. FROM THE HEART Let Us Make the Short Time We have Left, Count for ALL of Eternity! IF YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED THROUGH THIS MINISTRY, THEN WE ASK THAT YOU WOULD PLEASE REMEMBER PROPHECY UPDATE IN YOUR GIVING - WE ARE TRULY, TRULY, THANKFUL FOR YOUR SUPPORT WORTHY OF YOUR SUPPORT? One of the most reliable ways to determine if a ministry is worthy of your financial support is to examine its fruits. If Prophecy Update is keeping you informed, and if that information inspires you, and causes you to draw closer to the Lord, if Prophecy Update equips you with valuable information and knowledge to share with and encourage other believers, and open the eyes of non-believers, and if Prophecy Update keeps you connected to current events relating to Bible Prophecy, then you are partaking of the fruit produced through this ministry. None of this would be possible without the Lords blessings and your support. I believe where the Lord guides, the Lord provides, and most of the time He provides through the willing and generous hearts of believers just like you and me. Humbly Seek Your Support Prophecy Update has no corporate sponsors. This ministry is paid for and prayed for by readers and supporters. Without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update, Please pray about becoming a monthly supporter - thanks! If ever there was a time to invest in God's Kingdom, it's now! What on earth are you doing for Heaven's Sake? "Share in the Blessings and Rewards that will last Forever!" "Folks, it's all beginning to unravel. America is in more danger of falling than at any time in its history. But I believe Bible prophecy predicts this very decline. From this point on, we believers have to get serious. We are going to face discouragement, disillusionment and, most certainly, persecution in the time between now and the Rapture. But don't be discouraged or disillusioned. The coming turmoil will provide us unrivaled opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. So be ready to share your faith and your hope with those who need Christ. We still have time to reap a great harvest of souls for God's kingdom!" - Hal Lindsey 1) We need your prayers!- We proclaim the Truth of the Word of God and we are under constant spiritual and sometimes even physical attack. 2) We need your encouragement!- We need to hear from you, let us know how the Lord is blessing you through this ministry so that we can share it with others. 3) We need your input! - If you have a prophetic article or story or if there is a news related item we missed, let us know. 4) We need your financial support!- To put it quite simply, without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update. I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to get the Word out and keep the world informed. Remember, your gift, no matter how small, does make a difference! You will be helping to touch lives, around the world, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, thanks to the internet your generosity carries a global impact! - Thanks! Our Prayer for You- "Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else." 2 Corinthians 9:10-13 If you have been blessed by Prophecy Update and would like to help support this ministry financially. You can make a secure donation online by going to: DONATE NOW Or write us at: Prophecy Update P.O. Box 40516 Bakersfield, CA 93384-0516 We are very pleased to offer all our readers this FREE download on Bible Prophecy from the Evangelical Bible College of Western Australia - Just download and enjoy and be blessed! Feel free to share it with all your friends and family members. Click below to download! "AS YOU SEE THE DAY APPROACHING" If You Died Today, Would You Go To Heaven? Find out, visit: How to know God DID YOU KNOW? You can submit an article, leave a comment or praise report at email: [email protected] Maranatha! (Lord Come Quickly) "On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand, All other ground is sinking sand." "Let Us make the short time we have left count for all eternity!" YBIC-Randy
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