A Thousand Tiny Cuts – Pete Garcia -
The late Tom Clancy (military-political author) published one of his most recognized books back in August of 1991 titled The Sum of All Fears. The genre of the book (and later movie) was that of a political thriller, using the risk of all-out nuclear war as the be-all, end-all greatest threat to humanity. Mind you, this book was published in the last summer before the collapse of the USSR (December). Even still, by 1991, the Cold War appeared to be on the way out as communism began gasping its last and dying breath with Perestroika in the air. The Iron Curtain separating Eastern and Western Europe had previously collapsed in 1989. Liberation movements were spreading across the world. The US had just liberated Kuwait from Iraq in the 1990-91 Desert Storm War. With the 1992 US elections on the American radar, Tom Clancy was seemingly at the right time, right place, and had the right story which made this book a runaway bestseller. While the plot of the book varies somewhat from that of the movie, the movie centers on a missing nuclear bomb that is coopted by a secretive European group bent on dragging the US and Russia into a nuclear exchange with the sole intent of starting World War III. Their goal was that after the world’s two superpowers destroyed each other, they could step in after the fact and take over. Thankfully, the story’s main character, Jack Ryan, saves the days, stops the war, and wins the girl. Who doesn’t love a happy ending? The United States remains the single greatest obstacle to the rising of multiple, rival new world orders. The US does this, not by our own political greatness, but by the brilliance of its founding documents, which prevents it from succumbing to any larger international treaties that exude any type of meaningful authority over it. This potential would-be authority over the US is further diluted when we add in the distribution of power amongst the three branches of government (Congressional, Executive, and Judicial branches), as well as those rights and liberties afforded to the states and to the citizenry. Thus, the inability of globalist-minded organizations like the United Nations (UN) and the World Economic Forum (WEF) to seize further control of the world’s most dominant military and economic force has long been a source of frustration for Satan and globalist alike. This frustration of American dominance is doubled when you add in nations like China and Russia who also want to establish their own authoritarian versions of a new world order. This is why the United States must collapse for the world to enter its final form. Social Distortion Most Americans are unaware of a decline in individual liberty, and the reason is obvious: the decline rarely takes the form of sudden personal deprivation but, instead, takes the form of unnoticed erosion and, thus, we come to regard whatever state we are in as a normal condition. Leonard E. Read, “How to Advance Liberty” Since 2008 the collapsing of the United States appears to be happening faster than anyone could have ever anticipated. While the Democrats, globalists, leftists, and progressives attempt to sell the world on the fear of global warming, global cooling the catch-all climate change, the fear of American realists today is that the US will collapse from within in the next decade, if not sooner. Only this time there won’t be a Jack Ryan or Marvel superhero to save the day by preserving the status quo. Speaking of the status quo, is it even worth saving? I mean, what do you do when the status quo is becoming increasingly evil? Given the fact we are already in a state-sponsored cold civil war, there’s no saying as to whose side Jack Ryan or Captain America would be on anyway. Since 2016, the very fabric of our society has begun unraveling in so many different directions, it’s hard to tell how long this can continue. All the sunshine and rainbows these modern think tanks have been selling Washington about soft landings and a resurging economy is really just wishful thinking rather than the cold hard truth. Should the Lord tarry, it is very likely that we are rapidly approaching the time when we are left facing four sobering options, none of which are good: 1. Civil War/ political fracturing of the union 2. Economic/societal collapse 3. Foreign Invasion/sleeper cell activation 4. All three at once I think it’s fair to say that even though the fall of the American empire has been a long time coming, it is still something that is going to catch many Americans off guard. Perhaps it’s simply a problem of collective cognitive dissonance in the form of a societal-wide normalcy bias. As sobering as the attacks of Pearl Harbor, 9/11, and the Cuban Missile Crisis were, the truth is, the United States hasn’t faced a true existential threat since the 1861-65 Civil War. We tend to think of ourselves as bulletproof and capable of recovering from anything. It’s also fair to say that during the last century, there have been many micro-collapses. Although these micro-collapses in and of themselves were serious events, they were not serious enough to collapse our economy. Thus, the financial recessions and depressions of 1929,1937-38, 1973-74, 1987, and 2008 were quickly forgotten once the economic hardships eased. But each time either an attack or an economic fiasco has occurred, they have been fundamentally weakening the overall constitutional and financial soundness of the American way of life. Cracks in the American pillar as it were. Not only is the United States declining more noticeably on the global stage as of late, but we are also facing moral collapse from within at a frightening pace. America used to be lauded as the home of the free and the land of the brave. A once proud Christian-nation, and the ‘melting pot’ of the world. Now, we are self-identifying as a dangerous ally, a post-Christian nation, that is racing to change that to a pagan nation. Surely our friends, allies, and even enemies have taken notice. As we descend nationally into paganism, we are witnessing the quickening of the erosion of common values (i.e., Judeo-Christian values) which are leading to a marked rise in crime and violence in every major city. But it’s not just the thug in the dark alley who is promoting lawlessness, but also the elected politician vociferously defending the thug. These same politicians are calling for the defunding of law enforcement which is akin to pouring gasoline on the already growing pile of dry tinder. As these two extremes escalate, all the disparate communities are retreating into their ethnic and cultural families causing tribalism to become the norm. Adding insult to injury, the American justice system is being corrupted by money and politicization by both special interests and massive corporations (big tech, big pharma, big media, etc.). The average law-abiding American no longer trusts it and is right to not trust it, given the increasingly blatantly two-tiered rule of law we see every day on the news. I mean, we still haven’t seen who was on Jeffrey Epstein’s client list, but the FBI has extensive lists of parents who are standing up to their progressive school boards. Then there those proven change agents like George Soros, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and other billionaire activists, who are working relentlessly to fund the collapse of the United States. It should be obvious to anyone with half a brain that the cracks in the American pillars are so profound by now that something (or Someone) has been supernaturally sustaining the integrity of them. Asymmetric Warfare Merriam-Webster defines warfare as military operations between enemies, an activity undertaken by a political unit (as a nation) to weaken or destroy another (e.g., economic warfare), or a struggle between competing enemies. Traditional warfare has taken the form of violent military action among nation-states. By its very nature, warfare is a struggle at the strategic level. Battles are fought at the tactical level and campaigns at the operational level, but warfare is waged at the strategic level. The great Prussian strategist Carl von Clausewitz understood that warfare is an extension of “politics through other means.” (US Army Land Warfare Papers) Asymmetric means something having parts or aspects to it that are not equal or balanced. So, we live in an age where the United States has dominated global affairs from the West for the better part of seventy years. But the enemies of the US presently understand they cannot stand toe to toe against the US directly, which is why they are doing it via other means, such as economically or politically. Given the reality that the Bible is strangely silent on any such nation having any role to play in the last days, seems to indicate our enemies are successful. In fact, power seems to be decidedly shifted back to the East (or the Old World). The idea Tom Clancy came up with in The Sum of All Fears isn’t that far off the mark after all. All we would have to do is change some of the characters. Instead of the US vs. the USSR in a nuclear shooting match, it’s the rising of a corporate-backed oligarchy pitting free market capitalism (of how they earned their wealth) against communism to create a new form of global corporate socialism, which ultimately leads to communism. Real power has moved beyond the sanctioned elected political authority to that of a vast, shadowy deep state. But what is the deep state? The Deep State (or shadow government), also known as the Senior Executive Service (SES) refers to unelected bureaucrats and career staffers who actually control a government and its policies, rather than control by voters. Journalist Matt Taibbi defines it as "a tangled collaboration of state agencies, private contractors, and (sometimes state-funded) NGOs. The lines become so blurred as to be meaningless." But the deep state has grown beyond merely the definition given above. It now includes the varied three-letter “intelligence” agencies that have secret facilities around the world both hidden in plain sight, as well as subterranean and off the grid. They serve as the political vanguard working to ensure their agendas stay well-funded (by you the taxpayer), as well as on track to achieve their own ends. We know the recent 300-page Durham Report indicates as much with regard to Operation Crossfire Hurricane and the targeting of President Trump. Operation Mockingbird (embedding the CIA into the press as well as using the media to convey particular forms of propaganda) as well as countless other classified operations which have supposedly ended, haven’t. With the advent of social media, it really became all too easy for intelligence agencies to gather information on both the citizenry and political dissidents alike. Whereas dissidents used to mean communists, anarchists, environmental radicals, extremists, criminals, and Islamic terrorists, now it just means anyone not on board with the Democratic National Committee agenda. They want to exclusively control the narrative, and by 2023, pretty much do. Thus the notions of right and wrong, lawful, and illegal, constitutional and unconstitutional, etc…all of these are quickly becoming antiquated ideas that don’t mean anything anymore to powers and groups who are above the law and internationally minded. The elite knew if they could keep the citizens fighting amongst themselves (divide and conquer) we would be too busy squabbling to worry about what they were doing. If you think about a group like the WEF, which is advocating for a Great Reset, why would any American politician work with a group like that? Seems sort of treasonous given the WEF’s stated agenda of a Great Reset resetting the present world order with the United States at the helm. Why do you think they are based in Geneva, Switzerland? Switzerland is the most famously recognized neutral country on the planet. Switzerland is also not part of the European Union. They have complicated extradition rules, especially in matters of financial crimes, which is why many wealthy criminals flee there after the fact. What better place to advocate and champion the cause of collapsing the American empire than Switzerland? And that is exactly what Building Back Better means. It means breaking the current mold so they can reset reality to the one they want it to be. They intend on crashing this present system and raising the next with a small, powerful elite group at the top calling the shots. I’m betting they agree on the number of leaders being somewhere in the neighborhood of ten. The real reason why we are seeing such an aggressive push for globalism everywhere is not just because the global “stakeholders” realize that our current global economic system (led by the United States) has been squeezed for all its worth, but something far darker. The Satanic forces behind them, who gave them their power and thrones, realize that this age has come to its inevitable end, and are trying to set their own stage to prepare for what is coming. As for their human puppets, they would have dumped our US-dollar-based system decades ago, but they lacked the technology to implement said change as well as the means to control it. But now they do. When decentralized cryptocurrencies first came out in early 2009 by an anonymous person/group called Satoshi Nakamoto, it marked the first real threat to the dynasty fiat system. In just 14 short years, digital currencies went from fringe to what we are now facing this summer with the introduction of the digital Fed Coin. This was the perfect opportunity for Globalists to really seize control and force a Great Reset, by unleashing things like Covid-19 to destabilize the global markets as well as speed up the digitization of the global economy. What is interesting is that we have seen a subtle shift over the past decades (from the 1940s – 2000s) where corporations have become increasingly powerful and internationalized. Both Presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy warned about power grabs by non-government entities the Military Industrial Complex as well as communist change agents who would leech off the capitalist system to secure their power and ultimately, undermine the very system that enabled them. In years past, the almighty dollar drove the markets to the ends in which they attempted to achieve…which is more dollars. In recent years, however, this has been redirected, and money is no longer the ultimate end state. Political correctness, whether in the form of diversity, inclusion, and equity (DIE), sustainable development goals (SDGs), LGBTQ+, or other politically progressive initiatives is being implemented to become the new standard by which all commerce is to be dictated. But if these leftist programs fail (they do) and defy commonsense logic (they do), then why do them? It is because they are trying to break the old system, and corporations (e.g., Anheuser Busch, Microsoft, Apple, Disney, Nike, etc.) seem more than willing to take the financial hit on the chin in order to advance an agenda that is absolutely antithetical to their own financial wellbeing. In other words, they don’t care. For the time being, leftists are aligned with globalists, thinking they are working toward the same ends (they aren’t) by way of corporate socialism. They are doing this to circumvent the normal bureaucratic processes which have become overly cumbersome thanks to 70+ years of Pax Americana. Traditionally, these hindrances are purposely cumbersome as designed to prevent the irrational knee-jerk reactionary governance by crisis. Let me say that in a different way. Bureaucracy and 'checks and balances,' as painful as they often are, serve the function of slowing government down from moving too quickly. But supply demands a need. As the corporate world has benefitted from the ever-expanding global markets due to increasing advancements in technology, communications, travel, and information processing, their success has led to a surplus of things that need to be sold. For example, just as a drug dealer needs addicts to move his product, developers of smartphones (and like devices) need a generation addicted to them to keep pushing out their yearly models. This whole process has been coopted by Luciferians (i.e., globalists) to provide the necessary capital and mechanisms to bring on global socialism. Another example of this is the perpetual state of war we’ve been in since 9/11, which is perpetuated by the Deep State and Intelligentsia to enrich the Military Industrial Complex by destabilizing the world. The more destabilized the world becomes, the more the Deep State and Intelligentsia demand we pay for them to protect us! So, for the past few decades, it has become an increasingly turbulent cycle of supply and demand, very much like the mythical ouroboros snake eating its own tail. Just as the Luciferians learned their lessons long ago from the failures of the post-World War I League of Nations to create the United Nations, they are hijacking free market capitalism to enslave itself. They are also using the failures of the political system such as the United Nations to fund an endless army of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and globalist organizations like the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Trilateral Commission, World Economic Forum (WEF), and Bilderberg Group to bypass and circumvent the normal political processes. Conclusion It’s important to note that America is not a Christian nation. Nations can’t be “Christian” because true biblical Christianity is solely up to the individual. Furthermore, God is not American, nor is He sustaining the USA because He loves us more than He does the Azerbaijani or Honduran nations. God has blessed America given her religious founding and the prophetic role she was determined to play in aiding and enabling the rebirth of the nation of Israel. However, God is sustaining this nation until the appointed time because our collapse at the Rapture of the Church is essential to the process of prophetic causation that forces the world into its final form; the ten-nation/region confederacy. Nevertheless, after the Rapture, the Bible outlines four major geopolitical alignments in the last days both before and during the 70th Week of Daniel (i.e., the Tribulation). It is quite telling that none of these coalitions mentions a major superpower in the far west that resembles anything like the United States of America. These coalitions are: 1. The Psalm 83 coalition (before) 2. The Ezekiel 38-39 Gog-Magog coalition (before) 3. The Revelation 13 ten-region kingdom of the Beast (during) 4. The Kings of the East (during) The Psalm 83 scenario has been a constant battle of wait and see since at least 1948, as Israel's Arab neighbors are chomping at the bit to wage an all-out war on the tiny Jewish state. Both in 1967 and 1973, her neighbors did attack, and in both scenarios were defeated handily. Even more shockingly, we can see the Gog-Magog coalition forming slowly before our very eyes as Israel's outer ring of geopolitical antagonists (i.e., Russia, Turkey, Libya, Sudan, and Iran) begin to align. As for the Kings of the East, it is this author’s belief that China, India, Japan, the Koreas, Indonesia, and southwest Asia will someday align themselves into a counter-organization against the Antichrist’s western (Rome-Jerusalem-centric) beast kingdom. What is interesting to us now, is that we are starting to see some intriguing developments happening unbeknownst to many in the West: 1. The competing forces of China and India (the two largest populations on the planet) are currently creating a hub of ports and economic zones of influence challenging each other 2. China has the “String of Pearls” as well as the “Belt and Road Initiative,” while India has its “Necklace of Diamonds.” While both are presently using these to challenge each other's expanding control over Asia, they will likely be used at the end of the Tribulation to challenge the Antichrist's Western-backed global empire Finally, we can see the final beast system starting to take form. It is using the crisis of health and money to steer the world into a biometric digital currency that will one day be used to control all buying and selling on the planet. At this point, it's becoming violently obvious as to where this is all heading. In fact, one would have to be intentionally ignorant of Bible prophecy to purposefully ignore what is happening and where it is headed (see Revelation 13:16-18). Even non-Christians are starting to identify much of this stuff as having prophetic importance. It appears that by the time the Rapture of the Church removes upwards of 10% of the American population, it will be enough to cause the American experiment to come crashing down. Although not of their own making, the globalists will race to take advantage of this truly global crisis. They will likely cheer and applaud at having their death by a thousand cuts justified in toppling the once mighty American empire, only to unleash the nightmare of the final beast kingdom. Then I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name. Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. The dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority. And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast. So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?” Revelation 13:1-4 WATCH: - The Creature From Jekyll Island (by G. Edward Griffin) 'Surveillance over every citizen on Earth': Devious group looks to rule entire world - By Bob Unruh - The World Health Organization has set its sights on establishing "a platform for global governance through health care." So warns former GOP presidential candidate and U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, who was in attendance at the ten-day annual assembly in Geneva of the World Health Assembly, considered the "decision-making body of the WHO." Bachmann, according to a report in the Washington Stand, says the international body is poised to expand the influence of WHO's mandate over health-care decisions worldwide. To that end, it has proposed a worldwide convention in which it would assume the authority to make major decisions about health care, or health threats, and then demand that all nations submit to its decisions and rulings. That would mean the international group – with close ties to communist China – could order lockdowns, boycotts, medical treatment such as vaccinations, and much, much more. And the world would be required to obey. Critics of the agenda accuse President Joe Biden of working to enable the international group to "centralize authority not just for pandemics, {but} for any health emergency in the hands of the director-general." This is developing as WHO's deference to China at the outset of COVID-19 arguably made the pandemic catastrophically worse for the world. Bachmann's concern is that the assembly is ready to expand WHO's authority worldwide. "There’s a dual track process that they’re following,” she explained. "One is through a global pandemic treaty that they’re calling an ‘accord.’ The second is through a package of about 300 amendments to the international health rules. "Both lead to the same result. Both lead to the creation of a platform for global governance through health care. And it is a web that locks us in … the likes of which we’ve never seen before." She pointedly noted that there were no members of Congress attending the assembly's juggernaut. "I was actually shocked because this has been a big issue that a lot of their constituents have rightfully been very concerned about. … There was no American press here. So how would anyone even know what was going on unless they tuned in and they watched for themselves?" she told the Stand. She explained that during COVID, WHO "bungled almost everything, whether it was masks or vaccines or lockdowns. "Yet they act like nothing happened. There was no review. They acted like everything was just normal." Which raises her concern for WHO's new plans. "They’re planning to meet in New York City in September. They’ll go over the progress that they’re going to make in January. They’ll give a final completed package of the 300 amendments, together with a global pandemic treaty, to the World Health Organization and the U.N. And then they’ll meet again in Geneva next February. But one year from this week, they will take the vote. And so they intend to vote for a platform for global government and to give themselves the power that no one has ever seen before." She warned that Biden's health secretary, the extreme left Xavier Becerra, told her he wants more "surveillance" of Americans and their health. "And then they want to share that data with everyone else in the world. This is highly invasive. They were very clear today. They want very bold language. They intend to have surveillance over every citizen on Earth, and they intend to … control us through health care." Notably, President Trump had informed WHO that the U.S. was pulling out of the group, but Biden reversed that decision immediately on taking office. The issue also was a topic on the Steve Bannon show: WATCH: IMPORTANT NOTE: “Election denier!” “Science denier!” “Climate-change denier!” “Conspiracy theorist!” And then there’s “hate speech,” “fake news,” “disinformation,” “misinformation,” even something called “MALinformation.” A bizarre new lexicon has been conjured up by America’s elites, the SOLE PURPOSE of which is to discredit and ridicule – and if at all possible, CENSOR ENTIRELY – speech that doesn’t support their increasingly dark and deranged agenda. Tucker Carlson is just the latest. In the greatest imaginable irony, the nation once boasting the most robust culture of freedom of speech and the press – undergirded by the strongest constitutional protections for those rights – is now ground zero for a total war on free expression. Prophecy Update Videos Must Watch Videos! Videos You Can Trust
Is The WEF’s ‘Global Alliance for Responsible Media’ Vying For Your Mind? – By Dean Dwyer - As time goes on, it is becoming increasingly obvious that governments, corporations, academic institutions and even cultural institutions are taking it upon themselves to arbitrate speech in our communities. The trouble is, not only is there a growing disagreement over what constitutes hate speech, there appears to be a troubling determination to limit freedom of belief and the sharing of the gospel. Because of this, many are outwardly proclaiming that the Bible contains “hate speech” and therefore demanding that limitations be placed on what we may say in the public square. Throughout Western democratic nations, freedom of opinion, expression and religion have been the cornerstone of human rights for centuries. However, with the advent of social media has come the burgeoning problem of how to deal with content which is discriminatory, hateful and abusive. This is a veritable minefield of political, legal and cultural ramifications since many nations have enshrined freedom of speech in legislation. Secondarily, the term “hate speech” is somewhat subjective. Certain phrases may not be offensive in some cultures or countries but may be in others. But if those issues didn’t cause enough headaches, now we have governments and institutions decrying the supposed problem of misinformation which, as evidenced during the COVID-era, simply meant any information not approved by government. At this point, it would be helpful for me to introduce you to GARM – Global Alliance for Responsible Media. According to its website, GARM is “a cross-industry initiative established by the World Federation of Advertisers to address the challenge of harmful content on digital media platforms and its monetization via advertising. GARM was launched at Cannes in the summer of 2019 and has been working hard to highlight the changes needed for advertisers to feel more confident about advertising on social media. As of November 2019, GARM is a flagship project of the World Economic Forum Platform for Shaping the Future of Media, Entertainment and Culture.” Although this goal may appear to be benevolent, what we have come to know over the last few years is that whenever the World Economic Forum is involved in a project, it pays to be wary. According to the World Economic Forum, the initiative seeks to collaborate with “publishers and platforms to do more to address harmful and misleading media environments; and to develop and deliver against a concrete set of actions, processes and protocols for protecting brands.” This includes focusing on challenges such as hate speech, bullying, disinformation, use of personal data and child exploitation. According to their categorization of risk factors in advertising, the following is considered high risk when it comes to hate speech and acts of aggression: “Depiction or portrayal of hateful, denigrating, or inciting content focused on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, ability, nationality, religion, caste, victims and survivors of violent acts and their kin, immigration status or serious disease sufferers, in a noneducational, informational, or scientific context. Far from being some fringe program that attracts far-left organizations, many of the world’s colossal companies have bowed to this woke agenda. It is a veritable Tower of Babel in ideological and cultural form luring many to aid in the building of its foundations from all across the world. As George Orwell chillingly warned in his dystopian masterpiece 1984, “Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought?” The outcome of this globally enforced advertising standard means that all social media platforms will have to write pages of reports on how they intend to run their platforms to appease the standards now set by GARM. This is not going to be an issue which is confined to the boardrooms of these companies. There is a trickle-down effect which will filter into churches who rely on these platforms in order to share content. Far be it from the World Economic Forum to regret this outcome – they will be wishing for it to happen in order to curb the influence that Christians hold throughout their communities. Like most Western nations, Australia is coming to grips with the free speech, hate speech and censorship debate as governing institutions grapple with the community’s desire to regulate online and in-person content. Australians are seen throughout the world as a somewhat easygoing group of people, but that is proving to be largely myth because Australia has a long – and controversial – relationship with censorship. In fact, within ten years of Federation (which occurred in 1901) Australia was one of the most censorship-heavy nations in the world. Until the 1970s, that censorship focused on morally impure language and themes in order to protect the decency of Australians. However, in step with most Western nations today, censorship is now being directed at Christians and the Scriptures, which are seen as hateful. For example, in 2021, the Australian state of Victoria introduced the Change or Suppression (Conversion) Practices Prohibition Act 2021. Under the legislation, practices that seek to change or hide someone’s sexual orientation or gender identity are declared harmful and unlawful. According to the government, those practices can include teachings, counselling, spiritual care activities or other psychological or medical interventions based on the ideology that there is something wrong or broken about people with diverse sexualities or gender identities. In the words of the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission, “These practices can involve people receiving subtle and repeated messages, that with faith and effort, they can change or hide their sexual orientation or gender identity. The legislation even prohibits a Christian from praying, declaring it to be an unlawful practice within the context of the legislation. So, if you are a pastor or Christian in Victoria and you offer to pray or counsel somebody who is struggling with gender identity, you may be jailed for 10 years or fined $10,000. At the time the legislation was being debated, Martyn Iles, then managing director of the Australian Christian Lobby said that the bill “basically criminalizes the truth. It takes those truths about marriage, about gender, about sex, about family….things that Christians hold dear, which are part of Creation itself, and it says that those ideas, the expression of them, the living out of them can become criminal acts. Where governments have been unsuccessful in modifying our behavior, it is now allowing corporations and the media free reign in order to manipulate and divide us. The media is all too willing to comply with this scheme, knowing that this makes them all the more powerful. The trouble is that once the media has captured the minds of its unsuspecting victims, it is able to regulate, control, manipulate and censor all who operate within its murky waters. Edward Bernays, the nephew of Sigmund Freud, used to refer to propaganda as “invisible government”. He said: “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, and our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of….It is they who pull the wires that control the public mind.” This gives you plenty to think about. There are many people and organizations vying for your mind, not with the intent of improving you, but with the intent of manipulating and controlling you. How much better it is to rely on the command in Romans 12:2: And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Are you hungry yet? – Terry James - It’s not a question parents have to ask kids like I was while growing up. I was always hungry, so the question was one I didn’t hear until I was probably fully grown and married. Now the question’s as common as: What would you like for dinner? Or, here in the South: What’s for supper? “Are you hungry yet?” seems a uniquely adult question, posed in anticipation of engaging in an almost ritualistic exercise—that of sitting down to a meal that, in many cases, includes family and/or friends in enjoyable fellowship around the table. Children sometimes have to be ordered to stop playing—more digital games these days than outdoors play like in the past—in order to get them to eat. Adults—those not so addicted to the same cyberspace pursuits—grow hungry through the sights and aromas that tell them suppertime is at hand. The stomachs rumble a bit, the salivary glands kick in, the brain sounds the dinner bell, and off we go to the supper table. And, yes, I’m sadly aware that in today’s America, family dinner is often consumed while each diner sits at his or her own meal while continuing to engage in whatever entertainment he or she chooses. I’m thinking nostalgically, I suppose, considering how things used to be and how I wish they would continue. As poor as the choice of segue I’ve used here might be, I hope it might help us think about how the sights, sounds, aromas, etc., of this present hour are acting upon our senses that alert us to spiritual hunger. Particularly, I want to turn to thoughts of how near we are to one special meal that will have us all sitting at one table—perhaps my nostalgic wish fulfilled, exponentially. So, the question again is: “Are you hungry yet?” Do you sense that spiritual burn somewhere deep within that says it’s almost suppertime? The sounds, sights, smells, and every condition surrounding us at this moment should alert us that Heaven is about to call us to that great supper. Despite the vile, end-times odors that offend, God’s prophetic Word acts as a filter so the student of Bible prophecy can smell the cooking from Heaven’s kitchen. We’ve covered the senses-offending matters for a long time now. Each of the things Jesus and the prophets foretold are heating to the point of becoming painful to endure: Israel on the verge of war for survival, with pressures to give God’s Land for peace; the powerful drive for a global New World Order; the deceivers and great deception; wars and rumors of war; the development of AI and other technologies that threaten to enslave; the reprobate evil that is Sodom-like, with even some Christian pastors and churches refusing to resist—all tells us that Great Supper is at hand. I write this, of course, especially in regard to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. So let’s look at that magnificent heavenly feast that awaits. Although there are differing views on this event, which will bring all believers together at the Lord’s table, I believe Dr. Thomas Ice has it right. He is the head of the PreTrib Study Group that meets annually at Dallas. This is the conference established by Dr. Tim LaHaye and Dr. Ice, of which I remain a member. Many believe the Marriage Supper of the Lamb is the same event as the Marriage of the Lamb. Dr. Ice correctly interprets God’s prophetic Word in this regard. “Let us rejoice and be glad and give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come and His bride has made herself ready.” And it was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen are the righteous acts of the saints. And he said to me, “Write, ‘Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.'” And he said to me, “These are true words of God.” —Revelation 19:7-9 It is at this point that many Christians today often confuse the marriage of the Lamb with the marriage supper of the Lamb. But they are two separate events that occur at two different times in history. Revelation 19:9 says, “Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.” This passage clearly has a forward look anticipating a future time. It cannot refer to anyone in heaven since the church (the bride) is the only redeemed entity in heaven. However, after the second coming when believers from other ages will be resurrected (Dan. 12:2) along with tribulation saints, both mortal and resurrected ones (Rev. 20:4), these will be the invited guest who will be guests at this celebration supper. I believe that the marriage supper will be during the first part of the millennial reign of Christ. Fruchtenbaum says: Hence, the “many” who are bidden to attend the marriage feast on earth are all the Old Testament saints and the Tribulation saints resurrected after the Second Coming. While the marriage ceremony will take place in heaven, the marriage feast will take place on earth after the Second Coming. In fact, it would seem that the marriage feast is what begins the Millennium or the Messianic Kingdom; the Church’s co-reigning with the Messiah will start with a tremendous marriage feast. (Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum, Footsteps of the Messiah, p. 597) Though the marriage of the Lamb to His bride (the church) and the marriage supper of the Lamb are closely related, they are separate events, just as the wedding ceremony and the wedding reception of our day are separate events. In fact, these two events are often held at two different locations, just as the marriage of the Lamb will be in heaven right before the second coming (Rev. 19), while the marriage supper of the Lamb will commence with the beginning of the millennium. (“The Marriage Supper of the Lamb, Dr. Thomas Ice, There is so much involved in this coming gathering of all the saints of the ages that the differences of opinion are myriad in trying to know all details. Suffice it to say that it will be a grand and glorious coming together of a family more intimate than that of the best gathering human families have ever enjoyed. You can almost smell the heavenly cuisine being prepared, can’t you? Are you hungry yet? Daily Jot: Government characterizing Christians as Nazis - Bill Wilson – The biggest threat to your Constitutional guaranteed right of religious freedom is the very entity that is supposed to uphold freedom of religion—the Federal government. In particular, the Biden Administration is continuing the hostile policies of the Obama Administration toward Christians and conservatives through its administrative authorities. A recent investigation by the Media Research Council (MRC) reveals that “the Biden administration is weaponizing a government-funded anti-terrorism grant program in an effort to destroy conservatives, Christians and the Republican Party.” MRC has obtained documents showing that Biden has revamped a Trump era program to target those with which it disagrees. The Trump Administration used the Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention Grant Program (TVTP) to prevent terrorism. MRC reports the Biden Administration is now using the funds to target “he entire spectrum of the political right and Christians through “media literacy and online critical thinking initiatives” and other so-called training seminars as part of a coordinated effort to make America into a one-party system.” As an example, MRC cites a chart used by DHS for its training program “equates mainstream groups with militant neo-Nazis, including: The Heritage Foundation, Fox News, the National Rifle Association (NRA), Breitbart News, PragerU, Turning Point USA, the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), the American Conservative Union Foundation (ACUF) and the Republican National Committee, among others.” The University of Dayton received $352,109 (of nearly $40 million in taxpayer funds) in a PREVENTS-OH Grant for educational seminars that “compared former President Donald Trump to Pol Pot and suggested Florida Governor Ron DeSantis might wish to start a second Holocaust. The PREVENTS-OH seminars (including one headlined by a DHS agent) feature lectures by University of Cincinnati Research Fellow Michael Loadenthal, a self-proclaimed member of Antifa whose Twitter feed is rife with posts celebrating acts of left-wing violence (often against police officers). Loadenthal used PREVENTS-OH to explain in detail how to create dummy accounts on free speech social media platforms like Telegram, Gab and Rumble in order to “destabilize” political movements.” An April 7, 2009 Department of Homeland Security document–the first major public document released by the Obama administration–defined right wing extremism as “primarily hate-oriented (based on hatred of particular religious, racial or ethnic groups),..groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration.” This report insinuated that conservative Christians were akin to Neo-Nazis. These are examples of how our government is being weaponized against us. They, the true Neo-Nazis, are accusing Christians and conservatives of being Neo-Nazis. Like Christ said in Matthew 24:9, “you shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake.” Who would have thought this would include our own nation whose founding documents revere freedom of religion and speech? Sources: DHS Report on Rightwing Extremism: Daily Devotion: No Substitute for Worship - by Greg Laurie – But the Lord said to her, “My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.” —Luke 10:41–42 - Listen Luke’s Gospel tells the story of two sisters, Martha and Mary. Martha frantically worked in the kitchen to prepare a meal for Jesus, while Mary sat at His feet and drank in His every word. Martha became frustrated because she felt overworked, and she demanded that Jesus send Mary to help her. But Jesus said, “My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her” (Luke 10:41–42 NLT). He was saying, in effect, “Martha, you’re too busy! Take a cue from your sister. She has chosen the better part.” Mary knew what was important. She knew there was a time for work and a time for worship. But quite often as Christians, we can be like Martha, frantically working instead of sitting at Jesus’ feet. Psalm 91 tells us, “Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty” (verse 1 nlt). In the original language, the word used here for “live” speaks of quiet, resting, and remaining with consistency. Essentially, this verse is telling us that God wants fellowship with us. He wants us to come close to Him, to be near Him, and to remain consistently in His presence. Sometimes we are so busy doing Christian things with Christian people in the Christian church that we forget about Christ. And then one day, we suddenly realize that we’re overwhelmed. We feel burned out. Are you living in the shelter of the Most High? There’s a time for work, of course. However, the best work will always overflow from a life of worship. At the same time, work can never take the place of worship. PROPHECY UPDATE NEWS HEADLINES Yesterday's Prophecies - Today's Headlines HEADLINES IN PARTNERSHIP WITH TRACKING BIBLE PROPHECY 5/30/23
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