And Also, Afterwards... – Pete Garcia -
There were giants (Nephilim) on the earth in those days, and also afterward, whenever the sons of God (elohim) came into the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men (gibbor) who were of old, men of renown. Genesis 6:4 NKJV (emphasis mine) BLUF: Over the years, I have generally refrained from writing about the Nephilim in the last days because a) I felt like it had already been sensationalized enough, and b) I didn’t know enough about the topic to speak definitively about it. My passing mentions on the Nephilim in previous articles have primarily been in reference to the Antediluvian age, and even then, only as a biblical, historical reality. As for my position on the subject, I have always believed (and still do) that fallen angels, came and took wives amongst human women, and their offspring were giants. These unholy unions (as well as the events up thru the Tower of Babel) were the origins of all the worlds’ mythologies. Furthermore, the purpose of their original incursion was not simply out of lust (as Josephus and John Milton allude to), but far more nefarious. They were on a mission to stop the One who would crush the head of their satanic order, Satan. As for what that means for us in our present-day (and the months and years to come), I absolutely believe we will, once again, see this “blurring” of what it means to be human. Does that mean we will see giants again? I don’t know. Would we even need giants again, if we had enhanced humans running around with super-strength, super-intelligence, or other super-human features? Giants like Goliath may have been the enemy’s weapon of choice back in the ancient world due to the warfare they were limited to, but as advanced and complicated as the world has become in the 21st-century, a Captain America type super soldier may be preferable. The Gibborim The Nephilim were indeed mighty men of antiquity, men of renown. They were the gibborim mentioned in Genesis 6:4. However, while it appears that all Nephilim were gibborim, not all gibborim were Nephilim…Many English Bibles introduce confusion about the relationship between the Sons of God and the Nephilim by translating asher as “when” instead of “whenever.” Once this issue is straightened out, the passage becomes very clear. It tells us who the Nephilim were and how they came about rather than introducing a group of people into the passage who have nothing to do with the context. It also tells us that they were on the earth prior to the flood and also afterward. Tim Chaffey, Fallen. The Sons of God and the Nephilim, pg. 251 One of the most fascinating aspects of studying ancient history is looking across all of the different cultures and seeing all the similar mythologies they often share. From the Commanche to the Aborigine, and everywhere in between, hundreds of cultures have a version of a flood story and those eight or so persons who survived it. Additionally, the Sumerian, Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Greek, and other documents found, seem to share parallel stories about an ancient “golden age” filled with gods, demigods, monsters, and magic. These similarities are too numerous to simply dismiss out of hand. One of the most infamous, yet enigmatic characters from the Old Testament (roughly 2300BC), was a ne’er-do well-named Nimrod. Some believed him to actually have been the semi-divine hero Gilgamesh; however, he was most likely the brutal Sargon of Akkad. Even after his death, Nimrod's legendary exploits seemed to have inspired the person of Hercules from Greek mythology. However, in the Bible, Nimrod (his name likely a dysphemism rather than his actual name) is the first Nephilim to have lived, after the flood. Tim Chaffey’s book Fallen does the yeoman’s work in showing Nimrod’s dubious lineage. Let me know if you catch it. The sons of Ham were Cush, Mizraim, Put, and Canaan. The sons of Cush were Seba, Havilah, Sabtah, Raamah, and Sabtechah; and the sons of Raamah were Sheba and Dedan. Cush begot Nimrod; he began to be a mighty one (gibbor) on the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the Lord; therefore it is said, “Like Nimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord.” And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, Erech, Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. From that land he went to Assyria and built Nineveh, Rehoboth Ir, Calah, and Resen between Nineveh and Calah (that is the principal city). Gen. 10:6-12 (emphasis added) Did you catch it? I didn’t either, for years. Note who the sons of Cush are…and note that Nimrod was not initially listed amongst them. Is it possible that Nimrod was actually a distant relation who was sired by Cush? Is it possible that the fallen angels once again, began their unholy “Lebensborn” program and placed baby Nimrod into the care of Cush soon after the flood? While the former option is certainly possible, it is not clear why Scripture figures him more prominently than any of his siblings. According to the Septuagint, Nimrod was called a 'giant hunter.' In Arabic, he was a 'terrible giant.' In the Bible, he is called a gibborim, a mighty (or powerful) hunter before the Lord. And alluding to the Chaffey quote earlier, all Nephilim were gibborim, but not all gibborim were Nephilim. However, seeing is how he (Nimrod) is tied to the Tower of Babel and its subsequent judgment on mankind, as well as “demigod” status across Akkadian, Sumerian, Babylonian, and Greek cultural lore, it’s also not a stretch to say he was also Nephilim. Like many of you, I always assumed that the angelic “Sons of God” who came and took wives before the flood, were punished at the flood along with the rest of those who perished in the flood. However, the Bible does not actually say that. In fact, we aren’t told these fallen angels were punished at all until nearly two thousand years later when Peter and Jude record it in their epistles (2 Peter 2:2-4, Jude 1:6). That’s not to say they weren’t punished either at the Flood or shortly thereafter, but we simply aren’t told when they faced their imprisonment in the abyss. Given the fact Moses tells us the Nephilim were also on the earth after the flood, and Nephilim were the biological offspring of fallen angels and human women, all we can know for certain, is either those angels were imprisoned at the flood and their punishment was at some point after the flood. Some speculation here: The most likely scenario is that there was a secondary, yet smaller incursion of the same fallen angels after the flood (if/ since they weren’t punished for the first incursion). They must have been aware of God's promise to Noah (Gen 9) to never flood the earth again, and there wasn't enough of mankind left to wipe everyone out again, thus, Satan doubled down. This would have been at or near the time just before the Tower of Babel (circa 2300BC). This effort resulted in the births of giant offspring (albeit far fewer in number), but including Nimrod. He was sired by Cush and grew quickly, and assumed control of the descendants of Shem, Ham, and Japeth and all who had failed to disperse and fill the earth. This is why God's judgment at Babel was not total annihilation, but dispersion and confusion. As for Babel, much to the belief by many is not in what is now, southern Iraq; rather, it was located in the northern plains of Shinar in what is now modern-day Syria. When God came down and issued His judgment upon the peoples at Babel (Gen. 11), not only did he divide up the world by language and genetics, but He also physically dispersed them across the globe. It is here I believe the disobedient ‘Sons of God’ were cast down into Tartarus (the abyss). Adding further judgment, God then appoints angelic rulers (i.e., the Divine Council) to rule over these lands (e.g., Prince of Persia, Grecia, etc.) as a form of punishment to the rebellious peoples (Psalm 82). However, He retains Israel for Himself, and shortly thereafter, we see the Biblical narrative shift from all mankind (Gen. 1-11) to the line of Shem via Abram. Thus, the focus of the Genesis narrative shifts from all of mankind to the Israelites (Gen. 12 onward). It is also likely that those Nephilim who were then dispersed at Babel, not only took their common history with them, but also the Nephilim-gene. By the time that Moses records the Pentateuch (circa 15th-14th century BC), there were at least eight different Nephilim clans (i.e., Rephaim, Zuzim, Emim, Anakim, Amorites, Gittites, and Horites (assumed). These weren’t simply tall, awkwardly-gangly people who suffered from gigantism. The Bible differentiates between tall people such as the Egyptian of great height (1 Chronicles 11:22-24) and those who were Nephilim. The Nephilim giants were between 8-12 ft. in height, and were proportional to their stature. In fact, the giants were still alive until David’s day, proving somewhat, that they were able to reproduce and or pass their genes down for nearly two thousand years after the Flood. Even after the Israelites, under the leadership of Joshua, were able to clear out most of the giants in the land with the exception of Gath, Gaza, and Ashdod (Joshua 11:22). While the Bible is silent on the subject, it is highly likely that seeing his progeny nearly wiped out a second time, Satan began stirring some of the Nephilim to move west and to spread out into different parts of the earth from those coastal cities. This might explain things like Stonehenge and other megalithic sites that seem to defy normal human construction. We know that giants aren’t mentioned past the time of David, but if the early church view is correct (demons are the spirits of the dead Nephilim), we see their activity all throughout the New Testament. If we take the predominant modern view (demons are really just fallen angels), then (as far as Scripture is concerned), giants don't factor into the equation of relevance any longer after David. Granted, this is also not to say that Nephilim gene still doesn’t exist somewhere in the world today. If the science behind the movie Jurassic Park is any indication, recreating modern versions of the Nephilim could be possible in either the present or not-too-distant future. As It Was… And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: Luke 17:26 So what does Nimrod, the Flood, and the Nephilim have to do with us here in the present? Was Jesus just referencing the general conditions surrounding the Noahic Flood, or will the demigods return and dominate planet earth shortly before/after the Rapture? Is science even a factor if Satan is going to be unleashed and given "all power" to create lying signs and wonders? Historical records have shown that throughout history, empires and their militaries were not above using performance-enhancing substances to give their armies an edge. Recent history has shown us the French Army used cola-nut extracts during the Franco-Prussian War (1870-71). The Nazis used Pervitin (methamphetamine), which was given to millions of German troops, kept them fighting harder for longer periods of time without rest from 1939-45. Likewise, copious amounts of tobacco, steroids, coffee, workout supplements, and energy drinks have sustained hundreds of thousands of US forces in the twenty years of active fighting in the Middle East. Since the end of World War II, the US Military has repeatedly experimented with a number of different, more permanent, solutions for creating a faster, stronger, and tougher military. At the time, the technology did not support the US Military’s ambition of creating a Captain America. Instead, the US military focused on creating the most rigorous training schools in the world (e.g., Ranger, SEAL, Special Forces, Marine Recon, etc.), which did create a tight-knit community of elite soldiers within the world’s best military. However, as long last conflicts like Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq have proven, relying on these elite soldiers for repeated, back-to-back deployments has serious, negative, long-term psychological effects. However, as the world energetically entered into the Information Age and technology began to advance more rapidly, the US Military hoped and funded DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) to break past the plateau and get the soldiers to just beyond peak human. They wanted soldiers who were faster, stronger, smarter, and had better endurance than the world’s best athletes. In other words, they wanted Captain America. This resulted in DARPA’s 2001-08 project, the Metabolically Dominant Solider. Of course, the gains (no pun intended) were mixed at best. Some drugs showed promise in lab animals, but minimal enhancement in humans. Some treatments added endurance and concentration but caused other negative side effects like cancer. DNA treatments (Myostatin-blocking using CRISPR), likewise, was not the solution they were hoping for due to other physical limitations. Whether we are talking about Captain America or Iron Man, the military-industrial complex has shown it has an appetite for enhanced soldiers and will not be stopping anytime soon. “In the last five years, there have been huge advances in the tools to study biology” and the understanding of human biology. The field is ripe for breakthroughs, he said. “I think we have a huge opportunity. I compare it to the development of microprocessors. From the 1960s to the 1980s, there were tremendous foundational advances in computing, but they had comparatively little effect on warfare. But, from the 1980s to the 2000s, microprocessors and computing changed warfare—and society,” Herr said. “If you look at the modern human performance modification field as starting roughly with the Human Genome Project in 1993, we’re now about 20 years later and have had similar foundational advances in science and tools. In the next 20 years, we may see huge impacts on warfare and society.” (Source) Andrew Herr, president of Helicase LLC, a consulting company that advises the U.S. military on human performance optimization and other emerging and potentially disruptive technologies. I think he is correct. Unleashed A change is in the air, and the whole world can sense it. The old order of things is becoming tattered and threadbare; the structural frameworks are becoming harder to hold together. Fiat currencies, which were the superglue of Industrial Era economics, are quickly becoming outdated and debt-laden. Rising godlessness in western societies is accelerating the deterioration of nations that were already in advanced stages of decline. National problems, once confined by location, are increasingly viewed as global issues. The call for fundamental change is stronger today than even during the turbulent 1920s and 30s. As it were, everyone from Gen Z youth, to the CEOs of multibillion-dollar corporations, are in lockstep agreement that abandoning free-market capitalism for Marxist-Socialism, is the “responsible” thing to do. Even with the full historical knowledge of all the atrocities and death, this type of thinking has resulted in the past, these modern woke-sheep are bent on committing economic suicide. Thus, the unwinding global tapestry, which once held everything and everyone in place, has put the world on edge. Adding to man’s evolving cultural and moral dilemmas, the world is also facing an onslaught of emerging, asymmetric threats as diverse as it is complex. Issues, once previously considered science fiction, are now a reality. Substantial developments into artificial intelligence, the weaponization of information, quantum technology, cyber-physical systems, low-earth orbit technologies, emerging digital currencies, nanotechnologies, etc. are now on the table. The world is no longer black and white, but a dizzying array of grays; we are simply too interconnected these days not to be. Nevertheless, all of these advancements to varying degrees, are upending the old order and blurring the future geopolitical pathways. Out of these rising complexities amongst competing nation-states, warfare is one example of how technology is moving our capabilities beyond the traditional domains (land, sea, air) and into progressively diverse and complicated ones (i.e., subterranean, polar, space, urban, and cyber). In order to maintain the technological edge, nations are looking for energy and economic alliances, to ensure their survival. Due to swelling internal populations and burgeoning migratory shifts of displaced peoples, both natural and economic resources are becoming leveraged strategic assets used for and against neighboring states. Again, this is because nations around the world can feel the tremors of an imminent collapsing American global order, and they want to prepare for that eventuality sooner rather than later. Now, given these dire scenarios, how difficult would it be to believe nations wouldn’t also pursue any means necessary to maintain the status quo or even rise above? Given what we have seen in the past (e.g., the Holocaust, Operation Paperclip, animal cloning, CRISPR, etc.) is it really hard to believe governments would not cross bioethical boundaries to ensure their own national survival? Absolutely not. Governments, both past, and present are filled with both elected and unelected people who love power and would do almost anything to keep it. It shouldn’t surprise us that governments actually have no qualms with ‘bending the rules (as witnessed by the recent 2020 election coup d'état). Since we discovered what DNA was in the 1950s, mankind has been feverishly working to tweak the human genome enough to create enhanced humans and give ourselves an advantage over our friends and foes. Granted, most people are busy with their lives these days and don’t really spend time thinking about genetic modifications as a real issue. That is the way these black-budget types of endeavors are designed; out of sight, out of mind. Furthermore, the “powers that be” are not intent on making these advancements public knowledge, because they have no intention of making this available for the general public (as atheistic futurists often hypothesize). Rather, these governments would create small forces of enhanced (elite) humans to enforce their autocratic rule over said populations. Now, contrast this with my previous article stating how the experts dismiss Bible prophecy out of hand (largely due to political correctness). While they (the human experts) might dismiss it out of hand, you can bet your bottom dollar, their demonic overlords and handlers do not (Eph. 6:12). Fallen angels know what is possible when tinkering with the human body because they’ve seen it before. If we take the Bible literally (and seriously), then we know the human body can live for centuries. The human body can grow to at least 10 feet tall. The human body can perform extraordinary feats of strength (i.e., Samson). Finally, the human body can perform supernatural feats. Once the Restrainer is removed, and the gates of hell are no longer restrained, those who are left behind are going to see a world moving on fast-forward to create an elite force of Nephilim and Gibborim (mighty men) that will serve as the Antichrist’s shock troops, who will help enforce his rule over the Beast’s fallen kingdom. So while I do not think the public world will see this before the Rapture, I believe afterward, God will allow Satan to provide the necessary information to mankind to unlock the missing pieces of this metabolic enhancement for the human condition. Thus, Moses' final warning of the Nephilim being also after the flood was not just for historical knowledge, but would also serve as a prophetic warning. One final interest of note that our present world order is in its final stages of collapsing. It is collapsing because Satan knows he has a small window of time to get the world primed for his final kingdom. The collapse will come with, or because of the Rapture of the Church. With the Church's departure at the Rapture, the world (and God) will once again hone in on Israel and possibly the revival of all her ancient enemies. Instead of crossing into the Promised Land from the wilderness, Israel will be forced to flee back into the wilderness for a short time after the Antichrist desecrates their third temple at the midpoint. He, along with all of his wicked forces, will pursue after her, but she will be supernaturally protected by God Himself. Satan and his forces will finally be vanquished from heaven for good, and he will project a flood upon Israel, but this time, the earth will swallow the flood up (Revelation 12). And like Enoch, the Church will nowhere be found on the earth. We can take comfort in the fact that whatever magic and monsters will come in our departure, God is still in control. No scheme of Satan, regardless of what forces he attempts to revive, will threaten to undo God's plan set in motion since before Creation. Whether they be giants, superhumans, artificially intelligent drones, or whatever monstrosities they use against Israel and the tribulation saints in those final years. Their day of reckoning will come when the skies are peeled back and our Lord returns with the armies of heaven. Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. His eyes were like a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns. He had a name written that no one knew except Himself. He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. And the armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, followed Him on white horses. Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. Even so, Maranatha! Author’s Note: Since 2011, I’ve only endorsed a handful of books (two of which I personally contributed to). This time, I’m endorsing Fallen- The Sons of God and the Nephilim by Tim Chaffey, Th.M. (Answers in Genesis). Simply put, it is the best book on the subject ever written. He painstakingly answers all of the tough questions we often ask when traveling through these often obscure portions of Scripture. Although I do not know him personally, nor do I receive any financial benefit by endorsing it, I wholeheartedly recommend this book to any student of the Bible who truly wants to understand what is going on in Genesis 6. It has greatly enhanced and deepened my understanding in a very significant way. NASA Impact Simulation Shows Dangers of Bible's Wormwood Prophecy - A week-long exercise held by Nasa this week has concluded that a catastrophic event with an asteroid would be unavoidable, even given six months to prepare. The hypothetical impact scenario, which took place during a planetary defense conference hosted by the United Nations, confirmed that there is no current technology on earth that could stop an Asteroid if we knew in advance it was projected to hit the earth. "If confronted with the scenario in real life, we would not be able to launch any spacecraft on such short notice with current capabilities," the participants said. The only response to such an event would be to evacuate the area before the asteroid hit, however the impact zone of many typical asteroids would be so large that would be almost impossible. From The End Of The American Dream... We live at a time when giant space rocks are whizzing past our planet with alarming regularity. Sometimes we know in advance that they are coming, and sometimes we don't. Some of these asteroids have even come within a range that rivals orbits from some of our satellites. In 1998, a big Hollywood movie entitled "Deep Impact" imagined what would happen if a very large asteroid hit the Atlantic Ocean. It is hard to believe that it has been more than 20 years since it first came out, because I can still remember it very vividly. In one of the most memorable scenes in the film, a massive tsunami that is hundreds of feet tall slams into the east coast of the United States causing immense death and destruction. But that is just a movie. Could something similar actually happen in real life? A computer simulation of an asteroid impact tsunami developed by scientists at the University of California, Santa Cruz (USCS), showed waves as high as 400 feet sweeping onto the Atlantic Coast of the US. Steven Ward, a researcher at the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics at UCSC, and Erik Asphaug, an associate professor of Earth sciences, reported their findings in the Geophysical Journal International. Of course, an asteroid could potentially hit anywhere on the planet, but in their research Ward and Asphaug specifically focused on the Atlantic Ocean, and what their computer simulation came up with was extremely disconcerting... For the simulation, the researchers chose an impact site consistent with the orientation of the Earth at the time of the predicted encounter - in the Atlantic Ocean about 360 miles from the US coast. Dr Ward explained that the 60,000-megaton blast of the impact could vaporize the asteroid and blow a cavity in the ocean 11 miles across and all the way down to the seafloor, which is about three miles deep at that point. Such an impact would send a series of giant waves in all directions, including toward the east coast of the United States. Today, almost 40 percent of the U.S. population lives in a county that directly borders a shoreline, and the population density right along the east coast is particularly dense. Florida would probably be the first state to get hit by the waves, and it would be particularly vulnerable because most of the state is just barely above sea level... South Florida has two big problems. The first is its remarkably flat topography. Half the area that surrounds Miami is less than five feet above sea level. Its highest natural elevation, a limestone ridge that runs from Palm Beach to just south of the city, averages a scant 12 feet. With just three feet of sea-level rise, more than a third of southern Florida will vanish; at six feet, more than half will be gone; if the seas rise 12 feet, South Florida will be little more than an isolated archipelago surrounded by abandoned buildings and crumbling overpasses. And the waters won't just come in from the east - because the region is so flat, rising seas will come in nearly as fast from the west too, through the Everglades. In other words, there would be absolutely nothing to keep the tsunami waves from racing across the entire state. Much of the rest of the east coast would be extremely vulnerable as well. For example, New York City is less than 50 feet above sea level... Despite having some of the tallest buildings in the world and being well-known for its towers and skyscrapers, New York City has a very low elevation of just 33 feet (10 m) above sea level. New York's elevation is so low due to its location right on the coast of the United States. Boston, New Haven, Jersey City, Newark, Atlantic City, Philadelphia, Virginia Beach, Wilmington, Myrtle Beach, Charleston, Savannah and countless other east coast cities are all also less than 50 feet above sea level. So we are talking about the potential for death and destruction on a scale that is unimaginable. The Book of Revelation describes a future event that seems to be describing something from space hitting the earth described as like a star, most likely an asteroid, that results in a third of earth's waters becoming poisoned. For that reason this space object is called "Wormwood" which is associated with bitterness, poison and death. Nasa is currently tracking roughly 25,000 Near Earth Objects and new discoveries are being added at a rate of around 30 each week, however there is one asteroid in particular that Bible Prophecy expert Tom Horn believes we should be watching - that asteroid has an appointment with our solar system in the near future and it is called Apophis, named after the ancient Egyptian god of chaos. To learn more about the asteroid Apophis, it's connection to Jewish Feast Dates and the future Tribulation period we encourage you to get our Messenger Combo Series (Book + 2 DVD set) available here Watch the trailer: Nearing Midnight: Inflation Dragon Is Back – Todd Strandberg - Few people remember the inflation that occurred in the 1970s. From 1970 to 1980, the price of everything doubled. Federal Reserve chief Paul Volcker finally slew the inflation dragon by raising interest rates to 21%. It appears very likely that the 2020s is going to be a repeat of the 70s. The Fed has printed so much money in the past few years that prices are guaranteed to rise. In just the past seven months, 40% of all the money in existence has been freshly created. The government is trying to maintain the illusion of normal inflation by suppressing the prices of gold and silver. It slowly loses the battle as the price of other precious metals needed in industry that it can’t control has exploded. Palladium was once at $400 per ounce. It now trades at $2,840. Iridium was at $500 per ounce five years ago. It now trades at $6,300 per ounce. Rhodium was $600 per ounce five years ago. It now trades at $29,000 per ounce. The main way the government manages inflation is by keeping interest rates at very low levels. Each month the fed goes into the market and purchases $120 billion of bonds. The 10-year bonds are at 1%, and the 30-year bond is at 2%. Once inflation gets above 5%, no amount of smoke and mirrors will be able to hide the fact that the value of the money is rapidly being destroyed. I frequently check on the price of basic commodities. In the past year, the vast majority of them have soared in price. Soybean went from $8.40 a bushel to nearly $16 per bushel. Corn went from $3.50 to $6.50 per bushel. Lumber went from $400 to $1400 per thousand board feet. Copper went from $2 to a near-record high of $4.50 per pound. I also keep a close watch on the value of the dollar against other currencies. I don’t think the dollar will decline against the Japanese yen and Euro based on debt. Because Japan and Europe have deficits just as large as the U.S., it’s unlikely the dollar will decline because of federal debt. What would probably cause the dollar to go down is the massive trade imbalance we have with the rest of the world. They send us goods, and we ship them dollars. We now depend so much on imports, there is a massive backlog of container ships at our nation’s ports. If the world suddenly realized the foolish nature of this trade relationship, America could find itself unable to get the most basic products. I was shocked to learn that we import material required to produce even the most common drugs. The Ford Motor Company has just had to slash its earning projections because it can’t get microchips for its vehicles. When we reach a point where we depend on third-world nations to make simple products, I think we’ve become a fourth-world nation. The job market is another key source of inflation. As workers demand more money for their labor, prices are forced higher. There is such a shortage of labor, people are being paid to do job interviews. One Florida McDonald’s started offering a $50 incentive to anyone who went in for an interview to help hire more workers, according to Tampa Bay’s CBS affiliate WTSP. “At this point, if we can’t keep our drive-thrus moving, then I’ll pay $50 for an interview,” said Blake Casper, a McDonald’s franchise owner in Tampa. A tweet shared on social media on April 15 shows the sign offering $50 at a location off North Dale Mabry Highway and West Chestnut Street in Tampa. WTSP reported, citing Business Insider, the restaurant did not have many applicants despite the incentive. Some business owners who spoke with the Associated Press said some “would-be workers” are worried about getting COVID-19 at work and prefer to live off unemployment benefits, which are higher during the pandemic. I recently recorded a 5-minute audio promotion for my chapter in Terry’s book Lawless. I still find it amazing that my chapter is still valid. When I was writing it in March of last year, it looked like the second Great Depression was about to unfold. I labored on because I knew God was going to continue to hold the world together. Inflation will add to the pressure on the economy, but the trigger point is going to be the rapture. “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words” (1 Thes. 4:16-18). We Are Dangerously Close To “The Tipping Point” - by Michael Snyder - Every dollar that the federal government borrows and spends puts us even closer to a day of reckoning. Many Americans (especially those on the left) seem to think that we can endlessly spend trillions upon trillions of dollars without ever suffering any consequences. If that was true, why hasn’t any other society in all of human history ever been able to do such a thing? Unfortunately, the truth is that the United States is not immune to the laws of economics. Wildly creating money and driving up our national debt to absurd heights is inevitably going to crush our economic system. And at this point, our debt-to-GDP ratio is already higher than Greece’s debt-to-GDP ratio was when the economy of that country finally collapsed… But it’s worth noting that the US debt-to-GDP ratio—essentially a country’s debt compared to its annual economic output—was 129 percent at the end of 2020. In other words, the official US debt was nearly a third larger than the entire US economy. That is considerably higher than Greece’s debt-to-GDP ratio in 2010, when it received a bailout from the International Monetary Fund to avoid defaulting on its obligations. Even though we are already at such a dangerous level, the Biden administration wants Congress to pass another four trillion dollar spending package… Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said Monday that he did not expect any Republican senator to support President Biden’s push for a $4 trillion spending package on infrastructure and other projects. Biden has outlined a two-part tax and spend proposal with funding for physical infrastructure projects as well as initiatives favored by his administration, such jobs training, elderly care and universal preschool. McConnell reiterated that the $4 trillion price tag was a nonstarter for Republicans, as well as some Democrats, who favor a smaller plan directly tied to infrastructure projects such as roads and bridges. We simply don’t have the money to do what Biden wants. In fact, we didn’t have the money for any of the “stimulus packages” that have been passed since the start of the pandemic. We had to borrow every single dollar that went out in the “stimulus checks”, and now Democratic lawmakers are “clamoring” for a fourth round of those checks… Democratic lawmakers in both chambers of Congress are clamoring for a fourth round of stimulus checks to help Americans who are still struggling financially during the coronavirus pandemic. Such a move could lift more than 7 million people out of poverty, according to a recent analysis from the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center, a nonpartisan think tank. If more money is the solution, then why don’t we send out five billion dollars to every American citizen? That would certainly fix all of our problems, right? Everyone would be a “billionaire”, and then life in American would be glorious. Or not. Sadly, the truth is that our “leaders” are systematically destroying the value of our currency and are plunging us into an abyss of debt from which our nation will never recover. I warned that once the government started sending checks directly to the American people that it would never be enough. At this point, people are begging for more checks even though 34 percent of all U.S. income now comes directly from the federal government… Putting that number in perspective, in the 1950s and 1960s, transfer payment were around 7%. This number rose in the low teens starting in the mid-1970s (right after the Nixon Shock ended Bretton-Woods and closed the gold window). The number then jumped again after the financial crisis, spiking to the high teens. And now, the coronavirus has officially sent this number to a record 34%! And that’s how creeping banana republic socialism comes at you: first slowly, then fast. We are not on the road to socialism. We are already there. In fact, the U.S. has been a socialist country for quite a while now. We may not use the term “socialist” to describe ourselves, but that is precisely what we have become. As our system melts down right in front of our eyes, many in the financial community are trying to figure out how to protect themselves. For example, legendary investor Sam Zell has never been very enthusiastic about gold, but now he is suddenly changing his tune… “Obviously one of the natural reactions is to buy gold…It feels very funny because I’ve spent my career talking about why would you want to own gold? It has no income, it costs to store. And yet, when you see the debasement of the currency, you say, what am I going to hold on to?” Other Americans are preparing for the coming meltdown in other ways. As crime rates in our cities continue to spike, more Americans than ever before are buying guns… The FBI conducted more than 3.5 million gun-related background checks last month, a 20% year-over-year increase from April 2020, according to the latest FBI figures released Monday. Nearly 1.7 million of those gun background checks were specifically for gun purchases, according to the National Shooting Sports Foundation, a firearms industry trade group that cross references FBI data with actual sales figures provided by gun merchants to determine how many guns are sold monthly. NSSF spokesman Mark Oliva said the firearms industry sold more guns last month than in any April on record. Deep in their guts, most people can feel that our society is rapidly approaching a “tipping point”. Nobody knows the exact moment when we will have passed the point of no return, but just about everyone can sense that it is coming. Every single day, U.S. consumers go into even more debt. And every single day, U.S. corporations continue to binge on debt as if tomorrow is never going to arrive. State and local governments continue to pile up record levels of debt, and the federal government is literally stealing more than 100 million dollars from future generations of Americans every single hour of every single day. We should be thankful that this unprecedented debt bubble has been able to persist for as long as it has, but there is no way that this party can go on forever. Soon it will end, and that means that our current way of life will soon come to an end as well. Daily Jot: Stupidocrisy: Doing more harm than good – Bill Wilson – There is perhaps an unintended lesson for all of us found in the national conversation of race. Georgia voting rights activist Stacey Abrams, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), and Marxist Black Lives Matter founder Patrisse Khan-Cullers say they are civil rights activists. Yet foolish actions in recent weeks have harmed the very people they say they represent. Abrams’ half-truths and lies about the Georgia voting reform law essentially single-handedly cost Blacks jobs and revenue in Atlanta. Khan-Cullers actions called into question her use of Black Lives Matter funds to personally enrich herself. Waters’ remarks encouraging violence now may be part of a mistrial on appeal in the Derek Chauvin murder trial. Abrams put up such a squawk mischaracterizing the Georgia voting reform law that Major League Baseball (MLB) pulled out of Atlanta for its planned All-Star game, costing the city—and its businesses and hard-working citizens—over $100 million in anticipated revenues. Black businesses were severely harmed. Black citizens in the retail, hospitality, food service, tourism, and other related businesses were irreparably injured. Then Abrams had to back track begging MLB and other corporations to reconsider. It didn’t happen. MLB’s business went to predominantly white Colorado—which also demonstrates the hypocrisy of “wokeism.” Since then, several major media outlets such as the Washington Post and USA Today have corrected Abrams outright fibs about the voter reform law in Georgia. Waters, under police escort, went to the already violent streets of Minneapolis and encouraged protesters to ”get more confrontational” if the Derek Chauvin jury didn’t return a guilty of murder verdict. If not, she said, “then we know that we’ve got to not only stay in the street, but we’ve got to fight for justice.” Chauvin’s lawyer petitioned the court for a mistrial because Waters remarks could influence the jury. Judge Peter Cahill denied the motion, but said, “I’ll give you that Congresswoman Waters may have given you something on appeal that may result in this whole trial being overturned.” Today, Waters’ remarks are a focus of Chauvin’s appeal. Waters attempt to fuel violence over the verdict further harms civil rights progress. Khan-Cullers raised eyebrows by buying multiple homes totaling well over a million dollars. The BLM Foundation she heads raised over $90 million last year. Khan-Cullers denied enriching herself from the movement, saying that she has several other jobs. But those “jobs,” such as TV shows, book deals, etc. came from her involvement in BLM. She called the media “racist” for asking about it. As Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) recently said, there are those who make a lot of money pretending no progress has been made. James 3:13 says, “Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you? Let him show out of a good conversation his works with meekness and wisdom.” The lesson in this for all of us is to not allow ego, hypocrisy and foolish actions to trump wisdom, doing more harm than good. Say it with me…Stupidocrisy. Daily Devotion: A Promise of God’s Protection - by Greg Laurie – Though a thousand fall at your side, though ten thousand are dying around you, these evils will not touch you. —Psalm 91:7 - Listen Years ago, I was in Africa where we stayed in tents out on the open range. Now, when night falls in Africa, bizarre sounds come out of the jungle. It sounds like something out of a movie, except it’s real. Darkness can be a frightening thing because we can’t see what’s out there. The psalmist addressed this in verses 5 and 6 of Psalm 91: “Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night, nor the arrow that flies in the day. Do not dread the disease that stalks in darkness, nor the disaster that strikes at midday” (NLT). The phrase “terrors of the night” seems to indicate the things that threaten our safety during the course of the darkness of night. Then there are arrows, which played a significant part in ancient battles. Warriors barraged their opponents with hundreds, even thousands of flaming arrows. In spiritual warfare, the Devil fires flaming arrows at us as well. For instance, it might be a flaming arrow of fear, a flaming arrow of impure thoughts, a flaming arrow of hatred, or some other thing designed to lodge in our spiritual armor and destroy us. The good news is that God promises to protect us from those arrows. He will be with us day and night. Verse 7 goes on to say, “Though a thousand fall at your side, though ten thousand are dying around you, these evils will not touch you” (NLT). This certainly is a promise of God’s protection. But this isn’t saying that God’s people will not suffer difficulties in life. Christians have faced calamities. Christians have been victims of crimes. Christians have faced hardship. So this isn’t a carte blanche promise that you will never face any difficulties. It is, however, a promise from God that He will be with you, no matter what you go through. And He will see you through. FROM THE HEART Let Us Make the Short Time We have Left, Count for ALL of Eternity! IF YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED THROUGH THIS MINISTRY, THEN WE ASK THAT YOU WOULD PLEASE REMEMBER PROPHECY UPDATE IN YOUR GIVING - WE ARE TRULY, TRULY, THANKFUL FOR YOUR SUPPORT WORTHY OF YOUR SUPPORT? One of the most reliable ways to determine if a ministry is worthy of your financial support is to examine its fruits. If Prophecy Update is keeping you informed, and if that information inspires you, and causes you to draw closer to the Lord, if Prophecy Update equips you with valuable information and knowledge to share with and encourage other believers, and open the eyes of non-believers, and if Prophecy Update keeps you connected to current events relating to Bible Prophecy, then you are partaking of the fruit produced through this ministry. None of this would be possible without the Lords blessings and your support. I believe where the Lord guides, the Lord provides, and most of the time He provides through the willing and generous hearts of believers just like you and me. Humbly Seek Your Support Prophecy Update has no corporate sponsors. This ministry is paid for and prayed for by readers and supporters. Without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update, Please pray about becoming a monthly supporter - thanks! If ever there was a time to invest in God's Kingdom, it's now! What on earth are you doing for Heaven's Sake? "Share in the Blessings and Rewards that will last Forever!" "Folks, it's all beginning to unravel. America is in more danger of falling than at any time in its history. But I believe Bible prophecy predicts this very decline. From this point on, we believers have to get serious. We are going to face discouragement, disillusionment and, most certainly, persecution in the time between now and the Rapture. But don't be discouraged or disillusioned. The coming turmoil will provide us unrivaled opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. So be ready to share your faith and your hope with those who need Christ. We still have time to reap a great harvest of souls for God's kingdom!" - Hal Lindsey 1) We need your prayers!- We proclaim the Truth of the Word of God and we are under constant spiritual and sometimes even physical attack. 2) We need your encouragement!- We need to hear from you, let us know how the Lord is blessing you through this ministry so that we can share it with others. 3) We need your input! - If you have a prophetic article or story or if there is a news related item we missed, let us know. 4) We need your financial support!- To put it quite simply, without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update. I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to get the Word out and keep the world informed. Remember, your gift, no matter how small, does make a difference! 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