Can One Man Save the World? – Pete Garcia -
Over the past 120 years, Satan has been subtly laying the foundation for the creation of new world order (NWO), specifically, at the cost of the United States of America. What is of interest to this article, is not that it’s happening (we know that already), but who Satan is sacrificing our nation for, what the past five presidents have done in expediting this process, and who, of our current crop of leaders might take on the mantel of Antichrist. While we (the Church) will not be here to identify who this coming world leader is specifically, we can look at the traits the Bible says this man will have, and see, if any, of the present crop of global leaders fits the bill. However, before we go there, let us remember there have already been three new world order events in our nation’s history alone (1776, 1865, 1945). Each of these NWO events began with a slow-boiling crisis that culminated in open warfare, resulting each time in great bloodshed. We know these are NWO events because the end was always vastly different than the beginning. Acts 17:26 states rather clearly that it is God who appoints the kings and the kingdoms, and sets their times and boundaries. Given our understanding of history and God's purposes, the United States has existed for two purposes: First, to be the greatest vehicle by which the Gospel of Jesus Christ could be spread throughout the world. We saw this through the 1st and 2nd Great Awakenings, the Missionary movements, and the great evangelists and biblical scholars that have come forth from this once great nation. The second was for the safeguarding of the nation of Israel, which began in 1947. But God wasn't the only one using the United States. Like cancer that has quietly been metastasizing within our national body all these many years, the political left is beholden to Satan. Now, they won't admit that, but ultimately, we know their purposes align with his, just as the Church (the true body of Christ) is aligned with God's. Arguably, the left has only ever had two tactics - corruption and crisis. Satan has been these simultaneously to bring our nation to the point of today where we have: an impossible national debt, weak and porous borders, political correctness in every institution, aggravated racial divisions, radical progressive ideologies, despotic technocracies, and imbecilic politicians, just to name a few. Thus, the further we drift from God, the closer the embrace we have with Satan. He is using this nation to implement his own agenda of laying the foundation for a global totalitarian government. Satan has been dreaming of this since the tower of Babel. Admittedly, he’s come close several times. At the heights of each of the respective Persian, Grecian, and Roman Empires, much (not all) of the known world was subjugated to the whims of a singular emperor thru military might. As massive as Alexander the Great’s empire was, or Julius Caesar's, or Genghis Khan’s, it was physically IMPOSSIBLE back then for one man to rule everywhere. But God used other kingdoms and powers to keep other kingdoms and powers in check. (There was a very good reason why God separated mankind into 70 families when He did!) Next, Satan tried imposing his global domination through religion, particularly those spread by political power and sword (e.g., Holy Roman Empire, Islam, various pagan/barbarian beliefs, etc.). Nevertheless, there was sufficient push back by the Church Jesus Christ was building. Over the 20th century, there was kingdom-building under the guise of money and economies. Look at the vast wealth, power, and empires acquired by the titans of industry. Whether we are talking about commodities such as oil or steel, or banking and financing, money quickly became the currency of power between the years 1900 to 2000. However, this time is different. What each of the empires before lacked was the convergence of all three (military might, religion, and financial control) into one system. The vehicle which makes convergence possible is technology. This is how and why Satan combines the three (political power, economic might, and religious devotion) into the coming final human kingdom. This became a reality when the world moved from the third industrial revolution into the fourth, finally connecting humanity together in a way that hadn't been seen since Babel. This was the opportunity Satan had waited for millennia to happen. But let us briefly see how this process came to be. 1.0 - First was the invention of the machinery by which man could convert human/animal power, to machine power. By necessity, this created the need for the energy to drive the machine (such as steam, fire, and water). By doing this, mankind could greatly increase the output of whatever effort was being exerted. 2.0 - The second was converting the machines to create the process to mass-produce "things" like vehicles, weapons, bombs, etc. Thus, the capacity for business and war must match the population in which it is to be executed. But more than just war were the multi-trillion dollar industries dedicated to global logistics and supply chain technologies. Armies have to eat and sleep, and war provided opportunities that helped create some of the major industries still thriving today. 3.0 - The third was the increased lethality of the weapons. What once was the premier projectile weapon of choice, the bow and arrow, eventually fell victim to the musket. The musket gave way to the repeating rifle, which later gave way to the machine gun. The same could be said for: vehicles (horses, automobiles, tanks, planes, jets, now space-based weapons); artillery (catapult, cannon, artillery, nuclear missiles, hypersonic missiles); and communications (messenger, telegram, radio, digital messaging, cyber-physical). There are always improvements made to weapons with regards to lethality and deliverability. 4.0 - The last is the cyber-physical age, in which man is not content to just have the machinery or the lethality, but now is dependent upon the 'real-time' information by which to deploy its weapons (albeit military, political, or economic). Not only does the information need to be instantly accessible, but must be protected (encrypted) by the most secure means possible. Moreover, man is now working overtime to get information that hasn't even happened yet through forecasting/warcasting. This is done by wargaming scenarios ahead of time (e.g., Event 201, Sentient World Simulation Program, AI-driven data mining, etc.) so when it happens, a 90% solution can already be presented. Just think about how quickly the Orwellian Patriot Act was signed into law only 30-days after 9/11. As previously stated, Satan is not just content with destroying the United States, he wants to sacrifice her on the altar of the new world order for the sake of global domination. Why else would he try so hard and for so long to destroy her both from without and within? As for the lifespan of nations, the average is 250 years. Also of interest to this discussion, is the timeframe in which these new world order events seem to come about, which is roughly every 80 years (+/- 10 years). (See also the Theory of Generational Dynamics) Thus, we are as follows:
We appear to be in the prime window for both the ending of our nation and an NWO event. No wonder the World Economic Forum (WEF) is pushing so hard for a Great Reset, and the United Nations so hard for Agenda 2030. While most Americans seem to be in the dark about what is coming, the leaders of this world are of 'one mind' in seeing the opportunities that will soon present themselves in our (the USA's) global absence. Assessment “What we want is a man of sufficient stature to hold the alliances of all people and to lift us out of the economic morass into which we are sinking. Send us such a man, and be he god or devil, we will receive him.” Paul Henri Spaak, NATO Secretary General 1956-61 As the title alluded to, Satan has always had a man/ or men in place in every generation who will accept the offer Jesus rejected nearly two thousand years ago (Luke 4:5-8). When Satan offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world, notice that Jesus didn't deny Satan's authority to give them. Rather, Jesus told him to pound sand (so to speak) for trying to get Him to worship him. Nevertheless, Satan has been in the business of king-making ever since. He's tried over and over with limited success, because something, or rather, Someone, has always been holding him back. The Restrainer (God the Holy Spirit through the Church) has always presented some challenge to Satan's dream of global domination. And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock (Peter's confession that Jesus was the Christ) I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Matthew 16:18-19 (my emphasis) You see when true believers pray, and that prayer aligns with God's agenda for kings and kingdoms, Satan and his plans will either be bound or thwarted. I'm not trying to sound like one of those apostate, name it and claim it wackos on television, but our prayers are powerful, even if we don't see the fruits of it right away. Nevertheless, God wasn’t ready to allow Satan to take over the world just yet because other things needed to take place first (the age of the church to wind down, the rebirth of Israel, geopolitical alignments, modernization, etc.) From the Caesars to Hitler, Satan has used many people to achieve his goals of both consolidating his power and wealth, as well as persecuting the Church. Every time Satan persecuted the Church, it spread. Every time he tried to corrupt it, either the apostates were forced out, or the faithful remnant started new elsewhere. Even though Satan failed each time, he still used his failures in ultimately building his coming kingdom. Satan's new world order will be controlled by the Beast and the confederation of Ten Kings. These will all be answerable to the False Prophet and the Antichrist, who in turn, answer to Satan. Just because Satan knows he cannot stamp out the Church this side of the Rapture, doesn't mean he's just going to sit on his hands and wait until his time comes. No, he is actively and aggressively preparing his kingdom because he knows one day very soon, the trifecta of prophetic variables will all be in place and he needs this horror show ready to go:
So before moving forward, let us look at the past five presidents to see what has transpired under each of their respective administrations to further enable the coming Beast system. 1992-2000: Bill Clinton
2000-2008: George W. Bush
2008-2016: Barack H. Obama
2016-2020: Donald J. Trump
2020-20??: Joseph Biden Jr.
Spoiler Warning- The rest of this article is complete speculation. It is not intended to give a definitive answer to who I think the Antichrist is, as we (the Church) will not know the answer to that question this side of the Rapture. I'm simply continuing the ongoing conversation regarding a growing list of candidates who seem to be trying out for the role of the coming world leader. However, what is not speculation is that if the 70th Week of Daniel is as close as many of us suspect, then the Antichrist of the Bible MUST be alive today. Furthermore, if the Antichrist is alive, then so are the Ten Kings from whence the Antichrist rises up and subdues. Dr. Dave Reagan has an excellent article here detailing the rise and fall of the Antichrist and all of his attributes. Side note: Pros mean things that make this candidate a more likely candidate for the Antichrist. Cons mean things that make him less likely for the person of the Antichrist. Antichrist Candidates (in no particular order) 1. Barack Hussein Obama 44th US President serving from 2008-2016. A radical progressive who helped lean the Democrat Party hard left and further racially divide the nation. He permanently tainted numerous government and intelligence agencies with corrupt Deep State officials that would come to haunt the next president. Pros- globally popular, faux Christian (in name only), committed globalist, pro perversity agenda, has a cryptic background shrouded in secrecy/inconsistencies, and strong connections to really wicked people Cons- viewed by many as weak, incompetent, and vague. Although his origin of birth is debatable (either Hawaii or Kenya), both fall outside of the biblical boundaries of the old Roman Empire (Dan. 9:26) Summary: I have never believed Obama was the Antichrist. About the only thing that even makes him worthy of this list, was his meteoric rise from obscurity to global popularity. Likewise, the rise of the Antichrist will be similar. He does have global aspirations so I don't count him out of the entire mix entirely. Antichrist status potential: Highly unlikely Ten Kings potential: Highly likely 2. Volodymyr Zelensky Pros- War-tested political leader, who has shown great resolve and competence in the face of existential danger. This is what distinguishes him from the other Antichrist candidates on this list such as Macron and Obama. However, his willingness to lie and deceive other nations to get them involved in this potentially terrifying conflict comes very easily. The globalist's agenda to prop this man up as a savior means he is not working alone but has the backing of other world leaders behind him (primarily those WEF types). He has pop culture already hailing him as a political messiah. He also comes from within the boundaries of the old Roman Empire. Cons- The only cons I see now is that he is current reliance upon the Azov Battalion and their very public associations with Nazis. This however may be written off as a necessity, rather than a choice. Summary: Volodymyr Zelensky is an interesting candidate overall. He has extensive grooming from Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum (WEF) and Young Global Leaders' school. He has global accolades. Like other current WEF global leaders, his present position as Ukrainian PM (should he survive the war), seems more like a launching board than an end-state. Antichrist status potential: Highly likely Ten Kings' potential: Moderately Unlikely 3. Jens Stoltenberg Jens Stoltenberg is a Norwegian politician (former Prime Minister for Norway from the socialist Labour Party), long-serving NATO Secretary-General, and was a newly appointed governor of the Norges Bank (however, he has recently been extended for an additional year as NATO Secretary-General in light of the current Russian provocation into Ukraine). He really only has two publically attributable things that would put him in the running for an Antichrist candidate. Pros- First is that he is very comfortable with antisemitic and anti-Zionist propaganda, as well as radical Islamist groups. Second, he is a huge proponent of vaccinating every child on the planet. Given our recent experiences with mandatory mRNA dictates, you could see where this becomes problematic. Nevertheless, he has largely managed to stay out of any controversy over a very long political career, meaning, he's a smart political operator Cons- His anti-semitic/anti-Zionist background would not endear him to Israelis, making the Dan. 9:27 'covenant' less feasible. They would largely be skeptical of anything he had to offer. Norway sits outside of the boundaries of the old Roman Empire Summary: Jens Stoltenberg is an interesting candidate for one of the Ten Kings primarily because he is considered a European elite, well connected with many governments around the world, and largely viewed as a competent leader. Either way, I see him in some sort of leadership role in the coming Beast system. Antichrist status potential: Highly unlikely Ten Kings potential: Highly likely 4. Alexis Tsipras Former Greek Prime Minister (2015-19) who was head of the Syriza Party (Radical left). A self-described atheist, and lives with his registered partner (Peristera "Betty" Baziana) and their two sons. Pros- While in the office as PM, he made strong connections with Israel and Cyprus at the Beersheba Summit agreeing on numerous issues such as defense, cyberspace, energy, and education. Cons- Has remained largely silent and politically off-grid since leaving office in 2019 Summary: Alex Tsipras was a popular Antichrist candidate when he first came to office back in 2015 but has largely faded from the spotlight. While not a leading contender any longer, one of the strengths of the coming Antichrist is his seeming emergence/re-emergence on the scene as a global fixer. Alex Tsipra's main strength is his close ties to Israel which will figure largely in the coming 70th Week of Daniel. 5. Emmanuel Macron Formerly dubbed "Europe's Savior," the French PM from 2016-present, likened his leadership to that of the Roman God Jupiter (distant, yet dignified and weighing his pronouncements carefully). Heavy on the image-bearing, Macron has been seen as cryptic and esoteric, presumably doing so to mirror former French PMs of the past such as Charles de Gaulle and Jacques Chirac. Pros- Strong occult and esoteric ties giving conspiracy theorists a field day Cons- largely seen as weak and ineffective (the pandemic has not been kind to his leadership), and may lose the upcoming election to Marie LePen, barring any election fraud Summary: Again, a strong Antichrist contender back in 2017 when he first rose to prominence (even from Newsweek no less), yet, he is one whose star quickly lost its luster when the reality of governing set in. Hard to say where he ranks now amongst the other candidates nowadays. never know. Maybe he will get to play Jupiter one day. Antichrist status potential: Moderately unlikely Ten Kings potential: Highly likely 6. Justin Trudeau (Canada) Liberal Canadian PM from 2015 to present. Largely seen as aloof and even persona-non-grata amongst other world leaders (see here, here, and here). WATCH VIDEO HERE Pros- proven highly despotic tendencies, groomed by globalists, admires other totalitarian regimes Cons- seen largely as weak and feminine, does not hail from inside the boundaries of the Old Roman Empire Summary: Justin Trudeau has shown his true nature recently with regards to the actions of some liberty-loving Canadian truckers. He, like Zelensky and others, are a group of the newer leaders who were groomed via the WEF to think and act globally. Antichrist status potential: Highly unlikely Ten Kings potential: Moderately likely 7. Jared Kushner Jewish Son in law to President Donald J. Trump (#45) and husband to Ivanka, Jared has proven to be a skilled political figure and negotiator, overseeing one of the most miraculous peace deals of either the 20th or 21st century with the Abraham Accords. (See here for an interesting video montage of JK). Pros- a former democrat, independent, and now Republican, he seems politically pliable to whichever benefits him at the time; practicing member of Orthodox Judaism, viewed favorably amongst most Israelis, Kushner bought 666 Fifth Avenue (across from the Rockefeller Center) for $1.8 billion in New York City, which was later resold and rebranded (660 Fifth Avenue). A skilled negotiator and political insider, has managed to successfully navigate the treacherous waters around his father-in-law's targeting by the political left. Cons- (so far as we know) not from within the boundaries of the Old Roman Empire Summary: Jared Kushner is an interesting candidate for his political bonafides alone. He is one to watch in the coming political cycle. I don't really see him settling for just as a member of the Ten Kings. Perhaps an advisor to the Antichrist? Antichrist status potential: Moderately unlikely Ten Kings potential: Moderately unlikely 8. Elon Musk South African-born American, Elon Musk is the single richest man in the world. Inventor and founder of SpaceX, Starlink, Paypal, and Tesla (and possibly Twitter), Elon is an innovative entrepreneur the likes of which we haven't seen since Henry Ford, John D. Rockefeller, and Steve Jobs. He is also terrified at the prospects of an Artificially Intelligent dictator and believes arming humans with his neural link upgrade will keep humans competitive in our cyber-physical age. Pros- Insanely wealthy, creative, popular, and intelligent Cons- Does not hail from the boundaries of the Old Roman Empire Summary: Elon is a viable candidate only in the sense that I think any unsaved (unregenerated person) has the potential to be used by Satan to further his agenda. If he remains an unbeliever until after the Rapture, he will likely be used in the coming Beast system to marry up his Starlink and Neuralink technologies with regards to the Mark of the Beast system. Again, he may serve as science and technologies advisor to the Beast system (should he remain unsaved) Antichrist status potential: Highly unlikely Ten Kings potential: Moderately unlikely 9. Unknown Candidate Here is to that unknown candidate we didn't even see coming. He's likely in government or business now, and has so far, stayed under everyone's radar. He will remain an unknown entity until the time is right (likely after the Rapture) and the opportunity presents itself for him to rise to prominence. It's likely that this candidate already feels compelled to bigger and better things as if he were fated to greatness. He will achieve what no human leader before him ever did- world domination. But it will be short-lived. He'll trade seven years of power for an eternity in the lake of fire. Conclusion As I said earlier, if the end is as close as we think it is, then the Antichrist is alive and well today. He will be the one who is presented as the man who can save the world. At present, he is just as unknown to us, as a young unknown Adolph Hitler was to his generation before his ascendancy. Still, Hitler didn't grow up in a vacuum. He was shaped by his experiences of World War I and its aftermath, as well as being mentored by the likes of Dietrich Eckart, Georg Ritter von Schönerer, Karl Lueger, and Guido von List. Likewise, this Antichrist is being shaped by his current environment. He is being mentored by the right globalists (Soros, Rothschilds, Schwab, et. al.). If we know anything, let us know Satan is currently grooming this coming leader, opening all the right doors of business and government, and preparing the way for this man to quickly ascend to power when the time is right. Right now, he is watching the world today and carefully studying what our current crop of bozos are doing, and will likely do the exact opposite. He will not allow his wokeness to supersede his pragmatism, which will be to garner as much power as quickly as he can. After the Rapture, he will be armed with the supernatural powers from hell and will be accompanied by his Luciferian aide-de-camp, the False Prophet. Satan will unlock all the world's unfixable problems for him to fix. Since Satan is behind all of the world's unfixable problems and impossible quagmires, it will be nothing for him to simply give him the "keys to the kingdom." This will embolden him to think he is the one actually doing it. But at the midpoint, he will succumb to an assassination attempt and will either die or appear to die. Meanwhile... And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer. So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, “Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death. Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time.” Revelation 12:7-12 Even so, Maranatha! Nearing Midnight: Post-Rapture World—Evidence, Verdict, and Sentence – Terry James - While interviewing for our book, The DISAPPEARING: Future Events That Will Rock the World, one of the questions Pete Garcia and myself are often asked about is chapter 6, “Children and the Rapture.” My first response always begins with something like: “This is my pet subject. It’s a passionate matter with me.” I can’t seem to help but answer that way. It just comes out of my mind and mouth automatically. I’ve been told it’s because of my ol’ grandpa heart for children. Well, maybe that’s a part of the reason, but it is less-important than the priority part. I’ve assessed over the years that my passion about this comes primarily from my studied understanding of the character of our great God. This stems from the truth that God will never punish the innocent with eternity apart from Himself. All of His creation called man is born into sin, thus all are not innocent, but guilty. (“All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.”) All are lost who are not in Christ. God provides a pathway to redemption—a way to be saved from guilt—to become innocent. His name is Jesus Christ, God’s only Begotten Son. All who are within Christ’s salvation shelter, through His shed blood on Calvary, are declared innocent in God’s holy eyes. This is what Easter, or Resurrection Sunday, we just celebrated is all about. Christ died, was buried, and took up His life again as part of the salvation process, so that all who believe in Him according to Romans 10:9–10 will be saved—that is, saved from the punishment of eternal death that is separation forever from God the Father and Heaven. Jesus said: I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man (or woman) comes to the father, but by me. (John 14: 6) So to be in Christ is at the very heart of God’s great character. He is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. All who have believed in Jesus Christ for salvation are innocent in God the Father’s holy eyes. No one can “repent” and “believe” in God’s plan for salvation if they are incapable of doing so because they have never had the ability to repent and believe. Such are therefore “in Christ” until they have the ability to understand that Jesus died for them and is the only way to be saved (declared innocent). This is biblically true whether a person is born with a cognitive disability and grows up still unable to understand, or whether one is a child who hasn’t yet reached the time of being able to understand the need to be saved from sin. In these cases, these are all “in Christ,” meaning they will go to God the Father upon death–or at the moment of Rapture. As we discuss in our book and during interviews, children, before reaching the “age of accountability,” as it is termed, are considered “safe” within God’ salvation program. Salvation is an individual matter, not a corporate one. God does not have grandchildren, as it is said. He has only children—i.e., we can’t be saved as a result of our parents being saved. Salvation is a one-on-one redemptive process with Jesus Christ and belief in what He did on the cross at Calvary. All children will go to Jesus when He calls to believers of the Church Age (Age of Grace) based upon this truth. Even children in the womb at the moment of conception will go to be with Jesus when He makes that glorious call to believers. I firmly believe that God will make a profound statement as to when life begins—that is, at the moment of conception. All of this I have laid down to attempt to make the point I tried to frame with this commentary’s title. God’s love for children, considering them as innocents before the age of accountability, is a profound providential concept I believe we can’t fully fathom. Jesus said that it would be better for a millstone to be placed around the necks of those who would harm children and prevent them from learning of God’s love for them, and for the perpetrators to be then cast into the sea, than to endure what they will face in the form of His holy punishment for such offenders. Such is an indeed terrifying prospect, coming from the mouth of God Himself! When thinking on the Tribulation to come–the final seven years of human history leading to Christ’s Second Advent, I think it is pertinent to consider how those who have offended in this manner leading up to that horrific time have dealt with the innocents that are the children before they reach the age of accountability. We in this nation are faced daily with reports of children as young as three years old being subjected to some of the most evil, adult-engendered, salacious maliciousness imaginable. Teaching them about sexual matters and even enacting legal prohibitions against parents being allowed to stop the activity is a societal and cultural cancer of the deadliest sort. Children in kindergarten through the elementary school years are taught that they can be whatever gender they want to be. That God decided their gender is unimportant. As a matter of fact, it doesn’t even enter the equation for sexuality in any way. Activity as egregious as any found in the account of Lot’s day in Sodom has infected our own time on this fallen planet. Less than 1 percent of the American population dictates what the entire nation must follow–the satanic pathway into perdition of anti-God behavior. The following excerpt further informs: Culture warrior and researcher Chris F. Rufo of the Manhattan Institute has posted a series of videos in which CEO Karey Burke, who admits that she has “two queer children,” supports having those kinds of characters in more Disney films and projects, demanding that at least 50 percent of all movie characters are gay, transgender or racial minorities. “SCOOP: Disney corporate president Karey Burke says, ‘as the mother [of] one transgender child and one pansexual child,’ she supports having ‘many, many, many LGBTQIA characters in our stories’ and wants a minimum of 50 percent of characters to be LGBTQIA and racial minorities,” he wrote in one Twitter post… Also, Disney execs are getting rid of all references to gender, in an obvious woke pander to 0.0001 of the population. “SCOOP: Disney diversity and inclusion manager Vivian Ware says the company has eliminated all mentions of ‘ladies,’ ‘gentlemen,’ ‘boys,’ and ‘girls’ in its theme parks in order to create ‘that magical moment’ for children who do not identify with traditional gender roles,” Rufo noted in another tweet containing a second video clip. (“Disney takes WOKE to the extreme as CEO demands 50% of all movie characters must be gay, trans, lesbians or racial minorities,” by JB Hayes, Thursday, April 14, 2022, The Daily Wire) This is only the proverbial tip of the hellish mountain of wickedness deserving of God’s coming wrath. I could have, of course, found much more condemning news items we have had come across our news outlets of late. The evidence for conviction and sentencing judgment in that most terrifying courtroom of the prophetic future is building–compounding day by day. More than 60 million babies murdered while in their mother’s wombs will doubtless heat eternity’s lake of fire furnaces to white hot. Sadly, tragically, many who offend the little ones in such ways as Jesus condemned will face their offenses at the Great White Throne. However, even this horrendous sin can be forgiven by God, through His Son Jesus Christ. Here is how. That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. (Romans 10:9–10) Israel, Where is Your Gold? - Karen McQuillan - The book of Ezekiel 38:1-9 clearly tells us there is an invasion of Israel in the last days involving these groups or nations:
Ezekiel 38:13 says... Sheba and Dedan, the merchants of Tarshish, and all their young lions (villages) will say to you, ‘Have you come to take plunder? Have you gathered your army to take booty, to carry away silver and gold, to take away livestock and goods, to take great plunder?’ There seem to be three groups that protest about this invasion of Israel and speak up against it, even though they don’t do anything to stop it or appear to help. Kind of like how Russia has gone into Ukraine and no one is really doing a lot to stop that. The same sort of thing is going to happen here where the invaders come against the land of Israel and there are three groups that will speak up in a lame protest. When you look up Sheba and Dedan on a modern-day map they are part of the Gulf States right next to Dubai or the United Arab Emirates and are now called Saudi Arabia. When this invasion happens, Saudi Arabia isn’t going to like it and will speak up and voice their protest which is what Ezekiel the prophet spoke about 2,600 years ago. This explains why now, which is interesting when we look at headlines, why we are seeing Saudi Arabia being non-cooperative with these other nations. One such headline reads... SAUDI PRINCE: “I’LL SIDE WITH ISRAEL AGAINST PALESTINIAN UP-RISING [AND] IRAN” And another headline reads... SAUDI ARABIA INTERCEPTS SECOND YEMEN MISSILE IN A MONTH...SAUDI ARABIA ON THURSDAY INTERCEPTED AND DESTROYED A BALLISTIC MISSILE FIRED FROM WAR-TORN YEMEN, THE SECOND ATTACK THIS MONTH BY IRAN-BACKED HUTHI REBELS So here is one of Iran’s proxies firing weapons and here is Saudi Arabia disrupting that process. When you see things like this you have to go back to Ezekiel 38:13 which is what Ezekiel is predicting. The biggest thing that has happened in the last few years is the Abraham Accords, which is a little tricky because they were largely brokered by Donald Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner. They’re not really peace treaties with Israel, a common misconception, because the countries entering into the Abraham Accords are tiny countries and they were never at war with Israel, (a lot of them in The Gulf State, right next door to Saudi Arabia). The UAE has entered into the Abraham Accords and it is said Saudi Arabia will follow. What these Abraham Accords really are are ‘normalization agreements’ whereby Israel (which doesn’t even show up on most Islamic maps), says to these little States,...”All you’ve got to do is recognize our existence and we will open up to you the four T’s... Trade, Travel, Tourism, and Technology. So relationships between these countries that enter into the Abraham Accords prosper both Israel and them. The belief is that Abraham is ‘the tie that binds’ right? Abraham is recognized in Judaism and Islam as some sort of ecumenical figure that’s picked for the purpose of getting these nations to enter into these agreements. In the last couple of years, it has been surprising that all of this has happened so fast because we always knew Saudi would be a protestor but we just didn’t know why, and all of a sudden the Abraham Accords came into existence and now we have an answer. Take politics out of it for a moment because it’s not partisan, this is about prophecy. God is using key figures to set the stage for His end-time program. Every specific thing the Bible talks about will happen. Jesus Christ walked into a script that was written about Him hundreds and thousands of years in advance. Specific things about him, Where He would be born, how He would die, and all of these prophecies have happened exactly as God said. The Abraham Accords were put into existence at the right time for a purpose and Sheba and Dedan (Saudi Arabia) are benefiting economically because of the four T’s from Israel because of the agreements. So of course they will protest. The Abraham Accords are setting the stage for Ezekiel 38:13. Not only does Saudi Arabia protest this invasion of Israel from the north but the ‘Merchants of Tarshish” don’t like it either. It is one of those prophecies that you read and wonders how this could come about. Well, the Abraham Accords coming into existence have done something further and clarified the meaning of this. Charles Feinberg, a Jewish Christian, in his book ‘The Prophecy of Ezekiel,’ writes that it is not just Tarshish protesting, it is the money men, the people of Commerce, the business people, banking people of Tarshish who are going to voice opposition to this invasion from the North. Again, the Abraham Accords furnish an explanation as to why the Merchants of Tarshish would protest. The very last nation to have entered into the Abraham Accords is Morocco, which is right under Spain, (Tarshish), and is in a trading relationship with them. The United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and The Gulf State have entered into these Accords and now everyone is waiting for Saudi Arabia to do like-wise. The Abraham Accords are helping Morocco become wealthy, and so are the Merchants of Spain. So just like that, you have an explanation of why the Merchants of Tarshish would voice opposition to this coalition that is coming against Israel. We are literally living in Messianic times where we’re seeing all these things come together on the world stage that prior generations have not seen before. That’s how close we are to the end. So if things happened exactly like God said they would why would God switch horses in mid-stream and these prophecies not happen literally as some Preterists and Evangelicals suggest? God is moving His hand in history to set everything up, so that even the tiniest specifics of his Word will be fulfilled, because God, at the end of the day cannot lie. God will move Heaven and Earth to see that His Word will be fulfilled. World leaders think they are in charge, that they are calling the shots but it is God using their ideas in their minds to set the stage for His end-time program. Judas probably thought it was all his own idea to betray Jesus for thirty pieces of silver, and in acting on it he fulfilled a prophecy that had been written about him 500 years before it happened! And God is doing the exact same thing right now in this very exciting era of Biblical prophecy. Something else that’s very interesting about Ezekiel 38:13 is describing the protest of Sheba and Dedan, and then the Merchants of Tarshish. Ezekiel 38:12..... “to capture spoils and to seize plunder, to turn your hand against the ruins that are now inhabited, and against the people who are gathered from the nations, who have acquired livestock and goods, who live at the center of the world.” Israel must have become very wealthy for this to say what it did here. In fact, Israel HAS become wealthy, her gross domestic product has outstripped that of her neighbors, and there are trillions of dollars in mineral deposits in the Dead Sea. Israel has also discovered natural gas and oil in her land. For those who argue that Israel has no gold or silver today, this prophecy might be about to literally happen. Bill Perkins of Compass International has put some books out and has an article called ‘Israel’s Coming Mind-Blowing Gold Riches' and says... In the Solomonic Empire, with Solomon, the last King of the United Kingdom, Israel reached its last levels of prosperity and its greatest border expansion under his reign. 1 Kings and Chronicles mentions gold and silver everywhere, particularly gold, on the eve of the Babylonian captivity and in the genealogies as recorded in the Book of Ezra and Nehemiah. There is a description there of things Israel brought back with them from captivity and mentions silver and gold but doesn’t mention the volume of silver and gold that existed in the time of Solomon. So the question is what happened to the silver and gold? Well, Bill Perkins's contention is that the Israelis at that point in history, (because they knew the Babylonian captivity was inevitable), took the silver and gold and hid it. In fact, hid it so well that the next generation didn’t know where it was hidden. How does Bill reach this conclusion? By looking at all the passages that talk about silver and gold taken INTO captivity and then brought back with them OUT of captivity, this amount was slim pickings compared with all the gold and silver Solomon owned. The Israelis didn’t want Nebuchadnezzar to have it so they hid it, and if it’s hidden then it’s still there, and it is just a matter of time according to this thinking that Israel will come upon a tremendous discovery of gold and silver. The invaders will come against Israel, not just for the wealth they already have but because of this gold and silver. With its natural gas, oil, and mineral deposits, it would not surprise us to hear of its massive discovery of gold and silver. It’s just a theory but it is how God works. If it happens, if gold and silver are discovered in Israel we will all step back and say, “Wow, look at what God did to see that even the myopic details of His Word should be fulfilled. Praise be to our amazing, wonderful, faithful God! Sources Andy Woods Bill Perkins On Top Of Everything Else, Drought, Drought And More Drought Is On The Way For The Western U.S. - by Michael Snyder - Are you ready for more bad news about our food supply? In recent weeks, I have extensively covered a confluence of factors which are combining to create a global food crisis of immense size and scope. But one thing that I haven’t written much about lately is the extraordinary drought in the western half of the United States. According to the official U.S. Seasonal Drought Outlook that was just released by the National Weather Service, nearly 50 percent of the continental United States will either see drought conditions persist or intensify in the coming months. This is really troubling news, because drought conditions are already having a dramatic impact on agricultural production. At this point, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is telling us that just 32 percent of all winter wheat in the U.S. has either a “good” or an “excellent” rating… Only 32 percent of the winter wheat crop in the United States received a “good” or “excellent” rating from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), new reports show. While this represents a slight increase of two points compared to a week ago, the figure is far behind 2021’s 53 percent rating, illustrating just how bad America’s wheat crop is due to persistent drought conditions in many areas. The reason why so much of our winter wheat is in such poor shape is because of the drought. It just stretches on month after month, and many farmers in the western half of the country are beyond frustrated with the lack of moisture. Of course a lack of moisture also creates ideal conditions for wildfires. According to the National Interagency Fire Center, so far this year a total of 834,238 acres have burned in the United States. Last year at this time, only 444,636 acres had burned. And as I discussed yesterday, a lot of what has been burned within the past few days has been farmland. Meanwhile, another “pestilence” has broken out on the other side of the globe. According to an Australian news source, an outbreak of Japanese encephalitis has already spread to more than 60 facilities that raise pigs… The Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment is reminding producers to remain vigilant as more than 60 piggeries across four states battle Japanese encephalitis (JEV) outbreaks. And it turns out that three humans have died after contracting the disease… Already this year, three people have died from the virus, and there are more than 60 piggeries with infected herds across New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland and South Australia. That isn’t good. As I have been covering in recent weeks, there are so many reasons why global food production will be way below expectations this year. This will cause a tremendous shift in the equilibrium between supply and demand, and food prices will go way up. In fact, the World Bank is projecting that “there will be a staggering 37 percent rise in food costs”… The US-based World Bank, which provides loans and grants to low and middle-income countries for capital projects, calculates there will be a staggering 37 percent rise in food costs. It said the effect will be ‘magnified for the poor’ who will have to ‘eat less’ and will be left with little money for anything else. Needless to say, millions of people in the poorest countries of the world won’t have enough to eat at all. U.S. Senator Roger Marshall recently warned that “a worldwide famine” is on the way, and he is not exaggerating one bit. In other nations that are not so poor, extreme food inflation will cause a dramatic change in the standard of living. For example, just consider what is already happening in Argentina… Welcome to Argentina, where high, nearly uncontrollable inflation—now at an estimated 55.1% over the past year—is as natural as the country’s juicy sirloins and sensual tango shows. With the rest of the world experiencing higher inflation—byproduct of supply chain crunches, heavy stimulus spending and the war in Ukraine —Argentina offers something of a window to those who fret about just how high inflation will go and what it will mean to their everyday lives. Thankfully, things are not quite that bad here in the United States just yet, but in certain categories we are seeing price increases that are wildly out of control… Amid rising inflation, people in the United States are finding that buying a used car is not necessarily a sure way to cut costs, as used car prices have risen 30.4% over the last year. I feel really bad for anyone that needs to buy a vehicle right now. This is about the worst time ever to be doing that. Overall, the inflation nightmare that we are currently enduring is already worse than anything that America went through during the Jimmy Carter era. But most Americans don’t really grasp the full horror of what is unfolding all around us, because most of the talking heads on television are telling them that everything is going to be just fine. No, everything is not going to be just fine. In fact, it won’t be too long before things start getting really, really bad in this country. But even though conditions are rapidly deteriorating all around us, I am not suggesting that you should wallow in despair. It is when times are the darkest that the greatest heroes are needed. Personally, there is no other time in human history that I would have rather lived than right now. One of the reasons why I strongly encourage my readers to prepare for the chaotic times that are coming is because I want them to thrive during those times. We were all put here for a reason, and you have a purpose that nobody but you can fulfill. So do not get depressed that everything seems to be collapsing all around us. Yes, things will be extremely challenging in the years ahead, but it can also be a time when you come alive like never before as you embrace everything that you were created to be. Daily Jot: What we’ve learned about the government and the pandemic - Bill Wilson – Throughout the recent pandemic, the US government has maintained that the vaccine was safe and effective. It also mandated treatments. Any and all alternatives to the government narrative and treatments were considered misinformation or disinformation. Doctors, nurses, scientists and other healthcare workers who dissented from the government narrative were demonized, censored, blackballed and many lost their jobs. Since March 2020, when this pandemic became publicly known to citizens, we have learned a lot about the disease, the vaccine, and the government. Where the government and the vaccine are concerned, it is a fiasco that may have ramifications for generations. When the vaccine was first introduced, it was billed as the safe and effective way to prevent infection, stop transmission, and avoid hospitalization and death. Then this experimental drug went through many public relations iterations because it did not prevent infection, it did not stop transmission, and its effect on hospitalization and death was variable. As of November 2021, the US Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System reported 19,249 deaths due to the shots. Vaccines usually are stopped if 50 deaths occur. Research indicates that side effects last over 15 months for each shot/booster while efficacy drops to zero after six months. Side effects include blood clots, myocarditis, pericarditis, strokes, heart attacks and neurological damage among other severe issues. These effects are cited in Pfizer documents. Statistically, if you have taken the shot, you have a 100% chance of exposure to risks associated with the shot. If you do not take the shot, you have less than 1% chance of being exposed to SARS-CoV-2 and getting sick. There’s more. The batch of 11,000 Pfizer documents released April 11 revealed that side effects from the shots were more severe in younger people, aged 18 to 55, than those aged 55 and older. Also, Pfizer and the Food and Drug Administration were aware that the shot caused immunosuppression. UK government data also shows that compared to the unvaccinated, those who receive two doses are up to three times more likely to be diagnosed with COVID-19; twice more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19; and three times more likely to die of COVID-19. We have learned from this pandemic that the government lied to its citizens about the efficacy and safety of the vaccine (and are still lying). Side effects of death and severe consequences, such as heart disease, immunosuppression and stroke were known by Pfizer and the FDA, but both fought to withhold this information from the public for 70 years. Many people who took the shot are now facing horrible consequences that they could have avoided if the government and drug companies had been honest. This is a travesty. Psalm 118:8, “It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man.” If you have taken the shot and are experiencing any of these side effects, please visit and fill out the Vaccine Injury Report and consult the treatment guide. Doctors can assist you with a complete recovery. Don’t wait. Daily Devotion: God’s Endgame - by Greg Laurie – No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening—it’s painful! But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way —Hebrews 12:11 - Listen If He had wanted to, God could have simply taken the Israelites directly to the Promised Land. But immediately on the heels of parting the Red Sea, God led them into the wilderness. Why did He do that? We find the answer in Deuteronomy 8:2, where Moses said, “Remember how the Lord your God led you through the wilderness for these forty years, humbling you and testing you to prove your character, and to find out whether or not you would obey his commands” (NLT). Trials often follow blessings. Sometimes we come to valleys immediately after our mountaintop experiences. Have you ever had that happen? Maybe you went to a retreat that impacted your life, and when you returned home, there were all kinds of troubles waiting for you. Sometimes difficulties even come our way right after we leave a church service. We find a precedent for this in Scripture. After Jesus was baptized by his cousin John in the Jordan River, Jesus saw the Holy Spirit descend on Him like a dove (see Mark 1:9–11). And what happened after that? The Bible tells us, “Immediately the Spirit drove Him into the wilderness. And He was there in the wilderness forty days, tempted by Satan” (Mark 1:12–13 NKJV). Notice the word immediately. For Jesus, after the dove came the Devil. For us, after the blessing may come the trial. That is what was happening to Israel because there are truths that can only be learned in a wilderness, so to speak. However, the Israelites were in their wilderness longer than they needed to be. God wanted them there for a time, but they made it a lot harder than necessary. Our spiritual roots grow deep when the winds around us make us strong. That’s because God’s endgame is to make us more like Jesus. FROM THE HEART Let Us Make the Short Time We have Left, Count for ALL of Eternity! IF YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED THROUGH THIS MINISTRY, THEN WE ASK THAT YOU WOULD PLEASE REMEMBER PROPHECY UPDATE IN YOUR GIVING - WE ARE TRULY, TRULY, THANKFUL FOR YOUR SUPPORT WORTHY OF YOUR SUPPORT? One of the most reliable ways to determine if a ministry is worthy of your financial support is to examine its fruits. If Prophecy Update is keeping you informed, and if that information inspires you, and causes you to draw closer to the Lord, if Prophecy Update equips you with valuable information and knowledge to share with and encourage other believers, and open the eyes of non-believers, and if Prophecy Update keeps you connected to current events relating to Bible Prophecy, then you are partaking of the fruit produced through this ministry. None of this would be possible without the Lords blessings and your support. I believe where the Lord guides, the Lord provides, and most of the time He provides through the willing and generous hearts of believers just like you and me. Humbly Seek Your Support Prophecy Update has no corporate sponsors. This ministry is paid for and prayed for by readers and supporters. Without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update, Please pray about becoming a monthly supporter - thanks! If ever there was a time to invest in God's Kingdom, it's now! What on earth are you doing for Heaven's Sake? "Share in the Blessings and Rewards that will last Forever!" "Folks, it's all beginning to unravel. America is in more danger of falling than at any time in its history. But I believe Bible prophecy predicts this very decline. From this point on, we believers have to get serious. We are going to face discouragement, disillusionment and, most certainly, persecution in the time between now and the Rapture. But don't be discouraged or disillusioned. The coming turmoil will provide us unrivaled opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. So be ready to share your faith and your hope with those who need Christ. We still have time to reap a great harvest of souls for God's kingdom!" - Hal Lindsey 1) We need your prayers!- We proclaim the Truth of the Word of God and we are under constant spiritual and sometimes even physical attack. 2) We need your encouragement!- We need to hear from you, let us know how the Lord is blessing you through this ministry so that we can share it with others. 3) We need your input! - If you have a prophetic article or story or if there is a news related item we missed, let us know. 4) We need your financial support!- To put it quite simply, without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update. I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to get the Word out and keep the world informed. Remember, your gift, no matter how small, does make a difference! You will be helping to touch lives, around the world, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, thanks to the internet your generosity carries a global impact! - Thanks! Our Prayer for You- "Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else." 2 Corinthians 9:10-13 If you have been blessed by Prophecy Update and would like to help support this ministry financially. You can make a secure donation online by going to: DONATE NOW Or write us at: Prophecy Update P.O. 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