Coming Together - By Daymond Duck -
I recently attended the Mid-America Prophecy Conference in Tulsa, OK. Here are a few interesting comments (in my words) that some speakers made.
One, on May 26, 2021, pollster George Barna reported that 51% of American adults say they have a biblical worldview, but data shows that only 6% of American adults have a biblical worldview. This reveals an obvious inconsistency in what people say they believe and what they really believe. People get a biblical worldview from studying the Bible, hearing sermons, associating with Christians that have a Christian worldview, etc. There appears to be insufficient Bible study and preaching on a Christian worldview. Insufficient Bible study and preaching is making it easier for globalists to push their godless world government and world religion. Two, concerning world government: on June 5, 2021, the G-7 (Group of 7 nations with large economies) agreed to support a minimum global tax rate of 15% on multinational corporations (Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, etc.), and more taxes in nations where the multinational corporations sell goods and services. The G-7 will submit this as a recommendation to the G-20 (Group of 20 nations) in July and push for their approval. Some nations are already saying 15% is not enough, and they expect to increase this global tax rate in the future. Some in the UN want a global income tax, and it is a safe bet that after they impose a global tax on multinational corporations, they will enact other global taxes. Three, concerning the Battle of Gog and Magog: on May 25, 2021, Russia’s Defense Minister reported that Russia has deployed three long-range supersonic bombers capable of carrying nuclear weapons to its base in Syria. Four, more on the Battle of Gog and Magog: in an article published on May 25, 2021, Rafael Grossi, Director Gen. of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), admitted that it is too late for the U.S. to return to the 2015 nuclear agreement with Iran and that an Iranian nuclear weapon is “Inevitable.” Grossi noted that Iran has 10 times (several other reports say 16 times) the amount of enriched, 60% purity uranium allowed by the agreement and that the only reason for nations to enrich uranium to that level is for use in weapons. If the production of nuclear weapons by Iran is inevitable, an Israeli attack on Iran is inevitable because Israel is determined to keep Iran from getting nuclear weapons. Many students of Bible prophecy believe the fulfillment of God’s Word is inevitable, and this will wind up triggering the Battle of Gog and Magog. Five, more on the Battle of Gog and Magog: on June 1, 2021, Israel’s Prime Min. Netanyahu said if Israel is “pushed to choose between a lack of friction with the U.S. or defending the country against the nuclear threat from Iran, Israel will choose to confront the Islamic Republic.” Netanyahu believes stopping Iran’s development of nuclear weapons is more important than anything, including Israel’s relationship with the U.S. Six, concerning an economic collapse:
Biden is helping Russia and Iran produce and sell oil and natural gas at the same time that he is blocking U.S. companies from producing and selling oil and natural gas. Biden deliberately approved the employment of thousands of Russians and deliberately put thousands of U.S. citizens out of work about the same time on the same kind of jobs. Perhaps, Biden was telling the truth on Feb. 19, 2021, when he declared he was replacing Trump’s “America First” agenda with “Globalism First.” This self-proclaimed “good Catholic” does not realize it, but God intends to use the Tribulation Period to bring an end to the “Globalism First” agenda. Seven, concerning hyper-inflation and an economic collapse, on June 4, 2021, it was reported that the senior economist at the UN’s Food and Agricultural Organization said as of May 2021, global food prices have increased 12 months in a row, and the May increase was the largest increase in more than 10 years. The rise in inflation will impact the standard of living in lower-and-middle class families. Eight, concerning a worthless peace treaty: on May 28, 2021, White House Correspondent Bill Koenig (Koenig’s Eye View) wrote that the Abraham Accords are taking the world on a path that will lead to the Covenant that will be confirmed by the Antichrist (Dan. 9:27). Koenig believes the Abraham Accords are causing confusion about ownership of the Promised Land (particularly Judea and Samaria right now). Since God will drag the nations into the Battle of Armageddon for dividing the land of Israel (Joel 3:2), Koenig believes Christians should oppose agreements that will lead to that. Nine, concerning tracking all buying and selling, it is common knowledge that equipment and officials know where people are when they have their cellphone with them. I cannot verify the accuracy of the reports, but there have been at least two reports that say vaccinated people are being tracked over the 5g Internet System. According to information that I have received, some vaccines have nanochip transmitters in them that can send information (vital signs, GPS coordinates, etc.) on vaccinated people to receivers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. On June 2, 2021, Brighteon reported that a new study in Japan reveals that “Lipid NanoParticles (LNPs) containing the mRNA code are widely circulated around the body after vaccination, reaching the brain, spleen, large intestine, heart, liver, lungs and other organs.” According to the report “Labeled ‘Pfizer confidential,’ the study is known as a bio-distribution study that uses luciferase enzymes and radioisotope markers to accurately track the distribution of Pfizer’s mRNA LNPs across the body.” This writer is not qualified to evaluate these reports, but if they are true, they could have major implications for the future Mark of the Beast. Ten, on June 1, 2021, it was reported that pharmacists usually receive a list of ingredients and information on the drugs they sell, but J & J is not giving out that information on their Covid-19 vaccine. According to the report, pharmacists can go to a website and get a list of ingredients and information, but J & J is not including this with the shipments because the FDA still has not approved J & J’s untested product (it is approved for emergency use, but not as a vaccine). Eleven, concerning Covid-19 vaccinations: on June 3, 2021, the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that 10,262 fully vaccinated people got infected with Covid at least 14 days after their second jab, and about 160 of them died. Critics say these numbers are grossly understated because they depend upon people voluntarily reporting the facts, and many do not make a report. One article said the CDC has asked labs to use one test for unvaccinated people and a different test for vaccinated people. According to the writer, the goal of the different tests is to make it look like Covid-19 is worse among unvaccinated people than it is among vaccinated people. Twelve, concerning deceit: on June 6, 2021, it was reported that there is proof that Dr. Fauci and several medical elites conspired and used false information to block the use of hydroxychloroquine (an inexpensive and effective drug that some experts say could have saved hundreds of lives) for the treatment of Covid-19. There were also calls for a Congressional investigation of reports that Fauci lied about the source of the Covid-19 outbreak (perhaps a lab in China that was receiving funds from Fauci and the NIH). Some officials are saying deceit and lies have been used to unnecessarily close schools, lockdown churches and businesses, force people to buy masks, get expensive vaccinations, give up their rights, etc. All of the signs of the Tribulation Period and Second Coming seem to be coming together (converging or falling into place). Are you Rapture Ready? Finally, if you want to be rapture ready and go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this. [email protected] The great unraveling – Caroline Glick - Israel may soon abandon its diplomatic achievements because Yair Lapid and most of his partners in the new coalition want to erase the achievements of Benjamin Netanyahu. Over the past decade, for the first time in its history, Israel developed a strong diplomatic posture in the region and worldwide. Israel developed strategic ties with Arab states, and the states of the eastern Mediterranean. It has built close ties with the E.U.’s Visegrád Group of central European states, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic, as well as Austria and Italy. Israel upgraded its diplomatic and trade relations with states in Africa and Central and South America, as well as with India, Japan and South Korea. Unfortunately, it is likely that all Israel achieved through painstaking effort may be lost after the new governing coalition led by Yair Lapid takes power. This is the case for three reasons. First, Benjamin Netanyahu is the author of Israel’s diplomatic triumphs. They are predicated on his foreign-policy vision that diplomatic ties are built on common interests even more than ideology and that Israel has much to offer the nations of the world. There are many things that divide the members of the incoming governing coalition, but they agree on one thing—they all hate Netanyahu. So, the first reason Israel may soon abandon its diplomatic achievements is because Lapid and most of his partners in the coalition want to erase Netanyahu’s accomplishments. The second reason Israel’s diplomatic position is likely to soon crash is that Lapid and Defense Minister Benny Gantz along with most of their partners do not share Netanyahu’s diplomatic vision. Lapid is set to become foreign minister. Lapid, Gantz and the rest of the members of the incoming coalition are members of Israel’s elite class. Israel’s elite encompasses the political left, the media, the senior brass of the security establishment and the senior leadership of the foreign and justice ministries, and right-wingers who prefer their company and plaudits to those of members of their own camp. Israel’s elites, almost to a man, believe Israel’s diplomatic position is exclusively a function of its relations with the Beltway establishment. The closer Israel is to the American ruling class, the stronger it is internationally. The weaker Israel’s relations with the American elite, the weaker its international posture. The third reason Israel’s decade of diplomatic achievements is likely to end in short order is that as America-obsessed elitists, Lapid, Gantz and their ilk don’t understand the importance or potential of what Netanyahu has accomplished. They will not dedicate the necessary resources to maintain the ties he forged with the likes of Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz or Brazil’s President Javier Bolsonaro, because they don’t value those ties. So the ties will wither. This then brings us to Washington, the only place that matters for the incoming cabinet ministers. On Monday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken testified before House and Senate committees. His remarks showed that just as Lapid and his colleagues are set to tear down Netanyahu’s legacy, President Joe Biden, Blinken and their advisers have taken an industrial-sized eraser to Donald Trump’s policies and achievements in the Middle East. Take the Golan Heights. In 2019, Trump recognized Israel’s sovereignty over the strategic enclave along its borders with Syria and Jordan. When asked whether the Biden administration also recognizes Israel’s sovereignty, Blinken responded, “As a practical matter, Israel has control of the Golan Heights, irrespective of its legal status, and that will have to remain unless and until things get to a point where Syria and everything operating out of Syria no longer poses a threat to Israel, and we are not anywhere near that.” Or the shorter answer: No. Then there’s Iran. Democrat senators on Monday joined their Republican colleagues in demanding clarifications about the administration’s nuclear diplomacy with Iran. The 2015 nuclear deal, to which the administration is committed, placed temporary restrictions on Iran’s nuclear activities and in exchange, gave Iran an open road to a military nuclear capability by 2030 and $150 billion in sanctions relief. Trump abandoned the deal in 2018 because Iran was breaching the deal’s restrictions on its nuclear actions and reinstated U.S. economic sanctions that the Obama administration lifted. The Democrat and Republican lawmakers asked how canceling U.S. economic sanctions on Iran would achieve the goal of limiting Iran’s nuclear activities given that Tehran had been breaching the deal’s limitations on its nuclear activities all along. They wanted to understand why Iran would agree to longer and stronger restrictions on its nuclear work in the future, as Blinken promises, if the 2015 deal gives them an open path to the bomb. And they wanted to know if Blinken could guarantee that money from sanctions relief wouldn’t end up in the coffers of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps. Blinken responded to all of the questions with a non-sequitur. “Its [Iran’s nuclear] program is galloping forward. … The longer this goes on, the more the breakout time gets down. … It’s now down, by public reports, to a few months at best. And if this continues, it will get down to a matter of weeks,” he said. Blinken’s alarmist view wasn’t a preamble to a call for military strikes against Iran’s nuclear installations or even for an announcement of a new strategy of maximum economic pressure aimed at collapsing the regime. To the contrary, Blinken said that in light of the dimensions and urgency of the threat, the United States needs to immediately return to the 2015 deal, that is, give Iran billions of dollars in sanctions relief, to “put the nuclear problem in a box.” In plain English, Blinken said that the senators’ concerns were irrelevant. The administration’s policy goal is not to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power and a regional hegemon. The administration’s goal is to be Iran’s friend. Just days before Blinken renounced U.S. recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights and said the goal of U.S. policy towards Iran is to be the ayatollahs’ friend even if that means letting Iran become a nuclear-armed regional hegemon, he met his “friend” Benny Gantz at the State Department. Clearly, the meeting made no impression on Blinken. If Gantz had hoped that “good chemistry” with the Biden crowd would make it possible for him to influence them, he was doubtlessly disappointed. Sometime in 2014, Netanyahu realized that then-president Barack Obama and his team—which is now Biden’s team—had no intention of preventing Iran from becoming a nuclear-armed hegemonic power. He reacted to this realization by spending the last eight years developing an interest-based alliance with the Arab Gulf states who are also threatened by Iran. The Trump administration welcomed this alliance. The Biden administration is so hostile to it that Biden opened an offensive against Saudi Arabia immediately after he entered office. The administration refuses to call the Abraham Accords by their name. And during Hamas’s recent mini-war against Israel, the administration reportedly pressured Abraham Accords member states the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco to condemn Israel’s efforts to destroy Hamas’s missile capabilities. There is no doubt that Netanyahu spent long hours working to ensure that no such condemnations were made. Facing the administration’s visceral hostility to Israel’s ties with the Sunni Arab states, Lapid, Gantz and their colleagues will be far less likely to move heaven and earth to maintain them. Then there’s Jerusalem. Last Monday, 16 Republican senators signed a letter to Biden expressing their opposition to the administration’s plan to open a consulate in Jerusalem for the Palestinian Authority and to reopen the PLO’s representative office in Washington. They explained that Trump closed the consulate as required by the Jerusalem Embassy Act. He closed the PLO office in D.C. because it operated in breach of the Promoting Justice and Security for Victims of Terrorism Act, otherwise known as the Taylor Force Act. Opening a consulate in Jerusalem and reopening the PLO office in Washington would both be contrary to U.S. law, they noted. While the senators were doubtlessly right, the administration is committed to following through on its plan. The only way Biden and his advisers may feel compelled to change course is if their efforts are met with trenchant opposition. It won’t get any from Lapid’s coalition. Labor leader and incoming transportation minister Merav Michaeli said last week she intends to cancel 1.5 billion shekels ($462 million) now budgeted for improving roads in Judea and Samaria. Ra’am leader Mansour Abbas is ideologically aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood. Not only will he not oppose opening a consulate to the P.A. in Jerusalem, he might attend the opening of a U.S. diplomatic mission in Israel’s capital that is dedicated to serving Israel’s Palestinian enemies. One of Israel’s greatest diplomatic assets in recent years has been the close ties it cultivated with E.U. member states led by nationalist leaders. Time after time, these leaders blocked efforts by the E.U. leadership in Brussels to condemn Israel. The leader who has done the most to block E.U. condemnations of Israel has been Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. The most outspoken critic of ties between Jerusalem and Budapest has been Lapid. When Orbán came to Israel on an official visit, Lapid referred to the event as a “national disgrace,” because Orbán has expressed admiration for Hungary’s wartime leader and Nazi collaborator Admiral Horthy. Like the heads of the U.S. Jewish community with whom he is closely allied, Lapid is deeply hostile to European nationalist leaders despite their enthusiastic support for Israel. As foreign minister, Lapid is likely to harpoon Israel’s ties to the Visegrád Group and so destroy Israel’s ability to prevent E.U. condemnations of Israel. What about Naftali Bennett? Where will the prime minister-designate be in all of this? Even in the unlikely event that Bennett will want to maintain Netanyahu’s policies, he won’t have the power to do so. Although in theory the government is supposed to give equal weight to its right and left-wing members, it is hard to see how this will manifest itself in practice. Avigdor Lieberman’s Yisrael Beiteinu party is still considered a right-wing party, but Lieberman has adopted the left’s positions on nearly every issue. It is hard to imagine that he would side with Bennett on anything controversial, particularly if it involves maintaining Netanyahu’s legacy. And even if Lieberman sides with Bennett, they won’t have the power to force Lapid to do anything he doesn’t want to do. At best, they will be able to block him from doing some things that they don’t want him to do. If Bennett decides to act independently as prime minister on behalf of Jerusalem, or the Golan Heights, or blocking Iran from getting the bomb, or anything at all that Lapid and the left oppose, he will find himself raked over the coals by his coalition partners and the media. Without a political base, Bennett—like his fellow right-winger New Hope Party leader Gideon Sa’ar—will quickly be presented with two options. He can either adopt the ideological positions of the left, as Ehud Olmert, Tzipi Livni and Ariel Sharon did before him, or he can bring down the government and leave public life. It has taken the Biden administration less than six months to unravel Trump’s achievements in Israel and the wider Middle East. We can expect the incoming government to unravel Israel’s diplomatic position on their first day in power. Now They Are Warning That The “Delta Variant” Will Cause The Biggest COVID Wave Of The Entire Pandemic - by Michael Snyder - A lot of people thought that the pandemic was almost over. For a while there, case numbers were falling, restrictions were being rolled back, and life was starting to return to normal all over the globe. But even in the midst of all the good news, global health authorities kept insisting that big trouble was brewing in India. We were told that extremely dangerous new mutant strains of the virus had emerged there, and this is something that I have written about previously. Now, one of those strains which has come to be known as “Delta” is rapidly spreading all over the planet, and global health authorities are warning us that the biggest wave of the entire pandemic is still ahead of us. In the UK, it appeared that they were beating the virus. Cases and deaths were way down, and many in the general population were loudly calling for an end to the lockdowns because they weren’t needed anymore. But now “Delta” is wreaking havoc in a major way. The number of new cases in the UK is up 109 percent in just one week, and it is being reported that “Delta” is accounting for 91 percent of the new cases… The strain, which was first detected in India, has wreaked havoc in the United Kingdom, where it now makes up 91 percent of all new cases. It has caused Covid cases in that country to surge by 109 percent in a single week, with the government now considering extending lockdown restrictions by another month. That is very alarming to hear, but that isn’t the biggest news. According to Public Health England, 29 percent of those that have died from “Delta” were fully vaccinated… Stoking fears, a study by Public Health England shows 29 percent of the 42 people who have died after catching the new strain had received both of their Covid vaccinations. Read that again and let that sink in. People that received both of their injections are still dying from this new strain. We are seeing similar patterns elsewhere in the world as well. Today, Chile has one of the highest vaccination rates on the entire globe… Chile has one of the world’s highest vaccination rates. Around 75% of its 15 million target population have already received at least one dose of vaccine, and nearly 58% are completely inoculated. On a per capita basis among larger countries, it the vaccination leader in the Americas and the fifth highest worldwide, according to Reuters data. But even though so many people have been vaccinated, the number of confirmed cases in that country is really starting to shoot higher… Chilean health authorities announced a blanket lockdown across the capital Santiago on Thursday following some of the worst COVID-19 case numbers since the pandemic began, despite having fully vaccinated more than half its population. The development, which will alarm authorities elsewhere who are debating how fast to reopen as vaccination campaigns gather steam, comes as Chile’s confirmed daily caseload surged 17% in the past two weeks nationwide and 25% in the Metropolitan region that includes Santiago and is home to half the country’s population. Moving forward, global health authorities are telling us that this summer could be the time when we see the biggest numbers that we have witnessed during this pandemic so far. In fact, scientists in the UK are warning that there could be 100,000 new cases per day in that country “as soon as July”… Scientists have issued a stark warning that the Covid-19 variant known as Delta is shaping up to cause devastation in the UK as soon as July. It’s predicted that by next month the country could see a surge of 100,000 daily Covid-19 cases due to the super-spreading variant, in a grim reminder to the world of the horrors it can cause. Here in the United States, “Delta” currently accounts for about 10 percent of all new cases, but that is up from 1 percent a month ago. As “Delta” continues to spread, many fear that it will soon become the dominant strain in the U.S. just like it has elsewhere. The following is what Dr. Scott Gottlieb told “Face the Nation” on Sunday… Dr. Scott Gottlieb, the former commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, said Sunday that a coronavirus strain known as the Delta variant is likely to become the dominant source of new infections in the U.S. and could lead to new outbreaks in the fall, with unvaccinated Americans being most at risk. “Right now, in the United States, it’s about 10% of infections. It’s doubling every two weeks,” Gottlieb said on “Face the Nation.” “That doesn’t mean that we’re going to see a sharp uptick in infections, but it does mean that this is going to take over. And I think the risk is really to the fall that this could spike a new epidemic heading into the fall.” “A new epidemic”? Does that mean that they intend to impose another round of lockdowns, another round of school closings, and another round of mandatory mask orders on us? Needless to say, there are millions upon millions of Americans that would not be thrilled with that at all. Meanwhile, there is another alarming development that I would like to share before I end this article. Three cases of “monkeypox” have been confirmed in the UK, and this is something that I am going to watch very closely. Monkeypox comes from the same family of viruses as smallpox does, and it can cause extremely ugly sores on the skin just like smallpox can… The rash usually appears within the initial five days according to the NHS. In 95% of cases the rash affects the face, and in 75% it affects hands, according to the World Health Organization. You can catch the monkeypox by touching the spots or scabs of someone infected or their clothes or bedding, and it can be passed on from sneezing and coughing. At this point, it is only three cases that we are talking about, and we have no idea if this will turn into any sort of a larger outbreak. But as my regular readers already know, I am always watching for the next pandemic which may be coming. I believe that we live in an era when great pestilences will become commonplace. And as the past year has demonstrated, authorities around the globe will shut things down for an extended period of time even for a relatively minor pandemic like COVID. Now that “Delta” is spreading like wildfire, more lockdowns may be on the horizon, and that is extremely unfortunate. I know that a lot of you were looking forward to a return to normalcy, but a complete return to normal may not be happening for the foreseeable future. Survivalists, Escapists and the Rapture in the Prophetic Future! – Olivier Melnick - There are not that many topics in the Bible that cause so much controversy as the Rapture does. Some people believe in it, some don’t. From those who believe that the Rapture is a real event that will be fulfilled literally–and I belong to that group–many positions exist. The Rapture might happen before the Tribulation, during or after. I personally believe that the Rapture will occur before the Great Tribulation, leaving behind all those who have not placed their trust in the atoning death of Yeshua the Messiah for their sins. So, on the spectrum of end-times events, we find many markers representing doctrinal positions. At each end of that spectrum, we find groups that I will identify as the survivalists and the escapists. The survivalists, that we can also call preppers, are a group of people convinced that mankind will go through the Great Tribulation and suffer greatly. They are right that the Tribulation will be a horrible, bloody carnage. They believe that it will include unbelievers and believers together for seven years of unprecedented turmoil and persecution resulting in the greatest death toll of all human history. Preppers prepare. They buy food, supplies, weapons, ammo and some even build remote bunkers hoping to put all the odds in their favor for surviving the Tribulation. Preppers also have a tendency to succumb to the latest conspiracy theory. On the mind of most preppers is the inevitable end of the world that must be avoided at all costs Am I saying that believers should trust the Lord in all things and not prepare for difficult times? Absolutely not! In fact, the Bible advises us to prepare and be ready in many ways: • Be ready for Messiah – Matthew 24:44 • Be watchful and strong – 1 Corinthians 16:13 • Prepare supplies of food – Proverbs 28:19-20, 20:4 • Prepare with faith – Hebrews 11: Now, what I am saying is that our preparedness should not consume us to the point that we are ignoring other aspects of life. Preparing is good and necessary. We need to prepare for the future and, to an extent, we also need to prepare for the unknown and the unexpected, but I find many preppers being so obsessed with stocking up supplies in anticipation of doomsday, that they completely miss their many opportunities to be witnesses of the love and compassion of Messiah to the lost. God provides and protects His children. He does it directly through circumstances and indirectly through people. So, we need to be wise about preparing for the future, using common sense mixed with wisdom and discernment. We must not succumb to the temptation of overstocking and over-preparing. Satan loves to keep people busy with whatever people deem necessary, and in the meantime, nobody is sharing the Good News. Some even think that they are smack in the center of God’s will by over-prepping for the end. A balance must be achieved. Now, on the other side of the same spectrum, we find the escapists. Who are these people? Escapists are people who believe in a pre-tribulational Rapture as I do, but they are fixated on their imminent departure more than anything else. They believe that the Rapture will occur prior to the Great Tribulation and that they hold their ticket and reservation for the ultimate ride upward. Escapists look forward to the Rapture and are often heard pleading for Yeshua to come now and snatch away the believers immediately. Escapists are not only “Rapture-ready”, but they also are “Rapture anxious”. They are chomping at the bit for the Rapture to take place. This reminds me of a pet peeve of mine. It really rubs me the wrong way when I hear people use the word Maranatha all the time. I have nothing against this beautiful Aramaic word meaning “The Lord is coming” or “Come, O Lord”! We shouldn’t dismiss or ignore the beautiful hope that we have in Yeshua and His return. He will return as the Lion of Judah to rule the world from Jerusalem. What a glorious day this will be! What troubles me, is the many believers who constantly say Maranatha as they express their strong desire for Yeshua to return NOW! The question that usually comes to my mind is: “Are all the people you care about saved for you to be so anxious about Yeshua’s return?” When could such a question be answered in the affirmative without any doubt by anyone? Never! I find the escapist approach to be selfish. It is as if people are thinking, “I’m saved, I’m in and who cares about others”? Again, and as always, I do not wish to paint with broad strokes, but I am greatly concerned with the escapist mentality found across the Body of Messiah. So where is the healthy balance between the escapists and the survivalists? I believe it is found in the person who trusts the Lord day-by-day, moment-by-moment, as they also prepare with common sense for possible financial, physical, political and spiritual difficulties. Planning is necessary, prepping is over-reacting. Trusting the Lord is critical to our spiritual health and growth, but blindly trusting God for all things without any planning is irresponsible. We need to expect His return at any moment because it can happen at any moment, but we also need to wisely prepare as if He will not return and/or rapture us immediately. Nowhere in the Bible does it mention that believers will not suffer prior to the Rapture. So, prepare, trust, obey and anticipate His return. If we combine all that wisely, we will find plenty of time and opportunities to witness the good news to those who have no hope, so that when He indeed calls the believers to be raptured, more people will join in this glorious departure. Until then, let us all gather in the center of that spectrum and get busy sharing with the lost. Daily Jot: Welcome Back Carter – Bill Wilson – The parallels between President Jimmy Carter and Joe Biden are becoming more and more evident. Remember Carter? He oversaw a doubling of gasoline prices, inflation went from 5% to 14%, interest rates climbed from a little over 7% to 16%, and unemployment in some parts of the country was in double-digits. His foreign policy was as much as a disaster. The Democrat president actually tried to use food as a weapon by embargoing grain sales to the Soviet Union, decimating American farmers, and he promoted Islamic terrorists by trying to normalize relations with the terrorist Palestinian Liberation Organization and helping to foment the Iranian revolution that installed the terrorists Ayatollahs. While the Biden Administration’s economic and foreign policies have not reached their maturity, it doesn’t take much extrapolating to predict a repeat of the Carter years. Already, burgeoning government spending programs in the trillions are on the precipice of causing the same impacts that we had on the economy in the 1970s. For example, Biden’s economic policies already have caused an erosion of your purchasing power. The Bureau of Labor Statistics most recent report indicated the real earnings of American workers fell for the fifth consecutive month in May. The culprit: Inflation. The mere threat of unbridled government spending, increasing the deficit, and expanding government has accelerated this issue. The New York Post’s Will Feuer reports, “The Labor Department’s Consumer Price Index, which measures a basket of goods and services as well as energy and food costs, jumped 5 percent in May from a year earlier. That’s higher than April’s 4.2 percent year-over-year rise in prices, and the biggest 12-month rise since August 2008, just before the financial crisis sent the US into the worst recession it had seen since the Great Depression. Economists surveyed by Dow Jones expected a 4.7 percent spike in May.” That economists expected 4.7% and it was actually 5% means that other market factors will be triggered that will complicate problems—not for people like Biden, but for people like you and me. Biden’s foreign policy is also an issue. Since taking office, Russia, China, the terrorist Palestinian groups, and the world’s foremost terror sponsor, Iran, all have become far more aggressive. At the same time, Biden’s approach is appeasement. Talk tough, but act soft. These international bullies are going to beat Biden like a burdened donkey. This will cause further market anxiety and pressure the economy—end result—you and I get the brunt of higher prices, ransomware shutdowns, etc. Proverbs 28:3 says, “A destitute leader who oppresses the poor is like a driving rain which leaves no food.” In other words, a leader who seeks his own gain leaves nothing for others. And that’s what we have. Welcome back Carter. Daily Devotion: The Worst Kind of Pain - by Greg Laurie – But Jesus said to him, ‘Friend, why have you come?’ Then they came and laid hands on Jesus and took Him. —Matthew 26:50 - Listen I think the worst kind of pain is the betrayal of a friend. When someone you love and care about turns on you, it hurts. The emotional pain of betrayal was just the beginning for Jesus as the time of His crucifixion drew near. Then came the physical pain. Let’s not miss the point that the disciples weren’t just His followers; they were His buddies. They were His friends. Especially Judas Iscariot, believe it or not. Why would I say that Judas was the friend of Jesus? Because Jesus himself said it. In the Garden of Gethsemane when Judas led the temple guard to arrest Him, Jesus actually said to Judas, “Friend, why have you come?” (Matthew 26:50 NKJV). Friend? Didn’t Jesus know what Judas was about to do? Of course He did. He’d already predicted it in the Upper Room. But it still broke His heart because Judas was his friend. How easily Jesus could have said, “You know what? I’m done with all of you. I mean, My own disciples have betrayed Me. Everyone hates me. I’m just done.” But He didn’t say that. Instead, He went through with it. So what kept him going? We find the answer in Hebrews 12: “Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” (verse 2 NKJV). Joy? There was joy because He was looking past the pain and anguish to what He would accomplish. He was thinking of you and me when He carried that cross through the city. He was thinking of you and me when He bore the sin of the world. We need to look to Jesus because He has always been looking out for us. And we need to live for Jesus because He died for us. FROM THE HEART Let Us Make the Short Time We have Left, Count for ALL of Eternity! 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Humbly Seek Your Support Prophecy Update has no corporate sponsors. This ministry is paid for and prayed for by readers and supporters. Without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update, Please pray about becoming a monthly supporter - thanks! If ever there was a time to invest in God's Kingdom, it's now! What on earth are you doing for Heaven's Sake? "Share in the Blessings and Rewards that will last Forever!" "Folks, it's all beginning to unravel. America is in more danger of falling than at any time in its history. But I believe Bible prophecy predicts this very decline. From this point on, we believers have to get serious. We are going to face discouragement, disillusionment and, most certainly, persecution in the time between now and the Rapture. But don't be discouraged or disillusioned. The coming turmoil will provide us unrivaled opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. So be ready to share your faith and your hope with those who need Christ. We still have time to reap a great harvest of souls for God's kingdom!" - Hal Lindsey 1) We need your prayers!- We proclaim the Truth of the Word of God and we are under constant spiritual and sometimes even physical attack. 2) We need your encouragement!- We need to hear from you, let us know how the Lord is blessing you through this ministry so that we can share it with others. 3) We need your input! - If you have a prophetic article or story or if there is a news related item we missed, let us know. 4) We need your financial support!- To put it quite simply, without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update. I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to get the Word out and keep the world informed. Remember, your gift, no matter how small, does make a difference! You will be helping to touch lives, around the world, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, thanks to the internet your generosity carries a global impact! - Thanks! Our Prayer for You- "Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else." 2 Corinthians 9:10-13 If you have been blessed by Prophecy Update and would like to help support this ministry financially. You can make a secure donation online by going to: DONATE NOW Or write us at: Prophecy Update P.O. 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