Depopulation: The Sign that Tells us Jesus' Appearing Is At Hand – Jonathan Brentner -
A significant sign that we live in the last days comes from the lips of Jesus Himself. In Matthew 24:21-22, Jesus spoke these words regarding the last three and a half years of the Tribulation: For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be. And if those days had not been cut short, no human being would be saved. But for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short. The event that ends this time of “great tribulation” during which humanity will face extinction will be the Second Coming (see Matthew 24:29-31). On the one hand, the current depopulation effort of the globalists is frightening and surely fits with Jesus’ prophecy. On the other hand, it opens our eyes to what’s happening around us and reminds us that God is sovereignly directing history to accomplish His purpose. He is preparing the world, and Israel, for Jesus’ upcoming thousand-year reign on the earth. As we look at the evidence pointing to a world that’s on its way to fulfilling Jesus’ words in Matthew 24:21-22, and we know that His prophecy cannot reach its climax for at least seven-plus years, this shouts to us that Jesus’ appearing must be ever so close. 1. IT’S KILLING MULTITUDES OF PEOPLE According to the United Kingdom (UK) Government, “1 in every 246 people vaccinated against Covid-19 in England has died within 60 days of receiving a dose of the Covid-19 vaccine.”[i] If you think that’s a small percentage, consider this: The CDC tells us that 67.6% of the U.S. population have received these injections for a total of roughly 220,000,000 Americans. If 1 in 246 of them died within two months of receiving the deadly vaccine, that total would be 894,000 people. For the U.S. alone, there have been 14,348 deaths reported to the CDC due to these shots. Please know that studies show that the CDC numbers only consist of about one percent of actual vaccine injuries. If you think that 1.4 million deaths in the U.S. is extreme, I refer you to a report on the Global Research website that contains dozens of graphs and charts showing the adverse impact of these injections in the UK. The quotes below come from the conclusion of the article: . . . . the UK Government has confirmed fully vaccinated young adults are 92% more likely to die than unvaccinated young adults (see here). They’ve also confirmed COVID vaccinated children are at least 4423% more likely to die of any cause & 13,633% more likely to die of COVID-19 than unvaccinated children (see here). . . . . Hundreds of thousands of excess deaths are being recorded around the world on a weekly basis, but only a small minority can be attributed to Covid-19.[ii] Please note that again, it’s the UK government saying these things. It’s not a blogger, but the government itself providing these statistics. The overall numbers reported to the CDC VAERS system as a result of these injections are both staggering and heartbreaking, but they only represent a small fraction of what’s happening in the world. These are the totals through September 7, 2022: 30,935 deaths 57,788 permanently disabled 52,220 Myocarditis or Pericarditis (these afflictions will significantly shorten the life of those impacted by them) Prior to the release of the mRNA injections, the average number of athletes dying each year was 29. In an eighteen-month period ending on August 31, 2022, almost 900 athletes have suddenly died of “unknown” causes.[iii] That equates to a yearly average of 600. In just the past week, I have read about five healthy young athletes suddenly dying of heart related ailments as well as a seventeen year-old male who needed three hours of open-heart surgery to repair damage to his heart. The mRNA injections fall right in line with Jesus’ prophecy; some doctors say that we will not know the final death toll from them for another two years. 2. TRANSHUMANISM I have written several posts on this topic including my latest one: Transhumanism: The Evil Force Behind the New World Order. In this article, I make this point: Do not let the proponents of the NWO [New World Order] or the Great Reset deceive you; they all accept transhumanism is an essential step to convince people of the need for world governance. Some of these globalists may profess a belief in God or allegiance to a church, but they are lying. They are all staunch atheists who reject all that Scripture says about creation, especially Genesis 1:27, “God created man in his own image.” Put simply, transhumanism is the combining of humans with machines with the purpose of changing them into something far different than what God created. Transhumanism in the U.S. took a giant leap forward with the Executive Order (EO) that Biden signed on September 12, 2022. Leo Hohmann, an investigative reporter and blogger, analyzed the EO with this article, Biden signs executive order designed to unleash transhumanist hell on America and the world. Here are a few of his insightful commentary: By quietly getting Biden’s signature on this document, his handlers may have given us the most ominous sign yet that we stand on the threshold of a technocratic one-world beast system. Prepare to make your stand because it’s about to get much more intense. This document’s Orwellian title, Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and Secure American Bioeconomy, will assure that its significance will fly right over the heads of 99 percent of the media, even the conservative media. They will read it and yawn. I plead with everyone reading this article to please not make that same mistake.[iv] Hohmann gets to heart of the EO with a quote from Karen Kingston, a former Pfizer employee and current analyst for the pharmaceutical and medical-device industries: “Let me read between the lines for America. Biden’s Sept. 12, 2022, executive order declares that Americans must surrender all human rights that stand in the way of transhumanism. Clinical trial safety standards and informed consent will be eradicated as they stand in the way of universally unleashing gene-editing technologies needed to merge humans with A.I.[Artificial Intelligence]. In order to achieve the societal goals of the New World Order, crimes against humanity are not only legal, but mandatory.”[v] The EO signifies that people in the US will no longer have any rights to prevent the government using us to further research into changing humanity into something the differs radically from what God created. Below is a direct quote from the EO: “We need to develop genetic engineering technologies and techniques to be able to write circuitry for cells and predictably program biology in the same way in which we write software and program computers…including through computing tools and artificial intelligence…“[vi] Will artificial intelligence (AI) really harm people? Consider the following: In the paper which was published in the journal AI Magazine, the team — comprised of DeepMind senior scientist Marcus Hutter and Oxford researchers Michael Cohen and Michael Osborne — concluded that the answer to the long-standing question of whether a super-intelligent AI may go rogue and wipe out humans was that it was “likely”. “Under the conditions we have identified, our conclusion is much stronger than that of any previous publication — an existential catastrophe is not just possible, but likely.”[vii] Is it any wonder that Biden’s handlers wrote the EO in such a way that no one would understand? This EO is satanic; it clearly comes from the one that Jesus described as a liar, a murderer, and a destroyer (John 8:44, 10:10). Satan’s plan is to destroy humanity and we know that transhumanism is a key part of his agenda. It will move the world closer to the fulfillment of Jesus’ words in Matthew 24:21-22. 3. THE FOUR RIDERS OF THE APOCALYPSE The Bible tells us that after the Rapture of the church, Jesus will release the seal judgments as recorded in Revelation 6:1-8. Verse 8 tells us that one-fourth of the world’s population will perish as a result of the wars, pestilence, famine, and wild beasts. The riders of the apocalypse, as people call them, will contribute to the scarcity of humanity that Jesus predicted for the end of the Tribulation (Matthew 4:21-22). The signs pointing to the nearness of this time are overwhelming to those paying attention. The conditions are ripe for the riders to begin their trek across the globe; at times it seems as though their time is overdue. The world is far down the road to a one-world government; all it will take is the rider on the white horse to bring it to fruition. I believe he’s waiting in the wings, but he cannot ride until the Lord removes the One that is restraining him (2 Thessalonians 2:1-8). As for the rider with a sword, it’s not difficult at all to imagine this happening in the near future. I believe that the worst wars in history of humanity will take place after the Rapture, though we could see frightful foretastes of this beforehand. Here is what Hal Lindsey said about threat is another world war in his article on the Harbinger’s website titled, Christians, This Is Not A Drill… Examining Our World Through The Lens Of Matthew 24: Before each of the first two World Wars, everyone saw the terrible possibilities. But almost no one really thought it would happen. They thought cooler heads would prevail. But cool heads did not prevail. Pride prevailed. Greed prevailed. Hate prevailed. It’s happening again, but this time with the added threat of nuclear weapons. As before, no one believes it will really happen. But the signs are there. War threatens every part of the earth, especially Europe. In Ukraine, Russian arrogance has been shattered. Their president, Vladimir Putin, is as proud and as careless with human life as Hitler or Mussolini. And right now, he’s like a wounded animal… with nukes. As for famines, they already exist in many parts of the world. The coming food shortages could easily lead to the runaway inflation that will come with the third rider (Revelation 6:5-6). A recent article on the Gateway Pundit website provided over one hundred examples of the destruction the food supply in America. Click here to see the entire list. The seal judgments will greatly reduce the world’s population and bring Jesus’ words closer to reality. We already see many signs telling us that the time of fulfillment for Revelation 6:1-8 is ever so near, which means that the Rapture, which will happen before this passage becomes a reality, is even closer. 4. PERSECUTION The Bible tells us that after Jesus takes His church away to heaven (the Rapture), there will be great persecution against both Jews and those who come to faith in Jesus after the Rapture. This oppression will arise from the New World Order and the antichrist and it will be the worst ever in history leading to millions of deaths. We already see much persecution of believers throughout the world and hatred for the Jewish people is accelerating everywhere, especially in America. These are the seeds for what is coming. In the U.S., everything is in place for persecution against Bible-believing Christians to rapidly expand. President Biden’s rhetoric against the MAGA supporters of President Trump is just for show; it’s a deceptive ruse. His real agenda is to stir up animosity against those who hold to Judeo-Christian values; against those who oppose abortion, transgenderism for young children, and the entire LBGTQ agenda. One’s voting record doesn’t matter here, but rather one’s belief in what God’s Word says. Our presence as Bible-believing saints represents a roadblock to those seeking to bring in the Great Reset or the New World Order. As such, we pose a grave threat to those in control of the Biden administration. THE TIMING OF THE RAPTURE If we see all these depopulation signs already in play and we know that Jesus’ words cannot reach fulfillment for seven-plus years at a minimum, does this not shout to us that Jesus is coming for us in the near future? We are right on the doorstep of the fulfillment of Revelation 6:1-8, and we know that the widespread death that the horsemen will bring happens after the Rapture. Jesus may come today. Or we may live through more of the setup for the terrifying Tribulation period, which is already speeding toward the world like an out-of-control freight train. The timing of the Rapture is a bit of a wildcard. I believe we must be prepared for both meeting Jesus in the air and for the rapidly growing opposition to our biblically based faith. If your trust for eternal life wholly resides in Jesus as your Savior, you will go home to be with Jesus at the time of the Rapture. If not, please turn to Him today, do not delay. For more information on the Gospel and eternal life, see my post In No Other Name. For those of us securely in Christ, the best place to start in this regard is to spend time meditating on passages such as Philippians 3:12-4:1; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11; Colossians 3:1-4; Titus 2:11-15; 1 Corinthians 15:1-58; Revelation 3:10-11; and Revelation 20-22. I read at least some of these passages every day. And remember the words of 2 Timothy 4:8. There’s a special “crown of righteousness” for those who “have loved his appearing.” Those who long for the Rapture with eager anticipation will receive a special reward. Do not lose heart; allow Scripture to keep your mind and heart focused on the prize ahead for you after the suffering of this world ends. Imagine how much closer humanity will be to extinction in just two or three years given the current trends. Jesus is right at the door. We may have to wait a little longer than we would like, but rest assured He’s come for us very soon. He might even come for us this month. We live in the season of His appearing. My book, The Triumph of the Redeemed-An eternal Perspective that Calms Our Fears in Perilous Times, is available on Amazon. Note: Please consider signing up for my newsletter on the home page of my website at . It will greatly help me in reaching more people. Thanks! [i] Global Research web page, PfizerGate: Official Government Reports prove Hundreds of Thousands of People Are Dying Every Single Week Due to COVID-19 Vaccination, August 16, 2022 @ [ii] Ibid. [iii] Leo Hohmann, Nearly 900 young healthy athletes confirmed dead in 18 months, as British Heart Foundation releases ad ‘normalizing’ heart attacks in children, September 12, 2022, @ [iv] Leo Hohmann, Biden signs executive order designed to unleash transhumanist hell on America and the world, September 13, 2022 @ [v] Ibid. [vi] Ibid. [vii] Tasos Kokkinidis, Artificial Intelligence Will ‘Likely’ Destroy Humans, Researchers Say, September 16, 2022, on the Greek Reporter website - Why Are So Many Historic Natural Disasters Suddenly Hitting Our Planet As We Reach The End Of Summer? - by Michael Snyder - Just over the past few days, our planet has been hit over and over again by major natural disasters. So why is this happening? At this moment, we are reaching the end of a summer that many of us will remember for a long time to come. The western United States, Europe and China are all in the midst of the worst droughts that they have experienced in centuries, and meanwhile relentless flooding has absolutely devastated other areas. For example, unprecedented flooding resulted in a third of the entire nation of Pakistan being under water for an extended period of time. We could definitely use a break, but instead the past few days have brought us an extremely alarming series of historic disasters. For example, the western coast of Mexico was just hit by an extremely powerful magnitude 7.6 earthquake… A powerful earthquake struck near the coast of western Mexico on Monday on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, shaking buildings and sending residents of Mexico City scurrying onto the streets for safety. Shortly after 1 p.m. local time, the quake registered at 7.6 magnitude by the U.S. Geological Survey hit near the coast on the border region of the states of Michoacan and Colima at a depth of around 15 km (9 miles). Interestingly, this quake happened on the exact same date that enormous earthquakes hit Mexico in 1985 and 2017. Is that just some sort of a bizarre coincidence? Meanwhile, Hurricane Fiona continues to cause “catastrophic” damage in the Caribbean… Hurricane Fiona bore down on the Dominican Republic on Monday after knocking out the power grid and unleashing floods and landslides in Puerto Rico, where the governor said the damage was ‘catastrophic’. Fiona was forecast to swipe the Dominican Republic early Monday and then northern Haiti and the Turks and Caicos Islands with the threat of heavy rain. It could threaten the far southern end of the Bahamas on Tuesday. Hurricane warnings were posted for the Dominican Republic’s eastern coast from Cabo Caucedo to Cabo Frances Viejo, and for the Turks and Caicos. It is going to take Puerto Rico many years to recover from the utter devastation that has been caused by this exceedingly intense storm. At the same time, “one of the worst typhoons the country has ever seen” is literally forcing millions of people to evacuate from their homes in Japan… Nine million people have been told to evacuate their homes as Japan is battered by one of the worst typhoons the country has ever seen. The super typhoon Nanmadol has killed two people and injured almost 90. It hit Kyushu, the southernmost of Japan’s four main islands, on Sunday morning, and is set to reach Honshu, the largest island, in the coming days. We aren’t hearing too much about this “super typhoon” in the United States, but it is truly one of the worst disasters in the modern history of Japan. Not too far away, a magnitude 6.4 earthquake hit Taiwan on Saturday, and that was followed by a magnitude 6.8 earthquake on Sunday… A 6.8 magnitude earthquake rattled much of Taiwan on Sunday, which followed a 6.4 magnitude earthquake Saturday, according to Taiwan’s Central Weather Bureau (CWB). The magnitude 6.8 quake hit around 2:44 pm local time (0644 GMT), with an epicenter in Taitung county, a town in the eastern part of the island nation. CWB said the quake was recorded at a relatively shallow depth of 7 kilometers (4 miles). The US Geological Survey initially reported that the quake registered a 7.2 magnitude but revised it to 6.9 — still a higher reading than CWB’s estimate. These quakes caused quite a bit of destruction, and of course this comes at a really bad time as Taiwanese authorities feverishly prepare for a potential Chinese invasion. Also on Saturday, Alaska was hit by a storm that was so immense that it was actually ripping homes right off of their foundations… The western coast of Alaska was hit with historic storms on Saturday, causing extreme flooding that led to several homes being ripped from their foundations. Gov. Mike Dunleavy of Alaska declared the crisis a disaster emergency at a Saturday press conference where he also confirmed that had been zero reported injuries. “Just now, I verbally declared a disaster for communities impacted by the West Coast storm. SEOC (State Emergency Operations Center) has received no reports of injuries at this time. We will continue to monitor the storm and update Alaskans as much as possible,” the Republican governor said. Meanwhile, we continue to see a tremendous amount of volcanic activity all over the planet. According to Volcano Discovery, there are 26 volcanoes that are currently erupting around the globe right now. I have been relentlessly warning my readers that our planet is becoming increasingly unstable, and that process seems to be accelerating as we approach the final days of summer. So will the months ahead bring even more devastation? Sadly, as with so many other things, many people out there simply assume that things will eventually “return to normal” somehow. Of course there are others that acknowledge that conditions are changing, but they believe that humanity can fix what is wrong if we just pass enough laws. Needless to say, those people are completely and utterly delusional. Nothing that we can do will alter the changes that are happening. The giant rock that we all live on is starting to go haywire, and the shaking that we are experiencing now is going to get a whole lot worse during the years that are ahead of us. Earthquakes will increase in power and frequency, volcanic eruptions will become more common, great storms will cause unprecedented destruction, and immense droughts and floods will continue to ravage much of the planet. And through it all, many of the “experts” will continue to insist that everything is completely “normal” even to the bitter end. You can believe them if you want. Of you can believe the evidence that is happening right in front of your eyes. The choice is up to you. Scanning a Fearful Future XI – Terry James - “Scanning a Fearful Future Part 10” (the conclusion of the series) was completed early in 2011. We’ve revisited that series of articles on two additional occasions, I believe. I am convicted that here, in September 2022, it’s time again to look ahead—“scan”—into the ever-deepening march of humanity toward the consummation of this Genesis 6-like age. Many prophecy watchers won’t agree with my take on the matters I present in this addendum because it’s not scripturally provable. But I don’t claim it is; admittedly, the thoughts I put forward are conjecture rather than necessarily Holy Spirit-prompted. I do believe, however, that my thinking is legitimately evidence-based, considering my long-time Bible-centered observation and dissection of these wicked times. My only reluctance in dealing with these matters stems from the frequently expressed realization that my thinking—like that of many of my colleagues—is too often—Amero-centric. That is, we too often consider our nation to be at the center of everything when we look at prophetic progression. With all that as a preface, I nonetheless must once again say I see America as perhaps key to the wrap-up of the Church Age (Age of Grace). Is America in Bible prophecy? That, of course, is among the questions often asked. Always, my answer is: No—not by name. Is America the Babylon prophesied in Revelation chapter 18? My answer to that has evolved over much study to be “perhaps.” But, again, it can’t be proved to be that condemned city/system of evil that has afflicted all the world with sin. However, America is, almost undoubtedly, a part of that commercial and cultural system. My belief that America fits within the final system of wickedness is confirmed with each news report. As stated on several occasions, considering the use and abuse of the most vulnerable among humanity is evidence of how far from the heart of God mankind has “progressed”. The fact that such upside-down thinking and conduct are said to be “progressive” proves how culture in America has the “reprobate mind” of Romans 1:28. Those who claim to be “progressive” are in fact moving in the direction opposite of Heaven’s command to the human race. This mindset is inflicting on the very young the evil that can be churned only through minds attuned to the god of this world. As stated before, history attests that every major civilization on record has come to its inglorious end while engaging in child sacrifice and unspeakable abuses by the adult generations during those times of collapse and demise. Time and time again we’ve looked at abortion in America today and have concluded that murder in the mothers’ wombs is, in the majority of cases, used as contraception to cover for sexual misconduct and/or irresponsibility. The practice can be likened to sacrifice upon the altar of convenience—like the pagans, and even Israel, once sacrificed infants upon the white-hot, stone hands of Moloch. And now parents are dressing children as young as age 4 as transvestites and parading them in honor of LBTQ… etc., etc., rainbow, Genesis 6-like activities. We have reports of all that went on with the Jeffrey Epstein island evil involving under-aged girls, and even of pedophilia among younger children who were abused in horrendous ways by well-known people. Yet the national media has swept all such reports under the proverbial rug of forgetfulness. And America has been at the direct center of all this anti-God activity. The most blessed nation in history—in terms of material blessings and perhaps second (only to Israel) in spiritual blessings—has become perhaps the most debauched, lascivious, licentious nation ever. This brings me to the crux of this subject. As some know, I believe Jesus prophesied the time of Rapture. I don’t mean, of course, that He told us the day or hour, as He Himself said only the Father knows that. But I’m more convinced than ever that He gave conditions precisely as they’ll be when He calls believers into His presence. “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17) And here is where I know I’ll receive some degree of resistance regarding my Amero-centric perspective on Jesus’ words of Luke 17: 29-30. “Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.” (Luke 17: 28-30) Here Jesus likened the time He will next intervene into the affairs of mankind to the days when Lot lived and worked in Sodom. The very day Lot went out of that wicked city (out of which the angels led Lot and his family), judgment from God fell and totally destroyed both Sodom and its sister city, Gomorrah. In this Luke passage, Jesus was referring to that moment–the Rapture. As we’ve looked at many times, He couldn’t be referring to the very end of the Tribulation, when as many as three-fourths of the earth’s population will have died during the seven years of God’s judgment and wrath. At that time—the time of His Second Coming (Genesis 19: 11)—it won’t be business as usual, as given in this prophecy. The few rebels left on the planet will be hiding in caves from God’s King who is coming through the scrolled-back blackness on the bright clouds of glory. Now, to bring it down to our present closing hours of this age, I propose that the Lord might have had in mind a particular people and nation as He described how things will be at the moment of the Rapture. Here goes my Amero-centricism again. America today is the greatest nation in all of recorded world history in terms of spectacular advancements and achievements. It is the apex nation in this regard. No other has come close—that we know of… We hear constantly that all the world is about to collapse in financial catastrophe, and even perhaps explode in nuclear war. These predictions have been around for years. Yet the world is buying, selling, marrying, planting, building—all the things Jesus prophesied for the time when, like in Lot’s time, God’s people will be removed from the earth. While Europe is quickly dissolving in energy-crisis mode and the financial systems of the world seem about to collapse, Americans are still, like the folks of Sodom, living in ways Jesus described: we’re buying, selling, building, etc. I maintain the Lord might well have had in mind this very nation we call America as the model for the future time of the removal of God’s people. Our nation fits as the super-achieving, productive society and culture of Christ’s analogy. And, certainly, at the same time, our society and culture align with the wickedness of Lot’s day. Scanning a fearful future, to the Christian, is really to be scanning a fantastic future! All of this points to the blessed hope of Titus 2:13: Believers are on the very cusp of coming into the joint heirship with the Son of god we are promised. “But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.” (1 Corinthians 2: 9) Even so, come, Lord Jesus! Hell and a Merciful God - By Jack Kinsella - The question has been asked so many times that has morphed from a question into a challenge; “How can a merciful and loving God condemn people to eternal torments in hell?” The question is not just posed by atheists and skeptics but also by some sincere but woefully uneducated Christians. The argument has some merit on the surface. God is love. All men are created with a sin nature. Since, by definition and design, all men are sinners and our Creator God is love, it logically follows that a loving God who created sinners would be unjust in condemning them to hell for being what they are. God is the Righteous Judge. If He is so righteous, it seems logical that He would take into account the mitigating circumstances. Especially since the chief mitigation is the fact that it was the Righteous Judge that created the unrighteous sinner and that unrighteousness is the default condition of man. That cannot be stressed strongly enough. The default condition of mankind is that of utter depravity. People are not born good and then learn bad things. It is precisely the opposite. There is a common canard in our society that dictates that racism, for example, is learned behavior. A ‘learned behavior’ is something that has been taught to someone, or a way of thinking that they did not come up with themselves. The prevailing worldview is that children who grow up to be racists are taught to be racist as a child. In this view, unless a child is taught to be racist, he will grow up to be ‘color-blind,’ so to speak. An article posted by Dr. Carl Bell, MD, on the American Psychiatric Association’s website attempted to argue against racism as a ‘mental illness,’ claiming, “As I stated in the editorial, racism “is mainly a product of learned behavior,” and “a majority of explicitly racist persons do not have any psychopathology.” I don’t know if racism is a mental illness, but I know that racism is not something that children are taught. It is something that they must be ‘untaught.'” Children are racist by nature. Studies conducted that put one black pre-schooler into a classroom full of white pre-schoolers showed the white pre-schoolers abused, ostracized and teased the black kid corporately; that is to say, they did so as a group. Reversing the situation produced the same results; the black kids abused, ostracized and teased the white kid, again corporately. Were all these pre-schoolers taught to be racists? Moreover, who taught them to be abusive? Who taught them the principles of boycott or ostracization? These are fairly advanced principles for pre-schoolers — it took Jesse Jackson a lifetime of effort to fine-tune them into the social weapons they are today. Where did these kids learn to be racist? Any school teacher will confirm that children are not only racist, they are mean. Kids are really small terrorists without advanced weaponry or a cause. And we were all kids. If we reach back far enough into our memories, it is fairly obvious that the cruelest people we ever met were our own classmates. Everyone remembers that one kid who was taunted unmercifully (maybe it was you) because of their skin color, their religion, their social status, or some other characteristic that made that kid different. (I remember a kid we all teased because he was ugly.) I was teased unmercifully because I had no hand-to-eye coordination. When we would choose up sides to play baseball, the two team captains would choose their players until they got to me. Then they’d fight over who got ‘stuck’ with me — as if I wasn’t there. My nicknames were, alternatively, “Easy Out” and “Butterfingers” — two terms that make me cringe to this day. Children have to be taught not to hit each other or bite each other; they have to be taught not to steal, to show respect, not to lie, etc. Prisons are full of folks who blame their upbringing for their shortcomings. Zacharias Moussaoui’s defense for being a 9/11 plotter was, in essence, that his father was mean to him and that’s why he became a terrorist. Dr. Carl Bell, MD, would undoubtedly agree with Jung and Freud that having bad parents as children is to blame for bad behavior in adults. Baloney. Children needn’t be taught bad values because ‘bad’ is their default state. Prisons, as rehabilitation centers, attempt to teach ‘good’ values — or the word ‘rehabilitation’ is meaningless. A long example to prove a short principle; We are born sinners. Evil is our default condition. It is goodness that is the learned behavior. To return to our original premise, if a loving God created us without a spark of goodness, then how could He then condemn us to an eternity of torment for being what He made us to be — and still call that ‘perfect justice’? It is worth noting that the only inherently evil creation in the corporeal (physical) world is humanity. Animals aren’t evil by nature. They do what comes naturally. Sin isn’t a learned behavior. It is something that must be unlearned. The degree to which a human being ‘unlearns’ selfishness, cruelty and sadism becomes the measure of his goodness. Provide the right set of circumstances, say, New Orleans after Katrina, and humanity reverts to type. Doctors murder patients to save themselves. People with no criminal record become looters. The strong prey on the weak. Right and wrong, as social concepts, essentially evaporate. Man was created in God’s image. He was created with the ability to discern between right and wrong and was also created with the ability to choose which path to take. This planet is the only place in God’s creation where evil is permitted unfettered operation. Theologians call it the ‘cosmos diabolicus.’ It is enclosed by an atmosphere that keeps evil from escaping out into the universe. When Satan came to present himself before the Lord, “The LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it” (Job 1:7). It is Satan’s domain. When Satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness, he offered the Creator of the Universe a bargain: “The devil taketh Him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth Him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And saith unto Him, All these things will I give thee, if Thou wilt fall down and worship me” (Matthew 4:8-9). Although Jesus is the Creator (and Satan knew it), the ‘cosmos diabolicus’ was Satan’s to offer. So, again we return to the central question: “How could a loving God condemn us to eternal torment for being what He made us to be?” A lion who hunts down and kills an injured wildebeest that can’t keep up with the herd isn’t doing evil because he selected the weakest and most vulnerable prey. That’s what he was created to do. He has no other choice. And THAT is where God’s perfect justice comes in. We DO have a choice. We were created specifically to that single purpose. So that, when given the choice, we could choose to do evil. Or we could choose God. God’s perfect justice demands that there be some provision of salvation for those who choose Him — or He could impose no penalty for those who choose to reject Him. Jesus Christ is God in the flesh. Therefore, man has a choice between ‘good’ (God) and man’s default nature of evil (self). Jesus Christ represents God’s perfect justice. Having defeated the sin nature by living a perfect life, He was uniquely qualified to pay the penalty perfect justice demands because no created being could earn the currency necessary to pay the price on their own behalf. Each of us is acutely aware of our sin nature. We spend a lifetime seeking to overcome it, and in so doing, learn that it is impossible. We then are confronted with a choice. We can choose Heaven by humbly accepting the offer of Pardon extended to us, knowing it is not something we earned, cannot earn, and cannot buy or steal. Or we can choose hell, the place prepared as the eternal repository for sin after this cosmos diabolicus is destroyed at the end of human history. The earth will have served its purpose as a confinement area for sin, and having served that purpose, “shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat” (2nd Peter 3:12). After Satan is banished to hell and sin is contained, the cosmos diabolicus gives way to “new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness” (2nd Peter 3:13). God doesn’t condemn us to hell. He condemns sin. But in His mercy, He provides a way for us to shed our sin nature through the regeneration of salvation. But we are the ones who make the final choice. It is indeed perfect justice that the condemned be given the choice — while still in their sins — of where they will spend eternity. Having expressly provided the choices to us, it would be utterly unjust of God to ignore the choice that we DO make. This Letter was written by Jack Kinsella on July 25, 2006. Daily Jot: Eyewitness to death trap - Bill Wilson – The Epoch Times recounts the story of Gail Seiler who was in Medical City Plano (Texas) hospital with COVID-19, how her doctor told her she was going to die, how her husband smuggled her out of the hospital, and how she lived to tell about it. Unfortunately, hundreds of thousands of COVID patients were not so fortunate as hospitals prevented family from intervening on government-mandated remdesivir and ventilator protocols that likely killed them. Now, there are an increasing number of lawsuits being filed against these hospitals for their jack-booted treatment of COVID-19 patients, especially in Texas where lawyers estimated that nearly 85% of patients on ventilators for 96 hours died. But that’s not all. A National Library of Medicine January 2021 report of 69 studies involving over 57,000 patients concluded that fatality rates were 45% among COVID 19 patients receiving ventilator treatment. The fatality rate increased to 84% in older patients. A December 12, 2019 article in the New England Journal of Medicine concluded remdesivir treatments during the 2018 West African Ebola outbreak was discontinued “because mortality exceeded 50%.” Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Disease Control published studies indicate a range of 71-75% adverse events caused by remdesivir, and many of the studies documented that remdesivir treatment had to be discontinued after 5-10 days because of adverse events or even worse, death. So why did hospitals continue these draconian treatments? They were paid a bounty on every death from COVID-19. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) documents and the Federal Register reveals that CMS, as authorized by the CARES Act in March 2020, established the treatments for COVID-19 and the coding system that financially incentivized hospitals to receive bonuses for all things COVID. Hospitals were incentivized to vaccinate, test, diagnose, hospital admission, use add-on treatments such as remdesivir and ventilators, and reporting COVID 19-related deaths. While it is difficult to determine the exact additional amount hospitals receive per patient from initial testing to death on a ventilator because of all the code referrals and legal jargon, sources estimate about $100,000 per patient. All this points to how the government hastily mandated certain treatments for COVID and incentivized the medical community to use them. This effectively prevented the evolution of COVID treatment as new measures were discovered to work. This lack of flexibility and the subsequent peer pressure in the medical system for doctors to follow the treatment mandates to maintain their licenses essentially turned hospitals into bounty hunters for their patients’ lives. Christ said in John 10:10, “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” Most of us have counted on doctors and hospitals to do the right thing when we entrust them to care for us. In this day and age, beware and be wise for there is a great difference between life abundantly and life on a bounty. Gail Seiler knows this first-hand. Sources: Federal Register: CARES Act: New England Medical Journal: Daily Devotion: It’s Time for Another Jesus Movement - by Greg Laurie – But when the right time came, God sent his Son, born of a woman, subject to the law. God sent him to buy freedom for us who were slaves to the law, so that he could adopt us as his very own children. —Galatians 4:4–5 - Listen The Jesus Movement (or the Jesus Revolution, as Time magazine described it) calls to mind long-haired kids in sandals, beads, and bell bottoms. We remember how bad things were in the late 1960s and early 1970s, but God heard the prayers of His people and sent a great spiritual awakening. In fact, many believe it was the greatest spiritual awakening in American history. We need to see that happen again. We find parallels between the spiritual and cultural climate of today and the days of the first Jesus Movement. But this wasn’t the Jesus Movement of the 20th century. It was the movement that Jesus started after His crucifixion and resurrection. The mighty ancient Rome had pretty much beaten the world into submission and ruled with an iron fist. Things were very dark morally and spiritually. Immorality ran rampant. If you were to visit a city in the ancient Roman Empire, you’d find thousands of prostitutes roaming the streets, looking for people to prey on. If that weren’t bad enough, there was open idolatry, spiritism, and demon worship. The religious establishment was also almost completely corrupt. The time was right for divine intervention. So the people at that time saw the first Jesus Movement. Jesus Christ Himself appeared on the scene and began His public ministry, fulfilling hundreds of prophecies in the Old Testament. The first-century believers turned the world upside down. In Acts 17:6, we find this critical statement made by the religious leaders then about the growth of the Church: “These who have turned the world upside down have come here too” (NKJV). Today, the Church marches on. Persecution didn’t weaken it but strengthened it. Ultimately, persecution caused the Church to spread out to other parts of the world, proclaiming the gospel. The mighty Roman Empire was reduced to ruins, but God is still at work on Earth today through the followers of Jesus Christ. FROM THE HEART Let Us Make the Short Time We have Left, Count for ALL of Eternity! IF YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED THROUGH THIS MINISTRY, THEN WE ASK THAT YOU WOULD PLEASE REMEMBER PROPHECY UPDATE IN YOUR GIVING - WE ARE TRULY, TRULY, THANKFUL FOR YOUR SUPPORT WORTHY OF YOUR SUPPORT? One of the most reliable ways to determine if a ministry is worthy of your financial support is to examine its fruits. If Prophecy Update is keeping you informed, and if that information inspires you, and causes you to draw closer to the Lord, if Prophecy Update equips you with valuable information and knowledge to share with and encourage other believers, and open the eyes of non-believers, and if Prophecy Update keeps you connected to current events relating to Bible Prophecy, then you are partaking of the fruit produced through this ministry. None of this would be possible without the Lords blessings and your support. I believe where the Lord guides, the Lord provides, and most of the time He provides through the willing and generous hearts of believers just like you and me. Humbly Seek Your Support Prophecy Update has no corporate sponsors. This ministry is paid for and prayed for by readers and supporters. Without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update, Please pray about becoming a monthly supporter - thanks! If ever there was a time to invest in God's Kingdom, it's now! What on earth are you doing for Heaven's Sake? "Share in the Blessings and Rewards that will last Forever!" "Folks, it's all beginning to unravel. America is in more danger of falling than at any time in its history. But I believe Bible prophecy predicts this very decline. From this point on, we believers have to get serious. We are going to face discouragement, disillusionment and, most certainly, persecution in the time between now and the Rapture. But don't be discouraged or disillusioned. The coming turmoil will provide us unrivaled opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. So be ready to share your faith and your hope with those who need Christ. We still have time to reap a great harvest of souls for God's kingdom!" - Hal Lindsey 1) We need your prayers!- We proclaim the Truth of the Word of God and we are under constant spiritual and sometimes even physical attack. 2) We need your encouragement!- We need to hear from you, let us know how the Lord is blessing you through this ministry so that we can share it with others. 3) We need your input! - If you have a prophetic article or story or if there is a news related item we missed, let us know. 4) We need your financial support!- To put it quite simply, without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update. I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to get the Word out and keep the world informed. Remember, your gift, no matter how small, does make a difference! You will be helping to touch lives, around the world, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, thanks to the internet your generosity carries a global impact! - Thanks! Our Prayer for You- "Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else." 2 Corinthians 9:10-13 If you have been blessed by Prophecy Update and would like to help support this ministry financially. You can make a secure donation online by going to: DONATE NOW Or write us at: Prophecy Update P.O. Box 40516 Bakersfield, CA 93384-0516 We are very pleased to offer all our readers this FREE download on Bible Prophecy from the Evangelical Bible College of Western Australia - Just download and enjoy and be blessed! Feel free to share it with all your friends and family members. Click below to download! "AS YOU SEE THE DAY APPROACHING" If You Died Today, Would You Go To Heaven? Find out, visit: How to know God DID YOU KNOW? You can submit an article, leave a comment or praise report at email: [email protected] Maranatha! (Lord Come Quickly) "On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand, All other ground is sinking sand." "Let Us make the short time we have left count for all eternity!" YBIC-Randy
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9/23/2022 01:21:13 pm
Haven’t received newsletter since Tuesday. So look forward to them
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