Enabling the Mark of the Beast - Britt Gillette -
As COVID-19 continues to circulate around the world, it becomes increasingly clear it poses a threat to more than just global health. Governments all over the world have used the crisis to expand their power and trample individual liberty. As 2021 nears its end, governments are increasingly dividing the world into two camps - the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. For example, on September 9th, President Biden held a press conference in which he announced a series of new vaccine mandates potentially impacting more than 100 million Americans. Biden is authoring rules to require all employers with 100 or more employees to ensure their workforces are fully vaccinated or show a negative test at least once a week. The ink hasn't even dried yet on those executive orders, and already The Hill reports he's mulling the idea of implementing vaccine requirements for all air travel. Unfortunately, such COVID tyranny isn't limited to the United States. In South Australia, the government is rolling out a new app that requires citizens to take a photo of themselves and report their location on demand within 15 minutes of authorities requesting it. The non-compliant will face a police investigation. Recently, Australian MP Daniel Andrews vowed to "lock out" the unvaccinated when it comes to medical care and conducting commerce. "There is going to be a vaccinated economy, and you get to participate in that if you are vaccinated," Andrews stated. "We're going to move to a situation where, to protect the health system, we are going to lock out people who are not vaccinated and can be." In Italy, flying drones monitor the temperatures of beachgoers "to track COVID-19 and prevent health emergencies." Israel, France, and countless other nations have set up "vaccine passport" systems. Under these systems, the unvaccinated are denied access to gyms, concerts, restaurants, and sporting events. In the United States, similar measures have been put in place in New York City, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Universities make the vaccine a requirement for enrollment, and in some cases, the unvaccinated are denied medical care. For example, one Florida doctor sent a letter to her patients telling them she will no longer treat the unvaccinated. Throughout the world, society is singling out the unvaccinated for punishment. Those who refuse the COVID vaccines face potential loss of jobs, healthcare, freedom of movement, and liberty in general. Those who support vaccine mandates and vaccine passports want to ostracize the unvaccinated from society. They seek to apply maximum pressure to force the unvaccinated into compliance. Does any of this sound eerily familiar? It should. The Book of Revelation describes a similar system whereby the people of the world are forced to receive a mark on their right hand or forehead. Those who refuse to comply will be unable to buy or sell. They'll effectively be cut off from society. Are COVID vaccines the mark of the beast written about in the Book of Revelation? No. The mark of the beast will involve a conscious decision to give one's allegiance to the Antichrist. No one will accept it by mistake. Nevertheless, vaccine mandates and passports create a social system enabling the mark of the beast. If they are allowed to stand, they will create a mark of the beast system indistinguishable in impact from the true mark of the beast. In doing so, they'll pave the way for the rise of the Antichrist and the mark of the beast as outlined in the Book of Revelation. To understand why, let's take a closer look at the biblical description of the mark. What is the Mark? What does the Bible actually say about the mark of the beast? It says the mark will be an outward expression of a person's allegiance to the Antichrist. As global dictator, he'll require it, and the mark will appear on a person's right hand or forehead (Revelation 13:16). What will it look like? We don't know for sure. It could be a tattoo, a microchip, or something else (maybe even a vaccine). But whatever it looks like, it won't be concealed. It will be visible to everyone. We don't know the exact form it will take, but it will be a number representing the Antichrist's name. His number is 666 (Revelation 13:18). Those who refuse the mark of the beast will be shut out of the global economy. They'll be unable to buy or sell anything without it (Revelation 13:17). Some will even face beheading for their refusal to accept it (Revelation 20:4). What Happens to Those Who Refuse the Mark? After the Antichrist enters the Temple and declares himself God (2 Thessalonians 2:4), he'll require everyone on earth to accept the mark (Revelation 13:16). Accepting the mark will be a pledge of allegiance to the Antichrist. Again, this will either be the number 666 or a name that adds up to 666 (Revelation 13:18). All who accept the mark will display it on their right hand or their forehead (Revelation 13:16). This will make it easy for society to identify them. Society will blacklist anyone who refuses the mark. Every buy/sell transaction will be linked to it. As a result, those without it will be unable to buy or sell anything (Revelation 13:17). This will put enormous social pressure on people to accept the mark. Think about it. Imagine if you couldn't buy or sell anything. How would you get food to survive? How would you get shelter, clothes, and the basic necessities of life? The pressure for most people will be too much to bear. They'll give in and accept the mark. It's likely only committed Christians or devoted members of a religion condemning such a practice will refuse the mark. In some cases, the consequences will be worse than economic. Some people will be martyred for their refusal to accept the mark (Revelation 20:4). Enabling the Mark of the Beast System While I don't believe the current COVID vaccines are the actual mark of the beast, vaccine mandates and vaccine passports impose a social system identical to the one imposed by the mark of the beast. How? By blacklisting from society anyone who refuses to accept the vaccine. How many people have already lost their jobs? How many people are now under threat of losing their jobs? In some places, the unvaccinated aren't allowed to enter concerts, sporting events, restaurants, or gyms. In some countries, they aren't even allowed to enter grocery stores. In pushing vaccine mandates and passports, the world is paving the way for the rise of the Antichrist and the implementation of the mark of the beast. Whether or not you accept a COVID vaccine is a personal choice. Feel free to take it or not take. That's up to you. I support your choice either way. But if you support coercive vaccine mandates and vaccine passports, you're complicit in establishing the infrastructure and the precedent for the mark of the beast system. To be clear – the current COVID vaccines are NOT the mark of the beast. If you're vaccinated, there's nothing wrong with that. If you're unvaccinated, there's nothing wrong with that either. Whether or not you're vaccinated or unvaccinated does nothing to establish the mark of the beast system. However, vaccine mandates and vaccine passports do. They create the very foundation for the mark of the beast system. Every Christian should oppose vaccine mandates and vaccine passports, because supporting them is the same as supporting the mark of the beast system. In practice, they're one and the same. If you accept the idea the government has the rightful power to inject a substance into someone against their will (or pressure them to submit), then government power has no limit. Unfortunately, far too many people believe the government does hold this power. And their belief enables the mark of the beast system, creating a world ripe for the rise of the Antichrist. This is yet another sign of the times in which we live. Israel is back in the land (Jeremiah 23:7-8). The Jewish people are back in Jerusalem (Luke 21:24-28). The Gospel is being preached throughout the world (Matthew 24:14). And now we see the mark of the beast system embraced by much of the world. Jesus said when you see all these events take place, look up, because He's coming soon (Luke 21:28). So use what little time we have left to spread the Gospel, because Jesus is coming! Amazon's Palm Reader Provides A Sneak Peek Into Our Biometric Future – Aaron Kesel - Amazon's electronic palm reader, known as Amazon One, launched at the Red Rocks Amphitheatre in Denver last week to much fanfare promising a new method for the future of identification and payments. This is notable because it's the first deployment of Amazon One's biometric reader outside of an Amazon-owned business, and it's certainly a sign of things to come. In fact, Amazon seems to be focused on rolling out this technology everywhere. The company recently announced it has acquired its initial third-party customer ticketing company AXS, which will now install Amazon's One reader in its locations starting with Denver, Colorado's Red Rocks Amphitheater. Customers purchasing tickets will be able to associate their AXS Mobile ID with Amazon One at dedicated stations before entering the amphitheater. They can enroll at a second station once inside the theatre to use the reader at future AXS events. However the new tech has always been about more than just fast payments. It's about Amazon controlling and verifying identities. Amazon's new technology will soon be heading to sports stadiums and music venues across the U.S. AXS already handles ticketing for a large number of concert and sports venues in the U.S., including the Staples Center in Los Angeles and T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, among a host of others. Amazon One is already being used at Amazon's own stores, as well as several Whole Foods owned by Amazon which are testing the technology. Customers who sign up for Amazon One provide a scan of their palm print. Once registered, those palm prints can then be used to purchase items throughout the device-enabled stores. The devices are supposed to provide a quick ease of payment. But many have brought up privacy-related concerns when it comes to the devices. "When a ticketholder is ready to enter the amphitheater using their palm, there is a designated entry line where Amazon One is enabled. When a fan hovers their palm over the Amazon One device, a unique palm signature is built by our computer vision technology," Amazon stated in a press release. Amazon One originally launched a year ago at just a few Amazon locations and vowed to make a big push for third-party use of the device. Gizmodo noted that today "seems to be the official start of that initiative, meaning the palm readers will likely start showing up at all kinds of locations." Amazon promises the technology is secure and doesn't store any information locally. "The service is designed to be highly secure and uses custom-built algorithms and hardware to create a person's unique palm signature. Once enrolled, the service is contactless and ticketholders can use their palm to enter AXS ticketed venues in less than a second or two. We're excited to soon hear how AXS fans like using Amazon One to effortlessly enter their favorite events, so they can spend less time waiting in line and more time enjoying the event," Amazon said. However, Amazon's Palm Reader has caused a lot of blowback by the U.S. Congress, who recently questioned Amazon about the invasive technology. A group of senators sent new Amazon CEO Andy Jassy a letter pushing the company for more information about how it scans and stores customer palm prints for use in some of its retail stores. In the new letter, Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Bill Cassidy (R-LA), and Jon Ossoff (D-GA) are asking Jassy for details about how Amazon plans to expand its biometric payment system, and if the data collected will be used by the company for targeting ads. "Amazon's expansion of biometric data collection through Amazon One raises serious questions about Amazon's plans for this data and its respect for user privacy, including about how Amazon may use the data for advertising and tracking purposes," the senators wrote. The company had in the past sold biometric facial recognition services to law enforcement in the United States. Its facial recognition technology was the subject of a data privacy lawsuit. And it was found to be still storing Alexa voice data even after users deleted their audio files. Are we willing to trust Amazon with our biometric markers? So whether you like this idea or not--and privacy advocates are skeptical to say the least--you're probably going to be seeing it in a lot of new locations soon. Welcome to the biometric future. The Mainstream Media Is Using Terms Like “Worsening” And “Foreseeable Future” To Describe The Shortages - by Michael Snyder - Yes, these shortages are really happening, and now the mainstream media is warning us to brace ourselves because they are going to get even worse. After the article that I posted yesterday, emails came pouring in from people all around the country. There were a few that didn’t want to believe that things are as bad as I was saying, but there were lots of other emails that confirmed that conditions are at least as bad as I described. In fact, there was one extremely alarming email from someone that works in the supermarket industry that I hope to share with all of you in the coming days once I get permission to do so. For most of us, we have lived our entire lives without ever having to be concerned about shortages. In fact, just a few years ago it would have seemed crazy to suggest that we were on the verge of widespread shortages here in the United States. But now here we are, and we are being told that the shortages are going to continue to intensify. In fact, the Washington Post is telling us that the global chip shortage is showing signs of “worsening”… The global semiconductor shortage that has paralyzed automakers for nearly a year shows signs of worsening, as new coronavirus infections halt chip assembly lines in Southeast Asia, forcing more car companies and electronics manufacturers to suspend production. A wave of delta-variant cases in Malaysia, Vietnam and the Philippines is causing production delays at factories that cut and package semiconductors, creating new bottlenecks on top of those caused by soaring demand for chips. That is really bad news, because the chip shortage is affecting thousands of other industries. For example, global vehicle production is way down due to the chip crisis, and this has resulted in a growing shortage of new vehicles on dealer lots all over the nation… The chip famine is starving the global auto industry and putting car buyers on a strict diet. So far this year, seven million cars that were supposed to be produced haven’t been, according to IHS Markit data. Auto companies are shutting down production lines for weeks at a time and furloughing employees as a result of the chip shortage. Toyota has slashed its production 40% in September. All this is hitting consumers. Car dealers’ lots across the U.S. are sparse. The inventory of new cars in the U.S. is only about 30% of pre-pandemic levels, and buyers snap up used cars as soon as they find them. Of course we aren’t facing a shortage of everything. There are certain products that are still quite plentiful. And there are some areas that are being affected a lot more than others. So what you are seeing in your neck of the woods may differ from what other people are experiencing. But there are some shortages that are definitely being felt all over the country. When the COVID pandemic first started to sweep across the U.S. last year, it sparked a huge run on toilet paper, and now it is starting to happen again… Costco Wholesale is having trouble fulfilling toilet paper orders. The membership-only warehouse retail chain is issuing a warning to customers that have purchased the common household item online, saying they may face delays in receiving their orders. Unfortunately, this could potentially be just the beginning. According to one expert that was interviewed by Fox Business, there will soon be another “massive shortage” of toilet paper… The U.S. will experience another “massive shortage” of toilet paper soon as supply chains continue to suffer due to pandemic-related issues, one retail expert warned. “Product shortages as bad as they were in the beginning of COVID are coming back,” Burt Flickinger said on FOX Business’ “Mornings with Maria.” Did you ever imagine that we would be talking about such a thing in late 2021? A lot of optimists out there had assumed that the economy would be “booming” by now. But instead, the machinery of our economy has gotten gummed up really badly. At this point, there is even a growing shortage of alcoholic beverages… The Pennsylvania state board in charge of consumer liquor sales announced last week that it was limiting customers to two bottles of certain alcoholic beverages per day. The Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board said the purchase limit on select items — including Hennessy Cognac, Buffalo Trace bourbon and Patrón tequila — will be in place for the “foreseeable future.” Liquor store customers in North Carolina are encountering “out of stock” signs instead of their favorite spirits, local TV station WTVD reported, amid an ongoing supply shortage there, too. Of course so many of these problems could be solved if we simply had enough workers. As I discussed the other day, we are in the midst of the worst labor shortage that we have ever experienced. All over the nation critical labor shortages are crippling the ability of organizations to get things done, and now Joe Biden’s new mandates threaten to make things a lot worse. If you can believe it, even NPR is running stories about how Biden’s mandates are going to cause gigantic headaches for employers… “I can’t afford to lose anyone,” says Ted LeNeave, CEO of Accura HealthCare, which operates 34 nursing homes and assisted living facilities in Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska and South Dakota. Because of staffing shortages, they’ve had to limit admissions, turning down patients coming from hospitals. With about 1,000 of his employees — 38% of his workforce — unvaccinated, LeNeave is calling on the federal government to provide a testing option for health care workers. Sadly, if Biden does not change his approach, that one company alone will have to let about a thousand workers go… “I just don’t see how I can lay off a thousand people,” says LeNeave. “I’d have no one to take care of the patients, and there’s nowhere to send the patients.” Biden’s mandates should start going into effect around the end of the year, and that could represent a real turning point for the economy. We are moving into such troubled times, but most people desperately want to believe that better times are just around the corner. Through good times and bad, the U.S. economy has always been highly resilient, and most of us would like to assume that it will continue to be highly resilient. But the truth is that things are starting to break down on a very basic level, and the outlook as we head toward the end of the year is not good at all. Paul’s Forewarning in Prophetic Spotlight - By Terry James - In what might be considered a sign of God’s hand still restraining the evil, as given in 2 Thessalonians 2:6–7, the left-wing press has exposed the treachery of one of its ideological own. This past week, with regard to Bob Woodward (of All the President’s Men fame) breaking the story of how Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley’s alleged treacherous, collusion-like dealings with America’s number-one nation-state enemy, the question remains. “Why?” Not “Why did Milley do it?” But “Why did Woodward—an avowed left-winger posing as a fair and balanced journalist, out a fellow left winger?” I’m sure that even now, many who suffer angst over such questions are delving deeply into the whys at every level. Regardless of their findings—and there will certainly never be a consensus—I believe it is proper that we who hold to the veracity of Bible prophecy conclude that the Lord’s restraining hand can be clearly seen in bringing Milley’s alleged traitorous behavior to light. And “traitorous” is the operative designation, if the allegation is anywhere near true. It shouldn’t surprise anyone who has studied the issues and events of recent times. What happened this past week has prophetic overtones that are…well…much more than mere overtones. It is as if Heaven is shining the prophetic spotlight directly on this most recent insanity displayed by this administration and those closest to it. Here is what the Apostle Paul says about what I believe has just happened with regard to General Milley and all that pertains to the story. “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come, for men shall be…trucebreakers, false accusers…traitors, heady, high-minded” (2 Timothy 3:1-2, 3-4). Again, if the story broken through Woodward’s book and the Washington Post (another left-wing purveyor of propaganda) is anywhere near true, it can, in my opinion, be considered Heaven’s spotlight of restraint overruling the lack of transparency usually veiling leftist evil. These are perilous times, as most students of societal and cultural matters, as seen through the prism of God’s prophetic Word, can attest. Much of the evil being perpetrated by the minions in high places over the past weeks and months has been unveiled for all who are willing to see and understand the wickedness. The revelations of things going on in the case of America’s Chairman of the Joint Chiefs have brought that wickedness more into focus. Just to frame where General Milley’s reported actions seem to fit Paul’s perilous-times prophecy, let’s consider the following. The Woodward-Costa book reportedly has Milley admitting to keeping President Donald Trump from knowing about his (Milley’s) dealings with his Chinese military counterpart. This was done deliberately because Milley—and all who opposed Trump’s presidency—intended to countermand anything Mr. Trump did. Milley was a “trucebreaker,” as Paul forewarned. The military agrees to follow the commander-in-chief’s (president’s) commands and keep him informed. If they aren’t willing, they are to resign and let the president have the military support the Constitution edicts. Thus, General Milley has broken the truce he agreed to in accepting his military commission—and his job as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Milley, the book claims, told then minority leader of the House, Nancy Pelosi, in secret conversations, that Trump was dangerous and must not be allowed to make decisions in important foreign policy matters. The general was a false accuser, in this lie. He reportedly told Pelosi and others that Trump was “unhinged”—meaning mentally unbalanced. This, if Milley said it, too, was a false accusation. Milley is reported to have told the Chinese general that he would give him a heads-up if and when there was to be a US military attack coming. This is traitorous by any stretch—especially so coming from a Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. Those who have presumed to believe they are smarter and should be in charge regardless of the American voters’ decisions are indeed heady and high-minded. They are the dangerous ones—the ones who add to the perilous times Paul forewarned of. This brief excerpt gives an encapsulation of the prophecy coming to pass in these days so near Christ’s return. On Tuesday, the Washington Post published excerpts of the upcoming book “Peril” by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa, which alleges Milley had two secret phone calls with Gen. Li Zuocheng of the People’s Liberation Army, four days before the Nov. 3 election and two days after the Jan. 6 riot. Earlier Wednesday, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., said in a Fox News interview that if the secret calls are confirmed, Milley should be removed as chairman and court-martialed. Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Okla., said Wednesday on “Fox & Friends” that Congress will “ensure” that Milley addresses the report. Milley is scheduled to testify before the Senate Armed Services Committee later this month. [Cotton said], “The idea that an American military general is going to warn an adversary that an attack is coming, as you say, when Donald Trump was never even thinking about a military attack against China? The whole thing is pretty far-fetched.” “This was treacherous, it’s dangerous, it’s unconstitutional, and General Milley needs to answer questions about it,” the senator [Marco Rubio] said. Rubio said it appears now that Milley himself was the authors’ source. “I think he told [Woodward and Costa], ‘This wasn’t normal, I had to do this for the good of our country.’” Rubio surmised that Milley did it “because he wanted to make himself look good.” (Art Moore, “Treason-mania grips U.S.: Pressure builds on ‘treacherous’ Gen. Milley,” WorldNetDaily, September 15, 2021) Again, it is wise to ask: Why do left-wing acolytes such as Bob Woodward and those at the Washington Post expose one of their own so that controversy broils out of control? Perhaps there will be another answer come forth. But for now, I prefer to believe this is the Lord’s way of showing us He is indeed restraining this avalanche of evil. Daily Jot: The Farm Chronicles: 30 Rolls of a whirlwind - Bill Wilson – Sometimes things get pretty boring on the farm, and as we know, idle hands make work for the devil. My dad was well loved in the community. He had a special heart for kids, especially those who loved horses. He was easy going, but you didn’t want to cross him. And there was one thing that he wouldn’t stand for: kids toilet papering the farm. For some reason he had a real stigma about it. He made it known that if he ever caught anyone “TPing” his property, he would shoot first and ask questions later. My friends believed it. But that didn’t stop me from joining in or even instigating TP parties across the county. It was just something we did that broke the boredom, was exciting, and it wasn’t harmful. Throughout high school, there were many TP adventures. All along, our farm never got the treatment. One time, someone tried and Dad fired the shotgun in the air through the bedroom window and the perpetrators left so fast they didn’t even pick up the rolls of toilet paper they had piled up along the ditch to use. The reputation went far and wide: Don’t do the Wilson’s if you value your life. And that was how it was. Until my senior year in high school and the weekend before I went to college. Our 4-H advisor Sue Baer threw a send-off party for me. She and her husband went to Ohio State and that’s where I was going. They were excited about that. So we had a party at her farm. It was time to pick up the pizza. Jane, Holly, and Chris (yes, my future wife) volunteered to get the pizza at Sam’s in Newton Falls. They left. I thought nothing of it. They knew Mom and Dad were away and, scoundrels that they were, they schemed to TP my house. The girls stopped at Ensingers, a local general store, and bought 30 rolls of the cheapest toilet paper they could find. Being that our farm was on the way to Sam’s Pizza, it was an easy target. They made quick work of the 30 rolls, got the pizza, and were back at the party as if nothing had happened. I left for home around 10 pm, and behold I pulled into the driveway to a wonderland of toilet paper. The maple tree in the front yard was like a May Pole with streamers emanating from it in all directions to the house, the fence, the mailbox, and driveway. It was the mother of all TPs, an artful job. After all those years of masterfully TPing other’s houses, I had finally been had. I knew Mom and Dad would be home shortly so I had to hurry up and get all this toilet paper picked up. Working fast, I got most all of it up in about an hour. They had written with many rolls “Good Luck Bill” across the front hill leading up to the house. I was kneeling to gather up the last “L” in the dark of the night when I felt something fairly large struggling to get out of the toilet paper bunched up in my arm. It slithered out of my arm and down my leg and disappeared into the night. Frightening, really. After composing myself, I got the rest cleaned up before my parents got home. Hosea 8:7 says, “For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.” That night I reaped 30 rolls of a whirlwind for what I had sown. The joke was on me. Paybacks. Daily Devotion: A Trip to Eternity - by Greg Laurie – Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming —Matthew 25:13 - Listen Years ago, I was catching a flight out of LAX for a speaking engagement. As I was on my way, I checked to see if my flight was still on schedule. Much to my surprise, the airline had moved up the flight by one hour. So I suddenly was running late. I literally sprinted to the gate, and when I got there, the flight attendant was closing the door. I could still see the plane sitting there, so I went up to the gate agent and said, “Ma’am, the plane is still there. Can I get on?” “I’m sorry,” she told me. “The boarding is over.” I went on to explain that I had a speaking engagement, and I really needed to catch that flight. Then she asked me to step away from the gate. The door was closed, and I was too late. There’s coming a day when God will close the door to Heaven, and it will be too late. Jesus Christ is coming back, and if we’re not prepared, we’ll miss it. Jesus said, “Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming” (Matthew 25:13 NKJV). But what does it mean to watch? It doesn’t mean that we quit our jobs or divorce our spouses as some people have done when they thought they knew the actual date of the Lord’s return. Nor does it mean that we are to discuss nothing else but Bible prophecy. To watch is to be prepared. We’re getting ready to take a trip to eternity, and preparation is essential. The issue is not so much when Christ will come, because we don’t know when that will be. Rather, the question is what should we be doing as we await the return of Jesus? FROM THE HEART Let Us Make the Short Time We have Left, Count for ALL of Eternity! 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Humbly Seek Your Support Prophecy Update has no corporate sponsors. This ministry is paid for and prayed for by readers and supporters. Without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update, Please pray about becoming a monthly supporter - thanks! If ever there was a time to invest in God's Kingdom, it's now! What on earth are you doing for Heaven's Sake? "Share in the Blessings and Rewards that will last Forever!" "Folks, it's all beginning to unravel. America is in more danger of falling than at any time in its history. But I believe Bible prophecy predicts this very decline. From this point on, we believers have to get serious. We are going to face discouragement, disillusionment and, most certainly, persecution in the time between now and the Rapture. But don't be discouraged or disillusioned. The coming turmoil will provide us unrivaled opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. So be ready to share your faith and your hope with those who need Christ. We still have time to reap a great harvest of souls for God's kingdom!" - Hal Lindsey 1) We need your prayers!- We proclaim the Truth of the Word of God and we are under constant spiritual and sometimes even physical attack. 2) We need your encouragement!- We need to hear from you, let us know how the Lord is blessing you through this ministry so that we can share it with others. 3) We need your input! - If you have a prophetic article or story or if there is a news related item we missed, let us know. 4) We need your financial support!- To put it quite simply, without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update. I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to get the Word out and keep the world informed. Remember, your gift, no matter how small, does make a difference! You will be helping to touch lives, around the world, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, thanks to the internet your generosity carries a global impact! - Thanks! 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