Evil Persists While History Repeats - By Terry James -
In the book Antichrist and the Final Solution, Tom Horn and I laid out the case for Satan’s ages-long war against humanity. The devil’s methodologies have changed only in nuance over the millennia. The battle of Ephesians 6:12 rages more violently than ever while the Second Advent of Jesus Christ nears. The first chapter of the book ends after going over modern history’s vilest dictatorships and how they acted as Satan’s human minions to wreak the most heinous atrocities imaginable on mankind. The bottom line of the book’s thrust is a warning wrapped up in the words of George Santayana: “Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” The following are the closing paragraphs of that chapter. The thing that makes these mass murderers perhaps even worse than Adolf Hitler and the Nazis is the fact that the victims of Stalin and Mao consisted mostly of their own people. Stalin’s purges and Mao’s cultural revolution brutalized their own citizenry in ways that Hitler would have no doubt admired. Again, it is good to remember the words of wise observers of the human condition and the way history has a way of repeating. “Those who do not know history’s mistakes are doomed to repeat them,” said Edmund Burke. Lest we think that evil men have changed in their capability to perpetrate horrendous atrocities against their fellow man, we should heed Santayana and Burke’s words. If we forget that the thought to inflict evil intentions on others resides within the human, sin-blackened mind, we’ll eventually suffer consequences of that forgetfulness. Absolute control of all of humankind was in the mind of the first rebel, Lucifer. Man has, through that being’s seduction, been infected with evil that has potential to afflict others with brutality exactly like that demonstrated by Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and every other deadly tyrant of history. To forget this lesson of the evil that lurks within the human mind and heart is to invite would-be tyrants of the future to take our liberties and even our lives. But mankind—most of us—either has forgotten the admonition of those like Santayana, Burke, and Kissinger, or we’re simply too busy going about life’s daily movement to pay attention. Throughout the four years since 2016, we have witnessed the hate-filled actions and activities of a cabal of those who have sought to overthrow a duly-elected president. By this ongoing attempted anti-constitutional activity, they exhibit the same dark desire to take away liberty—to control the American electorate. They, it is over abundantly clear, won’t stop until they have the power to themselves they believe they, alone, should have over the rest of us. All that we have witnessed by this deep-state, globalist-elite attempt at accomplishing their silent coup d’état is but a precursor of things to come. One is coming who will make Adolf Hitler and his henchmen look like Cub Scouts. He will make Josef Stalin, Mao tse-Tung, and all tyrants of history seem like choirboys. The result of this one’s reign over most of planet earth will be the death of as much as three-fourths of humanity. Jesus Christ—the greatest of all prophets, because He is God, Himself—said about the time of this wicked person’s rule on earth: For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened. (Matthew 24:21–22) It’s terrifying to consider that a time is coming that will be worse than any ever experienced to this point in history! But Jesus says just such a time is scheduled in earth’s storm-cloud-obscured future. There are men right at this moment, while you’re reading this, who would enslave you in order to bring about their idea of Utopia. And there will be a man who will succeed in doing just that, if you’re living upon the planet during that most horrendous time. The Bible calls this man by several names. “Antichrist” is the one most often used, as in the title of this volume. He will have his own Final Solution in dealing with bringing his satanically controlled regime into being. He is a “beast,” according to God’s Word. That is, he will have a beastly nature—like Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and the others. But Antichrist will be much, much more powerful, more deadly than they were. He will have his own version of Hitler’s propaganda minister Josef Goebbels. This false prophet is called the “second beast.” He will force everyone to worship the image of Antichrist. And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. (Revelation 13:15) We can see, as we look around the geopolitical, socioeconomic, and religious landscape of the hour, the stage being set for the rise of Antichrist. His Final Solution is being prepared even now for all those who inhabit this earthly sphere when he steps upon the stage to rule during the final years of earth’s history leading up to Christ’s Second Advent. We have, perhaps, now entered the very last days before the world moves into the Tribulation—Daniel’s seventieth week. Antichrist’s regime will make all other dictatorships pale in comparison. Can we see any concrete evidence that evil persists while history is repeating? Consider the following. The end-times storm continues to brew, the forewarning flags beginning to snap and stand straight out, the seas and waves of Luke 21:25 roaring not far offshore. We can hear that roaring in the words of the soon-to-be candidate, now vice president of the United States, who was unequivocal in her threat. Kamala Harris said the following on June 18, 2020: And once Trump’s gone and we have regained our rightful place in the White House, look out if you supported him and [his] actions, because we will be coming for you next. You will feel the vengeance of a nation. No stone will be left unturned as we seek you out in every corner of the nation. For it is you [Christians, Jews, Patriots] who have betrayed us. Wittingly or not, the first female vice president of the US seems to harbor the luciferian hatred for Christians and Jews held by the dictatorships of the past. That hatred is because of the following Heaven-directed intervention. Christ came to seek and to save lost mankind. He came in human flesh through the Jewish race. He then established His Church—Christianity, all who believe in His death, burial, and resurrection for the salvation of their souls. The war against God’s chosen people, the Jews, and against His people, the Church, is intensifying by the hour. But the forces arrayed against both of God’s chosen—Jews and Christians—are destined to lose. The Lord of all creation has promised that Israel will be a nation forever. He has promised that the gates of Hell will not prevail against His Church. So evil is on the march, and history is about to repeat as construction of Antichrist’s wicked world order is almost upon us. But those who belong to Christ won’t be part of the final act now beginning to play out on the stage of human history. We will be with the Lord as He brings the curtain down on Satan’s futile war-making at Armageddon. And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. 1And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. (Revelation 19:11–14) Rumors of War—2021 – Hal Lindsey – During the last four years, the American media and much of the world was obsessed with Donald Trump. Unless you were looking, you might not have realized that many of the world’s problems have been growing, and growing fast. Today, the unwatched pot has really begun to boil. During the transition between administrations four years ago, President Obama emphasized to then President-elect Trump the dangers presented by North Korea. The Trump Administration tried top-level negotiations with Pyongyang. For a while, it seemed to work. North Korea stopped launching missiles into the Sea of Japan. They stopped testing nuclear weapons. They even turned down the heat of their rhetoric — at least for a while. But in some ways, it was already too late. By the end of 2017, they had an arsenal of over a hundred atomic bombs and had already developed their first thermonuclear weapon. That year, they tested a missile that US intelligence says could hit anywhere in the continental United States. And their weapons development didn’t stop after 2017. In January of this year, they announced that they had developed “the world’s most powerful weapon.” Last October, they unveiled a new, even more powerful land-based ballistic missile system. In January, they showed off a significant new submarine-launched ballistic missile. Most importantly, according to US and UN sources, North Korean scientists have successfully miniaturized a nuclear warhead for use aboard their missiles. North Korea becomes a bigger threat to US security by the day. Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un has two main friends in the world — China and Iran. His relationship with Iran is problematic for several reasons. Almost all of Iran’s missiles use designs bought from North Korea. During the Trump years, this exchange seemed to stop. But recently a United Nations panel monitoring sanctions against the Pyongyang regime said what most intelligence analysts already knew. The two rogue nations have again begun to cooperate. That means if North Korea has an intercontinental ballistic missile that can hit vast portions of the world, then Iran probably has access to that same technology. And if North Korea has submarine-launched ballistic missiles, Iran may have them soon. North Korea and China are constrained by a desire to live and for their families to live. They know that nuclear war with the United States would mean annihilation, or something close to it. The Iranian people have the same desire to live, but their leaders are members of an Islamic cult. These Shiite Muslims believe that their Islamic messiah will not come until the world is in a state of chaos. And they are fully willing to use their weapons to put the world into such a state — even if it means annihilation in the short term. The Chinese military also continues to grow more dangerous. With dollars from US corporations, China built the world’s largest high-tech manufacturing base. And they are using that base to build a stunningly powerful military. Like Russia, they have spent heavily on weapons designed to take out US satellites. That’s the 21st century equivalent of destroying command-and-control centers. There are strong indications that China’s space warfare capabilities are well advanced. In the meantime, Vladimir Putin’s Russia has been focusing on extreme weapons. So far, they seem to have had only limited success. However, Russia still has more nuclear weapons than anyone else in the world. Every day they and the United States grow further apart. There have always been “rumors of war.” But the widespread threat of nuclear war puts “rumors of war” on a whole new level. And that threat grows every day. Jesus warned us about these days, but He also said to be encouraged by them. “Look up!” He’s coming soon. In the meantime, walk in peace knowing that you are in His mighty hands. When Corporations Become More Powerful Than The Government, Our Definition Of “Big Brother” Needs To Change - Michael Snyder - Throughout human history, our God-given liberties and freedoms have often been brutally crushed by oppressive governments, and that is still happening all over the world today. But in our time, an additional threat to our liberties and freedoms has emerged. Global corporations just continue to get larger and more powerful, and in recent years they have been increasingly using that power to shape society. This is a very dangerous trend, because in the western world many of the constraints that our national governments are forced to operate under simply do not apply to corporations. This gives them an enormous amount of leverage, and they are using it. Here in the United States, the federal government still has a monopoly on power in areas such as border security, national defense and foreign policy. But when it comes to the things that matter the most in the day to day lives of most Americans, it could be argued that the giant corporations have now become more powerful than the federal government. For example, our politicians like to brag about how many jobs that they have “created”, but the truth is that they don’t actually create any jobs unless you want to count useless government desk jobs. Our politicians can help to foster an environment that will be favorable for economic growth, but it is the corporations that really determine whether the economy will grow or not. In fact, it could be argued that the corporations are the economy at this point. Over time, it has become increasingly difficult for any American to become truly independent of the corporate system. Even if you own a small business or you work for yourself, there is a good chance that you depend on the big corporations in many ways. If you doubt this, just try to “go it on your own” without ever using any corporate products, without ever dealing with a big tech company, and without ever bringing in any income from any corporate source whatsoever. These days, most of our lives are defined by our corporate overlords. They decide what job you will have, what your pay will be, what hours you will work and what your health plan will look like. Beyond that, now many large corporations have decided that there are certain beliefs, opinions and values that their employees are not permitted to have. By now, you have probably heard that a certain actress was fired by Disney for having opinions that were not acceptable. That was a very high profile case, but the truth is that this sort of thing is constantly happening all over the country at this point. As we move into the future, being guilty of “thought crime” is going to eliminate large blocks of people from ever having certain types of jobs. If you do not pledge fealty to the current version of political correctness, you simply will not be permitted to hold a prominent position in society. If your beliefs are considered to be “offensive”, you may get to mop the floors for the elite if you are lucky. Even when you are at home, the elite want to endlessly monitor and control what you do, say and think. The primary way that they do this is through the Internet, and in recent months they have tightened their control considerably. The following comes from an opinion piece that was just authored by former U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch… Consider the events of the last month. Social media sites banned the sitting president of the United States from their platforms. A purge of conservative voices on Twitter ensued. Amazon Web Services expunged Parler, a conservative social media site, from the internet. Just days later, YouTube blocked public access to a Senate hearing on COVID-19. These events confirmed what many of us have long known: true political power no longer resides in Washington, but in Silicon Valley. Big Tech now effectively decides who has the right to speak, who has the right to assemble online and who has the ability to build a business in the digital age. For many Americans, Twitter’s terms of service agreement now has more power over what they can and cannot say in the public square than the First Amendment does. In the old days, Americans could go to the public square and say anything that they want. But now the big tech companies are the public square. Freedom of speech is a thing of the past on the Internet, and more voices are being “deplatformed” with each passing day. On Wednesday, it was LifeSiteNews… YouTube just completely removed the LifeSiteNews YouTube channel. This isn’t a temporary ban; every single one of our videos is completely gone. This greatly grieved me, because so many other pro-life voices have already been silenced. We desperately need those voices, because if we stay on the path that we are currently on, there is no future for America. On Thursday, Twitter suspended Project Veritas. Project Veritas would like to continue to share their information in the public square, and I would like to continue to share it with my readers. In fact, I share Project Veritas videos on The Most Important News all the time. But Twitter has decided that Project Veritas has become too offensive. “Cancel culture” has gotten wildly out of control, and it is starting to infect every area of our society. Here is more from Orrin Hatch… The pattern of “canceling” individuals for social media posts is well established. This can result in deplatforming, termination of employment or—if you’re baseball legend Curt Schilling—even losing your health insurance. We’re used to seeing cancel culture on a micro-scale: a newspaper editor being fired here, a university professor being suspended there. But now, thanks to an assist from Big Tech, we’re seeing cancel culture on a much broader level. Take the mass cancelation of Parler’s more than 10 million users, or growing calls to ban Fox News, Newsmax and other right-leaning channels altogether. If successful, these efforts will shrink the window of acceptable viewpoints in American society until conservatives find themselves on the outside. As we continue to go down this road, just think about what this would mean for the next generation of Americans. Children that are guilty of “thought crime” won’t get into good schools, they will never be allowed to have good jobs, they will be shunned by banks and financial institutions, and they will be banned or marginalized by all of the major entities on the Internet. Basically, they will have to find a way to survive on the fringes of society somehow. All of this is designed to force people to believe what they are supposed to believe. In fact, it is dangerous for you to be reading this article right now. They are always watching everything that you do on the Internet, and expressions of noncompliance are not acceptable in this brave new world that we live in. The Lord of time and the 'doomsday clock' - By Wallace B. Henley - The keepers of the “Doomsday Clock” met virtually this year due to the pandemic. Not so the Lord of time and history and His team when they literally met at the Mount of Olives (“Olivet”) two thousand years ago. There and then, Jesus gave them, not an estimate of coming events, but a factual report of their position in time and where history was headed. This account came from the mouth of the Lord of history for Whom and by Whom time, the crucible of history, exists. The “Doomsday Clock” is the imaginary timepiece envisaged in 1947 by a group of atomic physicists that included Albert Einstein. The experts who produce The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists (BAS) wanted to find ways to assess everything from global environment and population to nuclear arms and global war threats. “Midnight” meant the arrival of “Doomsday” when worldwide trends would mount up to an explosive point — perhaps even nuclear war. On September 27, their calculations showed that in 2021 the crises are not pulling back. Rather, the “clock” is stuck at “100 seconds” to midnight — where it was last year. But on that day twenty centuries ago the Carpenter from Nazareth did not view finite time as a runaway train. John, one of Jesus’s followers present that day at the Mount of Olives, decades later will hear a heavenly voice inviting him to “come up here” to be shown the future. (Revelation 4:1) The Nazarene Carpenter already has that lofty perspective. The higher one goes in space the more comprehensive the view will be. The same is true of the temporal perspective. In His Olivet discourse Jesus shows the biblical view of time. First, there are two categories. Kairos is the time-quality of the Kingdom of Heaven. It is non-linear (meaning it can pop up anywhere) and is packed with destiny. Kairos is also non-tensed. It manifests all along the line of finite time when a pleroma-point has been reached, according to God’s will. “Pleroma” is “fullness,” as in a cup filled to its brim. The Pleroma marks the arrival of kairos, the “opportune time” for God’s purposeto be manifested in kronos, the finite, tensed time of the material world. (See Galatians 4:4) The reality already exists in eternity. This is why Jesus is “the lamb slain from the foundation of the world.” (Revelation 13:8) Therefore, on that kairotic day on the Mount of Olives recorded in Matthew 24 Jesus reveals that time is neither strictly cyclical nor linear but is linear-cyclical. Think of a train on a track. The content of the freight and passenger cars is the “stuff” of history. the whole of the train is moving toward its “T-point” in which “T” represents, not “termination,” but telos, purpose. Elevated Faith creates conversation starters: jewelry and apparel that open doors for wearers to tell friends and strangers about their faith, while giving a portion of all sales to faith-based organizations around the world. Shop our hoodies, tees, bracelets, rings, stickers, mugs & more! The BAS may be concerned about “doomsday” and the termination of nations and civilizations, but Jesus sees telos — the arrival of the Kingdom of Heaven — into the world. True history flows from Paradise Lost (Genesis 1:1-2) to Paradise Restored (Revelation 21-22). In between is the journey through kronos. This is the point of Acts 3:20-21, where Simon Peter preaches that “times of refreshment will come from the presence of the Lord, and he will again send you Jesus, your appointed Messiah... For he must remain in heaven until the time for the final restoration of all things, as God promised long ago through his holy prophets...” “Restoration” is a Greek word meaning to put things back into their original, mint condition —the paradise the world was before humanity’s plunge into sin. The cyclical aspect of time means that though exact details of historic events in history do not repeat, there are events that cycle along the “track” that are similar in broad character. Mark Twain quipped that while time may not repeat itself it does “rhyme.” The scientists comprising BAS try to tell us what to expect on the way to “Doomsday”. In the Olivet discourse, the Lord of time and history prophesies the historical trajectory toward the consummate “Telosday”: · There will be intensifying religiosity, led by false messiahs and counterfeit prophets. · “Nation will rise against nation.” In Greek, this is “ethnic group against ethnic group.” · Famines and earthquakes will be increasingly widespread with greater levels of destruction. · Jesus’s followers will be hated and persecuted and brought under severe tribulation “by all nations.” · Many believers will abandon the faith and join the haters and persecutors. · Lawlessness — anarchy — will increase, and there will be a loveless chill upon society. · However, the Gospel of the Kingdom will be proclaimed in the whole world to every social, cultural, national, biological, and linguistic group on the planet. Then, says Jesus, the telos — the pleroma-fullness that marks a kairos moment intersecting with kronos time, the destiny and purpose of God’s great plan of restoration will have come, along with the return of Christ and His Kingdom. If BAS looked at each of these prophecies of Jesus and the statistical fulfillment in the present, they might discover that the “clock” is ticking faster than they realized, and that we are indeed living in an age — as Jesus put it — of “birth pangs.” (Matthew 24:8) The hands of the “Doomsday Clock” may be stuck at “100 seconds,” but the “wheels” of the kronos-train are spinning with increasing speed. Daily Jot: The Farm Chronicles: The granary and the ram – Bill Wilson – The granary was by far the scariest building on the farm. It sat up on block pillars. It was large and old, with weather worn siding. The front faced the driveway that led to the barn. It had a door that when opened there were different bins. We would use it to store grain for animal feed. It also doubled as the basketball court with an old rusted rim sort of dangling from its loose bolts as if asking anyone walking by to tighten it up and give it a net. No takers, but if that’s where my brother got his basketball skills playing in the gravel in barn boots, it served him well. At night, the granary stood a foreboding guardian of the barn and the nearby milk house. And certain animals could hide beneath and behind it. My oldest brother Chuck had many animal projects. His old Airedale, Mike, lived under the granary, a grouchy dog with stiff wiry fur that would only let me pet him when he felt charitable enough to grace me with the privilege. Chuck also had pigs. They lived in a dilapidated building kind of catty-corner to the granary. And then there were the sheep. The sheep were mostly fun, especially in the spring with the newborn lambs. Usually, the lambs came too early for it to be really warm outside for them. I remember bringing them inside the house and sitting on the kitchen register holding them as we both warmed up from the chilly Ohio spring mornings. The warmth of the lamb and the register, the smell of young wool, and how they would cuddle in my arms–those are the good memories. As a four-year old, what made the granary the spookiest building on the farm was that I never knew what was going to happen when I got near it. Sometimes Mike would be in a foul mood and growl or bark at me when I was going to the milk house or the barn. But the worst of it was the ram. For some reason, Chuck’s ram hated me, and he, too, lived out behind the granary. He was a sneaky guy. He would linger between the granary and the barn, just out of sight and wait for me to walk out toward the milk house. When I was between the granary and the milk house, just when it was most difficult to get away, the ram would come charging out from the backside of the granary, head lowered, chasing me until he ran me down. I can’t say how many times that ram head-butted me to the ground. It didn’t matter if I took a bat to protect myself, he would chase me until I dropped it, then without mercy, run me over. It was like Daniel 8:4, “I saw the ram butting westward, northward, and southward, so that no other beasts might stand before him neither was there any that could deliver out of his hand; but he did according to his will and became great.” I certainly couldn’t stand before him, or run from him. I didn’t get much sympathy either. Dad would say, “You have to be smarter than the ram.” Chuck, the consummate athlete, would say, “You need to run faster.” They both got a little chuckle out of it. When Chuck went off to college, the sheep were sold. And not long after, the granary was torn down. Eventually, I had peace. Daily Devotion: If No One Plays Second - by Greg Laurie – Can two walk together, unless they are agreed? —Amos 3:3 - Listen Someone once asked the conductor Leonard Bernstein, “What is the hardest instrument to play?” “Second fiddle,” he said. “I can always get plenty of first violinists, but to find one who plays second violin with as much enthusiasm or second French horn or second flute, now that’s a problem. And yet if no one plays second, we have no harmony.” The same principle applies to walking with God. If we want to walk with God, then we need to get in sync with Him, walking together as a single unit. The Bible says, “Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?” (Amos 3:3 NKJV). For instance, if you were sitting in a canoe paddling one direction while someone else in the canoe was paddling another, that would impair your performance, wouldn’t it? Likewise, to walk with God means to be in rhythm with God, to keep pace with God, to be in harmony with God. It means communicating with Him, speaking to Him, and hearing from Him. We find references to walking with God many times in the New Testament. For example, Colossians 2:6 tells us, “As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him” (NKJV). And 1 John 1:7 says, “But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin” (NKJV). Also, Galatians 5 reminds us, “Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh” (verse 16 NKJV). To walk with God is to stay in harmony with Him. It isn’t saying, “God, here’s where I’m going. Come with me.” Rather, we should say, “Lord, where are You going? I want to go with You.” That is the picture of walking with God.
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