Getting Even Closer to Midnight - By Dennis Huebshman -
Just about four years ago, I was able to post a message called “Midnight Cry.” Though I didn’t print out the song that was represented at that time, there were already changes taking place that indicated we were steadily heading toward our last hours here. It doesn’t take a lot of imagination to see the direction this earth is headed, and the changes are becoming even more accelerated almost by the hour. The song and the verses about to be given here are absolutely relevant for the world today. (ESV – all emphasis mine) In 1986, two brothers, Charles and Greg Day, wrote a song titled “Midnight Cry.” They say their pastor gave a sermon with that title one Sunday morning, and they wrote the song that same afternoon. When they returned for the evening services, the brothers performed the song they had just written, and it was well received. It has since been recorded by various artists, but the first group to release it was Gold City in 1990, featuring Ivan Parker. 1.) I hear the sound of a mighty rushing wind, and it’s closer now than it’s ever been. I can almost hear the Trumpet as Gabriel sounds the call; at the Midnight Cry, we’ll be going Home. Ref.) When Jesus steps out on a cloud and calls God’s children, the dead in Christ shall rise to meet Him in the air. And then those that remain will be quickly changed; at the Midnight Cry, when Jesus comes again. 2.) I look around me, and the prophecies fulfilling; and the signs of the times, they’re appearing everywhere. I can almost hear the Father as He says, ‘Son, go get My children.’ At the Midnight Cry, The bride of Christ shall rise. (ref, plus) And then those that remain will be quickly changed; at the Midnight Cry, when Jesus comes again. At the Midnight Cry, when Jesus comes again, when Jesus comes again! Matthew 24:36, 50; “But concerning that day and hour, no one knows, not even the angels of Heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only… the master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect Him, and at an hour he does not know.” Some would say that because Jesus is God (John 10:30), He would have known when the “Midnight Cry” would take place. What we must remember is that He was totally submissive to the Father’s will, and in order for him to be our perfect sacrifice, He became “fully human” for our sakes. He was able to experience what we go through; “But we see Him who for a little while was made lower than the angels, namely Jesus, crowned with glory and honor because of the suffering of death, so that by the grace of God, He might taste death for everyone” (Hebrews 2:9). As a human being for the time He was here, Jesus experienced the world as we do, including being tempted to sin (Matthew 4:1-11; Mark 1:12-13; Luke 4:1-13). His temptation was even stronger as it was done in person by Satan himself; yet our Savior stood firm. Had Jesus sinned even once, His sacrifice at Calvary could not have freed us from our sins. After the Savior made the statement “It Is Finished!” in John 19:30, He was indicating that He had fulfilled the Father’s need for a perfect, sinless, blood sacrifice; and as stated in Hebrews 9:12, “He entered once for all into the Holy places, not by means of the blood of goats and calves but by means of His own blood, thus securing an eternal redemption.” We tainted humans do not deserve the blood of our Creator being shed for us, but then again, the love of our God goes beyond all human understanding. In Ephesians 3:19, Paul tells us, “and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with the fullness of God.” Going to 2 Peter 3:9, “The Lord is not slow to fulfill His promise, as some would count slowness; but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.” In the first verses of 2 Peter 3, he tells about scoffers and their claims that God is not really going to come for us soon if He’s even going to come at all. We see this all over our world today. What I see is a loving Father that is giving all of us the chance to repent, have faith that Jesus paid the full price for our sins, and that all who truly call on Him will be saved. I know for myself that if the “Rapture” had taken place about 40 years ago, I would be one of those who would’ve been left behind to face the terrible 7-year tribulation. As is, I firmly believe in God’s promise in Romans 10:9-13 about the steps to Salvation. God cannot and will not lie, as given in Titus 1:2. Besides, as our Creator, why would He have a need to? He could very well have been tyrannical and made absolute slaves of us all from the very beginning to serve Him in any manner He wished. However, we have John 3:16-18 telling us how much He loves us. Our responsibility is to receive the “gift” that Jesus gave for us and accept that it is the only way to eternal life with Him. John 14:6 plainly states that no one is able to come to the Father without Him. That’s also found in 1 John 5:12 and Acts 4:12, as well as numerous other examples in the Bible. The song “Midnight Cry” is absolutely about the event of 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17 and 1 Corinthians 15:51-53 called the Rapture. The idea is we need to know that we have no idea exactly when the day or hour is, and we need to prepare ourselves in the event it may take place even today. I have actually heard someone say in the past that they would wait until the Trumpet of God sounds and the shout comes from the archangel to call out to be saved. To clarify why this is impossible, 1 Corinthians 15:52 plainly states, “in the twinkling of an eye.” That term, according to scientific experts, is the amount of time it takes for light to enter the eye and then hit the optic nerve. That’s considerably less than 1,000th of a second. This is not something to take lightly, as our Jesus took His love for us very seriously. Consider that this could be the day the Harpazo, “taking up,” or what’s commonly called the Rapture, takes place. Before you can even take a breath, it will be over. Would it not be better to already have Jesus in your heart as your Savior and the Holy Spirit within you? This is completely your choice; God will force no one to receive and accept His Son. However, to know your only other option, please read Revelation 20:11-15. That will be for all who rejected God’s wonderful gift to us before they left this earth. There are no third options, and for all the false prophets’ words, the Bible is still the absolute authority. Consider carefully, and I hope to see you with us at the feet of Jesus when the call for His flock comes. It’s definitely getting very close, considering Jesus’ statement in Luke 21:28 that said when these things “begin” to happen, He is soon to come. The “beginning” was about 10 or so years ago, so at this time, we’re on borrowed time. God’s timing is definitely different from ours, but remember, when Jesus said “soon,” He was in human form dealing with our concept of time. Satan would love for you to put off calling on the Gentle Shepherd, as it is one of his greatest lies. Just as when he asked Eve, “did God really say?” It will still be possible for people to be saved during the tribulation, but the cost will be very high. To avoid that time would be the most logical choice ever. The Midnight Cry is coming soon, and our “Bridegroom” will be coming to take His “Bride” home to a place prepared especially for us. It would be our great advantage to be ready to go with Him when He calls. Today would not be too soon! Shalom! Maranatha! Peace and Come, Lord Jesus. [email protected] This Great Victory In Israel Should Be A Lesson For The Church – By Amir Tsarfati - It’s a bright new day in Israel! I was praying for 62, and we very well may have gotten 65. What I mean is that in the Israeli Knesset, or parliament, there are 120 seats. A 61 member bloc will give you a mandate to form a government. However, it is always tenuous with just that one seat majority. So, I prayed for an extra seat. It was a big ask, because any majority lately in Israel’s government has been of the “barely” kind. But then this landslide came pouring in. Soon-to-be Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu now has a solid majority within which to operate. It is obvious that the Israeli people have realized that this experiment with the liberal, progressive “government of change” was an unmitigated disaster. The country is smaller, weaker, and less respected than it has been for years. But now, the people are ready to take pride in their country again, and they determined that this could best be accomplished by bringing Netanyahu back for a third stint in the prime minister’s office. It is without doubt that God moved as people prayed. However, He didn’t just reach down and change votes. He worked through the people, as the citizens of Israel went out and voted. In recent elections, the voter turnout was woefully low. People would say how much they loved Netanyahu, but when election day came – a public holiday in Israel – rather than going to the voting booth they would go to the beach. Tuesday was different. Voter turnout reached 71.3%, which is the highest since 2015. This great victory in Israel should be a lesson for the church around the world. Christians must fulfill their civic duty and vote because God works through His people. Our friends in the United States should take particular notice of Israel’s elections. There is no excuse for a believer to not vote. And I understand that there was some hanky-panky that took place in the last election and that Americans rightfully have a difficult time trusting the election process. But if all the true Bible-believing church exercised their right to vote this Tuesday in favor of life and of righteousness, it would be very difficult to squash such a powerful voice. Because the impact of US elections is truly felt globally, we are asking you, as we did for Israel, to join us for three days of fasting and praying for Tuesday’s elections. As you pray, please ask:
WORLDVIEW -- Benjamin Netanyahu to Return to Israeli Prime Minister’s Office Barring an unprecedented turnaround or various political shenanigans, Benjamin Netanyahu will soon become the next prime minister – again. “We are on the brink of a very big victory,” he told a cheering crowd. Already the longest serving prime minister in Israel’s history with 15 years in office, the 72-year-old native of Tel Aviv appears ready to do what he can to restore Israel to its previous glory. For more about the elections, the Israeli government, and what it was that caused this conservative backlash, watch my “Special Update – 2022 Israeli Elections” from Tuesday. UNGA Demands that Israel Turn Over All Nuclear Weapons In a 152-5 vote, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) passed a resolution demanding that Israel turn over control of all their nuclear weapons to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and sign on to the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Treaty (NPT). Voting against the resolution were Canada, Israel, Micronesia, Palau, and the US. Abstaining from the vote were 24 countries, many from the EU. The move was as laughable as it was hypocritical, without a word being said about Iran’s race toward nuclear weaponry. In response to the resolution, Israel, who has never even admitted to having nuclear weapons, said, “Yeah, sure guys, we’ll get right on that.” Iran’s Rhetoric Grows in Proportion to their Problems Maj. Gen. Hossein Salami, commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), vowed last week that his nation will “take revenge” against countries that are affiliated with the US, UK, and Israel. Unfortunately for him, it is problems at home that are taking most of the government’s attention. Riots continue following last month’s death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini while in the custody of the morality police. Of course, to Salami the blame for the riots lies outside Iran’s borders. “This sinister plan is a plan hatched…in the White House and the Zionist regime,” he said Saturday. The riots are just one of the major problems facing the Islamist leadership. The Iranian rial is collapsing, hitting an unprecedented low yesterday of 344 thousand rials to the dollar. In addition, Germany and the EU are considering classifying Salami’s IRGC as a terrorist organization. Interestingly, when President Donald Trump made that classification, the nations of the EU ridiculed him. Now we see Europe criticizing Iran, and the ayatollahs threatening the US. According to the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, “The US is very weak…and we will fulfill our promise [of revenge] after the martyrdom of Soleimani and company. Those who think that the United States is a superpower are wrong.” Lebanon’s President Dismisses Government On his last day in office, 89-year-old Lebanese President Michel Aoun signed a decree accepting the resignation of the government led by billionaire Prime Minister Najib Mikati. Mikati’s team will remain in power in a caretaker capacity, and he will serve as acting president until a replacement is installed in office. The political instability of the government of Israel’s northern neighbor is indicative of the instability of the entire country. Russia Toys with the Global Food Supply Citing an attack by Ukrainian drones on Russia’s Black Sea Fleet docked in Crimea, Russia announced Saturday that they were withdrawing from the Ukrainian grain deal which has allowed more than 9 million tons of grain to be transported into the world market. Immediately people panicked, and rightly so as stopping the flow of Ukrainian grain would greatly affect world food supplies. Within days the market price of grain escalated 6%. Then, yesterday, as the EU and Turkey were working on ways to get the grain through without Russian approval, Moscow said, “Just kidding everyone!” Russia agreed to let the grain continue to pass through, saying that they had received assurances from Ukraine that they would not use the Black Sea grain corridor for military operations. The quick spike in grain prices is indicative of the impact the Russia/Ukraine war is having on the world’s economy and supply chains. Inflation in the Eurozone states reached a record high 10.7% in October. In the US, anticipation of the European ban on the purchase of Russian crude and diesel is contributing in part to a serious diesel shortage that is expected to hit the nation within the month. Ukraine Prepares for Russian Nukes and a Cold Winter Russia continues with its nuclear threats causing Ukrainian leadership to scramble to prepare nuclear shelters. In the Kyiv region, the head of the military administration said that shelters are hastily being readied with the goal of having 425 ready by November 15. While there are over 1000 shelters in the region, only those deep and strong enough to withstand a nuclear blast are being prepared. Meanwhile, Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko has issued a plea to the West. “Send blankets and generators or we’ll freeze to death,” he said. This crisis is due to Moscow’s strategic attack on the Ukrainian energy grid which has placed hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians in mortal peril as the temperatures drop. Socialist Victory in Brazil For as much as I am celebrating the results of the Israeli election, I am mourning that of Brazil. Luiz Inácio da Silva, popularly known as Lula, was elected president for the second time, defeating conservative incumbent Jair Bolsonaro. Having previously served in office from 2003-10, the socialist Lula was convicted in 2017 of money laundering and corruption and sentenced to nine and a half years in prison. The convictions were later overturned due to a technicality after he served only 580 days. Many are not accepting the results of the election, particularly given the fact that just a month ago the right wing gained strong victories in congressional elections. Citizens are responding en masse. Truckers are closing highways and massive crowds are gathering asking the military to intervene. Bolsonaro has not joined in the protests, but neither has he yet conceded the election. Let’s pray for the Brazilian people as this new president takes office. As the Book of Proverbs tells us: “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when a wicked man rules, the people groan.” (Proverbs 29:2) Bridge Collapse in India More than 50 children were among the 134 people killed when a pedestrian suspension bridge collapsed in Morbi, Gujarat, India. Originally built in 1877, the bridge had just been reopened last week after repairs. However, authorities were not notified of the reopening to the public, nor had any certificates of public use been issued. So far, nine people have been arrested over the tragedy with more arrests expected to follow. Tragedy in South Korea A Halloween celebration in the Itaewon district of Seoul, South Korea, turned into a nightmare when a crowd surge killed more than 150 peopleand left over 150 more injured. Itaewon, known for its night life, contains numerous narrow alleys that connect the streets. Already crowded on a normal night, hundreds of thousands of celebrants packed the area for this special event. When a surge hit one of the narrow alleys, people became crushed, and many others were trampled. On Tuesday, police officials took responsibility for the catastrophe. “I feel a heavy responsibility [for the disaster] as the head of one of the related government offices,” said National Police Chief Yoon Hee Keun. “Police will do their best to prevent a tragedy like this from happening again.” North Korea Issues Warnings with Words and Missiles On Monday, North Korea warned the US and South Korea of “more powerful follow-up measures” after they accused the countries of using joint military exercises to practice an invasion of their nation. The next day, Pak Jong Chon, a secretary of the North Korean Workers’ Party, upped the threat, saying, “The US and South Korea will have to face a terrible case and pay the most horrible price in history.” Then, as if to emphasize their point, on Wednesday the North Korean military fired 23 missiles into South Korean waters, followed by more than 100 artillery shells. South Korea responded by firing missiles of their own. And, today, Kim Jong Un’s military launched an intercontinental missile. The Wasong-17 flew 760 km before the test failed and the missile fell into the Sea of Japan. Prophecy Update Videos
US National Security Train Wreck Over Rare Earth Minerals – Steven Bucci - The U.S. is currently heading for a major national security train wreck. Bewildering environmental policies, energy plans detached from reality, and an incomprehensible practice of trusting China to provide critical components for both civilian and military technologies is an unsustainable trajectory. The administration has rejected fossil fuels, driving us commercially and across the defense industry toward electric vehicles. The problem is, China has a near-monopoly on the mining and refinement of rare earth minerals (such as lithium and cobalt) that are used in EV batteries. China also monopolizes the production of those same batteries. In short, America is being forced to tie its future to EVs while having no capability to provide key elements of the system. Adding to the dilemma is that China is "allowed" to do all the "yucky stuff" we won't do, or don't want to do. The rub here is that China is not a client we can order about. It isn't even our friend. Today, China is taking advantage of current geopolitics to further entrench itself as the leading global producer of rare earth minerals. Critical minerals are already in short supply and heavily controlled by foreign powers. China dominates the global marketplace for rare earth metals through its control of both the production and processing. China produces three-quarters of all lithium-ion batteries in the world, with a single Chinese manufacturer, CATL, controlling 30% of the global EV battery market. China also refines 80% of the world's cobalt and 60% of the world's lithium, two critical minerals key for electric vehicles. Meanwhile, the United States refines 0% of the world's cobalt. As the White House report on "Building Resilient Supply Chains, Revitalizing American Manufacturing and Fostering Broad-Based Growth" (June 2021) acknowledged, by "operating well outside globally accepted practices," China has been able to "develop battery-critical materials infrastructure well ahead of market drivers." China doesn't care a wit for the environment. The mess it has at home and its drive for control of these elements prove it. The Biden administration knows of this problem, acknowledging critical minerals as an important issue to address in one of President Joe Biden's earliest executive orders. That order specifically identified the need for the United States to have "resilient, diverse, and secure supply chains to ensure our economic prosperity and national security." Unfortunately, the opposite has occurred. That same executive order led to a 100-day review report that specifically identified how important a reliable supply chain is for U.S. national security. The importance of lithium-ion batteries to military equipment and the need for rare earth metals used in airplanes and defense equipment was highlighted. The report also acknowledged that changes in future military advancements will require "high-density energy storage to support agile forces utilizing power-hungry propulsion, communications, sensors, and weapons." It's increasingly vital that the United States establish a more reliable supply chain of critical minerals and materials to diversify away from relying on China. Building a diverse supply chain of critical minerals and materials will require a major policy shift--including a focus on bolstering the production of critical minerals we have here in the United States. Domestic production alone will not meet the growing demand the United States has for critical minerals. The United States simply does not have the natural resources domestically and is not positioned to match the growing processing-capacity domination of China. China's marketplace domination is increasingly a national security risk to the United States. Beijing could and most likely will, when it's advantageous, abuse its market power to reduce or even cut off the United States' access to key critical minerals, leaving us without the ability to create next-generation battery technologies that are necessary for advanced military operations. To establish a more reliable supply chain of critical minerals, the United States should consider working with multinational companies--not tied to China--based beyond our borders that already have access to the critical minerals we need to make electric vehicles. Some of those multinational corporations, such as Glencore and Anglo American, already have global operations and are well-positioned to help meet the growing demand here in the United States. Establishing a reliable supply chain of critical minerals and materials will help lessen America's reliance on China and will lessen the national security risk faced today from Beijing's market dominance. The Biden administration's extreme environmental policies, frankly, should be curbed. If we are stuck with them, we have to recognize their inherent contradictions and at least adjust them to reality. China's ability to hamstring American industry and defense must be mitigated. Action must be taken to alter this disastrous ambush in the making, and it must be taken now. Don't Be Surprised! - by Bill Perkins - Elections are next week and they’ll set the tone for how much additional damage the Globalists/Satanists will be doing to our country over the next two years. Obviously, we’re all praying the Republicans take the House and Senate to put the brakes on the Biden Regime’s Globalist March. Hopefully that would lead to the bad guys being tried for treason. Regaining control of our Republic, even for just a few years, would be major. But what these commies have been doing to our country over the last 20 months has already severely damaged the golden goose. We Are At War So let’s be realistic… when the communists in control persecute their political opponents, censor their political opponents’ social media accounts, cancel their opponents’ bank accounts, sue their political opponents to make examples to others…and are not held accountable, we have to understand what we’re dealing with. We’re fighting for our country. And currently losing! But knowing that the Lord is still in control, we’re hoping/praying that He will allow us to change our country’s direction toward a more Godly track. Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. Rom. 13:1 Whatever happens in this election, it’s His call… not the Globalists’/Satanists’. We can serve Him with thanksgiving knowing that one day all this will be behind us. Our future is bright, their future is dark. The Bigger Problem However, as we’ve discussed before, no one is allowed to publicly mention the greatest orchestrated die-off in the history of the world. Massive numbers of people dying for supposedly unknown reasons. And it’s taking place right under our noses. It’s the elephant of all elephants in the room. Of course WE KNOW what’s going on. It’s all part of the Globalist/Satanist strategy getting ready for a post-Rapture world. And let's face it, Satan loves death. Look at that cancer chart. What moron doesn't see a correlation between the va((ine and the sudden increase in cancer? Again, we have no idea when the Rapture will take place, but we can easily see the signs that it’s close. Apparently so can Satan. More On The Killer Va((ine We highly recommend that you take the time to watch this video. Unreal! This proves that we’re dealing with Satanic influences. It shows proof from multiple sources that the poisonous design of the va((ine was meant to eventually wipe out a large swath of earth’s population. CLICK HERE Billions dying on the earth is consistent with what the Bible says will happen early in the Tribulation. If the Lord tarries, this obvious increase in worldwide death from all these unknown causes will eventually be linked to the va((ines. The Globalists/Satanists will lie, because that's what they do best. But the world will no doubt figure this out. And the va((inated will be furious for being duped! Might be connected to this verse: For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false, in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness. 2Th. 2:11-12 So apparently a large group of people will believe a lie around the time of the Rapture. The lie could be the Rapture itself, trying to explain away where all those people disappeared to. Or it certainly could be the lie that the va((ine is safe and effective. We now KNOW it's anything but safe and effective. And people pushing taking the jab sure seem deluded. It appears that the government is trying to keep the cat in the bag until after the elections. Around the world, countries are reporting the truth—that the va((ines are killing people! (I posted a couple of news headlines from Germany and Great Britain in the "Signs of the Times" section below) Marjorie Taylor Greene just introduced a bill in the house to investigate why all the people are "dying suddenly." People are not only dying suddenly, they are also dying slowly from a number of sicknesses like cancer and heart failure. But you won't hear much about that because the government is working with Facebook and Twitter to censor any mention of Va((ines = Death, according to a leaked document. (1) "The Ethical Skeptic" is a guy who has been evaluating the CDC data with a fine-toothed comb. Based on his research, some suspect he's on the inside of the CDC. He says he has found where the CDC has been hiding the excess deaths and when all are totaled the true number of deaths from the jab is over 385,000! And a large number of those are cancer, heart attacks and strokes. Since we know they can't keep a lid on that many deaths much longer, it's obvious they're trying to hold it together through the elections. If the truth got out, they would have no hope of winning anything. So again, we're praying the upcoming election will expose the massive number of lies being perpetrated on the American people. History does show the same thing happened, to a lesser degree, in the first two years in both the Clinton and Obama regimes. While they had the control, they did everything possible to put nails in our nation's coffin. After two years they lost their power. If the Dems do go down in flames, it would mean that those in control knew they only had two years to do as much damage as they could. Counteraccusation But if they steal this election in the middle of the night, we shouldn’t be surprised. They’re famous for telegraphing what’s coming by accusing others of what they’re doing, or about to do. > The Globalists/Satanists were stealing money in Ukraine so they accused Trump of the same. > They put out disinformation and then accuse the conservatives of doing the same. > They steal an election and then turn around and call conservatives insurrectionists. > They were undermining the Constitution so they accuse the conservatives of the same. > And it looks like they may be planning to steal the election because they’re now accusing the Republicans of the same. I certainly hope not. But if they do steal it again, they've already set it up by claiming conservatives are insurrectionists. Should be an interesting week ahead. It might even be several weeks or months before we get all the final results! But regardless of what happens, react Godly! Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether to a king as the one in authority, 1Pet. 2:13 CQLJ! BP 1) Leaked Documents Reveal Homeland Security’s ‘Expansive’ Influence Over Social Media Censorship Bible Prophecy Is The Only Reliable Information About Tomorrow – By David Jeremiah - Someone once said that Christians treat the book of Revelation like the priest and the Levite treated the wounded man in the parable of the Good Samaritan. They pass by it on the other side. Some avoid prophecy because it seems difficult to understand. Others feel too overwhelmed by the present to think about the future. Some pastors have never even preached from the book of Revelation because they don’t see its relevance to everyday life. While many Christians are content to leave prophecy’s pages shrouded in mystery and misunderstanding, it is the only reliable information about our tomorrows. God knows the end from the beginning and foretells the future with absolute accuracy. The book of Revelation, along with other end-time prophecies, gives us a snapshot of the events that will precede the end of the world as we know it. The very word revelation means “the unfolding of that which was previously hidden or unknown.” 6 Benefits of Studying Bible Prophecy:
1 — Prophecy Plays a Leading Role in the New Testament Out of the 216 chapters in the New Testament, there are 318 references to the Second Coming of Christ. If we were to omit all the prophetic passages, we would have to remove one out of every thirty verses in the New Testament. We would also have to skip 23 of the 27 New Testament books that mention prophecy. For every prediction about the birth of Christ, there are eight about His Second Coming. Given prophecy’s prominence in Scripture, there can be little doubt about its significance to our lives. Jesus often spoke about the future and rebuked people who didn’t recognize the significance of the events around them. In Luke 12:56, He said, “Hypocrites! You can discern the face of the sky and of the earth, but how is it you do not discern this time?” The people of Jesus’ day had become experts at reading meteorological indicators to predict the weather. Yet, they ignored the prophetic signs of the Messiah’s coming. This warning applies to us as well. Jesus expects us to investigate what the Bible says about the future and seek His guidance as we attempt to understand the day and hour in which we live. 2 — Prophecy Proves the Integrity of Scripture In the days of the Old Testament, the prophets, seers, and people of Israel kept waiting for the Messiah’s arrival. Peter said, “The prophets, who spoke of the grace that was to come to you, searched intently and with the greatest care, trying to find out the time and circumstances” regarding the first coming of Christ (1 Peter 1:10-11). Come, He did! In the fullness of time, Jesus satisfied every detail of the prophet’s predictions. He was a descendant of Abraham and the tribe of Judah (Genesis 12:3, 49:10). He came from David’s family line (Isaiah 9:7) and was born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2). His name was Immanuel; He was born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14). He based His ministry in Galilee, spoke in parables, and did wonders among the people (Isaiah 9:1-2; 6:9-10; 61:1-2). He was betrayed, pierced for our sins, and crucified with criminals (Zechariah 11:12-13; Isaiah 53:5, 12). After His burial in a wealthy man’s tomb, He rose again (Isaiah 53:9-11). All these predictions and many more came true exactly as stated hundreds of years in advance. The study of Messianic prophecy is a remarkable journey into ironclad evidence for the integrity of Scripture. But it’s not just Messianic prophecy. Many other events have occurred, just as the Bible predicted. The city of Tyre fell, according to Ezekiel’s prophecy (Ezekiel 26:1-21). After Alexander the Great’s death, his generals divided the kingdom into four parts (Daniel 11:1-4). In accordance with Daniel’s prophecy, the Roman Empire became a world power known for its “iron legions” (Daniel 7:7). Although God’s people didn’t have an exact calendar for these events, every one of Scripture’s predictions about events to date has come to pass in God’s perfect timing. 3 — Prophecy Protects Us From False Teaching Jesus prophesied about the End Times to protect us from false teaching. In Matthew 24:4-5, He warned, “Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.” This warning is so essential that Scripture repeats it in Mark 13 and Luke 21. We live in a day when deception is common. Even though Ecclesiastes 1:9 says, “There is nothing new under the sun,” I regularly receive advertisements for dubious new doctrines and methods of understanding the Bible. Jesus said in John 16:1, “These things I have spoken to you, that you should not be made to stumble.” Knowing what the Bible says about the future protects us from being deceived. As much as God wants to place us under prophecy’s umbrella of protection, the devil wants to keep us out. Satan knows that reading 2 Thessalonians 2will reveal his scheme to spread apostasy in the Last Days. And if we read Revelation 20, it will tell us that God has already assigned him to the lake of fire. Seeing Satan as a defeated foe in the future helps us to be victorious over him today. Prophecy protects us from Satan’s attacks. 4 — Prophecy Prepares Us for the Last Days Jesus told several parables to illustrate the importance of being prepared for His coming. One story was about a master of the house who had been robbed. If the master had known when the thief would come, he would have watched to prevent the robbery. The lesson is simple: be prepared. Always be ready for the Rapture, which will be as unpredictable as a thief in the night. First Thessalonians 5:4 says, “But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief.” Bible prophecy prepares us to meet the Lord anytime. Another benefit to prophecy is its ability to prepare us for the days ahead. Hardly a day goes by that we don’t read about wars, rumors of wars, natural disasters, or lawlessness in the news. These grim realities can be disheartening. However, Jesus told His disciples to anticipate this turn of events—that they would be signs of the end of the age. Tragedies never take God by surprise. In John 16:4, Jesus said, “These things I have told you, that when the time comes, you may remember that I told you of them.” Studying Bible prophecy gives us courage for the days ahead. Although life on earth will continue to get worse, the day of the Rapture draws near. 5 — Prophecy Provides Practical Guidance for Everyday Living In the opening chapters of Revelation, one sentence appears seven times: “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches” (Revelation 2:7, 11, 17, 29; 3:6, 13, 22). In other words, “Listen up! I have something to say, and it’s important.” Prophecy contains practical instruction for every Christian. It would not be an exaggeration to say that Bible prophecy drives evangelism and righteous living. Knowing what’s coming encourages us to be ministry-oriented, reaching out to the lost. And living with an awareness of Christ’s imminent return increases our desire to share the Gospel. Prophecy elevates our perspective and energizes our walk with the Lord. Some Christians view prophecy as something intellectual with no practical application. But we never want to be so future-minded that we neglect to apply God’s prophetic truth. He gave us the book of Revelation to help us anticipate what is coming and equip us for living in the world of the end. 6 — Prophecy Promises Spiritual Blessing Did you know the book of Revelation is the only book in the Bible that promises a prize to its reader? Both the beginning and end of the book reveal the reward. Revelation 1:3 says, “Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near.” Revelation 22:7 reiterates the blessing: “Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book.” I don’t know about you, but when God gives me instructions for receiving a prize of blessing, I want to get in on it! The book of Revelation, along with other prophecies, forms a guidebook that teaches us the sequence of events leading up to the return of Jesus Christ. Biblical prophecy can seem complex, but it doesn’t have to be confusing if we understand what Scripture’s predictions mean for our life here and now. And when we know the One who declares the beginning from the end (Isaiah 46:10), we can face the future with confidence. Daily Jot: The Farm Chronicles: First Son - Bill Wilson – The heritage of the Wilson farm goes back to the early 1800s. My grandfather, when he was in his 90s, told me the story of the 100-year anniversary of the farm back in, well, he couldn’t remember exactly, 1917 or 1918. Of course, my Dad was born in 1917 and Grandpa thought the anniversary was before that. So, I’m not really sure. But I know that my Dad was born in the neighbor’s house two farms down. It’s likely that most every one of my grandfathers in the Wilson line were either born at a neighbor’s house or at the Wilson farm house since it was homesteaded. I also know from the historical records that the Wilson clan were active citizens in the early beginnings of Northeastern Ohio settlement. According to Portage County Historical Society records, Paris township was organized in the fall of 1820, and at the first election on the 10th of November held in the schoolhouse erected a year earlier, Justus Wilson was elected trustee; Austin Wilson a fence viewer, and Luther Wilson a constable. There were 25 voters. At this meeting, the township was renamed Paris from its previous name of Storrsborough. A fence viewer was a person who administers fence laws by inspecting new fences and settles disputes arising from trespass by livestock that have escaped enclosure. The constable was the local law enforcement. In fact, Dad carried on that tradition as a young man. Justus was my 4th great-grandfather and Austin was my 3rd great-grandfather. Luther was a great uncle. As far as I know, none of these men were born in hospitals. There weren’t any hospitals in which to be born. So the first one that I know of is my oldest brother, 14 years my senior. I tracked this down looking through an old four-pound box of Crestwood Season’s Greetings Assorted Chocolates. The chocolates were long gone, but there were a lot of old pictures and documents. I found a printed paper in a baby book attributed to the Wellsburg Taxi Company, Directly Opposite of Court House, Wellsburg, WV. The document also had the taxi company’s business card folded up into it. Surprisingly, the document was titled “Blood Tests Before Marriage” and it was for Carl Wilson age 22 and Thelma Humble age 16. WHAT? That’s right, my mom was 16 when they eloped across the state line in West Virginia. Something Mom didn’t discuss much! They were married the 30th of August 1940. There was a ragged old newspaper clip folded inside the book, saying “In Hospitals” and it was announcing births in the Warren City, Ohio hospital. The last one listed was “A son to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wilson, Wayland.” Now, I know you are all counting 9 months forward. Save you some time. In the baby book it says that the baby’s arrival was Saturday, August 2, 1941, 4 pounds 11 ounces, born at 4:50 am in Warren City Hospital. This was the first Wilson born in a hospital, some 125 years after our farm was homesteaded and 12 years to the day that our great grandfather Charles passed away. The new baby, first to not be born in an equivalent of a barn (as a barn was connected to the house at that time), was named Charles. Chuck was celebrated as like Christ said in John 16:21, “for joy that a man is born into the world.” Chuck was the first born in a hospital. Daily Devotion: How’s Your Focus? - by Greg Laurie – ‘Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.’ - —Matthew 5:8 - Listen What does it mean to have a pure heart? We use the word “heart” today to refer to our emotions. We might say, “My mind tells me one thing, but my heart tells me another.” We tend to equate the heart with gut-level reactions, emotions, and feelings. In contrast, we think of our minds as more logical. The Bible, however, doesn’t make these distinctions. The heart, mind, and will are intertwined. Jesus said, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8 NKJV). This statement is part of the Beatitudes, and each beatitude connects to the others. Jesus also said, “The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness!” (Matthew 6:22–23 NKJV). When the Bible speaks of purity of heart, it means purity of logic. It means purity of will. It basically means that purity is permeating our lives. It also speaks of those who have a singular focus, who know where they’re going. From the original language, the word “pure” could be translated into “single” or “without hypocrisy.” The apostle Paul wrote, “Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do” (Philippians 3:13 NKJV). And David said, “One thing I have desired of the Lord, that will I seek” (Psalm 27:4 NKJV). He also prayed, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me” (Psalm 51:10 NKJV). Purity is having a singular purpose. When you’re pure in heart, you’ll have a singular, clear focus in life. FROM THE HEART Let Us Make the Short Time We have Left, Count for ALL of Eternity! IF YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED THROUGH THIS MINISTRY, THEN WE ASK THAT YOU WOULD PLEASE REMEMBER PROPHECY UPDATE IN YOUR GIVING - WE ARE TRULY, TRULY, THANKFUL FOR YOUR SUPPORT WORTHY OF YOUR SUPPORT? One of the most reliable ways to determine if a ministry is worthy of your financial support is to examine its fruits. If Prophecy Update is keeping you informed, and if that information inspires you, and causes you to draw closer to the Lord, if Prophecy Update equips you with valuable information and knowledge to share with and encourage other believers, and open the eyes of non-believers, and if Prophecy Update keeps you connected to current events relating to Bible Prophecy, then you are partaking of the fruit produced through this ministry. None of this would be possible without the Lords blessings and your support. I believe where the Lord guides, the Lord provides, and most of the time He provides through the willing and generous hearts of believers just like you and me. Humbly Seek Your Support Prophecy Update has no corporate sponsors. This ministry is paid for and prayed for by readers and supporters. Without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update, Please pray about becoming a monthly supporter - thanks! If ever there was a time to invest in God's Kingdom, it's now! What on earth are you doing for Heaven's Sake? "Share in the Blessings and Rewards that will last Forever!" "Folks, it's all beginning to unravel. America is in more danger of falling than at any time in its history. But I believe Bible prophecy predicts this very decline. From this point on, we believers have to get serious. We are going to face discouragement, disillusionment and, most certainly, persecution in the time between now and the Rapture. But don't be discouraged or disillusioned. The coming turmoil will provide us unrivaled opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. So be ready to share your faith and your hope with those who need Christ. We still have time to reap a great harvest of souls for God's kingdom!" - Hal Lindsey 1) We need your prayers!- We proclaim the Truth of the Word of God and we are under constant spiritual and sometimes even physical attack. 2) We need your encouragement!- We need to hear from you, let us know how the Lord is blessing you through this ministry so that we can share it with others. 3) We need your input! - If you have a prophetic article or story or if there is a news related item we missed, let us know. 4) We need your financial support!- To put it quite simply, without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update. I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to get the Word out and keep the world informed. Remember, your gift, no matter how small, does make a difference! You will be helping to touch lives, around the world, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, thanks to the internet your generosity carries a global impact! - Thanks! Our Prayer for You- "Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else." 2 Corinthians 9:10-13 If you have been blessed by Prophecy Update and would like to help support this ministry financially. You can make a secure donation online by going to: DONATE NOW Or write us at: Prophecy Update P.O. Box 40516 Bakersfield, CA 93384-0516 We are very pleased to offer all our readers this FREE download on Bible Prophecy from the Evangelical Bible College of Western Australia - Just download and enjoy and be blessed! Feel free to share it with all your friends and family members. Click below to download! "AS YOU SEE THE DAY APPROACHING" If You Died Today, Would You Go To Heaven? Find out, visit: How to know God DID YOU KNOW? You can submit an article, leave a comment or praise report at email: [email protected] Maranatha! (Lord Come Quickly) "On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand, All other ground is sinking sand." "Let Us make the short time we have left count for all eternity!" YBIC-Randy
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