God Has This - By Daymond Duck -
I watched a little of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial last week. There was little to no reporting on the gun-toting terrorists, rioters, looters and arsonists (Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and others) that showed up at Kenosha, WI, two days before Kyle arrived. There was little to no reporting about what some of these people had done to Kenosha in the past, and no law-breakers were being punished. The lies of fake reporters in the mainstream media were drowning out the truth (Kyle didn’t kill even one black person, Kyle is not a white supremacist that went to Kenosha to kill black people, Kyle didn’t cross a state line with an illegal weapon, etc.), and I was saddened by the evil that I was witnessing in America. Despite these feelings, I realized that world leaders have declared that we are in a new era, the nations have agreed to a new agenda, and the fundamental transformation of America is playing out. The madness in Kenosha is part of the step-by-step creation of a godless world government (the effort to disarm patriots and honest citizens, the empowerment of evil, the tolerance of wickedness and intolerance of truth, etc.). It is a spiritual war under the leadership of Satan. Look up, world. God has this. (Update One: On Nov. 20, there were demonstrations in Brooklyn, NY; Boston, Mass.; and Chicago, ILL.; and rioting, smashing windows, and attacks on the police over Kyle’s acquittal.). (Update Two: On Nov. 21, Dave Hodges reported on The Common Sense Show that Sen. Jerry Nadler wants the Dept. of Justice to investigate Kyle Rittenhouse for Civil Rights violations. It seems to me that Nadler is deliberately stirring up trouble, especially since all the victims were white.). (Update Three: On Nov. 23, 2021, it was reported that Antifa is urging members and friends to arm themselves to kill people before they are killed by armed people that try to defend their lives and property.) Here are more events that recently caught my attention. One, Dr. Thomas Jendges (managing director of Chemnitz hospital, East Germany’s largest municipal hospital, since April 2021; sole managing director since Oct. 1) died in a fall from the hospital building on Nov. 3. The death was ruled a suicide, and it is reported that he left no suicide note. The Lord Mayor of Chemnitz, Sven Schulze, said he “exchanged views with him for a long time about the difficult corona situation” the evening before his death. Why would this 55-year-old husband and father of two commit suicide in a fall from the hospital building, and without leaving a note? And what were his concerns about the coronavirus situation? A report currently circulating claims that Dr. Jendges posted a video just before he died in which he said, “There’s no virus, it’s a dictatorship, disguised. Everything is happening at the same time. We have a dictatorship; there’s no other way to say it.” In reality, the video is from another German doctor, Guido Hofman, who posted the video in August of last year. You can view the video at this link: Dr. Guido Hofmann: ‘Coronavirus is an introduction to a ‘Worldwide Dictatorship.’ Many prophecy teachers believe a globalist dictatorship is gradually taking over the world for the purpose of establishing a godless world government. (More: At the World Health Summit on Oct. 24-26, the Pres. of Bayer’s Pharmaceutical Division said the mRNA Covid-19 shots are cell and gene therapy marketed as vaccines. He believes favorable marketing is causing people to be vaccinated, not favorable results.). Two, concerning world government and a global dictatorship: in mid-Nov. I watched a couple of videos (one by John Haller and one by Andy Woods) that revealed information about the World Economic Forum’s (WEF’s) “Leaders of Tomorrow School” (now called the “Young Leaders School”). For about 28 years, the WEF has been training and indoctrinating politicians, CEOs of large corporations, billionaires, royalty, etc., to become leaders in a world government. It now has more than 1,400 members and alumni. Students in the first class (Class of 1993) included Angela Merkel (Chancellor of Germany), Bill Gates, Tony Blair (former Prime Min. of UK), Nikolas Sarkozy (former Pres. of France), and Viktor Orban (Prime Min. of Hungary). The Class of 2005 included Gavin Newsome, Nancy Pelosi’s nephew and now the Gov. of Cal. The Class of 2017 included Emanuel Macron, now the Pres. of France and a man that some believe could be the Antichrist. The Class of 2019 included Peter Buttigieg, a gay man known by some as the wife of Chasten James Glezman. He worked in John Kerry’s campaign, became the Mayor of South Bend, Ind., ran for Pres. of the U.S., and is now the Sec. of Transportation. Some people want to dump Kamala Harris as V.P. of the U.S. and replace her Buttigieg. Two other rich and powerful people that attended the WEF’s “Young Leaders School” are Jeff Bezos (founder of Amazon) and Chelsea Clinton (Bill and Hillary’s daughter). This school, which really appears to be a globalist indoctrination center to me, is training the rich and powerful to think alike on Covid, lockdowns, vaccination mandates, proof of vaccination, etc. Graduates are taught to bring about “The Great Reset” of society (Part of the “Build Back Better” goals of the Biden administration, the UN, Pope Francis, and others) that prophecy teachers believe will be cashless, track all buying and selling, be led by 10 like-minded globalists first, and ultimately the Antichrist. It won’t be a better world or a wonderful new age; it will be “a time of great tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be” (Matt. 24:21). There is widespread agreement that Pres. Biden’s mental and physical health is in decline. American citizens would be wise to ask if they want Pres. Biden’s potential replacement to be a confused person that was born as a male, identifies as a female, and has been trained to collapse America’s economy and establish a godless world government and religion (see Dan. 11:37; Rom. 1:18-31; II Tim. 3:3). Three, in Old Testament times, Jewish priests made anointing oil to anoint priests, and the items used in Tabernacle (Ex. 30:23-25). Later, they started making it to anoint prophets and kings (I Sam. 10:1). On November 8, 2021, Israel365News reported that the Jewish Sanhedrin is preparing to make sacred anointing oil to anoint future High Priests and kings, and they intend to make enough oil to anoint their coming Messiah. This writer believes Israel’s true Messiah will be anointed after Israel goes through the Tribulation Period. The angel Gabriel told Daniel, “Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy” (Dan. 9:24). The fact that the Jewish Sanhedrin is preparing to anoint their coming Messiah (they may anoint the rebuilt Temple and the Antichrist) could be very significant. Four, concerning hyper-inflation and an economic collapse: on Nov. 17, 2021, it was reported that the largest meat producer in the U.S., Tyson Foods, plans to increase chicken prices by 19%, beef prices by 33%, and pork prices by 38%. Tyson attributed the increase to inflation caused by the Biden administration’s economic policies. Five, also concerning hyper-inflation and an economic collapse, Pres. Biden has released 50 million barrels of oil from America’s strategic petroleum reserve to slow the rise of inflation and gas prices, a problem he caused by shutting down the Keystone XL Pipeline and choking off production in some parts of the U.S. Democrat Joe Manchin calls this a “band-aid” that will not solve Biden’s “self-inflicted” problem. Biden could cure the problem by reversing his policies, but he refuses to do that. The cost of everything will keep going up, and it will hurt America’s poor and middle class (black, white, Hispanic, women, men, children, etc.) more than the wealthy. It is part of the globalist climate change agenda (smaller vehicles, smaller houses, world government, etc.). Six, concerning pandemics: on Nov. 19, 2021, the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) approved booster shots for Covid. Why are booster shots needed? Because the protection from regular shots does not last (an admission by Dr. Anthony Fauci on Nov. 16, 2021). (Note: This writer has seen several stories that predict an increase in cancer, heart attacks and strokes in fully vaccinated people in the coming years.) Seven, drugs will be one of several sins during the Tribulation Period (Rev. 9:20-21), and those that take them will not repent. On Nov. 17, 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention revealed that it is their estimation that 100,000 Americans have died in the last 12 months from an overdose of drugs. Eight, concerning the tracking of all buying and selling, the Biden administration has nominated a woman for the position of Comptroller of currency that wants the government to take control of everyone’s bank accounts. On Nov. 18, 2021, she had a confirmation hearing before the U.S. Senate Banking Committee. It is too early to tell if she will get the job or not, but centralized government control of everyone’s bank accounts sounds like an effort to track all buying and selling. Finally, are you Rapture Ready? If you want to be rapture ready and go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this. [email protected] Why Are the Global Elite Creating So Much Hysteria About The Omicron Variant? - by Michael Snyder - Omicron is coming! Hide the women and children in your emergency bunkers immediately! Of course I am being facetious. There is absolutely no reason to panic because of this new variant, but the global elite and the mainstream media would have us believe that we are now facing a horrifying global catastrophe of epic proportions. All of a sudden, the airwaves are full of talk about new travel restrictions, new lockdowns and new booster shots. And all of the major news networks are giving copious amounts of time to Dr. Television as he prattles on about how dangerous this new variant could become. Sadly, he is once again making all sorts of exaggerated statements that will look completely ridiculous six months from now. But six months from now everyone will almost certainly be talking about some other “monster variant” that has just emerged. If Omicron did appear to be a very serious threat, I would definitely be warning my readers about it. Thankfully, at this point there doesn’t seem to be anything alarming about it, but the elite have decided to hit the panic button anyway. In fact, over the long weekend a whole host of nations announced that they would be banning all air travel from South Africa… Major travel destinations including the European Union, Japan, Australia, the United States and Canada have moved to block flights from African countries following the discovery of the Omicron variant, echoing previous emergency responses that triggered a global freeze on travel. The speed with which the new restrictions were put in place — just hours after the South African health authorities announced the discovery of the variant, meant passengers have found themselves stranded without a warning. While scientists in South Africa were the first to identify the new variant, it is unclear whether it emerged there or was brought there from another country. Based on the reaction, you would think that the current outbreak in South Africa must be absolutely nightmarish. But it isn’t. On Sunday, there were 6 new deaths from COVID in South Africa. On the other hand, there were 102 new deaths from COVID in the United States. So perhaps South Africa should actually be banning travel from the United States. We keep getting more reports about the latest spots on the globe where Omicron has popped up, and I am sure that it will probably eventually spread everywhere. Not taking any chances, the government of Israel has decided to slap a blanket ban on all foreign travelers… The government voted to ban all foreigners from entering Israel as part of an effort to stem the spread of the new South African “Omicron” variant, one case of which has been confirmed in the country and seven others which are under investigation. The coronavirus cabinet met for nearly three hours on Saturday night agreeing on a series of new restrictions. Here in the United States, we are also seeing politicians react irrationally to the hysteria that is now sweeping the globe. For example, New York Governor Kathy Hochul has already declared a state of emergency in her state… New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) declared a state of emergency to prepare for a new coronavirus variant first identified in South Africa. Hochul’s declaration on Friday is one of the first emergency steps taken by a state in the U.S. against the new variant, known as omicron, whose discovery was announced Thursday. I have no idea how someone like Kathy Hochul could possibly become the governor of an entire state. She is truly frightening, and no sane individual should have ever entrusted her with running anything. Unfortunately, now she is running the entire state of New York. On ABC News, Dr. Television warned that the U.S. needs to “be prepared to do anything and everything” to combat this new variant. He won’t rule out new lockdowns, and we all know that Joe Biden listens very closely to whatever he has to say. After all, he “represents science”, right? So could we soon see much of the country shut down like we did in early 2020? That would literally be crazy, but as many have already pointed out, the letters that are used to spell “Omicron” can also be rearranged to spell the word “moronic”. If this new variant really was a massive threat, you would think that the doctors on the ground in South Africa would be telling us that. Dr. Angelique Coetzee has actually treated patients that have this new variant, and she does admit that they developed “intense fatigue and a high pulse rate”… Dr Angelique Coetzee, who runs a private practice in the South African administrative capital of Pretoria, said she first noticed earlier this month that Covid patients were presenting with a host of odd symptoms. The doctor, who has practiced for over 30 years and chairs the South African Medical Association, said that none of the Omicron patients suffered from a loss of taste of smell typically associated with Covid, but instead presented with unusual markers like intense fatigue and a high pulse rate. But other than that, Dr. Coetzee says that there is no reason for concern. In fact, she says that the symptoms of the patients that she has treated are “so mild from those I had treated before”… ‘Their symptoms were so different and so mild from those I had treated before,’ Dr Coetzee told The Telegraph. That certainly does not sound like a pending global catastrophe to me. Another medical expert told Sky News that all of the cases of this new variant in South Africa up to this point “have all been mild cases”… Contrary to the panicmongering unleashed by western mainstream median, Barry Schoub, chairman of the Ministerial Advisory Committee on Vaccines, told Sky News on Sunday that while South Africa, which first identified the new variant, currently has 3,220 people with the coronavirus infection overall and while the variant does appear to be spreading rapidly, there’s been no real uptick in hospitalizations “The cases that have occurred so far have all been mild cases, mild-to-moderate cases, and that’s a good sign,” said Schoub, adding that it was still early days and nothing was certain yet. If this is true, why is there so much panic over this new variant in the media in the western world? Could it be possible that another agenda is at work? Interestingly, several big pharmaceutical companies have already announced that they will be able to roll out a new vaccine for the Omicron variant very quickly… Pfizer and BioNTech said that in the event of a variant which could escape the effects of the vaccines, the firm expects ‘to be able to develop and produce a tailor-made vaccine against that variant in approximately 100 days, subject to regulatory approval’. Novavax said it has ‘already initiated development of a new recombinant spike protein based on the known genetic sequence of B.1.1.529 and will have it ready to begin testing and manufacturing within the next few weeks’. Don’t fall for the hype. I do believe that we have entered an era of great pestilences, but I do not believe that Omicron is one of them. There is absolutely nothing that indicates that this new strain is any more dangerous than the other variants that are already spreading around the globe. So everyone just needs to take a step back and relax. Unfortunately, politicians all over the globe have already proven that they are not going to be rational in their response to this pandemic, and so we should expect that a new wave of authoritarian measures will soon be rolled out. Is The US Missing the Bigger Picture on Iran? – Dan Schueftan - The coming months are crucial to Israel's national security because the decision that the United States makes with regard to Iran will shape our strategic environment for years to come. And whoever looks at the implications of U.S. policy from the nuclear aspect alone is missing the point. President Joe Biden will either choose a responsible policy that will prevent Tehran from gaining regional hegemony, and allow Washington to divert its resources to its struggle against China, or one that will turn the ayatollah-led regime into a superpower whose actions will most likely lead to a widespread conflict in the Middle East. The democratic West in general and the United States in particular have consistently failed to understand radicalism. They assume that what emanates from radicals are empty "extremist" slogans and that fundamentally "rational" leaders will act "pragmatically" when they "have something to lose." This is also how they misunderstood Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, Syrian President Bashar Assad and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, to name a few. A similar "cultural blindness" has consistently failed Americans when they tried to bring democracy to Iraq, pluralism to Libya, acceptance to the Muslim Brotherhood, women's equality to Afghanistan and peace to Palestinians. As for Iran, a nuclear deal will only marginally curb its nuclear progress, but will greatly increase its capabilities and regional aggression. Having enriched uranium to record-high levels, it only lacks the launch means and weapons system to become a nuclear threshold state. The danger of the nuclear deal lies in the strategic realm in which Washington has failed repeatedly, by obsessively focusing on a much-needed, but secondary, goal in a way that disregarded the main one. As such, focusing on curbing Tehran's nuclear enrichment efforts alone will eventually make it easier for the regime to become a nuclear threshold state and strengthen its status as a regional power. The key questions remain economics and consciousness. Lifting the sanctions will bring the regime in Tehran tens of millions of dollars and will open the door for hundreds of billions more from Europe, China, India and others. A critical U.S. contribution to strengthening Iran and its regional control will almost inevitably lead to a conflict with Israel, which sees such hegemony as an existential threat. Such an outcome can still be prevented if Washington examines the overall regional repercussion of the nuclear deal. Nearing Midnight: Diving into the Cultural Cesspool – Terry James - Billy Graham once told of being invited to a banquet at which celebrities from Hollywood and other segments of society would attend. The evangelist said a certain person was speaking and told an off-color joke. Billy said he, himself, smiled while all the other guests were laughing uproariously with delight over the joke. At that moment, Graham said, he looked directly across the large banquet table from where he sat. His eyes immediately met the beautiful, famous, violet eyes of a friend. It was those of Elizabeth Taylor, one of the legends of Hollywood history. They were staring almost sleepily at him. Her beautiful features were a mask of disappointment as she almost imperceptibly shook her head negatively, showing her disapproval. “You shouldn’t be condoning by your smiles such ungodly conversation,” was her meaning. Billy said he never forgot that lesson: that the believer is under constant surveillance by the world around us. It was a lesson well-learned, taught by a person, although his friend, who was by all accounts caught up in a wicked, show-business. We sometimes—at least yours truly does—get frustrated and even angry when the media types, whether in news or entertainment, attack a minister or other Christian for one perceived misstep or another. As a matter of fact, there doesn’t even have to be a true misstep. The media people will just make up things while supposedly reporting the story. Yet those within their own ranks who do truly wicked things, more often than not –unless there is a political purpose in condemning those acts—refuse to report the incident. Those among their own ranks are given passes, with no reportorial consequences. We know that it is Satan and his minions, both human and supernatural, who are at the heart of fomenting such unfair, hypocritical vitriol against those who claim the name of Christ. But is it really unfair? The very fact that there is such a hypocritical stance in being held to a different set of standards offers proof of the fallen state–the depravity of man. The world is becoming an increasingly stench-laden cesspool. The difference between good and evil, between the godly and ungodly, is painfully discernable. The good seems to be losing–the wickedness seems to be winning. It is by “witness” that we present the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We have no choice in this time of growing corruption at every level of human activity but to be in this cesspool environment. We cannot be effective witnesses if we close off our ears, eyes, words, and actions from all that is going on around us—i.e., we must be in the world, but not of the world. It is our commission to go unto the entire world with the Good News–the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This was why Billy Graham told the true story of his own failure–or perceived failure—by Miss Taylor. Perhaps the greatest evangelist of modern times, Billy was not wrong in being among those hedonist banquet goers. He was wrong, he thought, by appearing to not condemn the speaker’s dirty joke. His friend, Liz Taylor, was holding him to a different standard–a much higher standard. And, Graham concluded, this was not unfair. Christians being held to a higher standard by the lost of this world proves they are convicted of their sin. They might cast their condemning mockery in our direction, but all it proves is that they are without excuse. They know the difference between godliness and ungodliness. By all accounts, Elizabeth Taylor truly loved her friend and admired his always adhering to Bible truth. She was rightfully disappointed when she saw him smile–out of the awkwardness of the moment, no doubt, but smile he did, nonetheless. Now this takes us to the point that brings out another failure of recent days within the community of believers. And, to me, it is an egregious failure because it opened the great cause of Christ to media mockery of every sort. Everyone knows of the chant that went viral and remains at the forefront of the political world. “Let’s go Brandon,” is the chant, produced by a reporter interviewing a race driver after his victory. The background chant that was heard in her interview with the driver was one I won’t put here, but most readers know its verbiage. It was invective against the present occupant of the White House. The unedited version–the one the reporter quickly changed to avoid embarrassment of her network—is now heard at many college football games and in other venues. A word that not long ago would never be spoken –or rarely so—in so-called mixed company, now is used brazenly among many of the fairer sex, as well as by the male population. For me to even state such shows the generation of which I’m a part. There seem to be no guardrails, and it is troubling to me. Now we hear the congregation of a church with a national and international audience chanting the so-called cleaned-up version of the original chant. The media has played it incessantly. The media, which is itself proving every news cycle to be as wicked as any part of this debased culture, is pointing to the fact that this church, representing the Christian community that claims God’s message that you must be saved, is using the same ungodly language as found on the streets that church claims as sinful. This is a fair accusation. The media in this case is right in condemning the hypocrisy. To have allowed the congregation to get the chant started was bad enough, in my view. But to let them continue, while broadcasting before a national and international audience, was a horrendous thing. We are to be in the world. We have no choice. But to be of the world is something to be avoided at all cost. The church body in question has done the equivalent of diving headlong into the cultural cesspool. I hope there is repentance forthcoming for this body of believers and its pastor, both of whom have been followed and respected across America and throughout the world. Daily Jot: Do not fear - Bill Wilson – The phrase “do not fear” appears in 281 Bible verses. 1 Peter 3:14 says, “And do not be afraid of their threats, nor be troubled.” This is a reminder as the entire world is panicking about a new COVID variant–Omicron. Already, international governments are instituting more tyrannical shutdowns, travel bans, and mask mandates. COVID Czar Dr. Anthony Fauci used the media crisis as an opportunity to push COVID vaccinations: “So this is a clarion call, as far as I’m concerned, of saying let’s put aside all these differences we have and say, if you’re not vaccinated, get vaccinated. If you’re fully vaccinated, get boosted. And get the children vaccinated.” But, at the same time, he says they probably won’t work. Fauci, making his rounds on weekend news talk shows, used a lot of dualistic fancy-talk to encourage everyone to get vaccinated while at the same saying the vaccines are likely to be ineffective against Omicron variants. On NBC’s Meet the Press, he said, “In other words, the profile of the mutations strongly suggests that it’s going to have an advantage in transmissibility and that it might evade immune protection that you would get, for example, from a monoclonal antibody or from the convalescent serum after a person’s been infected, and possibly even against some of the vaccine-induced antibodies. It’s not necessarily that that’s going to happen, but it’s a strong indication that we really need to be prepared for that.” In other words, getting the vaccine might make you feel safer, but it wasn’t designed to work against variants. Fauci also said that anyone who criticizes him, especially Republicans, are liars. On CBS’s Face the Nation, Fauci said, “I’m just going to do my job and I’m going to be saving lives and they’re going to be lying…So it’s easy to criticize, but they’re really criticizing science because I represent science. That’s dangerous…And if you damage science, you are doing something very detrimental to society long after I leave.” But Fauci’s “science” dictated the use of remdesivir and ventilators to treat COVID 19. Fauci’s directive of remdesivir treatment was discontinued for Ebola in 2018 because it caused a 50%+ mortality rate, and currently FDA and CDC published studies indicate a 71-75% adverse events from its use. Ventilator treatment fatality rates were 45% among COVID 19 patients, increasing to 84% in older patients. So much for Fauci’s “science” and his god complex of saving lives while labeling anyone criticizing him as dangerous liars. That may include Dr. Angelique Coetzee of South Africa, the first doctor who sounded the alarm about Omicron. Coetzee told the UK Telegraph that Omicron patients’ “symptoms were so different and so mild from those I had treated before,” having high pulse rate, fatigue, sore muscles and a slight cough. While it may be admirable that world health authorities are so concerned, their concern is accompanied by heightened increases in civil rights violations across the globe. 2 Timothy 1:7 says, “For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” Do not fear. Keep our wits about you. Use your Holy Spirit power of discernment. And show the love of Christ to those who have the spirit of fear. Remdesivir studies documented by the New England Medical Journal: A National Library of Medicine January 2021 report of 69 studies involving over 57,000 patients concluded that fatality rates were 45% among COVID 19 patients receiving invasive mechanical ventilation (ventilator treatment). The fatality rate increased to 84% in older patients. Daily Devotion: Intended for Good - by Greg Laurie – All the people of the earth are nothing compared to him. He does as he pleases among the angels of heaven and among the people of the earth. No one can stop him or say to him, ‘What do you mean by doing these things?’ —Daniel 4:35 - Listen Sometimes the things that we think are good in life may not be as good as we think they are. And sometimes the things that we think are bad in life may turn out to be actually good. Take, for instance, the Old Testament story of Joseph in which his brothers sold him into slavery. God had his hand on young Joseph, and he ended up in a position of great influence in Egypt. Ultimately, he was in charge of the food supply. When his brothers came to Egypt hoping to buy food during a famine, they thought Joseph was long gone. Little did they know that Joseph had become a powerful Egyptian official. At first, they didn’t recognize him, but Joseph recognized them. And, of course, it would have been an opportunity for the ultimate payback. But after Joseph dismissed everyone in the room except his brothers, he finally told them who he was. They probably thought he was going to execute them—and he could have. Instead, Joseph made this amazing statement to his brothers: “You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people” (Genesis 50:20 NLT). God is in control, and He has an endgame, if you will. Most Christians are familiar with Romans 8:28, which says, “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them” (NLT). But let’s also remember Romans 8:29: “For God knew his people in advance, and he chose them to become like his Son, so that his Son would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters” (NLT). God’s endgame is to make us more like Jesus Christ, because Heaven is a prepared place for prepared people. FROM THE HEART Let Us Make the Short Time We have Left, Count for ALL of Eternity! IF YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED THROUGH THIS MINISTRY, THEN WE ASK THAT YOU WOULD PLEASE REMEMBER PROPHECY UPDATE IN YOUR GIVING - WE ARE TRULY, TRULY, THANKFUL FOR YOUR SUPPORT WORTHY OF YOUR SUPPORT? One of the most reliable ways to determine if a ministry is worthy of your financial support is to examine its fruits. If Prophecy Update is keeping you informed, and if that information inspires you, and causes you to draw closer to the Lord, if Prophecy Update equips you with valuable information and knowledge to share with and encourage other believers, and open the eyes of non-believers, and if Prophecy Update keeps you connected to current events relating to Bible Prophecy, then you are partaking of the fruit produced through this ministry. None of this would be possible without the Lords blessings and your support. I believe where the Lord guides, the Lord provides, and most of the time He provides through the willing and generous hearts of believers just like you and me. Humbly Seek Your Support Prophecy Update has no corporate sponsors. This ministry is paid for and prayed for by readers and supporters. Without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update, Please pray about becoming a monthly supporter - thanks! If ever there was a time to invest in God's Kingdom, it's now! What on earth are you doing for Heaven's Sake? "Share in the Blessings and Rewards that will last Forever!" "Folks, it's all beginning to unravel. America is in more danger of falling than at any time in its history. But I believe Bible prophecy predicts this very decline. From this point on, we believers have to get serious. We are going to face discouragement, disillusionment and, most certainly, persecution in the time between now and the Rapture. But don't be discouraged or disillusioned. The coming turmoil will provide us unrivaled opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. So be ready to share your faith and your hope with those who need Christ. 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