God Was Not Wrong - By Daymond Duck -
I was recently speaking on current events related to Bible prophecy, and it occurred to me to ask the congregation if God is wrong to tell us bad things are going to happen. Was God wrong to tell people,
God was not wrong. He does not make mistakes, and He does not lie. He told us to watch for all the bad things that we see shaping up today because He wants us to know that He has not been caught by surprise, to trust Him, to not worry, to know that He is in control, to know where all these bad things are headed, to be sure we are saved, and to reach as many of the lost as we can. Jesus said, “fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell” (Matt. 10:28). God is going to take care of His people, and even if some of us are killed, He will receive our soul and spirit into heaven and raise us from the dead in the Rapture. To be honest about it, some prophecy teachers believe our generation is blessed to see end-of-the-age prophecies shaping up because it means the Rapture is close. Here are some recent events that seem to confirm that this is true: One, concerning world government: according to Dr. Francis Boyle (J.D., Ph.D., Professor of Law at the Univ. of Ill., a man who has argued cases before the International Court of Justice), every nation on earth could lose their national sovereignty at the World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) World Health Assembly on May 21-30 of this year. The details (that everyone needs to know) are in an article written by Michael Nevradakis (PhD), published by The Defender, and then published by Life Site News on Jan. 16, 2023. It is too long for me to cover in detail, but here is a link: As I understand it, two documents will be presented to the WHO for a vote in May “that critics say will significantly strip nations of their sovereignty.”
The article says, “According to author and researcher James Roguski, these two proposals would transform the WHO from an advisory organization to a global governing body whose policies would be legally binding.” Boyle, who has read through both documents, said, “Either one or both will set up a worldwide totalitarian medical and scientific police state under the control of Tedros (Director-General of the WHO) and the WHO, which are basically a front organization for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Tony Fauci, Bill Gates, Big Pharma, the biowarfare industry and the Chinese Communist government that pays a good chunk of their bills. Either they’ll get the regulations, or they’ll get the treaty, but both are existentially dangerous. These are truly dangerous, existentially dangerous and insidious documents.” Other things that Boyle said include the following:
According to the article, Roguski said:
Readers need to understand that God is not wrong: An Antichrist world government is coming, and it is on the horizon now. (Note: As a prophecy teacher and writer, I am often asked if Christians will go through hard times before the Rapture. I cannot predict what anyone will go through before the Rapture – some people are going through hard times now – but it is my unwavering opinion that the Rapture will occur before the rise of the Antichrist.) Two, concerning the Ten Kings, world religion, and world government: I believe the Bible teaches that:
I have long taught that one of the ten regions would be the North American Union (NAU) that Pres. George W. Bush talked about and is now called the U.S., Mexico, Canada (USMCA) region. On Jan. 10, 2023, U.S. Pres. Biden, Mexico’s Pres. Obrador, and Canada’s Prime Minister Trudeau met for the Tenth North American Leader’s Summit (NALS). John-Henry Westen (LifeSiteNews) said:
According to the article, Pres. Biden talked about fundamental change in the world, something Pres. Obama talked about: “The fundamental transformation of America” and something the UN has approved: The “Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” goals. Why are the leaders of the U.S., Mexico, and Canada agreeing to establish common goals in a WOKE new North America if they are not planning on merging the three nations into a region called the USMCA? God said Ten Kings are coming, and it does not look like He was wrong. In a different article, it was reported that highly respected author and journalist, Leo Hohmann, said:
In a video on Jan. 17, 2023, Dave Hodges said on The Commonsense Show:
Three, concerning the Abraham Accords and a normalization agreement between Saudi Arabia and Israel: in last week’s article, I wrote that on Jan. 10, 2023, Joel Rosenberg, well-known author and editor-in-chief of All Israel News and All Arab News, said he believes there is just one thing preventing a normalization agreement between the two nations: Saudi Arabia wants Pres. Biden and the U.S. to treat the Saudis better, but they don’t trust the U.S. anymore. It is the opinion of the Saudis that the U.S. is not doing enough to help them in their struggle against Iran and its nation’s radical terrorist proxies and allies. The next day, Rosenberg reported that the U.S. doesn’t need to broker a deal between Saudi Arabia and Israel because the Saudis want an agreement with Israel. According to Rosenberg, Netanyahu needs to broker a deal between the Saudis and the U.S. with security guarantees in writing that the Saudis think they can trust. It is a sad day in American history when major nations have concluded that the U.S. can no longer be trusted. (More: On Jan. 16, 2023, it was reported that the U.S. State Dept. said it is unacceptable for Jews to pray on the Temple Mount. Judging by this and other actions of the Biden administration, Israel can no longer trust the U.S. either. Sen. Ted Cruz said Biden has a “pathological obsession with undermining Israel and is endangering the National Security of America and our allies.” If I understand the Bible, those that harm Israel at the end of the age will be harmed by God. Nations that oppose Israel will be opposed by God.) Four, concerning the growing movement toward peace in the Middle East (know that it will be a false peace): on Jan. 11, 2023, Azerbaijan appointed its first-ever ambassador to Israel and announced that it will open an Embassy in Tel Aviv. Five, concerning the Temple Mount: on Jan. 10, 2023, it was reported that Dr. Jonathan Schanzer (author, editor, expert on the Middle East, and more) said in a recent speech at the Washington-based Jewish Policy Center that Jordan’s relationship with Israel has deteriorated significantly in the last 10 years, and “if Jordan’s antagonism against Israel regarding the Mount becomes too great, Israel may ultimately find another ‘custodian’ for the holy site and could offer Saudi Arabia that role.” Those that believe Psa. 83 refers to a war between Israel and her neighbors before the Battle of Gog and Magog know that Jordan is one of those nations (Vs. 6-8). Six, concerning Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria: on Jan. 13, 2023, it was reported that the U.S. Ambassador to Israel visited the Jewish nation to demand that Israel stop building settlements in Judea and Samaria and to stop expanding its sovereignty over those settlements. He was told that Jewish construction in Judea and Samaria will continue. Seven, concerning wars and rumors of wars: the Jerusalem Post reported that retired U.S. Army Brig-Gen. Kevin Ryan said on Jan. 10, 2023, that he believes Russia’s war with Ukraine will end in a stalemate this year. Ryan also said he believes that there are only two reasons why Putin would carry out his threat to use nuclear weapons:
Ryan estimated that both sides have lost more than 100,000 forces each. (Note: Several NATO nations are still sending weapons and money to Ukraine to prevent Russia from winning the war.) (Note: On Jan. 16, 2023, Amir Tsarfati reported that Putin has announced that he is putting stealth, underwater, unmanned vehicles with a nuclear warhead on one of Russia’s intercontinental submarines. These vehicles carry warheads that are 3,300 times more powerful than the bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima. Tsarfati believes Putin is warning NATO, the EU, the U.S., and others about helping Ukraine. It is my opinion that God revealed that nuclear weapons will be used during the Tribulation Period, and He is not wrong; Zech. 14:12.) Eight, concerning God causing the Jews to return to Israel and prosper at the end of the age: on Jan. 15, 2023, Israeli Prime Min. Netanyahu told the Israeli cabinet:
Believe this: God is never wrong. Nine, concerning famine: here is a link to a list of at least 98 food plants in the U.S. that have been destroyed, damaged, or impacted by “accidental fires,” disease, or other causes since the beginning of 2021. Ten, concerning famine at the end of the age: on Jan. 16, 2023, it was reported that a French biotech company called Ynsect has set up a pilot plant to determine ideal growing conditions (food, temperature, humidity, etc.) and is planning a global network of plants that will produce Beetleburgers from insect larvae (mealworms). Ynsect’s plans include nurseries and slaughterhouses for raising and killing the worms. Researchers say Beetleburgers will taste like real beef, and in the future, the company may be able to produce products to replace sausage and chicken nuggets. A larger plant that can produce about 200,000 tons of insect-based foods per year will open later this year. Jesus (God) was not wrong when He said the Great Tribulation will be unlike anything that has ever happened or ever will happen on earth, and except those days be shortened, no flesh shall be saved (Matt. 24:21-22). Comfort one another with the message of the Rapture (I Thess. 4:18). Finally, are you Rapture Ready? If you want to be rapture ready and go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this. [email protected] Global Elites Plan for Next Pandemic At Davos With Digital Vaccination Tracking – Tyler Durden - The World Economic Forum’s Davos discussions often require some 'reading between the lines' to understand what is really being said by the globalist participants, but not much interpretation is needed these days. Ever since the pandemic event, along with the lockdowns and the attempts to introduce vaccine passports, establishment representatives have been far more open about their agenda and their intentions for the future. After all, it was Klaus Schwab who called covid a 'rare but narrow window of opportunity' to implement the 'Great Reset' of the current economic and political order. The past few years have shown that the Davos crowd still clings to the fading pandemic panic as the “good old days” when they could have had anything they wanted, including total centralization. The globalists continue to refuse to address their many failures, but panels like the following say it all – They realize that the truth has hit the mainstream and far too many people are now questioning the validity of the restrictions, mandates, masks and the mRNA vaccines. All of these measures have proven to be mostly useless in preventing viral spread, and now the negative side effects of the vaccines are being admitted to, at least to a point. All in all, the pandemic was not the golden opportunity that Klaus Schwab and the WEF expected. Their hopes and dreams now turn to a future pandemic, perhaps one with a far higher death rate that creates more exploitable public fear. Of special note in this panel, which includes former British PM Tony Blair and current head of Pfizer Albert Bourla, are comments made about the lack of unified agreement on political response. They do not go into detail here, but they may be referring to the refusal of some governments to pursue ongoing mandates and vaccine passports. Public resistance to such actions led directly to apprehension among government officials as to how far they could push their luck. Clearly, they decided they were playing with fire because many of these leaders backed off. It was as if someone flipped a switch and the covid doom mongering suddenly slowed to a mere flicker of its former intensity. The group concludes that global institutions in the future need to put constant pressure on governments and, ostensibly, constant pressure on national populations in order to get the results they desire. By extension, Africa is mentioned a few times during the panel as an example of the need for “equity” in pandemic response. What they don’t talk about is Africa’s lack of covid deaths despite around 65% of the continent being unvaccinated according to the New York Times world vaccine tracker. The African example as a control group for the unvaccinated has been a thorn in the side of globalists for the past couple years and obviously they want to change that. Another very interesting comment is made by Tony Blair, who calls for national digital infrastructure for tracking vaccinations. Blair suggests that to keep various national governments on board with the agenda, they would have to be convinced pandemic issues are 'continuing issues.' Albert Bourla addresses the possibility and challenges of producing vaccines in an even faster time frame to respond to new viral events. His conclusion? That regulators need to continue to keep doors open for Big Pharma in terms of expediency even when there is not a pandemic in play. The average vaccine takes at least 10 years of study for safety and long-term side effects; the covid vaccines were developed and administered in less than a year under emergency authorization. This new standard of minimized safety obstacles is what Big Pharma and the WEF want for all vaccines and drugs in the future. Bourla then admits to something, in an offhanded way, that many people have suspected: that the biggest challenge in the enforcement of mandates and widespread vaccination was public skepticism. Bourla and others refer to this as the 'politicizing' of the mandates, but it was really just resistance to authoritarianism, and it is something that frustrated globalist planning at every step. This can only be a good thing. At no point do the panel participants acknowledge the numerous studies showing the ineffectiveness of masking, the ineffectiveness of the lockdowns, the ineffectiveness of the vaccines, and the risks they entail. The reasons for public resistance are not important to them, only the ways in which they can gain greater compliance during the next viral event. Prophecy Update Videos Must Watch Videos!
The United States Is Insolvent - by Michael Snyder - You can call everyone for dinner, because our goose is cooked. We are so deep in debt that the only way we can keep the entire system from collapsing is to keep borrowing even more money. Perhaps you have been through a similar scenario with your own personal finances. When you simply do not have enough money to pay your bills, borrowing more money can seem like a really easy short-term solution. Unfortunately, the U.S. government has been doing this for decades, and now our national debt spiral has reached a terminal stage. Even if we gathered up all of the money that exists in every bank account in America, we could not pay off the national debt. The debt level is exploding upwards at an exponential rate, and the only way that the federal government can continue to pay the bills is to keep borrowing and spending colossal mountains of money that we must borrow from someone else. As I write this article, the U.S. national debt is sitting at 31.4 trillion dollars. But the total value of all goods and services produced in the United States last year was only about 25 trillion dollars. Our leaders in Washington could try to reverse course by balancing the budget, but that would lead to a short-term economic disaster. Just think about it. What do you think would happen if a couple trillion dollars of government spending was suddenly sucked out of the economy? We would immediately plunge into a horrifying economic depression. Sadly, the truth is that we have been borrowing from the future to make the present a lot more pleasant. We are enjoying an artificially-inflated standard of living that we do not deserve, and we have been using debt to fund that artificially-inflated standard of living. But now a day of reckoning is here. Of course it isn’t just the federal government that has gone completely insane. Our state and local governments are collectively more than 3 trillion dollars in debt. Corporate debt in the United States has now surpassed the 12 trillion dollar mark. And total U.S. household debt is now over 18 trillion dollars. As the U.S. economy has slowed down in recent months, an increasing number of Americans have turned to credit card debt. So now credit card debt is rising at an exponential rate while the savings rate has dropped to a historic low. And at this point the average rate of interest on credit card balances is the highest ever. I don’t even have the words to describe how self-destructive we are being. On every level of society, debt levels are absolutely skyrocketing. We are literally committing national financial suicide, but many people don’t seem to care. And many people don’t seem to care because they don’t even understand what is happening. At this point, our “system of education” has produced hordes of completely clueless individuals that can barely even function in a modern society. If we had a population that was properly educated and properly informed, they would be absolutely horrified by what our leaders have been doing to us. WATCH: But instead, our leaders have been free to systematically destroy our financial future for a very long time, and very few of us have even cared enough to object. Unfortunately, we have reached a point where there is no turning back. We have already destroyed the reserve currency of the planet. We have already created rampant inflation. The Federal Reserve has been feverishly hiking interest rates, but that is dramatically raising debt service costs at every level of our society, and it is also causing economic activity to slow down all around us. Companies all over America are now laying off workers, and that even includes Google… On Friday, Alphabet-owned Google announced it was cutting 12,000 employees, roughly 6% of the full-time workforce. While employees had been bracing for a potential layoff, they are questioning leadership about the criteria for layoffs which surprised some employees, who woke up to find their access to company properties cut off. Some of the laid-off employees had been long-tenured or recently promoted, raising questions about the criteria used to decide whose jobs were cut. Shortly after CEO Sundar Pichai’s initial email to employees Friday morning, Google’s search boss Prabhakar Raghavan sent an email to employees saying he “also feels the responsibility to reach out” and asking for them to save questions for next week’s town hall. There will be “bumps in the road” as the organization moves forward with the layoffs, Raghavan noted. Why is Google doing this? No corporation in the entire country is stronger than they are. If there is one company in America that should not be laying off workers, it is Google. Of course just about every large tech company is laying off workers these days. Microsoft is laying off workers. Amazon is laying off workers. Facebook is laying off workers. Twitter is laying off workers. We haven’t seen anything like this since 2008, and that is because we haven’t had an economic crisis like this since 2008. So many people are going to lose their jobs in the months ahead. And the economic pain that we will experience in 2023 will be just the beginning, because the entire system is starting to come down all around us. Did you actually think that we could go on the greatest debt binge in all of human history and that everything would work out just fine somehow? That is not how the real world works. We sat by and did nothing while our leaders made disastrous decisions for decades, and now we will be forced to watch in horror as the consequences of those decisions play out right in front of our eyes. In This End-times World, We Are Increasingly Surrounded By People Who Devise And Delight In Evil – By Hal Lindsey - The price of eggs… a Mall of America security guard threatening the wearer of a “Jesus saves” t-shirt… attacks on the US power grid… a worldwide obsession with pornography… another wave of nuclear threats coming out of Russia… a universal weakening of democratic institutions… a global reshuffling of leaders… threats of “civil war” in Israel… corruption in the highest levels of government across the world… weaponized Artificial Intelligence… deep fake audio and video enabling previously unimagined levels of deception… global economic chaos… and on and on. What do these and hundreds of other things like them have in common? They are signs of the soon coming of Jesus. Planet earth is in the throes of the birth of a new world. It’s difficult — even excruciating — but it is also thrilling. We are entering the days foreseen by the prophets. In this end-times world, we are increasingly surrounded by foolishness, rage against God, arrogance, and by people who devise and delight in evil. It’s important for us, our loved ones, our churches, and our communities that Christians respond well. So, how does God say to respond? First, let’s look at how not to respond. Jesus taught us not to respond in kind. We are not to spew expletive-saturated vitriol at perceived enemies over social media. We are not to become fearful or violent. Fear and rage go hand in hand. Extreme anger often comes as a result of feeling afraid or threatened. That’s why it is so important for Christians to walk in faith. How can you win people to Christ while living in fear of them and feeling unrelenting anger toward them? In Mark 11:22, Jesus gave us the answer in only four words — “Have faith in God.” If your faith is in your own strength or the strength of your political associations or in a particular leader, you will naturally be afraid. You will be outraged by every potential threat. But faith in God allows you to exhibit and grow the fruit of the Spirit — “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.” (Galatians 5:22-23, NASB) Don’t pass over that list too quickly. Consider each word. Don’t you want that? Doesn’t the world need that? Those words represent light in an ever-darkening age — “love… joy… peace… patience… kindness… goodness… faithfulness… gentleness… self-control.” Proverbs 24:19 says, “Do not fret because of evildoers.” Social media and cable news networks teach us just the opposite. They want us to do nothing but fret over the actions and attitudes of others. If your concern is only for your own worldly well-being, then you will be obsessed with what evildoers are up to. But if you take God’s perspective, you won’t agonize because of evildoers, but over the future of evildoers. The next verse, Proverbs 24:20, says, “For there will be no future for the evil man; The lamp of the wicked will be put out.” For that reason, verse 19 and many other scriptures admonish us not to envy evil men. They may be flying in lush private jets to conferences about the terrors of climate change. They may have celebrity and power. But unless they turn to Christ, eternity will not be a happy place for them. Meanwhile, the lowliest (by the world’s standards) man or woman in Christ will live in an eternity full of love, joy, and peace. And we who have faith in God, can live in the same heavenly love, joy, and peace — now. Daily Jot: The WEF health collective - Bill Wilson – One of the main areas that the World Economic Forum (WEF) focused on during its recent annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland was what they call health equity. Justifying a call for worldwide socialized medicine, WEF posted on its website: “Health inequities–gaps between the health of different groups–have long characterized global health. The persistence of these inequities reflects an urgent need to close the health gaps that threaten our progress on health.” WEF identifies these gaps as food, housing, safety, clean air and water, income and personal wealth. WEF seeks to close these gaps through a “collective” partnership between governments and corporations—in short–Communism. It’s communism rebranded with humanitarian and profit-motivating words. WEF calls for “mobilizing collective action around building a healthier world and by generating the knowledge base that supports such efforts…If corporate influence is aligned with the interests of health equity, it can dramatically scale up our capacity to promote health globally. Where the reach of public policy can be constrained by national borders and the complexities of domestic politics, corporate policy can act nimbly, innovate on the fly and onboard new approaches in pursuit of health equity.” WEF goes on to suggest that corporations and banks could pledge to not support companies that do not align with the goals of health equity. It is wealth redistribution by “collective” action. The result is what we saw with COVID 19—government and the private sector working together to force lockdowns, mandate treatments and censor dissent. In the end, some get rich at the expense of many just like every communist experiment in history. And many die. As pilgrim father William Bradford wrote in 1650, “The failure of this experiment of communal service, which was tried for several years, and by good and honest men proves the emptiness of the theory of Plato and other ancients, applauded by some of later times–that the taking away of private property, and the possession of it in community, by a commonwealth, would make a state happy and flourishing; as if they were wiser than God.” The WEF conspirators employ words like “health equity” to cause social division and herd people into believing it is, as the WEF says, “a moral imperative.” The idea of making a person’s health the nose ring leading to tyranny is no novel thing. And it has prophetic implications as is written of the Beast in Revelation 13:17, “And that no man may buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name, or the number of his name.” No way to buy or sell will affect your health. The WEF seeks to use health equity to control every aspect of your life. The biggest obstacle for the WEF is people resisting. Corporations will only go so far in supporting nonsense if people quit buying their goods. Mandates can only be enforced to the extent people submit. COVID is an example. These global efforts affect you personally. Take them personally and respond accordingly. Daily Devotion: Decisive Moments - by Greg Laurie – But Jesus said to him, “No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.” —Luke 9:62 - Listen As we are looking forward in life, it is so important to put our hand to the plow and serve the Lord. You might say, “I’m going to wait until I get a little bit older before I really start serving Jesus. Maybe when I’m around 95, I’ll really get serious. I want to have a little fun first. I still want to do some things that interest me personally. I believe in Jesus and want to follow Him, but I will get serious later.” No, you need to do it now. Jesus said, “No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God” (Luke 9:62 NKJV). To appreciate the point Jesus was making, we have to understand the land in Israel. Putting your hand to the plow meant moving at the decisive moment. It meant moving when it rains. Between May and October there is hardly any rain in Israel. The ground is dry and hard, and everyone would wait for the first rain. First-century farmers didn’t have the advanced irrigation systems that we have now. So when the rain came, it was a decisive moment. Whether it was 3:00 PM or 3:00 AM, once it started raining, farmers had to go out with their plows and seed while the ground was still moist. And with their eyes on the furrow, they went forward. In the same way, we must be aware of the danger and tragedy of the unseized moment. God will bring opportunities into our lives to go out and make a difference, and we have to seize them. If we wait or if we’re not paying attention, we might miss them. And we might become so set in our ways that we’ll have no interest whatsoever in the things of God. Put your hand to the plow now—and don’t look back. PROPHECY UPDATE NEWS HEADLINES Yesterday's Prophecies - Today's Headlines HEADLINES IN PARTNERSHIP WITH TRACKING BIBLE PROPHECY 1/23/23
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