Gone - By Daymond Duck -
After Moses died, Joshua became the leader of the Jewish people. Joshua led them across the Jordan River, took them to a place called Shiloh, and gave Shiloh to the largest and most powerful tribe called Ephraim. The Jews erected a Tabernacle there, priests served there, offered sacrifices there, felt God’s presence there, and it was a special place to God for more than 300 years. But the Jews eventually abandoned God, started worshipping a false God, angered God, stirred His wrath, and He destroyed Shiloh (Psa. 78:56-67).
On Sept. 16, 2021, several members of the media reported on an interview that former White House Press Sec. Sean Spicer had with former Pres. Trump. Trump said, “Our country has gone really downhill in the last eight months like nobody’s ever seen before. And we’re not going to have a country left in three years; I’ll tell you that.” Is Biden really the end of America? Will America’s Deep State and the global Deep State succeed in bringing about the demise of America before 2024 and the establishment of a godless world government and religion by 2030 or sooner? Perhaps, it is time for the Lukewarm Laodicean churches and those that think that God won’t destroy a godless world government and religion to go and look at the tower of Babel. Without God, America is gone. Consider the following:
The above list shows that the America most of us grew up in is already gone, but there is no need to worry because the Church will soon be gone (Raptured) too. FYI: Trump’s slogan was “Make America Great Again” (Strengthen America don’t weaken it). Biden’s slogan was “Build Back Better” (Get rid of the old America and build it back with a different America. That is what he is doing). Obama called it “The Fundamental Transformation of America”). This writer believes the length of the above list could easily be doubled, but readers will get the point, and there are other things that need to be mentioned. One, concerning the decline of the U.S. and the establishment of the Ten Kings: on Sept. 20, 2021, it was reported that the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) met to discuss weakened ties to the U.S. and the restructuring of CELAC into a block of nations patterned after the E.U. Ten groups of nations patterned after the E.U. with a leader over each group (Ten leaders or Ten Kings) that would eventually cede their power to one leader has been a globalist goal for many years.
Two, concerning world government: the globalists have weakened America, and now China wants to replace America, take over the New World Order (NWO) and dominate it, not submit to it. The globalists are just as much against China dominating their New World Order as they were against America dominating it. George Soros and some of his globalist buddies are now getting worried about the growing power of China. They are even trying to cut off investments in China to weaken China like they weakened the U.S. According to the Bible, the E.U. will be the main power in the coming world government, not China. Expect China to resist and invade the Middle East as one of the Kings of the East, but don’t expect China to defeat the Antichrist and head up the coming world government. Three, concerning the Mark of the Beast: it will be a global mandate to identify and track everyone on earth, and it will go into effect at the middle of the Tribulation Period. There is good reason to believe that Covid-19 vaccine certificates are on the way to becoming a global mandate to identify and track people. On Sept. 15, 2021, it was reported that 35-40 nations (Israel, the E.U., and other nations that want to join) will have a digital system in place by early October to identify and track those that have been vaccinated and those that have had Covid-19 and recovered. Those that get an approved certificate will be allowed to travel, enter restaurants and other venues, but those that don’t get one will not be allowed to do these things. Four, concerning Israel and Jerusalem: America’s Deep State has manipulated Pres. Biden into many mistakes since putting him into office. It seems that God is willing to let America’s Deep State and Biden weaken America because He said He will allow them to establish a godless world government and religion for seven years. But now, these godless people appear to be preparing to weaken Israel by reopening America’s special consulate for the P.A. in Jerusalem and canceling America’s recognition of Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel. God will allow them to do this for three reasons:
FYI: America’s Deep State apparently does not know, believe, or understand the story about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace (a type of Israel in the Tribulation Period). One like the Son of God delivered them out of it (Dan. 3:25), and all Israel, all that believe in Yeshua, will be saved in the wilderness (Matt. 25:16-22) by a Deliverer out of Zion (Rom. 11:26). Five, in May of this year, terrorists in Gaza fired more than 4,000 rockets into Israel, but many were shot down by Israel’s anti-missile Iron Dome System. Israel needs to replace and boost her stock of Iron Dome missiles. In June of this year, U.S. Sec. of State Lloyd Austin told Israel’s Defense Min. Benny Gantz that the U.S. plans to replace Israel’s Iron Dome missiles. On Aug. 27, Pres. Biden met with Israeli Prime Min. Bennett and said the U.S. will replace Israel’s Iron Dome missiles. Nancy Pelosi recently put $1 billion to replace Israel’s Iron Dome missiles in a bill to raise the U.S. debt ceiling, but the Squad and other leftist Democrats strongly objected to spending money on the defense of Israel. Pelosi removed the money but promised to put it in a later bill. The Biden administration has made many mistakes (Afghanistan, border with Mexico, etc.), but nothing could be as bad as abandoning its promises to defend Israel. Six, concerning the division of Israel and the Battle of Armageddon: on Sept. 21, 2021, Pres. Biden repeated his support for the Two-State solution in a speech at the U.N. (but he did say it will be a long time before it happens). Seven, concerning wickedness and corruption at the end of the age: on Sept. 16, 2021, Special Counsel John Durham got an indictment against a Democrat lawyer for creating and giving false information (lying) to the FBI to smear Pres. Trump during the 2016 Pres. Campaign. According to the indictment, the lawyer’s lies were used to suggest that Trump was colluding with the Russians. In 2016, the FBI questioned him about it, and he gave the FBI false information while claiming to be an ordinary citizen and denied that he was being paid by anyone to give the FBI a false story. It is now 5 years later, and the FBI says it has proof that the Democrat lawyer was billing the Clinton campaign, and Clinton’s group was paying him for his work. There are now rumors that Durham plans to go after Mrs. Clinton, but this writer is skeptical. It would not be surprising if Durham goes after some of Clinton’s aides, but Clinton is a prominent member of America’s Deep State. Some say George Soros is destroying America, and Obama is in his third presidency, but nothing is ever done about what they are doing. Why? The DOJ and FBI appear to be treating America’s Deep State as a protected class of people. If this is not true, why haven’t they been prosecuted for some of the things they have done? If it is true, it means the DOJ and FBI are protecting the wickedness, corruption, and treason of America’s Deep State (like in the days of Noah when the wickedness of man was great). FYI: Here is some good news. If (a big “IF”) God allows the Antichrist to confirm a 7-year covenant with many for peace in the Middle East by 2030, Jesus will be sitting on the throne of David in Jerusalem, and the Kingdom of God will exist on earth by 2037. Christians will be here in new bodies with their loved ones; Christians won’t get sick or die; there will be peace, justice, and righteousness on earth; no Covid, etc. The bad things mentioned above are signs that a new world is coming soon. Eight, concerning a falling away in the Church: on Sept. 21, 2021, LifeSiteNews reported that Pope Francis has a history of praising pro-abortion politicians, he supports serving communion to pro-abortion politicians, and he has endorsed gay civil unions. Pope Francis has the spiritual qualifications of the False Prophet (supports world government, world religion, etc.), but he is getting old. If he is the False Prophet, the Rapture could be very soon. Before closing, here is a personal message. I get a little uncomfortable when other ministries ask me to publicize what they are doing because if they or some of their people go astray, I don’t want it to have a negative impact on Rapture Ready or my ministry. Having said this, a Christian group called Tactical Civics is seeking God-fearing patriots that want to restore America. I am thankful for (and support) anyone that wants to restore America. A member of the group has asked me to encourage people that Love Jesus and America to watch the 11-minute video at this link: The group wants more people to know what they are doing and perhaps get involved. Finally, are you Rapture Ready? If you want to be rapture ready and go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this. [email protected] Panic Hoarding Gasoline Begins as UK Plunges Towards – Tyler Durden - One day after oil giant BP warned about rationing gasoline and diesel at UK service stations, Brits began to panic buy fuel as the government tried to calm fears. Lines of cars and trucks are spilling over into the streets at service stations across the country. A BP spokesperson said Thursday that a truck driver shortage has resulted in its inability to transport fuel from refineries to its network of service stations. These words spooked the public, which could cause a more severe shortage due to the hoarding. The scenes of long lines at gas stations bring back memories of the 1973 Opec Oil Crisis, the 2000 fuel shortage, and the virus pandemic disruptions amid fears the country is diving headfirst into a 1970s-style "winter of discontent" of shortages and socio-economic distress. On Friday afternoon, Transport Secretary Grant Shapps told Brits on Sky News that there was no fuel shortage and for "everyone to carry on as normal." His soothing words weren't enough to stop the buying panic, which is expected to continue into the weekend. Boris Johnson could call in the Army to deliver fuel to petrol stations across Britain but it won't provide long term solutions to an estimated shortfall of 90,000 HGV drivers in the UK freight sector. Ministers will consider drafting in troops to deliver petrol and diesel later this week if panic-buying persists, sources said, after Government officials gave the green light for plans to bring in 5,000 foreign lorry drivers to deal with the shortage. The Petrol Retailers Association (PRA), which represents 5,500 independent stations, said two-thirds had run dry by Sunday night. Its chairman, Brian Madderson, said it would take up to a week to restock – and warned the crisis could become 'self-perpetuating' if motorists continued to panic. As the crisis deepens, many commuters now face having to find alternative routes to work on Monday morning, meaning the travel chaos is set to spill over into other transportation sectors. Gasoline and diesel shortages will only stoke higher prices amid an expanding energy crisis that has resulted in another shortage: natural gas. This has caused power prices to erupt and disrupted chemical plants that halted fertilizer production, and has caused headaches for major food supply chains. The next 10 days are crucial because retailers ramp up supplies in October to ensure there are enough goods for the peak Christmas season. Brits are also panic hoarding food. Turkey farmers reported a surge in orders as families scramble to save Christmas dinner amid fears of a poultry shortage. Several farms are reporting 250 per cent surges compared to figures from this time last year. The Daily Mail provides a list of issues that threatens a winter of discontent: 1. A shortage of natural gas causing a spike in gas bills for millions of Britons, along with the possibility of dozens of small energy firms going bust; 2. However ministers say 'there is question of the lights going out, of people being unable to heat their homes. There will be no three-day working week, or a throwback to the 1970s'; 3. A shortage of natural gas leading to the closure of fertilizer plants, which produce the CO2 used in fizzy drinks and the meat industry; 4. The Government has since agreed a deal with fertilizer firms to restart a factory in a bid to maintain CO2 production; 5. A lorry driver shortage which is crippling the UK's transport industry, leaving to empty shelves and slow delivery times; 6. Bosses say this could impact both of Christmas dinners and have an impact on the number of toys on the shelves; 7. Now bosses of major fuel firms have warned they will have to start shutting petrol stations because there are not enough lorry drivers to effectively distribute to all of its petrol stations; Worst still, there are now fears that shortages could bite households in the run-up to Christmas. An Industry Insider Just Revealed The Truth About What Is Really Behind The Shortages At Our Local Supermarkets - by Michael Snyder - The supply chain crisis that our supermarkets are facing is far worse than the mainstream media has been telling us. The mainstream media keeps trying to put a happy face on the “temporary” shortages, but an industry insider has let me know what is really going on behind the scenes. This particular insider runs a grocery store in Maine, and he says that things are as bad as he has ever seen. In fact, he says that he has “never seen anything close to what is happening now”. The email that he sent me the other day greatly alarmed me, and I asked him if I could share it with all of you. He gave me permission to do so, as long as I didn’t use his name. I haven’t received an email this startling in a long time. As you read this email, I think that you will quickly understand why I am saying that… I’m self employed for 25 years, now, independent IGA affiliated grocery store in coastal Maine. Supply issues are real! My supplier has limited us on orders for about a month now (limited the physical number of cases we can order) Their issue is/was mainly the help crisis in their warehouse … order pickers and truck drivers. Same story everywhere, I know. Many of the items your reader commented about in this article are the same here … very limited gatorade, and gallon water is sketchy at best. Sometimes we get it, sometimes we don’t. I’ve not seen many supply issues in produce, rather poor quality issues there. Much more than normal. Deli / bakery … yes, lots of out of stocks and “long term unavailable” as my supplier likes to word it on the invoice. In the center store – dry grocery … like others are saying, tons of out of stocks. Meat supply is “fair” but pricing is extremely high. Shockingly high to me. The middle class is slowly being destroyed with these prices hikes … death by 1000 cuts of sorts, I guess. My Frito Lay delivery person tells me that he is getting 55-60% of what he’s ordering. My last Nabisco order had 30% out of stocks. Over the years, we always get 99-100% of what was ordered. Pepperidge Farm Cookies … he tells me some weeks he’s only getting HALF of what he orders. These folks all work on commission …. if they don’t (or can’t) sell it to me … they don’t get paid. Or get paid less. When we place our liquor order (twice a week) out of stocks there are running 30% most orders. This commodity was ALWAYS 99.5 to 100% fill rate over the years …. always. It’s frustrating. As I said … self employed 25 years, and worked for Kroger for 25 years before that … so 50-51 years in this business. Never seen anything close to what is happening now. Add to that — a far left governor, and both houses here in Maine democrat controlled …. I just know we are on the verge of another mask mandate, and a lock down of sorts would not surprise me again as we move into the colder months. As you’ve seen I’m sure, Maine is in the news with COVID case surges (so they say) I come to work every day just holding my breath for what is next … for our business and the 35 people I employ here in Maine. This industry insider is trying to order normal quantities, but his suppliers are often unable to completely fulfill them. As you can see from the email, the shortages are widespread, and this is the worst that they have been during the entire pandemic so far. If there is something that you need to stock up on, I would grab it if it is still on the shelves, because pretty soon it may be completely gone. On Friday I went to the grocery store and they were out of several things that I wanted to purchase. Unfortunately, we continue to get more confirmations that this is going to become the “new normal”. For example, according to Bloomberg meat reserves in this country have plunged to dangerously low levels… A U.S. report Wednesday showed beef reserves down 7.7% from a year ago in August. Poultry supplies slumped 20% and pork bellies, which are sliced into bacon, dropped 44% to the lowest levels since 2017. In most cases supermarkets still have meat on the shelves, but it is definitely a lot more expensive than it used to be, and we are being told to brace ourselves for more price hikes in the months ahead. Of course other types of retailers are facing severe supply shocks as well. A few days ago, another reader sent me an email in which he described what he is seeing at his local pharmacy… The big issue, however, is at the local drug store; Rite Aid. The place is thin at best and stripped in some areas (last week there was no Zinc available). The beer cases are notably sparse. The main issue, however, is at the pharmacy. Six or eight months ago you could walk in and have your prescription filled inside of 20 minutes. If you called in the prescription the day before it was waiting for you. Not so any more. Yesterday I went to pick up an RX for my wife that had been called in last week. Not only was it not ready but I had to wait an hour before it was filled. There were nine cars in the drive up queue. I opted to walk in and it was nearly as bad. The young woman that helped me was clearly not local with bicolor hair and a large, glaringly obvious, in your face, Baphomet symbol around her neck. I had a chat with the manager on the way out and asked him what was up with the Pharmacy staffing. I hadn’t seen the regular pharmacist for a few months. He blamed it all on the city for not having any affordable housing (lame) and mentioned that Albertson’s pharmacy, Albertson’s and Ridley’s were all very short on help (true). Right now, dozens and dozens of drugs are in short supply. In fact, the official FDA drug shortage list has 149 entries on it right now. That is the most that I have ever seen. As shortages persist, retailers are going to start implementing more limits. Last week, we learned that Costco has already started to pull the trigger… Costco on Thursday said it was reinstating limits on purchases of toilet paper, paper towels and bottled water. They don’t call it “rationing”, but that is essentially what it is. And we are also being told to expect significant price increases, because supply chain issues are causing costs to go through the roof… Costco this week joined the long list of retailers sounding the alarm about escalating shipping prices and the accompanying supply chain issues. The warehouse retailer, which had a similar cautionary tone in May, was joined by athletic wear giant Nike and economic bellwethers FedEx and General Mills in discussing similar concerns. The cost to ship containers overseas has soared in recent months. Getting a 40-foot container from Shanghai to New York cost about $2,000 a year and a half ago, just before the Covid pandemic. Now, it runs some $16,000, according to Bank of America. I have been warning that rampant inflation and shortages were coming for a long time, but a lot of people didn’t want to believe me at first. If you were one of those doubters, do you believe me now? During the first half of this year, many economic optimists assured us that the U.S. economy would be “booming” by this point. But instead our economic infrastructure is being shaken on a very basic level, and we are facing enormous price hikes and very painful shortages throughout the rest of this year and into next year. Events have begun to slide out of control, and it certainly wouldn’t take too much to push us into a full-blown avalanche. Joe Biden is not incompetent: He is doing exactly what he was hired to do — collapse America – Leo Hohmann - Joe Biden is a man in obvious cognitive decline. But he is not crazy, stupid or incompetent. Biden knows who he is and for whom he works. He is a stooge for the global Great Reset and he is doing his job exactly as it was assigned to him by his superiors. His job, in fact the whole purpose of his dubious presidency, is to precipitate the following:
Biden is well on his way to accomplishing all four of the tasks laid out for him by his handlers, who themselves are puppets working for the goals and values of the power elites at the World Economic Forum, global corporations, the United Nations and other globalist entities. It is thus with supreme confidence that a top Biden aide said that his boss would “run over” any GOP governors who tried to resist his sweeping vaccine mandates. These globalists actually hate the American people and want to see them enslaved under a digital surveillance state similar to that already in effect in China. We laid out, in a recent blockbuster investigative article, exactly how that is going to happen starting with digital vaccine passports, a technocratic ploy being overseen by the United Nations World Health Organization in cooperation with the World Economic Forum [WEF]. The WEF’s esteemed goal for the world, as it announced just over a year ago, is to reset the global economy, social structure and really all of Western civilization. They call it the Great Reset, but it’s really just a rebranding of the old New World Order. I encourage everyone not familiar with the rhetoric of the Great Reset to go to the WEF’s website and also to read the books, articles and speeches of WEF founder Klaus Schwab, Prince Charles, Pope Francis and the top executives of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank. They all sing the praises of the Great Reset. The slogan of the Great Reset is “Build Back Better,” a phrase that Biden, Trudeau, Pelosi, Schumer and the other stooges of the globalist revolution now sweeping the world are fond of repeating like mindless mockingbirds. Curiously, no member of the mainstream press ever asks these stooges where their trite little made-for-TV slogan came from or exactly what it entails. The first and most obvious question should be: “Mr. President, before you can rebuild something don’t you first have to tear it down?” What better way to go about collapsing the system than to mandate controversial injections that you know will be rejected by at least 25 percent of Americans. You know, the critical-thinkers who have actually researched the true efficacy and safety by seeking out honest, uncompromised doctors and scientists, thousands of whom agree this is not a vaccine but an experimental gene therapy. But Biden says you must get the experimental gene therapy or you cannot work a job, you cannot remain in the military, you cannot continue to provide critical care in any hospital, you cannot work in law enforcement, fire prevention, food processing, piloting an airplane, or any other important position that is necessary for any civilized nation to continue functioning. Is there a faster way to deconstruct a nation and bring it to its knees than to require, under threat of termination, the people in all of these critical positions to get an experimental gene therapy that has never been tested for long-term health impacts? I don’t think so. If your mission is to destroy, it’s a stroke of genius. So instead of honoring our military heroes and frontline workers on September 11, as has been customary on this day for the last 20 years, Biden threatens to fire them. It has to be done, this great wrecking ball project, so the globalist elites can start over with a whole new system, a system that will be antithetical to the U.S. Constitution and every traditional American or Western value, i.e. freedom of speech, the press, religious practice, to assemble, to move about freely and to petition one’s government for grievances. There are already many examples of all of the above-mentioned types of critically important jobs being vacated by extremely competent Americans who refuse to submit to the demands of Dictator Biden: Get the shot or be fired. According to reports, at least 27 highly trained Air Force pilots have resigned since August 27 out of frustration with Biden’s forced vaccination program. Watch video describing how multiple F-22 Raptor fighter pilots reportedly walked off the job in a single day, as did 16 crew members for B-52 bombers. What kind of signal is this sending to America’s enemies abroad? But it’s not just the military that will be suffering the loss of essential workers. All industries will be losing key people in the trenches who make America run smoothly — from doctors and nurses to plumbers, truck drivers, engineers, electrical linesmen, technicians and parcel delivery drivers. One of the most important functions of any society is food production. That industry is also about to be decimated by Biden’s vaccine mandates. Liberty Counsel, a public-interest law firm that is providing legal help to hundreds of Americans now under threat of losing their jobs, announced Sept. 10 it has sent a demand letter to Tyson Foods, the giant meat-packing company, on behalf of dozens of Tyson workers who are being threatened with termination if they don’t get Joe’s jab. Think of the impact this will have on food stocks if all of the major food-processing and trucking companies follow the order handed down Sept. 9 by Dictator Biden: Every company with more than 100 employees must fire those who refuse the jab, Biden said, or face fines of up to $14,000 a day. This could easily entail 20 to 30 percent of a company’s workforce. It’s not difficult to imagine bare store shelves within a few weeks of when these terminations take effect, which could be as soon as November. Prepare accordingly. Daily Jot: A prophetic dream for the times - Bill Wilson – Over the years, I have had many prophetic dreams, but generally I keep them to myself or share them only with my wife. This dream, however, may speak to you. Friday night-Saturday morning, during the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot), I dreamt that I was with several people unknown to me. Christ sat in our midst and said that he wanted to warn us that there will be very troubling and deceptive times ahead, that these events would cause fear among many and test their faith, but to remember that he is with us. He said that we should not be distressed by these events, but to keep our faith, encourage others and be strengthened by the foreknowledge of what is to come that we are not alarmed, but prepared. To me, it is significant that this dream occurred during Tabernacles, a celebration of God with us, the fall feast yet unfulfilled signifying the return of the Messiah to dwell with his people, is an indicator that Christ is our shelter. Psalm 46 is a powerful promise starting with verse 1: “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth be removed and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea.” Verses 7 and 11 repeat: “The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge.” In Isaiah 41:13, the Lord says, “For I the Lord your God will hold your right hand, saying unto you, Fear not; I will help you.” Be encouraged that in the times ahead, the Lord is your security. Dreams, such as these not only need to be interpreted, but also discerned. My brother in Christ William Agbeti reminded me of the three questions to discern this dream: Does it represent the mind of God? Does it bring comfort? Does it offer a solution? When I awoke from the dream, I immediately was drawn to the Olivet Discourse where Christ told his disciples about what would happen in the end times. The depth of the dream followed Christ’s teaching. Indeed, it brought comfort to know that Christ is with us in these troubled times ahead. The dream offered a solution in that we are to keep our faith, encourage others, and be strengthened. The interpretation is straightforward. It was a very plain and intentional message. The Lord does not want us to be ignorant of the time ahead, nor does he want us to be deceived, nor in fear. If we are forewarned, we have the opportunity to respond to events rather than reacting. The idea of keeping the faith in troubled times is a reminder to not fall prey to false doctrines or false hope, but to trust (have faith in the Lord). In our faith, we are to be strengthened and courageous ambassadors to the mystery of the gospel. We are to be an encouragement to others that their faith may not falter. Understand that America is not at the heart of God’s prophecy. Israel is. What happens there is a sign of things to come. Also be reminded that others around the world have it much worse than do we. In all, be encouraged as Christ is with you. Daily Devotion: God’s Promise of Peace - by Greg Laurie – www.harvest,org And this is the plan: At the right time he will bring everything together under the authority of Christ—everything in heaven and on earth” —Ephesians 1:10 - Listen Have you ever seen a perfectly restored classic car cruising down the road? To me, it’s a thing of beauty, because I like old cars that people have restored. God is into restoration as well. In fact, the Bible says that His plan is to bring all things in Heaven and on Earth together under one head: Jesus Christ. Ephesians 1:10 tells us, “And this is the plan: At the right time, he will bring everything together under the authority of Christ—everything in heaven and on earth” (NLT). And Peter preached that Christ “must remain in heaven until the time for the final restoration of all things, as God promised long ago through his holy prophets” (Acts 3:21 NLT). God promises this in the book of Revelation, and He also gives us a promise of global peace. The Antichrist, however, will bring pseudo peace. During the first three-and-a-half years of the seven-year Tribulation, he will come across as a good guy. But in reality, he will be a bad guy. And the Scriptures say that he will use peace to deceive many. Ultimately, once Antichrist is taken out of the way, God will bring global peace. From the beginning of time, humanity has searched for peace, joining peace movements, marching for peace, going to war for peace, and even giving prizes for peace. And when we hear of the police arresting someone for disturbing the peace, we wonder where they found any to disturb. Yet one day we will have peace, and it won’t come through visualizing it, as the bumper stickers suggest. One day God will restore everything. One day He will make Earth into Heaven and Heaven into Earth. Just as Jesus tore down the wall that separated us from God, one day God will demolish forever the wall that separates Heaven and Earth. FROM THE HEART Let Us Make the Short Time We have Left, Count for ALL of Eternity! IF YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED THROUGH THIS MINISTRY, THEN WE ASK THAT YOU WOULD PLEASE REMEMBER PROPHECY UPDATE IN YOUR GIVING - WE ARE TRULY, TRULY, THANKFUL FOR YOUR SUPPORT WORTHY OF YOUR SUPPORT? One of the most reliable ways to determine if a ministry is worthy of your financial support is to examine its fruits. If Prophecy Update is keeping you informed, and if that information inspires you, and causes you to draw closer to the Lord, if Prophecy Update equips you with valuable information and knowledge to share with and encourage other believers, and open the eyes of non-believers, and if Prophecy Update keeps you connected to current events relating to Bible Prophecy, then you are partaking of the fruit produced through this ministry. None of this would be possible without the Lords blessings and your support. I believe where the Lord guides, the Lord provides, and most of the time He provides through the willing and generous hearts of believers just like you and me. Humbly Seek Your Support Prophecy Update has no corporate sponsors. This ministry is paid for and prayed for by readers and supporters. Without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update, Please pray about becoming a monthly supporter - thanks! If ever there was a time to invest in God's Kingdom, it's now! What on earth are you doing for Heaven's Sake? "Share in the Blessings and Rewards that will last Forever!" "Folks, it's all beginning to unravel. America is in more danger of falling than at any time in its history. But I believe Bible prophecy predicts this very decline. From this point on, we believers have to get serious. We are going to face discouragement, disillusionment and, most certainly, persecution in the time between now and the Rapture. But don't be discouraged or disillusioned. The coming turmoil will provide us unrivaled opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. So be ready to share your faith and your hope with those who need Christ. We still have time to reap a great harvest of souls for God's kingdom!" - Hal Lindsey 1) We need your prayers!- We proclaim the Truth of the Word of God and we are under constant spiritual and sometimes even physical attack. 2) We need your encouragement!- We need to hear from you, let us know how the Lord is blessing you through this ministry so that we can share it with others. 3) We need your input! - If you have a prophetic article or story or if there is a news related item we missed, let us know. 4) We need your financial support!- To put it quite simply, without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update. I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to get the Word out and keep the world informed. Remember, your gift, no matter how small, does make a difference! You will be helping to touch lives, around the world, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, thanks to the internet your generosity carries a global impact! - Thanks! Our Prayer for You- "Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else." 2 Corinthians 9:10-13 If you have been blessed by Prophecy Update and would like to help support this ministry financially. You can make a secure donation online by going to: DONATE NOW Or write us at: Prophecy Update P.O. Box 40516 Bakersfield, CA 93384-0516 We are very pleased to offer all our readers this FREE download on Bible Prophecy from the Evangelical Bible College of Western Australia - Just download and enjoy and be blessed! Feel free to share it with all your friends and family members. Click below to download! "AS YOU SEE THE DAY APPROACHING" If You Died Today, Would You Go To Heaven? Find out, visit: How to know God DID YOU KNOW? You can submit an article, leave a comment or praise report at email: [email protected] Maranatha! (Lord Come Quickly) "On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand, All other ground is sinking sand." "Let Us make the short time we have left count for all eternity!" YBIC-Randy
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