How Will the World Explain the Rapture? - Scott Savell -
"Behold, I tell you a mystery; we will not all sleep, but we will all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will all be changed" (1 Corinthians 15:51-52). The Rapture of the Church. It is Christianity's most preposterous belief. The very idea that a Savior from the sky is coming to get a particular group of people, that dead bodies will be raised back to life, and those alive at that moment will be changed into a new body suitable for heaven before being snatch away from this earth seems more like the work of science fiction than unadulterated biblical truth. But this is exactly what the Bible teaches. Jesus promised His followers that he would return for them at some future time (see John 14:1-3). The Apostle Paul described this still future event when he wrote, "For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord, will not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord" (1 Thessalonians4:15-17). The purpose for this article is not to defend the doctrine of the Pre-Trib Rapture of the Church. I'll save that for a future article. In this musing I want to consider how the world might go about explaining the disappearance of millions of people worldwide. Some explanation will most certainly be offered and I suspect Satan will, in a very direct but deceptive way, join in on the explanation. If millions of people have disappeared and you are reading this article in your search to figure out what has happened, please don't let anyone deceive you. The explanation the world will offer you will not be true. And the deceptive intervention from those who might seem other worldly will be just as false, no matter how 'miraculously convincing' their explanation appears. The Rapture of the Church will occur at some future time just prior to the Return of Christ to this earth. This earth-shaking event will occur at seven or more years before Jesus' Second Coming. Since nearly every prophetic trend pointing to the soon start of that seven year period the Bible calls the Tribulation is accelerating and converging, we can only conclude the Tribulation is near. This can only mean the Rapture is close at hand. No one knows the day or the hour of the Rapture but the season of the Rapture is undoubtedly upon us. When it occurs the world will naturally be thrown into utter chaos. This will be in addition to whatever chaos is already occurring due to the ever increasing, accelerating and converging trends that are already in play. Those left behind will be looking for answers. Below are some of the possible answers you can expect and the one I believe will be at the top of the list of answers and will be convincingly offered to a world in chaos. There may certainly be additional possibilities not noted below. My list isn't meant to be exhaustive, only thought provoking. Some possible explanations (in no particular order)... 1. It wasn't the Rapture, because we're still here -- Many of those left behind will have heard about the Rapture from Christian loved ones and friends. They will immediately conclude it was the Rapture. But, among those left behind will be some pretty prominent "Christian" religious leaders and even pastors. They will opine the disappearances could not possibly be the Rapture because, after all, they are still here. 2. Secret military technology -- Kind of far fetched in my opinion but I can see world leaders suggesting secret military technology by a hostile adversary as the culprit behind the disappearances. 3. Quantum leap in the human evolutionary process -- I wouldn't be surprised if many, if not all of the New Age practitioners and gurus suggest this idiotic idea as the reason for all the disappearances. They may say something along the lines of the 'vibrations' of all those who disappeared were out of harmony with the rest (those left behind) and who will be leaping forward in the evolutionary process. Another twist could be that those who disappeared are the ones who have made a quantum leap in the human evolutionary process and those left behind will need to fall in line if they have any hope of catching up with their evolved loved ones. 4. UFO's, UAE's, aliens, and the alien mother ship -- Although I am listing this explanation last, I believe it will be at the top of the list of explanations for the disappearances. I believe world leaders will not only offer this as the explanation but they will be assisted by the appearance of UFO's and aliens which will be nothing more than demons masquerading as our alien brothers or maybe even our creators. They will 'arrive' via so called UFO's that will, for the first time, be clear and easily observable by those left behind. It will be one of the greatest deceptions pulled off by Satan--the father of lies. In fact, this may very well be the grand delusion God sends upon an unbelieving world or at least a part of it. The Apostle Paul writes, "For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false, in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness" (2 Thessalonians 2:11). God will use Satan and eventually the Antichrist as His instruments of judgment. Let's consider option 4 a little further. Hollywood, for example, has produced numerous movies in recent years about visitors from outer space. I'm convinced some of Hollywood's movie producers are getting their scripts from unseen sources. Could it be that Satan is using a mostly godless Hollywood to prepare the masses? Even more convincing than Hollywood is news reports of government confirmation of UFO's (or what the government refers to now as UAE's -- Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) that began to trickle out a few years ago and is now reported with regularity. Here are a few news reports that have capture my attention and indicate to me the Tribulation Period is soon to start which can only mean the Rapture is close at hand. 1. I've seen the saucers: Obama weighs in as US interest in UFOs rises. This CBS 60 Minutes report appeared on May 20, 2021. "Obama was asked about the issue of UFOs during an interview on Tuesday, the former president confirming 'footage and records' of unidentified objects exist... What is true, and I'm actually being serious here, is that there's footage and records of objects in the skies, that we don't know exactly what they are, we can't explain how they moved, their trajectory,' Obama told CBS." 2. 'Something's coming': is America finally ready to take UFOs seriously? This article appeared on February 5, 2022. "Last year was a breakthrough time for UFOs, as a landmark government report prompted the possibility of extraterrestrial visitors to finally be taken seriously by everyone from senators, to a former president, to the Pentagon... In June, the Pentagon released a highly anticipated report on unexplained aerial phenomena (UAP), the now preferred nomenclature by some in the extraterrestrial community, which found ore than 140 instances of UAPs that could not be explained." 3. Hundreds more UFO sightings included in latest report. It's not just 2022 and preceding years. 2023 has seen its fair share of UFO and UAE reports. On January 12, 2023, CBS News reported, "The office tracking reports of UFOs has added nearly 400 additional sightings to its catalog over the last year, either because of new sightings or older sightings discovered in existing files, bringing the total number of UFO sightings to over 500." 4. Could aliens be investigating us? It's more likely than you think. "Aliens may be sending us very small 'dandelion see' probes to gather information, according to a news article appearing in the March 28, 2023 edition of The Jerusalem Post. "Pentagon officials wrote in a document released earlier this month that it is entirely possible that aliens are vising our solar system and releasing tiny probes to perform small-scale reconnaissance missions like the ones the National Aeronautics and Spaced Administration (NASA) conducts on other planets." Although UFO's and other worldly visitors have been described by humankind going back millennia, the real uptick in UFO activity seems to have begun in 1947 and has continued to what we have read about, heard about, and witnessed today. I find the 1947 date interesting as it is one year prior to the rebirth of Israel in sovereign fulfillment of Isaiah 66:8. The modern Zionist movement--a religious and political effort that brought thousands of Jews from around the world back to their ancient homeland in the Middle East and reestablished the nation can be traced back at least as far as 1894. By 1947, I believe it had become obvious to Satan that God was about to fulfill His promises made in an everlasting covenant to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (see Genesis 12, 13, and 15). Since Satan is probably well aware of the coming Tribulation Period and the Rapture of the church that precedes it, it's no wonder that he and his minions would ramp up their spiritually deceptive practices of misleading men and women to believe the foolishness of aliens from outer space arriving via flying saucers or something similar. I believe what we are seeing today is yet another prophetic trend that is accelerating and converging with other prophetic trends all pointing to the to the fact the Tribulation Period is coming upon an unsuspecting world. I am fairly convinced that when the Rapture occurs, Satan and Company will be ready to further deceive the masses with a deluding influence explaining away the sudden disappearance of millions of people worldwide. I believe the Rapture will occur any moment. It could very well be the catalyst that catapults the world into the final form of the ancient Roman Empire with its 10 kings who ultimately give their authority to the Antichrist. But I also believe it's possible it may not occur until sometime after the world morphs into 10 geopolitical regions and the 10 kings begin to rise to power. The disappearances followed by the arrival of humanity's 'ancient space brothers' arriving to 'set things right,' might be the perfect scenario to bring in the "man of lawlessness" (2 Thessalonians 2:3)--the Antichrist himself--who rises from among the 10 kings and to whom the 10 kings give all of their authority. Will things work out this way? I'll admit, I am doing a lot of speculating so I'm not dogmatic about it. As I mentioned in a previous article, as the fog continues to lift, things will come into sharper focus. We will see things more clearly. In other words, time will tell. Of course, we may not be around to see it as the Rapture may very well occur right now! The Spirit Of The Antichrist Inspires The Glorification Of Darkness – By Jan Markell - This is a disheartening article to write, to be honest. We see darkness rising, yet we are called to be salt and light to a decaying world—even if the world pushes back. Let’s try to counter the enemy wherever we see his presence. The world is imploding as we trend toward the Tribulation. The devil is trying to strengthen his grip on the world, the church, and on billions of people. Still, to see people literally worshipping the dark side takes one’s breath away. The Grammys Lead The Way Some of what I review in this article is not new news to you. This year the Grammys included a literal Satanic performance by Sam Smith and Kim Petras. The song was titled “Unholy”, and included Sam Smith in a red devil costume and hat with horns surrounded by performers—some in cages—wearing red costumes and dancing seductively. Flames surrounded them. The performance was intended to be Satanic. Viewers would think they were peering into hell. The Super Bowl Lives Up To Its Reputation The 2023 Super Bowl halftime lived up to its outrageous reputation. It opened with the filth merchant, Rihanna, descending from the sky, surrounded by what could be described as dancing fallen angels! This generated more complaints than the debacle at the Grammys. Commonwealth Games Infect The World The Commonwealth Games last July in Birmingham, England, had 72 nations participating. Then Prince Charles was an honorary guest. It included ritualistic Baal worship in plain sight! But before that, dancers placed fingers on their heads to represent Satanic horns as they were announcing the coming of the horned beast! The ceremony was blatant Luciferian worship. A woman eventually climbed a gigantic bull and the crowd celebrated the woman riding the beast—right out of Revelation 17. I wish I were making this up, but I am not. This was seen by tens of millions of people around the world. Gotthard Base Tunnel Celebrates Goat Man We can’t leave out the Gotthard Base Tunnel ceremony of 2016. This was attended by Europe’s most powerful leaders. The opening ceremony was a dark, disturbing, and weirdly Satanic ritual. The Gotthard Tunnel is the world’s longest tunnel project in history. It goes through the Swiss Alps and took 17 years to complete. It is considered the symbol of European unification, but does this require honoring Satan?? During the eight-hour ceremony, eventually a goat man, or Baphomet, appears and is the star of the show! People bow down to him once again. At the end of the long ceremony, the goat man is declared “king of the world.” This, too, was televised to the world. This Is What They Think Of God Europe threw God out of their continent decades ago, and they now seem to delight in honoring dark images! By creating overtly dark and occultic ceremonies, the elite tell the world, “This is what we believe in, this is what we think of you, and this is what we think of God.” On the day when they will be held accountable, we may hear their mourning and their regret! SatanCon 2023 The largest Satanic gathering in history will take place April 28-30 in Boston, MA. Attendees are promised a “weekend of blasphemy and remembrance.” Years ago, maybe a few fringe weirdos would get together for something like that. But this year’s “SatanCon” was completely sold out six weeks in advance. This event reflects the tremendous evil that is rapidly growing all around us. Hundreds, if not thousands, will gather to celebrate darkness and Satan. The Spirit Of The Antichrist Is Fueling This This unbelieving element is racing towards the kingdom of the Antichrist. It is the spirit of the Antichrist that inspires these glorifications of darkness. You would not like to be present when they are cast into eternal darkness and the eternal lake of fire. Finally, they will no longer be celebrating. They will no longer be mocking. They will be wailing and begging for a second chance. I haven’t even described the Fox TV production in 2016 and 2017 titled Lucifer, that painted him as a really good guy! Or, rapper Lil Nas X grossing out some of his closest fans by sliding down a pole to hell to give Satan a lap dance. I haven’t described another cable production titled Little Demon. I haven’t described the after-school Satan clubs designed to counter Child Evangelism Bible classes in the schools! And so much more. Lift Up A Standard Against This! But even as the shadow of darkness blankets our landscape, there are an ever-increasing number of embassies of the kingdom of light. We read in the Bible that there will be unspeakable darkness and a great falling away in the last days before Christ returns, but most of us probably never thought we would live to see a day quite like this. The Bible says that “when darkness comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against it” (Isaiah 59:19). The Lord will cause our lives to impact the rampant evil surrounding us! This may be one of the very reasons God has allowed us to be born for such a time as this. I’m trusting that you will push back against the darkness with me! Satan gets some glory now, but remember his ultimate destination: An eternal lake of fire for him and all his angels and cohorts, where their diabolical celebrations will come to an ignominious end. Prophecy Update Videos Must Watch Videos! Videos You Can Trust
Devil in the Digital Dollar Details – Terry James - To observers of these times, while this generation nears midnight of this fleeting age, every second-hand tick of God’s prophetic watch gives warning. Recent ticks should alert every believer that time is running out—and catastrophic, heavenly intervention against the wickedness saturating the planet is imminent. Tick… Deceivers seek to pull all of humanity from truth regarding the God of creation. The drive is incessant to convince us that human beings aren’t the creation of a deity, but of a primordial accident. The specious science called evolution long ago imprinted in the minds of humankind that people have struggled up the chain of transition to become Homo sapiens. And the most recent outcome of that struggle is that the transition now means that women can choose to be men, and men can become women, merely by saying so. As part of the ongoing transition that denies any involvement with deity, adults now can interact sexually with the youngest children. Parents, it is said, should stay out of the process of the transition taking place. Homosexuality, like in the days of Lot in Sodom, is the overriding societal and cultural new normal that government should protect above all other considerations. Tick… There is a stream of monetary greed and vicious militancy flowing just beneath the surface of the pseudo-peace politicians who govern around the world pretend to want to maintain. Rumors of nuclear war inundate our eyes and ears from newsfeeds hourly. In the most dangerous areas, actual war is ratcheting up for breaking into nuclear conflict. Ukraine and all territories surrounding Israel could become kinetic fields of battle at any moment. Tick… Religiously, the world is shaping up just as Jesus prophesied. False prophets are arising, even among the supposedly most evangelical, fundamentalist ministries. Some teach that the Bible is no longer relevant—that times have changed its former relevance. The pope declares there is no literal Hell—that there is only Heaven, and it will be inhabited even by atheists. Even the dictator of Russia points out the apostasy and evil of religious leaders of the West. And his words are true. Tick… Now the technology has made possible, according to anti-God scientists supposedly in the know, the total transition of humankind. The melding of artificial intelligence (AI) with humans will increase humankind’s achievement capacity to godlike status. Further breakthroughs in the fields of computer and biological interactions promise that it is possible to eventually bring about something approaching eternal life. Humans—at least those who fall victim to this line of belief—thus succumb to the serpent’s lie to Eve: “You will be as God.” Tick… At this point, it looks as if Satan has brought to the cusp of implementation the system of control that God’s Word foretells in Revelation. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. (Revelation 13:16–18) This particular Tick of the prophetic clock’s hand will, even secular observers point out, give evil would-be rulers the control they’ve long dreamed of. The following observation is one such instance: Economist & Author William Michael Cunningham, Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University, points out what money is: “The main economic attributes of a technically effective currency rests on three functions:
A unit of account is a common measure for the value for goods and services, the store of value is the way in which we store wealth in order to transfer purchasing power. The “Transfer of Purchasing Power” is exchanging the Dollar from my hand to yours—one private transaction with another. That is basic economics for us non-economists. Why does America need “Social Control?” Pay close attention. Last year Joe Biden signed an executive order for digital money or the death knell for cash. It’s not surprising. We know that Biden wants total control over Americans and their money. For instance, back in October 2021, Biden asked Congress to authorize new bank surveillance measures of Americans to the IRS. He now has what he wanted all along. His $600 reporting to the IRS on digital transactions. (Paypal, Venmo, Zelle, etc.) This executive order piggybacks off of Senator Sherrod Brown’s [D-OH] new pro-digital dollar draft. Senate Bill 3571 – Banking for All Act. This is a blatant attempt to control every issue of your life, including your money. But hey, who cares… The World Economic Forum says, “You’ll Own Nothing, And You’ll Be Happy.” (“The Crackdown To End the Dollar Has Begun. Feds Launch Digital Money,” July 2023, One America News) Digital monetary manipulation will give the devil’s man, Antichrist, control over earth’s population, or at least a large portion thereof. The alarm is set for midnight. The prophetic end-times clock now seems to be ticking toward that midnight hour in every sense. That alarm, when it sounds, will be the voice of the Lord shouting: “Come up here!” (Revelation 4:2) Ezekiel's Bones Live - Nearly Half of The World's Jews Live In Israel – JNS.Org - At the start of 2022, there were a total of 15.3 million Jews in the world, 7 million of whom, roughly 46% of all Jews worldwide, resided in Israel, Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics revealed on Sunday. In 1939, on the eve of World War II, Jews numbered 16.6 million, and 449,000 (3%) resided in the Land of Israel. Just under 10 years later, in 1948, the world’s Jewish population had diminished to 11.5 million; of them, 650,000 (6%) lived in Israel. Among Diaspora Jews, about 6 million live in the United States, 442,000 in France, 392,000 in Canada, 292,000 in Britain, 173,000 in Argentina, 145,000 in Russia, 118,000 in Germany and another 118,000 in Australia, according to the report. Ahead of Holocaust Remembrance Day, which begins on the evening of April 17, the CBS also revealed that 147,199 Holocaust survivors or victims of antisemitic actions during the Holocaust are currently living in Israel. Of those survivors, 61% are women and 39% are men. A small number, 4.5%, immigrated to Israel before the establishment of the state, between 1933 to 1947; 31.7% immigrated during the large aliyah wave following the state’s establishment (1948 to 1951); 29.7% immigrated between 1952 and 1989 and 34.1% came since the 1990s, during the wave of aliyah from the former Soviet Union. In a 2021 survey, 87% of Israel’s survivors said they were either “satisfied” or “very satisfied” with their lives, similar to the 88% of Jews and others above the age of 75. However, 17.3% of Holocaust survivors said they felt lonely often, compared to 12.6% of Jews and others 75 and older. Some 70,000 people from 95 different countries immigrated to Israel in 2022 with the assistance of the Jewish Agency for Israel, in cooperation with the Ministry of Aliyah and Integration. It was the most olim in 23 years and a dramatic increase from 2021, when about 28,600 immigrants arrived in the country. Jewish Agency data for the period between Jan. 1 and Dec. 1, 2022, shows that 37,364 olim arrived from Russia; 14,680 from Ukraine; 3,500 from North America, with assistance from Nefesh B'Nefesh; 2,049 from France; 1,993 from Belarus; 1,498 from Ethiopia as part of Operation Tzur Israel; 985 from Argentina; 526 from Great Britain; 426 from South Africa; and 356 from Brazil. Approximately 27% (about 19,000) of this year's olim are young people between the ages of 18 and 35, who will boost Israeli society and the economy, including professionals in fields where there is a labor shortage in Israel such as medicine, engineering and education. Around 24% (16,500) of the olim are ages 0-17; 22% are between 36 and 50 years old; 14% are aged 51-64; and 13% are 65 and over. "It was a dramatic year that emphasized the value of mutual responsibility among the Jewish people and during which the Jewish Agency helped strengthen the resilience of Jewish communities, empowered weaker populations in Israel, brought tens of thousands of olim, saved lives from all over Ukraine and brought them to a safe harbor in Israel," said Jewish Agency Chairman Maj. Gen. (res.) Doron Almog. "Aliyah is of existential importance to the State of Israel, both at the practical and moral level. It expresses the nature of Israel as the state of the entire Jewish people and the strategic partnership between Israel and world Jewry. The tens of thousands of olim who came to Israel this year will help build the resilience of Israeli society and will be a major growth engine for the Israeli economy," he added. It is predicted that by the year 2048, the 100th anniversary of the State of Israel, two thirds of the world's Jewish population, about 12 million, will live in Israel. Daily Jot: The hostile environment toward religion in America - Bill Wilson – Religious freedom is a cornerstone to both physical and spiritual liberty as spiritual bondage leads to physical bondage. The current administration’s disposition toward religious freedom is creating an atmosphere of antagonism and persecution against people of the Jewish and Christian faith. From locking down churches during the COVID government mandates to demonizing Christians over Biblical instruction against sexual deviancy and abortion, the Biden Administration is continuing the animosity against faith that was accelerated during the Obama White House. The federal government, extreme leftist organizations, and the news media is fanning the flames of hostility. The House Judiciary Committee is investigating the FBI for infiltrating churches, Catholic churches in particular, with an eye toward identifying violent extremism and domestic terrorists. In a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray, Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) demanded “information from the FBI relating to a January 23, 2023 document generated by the Richmond Field Office entitled “Interest of Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists in Radical-Traditionalist Catholic Ideology Almost Certainly Presents New Mitigation Opportunities” (“FBI’s Richmond document”).’ In this document, the FBI purported to categorize Catholic Americans based on theological distinctions and relied on the Southern Poverty Law Center to suggest that certain kinds of Catholic Americans may be domestic terrorists.” At the same time, Family Research Council reported that “criminal acts against churches have been steadily on the rise for the past several years, and the first quarter of 2023 has continued the upward trend. The first three months of 2023 saw approximately three times the number of acts of hostility perpetrated against churches in the same timeframe last year… January of 2023 was a particularly intense month for acts of hostility against churches. Although the number of actions dropped in February and March. The first quarter of 2023 overall saw an unusually high number of acts of hostility, with 69 such incidents being documented. Our research indicates that number is more than the entirety of 2018, in which we identified only 50 incidents, or 2020, in which we identified 54. This steep increase is a cause for concern.” Former Focus on the Family employee Carl Chinn began researching church violence in 1996. In 2015, Chinn’s statistics indicated deadly church violence since 2009 (when Obama took office) increased 422% over the previous 11 years. At the time, Obama arguably presided over the most violent time against churches in recent American history. His portrayal of conservative Christians (pro-gun, pro-life, pro-marriage, pro-male/female gender) as racists, radicals and extremists likely contributed to inciting such violence. And it is continuing under the Biden Administration. Jesus said in Matthew 24:9 that “ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake.” Sadly, in America this hate intensifies under Democratic presidents and leftist influencers like the Southern Poverty Law Center, promoters of hate while pointing its fingers at others. Sources: Daily Devotion: An Essential for Spiritual Survival - by Greg Laurie – Then the angel showed me Jeshua the high priest standing before the angel of the LORD. The Accuser, Satan, was there at the angel’s right hand, making accusations against Jeshua. —Zechariah 3:1 - Listen On more than one occasion, the Bible describes Satan as an accuser. We see this illustrated in the third chapter of Zechariah. The setting is a heavenly courtroom, God is the judge, and Jeshua, the high priest, is the defendant. Meanwhile, Satan is the prosecutor, trying to prove Jeshua guilty. But then God says, “I, the Lord, reject your accusations, Satan. Yes, the Lord, who has chosen Jerusalem, rebukes you. This man is like a burning stick that has been snatched from the fire” (Zechariah 3:2 NLT). Satan also will accuse us before God when we have sinned. That is where the breastplate of righteousness comes in. In his letter to the Christians in Ephesus, the apostle Paul wrote, “Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness” (Ephesians 6:14 NLT). Paul was alluding to the armor that Roman soldiers wore. The breastplate, or “body armor,” was a crucial element of the armor, protecting the soldier’s vital organs. In the same way, the “body armor of God’s righteousness” is essential for our spiritual survival. It speaks of what God has done for us through Jesus Christ. God has saved us. He justified us. And He forgave all the sins that we have committed. He erased them and washed them away. Then He placed His righteousness into our account. God gives this righteousness to us. It isn’t based on what we do for Him. The devil, however, has declared war on followers of Christ. He wants to keep us away from God. First, he tempts us and traps us. Then he condemns us and accuses us before God. He wants to make disobedient Christians doubly defeated. Yet we are righteous in Jesus Christ through His finished work for us on the cross. So put on the “body armor of God’s righteousness”—and keep it there. PROPHECY UPDATE NEWS HEADLINES Yesterday's Prophecies - Today's Headlines HEADLINES IN PARTNERSHIP WITH TRACKING BIBLE PROPHECY 4/18/23
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