Israel’s 75th Birthday Is God’s Doing: Part 1 - By Gene Lawley -
This coming May 14, 2023, marks the 75th anniversary of Israel’s beginning as a nation among nations and having sole sovereignty. It has been a continual threat from her surrounding neighbors to wipe the Jewish people off the face of the earth. Psalm 83:1-4 tells the story of centuries-old plans to rid the earth of God’s chosen people, the Jews: “Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, and do not be still, O God! For behold, Your enemies make a tumult, and those who hate You have lifted up their head. “They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, and consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, ‘Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, that the name of Israel may be remembered no more.’” Currently, Iran has voiced that intention for some time while pushing forward to obtain nuclear capability and wipe them out. Diplomatic negotiations have not stopped Iran’s push for that nuclear power, and it appears that the approaching Gog-Magog war told in Ezekiel 38-39 may be Iran’s final demise. In Psalm 2, God laughs at their attempts to eliminate the Jewish people, just as Psalm 83 relates it. He says, “He who sits in the heavens shall laugh. The Lord shall hold them in derision.” And we see now that God has never forsaken the Israeli people, even though their rejection of their Messiah has brought them great hardship and heartache. Let’s review some of their history. In Daniel 9, the prophet is deeply drawn to prayer and fasting for his nation Israel, and the angel Gabriel brings him this message: “Seventy weeks are determined for your people and for your holy city, to finish the transgression, to make an end of sins, to make reconciliation for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy, and to anoint the Most Holy. “Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the command to restore and build Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince, there shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks. The street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublesome times. “And after the sixty-two weeks Messiah shall be cut off, but not for Himself, and the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end of it shall be with a flood, and till the end of the war desolations are determined. “ Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week, but in the middle of the week he shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, even until the consummation, which is determined, is poured out on the desolate” (Daniel 9:24-27). It is a long quote, but much of the future from that time forward beyond today, even, is found in those prophecies. Briefly, the highlights identify a seven-year period of tribulation is yet in store for Israel. In the first part of the quote is Gabriel’s word from God that seventy weeks of judgment would be required of Israel for their disobediences. It turns out that it is seventy weeks of years—one week is seven years—and only sixty-nine are accounted for when Christ is crucified. This is the prophecy of the coming seven years of the tribulation, that missing “seventh week.” It is known as “the seventh week of Daniel’s prophecy, which is mysteriously identified when the Antichrist confirms with many a seven-year covenant, as reviewed below. Such a period of time, as in this context, has never happened yet. Then, a person with a heritage from the Romans who destroyed the city and temple in 70 A.D. appears as a friend of Israel and arranges a seven-year peace treaty for them. Contrary to current thinking, my understanding is that this person of Roman heritage does not have to be a Roman nor an obscure person hardly known in world leadership circles. He will be one readily accepted as having the ability to take charge of world events, just as Daniel’s prophecy indicates. He will have authority to allow them to rebuild their temple, also. (Surely, he must be their Messiah, right? No, for he abruptly cancels their temple activities and declares himself God, demanding the worship of himself as God.) This is the “abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet” that Jesus foretells will happen in the last days. While the United States is not mentioned in the Scriptures—after all, America was not discovered until the year 1492, and such names were unknown—so it is possible that Revelation 18’s details of a city called Babylon really foretells what the end will be for the greatest nation of all time. America, with its Declaration of Independence and its Constitutional Republic foundation, is the citadel of freedom. When “liberty and justice for all,” as its pledge of allegiance to its flag and country proclaims, are turned away and ungodly principles of moral degradation and evilness permeate the culture, that nation’s time left is short. The focus of events of the last days has always been on Israel and the Middle East, just as Daniel’s prophecies above indicate. Beginning with the prophecies of Ezekiel, we get a view of how Israel comes into this period known as “the last days.” As was Daniel, Ezekiel was taken to Babylon when Nebuchadnezzar’s armies conquered Jerusalem. His prophecies seem to be focused on Israel, while Daniel’s brought in the secular happenings of the world with their effect on the Jewish people. Ezekiel 36 brings together God’s promises to scatter Israel into all the nations of the world and then to bring them back to their homeland at a future time. Their disobedience with extreme intentions brought God’s judgment upon them, and He said, “So I scattered them among the nations, and they were dispersed throughout the countries; I judged them according to their ways and their deeds. When they came to the nations, wherever they went, they profaned My holy name—when they [of the nations] said of them, ‘These are the people of the Lord, and yet they have gone out of His land.’ But I had concern for My holy name, which the house of Israel had profaned among the nations wherever they went” (Ezekiel 36:19-21). The Lord displays His glory as He promises to restore Israel to her land, saying, “I do not do this for your sake, O house of Israel, but for My holy name’s sake, which you have profaned among the nations wherever you went…, and the nations shall know that I am the Lord,’ says the Lord God, ‘when I am hallowed in you before their eyes” (Ezekiel 36:22-23). It is interesting how Ezekiel clearly follows Israel’s journey. In Ezekiel 37, he tells of the awakening of the valley of dry bones—Israel’s rebirth illustration. In verses 24-28, he brings again God’s promises of restoration to His favor with an everlasting covenant of peace, not just the seven-year covenant that the Antichrist will provide, according to Daniel 9:27. God’s everlasting covenant seems to be timed to counteract the seven-year one, as Ezekiel’s prophecy matches Daniel’s in their timelines. Then no more is written there until the prophet writes of the coming Gog-Magog war told of in Ezekiel 38-39. After Israel is reborn, as Ezekiel 37 pictures it, God’s promise is fulfilled, and that 70th week of Gabriel’s announcement—the seven-year tribulation period—must happen. But Ezekiel goes from that war directly to details of the temple in chapter 40 and following. Unfortunately, their journey, as reported in the account in Old Testament records, tells a sordid story of rebellion, then mercy and restoration, over and over again. As we continue in Part 2, we will learn how this has turned out for the Jewish people. God has never made a promise He did not intend to keep, and He keeps them even though hardship occurs in order to do so. Contact email: [email protected] Big Concern for Israel: Is Iran’s Nuclear Program Unstoppable? – By Dean Dwyer - In late February headlines appeared in most of the major news feeds that said Iran needed to wait only about twelve days before it would be capable of making a nuclear bomb. Since that time has passed, the world must assume that Iran now has enough uranium to build an atomic bomb. Yet, many do not seem alarmed by this news, despite the repeated declarations by Iran’s leaders that they intend to wipe Israel off the map. US officials have repeatedly tried to estimate Iran’s breakout time, which is the process of determining how long it would take to acquire the fissile material for one bomb. In early 2022 a number of reports suggested one year. This was changed to two months when Iran said it had enriched uranium to 80% and is now likely to have enriched uranium of 90% or better. Tehran continues to stockpile uranium enriched to up to 60% and to install more advanced centrifuges, which enrich it more efficiently. The stockpiles of uranium at 60% are particularly significant in assessing proliferation risk because when it’s enriched to this level it can be increased to weapons grade much more quickly. But while US officials say Iran has grown closer to producing fissile material they do not believe it has the technology to actually build a bomb. This is a foolish statement because making a bomb for a uranium device is reportedly very simple, particularly when the Iranians share a close relationship with established nuclear powers such as Russia and China. When five nations came up with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) deal in 2015 it was decided that ten more years would pass before Iran would become a nuclear power. However, because Iran has repeatedly cheated on its nuclear production, doomsday has arrived two years early. President Trump pulled out of the JCPOA when it became clear that Iran was just playing cat-and-mouse games with the nuclear inspectors. He placed the country under painful sanctions to slow its nuclear progress, but with so many benefits in being in the nuclear club no sanction was going to convince Iran to freeze its nuclear program, particularly when it became evident that many nations were covertly assisting Iran in avoiding the sting of many of the sanctions. Some years prior, the Israelis had attempted cyber warfare in order to derail, or at least delay, the Iranian aim to develop nuclear weapons. Though never openly admitted, it is widely held that this was a joint US-Israeli cyberwar program, development of which began in 2005. The Bush and Obama administrations believed that if Iran were on the verge of developing atomic weapons, Israel would launch airstrikes against the Iranian nuclear facilities in a move that could have set off a regional war. So, they looked for another option which would not involve kinetic warfare. Although the operation was given the name “Operation Olympic Games”, the malware came to be known as “Stuxnet”. To the average person, development of malware might seem straightforward. However, due to the complexity and scale of the Stuxnet worm, it is believed that it took a team of 10 computer coders two to three years to develop. To create fissile material, you need centrifuges and they need to spin at a consistent rate. Most uranium that occurs in nature is the isotope U-238. However, the fissile material used in a nuclear power plant or weapon needs to be made from the slightly lighter U-235. A centrifuge is used to spin uranium fast enough to separate the different isotopes by weight via the use of centrifugal force. These centrifuges are extremely delicate and it is not uncommon for them to become damaged in the course of normal operation. At a facility the size of Natanz (which was the nuclear facility targeted by the malware) you could expect approximately 800 centrifuges per year to be taken out of commission. However, in 2010, IAEA inspectors started noticing an unusually high number of damaged centrifuges, with one inspector estimating almost 2,000 were rendered inoperable. Stuxnet was ingenious because it was designed to destroy the centrifuges by causing them to spin at an irregular rate, all the while giving the impression to the computer monitoring the centrifuges that everything was fine. The malware worked incredibly well between 2007 and 2010 and the Iranians were becoming increasingly frustrated that their nuclear ambitions were being thwarted. At that stage, it is highly unlikely they suspected the involvement of the Israelis. Nobody really understood what was happening due to the fact that their monitoring stations were wrongly telling them that operation was normal. For all of the early success and the work that went into the program, it is estimated that the Iranian nuclear program was only set back by two years. This was no doubt disappointing to those who invested years in its development and deployment. A nuclear Iran is a very big concern for Israel and rightly so. Iran holds regular rallies that call for Israel’s destruction, and now has missiles that can reach all parts of the Jewish state, particularly those they have placed in the hands of proxy forces that are stationed very close to Israeli territory. Since Israel is tiny it would take only a small number of atomic bombs to eliminate it from the face of the earth. Over the years several Israeli prime ministers have promised that Iran will never be a nuclear power, even though it would be very difficult to take out centrifuges that are hundreds of feet underground in a number of locations through the use of bombs (which appears the only remaining option). We must therefore pray for the protection of God’s people against an enemy that’s so determined to seek its demise. Troubling times are going to multiply for the nation of Israel and soon, they will be faced with the overwhelming aggression of the nations listed in Ezekiel 38. For those unfamiliar with the passage, we read that Persia (which became known as Iran in 1935) joins the wicked alliance against Israel. Yet, Israel will not be destroyed. God has promised that and we praise Him for it. Instead, we stand in awe at the power of God because as the Ezekiel passage testifies, God Himself intervenes, rescues Israel and decimates the invaders. Prophecy Update Videos Must Watch Videos! Videos You Can Trust
US Running Out of Time - China Races to Dominate Military & Emerging Technology – Lawrence Franklin - The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) openly says it wants to establish dominance in emerging critical technologies as part of its strategy to supplant the United States as the world's dominant power, establish a new world order and replace the US-led international system established after WWII. The US has only a little time left in this race. Reports indicate that deep cuts to the military made by several administrations have severely impaired its ability to catch up. Remaining talent and resources will possibly be reallocated in a new administration, if it is not too late by then. China has been supercharging its military for years while the U.S. has sat back, watched, and argued about unrelated social issues. China also hopes to exploit the military potential of new technologies. Some, such as hypersonic advances, have the potential for developing sophisticated new weapons systems. Others, such as the science of "Big Data," can enhance military targeting while rapidly collecting, analyzing and storing immense amounts of information. Robotics, another modern technology, has already been deployed by the US military against improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and suicide bombers in both Iraq and Afghanistan. The anti-armor Javelin missile, originally a joint venture of Lockheed Martin and Raytheon, will eventually be fired from a 7-ton robot as it surveys targets beyond the forward edge of the battle area. The Javelin has proven successful in Ukraine as a check against Russia's advantage in armored weapon systems, particularly when Russian tanks travel in columns. In future wars, robots could guide unmanned jets as well as armored vehicles. A "directed energy weapon" (DEW) can direct the flow of atomic particles. New advances in DEW technology include high-powered microwave weaponry and chemical laser systems. Another promising military application is the science of quantum technology (physics/chemistry). A quantum, the smallest measurable unit of light (a photon) or electricity (an electron), can become the medium of an encrypted intelligence messaging sent, say, from a command headquarters to a military front. Quantum communications, when encrypted (quantum encryption), are impervious to decryption. China dispatched the first quantum message , from Vienna Austria to Beijing, via satellite in 2017. Chinese Communist Party leaders have maintained a keen interest in securing for China a lead in quantum disciplines. Chinese quantum expert Jian Wei-pan -- in large part responsible for the launch of the first quantum satellite in the summer of 2016 -- briefed CCP Politburo Members on the military advantages, should China secure a solid lead in this technology. China is in an additional race with the US in the field of "advanced data analytics": the ability to sift through enormous amounts of information at great speeds, using artificial intelligence both to identify trends and predict events. This capability reportedly can improve the training of pilots, commercial or military. China appears determined to master "big data analytics" by applying advanced computers to assist the People's Liberation Army in planning. Chinese President Xi Jinping, at the 19th Party Congress in 2017, personally endorsed the integration of "big data" into the Chinese economy. The CCP stated at the time: "By 2030, our country will reach a world leading level in artificial intelligence theory, technology and application and become a principal world center for artificial intelligence innovation." Intelligence collection tracking systems have been improved. For instance, new drone technology easily exposed a training exercise that featured U.S. Special Forces personnel attempting to infiltrate a hypothetical enemy area of operations. The "Swarming Drone Pack" -- whereby one drone can transmit data simultaneously to the entire swarm -- can, in addition, both help or complicate US/NATO Special Forces operators' missions. Advances in quantum sensing enable discernment of nuclear ordinance or radioactive materials embedded below the earth's surface -- such as in monitoring a nation's non-declared atomic storage, or attempts by adversaries to shield nuclear weapons programs. The Free World's "tech war" against the CCP and the race to dominate artificial intelligence is also a contest in which the victor will dominate the global dissemination of information. The winner will establish future international rules and standards, especially for digital technologies. Xi threw down the gauntlet in a 2020 speech in which he announced the plan for establishment of a "Digital Silk Road" – asserting that control of information as a critical part of total control over a "new world order." China has so far aggressively been leading in the extraction of rare earth materials necessary for vital weapons systems. China dominates the extraction of neodymium necessary for Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles and samarium needed for nuclear reactors. Communist China is currently preparing its people for war. America is not. The American people, who take their magical lives -- when compared to so many people in the world -- for granted, may be in for a tormenting shock in the very near future. Providential Power, Not Politics – Terry James - Radio talk show host Dan Bongino was telling his audience last Tuesday that the evil taking place has changed America—greatly diminished the nation’s greatness. He concluded that those of patriotic determination must resolve to fight with all political might to counter the wickedness. Bongino said in effect that it isn’t any longer just disagreement within various governing issues, or even constitutional issues, that’s the problem—although those things concerning how to properly govern in a constitutional republic are critical. Those are important and must be vigorously defended against the progressive attempts to bring down our orderly and lawfully governed way of life. He then played a clip of two women conversing on, I presume, a progressive podcast or broadcast program. Bongino said this is the kind of evil we as a nation are up against. The women, obviously ultra-progressive, were talking about how the transsexual agenda is all-important and must win out over influences such as Christians and their challenges to true progress in the area of transsexuality and children. The argument one of the women made was that those who oppose the sexual/gender changes taking place in regard to the trans movement say boys have penises and girls have vulvas, and that’s the way it is. They can’t change that as part of being born humans. The woman then said, “Why not? Why can’t people who sense or know they are other than what they were born with change if they want to change?” In effect, she said it is each person’s right to choose which sex they want to be, and no one should be allowed to restrict that right. This was serious-sounding discussion—grown women, very well spoken—declaring that individual human beings should choose the gender as their realization of which sex they are comes forth. They were talking about children as young as kindergartners. Bongino then said, after playing the clip, that this sort of thing is what will destroy this nation; it is pure wickedness—evil—that is setting up to totally turn America into something other than what the country has been. He said next that we have to fight this evil now. It has gone far beyond what formerly were merely issues of political importance. It is up to us—true patriots—to concentrate on dealing with—fighting with all we have—this demonic insanity. Of course he is absolutely correct. It is insanity. It is the reprobate mindset of Romans 1:28. Things are not “normal.” Things we see now—every hour of every day—are more and more evil being unleashed through end-times portals into society and culture. However, Bongino is dead wrong about how to fight it. The only armor with which to oppose this wickedness spawned by the devil and his minions (including his human minions) is to turn to the Lord Jesus Christ for heavenly assistance. Again, Paul has told us the problem humanity faces. We see this in Scripture surrounding Ephesians 6:12. Paul said evil men and seducers will grow worse and worse the closer the end of the age comes. Only the weapons God gives to believers can prevail against such wickedness. Things will eventuate, Jesus foretold, in conditions being just like they were in the days of Lot when He will next catastrophically intervene in the evil affairs of humankind. God’s judgment and wrath will then rain down on incorrigibly rebellious earth-dwellers. This is why I no longer look to the political process to correct the nation’s course—to make America great. Do I mean I don’t vote any longer or do what I can to work within society to fight evil legislation and even illegal, anti-American activity? No. Of course not. But now I view all political action as all but totally useless in changing things for the better. The best such action can yield is that of helping delay the inevitable. The world and our beloved nation are headed for God’s judgment and His holy wrath. This course of devolving into prophetic oblivion is inalterable from the standpoint of our politicians and their schemes being ineffective at best and destructive at worse. Now, with the very end of the Age of Grace (Church Age) directly in front of us on the prophetic horizon, it is time—individually, as God’s royal ambassadors—to put on that machinery of waging holy war. And, lest we be accused of calling for physical, kinetic, violent warfare, I’m referring again to the weaponry issued by the armory of Heaven to each and every believer. Weaponry to fight a spiritual battle against the evil assaulting humanity each and every hour of each and every day…wickedness like we find within the conversation of the “progressive” women mentioned above. But what can mere spiritual armor do to prevail against the mounting evil? God sometimes seems so far distant as we face these literal circumstances that assault. It is a certainty that, the more the wicked one and his force ramps up the assaults, the Lord will provide his Church with the arsenal to oppose Satan and his minions. Jesus said that the gates of Hell, the forces of evil, will not prevail against the Church. We are God’s force, indwelt by God the Holy Spirit. We will be used by the Lord of hosts to restrain this onset of evil until we are suddenly removed from the battlefield. Here again is the arsenal each of us who name the name of Christ have been issued for battle until that marvelous moment of Rapture: Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints. (Ephesians 6:13–18) Daily Jot: Report: COVID crisis could be just beginning - Bill Wilson – For all the fanfare about the government declaring the COVID emergency ended, it may just be beginning in another form. Government, big pharma, and news media collusion resulted in the truth being blocked about the mRNA shots that despite being promoted as safe and effective, were neither. A recent report indicates that the COVID mRNA shot caused 26.6 million injuries, 1.36 million disabilities and 310,000 excess deaths at a total cost of $147.8 Billion. The authors of the report estimate an excess 2021 and 2022 mortality rate of 23% in the 25-64 age group compared with an estimated baseline of 0.1% for those years. If you are COVID vaccinated, you are at risk. But there are ways to reduce that risk. The Vaccine Damage Project report conducted by Phinance Technologies was released in March. The report says: “The V-Damage Project is a study of the direct impact from the mass Covid-19 inoculations on individuals at a population level. In particular, we look at the employed population, aged 16 to 64. The impact of the inoculations was categorized into four broad groups differentiated by the severity of outcome. Of the inoculated individuals, a large group will likely experience no adverse effects, another large group will experience mild or moderate adverse effects, which could be temporary in nature or have long-term, even permanent manifestations. Another group of individuals could experience severe outcomes leading to a disability as well as the most extreme outcome of death.” Those who were of “no effect or asymptomatic” were “those individuals who did not experience adverse events following the Covid-19 inoculations. Although this group of individuals is most likely the largest, however, we cannot know for certain as to the proportion of the whole population that this group of individuals represents. We assume that these individuals are all those that are not included into the other three groups.” This group is estimated by the report to be approximately 82% of the population. Those injured and loss work or had lower work productivity were estimated at 18% of the population. Disabilities due to the shot rose 24.6% since 2021. And there was a 23% excess mortality rate in the 25-64 age group. The study points to future issues, “there might be individuals who had no visible effects after vaccination but nonetheless could still be impacted from the inoculations and could therefore be represented in the sub-group of injured individuals. In a similar way, individuals with mild injuries from the inoculations could, over time, develop severe injuries to the extent of being disabled, or an extreme outcome such as death. The likely path of outcomes would be from injury to disability to death.” Proverbs 10:14 says, “Wise men lay up knowledge, but the mouth of the foolish is near destruction.” If you are mRNA vaccinated, do not ignore this report. Take action to protect yourself from unnecessary risk. You can start by going to and click on “Vaccine Injury Resources.” This is a valuable guide to prevent mRNA vaccine injury. Sources: Daily Devotion: The Reality of the Unseen World - by Greg Laurie – For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. —Ephesians 6:12 - Listen Some people dismiss the idea of Satan’s existence altogether, believing it’s a fanciful myth. Sometimes they’re reacting to a caricatured version of him, a being with red skin, pointed ears, horns, and hooves. We won’t find that description of him in the Bible. But the Bible does talk about a spirit being known as Satan, or Lucifer, who opposes Christians and wants to bring them down. In a letter to the followers of Christ in Ephesus, the apostle Paul wrote, “Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:11–12 NLT). As surely as there is a God who loves us, there is a devil who hates us. And whatever God wants to do, Satan will be there to oppose it. As I look at the things that humanity is capable of, wicked and horrendously depraved things, it frightens me. Yet when I realize there’s a God who loves us and has a plan for our lives as well as a devil who is behind the wickedness and depravity in our culture today, it explains a lot. C.S. Lewis made this observation in the preface to The Screwtape Letters: “There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an unhealthy interest in them.” We do need to understand our adversary and how to prevail against his power and temptations. However, we don’t want to go overboard in this area. We must recognize this is a spiritual battle, and we must fight it with spiritual weapons. PROPHECY UPDATE NEWS HEADLINES Yesterday's Prophecies - Today's Headlines HEADLINES IN PARTNERSHIP WITH TRACKING BIBLE PROPHECY 4/11/23
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