“It is Coming, and It Shall Be Done” - By Cynthia Nuara -
I began writing an article in February on the increasing tensions between Israel and Iran but kept putting it aside for one reason or another. However, what occurred on April 11 gave me the incentive to finish it. On Sunday, April 11, there was a cyberattack on Iran’s Natanz nuclear enrichment facility (its main one). The cyberattack caused a power failure at the facility, and Iran is calling it a “terrorist act.” As of this writing, Israel has not commented on the incident directly, but it’s not hard to imagine that Israel was behind it. Israel has recently ramped up its warnings against Iran’s nuclear program, and this cyber-attack occurred the night after Iran unveiled its new uranium enrichment equipment. “On Rouhani’s order, Iranian experts began injecting gas into a new generation of centrifuges at Natanz enrichment facility. Iran also began the mechanical testing of IR-9 centrifuges and launched an assembly line for its new generation of centrifuges.” Also, this latest incident comes as diplomatic efforts to revive the bogus 2015 nuclear deal with Iran have resumed. Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned on April 7 that Israel will not be bound by any deal world powers make with Iran if it leads to Iran securing nuclear weapons. Let’s go back to February when I read a report in the Jerusalem Post that perked up my ears and started my writing of this article. I wonder if the writer of a February 21 article in the Jerusalem Post titled “After the Swap: Russia’s Role in Syria and Israel’s Policy” realized how prophetic his words were. He spoke of “Russia’s overall role in Syria and how it is able to facilitate aspects of the conflict.” He said, “It is important to understand how Russia does this to potentially see where Syria is going in the future.” He called Russia the “maestro” of the band and said it is unclear whether Iran and Turkey (and their proxies), the U.S., and Syria “will continue to play their roles in concert.” He should have read Isaiah 17 and Ezekiel 38-39 to find the answer. Who would have thought that Russia, Iran, and Turkey would ever form an alliance? But true to God’s word, they’ve done just that. They put aside their differences in order to achieve their shared goal of reducing Western influence in the region. And each of them has their individual goals of dominance in the region and the world. Vladimir Putin stepped into a power vacuum created by the Obama administration’s failed policies and has managed to get Arab countries running to him to solve their problems. And Putin is playing to all sides. Here are some points made in the article:
Other reports have claimed that Russia is now “the king,” “power broker,” or “master” of the Middle East. An October 2017 Bloomberg article, “Putin Is Filling the Middle East Power Vacuum,” stated: “The Israelis and Turks, the Egyptians and Jordanians – they’re all beating a path to the Kremlin in the hope that Vladimir Putin, the new master of the Middle East, can secure their interests and fix their problems.” Russia’s influence in the region has increased “because Obama allowed it to,” claims Khaled Batarfi, professor at the Jeddah, Saudi Arabian branch of Alfaisal University. “Unfortunately, Obama withdrew to a great extent from the Middle East.” Current events show us that everyone is still playing their roles. As a matter of fact, it’s getting more concerning by the day. Both Russia and Iran have increased their aggression since the Biden bunch took over the White House. What is Iran doing besides what we’ve already mentioned? Iran has increased its attacks through its proxies in Iraq near and at U.S. military bases, and in drone attacks against Saudi Arabia. Iran is also continuing with its uranium enrichment with a new batch of centrifuges and says it won’t back down unless the U.S. removes ALL of its sanctions. The reality, however, is that Iran never abided by the bogus Iran nuclear deal, and that’s why Trump ended it and reimposed sanctions. Middle East expert Joel Rosenberg believes Iran is “getting ready to attack Israel” through its proxy Hezbollah (that is entrenched in Lebanon). He said, “If the Biden administration doesn’t find a way to neutralize the Iranian threat… Israeli leaders may feel they have no other choice but to strike Iran, and the implications for every country in the region – and for the U.S. – are huge.” He believes Iran’s recent bold actions could be driving the Saudis to make a strategic peace deal with Israel, which will enrage Iran and its allies since Saudis are custodians of Islam’s two holy mosques. Iran and its allies are determined to “make sure Arabs and Israelis never make lasting peace, and will do everything in their power to create war and terror to prevent peace from taking hold,” Rosenberg stated. – Source Saudi leaders have been somewhat aligning with Israel due to the threat from Iran, which they both share. Then there’s this recent development: Saudi leaders tweeted online that Mecca and Medina are the holy places of Islam, not Jerusalem and the Temple Mount (currently occupied by the Al Aqsa Mosque). Another tweet from Morocco emphasized that “the Temple Mount and Al Aqsa Mosque is of no particular importance to Muslims and hopes for building of the Third Temple and arrival of ‘peace’ with it for all peoples.” Another report, “Something is Cooking Between Israel and Saudi Arabia,” (as in strategic security) stated, “Saudi Arabia is hoping Netanyahu will win another term and succeed in weakening Iran, which has launched consistent attacks on Saudi Arabia” (through its proxy, the Houthis in Yemen). Zvi Yehezkeli, an Arab affairs analyst, said, “Iran is crushing the Saudis morning and evening. They are also conducting a military blitz on American facilities in Iraq [through their proxies Hezbollah and others], and all this at a time when the Americans are planning negotiations.” “Our neighborhood is beginning a new era and a new order,” he added. And What About Russia? NATO scrambles jets 10 times to track Russian military planes across Europe. The incident occurred on March 29 when a “rare peak” of Russian bombers and fighters flew over the North Sea, Black Sea, and Baltic Sea. Russian activity across an unusually wide area of European skies came on the same day Russian aircraft were tracked off the coast of Alaska. Buildup of Russian troops along Ukraine’s border and in Crimea. A U.S. Defense Dept spokesman confirmed that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff called top military leaders in Russia and Ukraine and said the Pentagon is aware of reports concerning Russian troop movements. U.S. Army Raises Europe Threat Level To ‘Potential Imminent Crisis’ On Ukraine-Russia Fears. Tensions are boiling, clashes have occurred, and Russia has warned NATO to stay out of it. Why Russian’s obsession with controlling this region? Russia needs warmer waters and ice-free ports in order to better maneuver its naval fleet. Its occupation and increasing militarization of the Crimean Peninsula poses a threat that goes well beyond this region. By using the Black Sea as a springboard, Russia can project power beyond its immediate surroundings — into the Middle East, the Balkans, and the Mediterranean — and strengthen its reemergence as a great power. And what about the U.S.? Biden administration removes a number of Gulf air defense batteries to further reduce U.S.’s presence in the Middle East despite Iran-backed Houthis’ recent waves of drone and missile strikes against targets in Saudi Arabia. If the U.S. is one of the “young lions” described in Ezekiel 38:13 that does not intervene when the Russian/Arab coalition invades Israel, this should not be a surprise. Israel will receive no help from other nations when this invasion occurs, each with their own motives for not doing so. But as we know, Israel won’t need help from anyone since God will personally intervene in a Mighty Way so that all the world will know who is God and protector of Israel. In Daymond Duck’s March 14 article, “The Power of God,” he notes the following: “Concerning the latter years and latter days Battle of Gog and Magog, in the last 2 weeks:
Since then, there was an attack on another Israel-owned cargo ship on March 25, and Israel is said to be behind the attack on an Iranian cargo ship in retaliation on April 6. Defense Minister Benny Gantz declined to react to the report that Israel was behind the attack on the Iranian ship, simply stating that Israel is preparing for threats on all possible fronts. As we know, Israel has conducted many strikes aimed at Iranian-backed targets in Syria in an attempt to thwart Iran’s devious plans. Iran has entrenched itself there with its own military forces and through its proxies. And besides smuggling weapons and ammunition to its proxy Hezbollah through commercial flights from Iran to Lebanon, it has made many attempts to move its weapons from Damascus to Hezbollah, obviously for a future attack on Israel. Iran has made its intentions to destroy the Jewish state loud and clear. Prime Minister Netanyahu warned on April 5 that Israel will not be bound by any deal world powers make with Iran if it leads to Iran securing nuclear weapons. And he has also stated that Israel is prepared to act alone if needed to stop Iran from doing so. Early last month, when asked in a Fox News interview if it’s true that the Israeli military is updating plans to strike Iranian nuclear sites and is prepared to act independently, Israel’s Defense Minister Benny Gantz responded that Israel is working on these plans. “The Iranian nuclear aspiration must be stopped. If the world stops them before, it’s very much good. But if not, we must stand independently and we must defend ourselves by ourselves,” he said. Iran’s Defense Minister Hatami responded by stating that Iran’s military will level Tel Aviv and Haifa should Israel do anything “out of desperation.” Former Israeli fighter pilot Maj. Gen. Tal Kalman, who heads the IDF’s Iran Directorate, says dealing with challenges Iran poses for Israel is a delicate and complex mission, but one the IDF is more than capable of handling. All of this bears close watching. What will be the matchstick that sets in motion the fulfillment of Isaiah 17 and Ezekiel 38-39? Regardless, God’s word tells us what will go down. Damascus will be completely destroyed, and both southern Syria and northern Israel will be severely damaged (Isaiah 17). The modern-day nations that are considered to be the ones involved in a last days’ attack against Israel (likely after the destruction of Damascus, etc.) are Russia, Iran, Turkey, and others, with Russia as the ‘maestro’ of the invasion. All three of these nations’ leaders have ambitious global goals. Turkey’s President Erdogan wants to recreate the Ottoman Empire. Iran wants to set up a Shiite Islamic Caliphate. Russia’s President Putin wants to control the world’s oil and sees Israel as a threat to that control. Britt Gillette pointed out the following in an April 2020 end-times article that speaks of the coronavirus-induced oil price war: “If Russia controlled the Middle East, they could control the world’s oil. Only two nations stand in Putin’s way – the United States and Israel. If a global depression, the rapture, or another major event changes U.S. policy in the Middle East, only Israel will stand between Russia and complete dominance of the global oil market. The high stakes incentivize Russia to team up with Iran and take out Israel. This will secure their collective grip on the region. The Bible says this will happen. More than 2,600 years ago, Ezekiel revealed an alliance composed of Russia, Iran, Turkey, and other regional nations will launch a surprise attack on Israel from the north (Ezekiel 38-39). Since the launch of the Syrian civil war in 2011, we’ve seen each of the major players mentioned move their forces into Syria. Russia and its allies currently sit on Israel’s northern border, which is the direction from which Ezekiel said they’ll attack (Ezekiel 38:15; Ezekiel 39:2). We’ve been watching God set the stage for this conflict for several years. The coronavirus-induced oil price war provides yet another reason to expect we’re getting closer to seeing fulfillment of Ezekiel 38-39. In December 2010, Israel made a massive gas find off the coast of Haifa with enough reserves to supply Israel’s gas needs for an entire century. And in September 2015, after a year of drilling, Israel discovered an oil shale deposit on the Golan Heights. The immense size of it was reported weeks later. Interestingly, on September 30, 2015, Russia began its military campaign in Syria. The oil is a huge incentive for Russia to lead an invasion of Israel. But God will personally intervene and destroy the invaders en masse. They will be food for the birds and the beasts. Many Bible prophecy experts agree with the following: “Sheba, and Dedan [modern-day Saudi Arabia], and the merchants of Tarshish [this could represent modern-day England], with all the young lions thereof [would include the U.S. in that case], shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take a spoil?” (Ezekiel 38:13a). In other words, they won’t be involved in this invasion but will protest it. Also, see Daymond Duck’s 2017 article, “Slowly Shaping Up,” in which he describes the players in this invasion. Conclusion: So, we see that Saudi Arabia is getting closer with Israel these days due to the Iran threat, even though it says it won’t make a peace agreement with Israel unless it agrees to move its borders beyond 1967 lines and allows for a ‘Palestinian State.’ However, if the Iran threat intensifies, this could cause Saudi Arabia to make that deal with Israel as other Arab nations have done in the past several months (Abraham Accords). The United States is already being torn apart by the Biden regime that intends to finish what Obama began in earnest – that is, taking down the U.S., the only nation standing in the way of global government. This would be a reason for the U.S. not to come to Israel’s defense. The Biden administration and many other Democrat leaders do not support Israel. Puppet Biden has filled his administration with anti-Israel activists. And his administration intends to push the Two-State (so-called) ‘solution’ – dividing up God’s land. Something else that would definitely render the U.S. unable to come to Israel’s aid is the rapture when Jesus takes up all the Bible-believing Christians to escape the coming wrath in the Tribulation (Time of Jacob’s Trouble; Daniel’s 70th week), as promised. We’ve seen a convergence of the prophesied end-time signs. Nation (ethic) against nation (ethnic), wars and rumors of wars everywhere you turn, increasing frequency and intensity of earthquakes, plagues and pestilence. Children are being indoctrinated by sinister leftist agendas in the education system. And we know how Jesus feels about children. “At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them, And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me. But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea” (Matthew 18:1-6). Jesus said that when He returns, the world will again be like it was in the days of Noah and Lot, and there is absolutely no doubt that we’re there (Luke 17:26-30). So, keep spreading the gospel, pray for the lost, and keep looking up, brethren. “Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth” (Revelation 3:10). China and Russia: The Guns of April - by Gordon G. Chang - Russian troops are massing on the Ukraine border, Chinese vessels are swarming Whitsun Reef of the Philippines in the South China Sea, and China's air force is flying almost daily through Taiwan's air-defense identification zone. Chinese troops for almost a year have been dug in deep in Indian-controlled Ladakh in the Himalayas. Two large aggressors are threatening to break apart neighbors and absorb them. The Biden administration has issued warnings to both Moscow and Beijing, but neither looks impressed. American attempts to de-escalate flashpoints are seen in Russian and Chinese circles as failures of resolve. At least at this moment, those adversaries are right to scoff at the new U.S. leader. The Chinese are especially bold. They describe their flights near Taiwan as "combat drills." At the same time, they are sending large ships close to Taiwan's waters. The Liaoning, their first aircraft carrier, recently steamed along the east side of the island in an especially provocative gesture. The Global Times, an unofficial Communist Party tabloid used by Beijing to signal new policies, on April 12 posted a video of Hu Xijin, its editor-in-chief, warning that Beijing would overfly Taiwan — in other words, fly into Taiwan's sovereign airspace — to "declare sovereignty." Threats like that start wars. Chinese leaders speak provocatively because, among other reasons, they do not believe the United States or others will come to Taiwan's rescue. For decades, Washington has maintained a policy of "strategic ambiguity," not telling either Beijing or Taipei what the U.S. would do in the face of imminent conflict. This approach worked in generally peaceful times with a more cooperative Chinese leadership, but, with far more aggressive rulers in Beijing, that policy is failing. Beijing is no longer impressed by American power. China's top diplomat, Yang Jiechi, in the infamous Anchorage meeting in the middle of last month, launched into a tirade in which he told Secretary of State Antony Blinken and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan that the U.S. could no longer talk to China "from a position of strength." Beijing is openly mocking Washington. Ominously, Global Times on April 14 ran an editorial with this headline: "When Real Determination Is Lacking, the U.S. Should Maintain 'Strategic Ambiguity.'" In effect, China's leaders are saying they do not believe President Joe Biden would defend Taiwan. The editorial, in support of this view, makes it clear that Beijing thinks the military balance of power is in its favor, even if the U.S. were willing to fight on the island republic's side. In a propaganda blast on April 8, China's regime said Taiwan "won't stand a chance" if it decides to invade the island. This Chinese self-perception of overwhelming strength is extraordinarily dangerous, of course. It is, therefore, time to reestablish deterrence. As Joseph Bosco, a Pentagon China desk officer in the George W. Bush administration, told Gatestone this month, "Given the dramatically changed circumstances, different words are needed now." Unfortunately, Beijing is not hearing them. True, the U.S. and Japan issued a joint leaders' statement mentioning Taiwan — the first time that has happened since 1969 — during the visit of Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga to the White House on April 16, but the words were milquetoast. At this moment, the failure to adopt appropriately robust language only adds to the perception of American weakness and underlines concerns expressed by Bosco, now a prominent China analyst, and others. What to do? Biden should publicly declare the United States is ditching strategic ambiguity and adopting "strategic clarity," in other words, Biden should issue a clear declaration that America will defend Taiwan. Beijing has dared the president to say that; he must respond. Moreover, we have already passed the point where just declarations and warnings will suffice. The Biden administration has yet to impose costs on China for aggressive actions jeopardizing America's security and that of allies like Japan. Chinese leaders, while hearing the mild warnings from the Biden administration, must be asking one question: "Or what?" As China threatens Taiwan, Russia threatens Ukraine. Moscow in recent weeks has reportedly massed an estimated 85,000 troops near its border with that former Soviet republic, now an independent state. The concentration of Russian forces there is the highest since 2014, when Moscow annexed Crimea. That year, Russia-backed soldiers took control of much of the Donetsk and Luhansk portions of Ukraine's Russian-speaking Donbas, and Moscow began issuing passports to a half million people in the Donetsk and Luhansk "People's Republics." Vladimir Putin in 2019 said that Russia reserved the right to protect ethnic Russians outside Russia. This month, Dmitry Kozak, deputy head of Russia's presidential administration, said his country might intervene to "defend" its citizens. If it did, he suggested, Ukraine would not survive because it would not be "a shot in the leg, but in the face." The American response has not been adequate. Russians perceive Biden as feeble. "In Putin's game of brinkmanship, Biden blinked first," said journalist Konstantin Eggert to the BBC, referring to the American president proposing a meeting to his Russian counterpart. Biden's "nerves," he said, "had failed him." That assessment may be correct. In the face of threats directed at Washington by Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov, the U.S. Navy did not, as many had expected, send two destroyers through the Bosporus into the international waters of the Black Sea. Politico reported that "two U.S. officials familiar with the plans" said the cancellation was due to American concerns about inflaming the Russia-Ukraine situation. Gregory Copley, president of the International Strategic Studies Association, told Gatestone that Turkey announced Washington's intention to sail into the Black Sea before a decision had in fact been made. Especially in light of Ankara's announcement, the ultimate decision to stay away made it look as if the U.S. had backed down. Significantly, Ukraine was disappointed by the decision. Copley, also editor-in-chief of Defense & Foreign Affairs Strategic Policy, points out China and Russia usually test new American presidents, as do other states. What is different this time is the seriousness of their provocations. The Dragon and the Bear appear to be coordinating moves, as they have for some time. At the very least, each is acting with an eye to what the other is doing. Once one of these aggressors makes a move, the other large state, taking advantage of the situation, will almost certainly follow. Biden also has to be concerned about Moscow or Beijing acting through proxies Iran and North Korea. China's communist regime has a history of engaging in belligerent acts — most notably the 1962 invasion of India during the Cuban missile crisis — while others are distracted by faraway events. Consequently, war could break out on both ends of the Eurasian landmass at the same time. All the elements for history's next great conflict are now in place. Golden Cup or Cankering Cesspool? – Terry James - Disturbing statistics about the nation I love bring again to mind the question: Why is America not mentioned in Bible prophecy? It is the apex nation of history so far as concerns achieving material wealth and moving forward technology that defines the term “modernity.” America has been, as we’ve noticed on many occasions, among history’s most spiritually blessed and God-centered nation-states. Of course, we’re quick to recognize and state the obvious. That seems now a thing—for recent generations, at least—of the distant past. Every day and in most every way it can be said that the US as currently constituted has turned our back on God and most things of the Heaven-directed sort. We watch on an hourly news-cycle basis while the political power wielders who committed electoral larceny work incessantly at trying to take apart this nation one constitutional safeguard after another. And they do so without seemingly significant push-back from all but a very few. Sadly, it appears that a majority of we the people, rather than oppose things going on to destroy this once-great republic, just fall in line like proverbial lemmings. Evidence of this acquiescence is the very large number of people who accept an almost totally unproven and non-FDA approved vaccine. With government-engineered, fear-engendered COVID-19 at the center of the coercion, they are willing to give in to government directives to comply, if they want to be able to be American citizens in the same sense as before the so-called pandemic. Only, there is little chance of that ever being allowed to happen. Implied in this government demand that all be vaccinated with an unproven injection is that a vaccine passport is forthcoming. All will have to have it—or else stay sequestered within the confines of one’s home, I presume. I don’t intend by this rant to advise in any way that one should or should not take the vaccine. That is a personal decision (at this point at least.) I’m more than implying, however, that I object strenuously to government, by proxy, forcing us to be jabbed, as it is termed by some. I say “by proxy” because the politicians, very wise in their end-times deceit and treachery, are in league with big-business interests. They will, no doubt, let the business entities take the blame for requiring the vaccine passports that are undoubtedly on the way. This is to say that in the near future you might not be allowed to go to Walmart or any other place to shop, or ride in public conveyance without your papers—yes, much like Nazi Germany began the Reign of Terror during der Führer’s rise to dictatorship. The papers of vaccination are the new normal the powers that be want us to accept. And this while Dr. Anthony Fauci says we need to keep the masks on in public and avoid gathering. All this, in my view of Bible prophecy, demonstrates the terrible effects of turning one’s back on God, which we mentioned at the beginning. Is America the Babylon of Revelation 18? This is a query we’ve been over many times here, and others have explored on many occasions in Bible prophecy studies. I’ve indicated that I believe there are parallels that are hard to dismiss between that doomed, future city-state that will be destroyed in one hour and our beloved America. Time factors show, in my view, that it would be hard for another all-dominating empire-type state such as America has been to develop in the area of ancient Babylon—if Christ’s return is close. I don’t hold that America and the prophesied Babylon are one and the same. I simply weasel out by saying it looks to me like there is a possibility that they are. And when I see the description in Revelation chapter 18—“has been a golden cup in God’s hand”—I think of this Heaven-blessed nation. As stated many times, we have spread the Gospel—carried out the Great Commission—as no other nation to ever exist. We have been blessed with the technology and travel capability to do so. America has blessed God’s chosen nation Israel as no other nation has blessed that people. The US was instrumental in bringing about Israel’s rebirth in 1948 and has stood as a sort of big brother to protect the Jewish state since. This blessing of Israel, too, is now on the dangerous side of down-trending with the Biden administration and a seeming increasing hostility toward Benjamin Netanyahu and the Jewish state. The “golden cup” nation called America, it seems, is now cankering—rusting and deteriorating by the day. As a matter of fact, it has become rather a cesspool of Sodom-like activity in a significant way. The following somewhat frames this truth. There are a lot of things that we want America to be great at, but spreading sexually-transmitted diseases is not one of them. And the numbers tell us that cases have been rising at a particularly frightening pace since 2015… For 2019, health departments across the U.S. reported 1.8 million cases of Chlamydia, an almost 20% increase since 2015; 616,392 cases of gonorrhea, more than 50% higher than 2015, and 129,813 cases of all stages of syphilis, a whopping 70% increase, the CDC said. So why is this happening? Well, an NPR article on this subject is pointing out that dating apps have made finding casual sex easier than ordering a pizza… There are many factors that contribute to the rise of STDs, and syphilis in particular. In the gay community in San Francisco, for example, the rise of mobile dating apps like Grindr and Tinder made finding a date “faster than getting pizza delivered to your home,” says Dan Wohlfeiler, an STD prevention specialist and co-founder of Building Healthy Online Communities, which uses these apps to improve gay men’s health. These dating apps are particularly popular among young people and in the gay community, and this is clearly showing up in the case numbers… Additionally, gay and bisexual men and younger people also faced an increased burden. According to the report, gay and bisexual men made up nearly half of all 2019 primary and secondary syphilis cases and had gonorrhea rates that were 42 times higher than heterosexual men in some areas, whereas people aged 15 to 24 years accounted for 61% of chlamydia cases and 42% of gonorrhea cases. It is important to keep in mind that chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis are just three pieces of a much larger puzzle. According to the CDC, there are dozens of STDs currently spreading in the United States. Approximately 20 million new STD infections occur in the U.S. every single year, and at any moment in time approximately 110 million Americans are dealing with a sexually-transmitted disease. (“We’re #1”: Yet Another Ignominious All-Time Record High Is Established In The Late, Great United States,” by Tyler Durden (article by Michael Snyder), ZeroHedge, April 15, 2021) America, in significant, wicked ways, has now become like the sexually debauched days of Sodom of Lot’s day. There seems no turning back, although we should pray and work toward that changed trajectory. This all means that Jesus, and His time for stepping out on the clouds of Glory to call His Church to be with Him, might be even at the door of Heaven. We who are called by His Holy Name can take comfort from His own Words. We can take comfort because all we are seeing might mean that things are now like they were in Lot’s day when God intervened. The next Intervention, I believe Jesus is saying, will be the Rapture! Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed. (Luke 17:28–29) The Price Of Plywood Is Absolutely Ridiculous – But It Is Also A Sign Of The Times… by Michael Snyder - Would you pay $100 for a sheet of plywood? I know that sounds absolutely crazy, but we are almost there. The price of plywood has been soaring into the stratosphere in recent weeks, and analysts are telling us that it will remain high for the foreseeable future. Memes about plywood have started to pop up all over social media, but this is no joking matter. These extraordinarily high prices are causing a lot of pain in the homebuilding industry, and many Americans have had to postpone construction plans indefinitely. Unfortunately, our national leaders continue to flood the system with even more new money, and that is going to cause even more extreme inflation in the months and years to come. Prior to the pandemic, any discussions about plywood on social media were likely to be painfully boring, but now everything has changed. Thanks to skyrocketing prices, plywood has suddenly become a very hot topic, and one post on Facebook that circulated quite widely ended up getting national attention… “Food for thought — 3/4″ Plywood Standard: March 2020 – $37.98 /sheet February 2021 – $72.49 /sheet March 2021 – $83.49 /sheet April 2021 – $95.98 /sheet That is 252% price increase on one of the most used piece of common lumber for construction.” Not surprisingly, this post got flagged on Facebook for being “misinformation”. But then PolitiFact looked into this, and they confirmed that the price of plywood really has risen to such levels… Shawn Church, editor of Random Lengths, which publishes price data on the wood products industry, gave us figures for 23/32-inch plywood produced in the Pacific Northwest and the South. The price in the Northwest for Fir 23/32-inch sheathing for the first week of April was $1,610 per thousand square feet, up 287% from $560 a year earlier. In the South, the price of that panel was $1,500 per thousand square feet, up 230% from $455 one year ago. Personally, I could never see myself shelling out $100 for one piece of plywood, because that just seems nuts. But our world has become a much different place over the past year. The system has been absolutely flooded with new money, and there is no going back to the way that things once were. Let me give you another example of the sort of extreme inflation that we have been witnessing. According to the Guardian, an old pair of Kanye West’s Air Yeezy sneakers that are being auctioned off have been valued at one million dollars… Kanye West’s Air Yeezy sneakers are being auctioned for $1m, making them Sotheby’s most expensive shoe listing ever. They are expected to break the record set by a pair of Nike Air Jordan 1s worn by Michael Jordan, which sold for $615,000 last year. The black, size 12 Nike Air Yeezy 1 prototypes, designed by West and Nike’s Mark Smith in 2007, were groundbreaking. Aesthetically they altered the shape and form of sneakers in the decade that followed. Who in the world would be dumb enough to pay a million dollars for a pair of old sneakers? That is literally insane. Speaking of insane, Dogecoin now has a total market value of approximately 50 billion dollars… Dogecoin, which is pronounced dohj-coin, has already leaped to roughly 39 cents, up more than 8,000% for 2021 so far. That towers over the roughly 11% return for the U.S. stock market, which itself is getting criticism for rising too high. Collectively, dogecoins have a total market value of roughly $50 billion, according to CoinDesk. That puts it on par with Dow Inc. or Kimberly-Clark, which makes Kleenex and Huggies. Are you kidding me? Dogecoin doesn’t even pretend to be a serious cryptocurrency. It was started as a total joke, and nobody ever thought that it would have any real value. But thanks to Elon Musk and other proponents, Dogecoin really has gone to the moon. In the end, I believe that Dogecoin will be the “” of this financial bubble, but for the moment Dogecoin investors are loving life. Of course it won’t last, and those that are comparing it to “tulip mania” are right on target… “This is like a cross between a pyramid scheme and tulip mania,” one user on Reddit, named hazardousmeme, said in a discussion about Dogecoin after another user asked if it’s a safe investment. “Safe is the absolute last thing that this is.” “Let’s hope this goes up!” another Reddit user, Enough-Construction5, wrote after saying they bought $500 worth of Dogecoin. “Better than putting it into a slot machine!” No, it is exactly like putting it into a slot machine. Maybe social media hype can drive Dogecoin even higher, but eventually it is going to zero. So I hope that the guy that is currently holding close to 15 billion dollars worth of Dogecoin is able to sell while he still can… There is little we can add here that David Einhorn didn’t already say yesterday, but it’s probably worth noting for those keeping track of where in the bubble we are now, that in the magical world of dogecoin – a cryptocurrency that was specifically created as a joke spoof on the crypto concept and which has been promoted aggressive by such luminaries as Elon Musk – there is now a holder residing at address “DH5yaieqoZN36fDVciNyRueRGvGLR3mr7L” who owns 36,711,935,369.11 dogecoins or whatever the plural is, and whose holdings – which started accumulating back in Febriary 2019 – after the latest surge in dogegoin which has sent the joke crypto up 150% in the past 24 hours and 5x in the past week… … are worth just under $15 billion. In the old days, investing was all about fundamentals, and rational investors were often greatly rewarded. But now the “markets” are all about meme stocks, crypto speculation and following whatever moves the Federal Reserve is making. We are in the financial bubble to end all financial bubbles, and the eventual implosion of this epic bubble is going to be spectacular. But in the current environment, Dogecoin investors are laughing all the way to the bank, and a single deli in rural New Jersey can have a value of close to 100 million dollars. The markets are completely broken, and the current insanity on Wall Street will not last for much longer. On the other hand, the rampant inflation that we are witnessing is here to stay, and it is going to be a major issue in our society from this point forward. Daily Jot: Stupidocrisy: Chris Cuomo - Bill Wilson – New York Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo’s brother is carrying on the family stupidocrisy. Chris Cuomo, host of CNN’s Cuomo Prime Time, said April 16 that gun law and police reform will only happen when “white people’s kids start getting killed.” Cuomo said, “Shootings, gun laws, access to weapons. Oh, I know when they’ll change. Your kids start getting killed, white people’s kids start getting killed.” In today’s environment, a statement like that is both irresponsible and reprehensible. It implies that social change will not happen unless white kids die. Nobody wants their child to die, no matter the color of their skin. But Cuomo is suggesting to the crazies that white kids need to die for social justice. This is the same Chris Cuomo who CNN positioned as a selfless husband and father quarantining in his basement with COVID 19, but was actually found on last year’s Easter Sunday breaking his own brother’s state-ordered quarantine and getting into a mask-less confrontation with a cyclist. This is the same Chris Cuomo who, in wrapping up CNN’s coverage of the GOP convention, defended CNN’s disproportionate fact checking of Republicans. Cuomo contended that CNN didn’t fact check the Democratic Convention so much because Democrats don’t lie. Cuomo said that Republicans lie, especially Donald Trump, so CNN had to fact check the GOP convention so people will know who to believe. Cuomo’s interested in facts? Here’s some: Statista Research puts 2020 total fatal shootings by police at 1,021–457 were White, 241 Black,169 Hispanic, and 154 either “other” or unknown. Fox News reports that so far in 2021, there have been 52 (3 unarmed) Blacks and 109 (5 unarmed) Whites killed by police. Police statistics indicate that in Chicago alone in 2020 that there were 4,033 shooting victims, 769 homicides and 79 police officers shot. This, in a state and city with some of the strictest gun laws in America. Statistically, gun control doesn’t work and police officers rarely exercise lethal force in comparison to the amount of crime, especially in big cities which are usually run by Democrats—the party that gave America Jim Crow laws and wants to blame everybody else for the problem they institutionalized for well over a century. Psalm 127:4,5 says, “Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one’s youth. Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them.” It is disgraceful that Cuomo would greenlight or even suggest harming children for any cause, let alone social or political. Chris Cuomo should be held accountable. CNN should remove him from their channel. Fact is, nobody’s kids should be killed. To even say something like that is a stupid thing to say, and in Cuomo’s case, hypocritical. It’s stupid because it could trigger some psychos into actually doing it. It’s hypocritical because I’m sure Cuomo would not want his own kids, God forbid, to be the first in setting the example. Say it with me…Stupidocrisy. Daily Devotion: Get Rid of Rage - by Greg Laurie – Fools vent their anger, but the wise quietly hold it back. —Proverbs 29:11 - Listen Sometimes we feel justified in unloading both barrels and giving someone a piece of our mind, because we think that we’re in the right on the subject. So let’s just say, for the sake of a point, that we are right. Even if that’s the case, we don’t have to scream at people. We don’t have to turn it into a major conflict. We may rationalize it by saying we’re more spiritual than the other people, so we need to set them right. But if you’re really a spiritual person, if you’re really a godly person, then you’ll be a humble person. You’ll also be a loving person—not someone who’s filled with anger and rage. I have no doubt that social media feeds this. I think we spend way too much time looking at our phones and tablets and following our favorite websites, which inflames us. Yet as believers, we should show love and forgiveness. And if we don’t, we’ll grieve the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is God. Therefore, it’s not only possible to grieve the Holy Spirit, but it’s also possible to lie to the Holy Spirit, resist the Holy Spirit, and insult the Holy Spirit. The apostle Paul wrote, “And do not bring sorrow to God’s Holy Spirit by the way you live. . . Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior” (Ephesians 4:30–31 NLT). The Bible says that a person who loses his temper is a fool (see Proverbs 29:11). And Jesus said, “Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples” (John 13:35 NLT). As followers of Jesus Christ, we are to love others and be at peace. When Christians love one another, it’s a powerful witness to a lost world. 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The coming turmoil will provide us unrivaled opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. So be ready to share your faith and your hope with those who need Christ. We still have time to reap a great harvest of souls for God's kingdom!" - Hal Lindsey 1) We need your prayers!- We proclaim the Truth of the Word of God and we are under constant spiritual and sometimes even physical attack. 2) We need your encouragement!- We need to hear from you, let us know how the Lord is blessing you through this ministry so that we can share it with others. 3) We need your input! - If you have a prophetic article or story or if there is a news related item we missed, let us know. 4) We need your financial support!- To put it quite simply, without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update. I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to get the Word out and keep the world informed. Remember, your gift, no matter how small, does make a difference! 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