It’s Sin - By Daymond Duck -
On Aug. 17, 2021, LifeSiteNews reported that conservative Bishop Joseph Strickland warned that “we are suffering as a world because of our sins (promoting abortion, homosexuality, and oppressing ordinary citizens) and failing to recognize God as the Creator and true author of life.” Strickland urged Christians to stand for the “truths of the faith” and said, “They (godless world leaders) can kill us, seriously curtail our freedoms, but they can’t take away the very essence of who we are: free beings that can choose to say yes to God or not.” This writer agrees with the bishop. America’s problem is sin: political corruption, judicial corruption, moral corruption, the Church is lukewarm and declining, etc.
These are not the characteristics of a Christian nation or sins that a holy God will tolerate forever from a nation that was created under God. Payday has arrived for America and the world, and it is our own fault. There is still hope for individuals that have truly accepted Jesus as their Saviour (the Rapture), but there is no hope for those that have joined the Church without truly trusting in Jesus (unless they do it before they die or before the Rapture). Hopefully, this writer is wrong, but it is possible that America has reached a point of no return, that God has already decided to bring our sin-filled nation down, and it’s possible that America will never recover. One, concerning the impact of Afghanistan’s fall on world government and wars and rumors of wars:
America is no longer the world’s number one superpower, and the decline of America is just what the globalists needed to bring in their godless one-world government and religion. (George Soros gave millions to the campaigns of the Clinton’s, Obama and others who were in favor of weakening America to eventually bring in the NWO. George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, and the Rockefellers were also strong supporters of the NWO.) As Jan Markel so often says, “Things are not falling apart; things are falling into place” (lining up exactly the way the Bible says they will at the end of the age). Update one: On Aug. 18, 2021, the U.K. Parliament held Pres. Biden in contempt for withdrawing from Afghanistan and called his decision “catastrophic” and “shameful.” This reflects the thinking of one of America’s strongest allies. Phase 1 of the Globalist plan to establish the New World Order was to create trading blocks of nations, and many trading blocks are now in existence. Phase 2 of the globalist plan to establish the New World Order is to remove America as the undisputed leader of the free world and replace it with leaders from ten groups of nations (Ten Kings). It is the opinion of this writer that America has been deliberately disgraced, world leaders will soon say Biden is not mentally capable of leading the free world, the U.S. must be replaced – they will select ten leaders from ten trading blocks of nations, and the U.S. will be in the trading block known as the USMCA (United States, Mexico, and Canada). Phase 3 of the globalist plan to establish the New World Order is for the Ten Kings to empower one man to rule over the entire world. This will be done after the Rapture. In addition to seeing the global development and advancement of technology and policies that will lead to the Mark of the Beast – forced compliance, development of passports or passes, a demand for government databases to track people, a demand to prevent the unvaccinated from entering stores to buy or sell, the spread of anti-Christian rhetoric, etc. – we are seeing the development of the government that will use that technology and force the Mark upon the world. Remember that the goal is to have it up and running by 2030 or sooner if possible. It is likely that Satan’s man with a plan is alive and well right now. This writer also believes that God is showing us these things to remind us of what Jesus said in the Book of Revelation, that He knows the end from the beginning, and there is a great need for us to repent of our sins. Two, the Bible teaches that the Kings (plural) of the East will invade the Middle East during the Tribulation Period (Rev. 16:12). The Bible doesn’t identify the Kings of the East, but many prophecy experts have long expressed the opinion that they will include China, North Korea, and other nations. China now has the largest navy in the world; China is expected to soon be the number one economy in the world; China has built a railroad and highway to the Middle East; China has already reached out to the Taliban government in Afghanistan; and China is seeking to negotiate a deal with the Taliban to mine an estimated one trillion dollars of essential minerals in Afghanistan. Three, on Aug. 20, 2021, it was reported that even though the Biden administration says it is evacuating people from Afghanistan for free, a State Dept. official admitted that they are charging U.S. citizens up to $2,000 per person to get them out (more for non-U.S. citizens). The Taliban has taken over the banks and emptied the ATMs, so some evacuees are being forced to take out a loan from the U.S. government. Four, concerning persecution, on Aug. 22, 2021, it was reported that Christians are facing imminent death in Afghanistan, women and young girls are facing rape, beatings, and forced marriages (candidate Biden said he is a good Catholic and he loves women and children). Five, concerning persecution and the days of Noah (great wickedness): on Aug. 24, 2021, the Head of the UN Human Rights Council said she has received credible reports that the Taliban is executing civilians and members of the Afghanistan Security Forces. The blood of these victims is on the hands of those (the shadow government and Mr. Biden) that have deliberately weakened the U.S. Six, concerning the refusal to let people buy and sell unless they take the Mark of the Beast during the Tribulation Period (Rev. 13:15-18): on Aug. 20, 2021, it was reported that some very large French supermarkets in areas where there is a high rate of Covid are requiring people to show a valid government-issued Covid pass before allowing them to enter to purchase food. The only two ways to get a valid government-issued Covid pass are: 1) proof of vaccination, or 2) proof of a negative Covid test in the last 72 hours. For years, Bible prophecy teachers have been saying this is coming. Some French citizens are refusing to be vaccinated, and thousands are protesting by marching and demonstrating. During the Tribulation Period, those that refuse to take the Mark will be killed. Seven, concerning peace, Israel and the Arabs: on Aug. 13, 2021, Israel and Morocco announced that they will open reciprocal embassies within two months. Eight, concerning deceit:
There is no reason not to tell these whoppers because big tech and most of the media ignore them. The Satanic Antichrist will have to be terrible to out-deceive this administration. Think about it; Democrats impeached the previous president over something he didn’t say in a phone call. Nine, here is some of this writer’s thinking on what we may be seeing: Islam believes in world government and world religion, but the Radical Muslims want it to be an Islamic world government and world religion. They are fighting and dying to accomplish that. God will allow a world government and world religion to rise and exist for seven years (the Tribulation Period), but it will not be Islamic.
Russia and China are already wooing Afghanistan, and this writer is not sure which group Afghanistan will wind up in (the Russian-Islamic invasion of Israel or the Kings of the East), but this writer is sure that Afghanistan will wind up in the right group and Jehovah will not allow Allah to have His (Jehovah’s) glory. Jehovah could even be drawing the Taliban into a coalition that will soon be defeated and an embarrassment to Allah. This writer believes that Russia, China, Iran, and other radicals will now think an evil thought (America is weak; America is preoccupied with Covid, Climate Change, the Woke culture, etc.; it is time to strike; time to plunder Israel; time to create an Islamic Caliphate, etc.). The prophesied end of the age wars and rumors of wars could be on the horizon. Biden abandoned billions of dollars of high-tech weapons in Afghanistan; some are already finding their way to Russia and China, but they are nothing compared to the power of God. The globalists will use the defeat of these nations to establish a world government and religion under the Antichrist and False Prophet. America’s problem is sin, and I believe we are the only generation in history that could be the terminal generation. Finally, are you Rapture Ready? If you want to be rapture ready and go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this. [email protected] A Very Odd Confluence of Events - by Michael Snyder - August has definitely been a “turning point”, and in recent weeks we have had the opportunity to watch some incredibly shocking events unfold which will change the course of history permanently. At this moment, Hurricane Ida is the biggest story that everyone is discussing. As I warned about on Friday, Ida went through a period of “rapid intensification” in the Gulf of Mexico before coming ashore in Louisiana on Sunday as an absolutely monstrous storm. It hit New Orleans exactly 16 years to the day after Hurricane Katrina did, and many are pointing out that this seems to be a really “strange” coincidence. When Hurricane Katrina made landfall in Louisiana in 2005, it was a Category 3 storm, but Hurricane Ida was actually a Category 4 storm when it made landfall near Port Fourchon… Hurricane Ida’s initial impacts began early Sunday as the outer bands brought heavy rain to the Louisiana coast early Sunday. The Category 4 hurricane, packing sustained winds of 150 mph came ashore at 11:55 a.m. CDT near Port Fourchon, Louisiana. Ida has become the first landfalling hurricane on United States soil in 2021, and AccuWeather forecasters, expecting extreme impacts for the Gulf Coast, have rated Ida a 4 on the AccuWeather RealImpact™ Scale for Hurricanes. The extremely high winds have torn roofs from countless homes and buildings, and in some cases power lines have been snapped in two. At this hour, hundreds of thousands of local residents are without power, and Governor John Bel Edwards is telling the press that Ida could be the most powerful storm to hit Louisiana in over 160 years… Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards said the storm could be the most powerful to pound the state in more than 160 years. Hurricane Katrina, which flooded most of New Orleans, killing almost 2,000 people and causing damages estimated at $125 billion, made landfall 16 years ago to the day – as a Category 3 storm. From an economic standpoint, one of the biggest concerns is that nearly all of the oil production facilities in the Gulf of Mexico have been forced to temporarily close down… More than 95% of the Gulf of Mexico’s oil production facilities have been shut down, regulators said Sunday, indicating the massive storm is having a significant impact on energy supply. Six refineries in the New Orleans area — including PBF, Phillips, Shell, Marathon and two Valero refineries — are shut down right now, Andy Lipow, president of Lipow Oil Associates, a Houston-based consulting firm, told CNN Business. “It’s now a waiting game to assess whatever wind and flooding damage will be caused as the hurricane passes through the area.” Needless to say, this is likely to cause another supply crunch, and we already being warned to expect significantly higher gasoline prices… The Gulf of Mexico federal offshore oil production accounts for 17% of the country’s crude oil production and 5% of its federal offshore dry gas production, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Andrew Lipow, president of Lipow Oil Associates in Houston, said Saturday that if the New Orleans refineries take a direct hit from a Category 4 storm, gas prices would likely rise by about 10 cents a gallon in the Southeastern and Mid-Atlantic markets. Meanwhile, the greatest foreign policy debacle in modern American history continues to unfold in Afghanistan. The way that the Biden administration has handled this crisis has been utterly shameful, and it has resulted in the deaths of 13 service members. As Hurricane Ida was pummeling Louisiana on Sunday, Joe Biden and his minions were overseeing the transfer of the remains of those service members… In a silence broken only by the sobs of bereaved families, Joe Biden stood Sunday, hand over his heart, to pay tribute as the remains of the US service members killed in the Kabul bombing attack were transferred from a military C-17 cargo plane to a closely parked row of gray hearses. But Biden grew impatient at one point, and footage of the event actually shows him checking his watch. If you have not seen this shocking moment yet, you can view it right here. Did he really think that nobody would notice? Later on, reporters wanted to ask Biden some questions about Afghanistan, but he abruptly refused… ‘I’m not supposed to take any questions, but go ahead,’ he said as he turned to the travelling press pool. ‘On Afghanistan…’ said a reporter before he cut him off. He snapped: ‘I’m not going to answer Afghanistan now.’ The president turned away from the press pool to talk to FEMA staff as the reporter continued with a question about whether he still believed ‘there was an extreme risk at the airport.’ This crisis has clearly demonstrated that our new “woke military” has become weak and pathetic, and it is being led by weak and pathetic brass at the Pentagon. Of course these days “weak” and “pathetic” are words that are often used to describe the man that is currently residing in the White House. The Biden administration desperately needs a new distraction, and it appears the one has conveniently come along. We are being told that the most extreme COVID variant yet has been identified in South Africa… A new coronavirus variant, C.1.2, has been detected in South Africa and a number of other countries, with concerns that it could be more infectious and evade vaccines, according to a new preprint study by South Africa’s National Institute for Communicable Diseases and the KwaZulu-Natal Research Innovation and Sequencing Platform. The study is awaiting peer review. Scientists first detected C.1.2 in May 2021, finding that it was descended from C.1, which scientists found surprising as C.1 had last been detected in January. The new variant has “mutated substantially” compared to C.1 and is more mutations away from the original virus detected in Wuhan than any other Variant of Concern (VOC) or Variant of Interest (VOI) detected so far worldwide. There are now dozens of variants running around out there, and each new variant is a threat to cause another new “wave” of this pandemic. Prior to 2020 I was warning that it would be “one thing after another” once we got into the “perfect storm” that we are currently experiencing, and we are now being told that Americans are developing “disaster fatigue” because of all of the bad things that have happened over the last couple of years. Sadly, many believe that much more chaos is dead ahead. These are extremely troubled times, and we desperately need strong leadership from our representatives in Washington. Unfortunately for all of us, Washington has become a complete and total cesspool, and the whole world is laughing at the endless stream of incompetence emanating from the White House. Bennett’s goals, Israel’s goals – Caroline Glick - Three weeks ago, Foreign Minister Yair Lapid and Defense Minister Benny Gantz convened the ambassadors from all the UN Security Council member nations in Jerusalem and told them that if Iran maintains its current pace of uranium enrichment, it will reach military nuclear break-out capacity in 70 days. If their countdown clock is accurate, Iran is now around seven weeks away from becoming a nuclear capable state. Given the urgency of the situation, Israel’s prime minister could have been expected to fly to Washington to make clear to the U.S. president that Israel intends to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities at Qom, Fordo, Natanz and Isfahan, (or any combination of them), in order to stop the clock. The same prime minister could be expected to tell the president that while Israel would appreciate U.S. assistance in carrying out the mission, all Israel asks is for the U.S. not to undermine its operation. On the face of things then, it makes sense to assess Naftali Bennett’s trip to Washington in the context of the urgency of the hour. And on the face of things, it appears to have been carried out in this context. Bennett insisted on visiting the White House in the midst of the greatest strategic catastrophe to befall the U.S. since the September 11 attacks. But whereas those attacks were the work of foreign jihadist terrorists, America’s present strategic defeat – now compounded by last Wednesday’s murderous terrorist assault on Kabul airport – is the direct consequence of President Joe Biden’s actions. Over the past few weeks, Biden has demonstrated that his judgment is impaired. The apparent absence of any strategic or operational foresight informing America’s humiliating withdrawal from Kabul, and Biden’s failure to coordinate the operation with U.S. allies has decimated his credibility. U.S. allies recognize that they cannot trust America under his leadership. If it was so important to Bennett to come in the midst of all of this, he could have been expected to leverage the current crisis to make clear that Israel is not following the U.S. down the rabbit hole. Israel will defend itself and the time to act has arrived. But that doesn’t appear to be what happened. Bennett said that he presented Biden with a completely new strategy for blocking Iran from becoming a nuclear armed state. And Biden helpfully said that he was committed to blocking Iran from ever acquiring nuclear weapons. But Biden also said that he doesn’t think the situation is urgent at all. To the contrary. He said, “We’re putting diplomacy first and seeing where it takes us.” He added blandly, “But if diplomacy fails, we’re ready to turn to other options.” If Iran is on target to become a nuclear capable state in seven weeks, then the upshot of Biden’s statement is that the Biden administration is willing to live with a nuclear Iran. There was no evidence of tension between the two leaders in their joint appearance at the Oval Office. This despite the fact that Biden’s claim that he would consider “other options” was far weaker than statements by then president Barack Obama. At the height of his efforts to appease Iran through nuclear concessions, Obama said that the “military option is on the table.” Even worse, when U.S. reporters asked White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki what other options are being considered, she said that at this point, no options other than diplomacy are being considered in respect to Iran’s nuclear activities. Biden failed in Afghanistan because he apparently believed that with the unstinting support of the U.S. media, he didn’t need to bother putting together a coherent withdrawal plan or discussing it ahead of time with U.S. allies. He was convinced that good PR meant you don’t need a good policy. His failure in Afghanistan proves that reality is unmoved by press clippings. Israel’s media are Bennett’s flaks. And the reporters and commentators on TV claimed that Bennett’s goal was simply to sit down with Biden. Just by sitting in the Oval Office, he showed that he is prime minister now – not the other guy. But here too, reality is a stubborn thing. According to Lapid and Gantz, we are but seven weeks away from Iran becoming a nuclear state. The atmospherics of the meeting had no impact on that state of affairs. Biden’s fiasco in Kabul showed the world that he is not a trustworthy ally. In their joint appearance, even the nice promise that Iran will not get nuclear weapons, which Biden read from his cue cards could not diminish the fact that his underlying message is that he is not with Israel on Iran. Bennett told reporters after the meeting that he accomplished what he set out to achieve. And maybe that’s true. But it will be reality not successful public relations that will decide if Israel got anything out of the trip. On the face of things, that doesn’t seem to be the case. Is Afghanistan Found in Bible Prophecy? - By Nathan Jones - Watching the news has been horrific lately, hasn’t it? Afghanistan has fallen to the ultra-fundamentalist Taliban. Iran’s Ayatollahs remain hellbent on developing a nuclear weapon to annihilate Israel. Islam’s might continues to rapidly spread and threatens the entire world! The Biden Administration’s hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan has caused a mass exodus of people trying to flee the country after the Taliban retook the government, meeting almost no resistance. For a long 20 years now, the United States has been waging a war against terror, and in the process losing many American and allied lives in order to bring the Afghani people freedom from the Taliban and to make the West safer. But now the Taliban are back in force, killing Christians and American allies along their meteoric rise to national power. Across the world, the situation has brought up a lot of bad feelings and troubled sleep. We grieve for the people of Afghanistan. We grieve for our servicemen and women and their families who’ve sacrificed so much, including their own lives. To know that our nation’s two-decades long sacrifice has funneled down the drain in a matter of mere days is both enraging and saddening. We feel for the Afghani people’s lost freedoms. And, we pray for the many missionaries there who are now facing imminent danger and inevitable martyrdom. Looking at the terrible pictures of the Afghani people hanging onto our aircraft, desperate to escape strictly enforced Sharia law, will be burned into our minds for the rest of our lives. And, we feel outraged over the billions of dollars of U.S. weaponry — drones, missiles, tanks, and Humvees — left for the Taliban to turn and aim at Israel and the West. A dark time is looming over that nation, and ours as well. It’s hard to fathom the roil of emotions. And yet, the Bible clears up the big picture as to where the course of history is heading and how Afghanistan fits exactly into end time Bible prophecy. Afghanistan can be found in a prophecy called — the War of Gog and Magog. The War of Gog and Magog is set between a massive coalition of nations descended from Noah’s sons Japheth and Ham against Israel (Genesis 10:2-7). The nations are from the territories of ancient Rosh, Magog, Meshech, Tubal, Persia, Cush, Gomer, and Beth-Togarmah (Ezekiel 38:2-6). Their leader is called “Gog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal” (Ezekiel 38:2-3). The battlefield is on “the mountains of Israel, which had long been desolate” (Ezekiel 38:8). The purpose of the invasion is to “plunder and to take booty” and attack the people of Israel (Ezekiel 38:12-16 NKJV). Let’s now explore what the modern-day equivalents are for these ancient peoples. Magog We find Afghanistan within the following list of nations that will comprise Magog. Some historians point to the former Soviet nations of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, as well as including Afghanistan, as encompassing the land of Magog. Historian Edwin Yamauchi explains that Magog was the “ancient Scythian northern nomadic tribes who inhabited the territory from Central Asia across the southern steppes of modern Russia.” These nations, today consisting of a population of 60 million, are united by one commonality — Islam. Rosh The word “Rosh” or “Ros” appears in Ezekiel’s list of nations in the New King James Version and other translations based on the Greek Septuagint, which other translations translate as the adjective “chief or prince.” Tenth Century Byzantine writers, such as Ibn-Fosslan, identified a group of Scythians dwelling in the northern parts of Taurus upon the river Volga as the Ros. The early Byzantine Church claimed that the Ros were the people who lived far north of Greece in the area today known as Russia. Rosh is supposed to be “from the remotest parts of the north” (Ezekiel 39:1-2). No other nation exists more directly north of Israel and is more remote than modern-day Russia. Meshech The ancient Moschoi or Muschki or Musku tribe settled in Cilicia and Cappadocia, which is now part of modern-day Turkey. Ezekiel 27:13 notes these people traded in slaves to Tyre, and Ezekiel 32:26 refers to them as an ancient bandit nation. Tubal The people of Tubal would have hailed from the ancient Tibarenoi tribe. This land also resides in modern-day Turkey. Gomer The Jewish historian Josephus identified Gomer who “founded those whom the Greeks now call Galatians [Galls], but were then called Gomerites.” Gomer most popularly looks to reference the Gimirrai of the Assyrians, or Cimmerians, who lived in the Black Sea area adjacent to Turkey. Beth-Togarmah Togarmah, or Beth-Togarmah, which means the “house of Togarmah,” contains an etymological connection between the name Togarmah and the names Turkey and Turkestan. The Tilgaimmu resided between ancient Carchemish and Haran, which is modern-day Turkey and possibly the lands of Azerbaijan and Armenia. Persia The land of Persia is ancient and long-running and the easiest to identify, only having changed its name to Iran during the last century in 1935. Cush Cush is another area easy to identify, having split into Ethiopia and the Sudan in more recent history. Put Scholars claim that Put is Libya with the possibility that the land also includes Algeria and Tunisia. Many Nations Ezekiel describes “Sheba and Dedan, the merchants of Tarshish, and all their young lions” as just observing the battle (Ezekiel 38:13). Sheba and Dedan were Shem’s descendants who settled in modern-day Saudi Arabia. Tarshish could refer to Tarsus located just northwest of Israel, or the island of Sardinia located just north of Carthage in the Mediterranean Sea. But, more than likely, the inhabitants of Tartessus, located on the southwest coast of Spain, denotes the Phoenician merchants who sailed as far as Britain. The “young lions” could then be referring to Spain and Great Britain’s colonies in the New World. Noticeably absent from this list of Middle Eastern nations are those surrounding modern-day Israel, such as Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Gaza, Iraq, and the Arabian Peninsula nations. Why these “many nations” are not also actively involved in the Gog-Magog Battle is open to speculation, but a Psalm 83 scenario where the seer Asaph foresaw Israel subjugating their surrounding neighbors could be the scenario that grants Israel the peaceful precondition Ezekiel describes that precedes the Gog-Magog invasion (Ezekiel 38:11). Aftermath The end result of such a massive invasion by a seemingly invincible army on an unprotected Israel ends up surprising the invaders and shocking the world. The invading nations are, in truth, being manipulated by God, pulled out of their lands as with “hooks in your jaws,” so that those nations feel the Sovereign Lord’s fury (Ezekiel 38:4,18). God drags these specific nations to the “mountains of Israel” to “bring him to judgment with pestilence and bloodshed… flooding rain, great hailstones, fire, and brimstone” (Ezekiel 38:21-22). God’s ultimate purpose for supernaturally obliterating the invading coalition is so: “Thus, I [God], will magnify Myself and sanctify Myself, and I will be known in the eyes of many nations. Then they shall know that I am the LORD” (Ezekiel 38:23). God’s supernatural victory over the Gog-Magog invaders allows Him to reintroduce Himself to the world and declare in no uncertain terms that Yahweh is personally defending Israel. Should the people of the world doubt, they only have to look on Israel who “will go out and set on fire and burn the weapons… and they will make fires with them for seven years” (Ezekiel 39:9). As for the invaders’ corpses, “for seven months the house of Israel will be burying them, in order to cleanse the land” in the newly named “Valley of Hamon Gog” by a newly built “town called Hamonah” (Ezek. 39:11-12,16). Timing {Explore exactly what nations are involved in the coming massive Gog-Magog attack on Israel, when this war will likely take place, and how dramatically different the world will look after God steps directly into the fray in an academic presentation made by Nathan Jones titled Timing Gog and Magog.} Pray There’s something very important we Christians need to do — we need to pray. We need to pray for the safety of the Afghani people, the boldness of the Christian missionaries there, godly wisdom for our feckless leaders, and that our people make it out of the country before the Taliban’s fatal deadline. {Find out just what Islam believes, their history and goals, and the end time views that fuel their desire to ignite an apocalypse. And, prepare yourself to witness to the coming influx of Islamic immigrants moving into your neighborhood — all of this and more in an all-new academic presentation made by Nathan Jones titled Witnessing to Muslims in Light of Islamic Eschatology!} Lamb and Lion Ministries Daily Jot: Realities of Life and Death - Bill Wilson – We are so blessed to live in America. Yes, there is great division. And there are challenges that we face day to day. Have you ever thought about how we get so wrapped around political events and claim that it is so bad that Christ’s return must be immanent? Thankfully, most of us do not have to face the very real possibility of actually being beheaded or starving to death. Frankly, our condition in America is not nearly as desperate as those, say, in Afghanistan. What would happen if we were experiencing these atrocities and yet no rapture removed us? Would you lose faith? In Ghana, our ministry had an experience recently that brought life and death into very clear focus. Pastor William Agbeti reports, “As a young and small ministry, our gallant volunteers have always been at the forefront of epidemics and pandemics! When Ebola broke out, our volunteers were out there in underserved rural communities, distributing potable “Veronica” buckets with locally made water filtration systems. These allowed users to have clean water for drinking and hand washing! Back then, we didn’t think of giving our system a name, or else we would have been credited with the invention of a much better brand of the now famous “Veronica” bucket! With the onset of COVID-19 in early 2020, our volunteers where again at the forefronts helping with hot meals and packaged foodstuffs for needy rural children and their families. “We go to homes and places the arms of government don’t reach. In the developments of the above epidemics and pandemics, we have realized that there is one other “social illness”, that has always been there and which is not much talked about, but has always been a killer too. Here, we are talking about hunger! Like AIDS, Ebola and Covid-19, hunger is also real and it kills. We were faced with this reality of life on our weekly foodstuffs distribution on August 13. Before we were able to arrive at the house of one of our female beneficiaries, our volunteers were informed she had passed on! We do not officially know what actually killed her, but granting that she was desperately awaiting food assistance from us, one can safely deduce that hunger was a cause of her death. “On another distribution program a few weeks back, a beneficiary stated that she could have died if we did not bring her food aid! These two cases, together with the service of our volunteers and the goodwill of donors, remind us of two scriptures: The first is Psalm 9.18: “For the needy shall not always be forgotten, and the hope of the poor shall not perish forever.” The second is Proverbs 13.12: “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a wish fulfilled is a tree of life.” One key lesson we have learned about hunger: Hunger does not wait! Let’s all do our best to help the hungry in a timely manner, so we can meaningfully impact this reality of life.” When you pray and act, you bring the life of Christ to others. Daily Devotion: God’s GPS - by Greg Laurie – That’s the whole story. Here now is my final conclusion: Fear God and obey his commands, for this is everyone’s duty —Ecclesiastes 12:13 - Listen I have a love-hate relationship with my GPS because sometimes I think it takes me the wrong way. In fact, I’ve read some interesting stories about people who followed a GPS and ended up in some pretty strange places. When the Israelites left Egypt, their GPS system was very simple: they moved when the Lord told them to move, and they went where the Lord told them to go. Today, God directs us through His Word. It’s our GPS system, so to speak, confirmed to us by the Holy Spirit in our hearts. We can find everything we need to know about God and about life in the pages of the Bible. Psalm 1 summarizes this for us: “Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers” (verse 1 NLT). If you want to be happy, according to Psalm 1, then don’t hang out with ungodly people, go to ungodly places, and do ungodly things. The psalmist goes on to say, “But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night. They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do” (verses 2–3 NLT). God has laid out His parameters for our own protection, for our own good. And as we get older, we start seeing the repercussions of the decisions people made when they were younger. Solomon, the king of Israel, was renowned for his wisdom. With his unlimited resources, he decided to see for himself everything this world had to offer. Eventually, he came to this conclusion: “Fear God and obey his commands, for this is everyone’s duty” (Ecclesiastes 12:13 NLT). It comes down to this: God’s way is the right way. FROM THE HEART Let Us Make the Short Time We have Left, Count for ALL of Eternity! IF YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED THROUGH THIS MINISTRY, THEN WE ASK THAT YOU WOULD PLEASE REMEMBER PROPHECY UPDATE IN YOUR GIVING - WE ARE TRULY, TRULY, THANKFUL FOR YOUR SUPPORT WORTHY OF YOUR SUPPORT? One of the most reliable ways to determine if a ministry is worthy of your financial support is to examine its fruits. If Prophecy Update is keeping you informed, and if that information inspires you, and causes you to draw closer to the Lord, if Prophecy Update equips you with valuable information and knowledge to share with and encourage other believers, and open the eyes of non-believers, and if Prophecy Update keeps you connected to current events relating to Bible Prophecy, then you are partaking of the fruit produced through this ministry. None of this would be possible without the Lords blessings and your support. I believe where the Lord guides, the Lord provides, and most of the time He provides through the willing and generous hearts of believers just like you and me. Humbly Seek Your Support Prophecy Update has no corporate sponsors. This ministry is paid for and prayed for by readers and supporters. Without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update, Please pray about becoming a monthly supporter - thanks! If ever there was a time to invest in God's Kingdom, it's now! What on earth are you doing for Heaven's Sake? "Share in the Blessings and Rewards that will last Forever!" "Folks, it's all beginning to unravel. America is in more danger of falling than at any time in its history. But I believe Bible prophecy predicts this very decline. From this point on, we believers have to get serious. We are going to face discouragement, disillusionment and, most certainly, persecution in the time between now and the Rapture. But don't be discouraged or disillusioned. The coming turmoil will provide us unrivaled opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. So be ready to share your faith and your hope with those who need Christ. We still have time to reap a great harvest of souls for God's kingdom!" - Hal Lindsey 1) We need your prayers!- We proclaim the Truth of the Word of God and we are under constant spiritual and sometimes even physical attack. 2) We need your encouragement!- We need to hear from you, let us know how the Lord is blessing you through this ministry so that we can share it with others. 3) We need your input! - If you have a prophetic article or story or if there is a news related item we missed, let us know. 4) We need your financial support!- To put it quite simply, without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update. I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to get the Word out and keep the world informed. Remember, your gift, no matter how small, does make a difference! You will be helping to touch lives, around the world, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, thanks to the internet your generosity carries a global impact! - Thanks! Our Prayer for You- "Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else." 2 Corinthians 9:10-13 If you have been blessed by Prophecy Update and would like to help support this ministry financially. You can make a secure donation online by going to: DONATE NOW Or write us at: Prophecy Update P.O. Box 40516 Bakersfield, CA 93384-0516 We are very pleased to offer all our readers this FREE download on Bible Prophecy from the Evangelical Bible College of Western Australia - Just download and enjoy and be blessed! Feel free to share it with all your friends and family members. Click below to download! "AS YOU SEE THE DAY APPROACHING" If You Died Today, Would You Go To Heaven? Find out, visit: How to know God DID YOU KNOW? You can submit an article, leave a comment or praise report at email: [email protected] Maranatha! (Lord Come Quickly) "On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand, All other ground is sinking sand." "Let Us make the short time we have left count for all eternity!" YBIC-Randy
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