King Charles III and His Doomsday Clock – Jonathan Brentner -
On June 28, 2023, King Charles III and London Mayor Sadiq Khan activated a “climate clock” with the warning that there are 6 years and 24 days left to limit global warming before it brings doom upon the world. Remarkably, the king included minutes and seconds in his countdown to the ruin of the world due to climate change. Despite the lengthy history of planet earth, King Charles III apparently knows to the second how much time we have left before the doom of civilization due to global warming. Amazing! He emphasizes “global renewables,” however, the means of capturing such sources of energy are not renewable. They are subject to weather conditions and highly toxic to the environment when their usefulness expires. It’s curious that the king’s clock ends five months short of 2030. Why not make it line up with the UN’s “7 Years of Accelerated, Transformative Action to Achieve SDGs,” which extends a little beyond the start of 2030? (The SDGs are the seventeen “Sustainable Development Goals” that the UN put in place eight years ago through which they intend to establish a one-world government.) There’s no climate emergency; it’s all a ruse to scare people and thereby subject them to draconian measures of the globalists, which will enable them to fulfill their dream of ruling over a worldwide empire. The radical policies advocated by the environmental extremists neither protect nature nor do they represent a biblical worldview. ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF FAILED PREDICTIONS As we listen to climate alarmists such as King Charles III warn us of impending doom, its essential to recognize they have a long history of making false predictions. Consider this quote from an Associated Press report published in the Washington Post: The Arctic Ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer, and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot. Reports from fishermen, seal hunters, and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone. Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes. Within a few years it is predicted that due to the ice melt the sea will rise and make most coastal cities uninhabitable.[i] Although this sounds very much like it could have been written in 2023, the above quote appeared in the Washington Post on November 2, 1922, one hundred years ago! Since then, predictions of disaster because of climate change have continued unabated. The Earth Day predictions of 1970 included the end of human civilization in thirty years with deaths due to starvation to reach one to two hundred million per year by 1980. Al Gore received a Nobel Prize in 2007 for his prognostications of doom due to global warming. He told us that by 2014, the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets would completely vanish, which would cause sea levels to rise twenty feet. Gore received three hundred million dollars as a result of his activism during the past twenty years, but what about his forecasts of doom? None them happened. Instead, the Antarctic and Greenland covering of ice grew during the time that Gore said they would vanish. The former Vice President used his newly acquired wealth to purchase a mansion near the ocean, which would’ve been totally destroyed had his dire predictions become reality. THE PROPHETIC IMPLICATIONS OF THE “CLIMATE EMERGENCY”ESPOUSED BY KING CHARLES III In previous posts, I have discussed the fallacies of the climate alarmists beliefs. In 3 Climate Myths Spread by the Globalists, I debunk many of the warnings we hear from them. Below, I discuss the implications for biblical prophecy that are evident in King Charles’ III climate clock of doom. 1. THE RAPTURE IS EVER SO CLOSE King Charles III, like all other globalists, is obsessed with changing the world before 2030. If we didn’t live at a time of the convergence of a multitude of signs clearly pointing to the nearness of the Tribulation period, this might have little significance. However, we absolutely live in just such an era and it’s exceedingly meaningful for us as students of biblical prophecy. Scripture tells us that a world government will exist during the Tribulation period, one over which the antichrist will take control. The fact that a majority of world leaders have 2030 as their goal for the implementation of a kingdom that’s sounds remarkably similar tells us that Jesus’ is coming for His church is very, very close. We live in the season of His appearing. 2. THE GLOBALISTS THRIVE ON CHAOS The powerbrokers of our day know they can’t institute a new world order if everyone is satisfied with the status quo; they need the upheaval of societal norms so that people will accept their extreme measures as the answer. This is why Emmanuel Macron, the President of France, did almost nothing to stop the recent mass rioting in France. As a globalist, he thrives on chaos. It’s for this same reason that they push the false climate agenda; they need much disorder, the more the better, to achieve their dreams. The madness following the Rapture will almost certainly speed up this process as it will give them the menacing instability they will need to impose their will on the nations, perhaps much sooner than 2030. 3. THE ELITE FEED ON DECEPTION The Bible tells us that the deception that’s already here will intensify during the seven-year Tribulation. The fraud regarding the climate crisis has already reached epic proportions. Despite the fact that several arsonists have been arrested for starting the multitude of fires in Canada that began at amazingly the same time, the official line is that they resulted from global warming. That’s just one small example of the duplicity pushed on the world by those seeking to create panic with a false narrative. Everything is precisely the opposite of how it appears. The globalists need ecological disasters to further their cause. The chemical trails we see in the skies, the varied attempts to change weather patterns, and President Biden’s “recent” initiative to block to sun will not end well. Is it not suspicious that nearly all the many recent train derailments in America spill toxic chemicals creating environmental disasters? I think it is. The blatant hypocrisy of the elite pushing the narrative of doom seems to go unnoticed by their ardent disciples. The leading climate alarmists each own several mansions, possess a great many vehicles for both land and sea, and fly everywhere in the world in their private jets. According to their own standards for saving the planet, they are far, far less considerate of the environment than the average citizen. 4. THE POWERBROKERS OF OUR DAY ARE MOTIVATED BY THE SPIRIT OF THE ANTICHRIST We know from 2 Thessalonians 2:3-8 that the antichrist can’t reveal himself as the “man of lawlessness” until after the Rapture. However, it makes sense that Satan would prepare the way for his future unveiling, which is exactly why we see the spirit of the antichrist busily at work in our world. The elite powerbrokers of our day march in lockstep with King Charles III even though they all know his prediction of environmental doom is based on erroneous science and lies. It’s all about deceiving people so they will accept the draconian and deadly measures they propose. On May 18, 2023, the US climate czar John Kerry stated that there must be a drastic reduction in US farming in order to combat global warming. Below as a quote from him: A lot of people have no clue that agriculture contributes about 33% of all the emissions of the world. We can’t get to net-zero, we don’t get this job done unless agriculture is front and center as part of the solution. So all of us understand here the depths of this mission.[ii] He says it will save the lives of many people, but in reality these fabricated “green” policies will lead to the mass murder of tens of millions, if not many more, in just the U.S. As reported in Daymond Duck’s weekly prophecy update on Rapture Ready, according to a June 28, 2023, article on the World Net Daily (WND), the staff reported that UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has called for the immediate and global destruction of the world’s energy industry because, he claims, fossil fuels are “incompatible with human survival.” Please know that the fuels upon which the population of the world depends didn’t result from decaying dinosaurs, but rather from God’s gracious provision to support the current population. Billions of people depend upon the energy that comes from coal, oil, and natural gas for their survival and most would die if these sources of energy suddenly ended. These things are truly the work of the devil whom the Lord correctly labelled as a “liar” and a “murderer” in John 8:44. This is none other than the “spirit of antichrist” that the apostle mentioned in 1 John 4:3 as already active in the world. Now that the last days have arrived, this that know and understand God’s Word can’t miss its increased activity. Just like Satan himself, the spirit energizing the globalists of our day is both deceptive and murderous; please don’t doubt this for a moment. 5. THE AGENDA OF THE CLIMATE ALARMISTS FORESHADOWS THE TRUMPET JUDGMENTS OF REVELATION The last phrase of Revelation 18:11 aligns well with the deception agenda of the climate alarmists that call for draconian measures to avoid certain doom. The nations raged, but your wrath came, and the time for the dead to be judged, and for rewarding your servants, the prophets and saints, and those who fear your name, both small and great, and for destroying the destroyers of the earth. (emphasis added) At the time of the seventh trumpet (Revelation 11:15), the twenty-four elders worshipping God portray His wrath as “destroying the destroyers of the earth.” The globalists such as King Charles III are fervently working behind the scenes so that it appears that the world needs their draconian measures to “save the planet,” but just the opposite is true. They are creating the crisis to which they will have the answer. Could it be that the ones described in Revelation 18:11 as the “destroyers of the earth” are identical to the elite of our day that tell us we must do all we can to preserve our environment? I believe so. In this day of great deception, everything is just the opposite of what we hear from the UN, the WEF, and the deep state in America. They are all masters of deceit and slaves to the monstrous spirit of the antichrist. Is it not also insightful that the initial trumpet judgments in Revelation 8:1-11 are aimed the environment? Just as the plagues that God sent upon the Egyptians struck at the gods that they worshipped, the Lord will also strike a blow to today’s worshippers of nature that seek to usurp the Lord’s place as the One who holds everything together (Colossians 1:17). THE IMMINENT APPEARING OF THE TRUE KING Is King Charles’ III climate clock of doom prophetically significant? Yes, it’s yet another reminder that the appearing of Jesus, the King of kings, is ever so close. He’s coming very soon to take His church back to Heaven. I say this because first of all, we live at a time when a great many signs of the last days are converging as never before in history, which I explain in 12 Signs the World is Running Out of Normal. The Lord is shouting to all who will listen that both His appearing and judgment on the world are imminent. Second, King Charles’ III climate countdown and the lies that support it align with what the Bible tells us about the formation of a world government in the last days. The globalists need a dire emergency in order to enslave the world’s population. They have been working for a century to convince people that a worldwide environmental catastrophe will happen without their intervention. All these things demonstrate the nearness of the seven-year Tribulation. It’s during this time that the “destroyers of the earth” will be hailed as the ones saving it. The Lord will respond to the worshippers of nature by demonstrating that He is the One to be honored above everything and the only One capable of restoring nature to its former pristine condition, which He will do at His Second Coming. It’s because of all these things, and many more, that we know our deliverance from this lawless and evil world is ever so close. How is it possible for there to be any more signs of the approaching Tribulation period than what the Lord has already provided both for believers and those in the world? I know the majority who read this post are eagerly awaiting Jesus’ appearing because you recognize the day in which we live. The Lord will richly reward your belief in what the Bible says about the season of Jesus’ appearing in which we live. My Books My newest book is Cancel This! What Today’s Church Can Learn from the Bad Guys of the Bible. In it, I explore what we can learn from less than stellar biblical characters that help us live in today’s cancel culture. I provide a detailed defense of the Pretribulation viewpoint in: The Triumph of the Redeemed-An eternal Perspective that Calms Our Fears in Perilous Times. Note: Please consider signing up for my newsletter on the home page of my website at . Thanks! [i] Jack Hellner, “Global warming, global cooling, climate change, climate emergency, climate catastrophe, climate collapse, or existential threat?” December 4, 2019, American Thinker Website [ii] PlanetToday website at Do You Know About The 3 Eclipses That Will Combine To Create A Giant “Aleph” Over America? - by Michael Snyder - I am about to share something with you that is truly remarkable. The paths of three eclipses will combine to form a giant “Aleph” over America, and hardly anyone knows about this. Of course the Aleph is the first letter in the Hebrew alphabet. The second letter in the Hebrew alphabet is Bet. Most people don’t realize this, but our word “alphabet” originally came from a combination of Aleph and Bet. But is the fact that a giant “Aleph” will soon be completed over the United States significant? I believe that it is, and I will explain why in this article. In the 21st chapter of Luke, Jesus warned us that “there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars” in the last days. So we should be watching for such things. In order for an eclipse to happen, both the sun and the moon must be involved. Previously, I have explained how the “Great American Eclipse” of 2017 would later combine with the “Great American Eclipse” of 2024 to create a giant “X” across America. The following is an excerpt from my book entitled “7 Year Apocalypse”… Well, what would you say if I told you that an enormous “X” that is in the process of being marked across the United States will be completed in the year 2024? I know that may sound very strange, but stick with me and you will soon understand what I am talking about. On August 21st, 2017 the “Great American Eclipse” made headlines all over the world. It was the very first solar eclipse since 1918 that was able to be seen all the way from the west coast to the east coast. In the U.S., the path of the eclipse started in Oregon, it continued all the way across the continental United States, and it exited the country in South Carolina. But what makes that eclipse unlike any other is the fact that it will combine with another historic eclipse in 2024 to form a giant “X” across America. On April 8th, 2024 another “Great American Eclipse” will make headlines all over the planet. The path of that eclipse will cross over the states of Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine. If you plot the paths of the 2017 eclipse and the 2024 eclipse on the same map, you will clearly see that they combine to form a massive “X” right over the heartland of the continental United States. The precise intersection formed by the Great American Eclipse of 2017 and the Great American Eclipse of 2024 covers portions of the states of Kentucky, Illinois and Missouri. If you closely examine this area on a map, you will see that it falls right in the middle of the New Madrid Fault Zone. In several of my books I have discussed the fact that someday there will be an absolutely catastrophic earthquake along the New Madrid Fault Zone. It will be so massive that it will permanently alter the geography of the United States, and you won’t want to be anywhere around when that quake finally arrives. But now we are discovering that there is even more to the story. On October 14th, 2023 an annular solar eclipse will cross the United States from Oregon to Texas. If you overlay the path of that annular solar eclipse on top of the paths of the Great American Eclipse of 2017 and the Great American Eclipse of 2024, you will see that those three eclipses actually combine to create a giant “Aleph” across America. A tweet that was posted by Randy Sevy about this phenomenon has created quite a stir… I just saw this and got the shivers. Look at that. Those are the 2017, 2023 and 2024 solar eclipses on the United States. That’s God’s signature. That’s an Aleph. 𐤀 The Aleph is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The Aleph in Hebrew has a numerical value of one. The Aleph is also representative of God and the oneness of God. The One true God. The Aleph is also made of three lines. Also the number of God; The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The number three biblically represents divine wholeness, completeness and perfection. This Aleph 𐤀 is from the Paleo-Hebrew script, also Palaeo-Hebrew, Proto-Hebrew or Old Hebrew. The writing system found in ancient inscriptions of biblical Israel and Judah. When you look at the map that Randy Sevy shared on Twitter, there is no doubt that it looks like an Aleph… So what does all of this mean? I am not entirely sure. But let me share something else with you. If you do a Google search for when the new moon in Jerusalem will be in October 2023, you will discover that it will be on October 14th. And that is the day when the annular solar eclipse will cross our country from Oregon to Texas. If you do a Google search for when the new moon in Jerusalem will be in April 2024, you will discover that it will be on April 8th. And that is the day when the “Great American Eclipse” crosses America and completes the Aleph. By the way, April 8th also happens to be the first day of the first month on the Hebrew calendar. In other words, a brand new Biblical year begins on that date. I find it hard to believe that this is just a coincidence. I think that God is trying to tell us something. Of course He has been trying to warn us in hundreds of different ways, but most people don’t want to listen. The signs of the end times are literally being fulfilled all around us, but most of us refuse to see the truth. I will continue to do my best to sound the alarm, and I want to thank you for helping me to do that. Prophecy Update Videos Must Watch Videos! Videos You Can Trust
The Turmoil Over Israel’s Right To Its Land Will Not Cease Till The End – By David Jeremiah - Of all God’s covenant promises to Abraham, I believe the most amazing is His promise concerning the land. God told Abraham to leave his country, his family, and his father’s house and go “to a land that I will show you” (Gen. 12:1). God then led Abraham to the land that would belong to his descendants forever. The Promised Land Is Larger Than Modern Israel The land promised to Abraham and his descendants was described with clear geographical boundaries. It takes in all the land from the Mediterranean Sea as the western boundary to the Euphrates River as the eastern boundary. The prophet Ezekiel fixed the northern boundary at Hamath, one hundred miles north of Damascus (Ezek. 48:1), and the southern boundary at Kadesh, about one hundred miles south of Jerusalem (v. 28). If Israelis were currently occupying all the land that God gave to them, they would control all the holdings of present-day Israel, Lebanon, and the West Bank of Jordan, plus substantial portions of Syria, Iraq, and, Saudi Arabia. The strange thing is, Israel has never, in its long history, occupied anywhere near this much land—not even at the height of its glory days under David and Solomon. This fact has caused many biblical scholars to spiritualize the meaning of the term land and equate it with heaven. Others claim these promises were conditional and were forfeited by Israel’s disobedience. In refutation of these interpretations, Dr. John F. Walvoord wrote: The term land . . . used in the Bible, means exactly what it says. It is not talking about heaven. It is talking about a piece of real estate in the Middle East. After all, if all God was promising Abraham was heaven, he could have stayed in Ur of the Chaldees. Why go on the long journey? Why be a pilgrim and a wanderer? No, God meant land. Any normal reading of Scripture recognizes Canaan as an actual place, a piece of real estate, an expanse of soil that belongs to Abraham’s descendants forever. Israel Has Not Lost Its Claim to God’s Promise The fact that Israel has been dispossessed of the land in three periods of its history is not an argument against its ultimate possession. Occupation is not the same as ownership. After each dispossession, God brought Israel back to its originally promised land. God has consistently kept His promise to Abraham, and that gives us absolute assurance that He will keep it in the future. The turmoil over Israel’s right to its land will not cease till the end, for the land provision of the Abrahamic covenant is at the core of the hatred of Middle Eastern nations for Israel today. What Is the Abrahamic Covenant? 1. God promised to bless Abraham. 2. God promised to bring out of Abraham a great nation. 3. God promised to make Abraham a blessing to many. 4. God promised to bless those who blessed Israel and curse those who cursed her. But ignoring God’s care an protection of Israel is extremely dangerous. The land of Israel is so important to God that, according to Deuteronomy 11:12, it is “a land for which the Lord your God cares; the eyes of the Lord your God are always on it, from the beginning of the year to the very end of the year.” A Prophetic Glimpse of Israel’s Future …There are still two pivotal prophecies concerning Israel that have not yet been fulfilled: Israel does not yet occupy all the land originally promised to it, and its people have not yet turned to Christ. The numerous prophecies of Israel’s return to its homeland were explicitly fulfilled in 1948 when Israel began to be restored to its land. This gives us assurance that full restoration is on the horizon and the prophecies concerning Israel’s return to God will also be fulfilled. As we wait for the fulfillment of these prophecies, Israel continues to grow as a nation. Against all odds, the people of Israel lead the Middle East in productivity, wealth, order, freedom, and military power. Yet as these assets increase, the nation becomes more and more isolated, continually terrorized by the murderous hostility of its surrounding neighbors. The most dramatic events lie ahead of us. Israel today is an island of less than nine million immigrants surrounded by a sea of three hundred million enemies, many of them eager to wipe the tiny nation off the map. From a purely human point of view, it would seem inevitable that, sooner or later, Israel will be destroyed. Indeed, Israel has been attacked over and over since its founding, sometimes in all-out wars and incessantly by terrorists. The Jewish people have survived by remaining vigilant, but they long for peace. According to the Bible, a future leader will fulfill this longing by brokering a peace deal with Israel’s enemies. But Scripture also tells us that this peace plan will be broken, and Israel will be attacked once again, this time as never before. Countless armies will amass against the boxed-in nation, leaving it with no human hope of victory. Only Christ’s return, His judgment, and His reign will finally bring true peace to Israel. It is then that God’s covenant with Abraham will reach its ultimate fulfillment. The Jews will return to the Lord, and they will be His people, and He will be their God. The borders of the land will expand to the dimensions described in Genesis 15 and Ezekiel 48. Christ’s return will also fulfill the prophecy that God would gather the Jews. “Behold, I will gather them out of all countries where I have driven them . . . I will bring them back to this place, and I will cause them to dwell safely. They shall be My people, and I will be their God” (Jer. 32:37–38). Jer. 32:37–38 KJV – “Behold, I will gather them out of all countries, whither I have driven them in mine anger, and in my fury, and in great wrath; and I will bring them again unto this place, and I will cause them to dwell safely: And they shall be my people, and I will be their God:” Revelation 13: The significance of 666 in Revelation - By Mark Creech - The False Prophet, the Second Beast, rises out of the earth and has two horns like a lamb but speaks like a Dragon. He performs great signs and wonders, such as making fire come down from Heaven. He uses these abilities to deceive the world into worshipping and following the Antichrist. The False Prophet then requires everyone to receive a mark on their right hand or forehead; without it, no one can buy or sell — no one can participate in society. Revelation 13:16-18 says, “He required everyone — small and great, rich and poor, free and slave — to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead. And no one could buy or sell anything without that mark, which was either the name of the beast or the number representing his name. Wisdom is needed here. Let the one with understanding solve the meaning of the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. His number is 666.” Speculation concerning the Mark of the Beast and its mysterious number seems almost endless. Larry R. Heyler and Richard Wagner, in The Book of Revelation for Dummies, have written: “Given that John states, ‘This calls for wisdom: let anyone with understanding calculate the number of the beast’ (Rev. 13:18), you’d think all you need to do is pull out a calculator and go at it! Some people have tried that approach, which has yielded some pretty offbeat conclusions. Like a Gordian Knot, the problem of perpetual motion, and Colonel Sanders’ secret blend of 11 herbs and spices, the number of the beast has kept scholars scratching their heads for ages.” The Mark is said to bear either the name or the number of the Beast (the First Beast, the Antichrist), which is 666. Just as the False Prophet employs his eerie capacity for the supernatural, he uses what apparently is an outward Mark of 666 to coerce people to choose between the Antichrist and God. During the Tribulation period, no one will be afforded the luxury of being neutral about the Antichrist or God. Although many today try to remain unaligned regarding religion, especially Christianity, the Lord condemns such a stance. According to the Pew Research Center’s 2014 Religious Landscape Study. Approximately 4% of American adults identified as agnostic, which means they don’t have a strong belief or disbelief in God. Moreover, a survey conducted by the same group in 2020 determined about 26% of adults in the U.S. refer to themselves as ‘nones,’ indicating that they consider themselves religiously unaffiliated. According to the PRC, this represents a significant increase from just 17% in 2009. The same study also found that younger generations were more likely to identify as ‘nones’ than older generations, and this trend is significantly growing around the country. Nevertheless, Jesus said, “He who is not with me is against me” (Matthew 12:30). There is no neutral ground concerning Christ. When it comes to his claims of being the Messiah, Savior, Eternal Lord, and King, no middle ground is afforded to anyone. Everyone must choose. Neglecting to choose is a choice to take sides against Jesus. Today, we might keep such matters to ourselves. We might keep our opinion a secret if we wish. On that day, however, everyone will be forced to display their allegiance to God or the Antichrist. Calculating a name using numbers is known as “Gematria.” Gematria is an ancient Jewish practice that assigns numerical values to Hebrew letters, words, and phrases. It’s based on the belief that each letter of the Hebrew alphabet has a unique numerical value and that words and phrases with the same numerical value share a connection. By adding up the numerical values of different Hebrew words or phrases, gematria practitioners, which is still studied and practiced by many today, believe they can uncover hidden meanings and insights into the Torah’s language and other Jewish texts and teachings. Following this method, assorted world leaders, dictators, and tyrants have been named the Antichrist. Leaders like Roman Emperor Nero, the Pope, Napoleon, Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao Tse-Tung, Pol-Pot, Saddam Hussein, Bin Laden, and even Henry Kissinger, Richard Nixon, and Michael Gorbachev have been named. Yet none of these proved to be the one. The picture is more than hazy here, to say the least. But what is abundantly clear is regardless of the specific interpretation, Revelation 13:16-18 unambiguously highlights the importance of using wisdom in explaining apocalyptic literature, as well as the potential dangers of succumbing to authoritarianism and idolatry. There are scores of believers who do not see the Mark of the Beast as something literal. For instance, it is said that the Church was regenerated, brought to life, and resurrected by the Spirit of God, or the breath of God. In Revelation 11:11, it is alleged that the story of the 144,000 or the Two Witnesses is not something to be taken literally but is said to be the story of the witnessing Church. In John 20:22, Jesus breathed on his disciples, and they received the Holy Spirit. Just as God breathed life eternal into his own, the Antichrist breaths life into the Image of the Beast (Revelation 13:15). And just as God required the foreheads of the righteous in Revelation 7:3 to be marked for protection, so the False Prophet brands the unrighteous with the mark of the Antichrist — one of iniquity, sin, judgment. The thought is that John’s highly symbolic words reference how the religious leaders of Jesus’ day acted to enforce the worship of their fallen and apostate religion, rejecting Christ — the one of whom the Scriptures and prophets foretold. They imposed the religion of the Synagogue, which had become the Image of the Beast in God’s eyes, refusing, despising, and persecuting the true religion of the churches, and, thereby, they received the devil’s own Mark of condemnation. In other words, 666 represents a person’s adherence to a worldly or religious system that is opposed to God, rejects his revelation of himself, and refuses to obey his commandments. It might also symbolize the imperfection of relying solely on one’s own good works for salvation, which always inevitably comes up short. It’s difficult to understand this without knowing something about how six is represented in the Bible. The number 6 is associated with imperfection and incompleteness. God created the earth in 6 days, and the number represents earthly things, humanity, human frailty, and spiritual failure. As Clarence Larkin elaborates in his commentary on The Book of Revelation: “The number 666 is the number of man and stops short of the perfect number 7. Man was created on the sixth day. Goliath, the opposer of God’s people, a type of Satan, was 6 cubits in height, he had six pieces of armor, and his spearhead weighed 600 shekels (I Samuel 17:4-7). Nebuchadnezzar’s image, a type of the ‘Image of the Beast,’ was 60 cubits in height, 6 cubits wide, and 6 instruments of music summoned the worshippers (Daniel 3:1-7).” In contrast, 7 is the number of God. It represents completeness and perfection. The seven days of creation reflect the perfect and complete works of God. God rested on the seventh day after creating the world and consecrated the seventh day as the Sabbath (Genesis 2:2-3). Seven represents completeness in various contexts throughout the Scriptures. The Old Testament has seven feasts or holy days, representing the complete cycle of God’s redemptive plan for Israel (Leviticus 23). There are the seven-fold judgments in the seven plagues that God brought down on Pharoah and the land of Egypt (Exodus 7-12). In the New Testament, Jesus taught the seven beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-12). There is Jesus’ sevenfold repetition of the phrase “I am” in John’s Gospel. And, of course, the book of Revelation is full of sevens, such as the seven seals, trumpets, and bowls, representing God’s complete work of bringing about justice in the world. David Chilton’s words in Days of Vengeance help us bring all this together. Chilton writes: “Six is thus the number of man, a human number…This is the number six, plus its multiple by 10, namely 60, again plus its multiple by 10×10, namely 600 – thus 666, three times falling short of the divine 7. In other words, not 777, but competing with 777, seeking to obliterate 777, but doing so abortively, its failure being as complete as was its expansion by puffing itself up from 6 to 666. Six is the number man was born with, the number of his creation; the repetition of the number reveals man in opposition to God, trying to increase his number, attempting to transcend his creaturehood. But, try as he might, he can be nothing more than a six or a series of sixes.” The primary message behind the Mark of the Beast is to stay spiritually vigilant and remain faithful to Christ, even unto death. To do anything less is to be weighed in the balances and found wanting. These matters being noted, and each has merit, there still seems to be no reason not to take Revelation 13:16-18 literally. In fact, the text seems to demand it. Moreover, it is considered plausible a global leader of exceptional genius and diplomatic ability, who also has a loyal Lieutenant with extraordinary powers of his own, could take control of the entire world’s economy, requiring everyone to take a mark to participate in commerce. Admittedly, no individual or group has ever come close to controlling the world’s economy in this way. While specific individuals or groups may have significantly influenced certain industries or regions, the global economy is complex and decentralized, with multiple factors and players affecting its direction and outcomes. Still, history shows us how certain events can create fertile soil for the rise of dictators and despots. Their rise can be tied to economic instability, social unrest, political turmoil, and international tensions or conflicts. In addition, when democratic institutions start to fail, widespread corruption can flourish, and power goes unchecked, contributing to the emergence of unseemly autocrats. The book of Revelation seems to describe this, which builds and builds until a strong man comes on the scene that everyone trusts to save them. One doesn’t have to be given to conspiracy theories or suffer from an overactive imagination to see that provided the proper set of circumstances, especially a world ravaged by its antagonism to truth, world war, unprecedented famine, rampant natural disasters, sickness, and indescribable numbers of people dying, an incomparable authoritarian could appear, win the trust of the masses with his promises of peace and safety and take over, which is precisely what the Tribulation period is about. Theoretically, the Antichrist, in league with the False Prophet, could gain significant influence in a powerful global institution or organization such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) or the World Bank. These two beasty boys might build a formidable network of allies and supporters across influential governments and corporations. The key to their taking control of the global economy would likely involve gaining control over crucial financial and technological systems and leveraging this control to manipulate market trends and international trade policies. Understandably, this may seem far-fetched for many because currently attempting something like this would result in severe legal and geopolitical repercussions. However, astute observers of current trends can detect that the world, by various means, seems headed in this direction. In 1961, when the threat of worldwide nuclear destruction was a matter of utmost concern, Arnold Toynbee spoke at the Gideon Seymour Memorial Lecture at the University of Minnesota and said: “The alternative to the destruction of the human race is a worldwide social fusion of all tribes, nations, civilizations, and religions of man.” Toynbee’s words seem almost prophetic of what Revelation says will essentially be the False Prophet’s message to bring everyone under the banner of the Antichrist and his false world government and religious creed. He will have everyone seal it with the mark 666. Whether someone takes the mark because they were deceived, or because they were afraid, or out of convenience, or ignorance, or loyalty to the Beast, the result will be the same. They will not have access to eternal salvation. Their eternal destiny will be forever sealed. When Christ returns in glory and power to the Earth, they will be cast into the Lake of Fire along with the Antichrist and the False Prophet. Revelation 14:9-11 solemnly warns: They “will drink the wine of God’s fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. They will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment will rise forever and ever. There will be no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and its image, or for anyone who receives the mark of its name.” The best way to avoid the possibility of ever taking the mark of the Beast is to have genuine faith in God. Authentic Christ-followers have been born of the Spirit of God and enabled to characteristically walk faithfully in obedience. 2 Corinthians 13:5 admonishes, “Examine yourselves to see if your faith is genuine. Test yourselves.” The test is not whether one went forward at a church evangelistic meeting or prayed a sinner’s prayer, though these acts are not baseless. The test, however, of a genuine conversion to Christ is whether Christ is supreme in one’s life, not that we supposedly repented of our sins at some time in the past, but whether we actively turn away from them every day, whether we walk in obedience. Daily Jot: Stupidocrisy: Insanity of liberal thought – Bill Wilson – A recent drag queen march in New York City found activists chanting, “We’re here. We’re queer. We’re coming after your children. Two recent news stories also demonstrate the insanity of liberal thought. The UK Sun dreports that teachers and parents have been warned by a government-backed safeguarding group not to over-react to schoolkids identifying as “Furries”—kids that think they are animals. The Radio Times says that singer Elton John will not perform in the United States after his farewell tour because of “disgraceful” anti-grooming and parental rights laws prohibiting the targeting of children by the LGBTQ+ community. In both these stories, let’s think a little bit about what is being promoted. The 76-year old John, who is “married” to a husband and has children, told the Radio Times, “It’s all going pear-shaped in America. We seem to be going backwards. And that spreads. It’s like a virus that the LGBTQ+ movement is suffering.” Indeed, if that movement is aimed at grooming kids and sexual predation, it should be suffering a setback. The gains that the LGBTQ+ community made over the years resulted in homosexuals being portrayed on television and in movies as accepted and normal; a redefinition of marriage; and the institutionalization of celebrating homosexuality and other deviant sexual preferences during an entire month out of the year. Probably, most importantly, the movement has ingrained itself in schools and libraries across the country, grooming kids to become the next generation of LGBTQ+ practitioners. This movement has gone so far as promoting biological men identifying as women to compete in sports, among many other things. They demand, coerce and expect “acceptance” no matter how bizarre the behavior. This whole “furrie” thing is just one more example of moving the needle forward. It’s apparently not enough to coerce elementary and middle school kids into believing they are something they are not and having a sex change. Now the idea is to make parents “accept” and treat as normal their kids who want to identify as animals. I’ve heard of schools that have put litter boxes in their restrooms for this new breed of LGBTQ+ adherents. This is absolute insanity. First, Elton John is really saying that because America is pushing back against the LGBTQ+ movement being able to groom children for sexual indulgences, he will no longer sing in America. Second, these LGBTQ+ activists in the form of child psychologists or whatever are saying that a parent should embrace and encourage their child’s unhealthy mental behaviors. Where do we draw the line? It starts with parents and leaders saying enough is enough. Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.” Maybe we should tell Elton John to take a hike down his own yellow brick road. And parents, don’t let these insane psychologists, LGBTQ+ activists, and government schools tell you how to raise your kids. Anything less is, say it with me…Stupidocrisy. Daily Devotion: What Is He Thinking? - by Greg Laurie – ‘My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,’ says the LORD. ‘And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine.’ —Isaiah 55:8 - Listen We tend to interpret life by how it looks to us at the moment. And if it’s a little uncomfortable, if it’s a little difficult, we might think, “Obviously God’s thoughts toward me aren’t good.” Or we might falsely conclude that God isn’t thinking of us at all. But we must remember that in the midst of the process, God has a plan and a purpose for our lives. We find a wonderful promise in Jeremiah 29:11, a verse that every Christian should commit to memory: “ ‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ says the Lord. ‘They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope’ ” (NLT). It’s interesting to consider the backdrop of that statement. God spoke those words to His people, the Jews, who were living as captives in Babylon. For them, their world had ended. They thought they had no future. They probably believed that God had forgotten about them. God had disciplined His people for their disobedience by allowing them to be taken into captivity. However, the principal message He gave to His people was that He still loved them and He still had a plan and a purpose for their lives. He was disciplining them not because He hated them but because He loved them. The Bible says, “For the Lord corrects those he loves, just as a father corrects a child in whom he delights” (Proverbs 3:12 NLT). Although God’s plans and thoughts for us are good, they may not seem good to us at the time. Maybe you’re wondering whether God has forgotten about you. You might be facing difficulties, or perhaps God is disciplining you. Remember this: because the Lord loves you, because you are His child, He will do what is necessary in your life to make you the person He wants you to be. His plans and thoughts for you are good. PROPHECY UPDATE NEWS HEADLINES Yesterday's Prophecies - Today's Headlines HEADLINES IN PARTNERSHIP WITH TRACKING BIBLE PROPHECY 7/12/23
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