Misunderstanding The ”Great Escape” - By Jack Kinsella -
One of the principle misunderstandings concerning the Rapture revolves around its purpose. Critics of a pre-Tribulation Rapture deride it as some pie-in-the-sky ‘Great Escape’ for Christians living in the last days. There is no such promise of ‘escape’ from tribulation, they argue, and (correctly) point out the Bible’s promise that ‘in this world ye shall have tribulation’ so the pretribulational hope of a ‘Great Escape’ is not only delusional, it is unscriptural. The fact is, if the pretribulational hope WAS for a ‘Great Escape’ from tribulation, they would be correct. There is NO promise that the Church will escape tribulation, but there is an iron-clad promise that the Church will not go through the seven years of tribulation described by Jeremiah as the ‘Time of Jacob’s Trouble’ or outlined by Daniel as Israel’s ’70th Week.’ There are several reasons for a pretribulational Rapture, not the least of which is the purpose of the Tribulation in God’s unfolding Plan for the ages. The purpose of the seven year Tribulation Period is two-fold. The first reason is to fulfill Daniel’s prophecy of the 70 Weeks. The angel told Daniel that: “Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.” (Daniel 9:24) Note there are six elements to the fulfillment of this prophecy. First, to finish Israel’s sin – the rejection of the Messiah at the First Advent. Then there is a skip forward in time to His Second Advent, at which time, an end will be made of sin, reconciliation will be made for Israel’s iniquity, everlasting righteousness will introduced to Israel, Israel’s Scriptures will be vindicated by the fulfillment of all prophecy and finally, the return of Christ at the conclusion of the war of Armageddon, at which time He will be anointed and will take His seat at the Throne of David. Between the First and Second Advents there is the Church Age, a ‘mystery’ unrevealed to the Hebrew prophets. That is why Daniel’s outline of 490 years of Israeli history doesn’t anticipate a gap between the ‘cutting off of the Messiah’ at the end of the sixty-nine weeks of years and the confirmation of the covenant by the antichrist at the onset of the 70th. (Daniel 9:27) From Daniel’s perspective, it is an unbroken narrative of what would befall ‘his people’ (the Jews) and ‘his holy city’ (Jerusalem), culminating with the ‘anointing of the Most Holy’ at the conclusion of the 70th week and the ushering in of Isaiah’s Millennial Kingdom. There is no role set aside for the Church in prophecy during the 70th Week, since it is reserved for Israel’s national redemption and their acceptance of the Messiah. The Church has, by definition, already accepted the Messiah and was redeemed at the Cross. The second purpose Scripture gives for the Tribulation Period is that it is a period of judgment against those who reject Christ and embrace the antichrist. Since Christians who accept Christ were already judged at the Cross, there is no role set aside for the Church in the judgments pronounced because, “Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.” (Revelation 9:21) Repentance is a necessary condition of salvation, it is that repentance that causes us to seek forgiveness at the Cross in the first place. Since believers in the Church Age became believers by repenting, there is no purpose for bringing the judgment of an unrepentant world on the Church. The Rapture isn’t a ‘Great Escape’, contrary to popular belief. The Rapture occurs when the restraining influence of the Holy Spirit is removed with the Church to allow the onset of the 7 year period of unrestrained evil that occurs during the Tribulation. (2nd Thessalonians 2:7) The Rapture is the Blessed Hope of the Church, but it’s primary purpose is not so much a ‘rescue mission’ as it is a necessary function of the withdrawal of the Holy Spirit’s ministry of restraining evil. Since we are indwelt by the Holy Spirit, when the Restrainer is withdrawn, so are we, since we are His vessels. Therefore, it is certain to conclude that the Church won’t be here for the Tribulation itself, since withdrawing the indwelling of the Holy Spirit from the believing Church would leave them spiritually defenseless at a time of maximum need, something Jesus promised He would never do. Jesus said we could trust Him that He would never forsake His Church, and His Church is defined as being composed of believers who are indwelt by the Holy Spirit. “And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you FOREVER. Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth Him: but ye know Him; for He dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.” But there is no reason to conclude the Church will be Raptured for the purpose of providing a ‘Great Escape’ for, as I said, the Rapture is necessary to withdrawal of the Restrainer, rather than a rescue mission to the Church. “I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.” (John 14:16-18) Christians have suffered in every generation, and continue to suffer persecution and death for their faith today in places like Vietnam, China, Sudan and most of the Islamic world. There is no promise to the Church of the last days for a ‘rescue’ but rather, the Rapture is the fulfilment of an EXISTING Promise Jesus made that the Holy Spirit would Personally indwell believers and guide us in all truth ‘forever’. “In My Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.” (John 14:2-3) For believers, our finite understanding of ‘forever’ begins with Pentecost and continues to the Rapture, at which point ‘forever’ takes on its eternal meaning for all believers covered under the Covenant between Jesus and the Church. “Wherefore comfort one another with these words.” (1 Thessalonians 4:18) Immigration Crisis And Open Borders: One More Piece Of The Global Agenda Falling Into Place – By Mark Hitchcock - The number one issue in America right now is immigration. Title 42 expired today, May 11. It was a Trump-era pandemic policy that blocked many foreigners from crossing into the United States to seek asylum. The expiration of Title 42 is really opening the floodgates of immigration on our southern border. Long lines of migrants are amassed at our border right now. The Biden administration is sending 1500 troops to assist with the migrant surge. It’s expected to go from about 7500 per day to about 12,000 per day. Experts are saying the dam’s about to break, and it’s been called the greatest border crisis in world history. In 2022, about 3 million migrants crossed the border into the United States. It was about 2.8 million which broke the previous record of the year before by 1 million. Now 2023 is smashing that record. Things in our country have reached a breaking point. Political Ramifications — “Invasion” Of Our Country? There are over 11 and a half million undocumented migrants in the United States. Just to give one example of what this is causing in our country, in New York City, which is a sanctuary city where many migrants have been bused from Texas and other places, it’s costing $8 million a day just for migrant housing. Billions in education and social services are having to be poured into this from our national treasury and our coffers. When you think about this, there are a lot of political ramifications. We all know that immigration is a part of the DNA of America. We’re a melting-pot nation. The problem is, in many cases today, the melting pot is no longer melting. Many people are defying assimilation into our country. The American public is becoming more and more frustrated and angry about what’s happening. A poll released last August found over half of the people in America view what’s happening at our southern border as an “invasion” of our country. Personal Implications — What Does The Bible Say? Practically and personally, what do we do in the midst of this? Well, of course, we vote, and we let our opinions be known, but as believers in Jesus Christ, we do have an obligation when people are here in our country to treat them with kindness and goodness. In God’s providence, if he’s allowing people to come here, we should use this as an opportunity to share the Gospel. The Old Testament does speak to this about “the foreigner in your land,” but it’s not exactly the same as what we have today. God charged the people of Israel to care for strangers and sojourners who came among them. In fact, in Exodus 23:9 it says, “thou shalt not oppress a stranger: for ye know the heart of a stranger, seeing ye were strangers in the land of Egypt.” God appealed to their own history. The overarching Old Testament principle, however, was that strangers who desired to live in Israel were to be subject to the same laws as the native Israelites. Leviticus 18:26 says this, “Ye shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments, and shall not commit any of these abominations; neither any of your own nation, nor any stranger that sojourneth among you:” When people came into Israel, they were expected to keep Israel’s laws and to become assimilated into Israel’s culture. The problem today is that the first act of illegal immigrants is to break US law! By the very act of them coming here, they’re breaking the laws of our nation, which is not something that was conceived for those who came into Israel back in Old Testament times. The New Testament doesn’t really address immigration directly. But we do find Jesus had an attitude of love and acceptance towards non-Israelites throughout His earthly ministry. There are a lot of practical, personal implications that you and I have to sift and navigate as we go through our lives, but we want to use whatever opportunities God gives us to be ambassadors for Jesus Christ in the midst of what is really a very difficult situation. Prophetic Implications — A More Sinister Global Agenda? Let me move now to the prophetic implications. The Bible tells us in Genesis 10-11 that there was worldwide unity at one point in time. They were all gathered together at the Tower of Babel and were dispersed by God, by having their languages confounded. God scattered, established nations, and established boundaries for those nations. The National separateness that we experienced today is a God-ordained protection against one of the worst effects of the fall of man, which is man’s prideful craving for power. The apostle Paul says in Acts 17:26-27 that God has “made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation; That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us:” Paul is saying here that God scattered people and set the boundaries of their dwelling, so they would seek after God. The problem is that global elites want to reverse this and go back to battle. They want open borders, and they want global citizens. Most of you know that the World Economic Forum was founded in 1971 by Klaus Schwab, who is the undisputed godfather of globalism. The stated mission of the World Economic Forum is to shape global, regional, and industry agendas. Since 1971, Schwab and his fellow earthshaking comrades have convened each year to brainstorm concerning how to overtake existing national infrastructure and turn them into spokes of what we might call a Global Wheel, which feeds into a unified Central World Government. It’s called the Davos agenda because that’s where the World Economic Forum meets every year. Sadly the current administration in the United States deliberately refuses to enforce laws on our borders and even threatens States that attempt to enforce them. Why is that? Because ultimately, there’s an agenda that’s energized by Satan. It’s a globalist agenda that’s preparing the world for the Antichrist and his global governance. Of course, this is prophesied often in Scripture, Revelation 13 being the main chapter. Global elites are intentional about accelerating their one-world agenda. Let me just read a paragraph from a book that Jeff Kinley and I wrote together called The Global Reset: The whole idea of a global reset is predicated upon planetary unity between nations. Under a new umbrella of equality, individualism and nationalism are portrayed as the enemies. In fact, Klaus Schwab describes nationalism as nothing more than the history of nations conquering oppressed peoples. Under globalism, one surrenders all of one’s privilege, whether it be from one’s race, gender or national affiliation. World peace, another element in the plan, is achieved when religious intolerance is erased. There are no borders in this new world of globalism. This philosophy is on full display through the current administration’s porous border policy. Unfortunately, this illegal immigration crisis is not likely to be solved. With globalism, there’s no segmenting between citizens and non-citizens, as we’re all world citizens. Those who oppose this growing surge of globalism are perceived as hindrances to progress and peace in the human race. We see this being accelerated in the United States because we’re really the final superpower in the world—with China hard at our heels. They want to destroy the borders, and they see those who stand in their way as obstacles in the path that have to be removed. It’s intentional what we see taking place. Prophetically, this is part of a sinister satanic strategy that’s described and designed to take the world back to Babel under the rule of one man. Immigration is just one more piece of this global agenda in the world prophetic puzzle that’s falling into place. Prophecy Update Videos Must Watch Videos! Videos You Can Trust
Do They Actually Want World War 3? Now The West Has Decided To Give Ukraine Long-Range Cruise Missiles… - by Michael Snyder - We are getting dangerously close to the “hot phase” of World War III, but most people in the western world don’t even realize what is going on. They simply trust our leaders when they tell us that we will never have to be directly involved in a conflict with Russia, but meanwhile those same leaders continue to push us ever closer to such a scenario. Earlier today, we learned that the UK has now delivered long-range “Storm Shadow” cruise missiles to Ukraine… The United Kingdom has delivered multiple “Storm Shadow” cruise missiles to Ukraine, giving the nation a new long-range strike capability in advance of a highly anticipated counteroffensive against Russian forces, multiple senior Western officials told CNN. UK Defense Secretary Ben Wallace, calling the donation Ukraine’s “best chance to defend themselves against Russia’s continued brutality,” confirmed the transaction on Thursday after CNN exclusively reported the deal. These missiles do not have enough range to get to Moscow, but they do have the potential to hit strategic targets very deep inside Russian territory. According to CNN, the UK government “has received assurances from the Ukrainian government that these missiles will be used only within Ukrainian sovereign territory”… The Storm Shadow is a long-range cruise missile with stealth capabilities, jointly developed by the UK and France, which is typically launched from the air. With a firing range in excess of 250km, or 155 miles, it is just short of the 185-mile range capability of the US-made surface-to-surface Army Tactical Missile Systems, or ATACMS, that Ukraine has long asked for. Critically, the Storm Shadow has the range to strike deep into Russian-held territory in Eastern Ukraine. A Western official told CNN that the UK has received assurances from the Ukrainian government that these missiles will be used only within Ukrainian sovereign territory and not inside Russia. UK officials have made frequent public statements identifying Crimea as Ukrainian sovereign territory, describing it as “illegally annexed.” Of course the Ukrainians consider Crimea to be their “sovereign territory”, and the Russians also consider Crimea to be their “sovereign territory”. And many experts are already anticipating that the Ukrainians will use these new missiles to strike Russia’s Black Sea fleet which is stationed in Crimea. Here is just one example… Ben Hodges, a former U.S. Army Europe Commanding General, tweeted: “Well done UK!” He added: “This will give Ukraine capability to make Crimea untenable for Russian forces,” and would force a Russian rethink of where to position its Black Sea fleet. If the Ukrainians start raining down cruise missiles on the naval base in Sevastopol, that might be enough to provoke Russia into using tactical nuclear weapons against Ukrainian targets. And if the Russians start using their tactical nukes, the Biden administration has already strongly hinted that we are likely to use ours against Russian military assets. Once we get to that stage, there will be no turning back. For now, the Ukrainians continue to insist that they are on the verge of launching a very powerful “counteroffensive” which will turn the tide of the war… Zelenskyy said in an interview broadcast Thursday by the BBC that it would be “unacceptable” to launch the assault now because too many lives would be lost. “With (what we have) we can go forward and be successful,” Zelenskyy said in the interview, according to the BBC. “But we’d lose a lot of people. I think that’s unacceptable.” Has the Ukrainian government been able to scrape together enough foreign mercenaries to make a new “counteroffensive” possible? I am skeptical, but the weeks ahead will show us whether they are bluffing or not. Meanwhile, it appears that we could be on the verge of witnessing a major conflict erupt in the Middle East. According to the Jerusalem Post, Islamic Jihad has fired more than 800 rockets into Israel, and the Israeli military has conducted more than 190 airstrikes in Gaza in response… The Palestinian Islamic Jihad had fired 803 rockets into Israel between Wednesday morning and 8 p.m. on Thursday evening, and the IDF had undertaken 191 airstrikes in Gaza in the same timeframe. The IDF killed Islamic Jihad rocket commander Ali Ghali around 1:00 a.m. early Thursday, and his deputy, Ahmed Abu Daka, around 4:30 p.m. on Thursday. This is a huge test for the Netanyahu government. If the IDF response to these attacks is deemed too weak, Netanyahu will lose a lot of public support. But if the IDF response is too strong, a major regional war could potentially be sparked. At this moment, the Israelis are promising that “the campaign will continue as long as necessary”… Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Gallant stated that “the campaign will continue as long as necessary,” after a sitatuation assessment following the rocket strike on Rehovot that killed one man and wounded 10 people. They further instructed the security forces to “continue to exact a heavy price from the Islamic Jihad for its aggression against the citizens of Israel,” the Prime Minister’s office announced. Let us hope that a ceasefire can be brokered quickly. Because if the Israelis send troops into Gaza, everything will change. Before I end this article, there is one more thing that I wanted to mention. As we draw closer to a war with China, some leaders in Washington are suggesting that we should actually blow up the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company after an invasion happens in order to keep it from falling into Chinese hands… Taiwan’s defense minister in statements early this week pushed back against the idea of the US bombing the island’s semiconductor factories in the event of a Chinese invasion. Rep. Seth Moulton (D-MA) recently said the US should “make it very clear to the Chinese that if you invade Taiwan, we’re going to blow up TSMC,” referring to Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, which produces the majority of the world’s advanced semiconductors. When asked about Moutlon’s comments, Taiwanese Defense Minister Chiu Kuo-cheng said the military wouldn’t let that happen. This just shows how dramatically our relationship with China has deteriorated. At one time, it would have been unthinkable for a member of Congress to say such a thing. But now many of our politicians are openly acknowledging that war with China is coming sooner or later. So let me try to summarize what we are facing. We are already involved in a proxy war with Russia which could soon turn into a shooting war, a major regional conflict in the Middle East could erupt at any moment, and our politicians are publicly talking about a coming war with China. Yeah, I think that we are definitely in a time of “wars and rumors of wars”, but most of us in the western world are still completely and utterly clueless. Most people that live in the western world still believe that our leaders are competent and that they have everything under control. Unfortunately, by the time they realize the truth it will be far too late to reverse course. Waiting for the Call - By Dennis Huebshman - Starting with 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17, Paul gives us encouragement about what awaits us at the end of this age. “But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope. For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep. For this we declare to you by a word from the Lord, that we who are alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord Himself will descend from Heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the Trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then, we who are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord.” (ESV – all emphasis is mine) The book of 1 Thessalonians is the first book of the New Testament to be written around 49-51 A.D. Going to the book of 1 Corinthians, which will be referenced next, Paul wrote it about 53-54 A.D. In comparison, the Gospels are dated as Matthew after 70 A.D.; Mark 65-75 A.D.; Luke 85 A.D.; and John being completed between 90-110 A.D., but possibly started as early as 70 A.D. Looking at 1 Corinthians 15:51-53, we have more information about the event known as Harpazo, the Taking Up, or more commonly known as the Rapture. “Behold, I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the Trumpet will sound, and the dead shall be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed. For this perishable body must put on the imperishable, and this mortal body must put on immortality.” One note here: the Trumpet mentioned in these two books has nothing to do with the trumpet judgments given in Revelation 8-11. There are numerous signs of what will be taking place on earth just before the end of this age. Without going through the entire list as given in Matthew 24; Luke 21; 2 Timothy 3; 1 John 2-5; 2 Peter 3, and numerous other places in the Bible, we can take each and every sign and show it’s here today – and all at once for the first time ever. Jesus said in Luke 21:28, “Now when these things begin to take place, straighten up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” What has prophecy experts, and even a prophecy novice like me excited, is that the signs began forming about a decade ago, and the progression is gaining momentum daily. On May 14, 1948, Israel became a sovereign nation again after almost 2,000 years. This would be the blooming of the fig tree that Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21. He stated that the “generation” that saw this would not pass before He would return. We are not told how long this generation would be; however, on May 14, 2023, Israel will be 75 years back in the land. What true believers are looking forward to is to be free from this sin-filled world and “Safe in the Arms of Jesus.” That just happens to be the title of a Fanny Crosby song from 1868. Please note the words of this amazing Hymn. 1.) Safe in the arms of Jesus, safe on His gentle breast. There by His love o’ershaded, sweetly my soul shall rest. Hark! Tis the voice of angels, borne in a song to me. Over the fields of glory, over the Jasper Sea. Ref.) Safe in the arms of Jesus, safe on His gentle breast. There by His love o’ershaded, sweetly my soul shall rest. 2.) Safe in the arms of Jesus, safe from corroding care. Safe from the world’s temptations, sin cannot harm me there. Free from the blight of sorrow, free from my doubts and fears. Only a few more trials; only a few more tears. 3.) Jesus, my heart’s dear refuge; Jesus has died for me. Firm on the Rock of Ages, ever my trust shall be. Here let me wait with patience, wait till the night is o’er. Wait till I see the morning break on that golden shore. There are many “nay-sayers,” just as there have always been, who say nothing has changed, and everything’s the same as it’s always been. These are the “scoffers” mentioned in 2 Peter 3:3-4. They overlook 2 Peter 3:8, which states, “But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.” In 2 Peter 3:9, we’re told the Lord is being patient with us, giving us the opportunity to repent and be saved. Then, reality sets in; those who refuse to repent and accept the free gift that our Savior gave to us at Calvary will end up in the Lake of Fire forever (Revelation 20:11-15). What a lot of people forget is that our Creator is not bound by time as we are. He created time for us. Genesis 1:3-5; “And God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light. God saw that the light was good. And God separated the light from the darkness. God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, the First Day.” There have been movies and television programs where humans could travel back in time and experience historical events. Of course, these are all fantasy. However, with God, it is a reality. Not being bound by the time restraints that we are, He is able to be anywhere at any time that He so chooses. Not only that, the term is omnipresent, or being able to be everywhere at once. He’s also omnipotent, or all-powerful; and omniscient, or all-knowing. True believers are becoming less popular every day. We hate no one, but we do not accept the acts that our Father called abominations. We are being labeled as “haters” because of this, which does not surprise our Father at all. Satan has been a powerful influence with all his tactics, and his demons are working overtime as never before. This is another sign that this age is coming to a close and being very close to entering the next era, which will be known as the tribulation or wrath. All who have Jesus as their Savior are promised we won’t go into that time period. That is in 1 Thessalonians 1:10, 1 Thessalonians 5:9-10, and Revelation 3:10. We will be with our Jesus in our new Home and in our new forever, immortal bodies. Our Judgment will be the Judgment Seat of Christ as given in 2 Corinthians 5:10. This is not a condemning judgment as the Great White Throne Judgment will be. We will gain or lose rewards for all the actions we did here on earth, but the outcome will still be eternity in Heaven. The best part is you get to choose which judgment you will attend. It’s a free-will choice, as God will force no one either way. However, at our last breath here, our final destiny is set. It will either be Heaven or Hell. No other option exists, no matter what false prophets are saying. Today, right now, you can place yourself “Safe in the Arms of Jesus.” The simple steps are found in Romans 10:9-13. There’s nothing you can buy or earn; it’s a free gift from the Son of the Lord God Jehovah, Creator of the heavens and the earth. It’s your choice and the most important decision you will ever make. Jesus is waiting for all who will call on Him to be their eternal Savior. Choose wisely; choose today; Choose Jesus! Shalom – Maranatha! (Peace be with You; Come, Lord Jesus!) [email protected] Daily Jot: The American Chronicles: The Bridge of God - Bill Wilson – In the early 1960’s, it was all the rage. There were two places on the east coast that were “must see’s” and my mom and dad were no exception. They wanted to see them. One was the great Natural Bridge and the other Niagara Falls. It seems strange that people were so obsessed with a water falls and a bridge, especially in today’s world where there are so many attraction distractions. Natural Bridge, Va., was my parent’s choice for a quick trip in 1962. It was a pretty rough and remote spot outside of a 19th Century resort hotel and a tiny reception center located on a small winding road in the backcountry of the Shenandoah Valley. Some 60 years later, there have been changes, but one thing remains the same. One of the changes from our 1962 visit was the addition of a huge welcome center with a store marketing everything Natural Bridge. We got our tickets and headed down the stone steps by the waterfall and creek leading to the bridge. I was always told that the Natural Bridge was one of the seven wonders of the world. When approaching it, it’s easy to see why. It is 215 feet high, 40 feet thick, 100 feet wide and spans 90 feet. The Monacan Indians called this ancient wonder, “The Bridge of God.” Legend has it that George Washington surveyed the area in 1750. Upon seeing the bridge, he scaled about 23 feet up the left wall of the bridge and carved his initials “G.W.”, which can still be seen. On July 5, 1774, Thomas Jefferson purchased 157 acres including Natural Bridge from King George III for 20 shillings of “good and lawful money,” about $2.40. Jefferson enjoyed this place and in 1803, he built a two-room cabin there. Sublime was how statesman Edmund Burke in 1757 described the delightful pleasure one experiences when viewing something of great peril yet it poses no threat to the viewer. He wrote, “Whatever excites this delight, I call sublime.” Jefferson called Natural Bridge, “The most sublime of Nature’s works.” As Chris and I walked through the arch we sensed the magnificence of God. Indeed, Psalm 8:3 and 9 came to mind, “When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have ordained…O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is your name in all the earth.” It was well worth the visit and we would have liked to have stayed longer and explored the area, but the cows needed milking. Yes, there is a Cock a Doodle Moo cow, a multi-colored fusion between a Holstein and a Chicken by the visitor’s center. I have no idea what connection it has to the Natural Bridge, but it was there. So I took advantage of my old farm boy upbringing and posed for a photo op. No milk—what would you expect from a cross between a cow and a chicken? Chris thought I was pretty “goofy” for wanting a picture, but I just couldn’t resist highlighting the contrast between the Cock a Doodle Moo Cow and The Bridge of God. They just don’t make tourist traps like they used to, but the Bridge of God remains in its glory. Daily Devotion: The Value of the Bible - by Greg Laurie – The instructions of the LORD are perfect, reviving the soul. The decrees of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple. —Psalm 19:7 - Listen It can be a shock to look at your high school yearbook photo years later. And if you’re like me, you’ve said, “What was I thinking?” That’s because hairstyles change. Fashion changes. Culture changes. And technology changes. As soon as something new comes along, something else quickly replaces it. Even newspapers become rapidly outdated because we have direct access to the latest news. In contrast, God’s Word is always fresh. It’s always new. The psalmist David wrote, “The instructions of the Lord are perfect, reviving the soul. The decrees of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple. The commandments of the Lord are right, bringing joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are clear, giving insight for living” (Psalm 19:7–8 NLT). Unlike the flawed, imperfect reasoning of humanity, the Word of God is perfect. The Word of God is also a treasure. David continued, “The laws of the Lord are true; each one is fair. They are more desirable than gold, even the finest gold” (verses 9–10 NLT). The Book of Proverbs compares searching the Scriptures to mining for gold. A modern version describes it this way: “If you make Insight your priority, and won’t take no for an answer, searching for it like a prospector panning for gold, like an adventurer on a treasure hunt, believe me, before you know it Fear-of-God will be yours; you’ll have come upon the Knowledge of God” (2:3–5 MSG). That is a great way to approach the Bible. When you arrive at the last day of your life, you won’t care about how much money you have. But you will care about what the Bible says. This is the book that tells you how to go to Heaven. This is the book that helps you know God. PROPHECY UPDATE NEWS HEADLINES Yesterday's Prophecies - Today's Headlines HEADLINES IN PARTNERSHIP WITH TRACKING BIBLE PROPHECY 5/12/23
FROM THE HEART Let Us Make the Short Time We have Left, Count for ALL of Eternity! IF YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED THROUGH THIS MINISTRY, THEN WE ASK THAT YOU WOULD PLEASE REMEMBER PROPHECY UPDATE IN YOUR GIVING - WE ARE TRULY, TRULY, THANKFUL FOR YOUR SUPPORT WORTHY OF YOUR SUPPORT? One of the most reliable ways to determine if a ministry is worthy of your financial support is to examine its fruits. If Prophecy Update is keeping you informed, and if that information inspires you, and causes you to draw closer to the Lord, if Prophecy Update equips you with valuable information and knowledge to share with and encourage other believers, and open the eyes of non-believers, and if Prophecy Update keeps you connected to current events relating to Bible Prophecy, then you are partaking of the fruit produced through this ministry. None of this would be possible without the Lords blessings and your support. I believe where the Lord guides, the Lord provides, and most of the time He provides through the willing and generous hearts of believers just like you and me. Humbly Seek Your Support Prophecy Update has no corporate sponsors. This ministry is paid for and prayed for by readers and supporters. Without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update, Please pray about becoming a monthly supporter - thanks! If ever there was a time to invest in God's Kingdom, it's now! What on earth are you doing for Heaven's Sake? "Share in the Blessings and Rewards that will last Forever!" "Folks, it's all beginning to unravel. America is in more danger of falling than at any time in its history. But I believe Bible prophecy predicts this very decline. From this point on, we believers have to get serious. We are going to face discouragement, disillusionment and, most certainly, persecution in the time between now and the Rapture. But don't be discouraged or disillusioned. The coming turmoil will provide us unrivaled opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. So be ready to share your faith and your hope with those who need Christ. We still have time to reap a great harvest of souls for God's kingdom!" - Hal Lindsey 1) We need your prayers!- We proclaim the Truth of the Word of God and we are under constant spiritual and sometimes even physical attack. 2) We need your encouragement!- We need to hear from you, let us know how the Lord is blessing you through this ministry so that we can share it with others. 3) We need your input! - If you have a prophetic article or story or if there is a news related item we missed, let us know. 4) We need your financial support!- To put it quite simply, without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update. I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to get the Word out and keep the world informed. Remember, your gift, no matter how small, does make a difference! You will be helping to touch lives, around the world, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, thanks to the internet your generosity carries a global impact! - Thanks! Our Prayer for You- "Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else." 2 Corinthians 9:10-13 If you have been blessed by Prophecy Update and would like to help support this ministry financially. You can make a secure donation online by going to: DONATE NOW Or write us at: Prophecy Update P.O. Box 40516 Bakersfield, CA 93384-0516 We are very pleased to offer all our readers this FREE download on Bible Prophecy from the Evangelical Bible College of Western Australia - Just download and enjoy and be blessed! Feel free to share it with all your friends and family members. Click below to download! "AS YOU SEE THE DAY APPROACHING" If You Died Today, Would You Go To Heaven? Find out, visit: How to know God DID YOU KNOW? You can submit an article, leave a comment or praise report at email: [email protected] Maranatha! (Lord Come Quickly) "On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand, All other ground is sinking sand." "Let Us make the short time we have left count for all eternity!" YBIC-Randy
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