Now is the Time!! – Jonathan Brentner -
If there ever was a time in human history to be watching for Jesus’ appearing, it’s now! I have read Paul’s description of “perilous times” in 2 Timothy 3:1-5 numerous times. I have written Bible studies on this passage along with many blog posts. But my past examination of this text did not adequately prepare me for the wickedness and deception that’s rampant in our world today. Compared to what I once thought, the day in which we live is perilous times on steroids. Apart from an expectation that’s firmly fixed on Jesus and His imminent appearing, I could not cope with all that I see. My “blessed hope” of seeing “the appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ” has never been more precious to me than it is now (Titus 2:13). The expectation of Jesus’ appearing is the anchor of my soul during these chaotic times. Let’s first look at why we need such an eternal perspective before we focus on the necessity of placing all our hope on Jesus. FOOD SHORTAGES Even before the war in Ukraine, many farmers in the U.S. voiced concern over the rapidly rising cost of fertilizer with some wondering if they could even plant crops this year. Now with this conflict showing no signs of ending, this crisis is much, much greater for American farmers as well as for the world. Ukraine is a world leader in barley exports and many refer to the nation as the "breadbasket of Europe" because of its wheat exports. The blue and gold flag of Ukraine depicts the blue sky above with the golden wheat harvest below. Together, Ukraine and Russia account for thirty percent of all wheat exports in the world. Revelation 6:1-8 describes the first four seals that the Lord opens after we are in heaven. The third horse of the apocalypse is black, which symbolizes the deadly famine that will overspread the world during the beginning of the Tribulation. In verse 6, we read about the critical shortages of two crops in particular: "And I heard what seemed to be a voice in the midst of the four living creatures, saying, 'A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius, and do not harm the oil and wine!'" Is it a coincidence that the shortages mentioned in the above verse are the very crops that Ukraine exports to other nations, but will not be able to do so this year? I don't think so. The predictions of devastating food shortages for later in 2022 are far too numerous and varied for us to ignore. In fact, they have already begun in some places. Violent riots are happening in Peru because of the high prices and growing shortages of food. In Germany, the leaders of grocery chains say that food prices will soon rise thirty to fifty percent. In Argentina, the high cost and limited supply of fuel may cause a strike with one of the largest transporters of grain in the country. Walgreens is already limiting the purchase of baby formula in the U.S. due to shortages. The cost of our groceries will continue to rise throughout 2022 and that will cause severe problems in many nations, especially for the poor and those on fixed incomes. DECEPTION In 2 Thessalonians 2:11, the Apostle Paul writes about a future “strong delusion” that will lead multitudes astray during the tribulation. While I believe this prophecy awaits a future fulfillment, we see evidence of great deception everywhere we look. This strong delusion has already affected multitudes of people throughout the world, especially in America. Far too many Christians believe the lies that life will return to normal or that the church will rise up and somehow stop the onslaught of evil in our world. Yes, there are pockets of revival and I praise the Lord for what I hear. However, Scripture tells us that the Luciferian globalists will succeed in setting up their world government over which the antichrist will rule for a brief time before the Lord destroys both him and his kingdom. The multitude of converging prophetic signs tell us that we live in the last days of human history as we know it. The mainstream media keeps people in the dark regarding the true agenda of the elite powerbrokers in our world. Through their allies in the mainstream media, they feed people with an endless course of lies that keep them from recognizing the reality of a world headed for the world government that the Bible describes as the beast in Revelation 13. Sadly, many “mainstream media” Christians do not recognize the signs of the end of the age nor the dangers inherent in a world where the spirit of the antichrist gains more control each and every day. GLOBAL MONETARY SYSTEM Evidence regarding the nearness of the New World Order of the Tribulation period emerged the World Government Summit held in late March 2022. At this summit of global leaders, Pippa Malmgren, a globalist and elitist, said this: “We are on the brink of a dramatic change where we are about to, and I’ll say this boldly, we are about to abandon the traditional system of money and accounting and introduce a new one. And the new one; the new accounting is what we call blockchain… It means digital, it means having an almost perfect record of every single transaction that happens in the economy, which will give us far greater clarity over what’s going on.”[i] Ms. Malmgren also believes that many nations, including the U.S., will have a digitized monetary system in place this year, not a decade from now, but by the end of 2022! Once this happens, these elite globalists will merge the electronic currencies of the various nations into one worldwide digitized currency, which will further clear the path to the Marxist New World Order envisioned by the globalists! This worldwide monetary system will provide the coming antichrist with an essential tool needed to control the buying and selling of all people. For the first time since John penned the words to Revelation 13, the technology exists for the mark of the beast and soon a cashless system of exchange will further pave the way to it. I do not believe these globalists will allow the midterm elections in America to disrupt the progress they have made in prepping the U.S. to accept the New World Order. I don’t know how they will do it, just that they cannot allow it to impede their plans. WICKEDNESS In a recent blog post, I reported on the high number of abortions that take place in the world each year. Infanticide is also a widespread evil that’s become all too common in the U.S. A proposed law in California would make infanticide legal for a week after birth. The demonic practices of abortion and infanticide alone verify the prophetic warning of Psalm 75:8, but there’s so much more going on with sex trafficking and the promotion of transgenderism and the LBGTQ agenda to grade school children. It’s institutionalized child abuse! It’s demonic! The Florida legislature needed to pass a law to keep teachers from promoting the LBGTQ lifestyle to children in kindergarten through third grade. One kindergarten teacher complained because the law meant he could no longer promote his gay lifestyle to his class. How sick is that? Disney openly admitted that they not only promote the LBGTQ agenda to young children, but that they also plan to increase such grooming of children for such things. All these things would have qualified for the Twilight Zone decades ago! Now they are mainstream! How close must we in America be to God’s judgment?!! NOW IS THE TIME For those outside of Christ, now is the time to look to Jesus as your Savior, the One who bore the punishment for your sins on the cross. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” Just hours before His sacrificial death, Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). I love the simplicity of the Apostle John’s words in 1 John 5:11-12: “And this is the testimony, that God gave us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.” Knowing Jesus as your Savior equals eternal life. If you continue to reject Christ’s offer of forgiveness and eternal life, you will likely face a horrifying future during the rapidly approaching Tribulation period. And apart from Christ, you will endure an even worse fate in hell. Please do not delay; call upon Jesus’ name now! Romans 10:13 says, “For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” For those of us securely in the arms of our loving Savior, now is the time to recognize that we may be with Jesus in paradise in the very near future. Now is the time to hold our dreams and aspirations loosely in your hands and view life with a perspective that values eternal realities over the temporal things of this life (Romans 8:18). Now is the time for all of us turn our eyes upon Jesus. He alone is our hope amid a world headed for destruction. All other hopes will result in disappointment; only an eager expectation fixed on Jesus imminent appearing will see us through the traumatic times that may lie ahead for us before Jesus appears to take us home. Philippians 3:20-21 says this about our imminent expectation of the event that we today refer to as the “Rapture.” But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself. Our joyous, exciting, and forever adventure starts with Jesus and His imminent appearing. If you have doubts about the validity of the pretribulation Rapture, please consider reading my book, The Triumph of the Redeemed-An eternal Perspective that Calms Our Fears in Perilous Times, which is now available on Amazon. In this book, I explain the necessity and foundation of an eternal perspective that we as followers of Jesus so desperately need in such a time as this when the perilous times seem to be on steroids. Jonathan C. Brentner Website: Our Journey Home [i] Leo Hohmann, BOMBSHELL VIDEO: Economist at World Government Summit says new financial world order about to shift in dramatic new direction, March 31, 2022, at: What is the Mark of the Beast? - By Kevin Schaal - “Pastor, are vaccines the Mark of the Beast.” This was a sincere question from a church member about a year ago. My answer was definite. “No, vaccines are not the Mark. Believers will KNOW what it is when it comes.” I do believe in a pre-tribulational rapture, so I do not expect to have to refuse the mark myself, but there will be people saved after the rapture of the Church who will refuse it. There are four passages that describe the Mark of the Beast—Revelation 13:16-18, 14:9-10, 16:2, 19:20. Let’s take them one at a time. First, the most thorough passage (Revelation 13:16-18). The Mark will be associated with the worship of Antichrist. The context from the previous verses is the worship of the Beast—Antichrist. In this context, this worship could be a form of national obeisance or declared loyalty. The mark is then introduced. It is clearly associated with the worship of a false god. This Mark will be a clear “three Hebrew children” moment where it will require a choice between the worship of God and the worship of a false god. The Mark is intended to be universal. All are supposed to receive this Mark. No one will be exempted—not oligarchs, politicians, slaves, free people—not anyone. The Mark is placed on or in the human body. The Bible is so specific here. It is not just placed upon or in the hand, it will be the right hand. I assume that because some people do not have right hands because of birth malady or accident, the forehead is used as an alternative. In one way or another, it will be detectible. It will be visible to the human eye or detectible by machines. The Mark will be required for all financial transactions. No buying or selling will be allowed without the Mark. This could be accomplished in one of two ways. The Mark could be required as a sort of passport for every financial transaction. This could have been enacted at almost any time in human history. The second way of accomplishing this is that the mark itself functions as a sort of digital access key to financial currency. This is fully possible now. This Mark will allow social, political, religious, and financial control of all people under the jurisdiction of the Antichrist. The personal Mark of the Beast will be associated with a number. The Mark will have a number associated with it. It is all speculation how this might work. The Beast has a number. The number is associated with his name. The number associated with his name is 666. The original language is definitive here. It is not a series of three digits—each 6—as in a padlock combination. It is the number six hundred sixty-six. This number is associated with the name of the Antichrist and it will not be apparent to everyone. People who have some understanding (assumedly of the Bible and biblical prophecy) will be able to identify it as they calculate it. Those who receive the Mark will be judged eternally. Revelation 14:9-10 the fate associated with the Beast will also be the destiny of those that worship the Beast and receive the Mark. This punishment will be torment. It will be relentless day and night. It will be forever. Those who receive the Mark will be judged on earth as well. The first bowl judgment of Revelation 16 is that painful sores or ulcers will develop on those who have received the Mark and worship the Beast. This should not be interpreted that those who received the Mark of the Beast but do not worship the Beast will be exempted. Receiving the Mark of the Beast has already been established as an act of worship in itself. There will be no group of people who do one but not the other. These sores or ulcers are described as painful, and harmful. While it does not say specifically that they are located on the part of the body that received the Mark, it seems that it might be a likely scenario. The Mark of the Beast is a deception. Those who receive the Mark are declared to be deceived by the Beast. However, they are judged guilty for having received the Mark. This is not an injustice by God imposed upon innocent people who were deceived. Like a con artist who convinces a person to knowingly commit a crime under the false promise of riches, so the Antichrist convinces people to worship him under the promise of security, safety, and wealth. I am a literalist with regard to prophecy which makes me a futurist regarding Revelation 6-21. I believe that we take the Bible as literally as possible. This does allow for figurative language, but it also requires the substantive fulfillment of biblical promises. There is no reasonable example of the fulfillment of the prophecy of the Mark of the Beast in all of human history. Even George Ladd, a commentator who believes Revelation was both fulfilled in the past and in the future can see no Mark of the Beast already fulfilled, could not find a historical example. We know of no ancient practice which provides adequate background to explain the mark of the beast in historical terms.[i] For much of human history, it was simply impossible to be fulfilled. No human government could have enough central power to regulate commerce like this prophecy would indicate. It is only in the digital age that this prophecy could be fulfilled literally. With governments presently developing their own blockchain-based cryptocurrency a government can dominate an economy to such a level that every transaction or donation, no matter how small, can be examined. This article entitled The Coming Federal Weaponization of Banking from this past week is a chilling example of how biblical prophecy could be fulfilled easily now. The largest shake-up in finance since the formation of the Federal Reserve is nearly here. The establishment of a government-backed cryptocurrency is a threat to the freedom of commerce and would give Washington the ability to weaponize banking against political dissent, or even block Americans from accessing their own money altogether. A digital version of the dollar has been in the works for over a year now. Earlier this month, President Biden signed an executive order both curtailing existing cryptocurrencies and laying the groundwork for a federal digital currency. Crypto regulations have been a favorite topic of Democrats on Capitol Hill and regulators in the federal bureaucracy. Biden deployed numerous excuses, including the risks of money laundering and the carbon emissions needed to produce crypto, to justify cracking down on these currencies. But the kicker of the statement is the regulatory groundwork for the coming “digital dollar.” The United States will be the second major power to foster such a move, after China, where efforts to create a digital currency as part of its social credit system are a sign of what might be coming here soon. Physical currency likely will be phased out entirely over time, in favor of a digital format controlled by the Federal Reserve. The ubiquity of cell phones and scannable codes will make integration of a digital currency, under some form of the blockchain, relatively easy to implement. This soft-nationalization of the banking sector would leave the United States in uncharted waters. Nearly every transaction, from political donations to purchases as seemingly insignificant as a pack of gum, would be visible to the government and subject to scrutiny. Government regulations could block or track certain transactions with no trial or public recourse. Even worse, if you were placed on a list by a federal bureaucrat — not a judge — your access to banking and credit cards potentially could be shut off without a warrant or trial. This is not speculation, this is simply the world in which we presently live. Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus. Nearing Midnight: Vegetarianism Has Become an End-Time Religion – Todd Strandberg - It has become clear to me that vegetarianism has transformed into a religion for millions of people. They live the vegan lifestyle, and they are more than happy to share their diet with everyone. Just as Christians seek to convert the lost by bringing them to the cross, vegetarians seek to create a works-based salvation. The new Mayor was recently giving a news conference, and he proclaims, “I eat plant-based centered life.” The powers that be are on track to repeat the energy disaster that led to the current massive shortfall of fossil fuels. If the government sets goals on when we will stop eating meat, the likely result will be a shortage in protein. The left would cheer a no-meat-by-2035 deadline. Because of the disinvestment in animal farming, people would be starving by 2027. Vegans can be so hateful to omnivores, their actions are often cultic. They have the moral high ground, and everyone needs to hear them. Here are three statements from people who posted online: “I haven’t personally met every vegan on Earth, but every vegan I’ve ever met has tried to force their beliefs on others. Some of them have just said outrageously terrible things to me, others have started an online mob campaign against me, and others have tried to get me fired from my job. So there is definitely a varying degree in the intensity of the attacks, but I have never once met a vegan who could just live their life and let me live mine.” “I’ve lost count of the number of so-called ‘friends’ who became vegan and then almost immediately fell out with me simply because I’m not vegan.” “I am probably one of the most un-vegan people in existence (meaning my entire diet revolves around meat and animal products) simply because I don’t agree with the ideology behind it. Namely, I don’t agree that not eating meat or animal products will end animal suffering, which seems to be one of the main reasons for somebody becoming vegan.” In 2019 an Australian woman sued her neighbors because the smell of BBQ was drifting into her yard. Claiming they were doing it on purpose, Cilla Carden told a TV reporter, “All I can smell is fish. I can’t enjoy my backyard.” She feels that if she can’t enjoy her backyard without the aroma of meat and fish cooking on the barbie, her neighbors shouldn’t be able to enjoy their backyard either. So far, it seems the courts are taking a dim view of her contentions. Her complaint was tossed out of court last year. She filed an appeal, but the Supreme Court of Western Australia rejected it as well. She reportedly has vowed to keep fighting. The end result may be just the beginning of Cilla’s troubles. It seems that in response to her legal challenges, her neighbors are organizing a neighborhood cookout outside her home. According to a Facebook page, the event is being called “Community BBQ for Cilla Carden.” “Don’t let Cilla destroy a good old Aussie tradition; join us for a community BBQ, and help Cilla Carden get some pork for her fork,” the event description reads. The event never took place because Facebook blocked the page. It is rather remarkable that most, not some, of the worst genocidal maniacs were vegans. Genghis Kahn, who terrorized most of Asia, killed 1,780,000 people in just one hour. Pol Pot, who murdered 2 million Cambodians, or one-quarter of his fellow countrymen, was also an avowed vegan. The same is true of Joseph Stalin, who mostly ate walnuts, garlic, plums and pomegranates. He also drank copious amounts of wine. There is no question that Charles Manson was a confirmed vegetarian, and he was also very vocal about animal rights. I guess it’s okay to kill people, but you’d better not be killing any puppy dogs! A more recent vegan gone mad was Adam Lanza, the nut job who killed 20 innocent kids in 2012 at Sandy Hook Elementary school in Newton, Conn. Joseph Goebbels, who was Hitler’s propaganda minister, developed this whole media campaign around the idea that Hitler loved animals so much that he couldn’t eat them, and this proved that he could never have any people killed. Needless to say, it was not the most successful propaganda campaign in history, if you know what I mean? Hitler was also said to be an ardent opponent of torture and the dissection of animals. I guess it didn’t bother him that his Nazi underlings chopped up and gassed millions of humans before burying most of them in mass graves. But you’d better not be kicking any cats around! Hitler often had meetings with his top Nazis and always tried to dissuade his colleagues from eating any meat. Rudolf Hess, Hitler’s Deputy Fuhrer, was so vegan that he brought his own veggie meals to these dinners. At the end of his life, Hitler mostly ate beans and mashed potatoes. No wonder he suffered terrible bouts of flatulence. The Apostle Paul, in the book of Timothy, predicted that vegetarianism would be a sign of the latter days. Mankind is always looking for some way to find salvation. By abstaining from eating meat, even people like Hitler can view themselves as good moral beings. The only way to true salvation is to be washed in the blood of Christ; anything else is just a distraction. “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving” (1 Timothy 4:1-4). A World Gone Mad - By Ray DiLorenzo - “If the current administration is in office much longer, canned goods, a generator, water and ammunition would be your best investments.”-- Edward D. Jones, 4/20/21 There is no denying it. There is a madness, a type of cancer that has taken hold of our world. Yes, this planet has never been at peace… mankind is what it is, we go our own way, but we are seeing a craziness at a level never seen before. Governments everywhere, including here in the USA, have abandoned God, good government, law and order, common sense, and traditional Judeo-Christian values. They have jumped in with both feet into the dark and shadow without bothering to look back at seeing what they have already wrought. Absurdity and hypocrisy are everywhere. The Left insists that we abandon fossil fuels NOW without even the slightest idea of a viable alternative. They complain of emissions produced by machinery, vehicles and the like, yet they cause our country to relinquish its energy independence to depend on foreign sources of energy. We now import more oil than we ever have causing great ships to emit millions of tons of pollutants with every trip across the ocean. The construction of needed additional pipelines has been halted even though they transport oil over thousands of miles with zero emissions. The prices are the highest they have ever been and its all blamed on Putin. Why are Democrats allowing violent crime to thrive…ignoring the most basic of government edicts…do no harm? Why are they encouraging foreign invaders to enter our country unvetted AND unvaccinated that THEY insist is so damaging to the health of our country? Our Democrat leaders stand firm on helping Ukraine protect its borders and their democracy while ignoring ours. American oligarchs, especially the Biden and Kerry families, have taken in millions from Ukraine, selling influence. Members of our own government and the West have used Ukraine as a money laundromat for years. Many of them now scramble to buy shares in companies that stand to make billions should a world war break out. The Pelosi family, having access to insider information for decades, is not shy about profiting from anyone’s grief. One of my biggest disappointments today is watching how easily people and multi-national corporations can be bought off. NATO and the West pushed Russia into a corner, surrounding them, containing Putin, not allowing the buffer they promised and knew he needed and wanted. We did no different in Cuba, willing to go to war to secure it. The West didn’t give two hoots about putting the people of Ukraine in danger. And when Putin reacted predictively, Putin became the pariah, the international criminal. I am not a Putin apologist, but it is unconscionable to have driven Russia to react the way they did. The political absurdity and hypocrisy has reached the highest level I have ever seen. The 3.8% unemployment announced in February is an historic achievement, but the 3.6% unemployment rate during the Trump years is a crisis. During a DNC meeting in mid March, VP Harris spoke to the party never mentioning once her charge of Border Czar. She spoke, instead, of the Democrat’s collective responsibility, “..continuing to own the responsibility that comes with being a role model, which is, as a democracy, to take care of its people.” We don’t ask or expect any politician to take care of us or our families, but we do demand that they don’t harm us in any way. Yet, the damage they have done will be with us for many years. Pelosi invoked God into her speech saying, “God has blessed us with the timing of this presidency and this person, who is just making such a tremendous difference in the lives of the American people.” Yes, Biden is making a tremendous difference in our lives, and it’s all bad. One would have to wonder what god this woman is worshipping. There is no wondering why Democrats continue to guard the worst kept secret in the world today, that Trump actually won the presidential election in 2020. We can include the hypocrisy Democrats have exhibited during these Supreme Court nomination hearings that they routinely turn into dog and pony shows. They viciously attack any conservative nominee, regardless of race, while demanding respect be given their anti-constitutional nominees. Poor Judge Jackson, she will always be remembered as the nominee who couldn’t define the word woman, and just stared into the distance. We can’t leave out the absurdities of the so-called COVID pandemic. The pandemic that has a better than 99% survival rate, with a government that did more to harm the public than the actual disease. Wear a mask, don’t wear a mask, close your business, mandate an experimental vaccine and find only those who took the vax are getting COVID. Give shots to children with a 99.995% chance of survival, stay six feet from anyone in line at the airport, and then jam them all into the airplane. And now we come to the greatest exhibition of absurdity and madness ever conceived…a one-world government, ruled by self-appointed oligarchs. Sure, there were those who strived to conquer the world…Ancient Rome, the Persian Empire, but their known world was small. Hitler’s Third Reich lasted a mere twelve years. The First Reich, the Holy Roman Empire (not ancient Rome) lasted a thousand years. the Second Reich (the unification of Germany beginning in 1871) did not last 50 years. Klaus Schwab, the brainchild behind this madness explained at the World Government Summit in Dubai that the world’s medical and economic instability (that they created) requires a world reset of great magnitude. According to Schwab, to give the world peace, security, and sustainability, they have to take away all our possessions, freedoms and choices. You know, for the common good. They will initiate the 4th Industrial Revolution. They are quite open about it. “It will impact our lives completely.” It will change “how we communicate, how we produce, how we consume. It will change us, our own identity…it will happen quickly, like a tsunami.” They talk about hacking the genetic code to create a more perfect human. So, you see, you don’t need God. These are psychopaths. If you are wondering who these people are that pretend to be benefactors, yet are skinning us alive, look to see who is benefiting, profiting now and in the future from the suffering of the millions of common folk who just want to be left alone. When and if the globalists get their way, you will find out what true evil is. When they take away your possessions, your home, your privacy, dictate your every move, hack your genetic code and of those not yet born to create the more perfect and compliant human, then you will know true madness, true evil. This insanity, this absurdity does NOT have to continue. The decision is still ours while our choices still exist. I see hope a short distance down the road. People are rejecting the woke mentality, the discarding of morals, the plundering of our children, unnatural people and relationships, greed and incompetence in our leadership, the crime free-for-all, the decadence everywhere. If the Ukraine War brings anything of value, it will probably be a turn inward, renewing our country, away from any thought of globalization. Mankind says we are all good, but capable of evil. God says we are all evil, capable of good. God just has a higher standard. May we all meet His standard. Daily Jot: Stupidocrisy: Plastic gun ban - Bill Wilson – We have a lunatic Russian toting around a satchel with the nuke code when he’s visiting nursing homes to recruit reinforcements for his attack on civilians in Ukraine, and Joe Biden is signing an executive order to ban plastic guns. You got Biden willing to hand Iran nuclear weapons on a platter—and pay them for it—but he’s banning plastic guns to stop the gun violence crisis. We have, in one of the strictest gun law states and cities in America, Chicago, where gun crime and shootings occur by the dozens every day, and Biden is focused on banning plastic guns. Totally true. You can’t make this stuff up. Would somebody pull this guy aside and tell him that plastic guns are not the problem? Every big city in the nation is having a crime problem. But what have these cities done? In many cases they have defunded the police, tied the hands of law enforcement and, yes, essentially banned guns. Washington, DC. Chicago. New York City. Baltimore. Minneapolis. Detroit. Boston. Los Angeles. St. Louis. San Francisco. You name a big city in these states run by big time Democrats and you are going to see how well banning guns works. These places have the strictest gun laws and have the most crime committed using guns. Year after year, these liberals like Joe Biden try to convince the American public that the problem is not the criminal, but the gun the criminal uses. Joe, Joe, Joe…can’t you see that plastic guns are about the least of our worries? Wouldn’t it be great if you could figure out a way to lower our gas prices at the pump? Or stop this inflation that we haven’t seen the likes of since your buddy Jimmy Carter? Or how about stopping the sexual deviant predators from grooming our children in public schools? Oh, here’s one for you—can you do something about border security? There seems to be more crime being committed by illegals who are responsible for murders, rapes, human trafficking and drug peddling than there is crime by plastic guns. You got WWIII hanging over your shoulder and a rogue Russian threatening people with nuclear destruction and you are worried about plastic guns? Really? According to the Gun Violence Archive, there were 20,885 gun violence deaths in 2021, not counting suicide. It is estimated that some 81 million Americans own guns (this is probably a low figure). Think about it, about a third of Americans own guns and there were roughly 21,000 gun violence deaths last year, and homicides using plastic guns (ghost guns) are not even a statistic. You have a higher chance of dying from government-mandated COVID treatments than from someone shooting you. Yet with all these problems we have in this country, Joe Biden focuses on plastic guns. Americans are having an Achish, king of Gath, in 1 Samuel 21:15 moment: “Have I need of mad men the you have brought this fellow to behave insane in my presence?” No we don’t. But we’ve got him anyway. Say it with me…Stupidocrisy. Daily Devotion: Run to the Cross - by Greg Laurie – For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. —John 3:16 - Listen The problem with the two disciples on the Emmaus Road was they were trying to get away from the cross. The Crucifixion was not a beautiful sight; it was a horrific one. Jesus’s body was so traumatized that you wouldn’t have been able to tell He was a man. In other words, Jesus was unrecognizable. The two disciples on their way to Emmaus afterward never thought they would see Jesus alive again. So, they wanted to get away from that bloody cross. But every step away from the cross is a step in the wrong direction. We don’t want to run away from the cross; we need to run to it. That simply means come to God. Realize that Jesus died on the cross for a reason. He died there for our sin. And as I’ve often said, it wasn’t nails that held Him to the cross; it was His love for you and me. That’s because there was no other way to satisfy the righteous demands of the holy God whom we all have offended. But Jesus was uniquely qualified to bridge this gap. So with one hand He took hold of sinful humanity, and with the other hand He took hold of a holy God. They drove nails through those hands, and He died in our place. Jesus said, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 NKJV). God the Father not only sent His Son to the cross, but His Son willingly went. Jesus went because He knew this was the only way for us to be forgiven of our sin, for us to know that we’ll go to Heaven when we die. That’s why He made such a great sacrifice. FROM THE HEART Let Us Make the Short Time We have Left, Count for ALL of Eternity! IF YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED THROUGH THIS MINISTRY, THEN WE ASK THAT YOU WOULD PLEASE REMEMBER PROPHECY UPDATE IN YOUR GIVING - WE ARE TRULY, TRULY, THANKFUL FOR YOUR SUPPORT WORTHY OF YOUR SUPPORT? One of the most reliable ways to determine if a ministry is worthy of your financial support is to examine its fruits. If Prophecy Update is keeping you informed, and if that information inspires you, and causes you to draw closer to the Lord, if Prophecy Update equips you with valuable information and knowledge to share with and encourage other believers, and open the eyes of non-believers, and if Prophecy Update keeps you connected to current events relating to Bible Prophecy, then you are partaking of the fruit produced through this ministry. None of this would be possible without the Lords blessings and your support. I believe where the Lord guides, the Lord provides, and most of the time He provides through the willing and generous hearts of believers just like you and me. Humbly Seek Your Support Prophecy Update has no corporate sponsors. This ministry is paid for and prayed for by readers and supporters. Without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update, Please pray about becoming a monthly supporter - thanks! If ever there was a time to invest in God's Kingdom, it's now! What on earth are you doing for Heaven's Sake? "Share in the Blessings and Rewards that will last Forever!" "Folks, it's all beginning to unravel. America is in more danger of falling than at any time in its history. But I believe Bible prophecy predicts this very decline. From this point on, we believers have to get serious. We are going to face discouragement, disillusionment and, most certainly, persecution in the time between now and the Rapture. But don't be discouraged or disillusioned. The coming turmoil will provide us unrivaled opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. So be ready to share your faith and your hope with those who need Christ. We still have time to reap a great harvest of souls for God's kingdom!" - Hal Lindsey 1) We need your prayers!- We proclaim the Truth of the Word of God and we are under constant spiritual and sometimes even physical attack. 2) We need your encouragement!- We need to hear from you, let us know how the Lord is blessing you through this ministry so that we can share it with others. 3) We need your input! - If you have a prophetic article or story or if there is a news related item we missed, let us know. 4) We need your financial support!- To put it quite simply, without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update. I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to get the Word out and keep the world informed. Remember, your gift, no matter how small, does make a difference! You will be helping to touch lives, around the world, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, thanks to the internet your generosity carries a global impact! - Thanks! Our Prayer for You- "Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else." 2 Corinthians 9:10-13 If you have been blessed by Prophecy Update and would like to help support this ministry financially. You can make a secure donation online by going to: DONATE NOW Or write us at: Prophecy Update P.O. Box 40516 Bakersfield, CA 93384-0516 We are very pleased to offer all our readers this FREE download on Bible Prophecy from the Evangelical Bible College of Western Australia - Just download and enjoy and be blessed! Feel free to share it with all your friends and family members. Click below to download! "AS YOU SEE THE DAY APPROACHING" If You Died Today, Would You Go To Heaven? Find out, visit: How to know God DID YOU KNOW? You can submit an article, leave a comment or praise report at email: [email protected] Maranatha! (Lord Come Quickly) "On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand, All other ground is sinking sand." "Let Us make the short time we have left count for all eternity!" YBIC-Randy
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