On Prophecy: Volume II – Pete Garcia -
Foundations Before going through the topics and their subsequent talking points, it is necessary to lay some groundwork. First and foremost, when discussing the Holy Bible, this author means it to include both the Old and New Testaments. True Christianity understands the Scriptures to be “God-breathed,” (or God-inspired) to 40 different human authors, over a period of roughly 1,600 years, beginning roughly in the 15-14th Century BC and ending in the 1st Century AD. If the book of Job (the first book of the Bible written) was penned near Job’s life (as many believe), the Bible’s penmanship would be extended to a period of over 2,000 years. Consequently, the Bible predates every major literary work that has come to impact our world. These works are, but not limited to: the United States Constitution (1776), the Magna Carta (1215), the Koran (610-633AD), writings/teachings of Buddha (5th-4th Century BC), and the Hindu Vedas (1200-1000 BC). Furthermore, the Bible is the best surviving literary work of antiquity of any kind, surviving by multiplicity (many copies- LXX, Masoretic, Latin Vulgate, Dead Sea Scrolls, etc.). Not only has it survived, but it has also been validated by the recent archeological discoveries (Dead Sea Scrolls: 1946-57, 2021) proving without a doubt, the modern translations have remained true to form over the past four millennia. Secondly, although many religions have their own version of the world’s ending, the Bible is unique amongst all the world religious texts, in its unequivocal declaration and accuracy of future events (i.e., future to when written). These future forecasts are commonly referred to as Bible Prophecy. Prophecy that is speaking exclusively to the last days, is known as Eschatology, which is Greek for the study of last things. As for the literary breakdown of subjects in the Bible (for which there are many), "J Barton Payne’s Encyclopedia of Biblical Prophecy, lists 1,239 prophecies in the Old Testament, and 578 prophecies in the New Testament, for a total of 1,817. These encompass 8,352 verses. Since there are 31,124 verses in the Bible, the 8,352 verses that contain prophecy constitute 26.8% of the Bible’s volume." Source Third, the Bible maintains an “all or nothing” approach with regards to the accuracy of its predictions. Moses, the Hebrew author of the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Old Testament) laid the gauntlet down in Deuteronomy 18:22 by saying (paraphrased here), if a prophet speaks a prophecy and it doesn’t come to pass, that prophet was not from God. Accordingly, God gives Himself a 100% requirement to accurately predict things. Furthermore, the Bible does not adhere to the “Nostradamus” approach of using cryptic, nonsensical shotgun-blast approaches to predictions. Bible prophecy is accurate and specific. Although the Bible does use symbolism in certain places (Ezekiel 37, Revelation) that symbolism is always consistent and can be interpreted from the Bible itself. In other words, the most consistent way to interpret scripture is to take a literal, historical, and grammatical approach to scripture. This has come to be known as the “Golden Rule of Interpretation.” “When the plain sense of Scripture makes common sense, seek no other sense; therefore, take every word at its primary, ordinary, usual, literal meaning unless the facts of the immediate context, studied in the light of related passages and axiomatic and fundamental truths, indicate clearly otherwise.”–Dr. David L. Cooper (1886-1965) founder of The Biblical Research Society Lastly, Bible prophecy, in terms of geographic positioning, is Israel-centric in nature. What this means is that any cardinal directions used (i.e., north, south, east, and west) are given from the geographic perspective of Israel. Any attempts to apply specific prophecies in Scripture to modern states by location (i.e., from the north, or east) and superimpose this over say, the United States, is already flawed. When Scripture speaks of other nations, it almost always does so by referring to "the nations" or to the "sea" (as in the sea of nations and peoples). Overall, the Bible speaks primarily to three major people groups; Gentiles, Jews (Hebrews/ Israelites), and the Church (Greek- ekklesia). Genesis 1-11, speaks to mankind writ large. Genesis 12 through Acts 2, speaks to/about the Jewish people and only mentions the Gentiles (non-Jewish mankind) in how they relate to the Jews. The Bible does not mention the Church (as a separate entity) until Matthew 16 when Jesus states He will build His Church (Matthew 16:18-19). Once the Church comes into focus (the Acts through Revelation), Jews and Gentiles are then only mentioned in how they relate/interact with the Church. The Bible foretells very specific details of events, people, nations, and actions that will transpire at the times they are specified to happen. Below are listed some fulfilled geopolitical prophecies that can be quantified and validated (all dates are close estimates) by a cursory understanding of basic history: § 1445-1405BC-Moses predicts the scattering of Israel across the world, and global regathering in the last days. The Jews were scattered by the Romans in AD70, as well as 135AD, and endured a 1,878 years diaspora, that was, until 1948. (Deuteronomy 32) § 1000BC- David predicts how the Messiah would be killed. King David describes death by crucifixion, over 500 years before crucifixion was even invented by the Persians around the 5th century BC. (Psalm 22) § 750BC- Amos predicts Israel would be reborn a nation a second time never “uprooted again” from their land. They were uprooted the first time by two subsequent invasions- Assyrians to the north in Israel, and the Babylonians in the south in Judah. They were regathered in the 5th century under Medo-Persian King Cyrus and allowed to go back to their homes through King Artaxerxes II. They were conquered again by the Romans and scattered a second time, and did not regather until 1948. (Nehemiah 2, Amos 9:14-15) § 740BC- Isaiah predicts how Jesus would be born (of a virgin) and why He would come-i.e., to be a sacrificial lamb to take away the sins of the people. (Isaiah 7:14, 53) § 740BC- Isaiah predicts the nation of Israel would be born in a day. This happened on May 14, 1948. President Harry Truman was the first foreign leader to recognize their independence. (Isa. 66:8) § 730BC- Isaiah names the Persian King (Cyrus) 150 years before he was born, and that he would set the Jews in Babylonian captivity, free (Isa. 44:28, 45:1) § 540BC- Daniel (Hebrew captive under Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar) interprets the king’s dreams, detailing the four subsequent kingdoms which would come after Babylon- Persia, Greece, Rome, and a revived Rome. (Dan. 2) § 580BC- Ezekiel (Hebrew captive in Babylon) predicts the rebirth of the nation of a united Israel in the last days. Israel had split into two kingdoms three centuries earlier Israel (in the north) and Judah (in the south) (Ezekiel 36-37) § 540BC- Daniel was given the 70 Weeks Prophecy, which predicted to the day, the arrival of the Jewish Messiah, also His death, and the seven remaining prophetic years for national Israel (Daniel 9:24-27) § 500BC- Zechariah predicts Jerusalem would be an unmovable stone that causes distress amongst all the nations. This has certainly been the case since 1967. (Zechariah 12:1-9) § 32AD- Jesus foretells the coming destruction of Jerusalem and her Temple, and the subsequent Jewish diaspora and her return. (Luke 19:44-45, 21:5-24) § 95AD- People from all over the world will have the technology to see the bodies of the Two Witnesses lying dead in the streets of Jerusalem during the yet future, seven-year Tribulation. While this event has not yet happened, the technology necessary for it to take place has. (Revelation 11:8-9) …and they (the Jews) will fall by the edge of the sword, and will be led captive into all the nations; and Jerusalem will be trampled underfoot by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled. Luke 21:24 (note added for context) The Known-Unknown “There are known knowns, things we know that we know; and there are known unknowns, things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns, things we do not know we don't know.” Former Defense Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, 2002 The unknowable future is the final domain mankind has yet been able to crack the code on, despite all of man's technology and his best attempts. From a military perspective, the future is filled with known unknowns. They'll admit to a certain level of ambiguity when it comes to predicting the future. However, because of their spiritual blindspot, what they are really facing, is a future filled with unknown unknowns. This is why Paul writes in 1 Thessalonians 5:3, "While they are saying, Peace and safety! then sudden destruction will come upon them like labor pains upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape." As the Bible's prophetic claims have been proven accurate beyond a shadow of a doubt, no other religious beliefs or ideologies can even come close to the volume, accuracy, and veracity of biblical Christianity. It stands to reason Christianity is either extremely lucky (the odds are astronomical), or Christianity is true. If true, then this means, due to the exclusive claims made by God in both the Old and New Testaments, and by all other objective measures (archeology, historical and modern reality, etc.), all other religions are false. What this really means, is that a large percentage of the world outside of Christianity is working with both false assumptions and conclusions that will leave them stumbling into a dark, unknowable future. Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are monotheistic in nature. This means, there is only one God in their belief systems who exist apart from their creation. Yet, even these are far too different for each to be true. Contrasting this, Hinduism is polytheistic (many gods) in nature. As logic dictates, monotheism and polytheism cannot both be true. Furthermore, pantheistic belief systems (god is in everything) also disagree considerably with both monotheism and polytheism. The bottom line though is that even though all religions could be wrong, they cannot all be right. They are each far too different in their constructs to simply “coexist” as the popular bumper sticker states naively. Amongst the major monotheistic beliefs, Judaism predates Christianity by at least two thousand years. Both Judaism and Christianity predate Islam by at a minimum, six centuries (Saudi Arabia was largely pagan until the 6th century AD). Christianity views itself as a continuation of Judaism, often likening itself as fulfilled Judaism, through the person of Jesus Christ. Judaism denies the divinity claim of Jesus and is still awaiting their messiah (Hebrew- Mashiach). Islam is also awaiting their messiah (the Mahdi), yet claim relational kinship to Jesus (Isa in the Koran). Like Judaism, Islam also denies Jesus' claims of divinity, likening Him only to that of a prophet. The bottom line is that both Judaism and Islam deny the divine claims Jesus made of Himself, whereas Christianity accepts it. (Mark 14:61-64, John 6:38, 8:58, etc.) This puts Islam in a precarious situation- if they deny the divinity claims Jesus makes of Himself in Scripture (which our Bible is the only way they even know who He was), then they nullify His ability to be a prophet of God. If He was not God come in the flesh, then He was either a liar or a lunatic, but He certainly couldn't be God's prophet. However, if He was who He said He was, then, Islam is wrong. They cannot have it both ways. Judaism, also rejecting Jesus' claims, are equally in a precarious situation. This means they would have to deny the strict criteria their Bible (the Old Testament for us) sets for their Messiah. Their Messiah would have had to already have come (Daniel 9:24-26) at a specific time, be killed for a specific reason (Isaiah 53), and die in a certain way (Psalm 22). However, as Paul also states in Romans 11:25, For I do not desire, brethren, that you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise in your own opinion, that blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. Spiritual blindness is akin to the precarious situation of operating in the unknown unknown. There is one final issue neither Judaism nor Islam can deny; Jesus was a real historical figure, who was crucified o/a the year 32AD by both the Jewish leadership and the Roman military authorities in Judaea. Imagine the outcry from the Muslim world today if scholars attempted to debunk the life of Mohammed? Of course, they would never do it for fear of their lives and also because it goes against the satanic narrative alive on planet earth today. How about the life of Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha)? There is far less information about either of these two men than there is about Jesus, yet, no one seems intent on questioning whether or not they actually existed. Thus, despite the overwhelming evidence, even apart from the Bible (Josephus, Tacitus, Pliny the Elder, etc.), we must conclude the historicity surrounding the personhood of Jesus Christ is unlike any other. “There is no serious historian who doubts the existence of Jesus. There are a lot of people who want to write sensational books claiming that Jesus didn’t exist, but I don’t know any serious scholar who doubts the existence of Jesus.” Respected historian and professed agnostic, Dr. Bart Ehrman, December 30th, 2011 while interviewed on Atheist Radio. Moreover, the fact Jesus actually existed, must then be contrasted with the supernatural message He carried with Him. The fact that 11 of His 12 disciples chose martyrdom over betraying their faith in Him (John died of natural causes after the year 100AD). This does not even include the deaths of all the disciples of the Apostles, and other Early Church Fathers, who chose death over denying their faith in Christ. One could argue that many have died for their faiths, from all faiths. Yet, there is a world of difference between dying for a lie, while being deceived, and dying for the truth, because you have been delivered from deception. The fact that Jesus' message is as relevant today, as it was 2,000 years ago, speaks to the timeless wisdom and truth Jesus came to share with humanity. Even more than that, this truth would set man free from the bondage of sin, death, and blindness. “I know men, and I tell you Jesus Christ was no mere man. Superficial minds see a resemblance between Christ and the founders of empires and the gods of other religions. That resemblance does not exist. There is between Christianity and other religions the distance of infinity...Alexander, Cæsar, Charlemagne, and myself founded empires. But upon what did we rest the creations of our genius? Upon force. Jesus Christ alone founded his empire upon love; and at this hour millions of men would die for him." Napoleon Bonaparte, Sainte Helena Author's note: The quote actually compiles two different statements by Bonaparte in his final discussions at Saint Helena. These were first published in 1823. Dark Clouds: Google, Amazon, Israel and the New America – Caroline Glick - America is changing before our eyes. But the Finance Ministry apparently hasn’t paid it any mind. Last week, the head of procurement at the Finance Ministry’s General Accountant’s Office formally announced that Amazon (AWS) and Google won the government tender to provide cloud services to the government as Israel moves forward with the first phase of the Nimbus Project. Tender bids submitted by Microsoft and Oracle were rejected. The Nimbus Project is a massive, multiyear project that will replace the data management infrastructure of government ministries and the IDF. To date, government ministries have used decentralized servers and dozens of independently operating websites to house and manage their data. The Nimbus Project will move all government computing data and applications to commercial clouds provided by technology giants. When the government computer systems migrate to Google and Amazon’s data clouds, these firms will manage all of official Israel’s non-classified data and computerized applications. This will include everything from government and military payrolls to welfare payments, to government pensions. It will include the medical files of all Israelis. It will include their personal and corporate tax returns. It’s possible that from the technical and financial perspectives, the General Accountant’s tender committee’s decision to award the cloud contracts to Google and Amazon was reasonable. The two corporations are the industry leaders in cloud technologies. But even on the technical and financial levels, there are differing opinions about the committee’s decision. Oracle’s bid was allegedly lower than those submitted by Google and Amazon. Moreover, the tender requires that the clouds be physically located inside of Israel. Oracle and Microsoft have both built cloud centers in Israel. Oracle’s is set to open in August and Microsoft’s is scheduled to open in January 2022. Google and Amazon for their part have yet to begin building their data centers, so for the next two years, and more likely the next 3-4 years, contrary to the stipulations of the tender, Israel’s government and IDF data will be housed in Europe. Then there is the issue of redundancy. The trend today among governments and large corporations is to spread their data out among several cloud providers. Israel could have chosen to award the contract to all four companies and kept costs lower by forcing them to compete over pricing every year. Redundancy in cloud servers also lowers the risks of sabotage and technical failures that can lead to loss of data or failure of computing systems. At any rate, assuming the tender committee followed the best practices from both financial and technical perspectives in granting the cloud contract to Google and Amazon exclusively, the decision is disconcerting all the same. The problem is not financial or technological. The problem with Google and Amazon is cultural. The organizational culture of both corporations raises significant questions about the wisdom of granting them exclusive control over Israel’s government data for the next seven years. During this month’s Operation Guardian of the Wall, some 250 Google employees who identified as anti-Zionist Jews wrote a letter to Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai. They began by asking that Google reject the determination that anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism and that the company fund Palestinian organizations. The “Jewish Diaspora in Tech” called for “Google leadership to make a company-wide statement recognizing violence in Palestine and Israel, which must include direct recognition of the harm done to Palestinians by Israeli military and gang violence.” Then they turned to the Nimbus contract. “We request a review of all…business contracts and corporate donations and the termination of contracts with institutions that support Israeli violations of Palestinian rights, such as the Israeli Defense Forces.” Shortly after the Google employees published their letter, some five hundred Amazon employees entered the anti-Israel fray. They signed a letter that was almost identical to the Google employees’ letter. They called for Amazon to reject the definition of anti-Zionism as anti-Semitism. They insisted that Israel is a racist colonial project and that the land of Israel belongs to the Palestinians. They called for Amazon to financially support Palestinian organizations. And they asked that the firm, “commit to review and sever business contracts and corporate donations with companies, organizations, and/or governments that are active or complicit in human rights violations, such as the Israeli Defense Forces.” Another employee group called “Amazon Employees for Climate Justice” tweeted a long chain of posts denouncing the company’s participation in the Nimbus Project. Among other things, they wrote, “We stand in solidarity with Palestinians who went on a historic general strike to protest Israel’s deadly assault on Gaza. Amazon and Google recently signed a $1B deal supporting Israel’s military. Amazon is complicit in state killings and human rights abuses. “Amazon’s workers didn’t sign up to work on projects that support militaries and policing forces. We didn’t sign up to be complicit in state killings and human rights abuses in the U.S., Israel, and around the world,” they concluded. The workers’ protests in both companies are deadly serious. In 2018, Google employees discovered that the company was working with the Pentagon to develop an artificial intelligence system to improve the accuracy of U.S. military drones. Some 4,000 Google employees, including dozens of senior engineers signed a petition to Pichai demanding that Google end its involvement in the project. As they put it, “We believe that Google should not be in the business of war.” Google management caved to the pressure and cancelled the contract with the Defense Department. In January, Amazon cancelled its cloud service contract with the social media platform Parler, which was identified with Republicans. Amazon justified move by claiming that Parler contained “violent content.” The fact that violent content is also contained on other social media platforms – including Amazon itself – was neither here nor there. Notable as well is the fact that Amazon’s CEO and founder Jeff Bezos is a close friend of musician Brian Eno. Like Roger Waters, Eno is a prominent proponent of the anti-Semitic BDS campaign that seeks to boycott Israel and demonize and silence its Jewish supporters worldwide. The senior officials at the Finance Ministry, the national Cyber Authority and the Ministry of Defense who granted Google and Amazon the government and IDF cloud contracts may simply not understand the dire implications for Israel’s national security posed by the antagonistic positions of some Google and Amazon employees. In a press conference this week, the heads of the Finance Ministry actually presented these statements as testaments to the credibility of the contracts. The fact that the leaders of Google and Amazon signed the deal with Israel despite the hatred their employees express towards the Jewish state is proof of the companies’ commitment to the project, they insisted. The Finance Ministry added that there is no cause for concern because the contracts require that Google and Amazon set up subsidiary firms in Israel to actually manage the clouds. As Israeli registered companies, the subsidiaries will be bound to the requirements of Israeli law. And as such, they will have no option of sabotaging the work or otherwise breaching the contract no matter how anti-Israel the Google and Amazon employees outside of Israel may be. The problem with this argument is that the subsidiaries in Israel will be wholly owned by their mother corporations. All of their equipment will be owned by Google and Amazon in the U.S. If the mother corporations decide to pull the plug on the Nimbus contract, the local subsidiaries will be powerless to maintain them. The same Google management that blew off the artificial intelligence project with the Pentagon three years ago to satisfy their workers should be expected to repeat their actions in the future. If their employees unite to demand that Google abrogate the Nimbus contract, management can be expected to absorb a few hundred million dollars in losses to keep their workers happy. The polarization of opinion on Israel that we are witnessing in American politics between Republicans who support Israel and Democrats who oppose Israel, is an expression of a much larger division within American society. The heartbreaking but undeniable fact is that today you can’t talk about “America” as a single political entity. Today there are two Americas, and they cannot abide by one another. One America – traditional America – loves Israel and America. The other America – the New America – hates Israel and doesn’t think much of America, either. Traditional America believes that the U.S. brought the promise of liberty to the world and that even though it is far from perfect, the United States is the greatest country in human history. In the eyes of the citizens of Traditional America, Israel is a kindred nation and the U.S.’s best friend and most valued ally in the Middle East. New America, in contrast, believes that America was born in the sin of slavery. New Americans insist America will remain evil and an object of scorn at home and abroad so long it refuses to exchange its values of liberty, capitalism, equal opportunity and patriotism with the values of racialism and equity, socialism, equality of outcomes, and globalization. For New Americans, just as the U.S. was born in the sin of white supremacy so Israel was born in the sin of Zionism. In New America, Israel will have no right to exist so long as it clings to its Jewish national identity, refusing to become a “state of all its citizens.” New America’s power isn’t limited to its control over the White House and Congress. It also controls much of corporate America. Under the slogan, “Stakeholder Capitalism,” corporate conglomerates whose leaders are New Americans use their economic power to advance the political and cultural agendas of New America. We saw stakeholder capitalism at work in March following the Georgia statehouse’s passage of a law requiring voters to present identification at polling places. Major League Baseball, Coca Cola, Delta and American Airlines among others announced that they would boycott the state, denying jobs to thousands of Georgians in retaliation. Silicon Valley is the Ground Zero of Stakeholder Capitalism. Its denizens are the loudest and most powerful proponents of using technological and economic power to advance the political and cultural agendas of New America. Microsoft and Oracle are appealing the Nimbus tender award. They are basing their appeals on what they describe as technical and other flaws in the tender process. Israel should view their appeals as an opportunity to reverse course. In light of New America’s hostility towards Israel generally, and given the proven power of Google and Amazon employees and their expressed antagonism towards Israel, the Finance Ministry should reconsider the tender award. Technical considerations aside, the decision to grant Google and Amazon exclusive control over the State of Israel’s computer data did not give sufficient weight to all the relevant variables. Nearing Midnight: The UFO Set-Up – Terry James - My friend, the late Dr. Chuck Missler, once wrote a book with the title Alien Encounters. He asked Douglas James Mahr to write the foreword for it. Mahr was author of the 1985 release, Voyage to the New World, an immensely popular book at the time that went a long way toward making New-Age thinking mainstream in the entertainment community. Mahr tells that he was once totally immersed within the New Age movement. He became close friends with actress Shirley McClain and helped her while she worked on the 1988 TV film Out on a Limb. It was the story of Ms. McClain’s coming to embrace the New Age movement and become the movement’s chief Hollywood proponent. Mahr, by the time of the publication of Missler’s Alien Encounters in 1997, had apparently become a believer in Christ. He wrote the following as part of the foreword for that book: It’s all about the war. An invisible war. A cosmic contest which may, indeed, engulf the planet Earth in ways that very few have any capacity to anticipate. Anyone who has been watching the news, or has been profiling the entertainment media, realizes that our society is increasingly being confronted with the “invisible” world—and what was once the domain of science fiction and the lunatic fringe, has now become the preoccupation of serious scientific investigations and has also become a major centroid of policy within the classified government community… There is a cosmic deception being orchestrated and you are one of its targets… Mahr was seemingly prescient in his declaration. We are witnessing almost precisely the reality wrapped up in his words: “It’s all about the war. An invisible war. A cosmic contest which may, indeed, engulf the planet Earth in ways that very few have any capacity to anticipate.” For years, Hollywood presented films like The Day the Earth Stood Still, The War of the Worlds, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and many others. Sightings, even by presidents of the United States, were reported of unidentified flying objects and other phenomena that appeared to be extraterrestrial. Yet the whole time, news organizations, government officials, military officials and every other entity within officialdom pooh-poohed these as imagination or as something of non-importance. Project Blue Book, the U.S. Air Force official look into the UFO and USO (Unidentified Submerged Object) reports, was shut down with more or less the declaration that there wasn’t sufficient evidence to probe further. All that has suddenly changed. It seems even our government is taking notice. And the sudden interest comes at a fascinating time—when most every prophetic indicator for the coming Tribulation era is in view. We who observe these indicators appearing at the same time call the phenomenon “convergence.” There is to be coming soon a release of reports that have been kept from the public for decades. The following excerpt explains. There are reasons to be skeptical. After decades of stonewalling on the issue, suddenly American military chiefs appear to be giving credence to claims of UFOs invading Earth. Clips purporting to show extraordinary flying technology have been “confirmed” by the Pentagon as authentic. The Pentagon move is unprecedented. The videos of the Unidentified Flying Objects were taken by U.S. air force flight crews or by naval surveillance and subsequently “leaked” to the public. The question is: were the “leaks” authorized by Pentagon spooks to stoke the public imagination of visitors from space? The Pentagon doesn’t actually say what it believes the UFOs are, only that the videos are “authentic”. A Senate intelligence committee is to receive a report from the Department of Defense’s Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) Task Force next month. That has also raised public interest in the possibility of alien life breaching our skies equipped with physics-defying technology far superior to existing supersonic jets and surveillance systems… The military people who take the videos in good – albeit misplaced – faith about what they are witnessing are not the same as the military or intelligence people who see an opportunity with the videos to exploit the public in a psychological operation. Fomenting public anxieties, or even just curiosity, about aliens and super-technology is an expedient way to exert control over the population. At a time when governing authorities are being questioned by a distrustful public and when military-intelligence establishments are viewed as having lost a sense of purpose, what better way to realign public respect by getting them to fret over alien marauders from whom they need protection? (“Is the Pentagon’s UFO PsyOps Fueling Russia, China War Risk?” ZeroHedge by Tyler Durden, May 22, 2021. Authored by Finian Cunningham via The Strategic Culture Foundation) A legitimate question is: Considering all the things we’re witnessing—in convergence of indicators for the windup of this Age of Grace—might the sudden desire to alert the public to planet earth’s likely being visited by extraterrestrials have a luciferian purpose at its heart? I’m thinking, of course, of 2 Thessalonians and the “lie” people who have rejected the truth of Christ and salvation will believe when they’re sent “strong delusion”—by God, Himself! And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. (2 Thesssalonians 2:10–12) So the question to consider is whether the sudden UFO information release has prophetic significance in this regard. Could it be but one more indicator of where this generation stands on God’s prophetic timeline? Is this but one more item being used by Satan and his minions to set up earth’s inhabitants for when the Church is gone in the Rapture and the Antichrist is revealed? I believe it is quite possible that this is the case. Remember that in Revelation chapter 12, Satan and his fallen horde are kicked out of Heaven for the final time. In Revelation 13, the False Prophet calls down fire from Heaven in the sight of the first beast and of the world’s populace. Might this be the long-anticipated “space brothers” the False Prophet will claim come to earth to save the planet? Certainly no developments we see almost hourly in these strange times should be off limits for consideration as to prophetic significance. The present UFO hubbub is no exception. And when you see all these things begin to come to pass, then look up and lift up your head, for your redemption draws near. (Luke 21: 28) Marxists Want a One-World Government - US Troops Are One of The Last Obstacles – Tony Perkins - As the nation takes time to remember our troops sacrifice, a lot of our soldiers are thinking about the fallen. But some of them are mourning something else: the U.S. military they once knew. In just four months, the culture of our fighting force is changing -- and fast. Under Joe Biden, one of the last bastions of American patriotism is on a collision course with a radical Marxist agenda that isn't just threatening our servicemembers -- it's threatening the very future of our nation. In a matter of weeks, the military has been pumped full of propaganda -- everything from critical race theory to transgender extremism. And the shift has taken its toll. After January 6, the riot that Biden is using to excuse this indoctrination, our men and women in uniform have been subjected to all kinds of politically-correct training. The Pentagon's infamous "stand down" has only encouraged Biden's extremists to stand up -- and preach wokeness throughout the ranks. It's a culture shift that isn't just unpopular -- it's unwelcome, servicemembers say. It seemed "forced," one Navy lieutenant told the Military Times. Others, like anonymous airmen, said they don't normally complain, but questioned the "non-mission training." At the Washington Navy Yard, civilians called the discussion "rudderless." "One of the older guys was sidetracked and kept saying stuff like, 'What about the First Amendment?' and, "I miss the days you could just talk to people,'" he wrote. And then there were all of the what-ifs. What if you want to go to a MAGA rally? Or talk about conservative politics on Facebook? Is that "extreme?" Under this administration, it certainly seems so. Other soldiers wondered openly why there was so much attention on January 6 and not on the other deadly protests around the country. Meanwhile, the liberal media seems intent on fanning the flames of divide, insisting that the military is a hotbed of racism and discrimination -- something the people actually serving dispute. But, as Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) reminded everyone on "Washington Watch," this whole Leftist push isn't rooted in reality. "This is all about advancing the Marxist ideology. It's about controlling the mindsets of Americans." Look, he said, "if you can break the back of the entrepreneurial spirit, the small businesses," education, the military, "the ability of the American people to rise up and achieve, then you can have the tyranny and control of government over the minds of man." That's what this commander-in-chief wants. And he needs to infiltrate our schools and our troops to do it. The only reason this administration is so intent on teaching critical race theory, Senator Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) insists, is so it can rip apart our military at the seams. "Our military's strength depends on the unity of our troops and the knowledge that America is a noble nation worth fighting for. Critical race theory teaches that race is a person's most important characteristic, and that America is an evil, oppressive place." Forcing commanders to preach that the country they're serving is racist has already led -- as the far-Left hoped it would -- to more good men and women leaving the service. FRC's Lt. General Jerry Boykin (U.S. Army-Ret.) can't go anywhere these days without servicemembers telling him how disgusted they are. "I had a guy call me from Kuwait last week and he said, 'As soon as I get the last soldier out of here, I'm done. I'm not going to stay in this Army because of the social experiments that are taking place right now.' I talked to a guy outside of Nashville, Tennessee. Ollie North and I were there, and we talked to him together, and he said, 'My unit has asked me to start teaching this critical race theory. And I'm not going to do it. That means I'm going to get out of the Army.'" It's happening in all of the services. These are "Gestapo tactics," Boykin warned. The Pentagon is actually encouraging people to turn people in -- to snitch on the men and women they serve with if they think they're an extremist (or the administration's version of "extremist," which is really just your run-of-the-mill conservative). And the sad thing about it is, Boykin went on, "all this is doing is driving a wedge between members of the military. And there's nothing more important on the battlefield -- not weapons, not the technology -- than the cohesion and the morale of those men and women who are out there fighting. They make the difference. That's how you win on the battlefield." But then, Rep. Mark Green (R-Tenn.) insists, Biden isn't interested in winning on the battlefield. He's interested in raising an army of social justice warriors. And he -- along with Rep. Dan Bishop (R-N.C.), Cotton, and others -- are doing everything they can to smoke out these dangerous trainings and policies and kick them out of the military. Cotton's bill (the companion to Roy and Bishop's in the House) would outright ban critical race theory from the ranks. Green's legislation would aim to tear it out at the roots -- in the service academies. "They want to weaken our military," Boykin insisted. And maybe some of you are thinking -- that doesn't make sense. "Well, it doesn't make sense to you and me, but it does if you're a Marxist... It makes sense if you want to reduce the readiness of our military so that there is no propensity, no desire to use our military again." Marxists want a one-world government, he warned. And our troops are in their way. Daily Jot: Dems and the great voter cheat – Bill Wilson – All throughout the post-presidential election, Democrats and the news media repeated their narrative that there was absolutely no substantial voter fraud and that any such allegation was unsubstantiated. Democrat politician after politician fed the media cannon with the “no voter fraud” fodder. Anyone and everyone who questioned the results of the election were labeled conspiracy junkies or worse. How then is it that the very first bill, HR/SB 1, the Democrats introduce Congress is the “For the People Act of 2021” ostensibly addressing voter fraud in the name of expanding voting rights? If fraud didn’t exist, there is no need to address it. In reality, this evil legislation seeks to legalize the great voter cheat. And the Democrats are not denying it. In fact, just like they always do, they are telling us exactly what they are trying to do—full-fledged Democracy—where everyone votes whether they are eligible or not. It’s just like when then-presidential candidate Joe Biden said in October 2020, “We’re in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for President Obama’s administration before this, we have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” He telegraphed exactly what the Democrats were working on. And they are doing the same with this misleadingly named “For the People Act.” It’s for the people who want one-party rule. What is wrong with the legislation? Almost everything. Same day registration. States cannot refuse children 16 years old from registering, but states cannot be compelled to allow them to vote. How would we know, for example, if it is same day registration, no voter-ID requirements, internet voting registration, automatic voter registration, mail in ballots without verification and much more. This bill actually says “A State may not impose a signature verification requirement as a condition of accepting and counting an absentee ballot submitted by any individual with respect to an election for Federal office unless the State meets the due process requirements described in paragraph (2).” Then paragraph (2) makes it an administrative nightmare for anyone to check for signature validity. This is just scratching the surface of this voter fraud bill. The Democratic Party talking points include accusing Republicans of “making it harder to vote and easier to steal elections.” Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) told reporters that Democratic leadership at two recent caucus lunches, “made clear how important S.1 is to the country, to our Democratic majority, and to individual senators, and those discussions are ongoing, and I have a lot of faith in them.” Exactly—it’s important to the Democratic Party majority. And it is important because it tips the voting scales toward Democrats. In reality, laws that clearly support and uphold voter eligibility requirements make it very difficult to steal elections. Proverbs 11:1 says, “Dishonest scales are an abomination to the LORD, but a just weight is His delight.” SB 1 is a dishonest scale to the extreme. If you value your God-given freedom, pray and act that it is defeated. Daily Devotion: A Sign of the Last Days? - by Greg Laurie – Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near. —Luke 21:28 - Listen Over the past year or so, I’ve been asked quite often whether I think COVID-19 is a sign of the last days. I would say yes. Now, the word pandemic isn’t in the Bible because it’s a modern word. But we do find the words pestilence and plague mentioned many times in the pages of Scripture. The Bible does tell us that in the end times, there will be horrible diseases that will come upon the planet. There will be earthquakes. There also will be wars and rumors of wars (see Matthew 24:4–7). But all these events are part of what the Bible calls the Great Tribulation, which will last for seven years. This time period begins with the emergence of the antichrist, a coming world leader, and it ends with the return of Jesus Christ. We’re not in the Great Tribulation period yet, but Jesus compared the days leading up to His return to a woman having labor pains. The closer to the day of delivery, the closer together the labor pains come. So as we see more of these big events—earthquakes, pandemics, pestilence, conflicts, terrorism, and so forth—they are signs of the times. And Jesus said, “Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near” (Luke 21:28 NKJV). Maybe today you’re scared. Maybe you’re afraid of the afterlife. Or maybe you’re not sure whether your life is right with God. If you want God to forgive you of your sin, if you want to know that you’ll go to Heaven when you die, if you want to be certain that when Christ returns you’ll be ready to meet Him, then you need Jesus in your life. Either get right with God or get left behind. FROM THE HEART Let Us Make the Short Time We have Left, Count for ALL of Eternity! IF YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED THROUGH THIS MINISTRY, THEN WE ASK THAT YOU WOULD PLEASE REMEMBER PROPHECY UPDATE IN YOUR GIVING - WE ARE TRULY, TRULY, THANKFUL FOR YOUR SUPPORT WORTHY OF YOUR SUPPORT? One of the most reliable ways to determine if a ministry is worthy of your financial support is to examine its fruits. If Prophecy Update is keeping you informed, and if that information inspires you, and causes you to draw closer to the Lord, if Prophecy Update equips you with valuable information and knowledge to share with and encourage other believers, and open the eyes of non-believers, and if Prophecy Update keeps you connected to current events relating to Bible Prophecy, then you are partaking of the fruit produced through this ministry. None of this would be possible without the Lords blessings and your support. I believe where the Lord guides, the Lord provides, and most of the time He provides through the willing and generous hearts of believers just like you and me. Humbly Seek Your Support Prophecy Update has no corporate sponsors. This ministry is paid for and prayed for by readers and supporters. Without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update, Please pray about becoming a monthly supporter - thanks! If ever there was a time to invest in God's Kingdom, it's now! What on earth are you doing for Heaven's Sake? "Share in the Blessings and Rewards that will last Forever!" "Folks, it's all beginning to unravel. America is in more danger of falling than at any time in its history. But I believe Bible prophecy predicts this very decline. From this point on, we believers have to get serious. We are going to face discouragement, disillusionment and, most certainly, persecution in the time between now and the Rapture. But don't be discouraged or disillusioned. The coming turmoil will provide us unrivaled opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. So be ready to share your faith and your hope with those who need Christ. We still have time to reap a great harvest of souls for God's kingdom!" - Hal Lindsey 1) We need your prayers!- We proclaim the Truth of the Word of God and we are under constant spiritual and sometimes even physical attack. 2) We need your encouragement!- We need to hear from you, let us know how the Lord is blessing you through this ministry so that we can share it with others. 3) We need your input! - If you have a prophetic article or story or if there is a news related item we missed, let us know. 4) We need your financial support!- To put it quite simply, without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update. I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to get the Word out and keep the world informed. Remember, your gift, no matter how small, does make a difference! You will be helping to touch lives, around the world, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, thanks to the internet your generosity carries a global impact! - Thanks! Our Prayer for You- "Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else." 2 Corinthians 9:10-13 If you have been blessed by Prophecy Update and would like to help support this ministry financially. You can make a secure donation online by going to: DONATE NOW Or write us at: Prophecy Update P.O. Box 40516 Bakersfield, CA 93384-0516 We are very pleased to offer all our readers this FREE download on Bible Prophecy from the Evangelical Bible College of Western Australia - Just download and enjoy and be blessed! Feel free to share it with all your friends and family members. Click below to download! "AS YOU SEE THE DAY APPROACHING" If You Died Today, Would You Go To Heaven? Find out, visit: How to know God DID YOU KNOW? You can submit an article, leave a comment or praise report at email: [email protected] Maranatha! (Lord Come Quickly) "On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand, All other ground is sinking sand." "Let Us make the short time we have left count for all eternity!" YBIC-Randy
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