Powerful Tyrannical Unbelievers are now Imposing (forcing) their False Religious beliefs on America3/27/2023 TODAY'S NEWSLETTER...
Powerful Tyrannical Unbelievers are now Imposing (forcing) their False Religious Beliefs on America - By Daymond Duck - https://www.raptureready.com/2023/03/25/imposed-by-daymond-duck/
The February issue of World Net Daily’s (WND’s) Whistleblower Magazine features “Wokeism— America’s Official State Religion.” WND’s Editor says, “Long the world’s most Christian nation, America today is being taken over by a new ‘official’ national religion, one being imposed on the entire populace by every major societal institution, from government, media and big tech, to academia, entertainment and business.” It seems to me (and I agree) that WND’s Editor believes the U.S. government, social media, big tech, Hollywood, large corporations, and others are imposing (forcing, dictating) their religious beliefs on America with the result that false religion is spreading in what was once the most Christian nation on earth. Powerful tyrannical unbelievers are now imposing (forcing) their false religious beliefs on America. They are transforming the world into a world without God, and sadly, many church members are going along with it, doing nothing, or choosing to remain silent. But it is more than powerful tyrannical unbelievers imposing their corrupt religious beliefs upon America (and the world); they are also imposing a corrupt government upon the world (against the will of multitudes, without a vote, etc.). They don’t believe it, but they are preparing the religious and governmental stage for the two most powerful people that will rule on earth during the Tribulation Period: the False Prophet and the Antichrist. This is not a conspiracy theory. It is fact, and the world will likely cross the point of no return at the World Health Organization (WHO) Assembly meeting on May 21-30, 2023. (Note: The nations will be given a period of time to put the new global laws into practice and start enforcing them.) The Apocalypse (Tribulation Period) is coming (Isa. 24:1-23), and people need to be sure they are rapture ready (saved). (Confession: I have studied, talked, and written about the coming world government for more than 40 years, but something I didn’t foresee from studying the Scriptures was the 14-year (2016-2030) transition period that would take the world from more than 190 sovereign nations to a one-world government. History is now more than halfway through that transition period and steadily moving toward an antichrist world government.) Here are more events that seem to relate to current events. One, concerning the imposition of false religious beliefs upon America: on Mar. 3, 2023, California’s Pleasant Grove High School’s staff and administration sponsored a drag show with six students performing in drag. All students were required to attend; gender-confused drag queens wore wigs and dresses, danced on the gym floor, removed part of their clothing, and promoted the gay agenda. School officials responded to complaints by saying the drag show was “held in full compliance with student codes of conduct and existing requirements for on-campus events.” Two, concerning the spread of false religious beliefs around the world: on Mar. 16, 2023, the Pres. of Uganda blasted the West for imposing the LGBT agenda upon his nation. He urged the West to mind its own business when it comes to the issue of homosexuality. Three, concerning corruption in Washington: on Mar. 16, 2023, James Comer, House Oversight Committee Chairman, released a first summary of bank records (on Mar. 15, Comer said the Bidens were receiving money from a lot of Chinese bank accounts, so there may be more summaries to come). The House Oversight Committee’s first summary documents the transfer of $3 million from a Chinese company to a U.S. company. After receiving the money, the U.S. company transferred $1.3 million to former Vice Pres. Biden’s family in Mar. 2017 (Biden’s son, brother, daughter-in-law, and a fourth member of the Biden family identified only as Biden). Concerning the Biden's, Comer said, “I think we’re gonna see there are probably six or seven Biden family members that were involved in various business schemes around the world.” At this time, the House Oversight Committee said they can’t prove that any money was transferred from Chinese banks to Pres. Biden, but they can prove that he was meeting with people from China around the time money was being transferred to U.S. companies that, in part, was passed on to members of the Biden family. (More: On Mar. 17, 2023, Pres. Biden denied reports that an associate of Hunter Biden transferred more than $1 million from a Chinese firm to members of the Biden family.) (More: On Mar. 17, 2023, it was reported that the House Oversite Committee now has proof that Chinese money was transferred to Hunter Biden while his dad was Vice-Pres. of the U.S. One pundit asked, “Why did Chinese companies transfer money to several members of the Biden family over and over again if they weren’t getting anything for it, and what were they getting?”) (My opinion: I believe Biden became Pres. and has survived all of this because he is a puppet of the Deep State, and he obediently pushes the New World Order. But this scandal may eventually get him out of office because some in his own party do not think he can win in 2024. Whether he runs or not, I cannot predict, but I do not doubt that the Deep State has another puppet waiting in the wings if Biden has to be replaced.) Four, concerning the elimination of borders to create a world government: U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security (DHS) Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas keeps telling Congress the U.S. border is secure. On Mar. 16, 2023, U.S. Border Patrol Chief, Raul Ortiz, told members of the U.S. House Homeland Security Committee, “the U.S. does not have operational control of its border.” The border is either secure, or it is not, and someone is lying to the American people. Some members of the U.S. House Homeland Security Committee believe Ortiz is telling the truth, the Biden administration has turned control of the U.S.-Mexico border over to the drug cartels, and they are seeking proof one way or the other. Five, concerning deceit: Covid-19 has been used to close churches, schools, and businesses, reduce the population of the earth, increase the power of the WHO, move the world closer to a world government, and more. The U.S. House Select Committee on the Coronavirus Pandemic says it has uncovered evidence that Dr. Anthony Fauci abused his authority and misled Congress during its investigation of the lab-leak theory. This man, who abused his authority and misled (lied to) Congress, has gone unpunished, and he recently said Americans will probably be required to take Covid-19 booster shots in the future. Six, concerning the New World Order (world government): on Mar. 16, 2023, it was reported that Chinese Pres. Xi Jinping wants to create (and be the leader of) a better world order (a clear rejection of the leadership of Pres. Biden and the U.S.). Seven, concerning a falling away in the Church: on Mar. 16, 2023, it was reported that Pope Francis said Hell is not a place, and he implied that there is no one in a place called Hell. He said Hell is a state of the heart and a posture toward life. Eight, concerning persecution of believers during the Tribulation Period: on Mar. 7, 2023, the U.K. Parliament voted to criminalize prayer, even silent prayer, near an abortion clinic. It reminds me that Daniel’s enemies got King Darius to forbid prayer to anyone but him for 30 days (Dan. 6). Daniel continued to kneel in front of his window and pray to God three times a day. This got him thrown into a lion’s den, God delivered him, and his enemies were ultimately fed to the lions. People who become believers during the Tribulation Period will be forbidden to pray to God and told to pray to a statue of the Antichrist instead. Rebellion will get multitudes killed, but the Antichrist and False Prophet will ultimately be cast into the Lake of Fire. Nine, the pro-world government of the Netherlands has been crushing farmers with restrictions on their use of fertilizer, how many cows they can own and milk, buying up their land, and more. In an election on Mar 15, 2023, several pro-world government officials were voted out of office and replaced with pro-farmer candidates. It is going to be harder for the pro-world government politicians to push their agenda, but they may still get some of it through. Anyway, voters need to realize that voting against candidates that support the New World Order (regardless of party) may be the only way to protect themselves. Ten, concerning a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and the tracking of all buying and selling: on Mar. 8, 2023, Federal Reserve Chair, Jerome Powell, told the U.S. House Financial Committee that the Federal Reserve will launch a new service called FedNow in July 2023. When FedNow goes into effect (in July):
(My opinion. A CBDC is coming, and it will require a digital ID. A digital currency and ID could be just a few months away; it will take time to enroll banks, etc., but tracking all buying and selling only needs to be in effect by the middle of the Tribulation Period.) Eleven, concerning the Temple, it must be rebuilt to fulfill many prophecies:
It is the opinion of some prophecy teachers, including myself, that the Rapture will take place before the Temple is rebuilt and the animal sacrifices are resumed there. This would mean that if we are close to the Temple being rebuilt and the animal sacrifices being restarted, we are even closer to the Rapture of the Church. During Old Testament times, when the Jews were wandering in the wilderness, the priests that carried the tabernacle, set it up, took it down, and served there had to be descendants of Aaron, and they had to be cleansed with water of purification made with the ashes of a red heifer without spot and blemish (Num. 19). In like manner, those that rebuild the Temple and serve there in the future must be descendants of Aaron, and they must be cleansed with the water of purification made with the ashes of a red heifer without spot and blemish. This has been a big problem because the Romans destroyed the herd of red heifers when they destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple in 70 A.D. Israel has had red heifers that were perfect when they were born, but whether any remained perfect until they reached the required age is debatable. The number one goal of a group of religious Jews called The Temple Institute is to rebuild the Temple and resume the animal sacrifices. Some have said the absence of a perfect red heifer simply means that God is not ready for the Temple to be rebuilt, but when God gets ready for the Temple to be rebuilt, He will provide a perfect red heifer to purify the priests for construction and service. On Sept. 15, 2022, the Temple Institute announced that they have 5 perfect red heifers in their possession that were raised by a Christian rancher in Texas named Byron Stinson (plus they already had one that qualifies). One rabbi said, “This is history being made, prophecy being fulfilled.” Another rabbi said, “We are entering the days of Messiah.” Jews danced in the street and blew shofars. On Sept. 27, 2022, it was reported that a plot of land that meets the requirements for an animal sacrifice was purchased 12 years ago.
According to the Sept. 27, 2022 article, a qualified red heifer could be sacrificed on the Mount of Olives as soon as 13 months (as soon as Oct. 2023). According to Byron Stinson, the Christian rancher that raised the red heifers in Texas, Christians can support the sacrifice and rebuilding of the Temple because the blinding of the Jews will cease when the Antichrist defiles the Temple, and all Israel will hear the gospel and get saved. Now here is the latest. Byron Stinson was recently interviewed by CBNNEWS.COM, and on Mar. 17, 2023, it was reported that he said, “We believe that it’s very likely that the ceremony (the sacrifice of an unblemished red heifer) would happen somewhere in the area of Passover 2024, out to the possibility of Shavuot (Pentecost on the Christian calendar) 2024.” Stinson added, “Somewhere in that timeline (between Passover and Pentecost of 2024), the cows (red heifers) would be old enough, and it would be the proper timeline for that ceremony.” According to the Mar. 17, 2023 article, Rabbi Yitshak Mamo, the priest that bought the land on the Mount of Olives 12 years ago:
If just one of the red heifers is unblemished this time next year, a priest could sacrifice it, and construction of the Temple could begin shortly after that. (My opinion: It is possible that none of the red heifers will qualify or that the Israeli government will not allow a red heifer to be sacrificed on the Mount of Olives. But we know there will eventually be a qualified red heifer, and Prime Min. Netanyahu’s new government is more religious than past governments. This could be it, but radical Islam and the globalists that cater to them and want to do away with the Bible will go crazy. This could lead to war, and Israeli victory, and an agreement to rebuild the Temple.) Twelve, concerning natural disasters increasing in frequency and intensity at the end of the age: on Mar. 18, 2023, a 6.7 earthquake struck in Ecuador and northern Peru. Initial reports listed 13 dead and an unknown number trapped under rubble. (More: On Mar. 21, 2023, a 6.5 earthquake struck in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Initial reports list 13 dead and more than 300 injured.) Thirteen, concerning corruption in the U.S.: it is being reported that Pres. Trump would be arrested on Mar. 21, 2023, for allegedly paying porn star Stormy Daniels $130,000 in hush money during his 2016 campaign. But former Pres. Bill Clinton paid Paula Jones $850,000 to drop her sexual harassment lawsuit against him, and he was never arrested or punished. As I understand it, prosecutors are saying Trump broke the law by illegally paying the $130,000 but that Clinton did not because an insurance company and Hillary paid the $850,000 (they are calling Trump’s payment an illegal campaign contribution). (Update: Trump was not arrested on Mar. 21, 2023, but it was reported that he will surrender in a few days. I will probably send this article to Rapture Ready before that happens.) (My opinion: The prosecution of Trump is more about the destruction of those that oppose world government and the surrender of U.S. sovereignty than it is about corruption. The Shadow Government vehemently opposes Making America Great Again.) Finally, are you Rapture Ready? If you want to be rapture ready and go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this. [email protected] Blind Hatred of Israel: Is This Rage About Jews, Or Is It About Something Deeper? – By Hal Lindsey - https://harbingersdaily.com/blind-hatred-of-israel-is-this-rage-about-jews-or-is-it-about-something-deeper/ Modern Israel will soon celebrate its 75th anniversary. Those 75 years have been full of difficulties and tragedies. But they have also been a time of astounding miracles. The Six Day War in 1967 provides a spectacular picture of God working in modern times. There are hundreds of stories of God doing the kind of miracles in that war that He did in the days of Abraham, Moses, and David. But we should not find that surprising because the miraculous permeates the entire history of modern Israel. Last week in this space, I talked about the world’s response to this miracle. The United Nations has officially dubbed it a “catastrophe.” On November 30th of last year, the UN passed a resolution to commemorate “Nakba Day” (“the day of catastrophe”). That commemoration will come in part at “a high-level event” to be held in the General Assembly Hall of the United Nations building in New York City. The Nakba specifically refers to Palestinians who became refugees during the Arab war on Israel in 1948. But the new Israeli government did not push them out. Arab nations ordered them to leave. UN resolutions in 1947 laid out a plan for two states — a Jewish one and an Arab one. Israel accepted this arrangement, but the Arab nations rejected it. They chose to defy the United Nations and go to war with Israel instead. Bear in mind the Arab nations expelled more Jews during that time (over 810,000) than the number of Palestinians who left Israeli lands (710,000). Heeding the false promises made by invading Arab armies, Palestinians chose to leave Israel. But Jews were forced to leave Arab nations. The obvious injustice toward Israel in all of this staggers the mind. Why? What mysterious force pushes men toward the unreasoning hatred of Jews that has characterized so much of the world for so many centuries? Psalm 2:1 asks, “Why do the nations rage, And the people plot a vain thing?” Is this rage about Jews, or is it about something deeper? The next two verses of the 2nd Psalm give the answer. “The kings of the earth set themselves, And the rulers take counsel together, Against the Lord and against His Anointed.” This Psalm depicts the world’s leaders taking counsel together against God. When it says, “and against His Anointed,” it has an immediate meaning and a long-term meaning. In the first instance, it was a reference to the king of Israel at that time, probably David. But “anointed one” literally means “Messiah.” Long term, this means Jesus. Their rage against Israel, Jews, and Judaism is really a rage against God the Father and God the Son. In world history, God has worked through the nation of Israel in special ways. Through Israel’s prophets, God spoke to the world. And when the time was right, it was through Israel that God sent His only begotten Son into the world. In both of these ways, God chose Israel as a gateway for Himself into our world. He could have done it any way He wanted, but He chose to do it like this. He chose Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and their descendants. Even though they, too, have repeatedly rebelled against God, they still hold their special place in God’s plan for planet earth. They have paid and continue to pay a tremendous price for their rebellion, but their place in God’s plan will never change. So, Satan repeatedly stirs up the kingdoms of the world against them. The Bible Exposition Commentary by Warren W. Wiersbe puts it well. “From the tower of Babel to the crucifixion of Christ to the battle of Armageddon, the Bible records humanity’s foolish and futile rebellions against the will of the Creator.” Today, that rebellion often manifests itself in blind hatred of Israel. Prophecy Update Videos Must Watch Videos! Videos You Can Trust
God’s Prophetic Microscope – Terry James - https://terryjamesprophecyline.com/2023/03/26/gods-prophetic-microscope/ Convergence of all indicators signal that this generation almost certainly is the one that will experience Daniel’s seventieth week—the seven-year Tribulation. We look at the signals every week in these commentaries, usually in considerable depth. Despite the importance of each of these indicators, a couple of specific ones have emerged that we should focus on intensively. That’s why I liken “focus” in these particular prophesies to being under “God’s microscope.” These two indicators are becoming more sharply defined by the day while we watch things unfold in hourly news feeds. Hopefully, shining biblical light directly on these matters will present an unmistakable image that leaps into our spiritual sensors. Wars and Rumors of Wars The first prophetic indicator most terrifying. That is, it used to be the most terrifying, as we’ve looked at before in these articles. And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. (Matthew 24:6) This prophecy of Jesus, I thought, seemingly was being fulfilled when I was a teenager many years ago. This, as I say, used to be the most terrifying matter. I remember in 1958, as a high school student, being quite troubled while reading a headline during study hall in the school library. The headline at the time of the Cold War warned of nuclear weaponry that had, in testing, dissolved entire islands in the Pacific. If America went to war with the Soviet Union, there would be little to no chance of survival—that was the dire prognosis. Back then, there were fears and rumors going around amongst us teenagers that America and the USSR were going to war and the world would come to an end. This seems so strange now, in light of that all has transpired over the decades. Teens today (and a few adults), as far as I can discern, harbor little such fear. I can’t see a teenager today looking at newspaper articles to find out if nuclear war is about to break out. Of course, that whole concept of newspapers among kids today is perhaps a non sequitur; the logic doesn’t follow. Newspapers aren’t really part of communications these days. Neither, however, are students looking on their devices for news of impending nuclear war between Russia and America. Some might be concerned with climate change, but most are just concerned about conducting their lives through social media, without anxiety over wars and rumors of war. Yet the Lord Jesus Christ gave this prophecy as a primary signal to look for when the age is on the cusp of His return. Thus, believers should be looking for a profound increase in war and rumors of war. In my thinking, there is now the greatest likelihood of nuclear war occurring to this point in modernity. That is, if we consider that the Western alliance, led by the present US presidential administration, NATO, and the globalists elite within the World Economic Forum and other nongovernmental organizations seem to be poking that bear. There is an obvious effort to try to get Vladimir Putin to go nuclear, at least in the tactical sense. But God’s restraining hand is preventing such a catastrophic conflict that would almost certainly take place should the New World Order builders be able to provoke the Russians into using nuclear weapons in the Ukrainian war. The fact is, we are precisely where Jesus prophesied the end-times generation would be in terms of wars and rumors of wars. This is, therefore, one of today’s two most significant matters to observe intensively under God’s prophetic microscope. The second to look at—and even more significant, in my opinion—is the matter of the paradox we observe in America in particular. I go back again, maybe for some to the point of ad nauseam, to the prophecy of the Lord Jesus as recorded in Luke 17:28–30. The Economy and Business and Usual The love of money, the Bible tells us, is the root of all kinds of evil. We’ve been shown throughout the years of suffering modern wars and rumors of wars that the military-industrial complex President Dwight Eisenhower warned us about has fed the flesh and blood of the young into the war-machine grinder. Great wealth continues to be derived from the production and sales of this machine of horror. For the Russian and the Ukrainian people, this is fully in effect at the moment. And it’s not difficult to discern that the entire globalist New World Order cabal is pushing to bring America and Europe’s youth into that war-machine grinder. The economy, then, is predicted by Jesus Himself to be prevalent and even in more pronounced ways at the very moment leading to His next catastrophic intervention into the evil affairs of humankind. The paradox is found in that, at the same time, business is going on as usual—quite vigorously. Wickedness is flowing like a raging river just beneath the seeming normalcy of the time. Money is being made hand over fist at the same time the most wicked, debauched things imaginable are going on in the dark, sinful places of society and culture…all just like in the days of Lot. Here again is Jesus’ prophecy that places our time, societies, and cultures—particularly here in the apex nation, America—as they were in the days when Lot was removed and God’s judgment began to fall on Sodom and Gomorrah. Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed. (Luke 17:28–30) This is, in my opinion, the most critical prophecy to view through the prism of God’s microscope at this moment. This condition in America and the world today puts this generation right at the very end of the Age of Grace (Church Age) and at the point of entering the Tribulation. The rumors of nuclear war will, shortly after the Rapture, quickly begin to roar within the judgments of Revelation. It’s time to realize the signals God is allowing those who are His own as a heavenly heads-up. “And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.” (Luke 21:28) You Will Be Shocked By How Much Money Is Being Pulled Out Of U.S. Banks, And Now The Biggest Bank In Germany Is In Trouble - by Michael Snyder - http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/you-will-be-shocked-by-how-much-money-is-being-pulled-out-of-u-s-banks-and-now-the-biggest-bank-in-germany-is-in-trouble/ A trillion dollars is a lot of money. If you stacked a billion dollar bills on top of one another, the pile would be 67.9 miles high, but if you stacked a trillion dollar bills on top of one another the pile would be 67,866 miles high. And if you lined up a trillion dollar bills end to end, the line of dollar bills would be a staggering 96,906,656 miles long. That is longer than the distance from the Earth to the Sun. A trillion dollars is such a vast amount of money that it is truly difficult to comprehend, but as you will see below, that much money has already been pulled out of “vulnerable” U.S. banks over the past year. Hordes of small and mid-size banks are now in trouble, and that is really bad news because those institutions issue most of the mortgages, auto loans and credit cards that our economy runs on. The other day, I asked my readers to “imagine what our country will look like if the banking system implodes and the economy plunges into a depression”, because if our banks continue to collapse that is precisely where we are headed. Unfortunately, the recent banking panic has greatly accelerated matters. In fact, a whopping 98.4 billion dollars was pulled out of U.S. banks during the week ending March 15th… The readout, released shortly after the market closed Friday, came around the same time as new Fed data showed that bank customers collectively pulled $98.4 billion from accounts for the week ended March 15. That would have covered the period when the sudden failures of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank rocked the industry. Just think about that. Nearly 100 billion dollars in deposits evaporated in just one week. And it turns out that small banks were being hit the hardest. Unsurprisingly, big banks actually saw enormous inflows… Data show that the bulk of the money came from small banks. Large institutions saw deposits increase by $67 billion, while smaller banks saw outflows of $120 billion. That article didn’t give numbers for mid-size banks, but it appears likely that they experienced large outflows as well. Overall, JPMorgan Chase is telling us that the “most vulnerable” banks in this country have “lost a total of about $1 trillion in deposits since last year”… JPMorgan Chase & Co analysts estimate that the “most vulnerable” U.S. banks are likely to have lost a total of about $1 trillion in deposits since last year, with half of the outflows occurring in March following the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank. This really is a “banking meltdown”, and it has been going on for quite some time. And as Bill Ackman has aptly noted, if something is not done our small and mid-size banks are headed for disaster. There are more than 4,000 banks in the United States right now, and the vast majority of them are rapidly losing deposits. As a result, U.S. banks are being forced to turn to the Fed for help at a very frightening rate… Banks have been flocking to emergency lending facilities set up after the failures of SVB and Signature. Data released Thursday showed that institutions took a daily average of $116.1 billion of loans from the central bank’s discount window, the highest since the financial crisis, and have taken out $53.7 billion from the Bank Term Funding Program. Meanwhile, the banking crisis in Europe has taken another very alarming turn. On Friday, shares of Deutsche Bank plunged due to renewed concern about the stability of Germany’s biggest bank… Deutsche Bank shares fell on Friday following a spike in credit default swaps Thursday night, as concerns about the stability of European banks persisted. The Frankfurt-listed stock was down 14% at one point during the session but trimmed losses to close 8.6% lower on Friday afternoon. The German lender’s Frankfurt-listed shares retreated for a third consecutive day and have now lost more than a fifth of their value so far this month. It will be interesting to see if Credit Suisse or Deutsche Bank ends up going under first. Of course the politicians continue to tell us that everything is just fine. In fact, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is insisting that there is “no reason to be concerned”… German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said Friday that there was “no reason to be concerned” about Deutsche Bank. “It’s a very profitable bank,” he told reporters in Brussels, where EU leaders issued a joint statement describing the European banking system as “resilient, with strong capital and liquidity positions.” Deutsche Bank declined to comment. Once upon a time we were told that Lehman Brothers would be just fine. And earlier this month we were told that Silicon Valley Bank would be just fine. As Robin Williams once observed, these banks love to make excuses. WATCH: https://twitter.com/i/status/1639987730720382976 But it isn’t just a few isolated banks that are in trouble these days. Right now the entire system is coming apart at the seams, and Steve Quayle is warning that things “will really kick into high gear in April”… The word collapse is a great word, and the other word that comes with collapse is calamity. With the collapse and calamity under way, people think, well, as long as it doesn’t touch me, I’ll be okay or I’ll be dead, and my kids will have to deal with it. What a selfish way to deal with the Biblical times we live in. I think we are in big trouble with this banking situation that will really kick into high gear in April. You may not have much sympathy for the banks, and I understand that. But what is going to happen to our economy when the flow of mortgages, auto loans and credit cards is greatly restricted? Our country is already being torn to shreds like a 20 dollar suit, and economic conditions are still relatively stable. So what is going to happen when we do fall into a very deep economic depression? These are such perilous times, and they are only going to get more difficult in the months ahead. Daily Jot: Speaking and listening as leaders in Christ - Bill Wilson – www.dailyjot.com The banking crisis, the energy crisis, the inflation crisis, the fight over sanctioned molestation and sexual abuse of our children in public schools, China, Russia, Ukraine, the Middle East are all examples of how a society is undermined because the side in control lacks common sense and refuses to listen to alternative solutions. At some point, which is already here, sides are drawn, heels are dug in, and nobody even wants to listen to solutions that can be applied to meet the challenges ahead. This leaves many wondering what it will take to snap people back into reality. Still many ask over and over again what they can do because they feel helpless to stand in the gap. Don’t be discouraged, listen up! It starts with prayer. The main reason our world and our nation is in the poor shape it’s in is found in the absence of God. Those pushing immoral and nonsensical solutions that result in disaster do not have Christ, otherwise the Holy Spirit would guide them to their senses. The Apostle Paul writes in 1 Thessalonians 5 that we should put on the breastplate of faith and love and the helmet of hope of salvation and live together with Christ, whether awake or sleep. Verses 14-17 say, “Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men. See that none render evil for evil unto any man; but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves, and to all men. Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing.” This is how we are to behave, and quite frankly, they are the qualities of leaders. So lead. Remember, as is written in 1 Peter 2:9, “You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that you should show forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” You, yes you, are a leader and a priest in the holy nation where the high priest and king is Christ. You and I stand for what is right and good and we are empowered by the Creator of the universe to do so. You have the spiritual authority to overcome evil with good. Be as Christ said, the salt of the earth and the light of the world. Darkness cannot overcome light. Go shine. A Daily Jot reader put it well: “Christ said to love your neighbor as yourself. Listening is one way to do that. It is through listening that we can learn what God may want to use to help us help someone. In the family of God, we are Brothers and Sisters in Christ. True listening can help keep the peace and encourage true life. When we truly listen—it shows that we care about the other person. Whether or not we agree—it communicates evidence of personal interest. That can make a difference in relationships and people being willing to listen to you.” This is a start to influence others with the way of Christ. Pray and listen before expressing your opinion. Pray. Hear. Listen. Act. You can make the difference as a leader and priest in Christ. Daily Devotion: The Only Path to Lasting Change - by Greg Laurie – www.harvest.org Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God. —2 Corinthians 4:4 https://harvest.org/resources/devotion/the-only-path-to-lasting-change/ - Listen Some people today believe in conspiracy theories. But I believe there’s a conspiracy that goes much deeper than any of their theories: the devil is at work, and he is behind so many of the systems surrounding us today. The Bible describes Satan as “the god of this world” (2 Corinthians 4:4 NLT). In fact, Ephesians 2, referring to Satan, says, “He is the spirit at work in the hearts of those who refuse to obey God” (verse 2 NLT). That’s why all attempts to reform this world, this culture, this country, or this society apart from a change of the human heart are basically futile. Education won’t do it. Politics won’t do it. The economy won’t do it. Even morality, in and of itself, won’t do it. We need a change of heart that only God can bring when we follow Jesus Christ. We need morality in our country, but how do we decide what is moral? How do we decide what is good? We need a greater foundation. The Bible teaches that God is truth. Although some people claim that all truth is God’s truth, some “truth” is not truth at all. God’s truth is the only truth. And the only way to know whether what we are doing is true, moral, and good is to measure it by God’s standards. When we look at this world and ask why God allows this or why God allows that, we must recognize that Satan, “the god of this world,” is the one to blame. He is the one who is responsible for the injustice, violence, and rebellion against God and His laws. However, the Bible clearly says that “temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away” (James 1:14 NLT). The devil works with the combustible, sinful nature within every person. But he cannot bring us down unless we cooperate. PROPHECY UPDATE NEWS HEADLINES Yesterday's Prophecies - Today's Headlines HEADLINES IN PARTNERSHIP WITH TRACKING BIBLE PROPHECY 3/27/23 http://trackingbibleprophecy.org/birthpangs.php
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