Prophecy Update: Marching Forward - By Daymond Duck -
On Mar. 8, 2023, LifeSiteNews posted an article by Tom Parker that said, “The World Health Organization (WHO) is marching forward with its plans to make amendments to the International Health Regulations.” Parker said, “Some politicians have opposed the proposed amendments to the IHR, but this opposition has yet to prevent the WHO from moving forward.” He added that, as of now, WHO member nations have proposed 307 amendments to the IHR (307 proposed amendments could result in a lot of global laws). According to Parker, these proposed amendments will:
Here is a link to Parker’s article CLICK HERE A meeting of the WHO Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) to discuss what the WHO will do next is scheduled for Apr. 17-20, 2023. The bottom line is that the globalist agenda to establish a New World Order (Great Reset; world government) by 2030 or sooner is still marching forward, step-by-step, despite a limited amount of opposition in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives. (More: On Mar. 12, 2023, it was reported that the International Pandemic Treaty requires the U.S. to give 20% of its medical supplies, including antiviral medications and vaccines, to the WHO for global distribution. This is because Biden does not think Americans should get better or faster healthcare than people living in third-world countries.) (My opinion: If the Republicans in the House and Senate do not stop this treaty, they are just as guilty as Biden and the Democrats.) Here are more events that seem to indicate that the Tribulation Period is shaping up. One, concerning deceit and reducing the population of the earth: on Mar. 8, 2023, The Expose reported that the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has been forced by court order to release tens of thousands of pages of documents that support the claim that Covid-19 vaccinations would reduce the population of the earth. Here is a link to a very long article with a “mountain of evidence.” Two, concerning the coming economic collapse: on Mar. 9, 2023, stock in Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), the 16th largest bank and one of the most important venture capitalist banks in the U.S., lost approximately 60% of its value (lost about 52 billion dollars) when rumors circulated that the bank was having financial problems and investors started selling their stock. (Update: On Mar. 10, 2023, the California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation took over the bank and closed it. This is the biggest bank to fail since 2008. There is concern over whether this is a one-bank event or a sign of more to come.) (Update: On Mar. 11, 2023, Bernie Marcus, co-founder of Home Depot said, “I can’t wait for Biden to get on the speech again and talk about how great the economy is and how it’s moving forward and getting stronger by the day. And this is an indication that whatever he says is not true.” Marcus added, “Maybe the American people will finally wake up and understand that we’re living in very tough times, that, in fact, a recession may have already started. Who knows? But it doesn’t look good.” (Update: On Mar. 12, 2023, an article in Bloomberg News expressed the opinion that the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) failure is beginning to spread to their branches in Canada, the UK, Denmark, Germany, India, Israel, and Sweden. According to the writers, SVB’s failure could have a global impact.) (More: On Mar. 12, 2023, a second bank, Signature Bank in New York, failed. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and U.S. Treasury Dept. assured depositors that they would not lose their money.) (More: On Mar 14, 2023, Moody’s Investors Service, one of the big three rating firms, lowered its outlook on the U.S. banking system from stable to negative. They said despite the efforts of regulators, banks are in a rapidly deteriorating operating environment.) (More: On Mar. 15, 2023, it was reported that the second largest bank in Switzerland, Credit Suisse, is in financial trouble and may collapse. Credit Suisse operates globally, including in the U.S.) (My opinion: There will be a global economic collapse during the Tribulation Period when the Rider on the Black Horse is released. The Antichrist and the Tribulation Period are being restrained while the Church is here, but the global economic problems and the failure of these large banks could be a sign that we are getting close.) Three, concerning God giving people over to reprobate minds at the end of the age: on Mar. 9, 2023, U.S. First Lady Jill Biden and U.S. Sec. of State Antony Blinken hosted the International Women of Courage Awards ceremony at the White House. Biden and Blinken presented Alba Rueda, a biological male who identifies as a woman, an “International Women of Courage” award. Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders tweeted, “It’s International Women’s Day—A good time to remember that Democrats can’t even tell you what a woman is.” Four, concerning world government: on Mar. 10, 2023, LifeSiteNews posted an article by Emily Mangiaracina that said Dr. Francis Boyle, international law expert, is urging the U.S. to pass legislation introduced by Arizona Republican Congressman Andy Biggs to “immediately terminate U.S. membership in the WHO” and “immediately cut off all funding for the WHO.” According to Boyle, Congress approved the WHO “coup d’état” against the U.S when it signed the National Defense Authorization Act in 2022 (A Global Pandemic Prevention and Biosecurity Act of 2022 was included in that bill, and I don’t know but it may be one of those bills they didn’t even read). So the only way for the U.S. to prevent the surrender of its national sovereignty to a global medical police state two months from now is to immediately withdraw from the WHO. Here is a link to the article CLICK HERE! Five, concerning America’s turning against God and Israel: on Mar. 12, 2023, it was reported that U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton accused Pres. Biden and the Democrats of trying to overthrow the government of Prime Min. Netanyahu (and now an Israeli official in the Netanyahu government confirmed Cotton’s accusation). According to Cotton and the Israeli official, Biden’s State Department is sending money to one of the groups that are trying to bring down the Netanyahu government. (My opinion: The Bible says God will bless those that bless Israel and curse those that curse Israel; Gen. 12:1-3. So it seems to me that Biden and the Democrats are just asking for the judgment of God to fall on them or our nation.) Six, concerning corruption in the White House: on Mar. 12, 2023, James Comer, Chair of the House Oversight Committee, said four people that worked with the Bidens on deals with China have given the committee documents that tie the Bidens to deals with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Comer said the committee also has bank records in hand, and the flow of CCP money to the Biden family is “as bad as we thought.” Comer tweeted that “Biden family members attempted to sell access & influence around the world.” Comer promised that his committee will provide the facts to the American People. Seven, concerning an increase in the frequency and intensity of natural disasters at the end of the age: on Mar 13, 2023, in a journal called Nature Water, researchers said, “Data (including satellite photos of 1,056 events) confirms that both frequency and intensity of rainfall and droughts are increasing.” Finally, are you Rapture Ready? If you want to be rapture ready and go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this. [email protected] United In Hatred: UN Chooses To Commemorate Israel’s Founding As A ‘Catastrophe’ – By Hal Lindsey - Late last year the United Nations passed a resolution mocking and condemning the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Their action derided the Old and New Testaments, including the clear teaching of Jesus. How did they do this? In a 90 to 30 vote with 47 abstentions, they passed a resolution calling the founding of modern Israel a “catastrophe.” Let that soak in. God kept His promise. A nation was born in a day. He brought His people back into the land that He gave them so long ago. And the UN now chooses to commemorate that miracle as a “catastrophe.” The Israeli news service i24News reported, “Palestinians consider the establishment of Israel and its existence to this day as the ‘Nakba’ (catastrophe in Arabic) and the world body decided to acknowledge the Palestinian version of events with the resolution.” In 2023, Israel celebrates its 75th anniversary. By the Gregorian calendar, Israel declared its independence on May 14, 1948. The official celebration in Israel will follow the Jewish calendar and go from sundown April 25th to sundown April 26th. That means we can celebrate twice — with Israel in April, then according to our calendar on May 14th. But the United Nations has decided that it will make the next day, May 15th, a day of lament and of calls for vengeance against Jews. That’s what happens every Nakba. That’s what Nakba is. They say that the rebirth of Israel was a “catastrophe” primarily because of what happened to the Palestinian people who left that land during those days. They don’t mention that Israel was founded in accordance with UN resolutions. They don’t mention that tragedies such as the holocaust made it obvious that the Jews needed their own homeland. Great Britain, the holder of that land, agreed to give it Israel. They don’t mention that Arab nations fooled masses of people into going to “Palestine” just prior to 1948 by promising them land and prosperity. Neither do they say that these people were declared “refugees” even though they had not been in the land long enough to qualify for refugee status according to previous UN rules. Today, we almost never hear that the new Israeli government pleaded with so-called “Palestinians” to stay. Those people left at the request of Arab armies that promised the refugees they could return after those armies quickly annihilated Israel — something that obviously never happened. I say “so-called Palestinians” because never in world history was there a nation of Palestine. Meanwhile, in Arab countries, Jews were being kicked out — their lands and properties were being stolen. Happily, those newly disenfranchised Jews did have one place left in the world where they could go — the new Jewish state of Israel. Israel asked the Palestinians to stay and welcomed Jewish refugees. Muslim countries threw out the Jews and threw Palestinian refugees into massive camps, almost like prisons. They had to keep them there because to let them assimilate into their societies would be to lose the political leverage they represent. When the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) was organized in 1950, there were only 750,000 such refugees. Today that number has grown to over 5.9 million according to UNRWA. Such a number precludes any ability for a small country such as Israel to guarantee a “right of return.” I can’t cover this subject adequately in a short article. However, in my book, The Everlasting Hatred, you will find the astonishing details. The real catastrophe of modern Israel’s founding is that so many Muslims could not relinquish their ancient hatred of the Jews. And on this May 15th, the United Nations will officially join them in that hatred. Prophecy Update Videos Must Watch Videos! Videos You Can Trust
Evil Men and Seducers Generation – Terry James - There’s perhaps no more profound indicator of where this generation stands on God’s prophetic timeline than the most pervasive ingredient of the spirit of the age. Jesus pointed to this ingredient as a specific signal believers are to be aware of when all other signals of His return to earth are in view. And as he sat upon the Mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. (Matthew 24:3–4) Paul the apostle spoke of this same ingredient that would permeate the general timeframe of Christ’s return: But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. (2 Timothy 3:13) The spirit of this wicked age drips with the satanic venom of deception. It is the same venom injected into mankind in the Garden of Eden when the serpent seduced Eve, then caused Adam to believe the lie that he and Eve could be like God. Through today’s zeitgeist (spirit of the age) flows the same toxic, luciferian evil. Evil men and seducers, as anyone with the desire to know truth can attest, assault our eyes and ears every waking moment. Our culture is saturated with deceit at every level. The lies have become so blatant that they’ve numbed our senses as a generation, in many cases. For example, many can now be told—and believe, in some cases—that a man can become a woman, a girl can become a boy, men can become pregnant, and it’s no longer wrong for adults to engage in sexual acts with children. And there is less and less pushback to such monstrous upside-down thinking. The deception infects the very souls of mankind with a lie like the one the serpent whispered to Eve: “Yea, hath God said?” Satan thus is, during this time so near the end of the age, blatantly, through the woke insanity of his human minions, telling all who will listen that God’s order of creation is all wrong. Mankind can be his own god. He—and she (if those are the pronouns they choose)—can be other than the gender in which they were born. God is wrong. People can do what is right in their own eyes. We are lied to at every juncture by the government that was once said by Abraham Lincoln and the Constitution to be the government of, by, and for the people. In politics and through bureaucratic manipulations, the reprobate mindset of Romans 1:28 is observably in full bloom. Proliferate spending has in effect bankrupted the US. Once elected to office, those who find themselves in charge of the tax dollars of the American people too often embrace the lobbying minions and their desire to increase their wealth and influence rather than tend to fiscal responsibility they owe the voters who put them in office. They, as is said, feather their own nests by selling their influence. As a result, over the years, we’ve come to a national debt that can never be resolved. And now it appears that the wicked leadership of the nation—and of the entire world that America’s dollar base influences—is intent on going to a digital form of currency in order to somehow reset the economic fiasco they’ve created through electronic manipulation. This, as some like this writer views it, is actually deception by the father of lies. Satan, through his reprobate, though evil, genius, is maneuvering his human governing minions to set the stage, by instituting electronic funds and the digital way of doing business, for the Antichrist system of buying and selling through the 666 numbers-and-marks model of Revelation 13:16–18. Evil men and seducers are ramping up efforts to bring America down so the global order they want to build—the New World Order, as Pete Garcia’s and my book by the same name has it—can proceed. The deception to get that process underway in earnest, I believe, can be understood through the so-called pandemic America and the world just endured. More and more, it all looks to be a great lie by that father of lies, designed to bring about Satan’s coming man of sin and his regime of tyranny and the Tribulation. My friend Daymond Duck touched recently on this deception. Concerning deceit in the U.S. government and tracking everyone: on Feb. 28, 2023, in testimony before a House Select Subcommittee, Dr. Marty Makary, Professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, said, “The greatest perpetrator of misinformation during the (Covid) pandemic was the U.S. government.” Makary cited a long list of government false statements, an authoritative study that refuted some of them, experts that refuted some of them, and the report noted that the release of Twitter Files verifies that the U.S. government deliberately tried to silence experts on many of the issues. It is important to understand that the government that was perpetrating false information wants to keep records on every U.S. citizen and control their life. (“Rejoice! The End Is Near!” Daymond Duck, The great deception by evil men and seducers all point to things of monumental importance: 1) The seven-year Tribulation is on the very cusp of engulfing this world of rebels against the God of Heaven. 2) Jesus Christ, the King of all kings, is readying to return and throw down Satan’s false Christ and his wicked kingdom. 3) For we who are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Rapture can (and, we are believing, will) very soon take Christians out of harm’s way to be with the Lord forever. Here, again, is how to be a part of that glorious moment. That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. (Romans 10:9–10) Israel's Two-Faced Allies – Melani Phillips - America and Britain claim to be allies of Israel. There is no gainsaying the deep links between them of military assistance, intelligence and trade. Israel is the invaluable strategic asset for America and Britain in the Middle East, a crucial bulwark in the defense of the West. And yet, both America and Britain undermine Israel's security and defense against existential attack by sanitizing, promoting and funding Palestinian Arabs, whose active cause remains the destruction of the Jewish state. A recent event illustrated this particularly sharply when British diplomatic officials in Jerusalem effectively endorsed the Palestinian Authority's agenda to eradicate Israel. Palestinian Media Watch has revealed that at last Friday's annual "Palestine Marathon" held by the P.A., seven British officials taking part as "#TeamUK" wore marathon T-shirts displaying the P.A.'s map that erases Israel and represents the whole country as Palestine. The Jewish Chronicle reports that the team consisted of the UK's Deputy Consul General Alison McEwen and Foreign Office colleagues. A picture of the team was tweeted from the official account of the British Consulate in Jerusalem, hailing "the incredible Palestine Marathon to support #FREEDOMOFMOVEMENT for all Palestinians." Palestinian Media Watch observes that this hashtag was conceived to support the P.A.'s demand that Israel remove the security measures it has adopted to prevent the flow of Palestinian terrorists from P.A.-controlled areas into Israel's cities. The event was organized by the Palestinian Olympic Committee. A statement on the official website of the marathon says that the run follows the route of the "apartheid wall". The event is actively promoted by a group called "Right to Movement", which campaigns against "the many obstacles that we live daily under fascist racist occupation" and organised the marathon for four years until 2017 when the Palestinian IOC took over. The race was held under the auspices of the Palestine Liberation Organization Supreme Council for Youth and Sports headed by Jibril Rajoub, the head of the Palestine Olympic Committee and a man who has been convicted of numerous terrorist offenses and who persistently glorifies Palestinian terrorist murderers. So these British diplomats took part in an event supervised by a terrorist sympathizer; openly supported the Palestinian Arabs' lie of Israel's "apartheid wall"; openly opposed Israel's measures to protect its citizens against attack; and openly endorsed the eradication of Israel altogether. The current British government under Prime Minister Rishi Sunak contains an unprecedented number of Israel supporters. So how can its diplomats have displayed such egregious hostility to Israel's security and even its very existence? The consular bodies run by both Britain and America in Jerusalem, which provide assistance to the Palestinian Arabs in the east of the city, the disputed territories and in the Gaza Strip, have long been viewed by the Israeli government as working against Israeli interests. Although former President Donald Trump shut down the U.S. consulate in 2019, the Biden administration effectively restored and upgraded America's diplomatic mission to the Palestinians when it opened the U.S. Office of Palestinian Affairs last June and installed Hady Amr as "special representative for Palestinian affairs." Amr, who had previously worked as national coordinator of the anti-Israel Middle East Justice Network, had said that he was "inspired by the Palestinian intifada"; that the Arabs "will never, never forget what the Israeli people, the Israeli military and Israeli democracy have done to Palestinian children"; and that "there will be thousands who will seek to avenge these brutal murders of innocents." At last month's summit in Jordan ostensibly aimed at calming the violence between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs, which has produced a rising number of Israeli murder victims and near-daily Arab attacks, Amr promoted an American plan requiring Israel to sharply curtail counter-terror operations by the Israel Defense Forces while providing 5,000 Palestinians with commando training as security personnel. This was despite the fact that Palestinian security forces have been repeatedly involved in attacks on Israelis--hardly surprising since the P.A. is controlled by the Fatah terrorist group whose chairman is the P.A.'s own president, Mahmoud Abbas. None of this is acknowledged by the Biden administration, which continues instead to sanitize, ignore and even incentivize the Palestinian Arabs' murderous rejectionism of Israel. What is the reason for this two-faced attitude? There's a charitable explanation and a less charitable one. The charitable one is that neither the American nor British government accepts that the P.A.'s objective is the extermination of Israel. This is because these governments are committed to the "two-state solution." It requires them to define the problem to which this is the solution as the division of land between two sets of people with legitimate claims to that land. This is clearly untrue. The P.A.'s own repeated statements, its maps and insignia depicting a state of Palestine that erases Israel, its incitement to seize Israeli cities such as Haifa and Jaffa, and its support for terrorism all show that its aim is Israel's destruction. Yet the American and British governments can't allow themselves to acknowledge this. Partly, this is due to pressure from the Arab world. Mostly, though, it's due to the implacable liberal belief in conflict resolution and peace processes. Since the Americans and British can't allow anything to disrupt such a peace process, they ignore any evidence of a non-negotiable and unconscionable agenda. So Israel, which has always been willing to negotiate and has indeed offered a Palestinian state on numerous occasions, gets blamed for endangering the peace process when it insists on defending itself against never-ending Palestinian Arab terrorism. That liberal tunnel vision helps explain why the Biden administration funds the P.A. even though it continues its "pay-for-slay" stipends to terrorists' families. The same mindset helps explain the astonishing determination of the Biden administration--like the Obama administration before it--to make a deal with Iran that would enable it legitimately to develop nuclear weapons after only a short delay while receiving billions in sanctions relief with which to ramp up its terrorist activities and regional power grab. The term for this mindset is cognitive dissonance. Such a denial of reality may be hard to credit. But it's very real and very frightening. I came up against it this week in a conversation with BBC journalists, similar to ones I've had on numerous previous occasions. They were simply incredulous at my assertion that the BBC's coverage of Israel is grotesquely unbalanced, selective and distorted and amounts in large measure to Palestinian propaganda. These conversations are always distressing. This isn't just because the BBC rarely corrects its distortions, thus effectively abandoning Israel to an agenda of extermination. It's also because the news outlet genuinely believes that its Israel coverage upholds its core mission to be objective, balanced and truthful. The reason such people can never grasp that the opposite is the case is because they share the bias. They cannot see the distortions in the BBC's coverage of Israel because they themselves believe them to be true--and that all who object are themselves biased partisans. This is frightening because it represents a perfectly closed thought system. No evidence can ever penetrate it. Exactly the same mindset is behind the Orwellian denial of reality involved in race and gender identity politics, and in other liberal causes. The less charitable explanation, meanwhile, is that some of those promoting the Palestinian Arab cause are motivated by malign hatred of Israel and the Jewish people. In the Biden administration, several such individuals are working in sensitive Middle East policy positions. In Britain's Foreign Office, its history of antisemitism going back to its shameful administration of the Palestine Mandate in the last century continues to this day, fueled by anti-Zionist "intersectionality" that has become the orthodoxy in much of Britain's official class and many of its institutions. What is the antidote to this madness? To call it out at the highest possible level, to hold feet to the fire and to proclaim the truth at all times. Can this really have any effect? Yes, if there's a proper strategy. But for that to emerge, the leadership of the Jewish world must radically up its game. Daily Jot: To prevail with grace, wisdom and action - Bill Wilson – In June 2009, then President Obama said, “Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation—at least, not just. We are also a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, a Buddhist nation, and a Hindu nation, and a nation of nonbelievers.” At the time, the Christian population in the United States was estimated at over 80 percent. Nowadays, Pew Research estimates the US population at about 63% Christian. Technically, America is a secular nation, a Constitutional Republic. The majority of its population are varying shades of Christians. The “Christianity” of this nation has been worn down over the years—abortion, sexual agendas, socialism, restrictions on religious free speech, etc., all have taken their toll. These policy changes would not have happened without Christian votes and Christian support, or Christian apathy. Romans 13:1 says, “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.” Who are we as mere humans to question the sovereignty of God? As a majority nation of Christians, we have allowed a distinct minority to remove God from the public square and establish the things abhorrent to God as everyday staples of American living. From our language to the way we dress to the terrible media that we view and listen to, to the apostasy that we accept as Christians, we have not occupied well. We have allowed the world to invade our way of life rather than our faith invading the world. We voted for what we have or didn’t stand against it, and God allowed it. Perhaps it is time that we as Christians accept that we have lost our foothold as the acting majority. Maybe we should listen to what the Lord is telling us. Perhaps we should celebrate that every child in America regardless of his race or station in life can still say, “I can grow up to be President.”—and train him or her up so they understand what it means. And maybe we need to pray that our leadership have a complete relationship with God Almighty through the salvation of Christ. And maybe, as things grow darker because of the lack of Biblical morals and precepts, that we ought to reach out to this nation of Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus and unbelievers with the true light of Christ, that they may know Him. During the Apostle Paul’s time, Christians were persecuted in the Roman Empire. Paul wrote in Romans 13 how Christians were to behave as the minority. Verse 7 reads: “Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor.” And he reminds us to keep the 10 Commandments. Verse 12, then, issues a challenge: “The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light.” There will be tough times ahead, testing our faith. As Isaiah 7:9 says, “If you will not believe, surely you shall not be made secure.” Let us believe. Let us stand. Let us prevail with grace and wisdom. And action. Daily Devotion: Confronting the Darkness - by Greg Laurie – Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them. —Ephesians 5:11 - Listen In our culture today, no one wants to speak up for what is true. The motto of modern society could be “I can tolerate anyone except someone who is intolerant.” If someone dares to say, “I think that is wrong” or “I disagree with that” or, even worse, “The Bible says, . . .” they are labeled as intolerant, judgmental, narrow-minded, and bigoted. As Christians, however, we cannot tolerate sin. We are to confront sin with intolerance and speak the truth—but we must speak the truth in love. We need to compassionately and lovingly explain what is true. The apostle Paul warned the believers in Ephesus, “Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them” (Ephesians 5:11 NLT). I don’t envy the responsibility of doctors who have to deliver bad news to a patient. No doubt they would love to be able to say that everything is fine. But in good conscience, they can’t do that, because the test results say otherwise. It’s difficult. It’s uncomfortable. But they have to tell the truth. We Christians must do the same. But we are dealing with something far more serious. We’re talking about eternal separation from God. We love to tell people that God loves them and has compassion on them. And of course, that is true. Yet we are reluctant to say they are sinners who are separated from God. We need to tell the truth. Our culture needs to hear the truth. Yes, it’s easier to blend into the background and avoid offending anyone. But do we want to offend God? If we don’t tell the whole truth, then we will. Every believer is called to declare the whole counsel of God. He has called us to preach the gospel and to be His representatives. Therefore, we must do our part and be faithful to Him. PROPHECY UPDATE NEWS HEADLINES Yesterday's Prophecies - Today's Headlines HEADLINES IN PARTNERSHIP WITH TRACKING BIBLE PROPHECY 3/20/23
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