Prophetic Ponderings – Pete Garcia -
As of late, I’ve been wrestling with and pondering on, a number of topics pertaining to issues surrounding where we are in the last days. These are in no particular order. First Thought: There is an idea that one can be both a sincere believer in Jesus Christ, as well as sincerely not interested in the Lord’s return. Now, most of these believers wouldn’t come out and say they aren’t interested in the Lord’s return, but they absolutely live that statement. To me, at least, this seems like two diametrically opposed belief systems that a) one could swear fealty and love toward someone, and b) also not looking forward for them to return. Seems crazy right? Let’s put this into an example. I liken it to someone who claims to be a fan of a particular football team. Judging by their outward appearances, you would think they are a fan because they wear all their merchandise. They always manage to carve out time of their busy schedules to watch the games. They follow that up by either watching the sports channels or listening to the sports analysis on the radio. When at social gatherings, you can always find them talking about it with their friends. They might even be part of a “fantasy football” league. Imagine you have a friend like that. Now imagine, as much as you think this person loves that team when given the opportunity to go to the game and sit front row at the fifty-yard line, as well as getting to meet the team afterward, this friend suddenly refuses to go. They can’t really say why they don’t want to go, they just feel really uncomfortable going. Now, knowing all this, would you say they were really a fan, or not? Believe it or not, there are a lot of people in churches who are like this. Except I was far more generous in the description. In reality, it is more like said imaginary friend loves to wear the merchandise, but couldn’t care less about the game (or the team). Many in the church today love the thought of going to heaven someday, but they are in no hurry to get there. Second Thought: Churches who refuse to promote conservative politics from the pulpit. I know a lot of churches today who refuse to address the issues of our day from the pulpit. For them, that is completely taboo. Now, typically, the churches who refuse to tackle the systemic issues average Christians have to deal with every day, like tax-payer funded abortion, LGBT agendas in entertainment and in the schools, political corruption, national debt, open borders, etc., seem to have no issues promoting socialist-progressive talking points. They generally have no issues speaking out for making Christianity more diverse and inclusive, promoting some variation of critical race theory, and man-made climate change. But why is that? I mean, I know why they do those things (they want to remain culturally relevant and accepted), but why do they think they are doing God’s good work when the Bible clearly speaks out against those things. If I could parrot one of Dave Chappelle’s skits, it would be like a black man joining the Ku Klux Klan…it seems both counterintuitive and counterproductive. However, when you ask any of these progressive pastors and preachers, they seem offended that you had the gall to call them on it. Why not speak out against government tyranny? The Black Robe Regiment did it and is largely why we live in a country called the United States of America today. Imagine if every God-fearing pastor/church pulled a John MacArthur and refused to shut down? Now, I know that we are at the end and the Laodicean Church is becoming the new normal, but I suppose, I just didn’t expect the churches to just roll over as quickly as they did. Third Thought: The Apostle Paul’s calling. I find it interesting (and somewhat ironical) that one of, if not, the most prolific Bible expositor and Apostle of all time, was also a former Jewish Pharisee. Not only was Saul taught by the best (Gamaliel), but he was steeped in all things Jewish, so much so, he persecuted the fledgling church with great zealousness. Now, this is the one whom Christ singled out on the road to Damascus and then designated to become Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles. Why Paul though? Why not one of the lesser-known disciples? I think about Paul (the subject matter expert on all things Jewish) going to some pagan enclave like Thessalonika, or Corinth, and teaching a bunch of recent Greek and Roman converts to Christianity (who knew next to nothing about the intricacies of Judaism) how Christ fulfilled the Old Testament perfectly. On the flip side, I can see why and how Paul was such an effective warrior against Judaizers who were trying to mix the law with grace. I think his true passion was reaching his lost Jewish brothers and sisters (Romans 9-11). This passion of course then had to combat the damning legalism of Judaism, which is why we see this in his epistles to the Galatians and Hebrews (yes, Paul wrote Hebrews). On a side note, the reason I believe he wrote Hebrews anonymously, is that he had such a heart for saving his Jewish brethren, he didn’t want to taint the message by attaching his name to it (for fear many Jews would automatically have a personal bias against it from the outset). Fourth Thought: Why we are the generation to see the Rapture. A lot of writers and teachers have given their lists as to why they think the Rapture is soon. I don’t want to rehash the long list of the signs of our time, but I want to focus on two verses. 1. Hosea 6:1-3 Come, and let us return to the Lord; For He has torn, but He will heal us; He has stricken, but He will bind us up. After two days He will revive us; On the third day He will raise us up, That we may live in His sight. Let us know, Let us pursue the knowledge of the Lord. His going forth is established as the morning; He will come to us like the rain, Like the latter and former rain to the earth. We all know the passages that refer to the reality that to God, a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years is a day (Psalm 90:4, 2 Peter 3:8). In other words, God exists outside of time therefore time is (as a construct) irrelevant to Him. Just like a multi-billionaire is not constrained by money, God is not constrained by time. However, from this passage, we get two specific numbers- two days, and the third day. Historically, we know that Israel spent nearly two thousand years in diaspora (70AD-1948AD), and was brought back near the end of that second, thousand years. Now, if we added 2,000 years to the year Jerusalem was sacked (AD70), we would come to the year 2070 (49 years from now). I can already hear some of you groaning at the thought of that! However, if we added 2,000 years to the crucifixion year (30-33AD-wherever you think it falls), we come to the year 2030 (or 2031, 32, 33). Now because the passage prophetically uses the language “the third day,” and that's most famous connection with our Lord’s resurrection, I think we can safely assume we should start the countdown from the resurrection, not the sacking of Jerusalem. So we have the promise given to the nation of Israel in Hosea that “after two days” He will revive us. If 2033 (for example) is the year that fulfills the two-day mandate, then after this year (2034+), will be the third day (or third thousand years since Christ’s crucifixion). Now, I’m not smart enough to figure out all the calendar discrepancies in all the changes between the Lunar, Jewish, Julian, and Gregorian calendars, but IF this is timed to the crucifixion, we can proceed with a great deal of confidence knowing that we are quickly approaching the two thousand year anniversary of our Lord’s death, burial, and resurrection. Some of you might think I’m calling 2030-33 as the exact timing of the Lord’s Second Coming. I am not. I’m simply pointing out how that passage could be understood. Since I cannot see into the future and am limited to both the present and the past, we have to use what we have available to come to some reasonable conclusions. First of which, is historical precedence.
Is it a reasonable assumption to think that Christ would not return on or about the two-thousandth year anniversary? I think it is very reasonable, and it ties into my second portion of scripture. 2. 1 Thessalonians 5 Interestingly, there are several contradistinction ideas in this passage that need to be looked at more closely. For brevity’s sake, I am not posting the entire chapter here…just the part pertinent to the discussion. But concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, you have no need that I should write to you. For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night. For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape. But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief. First, Paul states here that he need not write to you (i.e., a very young Gentile Thessalonian church who most likely didn’t understand all the intricacies of the Jewish Holy Feast dates)…about the Day of the Lord because it would come like a thief in the night. But then he goes on to say this day (the day of the Lord) would NOT overtake them (us) as a thief, because they (and by extension, us) would see this day coming so as not to be overtaken as a thief (i.e., by surprise). The day of the Lord phrase can mean both the general time of the 70th Week of Daniel, as well as the actual Day Christ returns at the Second Coming So the Day of the Lord (i.e., the 70th Week), will come like a thief in the night upon the world- because they are not looking for it We (watching believers) will not be surprised by this coming, because we will see this day (the Day of the Lord) coming from far off. Given the rise in interest in eschatology over the past many decades, I would say that qualifies Thus the question remains; how exactly will we see this day coming? Answer: I believe that the rebirth of Israel (see point #1) is the way we know we are in the season. The most famous season mentioned in the Bible is found in the Fig Tree Parable, in which Christ states in Matt. 24:32, “When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near.” Well, what is summer? Summer is a season. Just as summer or winter approaches, we can see the signs around us telling us the season is getting ready to change. But Paul also references the times, which through signs, will confirm the season through an intensifying series of rapid and painful transition points (birth pangs) ultimately escalating into a crescendo, which is the ‘fullness.’ In this passage, Paul refers to times, and we know there were four such times mentioned in the New Testament-
So we have seasons (presumably summer, given the background of the Fig Tree Parable). We can know we are in the season, by seeing Israel (the fig tree nation) back in her promised land, blossoming and thriving as she is in every possible way. This season is then confirmed by all the signs we see (i.e., technological, economic, societal, ecumenical, geopolitical, etc.) working to build up the coming antichrist kingdom for the seven-year Tribulation. I don’t know how much more needs to be built into it to reach this “fullness of the Gentiles,” but I think if the hammer dropped today, the antichrist could begin his reign soon after (between 1-3 years) with very little resistance. Now the Antichrist’s kingdom (the Beast) is built upon three pillars: economic, governmental, and religious power. What resistance (roadblocks to a one-world government) the Antichrist would have meet governmentally and religiously, will be removed (off-planet) with the Rapture of the Church. What resistance the Antichrist will have meet geopolitically, will be dealt with through the Gog-Magog War (Ezekiel 38-39). This war effectively neutralizes the Gog-Magog coalition (Russia, Turkey, Iran, Libya, Sudan, and Stan-nations), as well as neuters Islam as a theological and political force. Just these two events alone (i.e., the Rapture and Gog-Magog War) will make it much easier to fold their populations into the coming global religious and political system. So we are in the season, seeing the signs, and are watching the day (Heb. 10:25) approaching. In this manner of things, what sort of people should we be? Fearful and anxious, or bold and fearless? We are literally, on the cusp of the great, divine, reset, where God removes His own from the earth and allows the foreordained events to unfold just as God said they would. How much longer do we have? It’s difficult to say with specificity because we won’t know the exact moment, but we will see this Day approaching. Even so, Maranatha! Nearing Midnight: Throwing Caution to the Wind – Todd Strandberg - I’ve been pro-vaccination for the past year because I fear other consequences more than the virus itself. We should have collectively decided to vaccinate enough people to reach herd immunity and stop the pandemic. This virus has devastated our ICU workers. It gave the government an excuse to take away more of our freedoms. Millions of businesses have been destroyed, and we have spent trillions on the virus. We should send China a $5 trillion dollar bill. It seems that about 40% of the population lacked trust in the government, which allowed the Delta variant to thrive. In black populations, mistrust is even higher. In many southern states, 70% of blacks have resisted getting any of the vaccines. It did pay to wait as long as possible to get vaccinated. People who got jabbed in January now only have 45% protection, which is down from the initial 95% protection rate. In an article I wrote a couple of months ago, I expressed my concerns over booster shots, mixing vaccines, and giving the vaccine to small children. The government plowed ahead in all these areas in what appears to be a lack of research. The government is currently recommending that people over age 65 with health issues get the Pfizer booster shot. If it is true that the booster shot is simply half a dose of the previous two doses, then it would seem fine. I worry about the health consequences of getting endless booster shots. I’m most worried about booster shots that get modified to make them more effective, and the public is not told of the change. I was very troubled by the C.D.C. Director, Rochelle Walensky, overruling the vote by an agency panel that did not recommend Pfizer boosters for health care workers, teachers, and other workers at risk. The press didn’t even ask for a reason for why the panel voted no. My concern about mixing vaccines has come true. A small group of people who had the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines have been given the Pfizer booster. This move is being seen as safe because it boosted antibody levels. They’re now giving the vaccines to children down to the age of five years old. They think all is well because they figured out that you give children 1/3 the dose. In the past, it took us 10 years to develop vaccines, and we’re making moves in just a few months. Since children are in a state of development, there are a million things that can go wrong. I now have a new concern with the introduction of the drug molnupiravir, which comes in pill form. As it turns out, all the scientists and doctors who insisted that Merck’s “revolutionary” COVID drug molnupiravir is extremely safe weren’t faithfully adhering to “the science” after all. Because according to a report published by Barron’s, some scientists are worried that the drug – which purportedly cut hospitalizations in half during a study that was cut short – could cause cancer or birth defects. So much for having a “strong safety profile,” as Dr. Scott Gottlieb claimed in an interview on the day Merck first publicized the research. It’s perfectly understandable why Merck might choose to play down this safety risk: assuming it’s approved, the drug is widely expected to be one of “the most lucrative drugs ever” – which is one reason why Merck’s shares soared into the double-digit territory after the announcement. The market for this type of drug is estimated to be over $20 billion. Molnupiravir works by incorporating itself into the genetic material of the virus and then causing a huge number of mutations as the virus replicates, effectively killing it. In some lab tests, the drug has also shown the ability to integrate into the genetic material of human cells, causing mutations as those cells replicate. I’m troubled just by the dosage of Molnupiravir. The treatment requires people to take five pills four times a day for up to two weeks. I’ve been prescribed all types of drugs over the years, and I’ve never taken more than two of one kind. To be downing 20 pills in a single day strikes me as very dangerous. I don’t expect something to go horribly wrong with the COVID-19 vaccine. I’ve shown that the dangers are there, but I doubt calamity will occur. If we had a disaster with one of the vaccines, it would make it very hard to get people to receive the mark of the beast. Our ability to throw caution to the wind without consequences tells me that time will likely run out before our luck does. “And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb” (Revelation 14:9-10). Russia, China Put America on Notice with Hypersonic Missile Tests – PNW Staff - Russia recently announced it had successfully test launched it's new Tsirkon (Zircon) hypersonic cruise missile from a submarine, the latest test of emerging weapons President Vladimir Putin has dubbed "invincible." Putin has said Zircon would be capable of flying at nine times the speed of sound and have a range of 1,000 kilometers (620 miles). Putin has emphasized that its deployment will significantly boost Russian military capability. The Russian government has in recent years touted the development of weapons it believes will give it an advantage in any arms race with the United States at a time when tensions with the West are growing. Military experts believe that Russian submarines are the most likely to survive a direct conflict with the US and NATO, the launch represents a significant breakthrough for Russia. As the country lacks the technology to build long-range stealth bombers that can evade American radar systems, these weapons are usually carried by submersibles, which are the stealthiest vessels available. Hypersonics can maneuver in mid-flight, making them much harder to track and intercept than traditional projectiles. According to one report, given the speed at which they travel, "the air pressure in front of the weapon forms a plasma cloud as it moves, absorbing radio waves and making it practically invisible to active radar systems." In addition, the reaction time of even the advanced US Aegis-class system is too slow to be able to intercept such missiles. Experts estimate that "it would take fewer than a half-dozen of those missiles to sink even the most advanced American aircraft carrier, such as the USS Gerald R. Ford." Putin previously announced an array of new hypersonic weapons in 2018 in one of his most bellicose speeches in years, saying they could hit almost any point in the world and evade a US-built missile shield. Russia is not alone in these efforts. China has been making consistent efforts at developing hypersonic weapons and has now surprised US military experts with its own recent test that included a rocket in space carrying a hypersonic glide vehicle which circled the globe before before speeding towards its target. By circling the globe, it shows the weapon potentially has a range of some 25,000 miles and can operate in space. It means the missile can theoretically hit anywhere on Earth. The test showed that China had made astounding progress on hypersonic weapons and was far more advanced than US officials realized. One US intelligence official was even quoted as saying "We have no idea how they did this". Taylor Fravel, an expert on Chinese nuclear weapons policy who was unaware of the test, said a hypersonic glide vehicle armed with a nuclear warhead could help China "negate" US missile defense systems which are designed to destroy incoming ballistic missiles. The test has raised new questions about why the US often underestimates the pace of China's military modernization and led Beijing to mock America by saying the test is a "new blow to the US's mentality of strategic superiority over China'. In recent months, US officials have warned that China's nuclear capabilities are growing, particularly after satellite imagery revealed that it was building more than 200 intercontinental missile silos. China has refused to discuss its nuclear arsenal and policy with the US because it is not bound by any arms control agreements. Former Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Ratcliffe warned earlier this year that the Biden administration was in for a shock once they were finally brought up to speed on the advancements that the Chinese military has made in recent years. Mounting concern about China's nuclear capabilities comes as Beijing continues to build up its conventional military forces and engages in increasingly assertive military activity near Taiwan. Some experts are concerned that the fiasco in Afghanistan has bolstered China's timeline for invasion of the island nation. Beijing's mouthpiece media has been warning that it is 'only a matter of time' before the island falls into their hands and that World War Three could be triggered 'at any time'. Satellite images recently showed how China has upgraded military air bases close to Taiwan, in the latest hint at potential invasion plans. The images come after the People's Liberation Army air force launched 149 sorties into Taiwanese air defense identification zone (ADIZ) from October 1 to 4 - a record number. With the threat of hypersonic missiles now looming over any potential invasion, US plans to aid Taiwan could come at great cost. Congress has been warned several times that hypersonic missiles developed by Russia and China will be harder to track and defeat. The United States has discussed the possibility of putting a layer of sensors in space to better detect enemy missiles, especially hypersonic threats. As part of the administration's plans, the U.S. is also exploring the possibility of basing interceptors in space, so it can strike incoming enemy missiles while the booster engines are still burning. Such planning may be too little too late as China now appears ready to take the lead in this particular arms race. Have We Now Become a Completely Lawless Nation? - by Michael Snyder - This is what can happen when you allow the inmates to run the asylum. The “crazies” are in charge now, and this has resulted in utter chaos all over the country. From the very top to the very bottom, we are rapidly becoming a completely lawless nation. Just look at Joe Biden. He was just caught on video blatantly breaking D.C.’s very strict mask mandate. When White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked about this, she told the press to “not overly focus on moments in time”. What does that even mean? Apparently, we aren’t supposed to care when Biden breaks the law, and for the record that has happened on numerous occasions in recent months. But I suppose that it is appropriate that we have a lawless president, because our entire nation is now descending into lawlessness. Just consider what we just witnessed in Portland. Dozens of anarchists roamed through the streets of Portland destroying everything in sight, and the police just stood by and watched them do it… At least 100 self-proclaimed anarchists tore through Portland, setting dumpsters aflame, smashing windows and causing $500,000 in damage, but police stood idle because of a new state law that restricts how law enforcement can respond to riots. It is at moments like this that I really do feel like I am living in Crazytown. A new law that was recently passed prohibits police in Portland from using normal crowd control techniques, and so they must stand down and allow rioters to do whatever they want… Now police say a recently passed law ties their hands even further as it prohibits police from using crowd control techniques like pepper spray or tear gas. Instead, law enforcement agencies are told to rely on follow-up investigations to hold rioters accountable. Are you kidding me? Apparently Democrats and Republicans were both involved in the drafting of this new law. So let’s not just place the blame on one side of the political spectrum. The truth is that there are plenty of “crazies” in both major parties. Needless to say, many residents of Portland are absolutely horrified that this is their new reality… Residents frustrated by the violence last Tuesday questioned whether that meant anything goes now in Portland. ‘Does that mean we are now like a lawless city? Anybody could come in and just bash around and do all the damage that they want without any repercussions whatsoever?’ Linda Witt asked during the meeting with police. Yes, Linda Witt, you do live in a lawless city now. And I would encourage you to move away as soon as possible. Let’s switch gears and talk about the lawlessness in Chicago. The other day, Ann Coulter penned a column in which she described a particularly violent shootout which recently took place in the Windy City… Perhaps you’ve heard about the Wild West shootout in the Austin neighborhood of Chicago two weeks ago? One group of gang members shot up the house of rival gang members at around 10 in the morning. They blasted the house with more than 70 rounds, using handguns that had been modified into automatic weapons. Their rivals fired back from inside the home, in a gun battle that lasted so long, it was still going on when the police arrived. All of this took place in full view of police street cameras, as well as the first officers on the scene. Of the four initial shooters, one was shot dead at the scene and left behind. The other three took off in two (stolen) Dodge Chargers. One gang member drove to a medical center, dumped his wounded comrade, then led police on a car chase ending in a fiery crash. The other Charger turned up nearby, in flames. The good news is that all of the shooters were rounded up and will now be in prison indefinitely, right? Wrong. Kim Foxx, the State’s Attorney for Cook County, decided not to charge any of them because they were engaged in “mutual combat”. Yes, you read that correctly. This is how insane things have become. And now the hopelessly outnumbered police in Chicago are about to lose thousands of officers because of the city’s ridiculous vaccine mandate… Chicago’s top cop is warning police officers that their benefits could hang in the balance if they refuse to comply with the city’s COVID vaccination policy, while the mayor has accused the union head of trying to ‘induce an insurrection.’ Police Superintendent David Brown is warning that officers who don’t comply with the city’s vaccination policy could be fired and lose their retirement benefits. About half of the city’s 13,000 cops could be terminated under the rule if they don’t disclose their status. So the streets of Chicago will soon be even more comfortable for violent criminals. Speaking of criminals, Mayor Lori Lightfoot was caught violating state and local mask mandates at a basketball game on October 17th. The politicians that are seeking to impose pandemic restrictions on all the rest of us don’t even keep their own rules. Philadelphia is another major U.S. city where lawlessness is on the rise. This week, an extremely brutal sexual assault on a SEPTA train made headlines all over the nation… A man was arrested for allegedly sexually assaulting a woman on a SEPTA train in Philadelphia last week, even as a number of witnesses failed to stop the incident or call police, authorities said. The alleged rape occurred on SEPTA’s Market-Frankford Line last Wednesday night and was a “horrendous criminal act,” SEPTA said in a statement. The public transit authority said other people on the train saw the incident and did not alert authorities. There were others riding that train, but nobody tried to help that woman. This is what happens in lawless cities. People are scared to “get involved” and very few are willing to stand up and fight for what is right. Of course the exact same things could be said about our entire society as a whole. The fabric of our society is coming apart at the seams everywhere you look, and our moral collapse seems to accelerate with each passing year. Let me move on to another example. In New York City, a new law has unleashed a “tsunami” of shoplifting… Thanks to a citywide shoplifting tsunami, bare necessities are now rare luxuries on drug-store shelves across New York City. “It looks like the Third World,” bemoaned one Manhattan resident, after eyeing the aisles of a CVS on Sixth Avenue in Soho desperately low of toothpaste, face wash and hand sanitizer, among a long list of other items. Thanks to the new law, many shoplifters are back on the street the same day they are arrested. If you can believe it, there is actually one 22-year-old man that has been arrested 46 times for shoplifting so far in 2021… State bail reform laws make shoplifting a promising career option for some New York City crooks. One man, Isaac Rodriguez, 22, of Queens, was arrested for shoplifting 46 times this year alone, The Post exclusively reported last week. 46 times! And he is not alone. According to “NYPD sources”, there are dozens of others that have been arrested for shoplifting at least 20 times… There are 77 other thieves right now walking the streets of New York with rap sheets of 20 or more shoplifting charges, NYPD sources say. As of Sept. 12, the city has seen 26,385 complaints of retail theft — the most ever recorded (going back to 1995). It’s a 32 percent spike from last year (20,024) and 38 percent surge from 2014 (19,166). This is what we have become. This is our country now. America is now a horrifying cesspool of crime and lawlessness, and we only have ourselves to blame for our current condition. Daily Jot: A CNN COVID Obituary - Bill Wilson – Former US Secretary of State, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, American war hero, husband, father, and grandfather, Colin Powell, 84, passed away Monday morning “due to complications from Covid 19,” the Powell family wrote on Facebook. Powell was fully vaccinated and also suffered from myeloma, a cancer of plasma cells that suppresses the body’s immune response, which put Powell at risk because he was immunocompromised, according to CNN. While CNN attempted to write a glowing obituary of the former General, the story read like an advertisement for the COVID 19 vaccine, which sadly was sprinkled with misinformation and a feeling of “don’t look here, nothing to see here.” CNN made a point high in the obit to point out: “It is not clear if Powell had received a booster dose of the vaccine. Covid-19 vaccines are a highly effective tool in preventing severe disease and death, but no vaccine is 100% effective. More than 7,000 breakthrough cases of Covid-19 that have resulted in death have been reported to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention through October 12. By that time, more than 187 million people in the US were fully vaccinated. That’s one out of every 26,000 fully vaccinated people who has died of Covid-19, or 0.004%. Of those breakthrough cases resulting in death, 85% were among people age 65 and older and 57% were among men, according to the CDC.” CNN Continued: “CDC data also show that the risk of dying from Covid-19 is more than 11 times higher for unvaccinated adults than it is for vaccinated adults throughout August. Among seniors, who are more susceptible to severe Covid-19, that gap is smaller. Among those 80 and older, the risk of dying from Covid-19 in August was about five times higher among unvaccinated people than among fully vaccinated people.” Well, a little bit of truth makes a much better lie. The very statement by Powell’s family that CNN quoted said Powell, “passed away this morning due to complications from COVID 19. He was fully vaccinated.” I don’t know how a news organization like CNN turns that into “It is not clear if Powell had received a booster dose of the vaccine.” Doesn’t fully vaccinated means fully vaccinated? But let’s not let facts confuse the narrative. Moreover, the spin on CDC data makes CNN look like the public relations arm for the CDC and the federal government. I guess we knew that all along. Throughout the CDC website, it is reported repeatedly that the vaccines are safe and effective and implies that you are a novelty if you die or are hospitalized with COVID 19 after being fully vaccinated. Recent government studies, however, indicate that 71% of new COVID 19 cases were comprised of the fully vaccinated people aged 65+; the vaccination efficacy waned significantly after four to six months, and it didn’t prevent getting the disease or transmitting it to others. Proverbs 12:17 says, “He that speaks truth shows forth righteousness: but a false witness deceit.” It’s a sad testimony that CNN had to turn Colin Powell’s obituary into a political science commentary about COVID 19. Daily Devotion: An Appointment in Joppa - by Greg Laurie – Now send men to Joppa and send for Simon whose surname is Peter. —Acts 10:5 - Listen The ancient city of Joppa has been sacked and rebuilt more times than almost any city in ancient Israel. The Egyptians, Phoenicians, Persians, and Greeks all have ruled it. Herod was in control of it at one point, as were the Romans and the Crusaders. Even Napoleon’s armies ruled over Joppa at one time. So did Alexander the Great. Joppa was the place where Jonah boarded a ship to avoid having to go to Nineveh. And it’s also in Joppa where a biblical story about Simon Peter unfolds. Peter was staying at the home of Simon the Tanner in Joppa, where he was praying on the roof top one day. It was about lunch time, and he had a vision of a giant sheet being lowered from Heaven. On this sheet were things that a good Jewish person was forbidden to eat. Then Peter heard a voice say, “Rise, Peter; kill and eat” (Acts 10:13 NKJV). But Peter replied, “Not so, Lord! For I have never eaten anything common or unclean” (verse 14 NKJV). Yet God said, “What God has cleansed you must not call common” (verse 15 NKJV). In Caesarea, there was a Roman named Cornelius who believed in the God of Israel. He didn’t embrace the false gods of Rome. Although he didn’t know Jesus yet, he was seeking God. So an angel of the Lord appeared to Cornelius and told him to send for Simon Peter, who would tell him what he needed to know. Peter, after his vision, came downstairs to find Cornelius’s men waiting for him. Peter went with them, and it resulted in the conversion of Cornelius. Joppa is where God spoke to people to leave their comfort zones and take the gospel to people they didn’t necessarily want to share it with. Are you willing to leave your comfort zone and do the same? FROM THE HEART Let Us Make the Short Time We have Left, Count for ALL of Eternity! IF YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED THROUGH THIS MINISTRY, THEN WE ASK THAT YOU WOULD PLEASE REMEMBER PROPHECY UPDATE IN YOUR GIVING - WE ARE TRULY, TRULY, THANKFUL FOR YOUR SUPPORT WORTHY OF YOUR SUPPORT? One of the most reliable ways to determine if a ministry is worthy of your financial support is to examine its fruits. If Prophecy Update is keeping you informed, and if that information inspires you, and causes you to draw closer to the Lord, if Prophecy Update equips you with valuable information and knowledge to share with and encourage other believers, and open the eyes of non-believers, and if Prophecy Update keeps you connected to current events relating to Bible Prophecy, then you are partaking of the fruit produced through this ministry. None of this would be possible without the Lords blessings and your support. I believe where the Lord guides, the Lord provides, and most of the time He provides through the willing and generous hearts of believers just like you and me. Humbly Seek Your Support Prophecy Update has no corporate sponsors. This ministry is paid for and prayed for by readers and supporters. Without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update, Please pray about becoming a monthly supporter - thanks! If ever there was a time to invest in God's Kingdom, it's now! What on earth are you doing for Heaven's Sake? "Share in the Blessings and Rewards that will last Forever!" "Folks, it's all beginning to unravel. America is in more danger of falling than at any time in its history. But I believe Bible prophecy predicts this very decline. From this point on, we believers have to get serious. We are going to face discouragement, disillusionment and, most certainly, persecution in the time between now and the Rapture. But don't be discouraged or disillusioned. The coming turmoil will provide us unrivaled opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. So be ready to share your faith and your hope with those who need Christ. We still have time to reap a great harvest of souls for God's kingdom!" - Hal Lindsey 1) We need your prayers!- We proclaim the Truth of the Word of God and we are under constant spiritual and sometimes even physical attack. 2) We need your encouragement!- We need to hear from you, let us know how the Lord is blessing you through this ministry so that we can share it with others. 3) We need your input! - If you have a prophetic article or story or if there is a news related item we missed, let us know. 4) We need your financial support!- To put it quite simply, without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update. I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to get the Word out and keep the world informed. Remember, your gift, no matter how small, does make a difference! You will be helping to touch lives, around the world, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, thanks to the internet your generosity carries a global impact! - Thanks! Our Prayer for You- "Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else." 2 Corinthians 9:10-13 If you have been blessed by Prophecy Update and would like to help support this ministry financially. You can make a secure donation online by going to: DONATE NOW Or write us at: Prophecy Update P.O. Box 40516 Bakersfield, CA 93384-0516 We are very pleased to offer all our readers this FREE download on Bible Prophecy from the Evangelical Bible College of Western Australia - Just download and enjoy and be blessed! Feel free to share it with all your friends and family members. Click below to download! "AS YOU SEE THE DAY APPROACHING" If You Died Today, Would You Go To Heaven? Find out, visit: How to know God DID YOU KNOW? You can submit an article, leave a comment or praise report at email: [email protected] Maranatha! (Lord Come Quickly) "On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand, All other ground is sinking sand." "Let Us make the short time we have left count for all eternity!" YBIC-Randy
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