Ready Or Not - By Daymond Duck -
In early Mar. 2023, prophecy teacher Amir Tsarfati wrote, “According to those who gather such statistics, of the 2.42 billion people who bear the label ‘Christian’ today, only 6.6% believe in the rapture of the church.” As one who constantly writes and talks about the Rapture, I am well aware that there is widespread unbelief, but it shocks me that only 6.6% of those that call themselves Christian believe in it (if the number is right). This much I do know: Every jot and tittle of the Word will be fulfilled. And the Rapture is going to happen whether church members believe it or not, whether they are ready or not. We cannot know the day and hour, but we can know when it is getting close, and here is information on recent events that seem to indicate that we are getting close. One, concerning world government, the decline of America, and deceit: on Mar. 30, 2023, former Pres. Trump was indicted supposedly for paying hush money to a porn star to keep her quiet during his 2016 campaign for President, and it could get worse. Here is what several Republican politicians said:
Glen Beck (author, TV commentator, etc.) said, “The Great Reset mob, including Biden, the Democrats, China, neocon Republicans, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, the UN – all of them want to take down the United States because it is in the way of the Great Reset New World Order – and Donald Trump and the MAGA movement have especially been in the way.” Gary Bauer (Campaign for Working Families) said, “Some might say, ‘I don’t like Trump, why should I be upset?’ Here’s why: This is the stuff of tyranny. It is a gross abuse of the law. It is political persecution.” Nancy Pelosi (Former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives): “The Grand Jury has acted upon the facts and the law. No one is above the law, and everyone has the right to a trial to prove innocence. Hopefully, the former President will peacefully respect the system, which grants him that right.” (Note: Pelosi’s statement shows that the system has been corrupted. An honest system says Trump is innocent until proven guilty. It does not require Trump to go to court to prove his innocence. It requires his accusers to take him to an honest court to prove he is guilty.) If Bill or Hillary Clinton had been indicted, it would be a different matter, but Deep State puppets are not prosecuted on charges like this. There is overwhelming evidence that the Biden family, and especially Hunter, have been engaged in illegal activity, especially in Ukraine and China, but they have not been prosecuted. As far as I am concerned, the worst thing about Trump’s indictment is that it is about surrendering the sovereignty of the U.S. to the New World Order. Payday will come, but we do not know how far away that is on God’s calendar, and it will be devastating for those on Earth. Two, concerning world government, the cashless society, and tracking all buying and selling: on Mar. 20, 2023, it was reported that a growing number of U.S. national parks (Badlands National Park, Crater Lake National Park, and Sleeping Bear Dunes National Park) no longer accept cash for entrance fees and other services. These places (and more will soon follow) join at least 20 other federal places (Devil’s Tower National Monument, FDR’s former home, and the Wright Brothers National Memorial, to name a few) that have stopped taking cash. For years, some Bible Prophecy teachers have taught that tracking all buying and selling requires a cashless society, and it is shaping up now. Three, concerning a resumption of the animal sacrifices: on Mar. 30, 2023, it was reported that a group of rabbis has petitioned Israeli Prime Min. Netanyahu and Israeli Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir to allow them to sacrifice an animal on the Temple Mount at Passover (starts at sundown on Apr. 5, 2023). Past governments have not allowed animal sacrifices on the Temple Mount, but Netanyahu’s new government is more religious than before. The Arabs are opposing this, and what happens remains to be seen. Four, concerning the decline of America: on Mar. 16, 2023, it was reported that Pres. Biden’s new budget proposal will drastically cut funds to the U.S. Navy. According to the article, Pres. Biden wants to prematurely retire eight ships and two combat vessels that have about 600 vertical launch systems that would be needed if we got into a war with China. Five, concerning the decline of America: on Mar. 29, 2023, it was reported that a high official in the Israeli government said the Biden administration has recently tried to topple Prime Min. Netanyahu on two different occasions. This refutes Biden’s claim that he is a friend of Netanyahu, and it ignores the fact that God promised to bless those that bless Israel and curse those that curse Israel (Gen. 12:1-3). Why would the U.S. try to topple Netanyahu? The U.S. is siding with liberals, globalists, and Muslim radicals that want Israel to be a secular nation and not a religious nation. They do not want Jews to go by the Scriptures, take control of the Temple Mount, rebuild the Temple, establish religious settlements on the West Bank, outlaw LGBTQ, etc. Six, concerning the decline of America and the coming economic collapse: on Apr. 3, 2023, the Institute for Supply Management reported that production in U.S. factories has reached its lowest point since 2009 (excluding the Covid-19 recession). According to the article, money that Biden requested for jobs in the U.S. is going to Chinese manufacturers and people that give large sums of money to the Democrat Party. Seven, concerning the decline of America, hyper-inflation, and the coming economic collapse:
Russia cutting 500,000 barrels a day, and OPEC+ cutting 1.15 million barrels a day means there will be 1.65 million fewer barrels a day for the remainder of 2023. The price of gas has already started increasing, and the price of producing food, delivering products to stores, etc., will soon start up again. According to the report, Biden and some Democrats are displeased, but they are the ones that are deliberately hindering oil production in the U.S. And to make matters worse, Biden sold oil from America’s strategic oil reserves, he has not replaced it, and our reserves are lower than they have been in about 35 years. Eight, concerning the decline of America, hyperinflation, and the coming economic collapse: on Apr. 3, 2023, it was reported that America’s economic slowdown, consistently high record-breaking inflation, and slowing production are depleting America’s Social Security reserves faster than expected. Unless something is done to change course, the system will run out of funds in 2034. Citizens have seen warnings like this before (and the system has always been bailed out), but it is an admission that America is experiencing record-breaking inflation, people are losing their jobs, and less money is going into the system. Nine, concerning the decline of America, hyperinflation, and the coming economic collapse: the number of nations that have stopped using dollars for buying or selling oil is growing. Saudi Arabia and Iran will now accept other currencies, Russia and China have agreed to accept each other’s currency, China and Brazil have agreed to stop using dollars, and the ASEAN nations (10 nations in Southeast Asia: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam) have announced that they may stop using dollars. This is happening because Biden has angered several foreign leaders, they think he is weak, they are turning against him, and they are concerned that his spending is threatening the value of the dollar. Finally, are you Rapture Ready? If you want to be rapture ready and go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this. [email protected] Ten Indicators the Hour is Late – By Jan Markell - What a privileged generation we are! We are watching the set-up for the end of the Church Age. Things the Bible foretold are unfolding before us as we continue to trend towards the Tribulation. Scripture said many things would happen that would be stage-setting incidents. I never expected to get the panorama I am seeing today. Consider just these ten indicators… • The world lacks a leader. A few think they are a global leader, such as China’s Xi Jinping, Russia’s Putin, America’s feeble Joe Biden, and France’s Emmanuel Macron. None of them even come close! The world is longing for a leader, as these above-named fools embarrass their respective countries. • The rise to prominence of a globalist outfit—the World Economic Forum (WEF)—that is paving the way for a one-world government. The Antichrist will rule the world, very likely, under the umbrella of this organization, or one just like it. The WEF has had 50 years to become a sophisticated collection of global leaders. It has been primed for a half-century to rule the world. • The Bible prophesies a coming cashless society. We now learn of the coming Central Bank Digital Currency that will be thrust upon the world in 2023 or 2024. Cash will eventually vanish. Digital currency will be a genuine nightmare, as it will be a tracking device. All privacy will completely vanish. • The last three years, the frightened masses chose to trust in government due to fear of a health crisis and pandemic. Government promised to take care of them and to keep them well. People blindly and foolishly complied! Too many didn’t ask questions. Even though the lies told are now revealed, many feel it best to trust in authoritarian voices as many people are sheeple. • We now have artificial intelligence that is as intuitive and as intelligent as humans. The Antichrist will tap into this in order to rule his empire. The recent unveiling of ChatGPT is stunning. It can write a thesis or a sermon in ten seconds and put a spin on it that is distinctly you! • There is civil unrest and lawlessness in two-dozen nations. It requires too much space to list them all! This is a global rebellion. The spirit of the Antichrist is alive and well—preparing the way for the “man of lawlessness.” • Wars and rumors of wars are stirring. There are dozens of global conflicts. Nations such as China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran, are stirring the war-like pot. The Ukraine catastrophe could spread, thanks to Putin’s madness. Some of these are nuclear powers, and a few are threatening to use nukes. When a bully threatens, believe him! Most military analysts tell us that WWIII is now almost a certainty. We do not know if this is a pre-Tribulation event, but it could be. We do know global war is a part of the Tribulation. • The days of Noah haunt us! Japan has created mice from two fathers. I’ll spare you the biological details. Other aberrations are celebrated today. Don’t you know that men becoming women is a simple transition? • There is a stunning rise in darkness as predicted in II Timothy 3:13. Be it at the Grammys, the Commonwealth Games, Hollywood in general, or during the Super Bowl halftime, Satan is celebrated. He is center stage! At the Grammys, participants bowed down and worshipped a Satanic horned creature! • There is Temple fever among the religious in Israel. The Temple Institute has everything ready to go. Five red heifers arrived last fall from Texas, and four remain perfect enough for Temple sacrifice, as outlined in the book of Numbers. This is the Temple that the Antichrist will defile when he turns on the Jewish people. Author J.B. Hixson wrote the following, with which I totally agree: We are living in unprecedented times, prophetically. The stage is being set like never before as we draw closer and closer to the Rapture. Prophecies that seemed far-fetched, even impossible, are now easily understood. How can the Antichrist possibly track every human being on earth? That is where digital ID’s and central bank digital currencies come in. How can the Antichrist die and come back to life? That is where artificial intelligence and the transhumanist bio-digital convergence explain the mystery. How can the Antichrist desecrate the temple in Jerusalem, when there was no Israel on the world map for more than 1,800 years? The re-establishment of Israel as a nation in 1948 answers that question. Our generation is watching the set-up. What a privilege. What a challenge. What did you think the last days would look like? How about just like the spring and summer of 2023? It’s time we be about our Father’s business! Prophecy Update Videos Must Watch Videos! Videos You Can Trust
The 3 Wars Of The Apocalypse Are Getting Dangerously Close - by Michael Snyder - If you aren’t concerned by what has been happening around the globe the past few days, it is probably because you just aren’t paying attention. Extreme violence has brought the Middle East to the brink of war, China has gotten very aggressive with Taiwan, and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov just stated that the U.S. and Russia have now reached a “hot phase” of the conflict in Ukraine. What I am going to share with you in this article is so important, because we have reached a point where literally three different major wars could erupt at any moment. Just one would be bad enough, but if all three were to happen simultaneously we could potentially be facing a truly apocalyptic scenario very rapidly. As I write this piece, things are so tense in the Middle East. On Friday, Israel launched attacks against targets in southern Lebanon and Gaza in retaliation for dozens of rockets that had been fired into Israel from Lebanon. And then on Sunday, Israel directly attacked “Syrian military targets” after six rockets from Syria were launched at Israel… Israel launched strikes against Syrian military targets after several rockets were fired from Syria, the Israeli military said. A total of six rockets were launched from Syria towards Israel, and three crossed into Israeli territory, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said. One of the rockets landed in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. Of course all of this has been happening at the same time that we have been witnessing a tremendous amount of violence in and around the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem… Israeli police raided the mosque twice on Wednesday last week, claiming that “hundreds of rioters and mosque desecrators (had) barricaded themselves” inside. On Saturday night, the Israeli police again alleged that, “many youngsters [had] entered the mosque and closed the doors, for no reason.” Israel’s neighbor Jordan warned of “catastrophic consequences” if Israeli forces were to storm the mosque again. Needless to say, the Israelis believe that it is Iran that is ultimately pulling the strings behind the scenes. In fact, the Jerusalem Post just published an article entitled “Iran kickstarts multi-front Middle East war against Israel”… A week of attacks on Israel, including rockets fired from Lebanon, Gaza and Syria, represents the manifestation of an Iranian strategy to confront Israel with multiple threats on different fronts. Although different groups may be behind the attacks from those places, these groups are likely all linked to Iran. The groups involved include Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and others that may go by different or new names, but which are proxies of Tehran. I was quite alarmed by their use of the word “war” to describe what is taking place. And it looks like Iran is ready to escalate things even more. The Iranians have been using their proxies to hit Israel for years, but now we are being told that the Iranians are “preparing to attack Israeli-owned trading vessels” in retaliation for the deaths of two Revolutionary Guard advisors that were killed last month… Iran is preparing to attack Israeli-owned trading vessels to avenge two Revolutionary Guards advisors killed in alleged Israeli airstrikes in Syria last month, The New York Times reported on Saturday. The IRGC’s Aerospace Force is gearing up to launch drone attacks on ships sailing through the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Sea, according to the report, which cited two anonymous senior Western intelligence officials. At some point someone is going to push things too far, and a major war is going to erupt in the Middle East. Could that happen soon? According to the Jerusalem Post, the IDF and the Israeli Police have already been calling up reservists… The IDF last week had already called up unspecified numbers of reservist Border Police officers, and air defense and air force attack personnel. On Saturday, it was announced that there would be reinforcements of police in Tel Aviv following a car-ramming attack there. Then on Sunday, the IDF and Israel Police announced that they were calling up an additional four companies of reservists, after having called up six companies in recent weeks. All of this came after the IDF called up multiple additional battalions (larger than companies) in recent weeks to handle security issues in Huwara and other West Bank hot spots. And if a war between Israel and Iran does erupt, the U.S. will inevitably be involved. Over the weekend, we learned that the U.S. has already deployed “a guided-missile submarine capable of carrying up to 154 Tomahawk missiles” to the region… The U.S. Navy has deployed a guided-missile submarine capable of carrying up to 154 Tomahawk missiles to the Middle East, a spokesman said Saturday, in what appeared to be a show of force toward Iran following recent tensions. The Navy rarely acknowledges the location or deployment of submarines. Cmdr. Timothy Hawkins, a spokesman for the 5th Fleet based in the Gulf nation of Bahrain, declined to comment on the submarine’s mission or what had prompted the deployment. Simultaneously, a Chinese invasion of Taiwan appears to be closer than ever. In response to a highly publicized visit by Taiwan’s president to the U.S., China simulated “precision attacks on key targets in Taiwan” over the weekend… China said Sunday it was simulating precision attacks on key targets in Taiwan as the military drills it launched in response to the island president’s meeting with the US House Speaker entered a second day. The mock drills included “tactical maneuvers” by the Chinese navy, state media reported. Multiple services had carried out “simulated joint precision strikes on key targets on Taiwan Island” and in the surrounding waters, CCTV reported. They are literally practicing for an invasion of Taiwan. And the moment that China invades Taiwan, the U.S. and China will be at war. But most Americans don’t understand any of this, and that is extremely unfortunate. On Sunday, a total of 71 Chinese military aircraft approached the island… Taiwan’s armed forces are committed to “fighting with all our heart to defend our homeland” should conflict break out, Taipei has said, as China carries out large-scale military drills close to the island. Taiwan detected 71 Chinese aircraft and nine naval vessels around the island by 6 a.m. local time on Sunday, Taipei’s defense ministry said via Twitter. The island’s armed forces “monitored the situation,” with 45 of the aircraft crossing the median line, it added. This maritime line is considered the unofficial border in the Taiwan Strait. The U.S. is completely and utterly unprepared to fight a war with China, and such a war would be a nightmare for the entire planet. But our politicians are beating the war drums anyway. In fact, U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham just told Fox News that he is quite open to the possibility of sending U.S. troops to Taiwan… Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said on this week’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday” that he is open to sending U.S. troops to Taiwan. Anchor Shannon Bream said, “I want to start with China. You heard the report there about what Reuters has been calling a standoff in the Taiwan Strait. You served in the Air Force. We noted weeks ago a four-star general said he thought we would be in actual combat with China by 2025. Chairman McCaul said the same thing on the show. Where do you think we are? Where does this go?” Graham said, “I think they are setting the stage possibly for a blockade of Taiwan. This Communist Chinese Party is going to test us dramatically this year and next year before the election.” This is really happening. But we don’t actually have enough ammunition for such a war, because we have already sent millions of rounds to Ukraine… The U.S. has devoted millions of rounds of munitions to Ukraine since Russia invaded more than a year ago, draining U.S. stockpiles and setting off alarm bells in Congress and the White House on the state of America’s arsenal in light of higher-than-expected consumption rates in Ukraine. Senior leaders in the Department of Defense and military service branches, in statements to justify the Pentagon’s budget request for the coming year, warned that the U.S. has massive hurdles to overcome to rebuild to the level necessary to counter China, and remains vulnerable in the meantime. “I’m concerned. I know the secretary is … we’ve got a ways to go to make sure our stockpiles are prepared for the real contingencies,” Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley told the House Armed Services Committee on March 29. Speaking of Ukraine, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov is claiming that the U.S. and Russia have now reached “a hot phase of the war”… Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said Moscow and Washington are “in a hot phase of the war” over US supplies of weapons to Ukraine. Moscow must maintain relations with the US, Mr Lavrov told state television. Russia had not yet lost hope that the US would “wake up to reason (and) will resume some kind of dialogue”, he said on Wednesday. Both sides just continue to escalate matters, and the Russians have been steadily taking territory in recent days. At some point the Ukrainians are going to become extremely desperate, and extremely desperate people can do extremely foolish things. If our leaders aren’t extremely careful, we could easily find ourselves in a shooting war with Russia. And that could potentially happen at the same time that we are in a shooting war with China. And there is a possibility that both of those wars could erupt while we are intervening in a major conflict in the Middle East. The time to stop wars is before they begin. Unfortunately, the whole world seems to be catching a really bad case of “war fever”, and that is extremely bad news for all of us. Today’s Daniel Dilemma – Terry James - Increasingly during these strange times, we watch foreshadows of past prophecy spread across our nation. I say “strange times,” because things are taking place that are antithetical to all we have embraced as a constitutionally secured republic founded on Judeo-Christian principles. By “shadows of past prophecy,” I’m referring to there being nothing new under the sun, as written by the writer of Ecclesiastes. The clouds of wickedness that plagued generations of antiquity as reported by God’s prophets now are a metastasizing sin-stain shadow of evil spreading across America. Particularly, I believe we can look at Daniel’s time in Babylon and make application to some extent to what’s happening in a specific area of this nation. Daniel‘s case regarding his being thrown into the lion’s den is a point of connection I hope to make to today’s situation in regard to those who hold to Christ-centered truth. The old prophet–by this time, Daniel was well along in age—was under the rulership of the Medes and Persians. Babylon had been defeated. Daniel was still held in high regard as a great prophet by Darius and his court–for the most part. He was, however, jealously hated by a certain cabal within the king’s advisory council. We remember that they tricked the king into making a decree that, within a designated time frame, anyone found worshipping any God other than the deity who was personified in the king would be put to death. The king signed the decree, and under Persian law his decree couldn’t be changed, even by the king himself. We know how it ended. Daniel was thrown into the den with ravenous lions. Not only did the Lord protect him by shutting the mouths of the hungry beasts, but the king, who obviously had great affection for Daniel, had the conspirators against God’s prophet and all their families thrown to the lions–whose appetites were apparently then satisfied. Point is, Daniel was in the middle of a dilemma—an environment—that was more or less legislated by the powers of evil of that day. The prophet stood strong–rather, knelt faithfully—and continued to worship like he had every day of his time since he had been brought to Babylon as a captive at around age fourteen. What is the connection, Daniel’s dilemma, to today in America? The comparison congealed in my thinking upon reading what is happening in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The city, once humorously spotlighted in the Mary Tyler Moore show, has observably descended from being that more or less happy site of Americana. We have seen the twin cities of Minneapolis/St. Paul–particularly Minneapolis—come increasingly under that dark shadow of spreading wickedness. Here are a couple of excerpts of news that report just how the metastasizing evil has invaded and wrapped the prophetic tentacles of the soon-to-come Antichrist regime around this American region. The Minnesota chapter of Hamas-linked CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) is demanding that mosques in Minneapolis can broadcast the Islamic call to prayer five times a day versus the already allotted three times a day. Referred to as the Adhan, the Islamic call to prayer is intended to show “power and control over a country.” The Adhan declares the supremacy of Allah of Islam and is considered a “warlike declaration.”… The terror-tired group wants residents to not only hear the eardrum-shattering disturbance in the late mornings and afternoon but also in the early morning and evenings. For this to happen, the Islamic supremacists are demanding that the city’s noise ordinance rules be changed just for them… Like many other Islamic groups and leaders, CAIR hopes that Minneapolis, which boasts a large Somalian migrant community, can set an example for Muslims across the country, locally and nationwide, on how to Islamize their communities, cities, and states. CAIR has always been clear about its intentions to make the United States Islamic. CAIR Founder/Chairman Emeritus Omar Ahmad stated, “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith but to become dominant…The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.” (“Minneapolis Moves Closer to Becoming First U.S. City to Blast Islamic Call to Prayer Five Times a Day, Starting at Dawn,” RAIR Foundation, Rapture Ready News, April 3, 2023)*** ********** Minneapolis Public Schools are hosting a “gender resource fair” featuring a drag queen story hour event and a doctor who will speak on the importance of “supporting young transgender children.” Loring Elementary, which teaches kids from preschool to the 5th grade, will be hosting the event on April 13. They are urging parents to bring their “gender creative young ones” to the event where they can be indoctrinated into a satanic lifestyle that includes chemical castration and the mutilation of their sexual organs… Minnesota is on its way to becoming a sanctuary state for “gender-affirming care,” meaning children can be taken to the state to be drugged and mutilated without regulations, with a transgender state representative pushing these policies: “Transgender Minnesota state representative Leigh Finke struggled to define the term “gender-affirming health care” while defending legislation that would allow kids to receive “gender-affirming health care” without any restrictions in their state… Finke has introduced legislation that would make Minnesota a sanctuary state for “gender-affirming health care” for children across the country, meaning that kids could be brought across state lines to be chemically castrated with puberty blockers and then have their genitals mutilated… (“Minneapolis Public Schools Will Host ‘Gender Resource Fair’ to Promote Drugging and Mutilating Children,” Big League Politics, Rapture Ready News, April 3, 2023) This American city is becoming increasingly hostile to Christians and Bible truth. Yet at the black heart of the satanic assault centered in and around Minneapolis, there remains Rock-solid (the Rock being Jesus Christ) ministries that are examples of Daniel look-alikes. As a matter-of-fact, the world’s leading Christian radio ministry holds forth Gospel truth with nine hundred affiliate stations at its core from the Minneapolis area. Jan Markell and Olive Tree Ministries serve as proof that God’s hand, like in Daniel’s day, is as powerful and in complete control as in the day the great prophet served unyieldingly as God’s man in wicked Babylon. Daniel, by serving God no matter the conditions surrounding him, turned his satanically-engendered dilemma into a prophetic ministry of destiny. Like that prophet of yesteryear, there are ministries today in the midst of growing, end-times evil that are turning such dilemmas as that suffered by Daniel into dynamos of service to our Lord. As believers we can each do the same in our own individual areas of service. As a matter of fact, we are commissioned by Heaven’s authority to do so. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints. (Ephesians 6:13–18) Daily Jot: An example of Media twisting the truth - Bill Wilson – Free speech and freedom of the press is Constitutionally protected as a lynchpin to a society free from tyranny. The press is supposed to be the fourth estate to hold government accountable. But when the press is used, willingly or forcefully, as a mouthpiece for the government, tyranny is not far behind. In today’s America, freedom of the press is governed by political partisanship and its power is the 24-7 news cycle as ingrained across all mediums. When the press trades its position of seeking the truth for speaking the lies, the public is left to discern between the two. Discernment is key in this day and age. The entire Trump saga is an example. The media is shaping the public opinion. Here is how. In the hours leading up to the Trump arraignment, Jonathan Weisman and Andrew Higgins wrote in an April 4 New York Times article about how the right-wing finds a familiar villain in billionaire George Soros. They write: “Conspiracy theorists have long attributed wildly varied events to George Soros, in attacks often viewed as antisemitic. His indirect donations to a prosecutor’s campaign are animating Trump allies.” The article smugly points to the many accusations around the world that Soros has interfered with elections from “East Asia to Central Europe to the United States” and is cast as a “puppet master by conspiracy theorists” for his leftist influence. They snark that now Soros is credited with the indictment of Trump. The article is written to suggest that anyone believing that Soros is behind the many leftist causes that are being suggested is a right wing antisemitic conspiracy theorist. The writers do not seek to prove or disprove the claims about Soros. They state that Soros “a Jew from Hungary, survived the Holocaust, fled communism and became one of the single largest funders of democracy promotion, anti-Communism and liberal education around the globe.” Democracy, however, takes many forms, most of which lead to tyranny if not unchecked by proper balances of power. Soros, we know, is a financier of the most left of leftist causes. As Christ said in Matthew 7:20, “Therefore by their fruits you will know them.” Not until about the 21st paragraph of this lengthy story do the authors admit to Soros giving the racial justice organization Color of Change $1 million shortly after Color of Change pledged $1 million to support Alvin Bragg’s campaign for District Attorney. Soros also donated $125 million to his own political action committee, Democracy PAC II, making him the largest donor by far of the 2022 midterms. The PAC spent only about $11 million of the money, the writers say, more than half going to the Democrat’s super PAC funding the party’s efforts to hold the Senate. Herein, is the issue with the media’s coverage of the Trump accusations—the truth, if it is provided—is buried deep in the stories and it is discounted as “nothing to see here.” This is the danger of the press’s influence on those who cannot discern truth from lies. Which is most people. Sources: Daily Devotion: A Very Real Spiritual War - by Greg Laurie – No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us. —Romans 8:37 - Listen The Bible often uses the examples of military battle, fighting, and warfare as a picture of the Christian life. Paul exhorted Timothy, “Endure suffering along with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus” (2 Timothy 2:3 NLT). Paul also wrote that he had “fought the good fight” (2 Timothy 4:7). Anyone who chooses to be on the side of the Lord Jesus Christ will face severe opposition from Satan and his followers. On the day you put your faith in Jesus Christ, a very real spiritual war begins in your life. We will either fight or suffer defeat. We will either gain ground or lose ground. But we must be involved in the spiritual battle. And if we try to be spiritual pacifists, we’ll be knocked down. Therefore, we had better suit up. We had better put on our spiritual armor and learn principles from God’s Word that teach us how to be more than conquerors in Christ. Remember, Jesus told the disciples that the gates of Hell would not prevail against them as the church (see Matthew 16:18). We may not fully understand what this means today. But in their first-century culture, they would have known that one of the primary strategies for attacking a fortress was to knock down the gates with a battering ram, rush in, and defeat the opposing army. In the same way, we as the church are marching on, even against the fortresses of the enemy. And their gates will not prevail against us. Those gates eventually will fall, and we will triumph. We may lose a skirmish here and a battle there, but we will win the war. There’s no doubt about it. The truth of the gospel ultimately will prevail. Meanwhile, it’s up to us to fight the good fight of faith. PROPHECY UPDATE NEWS HEADLINES Yesterday's Prophecies - Today's Headlines HEADLINES IN PARTNERSHIP WITH TRACKING BIBLE PROPHECY 4/10/23
FROM THE HEART Let Us Make the Short Time We have Left, Count for ALL of Eternity! IF YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED THROUGH THIS MINISTRY, THEN WE ASK THAT YOU WOULD PLEASE REMEMBER PROPHECY UPDATE IN YOUR GIVING - WE ARE TRULY, TRULY, THANKFUL FOR YOUR SUPPORT WORTHY OF YOUR SUPPORT? One of the most reliable ways to determine if a ministry is worthy of your financial support is to examine its fruits. If Prophecy Update is keeping you informed, and if that information inspires you, and causes you to draw closer to the Lord, if Prophecy Update equips you with valuable information and knowledge to share with and encourage other believers, and open the eyes of non-believers, and if Prophecy Update keeps you connected to current events relating to Bible Prophecy, then you are partaking of the fruit produced through this ministry. None of this would be possible without the Lords blessings and your support. I believe where the Lord guides, the Lord provides, and most of the time He provides through the willing and generous hearts of believers just like you and me. Humbly Seek Your Support Prophecy Update has no corporate sponsors. This ministry is paid for and prayed for by readers and supporters. Without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update, Please pray about becoming a monthly supporter - thanks! If ever there was a time to invest in God's Kingdom, it's now! What on earth are you doing for Heaven's Sake? "Share in the Blessings and Rewards that will last Forever!" "Folks, it's all beginning to unravel. America is in more danger of falling than at any time in its history. But I believe Bible prophecy predicts this very decline. From this point on, we believers have to get serious. We are going to face discouragement, disillusionment and, most certainly, persecution in the time between now and the Rapture. But don't be discouraged or disillusioned. The coming turmoil will provide us unrivaled opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. So be ready to share your faith and your hope with those who need Christ. We still have time to reap a great harvest of souls for God's kingdom!" - Hal Lindsey 1) We need your prayers!- We proclaim the Truth of the Word of God and we are under constant spiritual and sometimes even physical attack. 2) We need your encouragement!- We need to hear from you, let us know how the Lord is blessing you through this ministry so that we can share it with others. 3) We need your input! - If you have a prophetic article or story or if there is a news related item we missed, let us know. 4) We need your financial support!- To put it quite simply, without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update. I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to get the Word out and keep the world informed. Remember, your gift, no matter how small, does make a difference! You will be helping to touch lives, around the world, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, thanks to the internet your generosity carries a global impact! - Thanks! Our Prayer for You- "Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else." 2 Corinthians 9:10-13 If you have been blessed by Prophecy Update and would like to help support this ministry financially. You can make a secure donation online by going to: DONATE NOW Or write us at: Prophecy Update P.O. Box 40516 Bakersfield, CA 93384-0516 We are very pleased to offer all our readers this FREE download on Bible Prophecy from the Evangelical Bible College of Western Australia - Just download and enjoy and be blessed! Feel free to share it with all your friends and family members. Click below to download! "AS YOU SEE THE DAY APPROACHING" If You Died Today, Would You Go To Heaven? Find out, visit: How to know God DID YOU KNOW? You can submit an article, leave a comment or praise report at email: [email protected] Maranatha! (Lord Come Quickly) "On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand, All other ground is sinking sand." "Let Us make the short time we have left count for all eternity!" YBIC-Randy
1 Comment
Kelly Allen
4/13/2023 09:33:46 am
Daymond is one of my favorite writers nowadays. He always has a grasp of reality when most of the evangelical crowd has their heads buried in the sand. I pray for them, that their eyes will be opened. Time is short and the fields are white for harvest. There is no better witnessing topic to the unbeliever than prophecy. How sad and tragic that pastor's will NOT preach NOR EQUIP the saints under their care the truth of prophetic events that are clearly laid out in Scripture.
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