Revelation 16: Painful sores, the price of denying Christ - By Mark Creech -
In the book, Is It Real When It Doesn’t Work? authored by Doug Murren and Barb Shurin, an intriguing antidote is shared. It comes from the remarkable life of Alfred Nobel, the eminent Swedish chemist of the late 19th century. One fateful morning, Nobel was astonished to read his obituary in the local newspaper. The newspaper had made a grievous mistake by attributing the obituary to Alfred instead of his brother who had passed away. The obituary said that Nobel, the mastermind behind the invention of dynamite, had thereby facilitated the means for an unprecedented number of casualties in warfare. Moreover, it highlighted Nobel’s immense wealth. The newspaper’s error and the remarks it had made about him struck Nobel hard, prompting him to take inventory of his life. He started to yearn to be remembered for something more than his prodigious contribution to weaponry and the accumulation of riches. Hence, feeling a resolute determination, he created and launched the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize. This esteemed accolade was established to honor individuals from around the world who dedicated themselves to the advancement of peace through their extraordinary scientific breakthroughs and literary works. Driven by his newfound purpose, Nobel once wisely said, “Every man ought to have the chance to correct his epitaph midstream and write a new one.” There are mainly four different approaches to the interpretation of Revelation chapter 16. The “Preterist” would say the events of the book have already taken place, particularly during the time of the Roman Empire. The “Historicist” would argue Revelation’s prophecies span across historical periods and the book provides a timeline of events throughout history. The “Idealist” would contend Revelation’s content is a symbolic portrayal of spiritual truths and ongoing cosmic conflicts that represent the timeless battle between good and evil. The “Futurist” would assert Revelation primarily refers to future events, more specifically, those of the End Times and the return of Christ. All of these methods of interpretation have merit. However, it appears that moderate futurism may provide a more complete understanding, meaning some prophecies have already been fulfilled in history, some are currently unfolding, while others are still to come. Revelation chapter 16, more likely, falls in the category of things yet to come. The first verse of chapter 16 says a voice is heard from the heavenly temple ordering seven bowls of God’s wrath to be poured out on humanity. This is a futuristic view of the end of The Tribulation period, and unlike Alfred Nobel, who had a chance to correct the trajectory of his life, no one at this juncture in world history will be able to do so. This marks the beginning of Hell on Earth for the damned. Here is what the Bible says about the first bowl of God’s wrath: “Then I heard a mighty voice from the Temple say to the seven angels, ‘Go your ways and pour out on the earth the seven bowls containing God’s wrath.’ “So the first angel left the Temple and poured out his bowl on the earth, and horrible, malignant sores broke out on everyone who had the mark of the beast and who worshiped his statue” (Revelation 16:1, 2). The imagery of bowls of wrath or vials of wrath poured out on the earth finds its root in various ancient texts. In the Greco-Roman world, the concept of pouring out divine retribution was not uncommon. Greek and Roman mythology often featured gods or goddesses pouring out their wrath or curses upon individuals or cities as punishment for their wrongdoing. In the Old Testament, for example, the books of Exodus, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel, have statements associated with the pouring out of God’s anger and fury. In Exodus 7:4-5, what God says to Moses is indicative of his intention to plague the people of Egypt because of their treatment of God’s chosen people. The text reads: “Even then Pharaoh will refuse to listen to you. So, I will bring down my fist on Egypt. Then I will rescue my forces — my people, the Israelites — from the land of Egypt with great acts of judgment. When I raise my powerful hand and bring out the Israelites, the Egyptians will know that I am the LORD” (Exodus 7:4, 5). This passage clarifies that the plagues that came upon Egypt were acts of God’s judgment and a demonstration of His mighty power, which is associated with the pouring out of his wrath. Jeremiah and Ezekiel mention the concept of God’s wrath or the pouring out of His judgment by using the metaphor of a cup filled with his anger and rage. “This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, said to me: ‘Take from my hand this cup filled to the brim with my anger and make all the nations to whom I send you drink from it. When they drink from it, they will stagger, crazed by the warfare I will send against them.’ So, I took the cup of anger from the LORD and made all the nations drink from it — every nation to which the LORD sent me” (Jeremiah 25:15-17). “Because you have followed in your sister’s footsteps, I will force you to drink the same cup of terror she drank. Yes, this is what the Sovereign LORD says: ‘You will drink from your sister’s cup of terror, a cup that is large and deep. It is filled to the brim with scorn and derision” (Ezekiel 23:31-32). The entire construct of “bowls” of wrath, the “cup” of God’s wrath, the “pouring out” of God’s wrath, should not be glossed over. Instead, it should be contemplated carefully. This kind of imagery is meant to signify the full measure of God’s indignation and divine justice. Such phrasing represents the inescapable and inevitable consequences of human wickedness. In modern times, these expressions hold significant theological and moral implications. They are reminders that God’s holy and righteous nature cannot be violated with impunity. These metaphorical terms are prompts, notices, and aide-memoirs to individuals and societies to uphold moral values. In an unprecedented spectacle, Revelation chapter 16 says the first angel unleashed his vessel’s contents upon the Earth, and a cascade of divine affliction flowed. What resulted was a ghastly affliction, vile and repugnant, which was manifest upon everyone who was marked with the emblem of the Antichrist, and all who had paid homage to his graven image. The sores described in the text are literally ulcerated sores, malignant and very painful. Across the spectrum of time, terrible diseases such as smallpox, bubonic plague, and other infectious outbreaks have caused severe skin lesions and sores. The “Bubonic Plague,” also called the “Black Death,” emerged during the mid-14th century, with initial outbreaks in China and Central Asia. It then spread along trade routes, reaching Europe in 1347. The plague rapidly became an unparalleled catastrophe as it wreaked havoc across the continent. The plague acquired its name due to buboes, which were swollen and excruciatingly painful lymph nodes typically found in the groin, armpit, and neck regions. These agonizing swellings rapidly progressed from small lumps to large, purple-black-colored sores filled with pus and blood. The sickness would often lead to tissue necrosis, resulting in the formation of ulcers and malignant sores. The torment of these boils, along with a high fever, headaches, chills, and exhaustion were horrific to witness. The Bubonic Plague caused unprecedented devastation, wiping out approximately 30-60% of Europe’s population during its peak years from 1347 to 1351. Entire communities were decimated, with corpses piling up in the streets due to the overwhelming number of deaths. There have been recent outbreaks of the Bubonic Plague. Fortunately, none of them became major epidemics. One such outbreak occurred in Madagascar in 2017. Over 2,400 cases were reported, with around 200 deaths, predominantly caused by the pneumonic form of the infection. Immediate actions were taken by the World Health Organization (WHO) and Madagascar’s Ministry of Health to control the outbreak, including isolation of the sick, and treatment with antibiotics along with public health education campaigns. Coupled with the grace of God, these measures, kept the outbreak contained. But this raises an important question: Could something like this happen again and all attempts to contain the disease prove futile? When reading Revelation 16, this not only seems possible, but it seems plausible, except the infirmity depicted in Revelation would be much worse. Drawing from a possibility suggested in “Revelation Visualized” by Dr. Gary Cohen and Salem Kirban, this malady may be directly related to taking the Mark of the Beast either in a tattoo or some kind of implant. There have been reported cases of individuals experiencing serious negative reactions, including sores on the body, after getting tattoos or implants placed under the skin. These reactions can occur due to a variety of factors such as allergic reactions, infections, or improper procedures. These allergic reactions can be caused by specific pigments, metals, or other substances used in the tattoo or implant. In some cases, these complications can lead to the formation of sores, rashes, blisters, or other skin abnormalities. This seems quite plausible, too, especially since the Scripture says this plague only affects those who have the Mark of the Beast. There is another possibility that might be a cause for this first terrible bowl judgment of God — the rampant sexual immorality during the Tribulation period. One may recall the way Revelation 9:21 portrayed the people of this time, saying: “And they did not repent of their murders or their witchcraft or their sexual immorality or their thefts.” Each of the sins mentioned in this text is grievous, but it is sexual immorality which can destroy the body. The apostle Paul warned: “Run from sexual sin! No other sin so clearly affects the body as this one does. For sexual immorality is a sin against your own body. Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So, you must honor God with your body” (I Corinthians 6:18-20). This passage emphasizes the destructive nature of sexual immorality. It stresses the importance of honoring the body as a temple of the Holy Spirit and living in line with God’s standards. Contrary to common thinking there isn’t any “safe sex” outside of God’s standards for sexual purity. Sex is for one man and one woman who are committed to each other for life in the bond of marriage. Anything outside of these parameters involves a risk, a game of Russian Roulette with one’s health, not to mention the way fornication and adultery precipitate emotional and psychological damage, relationship issues, unplanned pregnancies that often lead to abortion, social and legal consequences, and of course, spiritual implications. Sexual immorality is no small matter. Could it be that this plague represents a new strain of a severe sexually transmitted disease? There are statistics from health organizations such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom, which report that sexually transmitted diseases are on the rise. Genital Herpes is characterized by painful, fluid-filled blisters or sores on the genitals, buttocks, or anus. The blisters can break open, forming ulcers that eventually scab over. Syphilis progresses through different stages. In the primary stage, a painless sore known as a chancre develops at the site of infection, which can be genital, anal, or oral. If left untreated, additional symptoms can develop. Cancroid leads to the development of painful, ulcerated sores in the genital area. Chancroid is an uncommon STD but can cause significant discomfort. Although HIV/AIDS is not necessarily terminal, there is still no cure for it. Moreover, ulcerated, painful sores can be a part of the affliction. These sores can occur in various parts of the body, including the mouth, genital areas, and other areas of the skin. They may be caused by opportunistic infections, such as herpes simplex virus, which can thrive in individuals with weakened immune systems due to HIV/AIDS. It truly is conceivable that in a day of unrestrained promiscuousness, as one might reasonably presume the Tribulation period would be, since there will be at that time a wholesale rejection of God and his law, an incurable STI or STD is unleashed – one that health authorities are helpless to counter. Thus far, world health officials have been able to provide some semblance of control over the previously mentioned scourges. Thus far, in the book of Revelation, the Seal Judgments and the Trumpet Judgments have been limited in their effect, giving people an opportunity to turn from their sins and receive Christ. Nevertheless, by the time the Bowl Judgments come into the picture, God is no longer pulling his punches, and the full force of an uncurable, unstoppable, unbearable sexually transmitted disease, which shows no mercy, might be what the first angel pours out upon the land. Admittedly, all of these suggested possibilities are pure conjecture or speculation. Nevertheless, what is absolutely certain about this text, is that this plague of nasty, menacing malignancy of dreadful sores is poured out at God’s order on everyone who spurned their rightful Sovereign, Benefactor, and would-be Savior. As Cohen and Kirban say, the ulcerating of these marks on those who took the Mark of the Beast is true justice at the hands of the rejected Great Physician! Consider earnestly! In a symbolic sense, these putrefying, poignant, punishing sores described in Revelation 16 might also represent afflictions of the soul. Sin can be like the ulcerated sores of leprosy that perniciously spread and eat away at one’s spiritual health, joy and peace. Jesus healed and cleansed many lepers. He can heal and cleanse your broken spirit. He can wash away every sin, no matter how repugnant. He’s calling. The offer is still open but the door of opportunity will soon close. Intended To Deceive and Distract: What Stance Should Christians Be Taking on UFOs? – By Tim Moore - You’ve probably been following in the news all the excited talk about Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), also called Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs). Recently, former military intelligence officer-turned-whistleblower, David Grusch, appeared before the House Oversight Committee’s National Security Subcommittee claiming the Executive branch agencies have been withholding real spacecraft and alien remains for decades. And, earlier this year, the Biden and Trudeau administrations were both shooting suspected UFOs out of the sky: one blown up off the coast of South Carolina, another one up in Alaska, a third in the Yukon, and a fourth one in Michigan. Biden actually shot a sidewinder missile at the first UFO! It was hovering way up in the stratosphere some 60,000 feet up. The wreckage later confirmed it was, in reality, a Chinese spy balloon. The other three UFOs were discovered to be much smaller man-made devices that had been traveling lower some 20,000 feet up. Air Force officers, such as General Glenn VanHerck of NORAD, who when asked if UFOs were real, went on record as saying: “I’m not gonna categorize them as balloons. We’re calling them ‘objects’ for a reason.” Well, I’ll say this, if we don’t know what something is, it is unidentified. If it’s in the air, then it’s flying. And, if its size is substantial, then it’s an object. So there you go — there are UFOs! But, are they extraterrestrial? I highly doubt it. As an Air Force Colonel, I know there are technologies out there that would blow most people’s minds if they knew about them. Even when I was briefed on the top secret programs back in the early nineties, I was amazed at what could happen then. I would tell people that once the tech was at last declassified somewhere in the 2020-30s, people would exclaim, “Wow! We can do that?” The answer is, “No, we could actually do that 30 years ago!” So, there are some phenomenal technologies out there that are just coming to light. We’re certainly getting mixed messages from the White House. The current White House press secretary has indicated the administration was not wanting to talk about extraterrestrials and aliens, but then we’ve got the general of NORAD and NORTHCOM speculating. The government seems hesitant to leave out the possibility of extraterrestrial spacecraft. Let’s just recognize this. There’s a great curiosity among all people as to what is by definition unexplained objects appearing above our heads. We often just don’t know what they are, so they’re unexplained. UFOs in the Bible? The big question on many Christian’s minds nowadays is, “Did God create life beyond the Earth?” Some people will point to 2 Kings 2:11 when Elijah was taken up to Heaven in a fiery chariot and claim that’s an ancient person’s description of a UFO. And, later, in 2 Kings 6:17, when Elisha was given the ability to see the chariot, he was really seeing a UFO. Or, with Zechariah 5:2 and the vision of the flying scroll, they’ll conclude that the flying scroll must be a form of spacecraft. They’ll also point to Ezekiel 1:1-10 where Ezekiel witnesses the throne of God, which sits on wheels within wheels, and then claim that God is floating around on a flying saucer. Personally, I think that’s taking Scripture to the extreme. Sure, ancient people were trying to explain what they were seeing. And, now we’ve got modern-day people trying to explain what we still don’t understand. Frankly, I don’t believe these are aliens at all but instead are addressing the spiritual realm. I don’t believe that God has created life outside of this world because He created mankind alone in His image and He alone died for the sins of mankind. So, then, let’s address how the spirit world is perceived. Jesus revealed in Matthew 12:4 how, “when an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest, and finds none.” The Bible also addresses spirits of the air that dwell high up in the sky, that these spirits are bodiless, and that they float around looking for bodies to inhabit. We can conclude then from the Bible that there is indeed a spiritual dimension all around us that we mere mortals just cannot see. So, when it comes to UFOs, are we talking about little green men say from the planet Mars? No, it doesn’t seem so. But, what we are most likely experiencing is demonic in nature. And so, as pilots get higher and higher up into the stratosphere, which is really high up, possibly we are encountering these beings of the air. Could it be that with our modern sensing equipment, coupled with our ability to travel higher into the sky, which we’ve only been able to do for a hundred or so years, that we could actually be encountering angelic or demonic spirits? According to 2 Kings 6:8-23, when it came to Elisha and his servant, the servant had to be given a special dispensation to see spiritually what Elisha had been seeing all the time. The servant saw the physical threat of the Syrian army in front of him, but when the Lord opened his eyes, he beheld the angelic armies arrayed around the city of Dothan. So, sometimes the Lord does give us the ability to see what is normally unseen. Satan is always trying to deceive, so UFOs could well be demonic apparitions. But, to be honest, even though I don’t know what these objects are exactly, I figure that there’s probably a logical explanation. Many of our secret hi-tech devices are being utilized by our government, not to mention enemy and foreign governments. To protect our secret hi-tech from being stolen, our government would naturally not be transparent about them or risk espionage. Distraction and Deception Now, our government would shoot down something just to distract us from what really is taking place that it doesn’t want attention drawn to. Certainly, every time a president gets in trouble, they lob a missile and cry out, “Look over here!” And, right now, President Biden has a lot of shady reasons to distract the American public. I find it interesting what the Bible says in Ephesians 6:12, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” This verse isn’t denoting spirits in Heaven, but in the heavens, meaning the sky. From this verse we learn that the demonic world, though unseen to us, can exist in the sky as well as dwell in the high places, meaning the mountains. Since these disembodied spirits dwell in the air, whether they’re manifesting themselves as unidentified flying objects that can be seen or we now possess just the right modern technology to see them, their purpose seems to be for distraction. Why the distraction then? It’s part of the end-time deception that Satan is using to deceive the world. He’s long been planning on ruling and reigning the world through the Antichrist and so needs to create a crisis. All this UFO talk very well could be preparing the world for the Antichrist to come and as a deception for the Church’s disappearance in the Rapture. This goes right back to Matthew 24, when Jesus said we will be hearing not only of wars and rumors of wars, but of all sorts of other fearful events happening, which will get us stirred up, put our spirit on edge, and make the world fearful. In Matthew 24:24, for instance, Jesus revealed, “For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.” Sadly, there are many of the “elect” right now who are all worked up over the threat of UFOs. Even with all of this drama that we are witnessing, remember what Jesus said in John 14:1, “Let not your heart be troubled.” Satan is going to try to deceive and distract to lead people astray from their Savior. Our Enemy misleads so that people do not focus on Jesus Christ. So, Christians, don’t be distracted! Keep your focus on Jesus Christ. Remember what the destiny of demons is as Jesus told us in Matthew 25:41, “Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels”. All of the wickedness and evil in this world will eventually be dealt with by Jesus Christ. When He returns, evil will be sent to Hell. And, for those who are in Christ — who have accepted Jesus as Savior — we will rule and reign with Him forever. These unidentified flying objects will eventually be identified. And, this crazy age in human history will come to an end. But, right now, let us keep our focus on the Bible and Jesus Christ so that we will not be deceived. Prophecy Update Videos Must Watch Videos! Videos You Can Trust
Your Support is Important to this Ministry - We Could Not Do This Without Your Support! Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift! II Corinthians 9:15 Worthy of Your Support? It has been said, one of the most reliable ways to determine if a ministry is worthy of your financial support is to examine its fruits. If Prophecy Update is keeping you informed and if that information inspires you and causes you to draw closer to the Lord, if Prophecy Update equips you with valuable information and knowledge to share with and encourage other believers and open the eyes of non-believers and if Prophecy Update keeps you connected to current events relating to Bible Prophecy then you are partaking of the fruit produced through this ministry. None of this would be possible without the Lords blessings and your support. I believe where the Lord guides, the Lord provides and most of the time He provides through the willing and generous hearts of believers just like you and me. I genuinely believe that Prophecy Update and many other like-minded ministries, are needed now more than ever! The world is getting darker daily, almost hourly, but never has the light of the Word of God shone so brightly. Never in our history has there been such a thirst for Truth and a need for a Savior! The Prophecy Update website, newsletter, and Video Channels are all dedicated to providing the truth, encouraging and informing believers, and prayerfully opening the eyes and hearts of non-believers with the Gospel, but none of it would be possible without your prayers and support. DONATE HERE Your can also mail your support to: Prophecy Update PO Box 40516 Bakersfield, CA 93384 Looking Up While Locking Down – Terry James - There is a sense among readers that the next proverbial shoe is about to drop—i.e., something big is about to happen, or break, or however one wishes to put it. With all the movement in the world that, from the spiritual perspective, assaults morality every day, comes anxiety I hear expressed consistently. It goes something like: “I just hope the Rapture happens before they are able to put us all in prison, or worse.” The anxiety comes across in different phrasing, but the angst is there and growing. And with all that’s going on, one can’t disagree totally that such worry isn’t somewhat warranted. My own intention is to steer away from getting absorbed in the political process. I’ve gotten too immersed in such “hope” before and now realize that it isn’t earthly politics, but heavenly prophetic truth, we should base our hope on. Hope in the future, yes, but hope in the near time as well. In looking at the political situation, however, we see our nation coming apart at the seams. We are losing the constitutional republic that Benjamin Franklin once said we now had—if we could keep it. The way this presidential administration and its Department of Justice are using their officialdom to destroy people in order to accomplish their absolute rule is indeed troubling, if not terrifying. The way the mainstream media follows and implements the party line of that DC cabal now seems to mimic the Goebbels propagandist machine of the Nazi years. The blatancy with which the constitution is being ignored and eviscerated indeed should give the thinking American citizen reason for worry, to put it mildly. And now there is more and more talk that a new pandemic is on the way. It is as if we are being prepared through that same system of propaganda to expect pestilence even more virulent than COVID so-called pandemic. That was almost certainly a test to check the degree of compliance that could be achieved, both by Americans and the rest of the world. Sadly, it looks to have been successful in many ways. The powers that be of Ephesians 6:12—both demonic and human minions—have changed this country and other nations, I believe, in ways that have set in place a pathway for Satan to bring his man of sin to power. The lockdowns have some still sequestered in their homes here and across the world, either forbidden to go out into the world in a normal way through governmental edict or continued fear people have of exposure to their environment. The minions, in that regard, are using the climate-change lie to further bring about the lockdown of humanity they want, as the World Economic Forum and other agencies of the Luciferian sort continue to move toward implementing their blueprint as expressed in the Agenda 30 plans. This planning is somewhat exposed in the following. Covid was just the test run for what the WHO is planning for next time. The World Economic Forum (WEF), run by Klaus Schwab, is also involved with spearheading the scheme, which the Daily Exposé describes as follows: “WHO’s ‘Pandemic Treaty’ will not only be concerned with pandemics. It introduces globally the ‘One Health’ ideology. The concept recognizes the interdependence of human and animal health and the connection with the environment. “Through this One Health agenda, WHO will have the power to make decisions in matters relating to the environment (including greenhouse gas emissions, pollution, and deforestation), animal health (e.g., livestock), and human health (including vaccinations, social determinants, and population movement). With these extended powers, WHO could readily declare a climate or environmental emergency and enforce lockdowns.” Patricia Harrity, Expose, “Next On the Agenda Towards Totalitarianism…..Climate Lockdowns!” 8/4/23) As stated before, those who are spiritually attuned to what is taking place often state they hope the Rapture occurs before we’re all placed in lockdown—and not just in the sense of being sequestered in our homes. There is coming a time when one will come on the scene who is worse than Adolf Hitler and his Nazi terrors. But we know one thing we can take comfort from. God has not appointed us to that time–the seven years of Tribulation when the entire world will be locked down in the most heinous way. We are to be looking up—Looking up for our “blessed hope” (Titus 2: 13). When we see exactly what we are witnessing by way of the wickedness preparing the way for Antichrist, Jesus Instructed us what to do: And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. (Luke 21:28) 'We're getting close' - By Nicole Alcindor - Harvest Christian Fellowship Church Pastor Greg Laurie recently shared with his congregation key signs Jesus is coming back and provided tips on how to prepare for the momentous occasion. In a July 30 sermon titled “Is Jesus Coming Back Again?” Laurie said the New Testament mentions Christ's return over 300 times or about one of every 13 verses. He highlighted that the Bible heavily emphasizes Christ's return, with 27% to 33% of it being prophecy, and that many of the predictions have already happened. “We can look in retrospect at prophecies that were once in the future but are now in the past and realize that God predicted those things with 100 percent accuracy. Therefore, we can be safe in concluding that He will fulfill the other prophecies that are yet in our future," he said. WATCH: Laurie said there are "signs of the times" showing Christ's imminent return. He cited "the emergence of China as a superpower," "the lessening of the United States as a superpower," "the repeated threats against Israel spoken of in the Bible" and "statements from our world leaders about a potential Armageddon" due to the war in Ukraine. “I would add to this the explosion of technology, especially artificial intelligence, increasing government overreach in our lives, where the government is seeking to gain more and more control of what happens to us,” he continued. “I would also add the dramatic increase of drug use decimating American cities, international financial instability, mass shootings, the disintegration of the family, the calculated attacks against the family. The Bible says, ‘In the last days, there will be satanically energized times and things will go from bad to worse.” Christians puzzled by global events over the past 15 years, especially the last three years, should see them as indications of Jesus' imminent return, Laurie added. “Things that are happening right before our eyes, the blatant pushing and promotion of immorality on every single platform, the redefinition of what a man and a woman are, including child gender mutilation, where young children think that they're transgender and the parents actually encouraging these surgeries,” the pastor said. “I would add to this the aggressive marketing of this evil on mainstream platforms, including stores and streaming services. It's just crazy. These are signs of the times.” Laurie noted that while many of the signs he listed pointing to Jesus' return are predominantly negative, there are also some positive indicators of the End Times. He referenced Acts 2:17, which states that, in the last days, God “will pour my spirit out on all flesh. Your sons and your daughters will prophesy. Your old men will dream dreams and your young men will see visions.” “When I came to Christ during the Jesus Movement, I was dreaming the dreams. Now, I'm the old man seeing the visions. But it's on all flesh, the Holy Spirit being poured out. So many exciting things,” Laurie said. As an example of this outpouring, Laurie cited the Asbury University revival in Kentucky, where thousands of students engaged in prolonged prayer, attracting global attention. He also emphasized the influence of the "Jesus Revolution" film, which has led to numerous conversions and spontaneous baptisms. He advised Christians to ask themselves two questions: “What does this all mean to us?" and "How should we be impacted by this teaching from Scripture that Christ could come back at any time?” “It should have an impact on us," he said. "It's a blessing to study Bible prophecy. Some people say, ‘Well, you can’t understand it and it's too hard to sort out.’ I beg to differ. It is not God's desire to conceal, but to reveal. And the very word 'revelation' means the 'unveiling.'" Laurie emphasized that "there's a blessing attached to the person who studies the book of Revelation, in particular, and Bible prophecy in general." However, Laurie warned that "people sometimes go to extremes," as such trying to set an exact date for Jesus' return. He cited Matthew 24:36: “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." "We don't 'know the day or the hour.' I don't believe in date-setting, but I do believe we're getting close," he added. "This is something God wants us to know about. And this is something that as we study it, should impact us personally." Laurie said it's important for Christians to be patient when waiting for the Lord's return, adding that "there's an element of excitement in this patience." "I'm really looking forward to that moment, sort of like a kid waiting for Christmas Day to happen, so they can open up their presents. You're looking forward to this," Laurie said. "We should not be having a relaxed attitude. We should be alert. Romans 13:11 says, 'Understanding the present time, the hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber because our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. The night is nearly over. The day is almost here.'" Regarding why Jesus has not returned yet, Laurie noted that he believed "Christ has not returned yet because He's waiting for more people to come into the Kingdom of God." "The Bible says, 'God is not late.' As some men calculate this. He's not slow in keeping His promise. He's patient with you, not willing that any should perish, but He wants everyone to come to repentance,'" Laurie said. "I think sometimes we groan. We make it all about ourselves. 'Oh, Lord, this world is so evil. I just want you to come and catch us up to Heaven to be in your presence.' But the Lord is saying, 'Yeah, I hear that. But you know what? I want more souls saved. I want more people in my Kingdom. And I want you to care about that.'" Daily Jot: FDA says Ivermectin ban was just a joke - Bill Wilson – After the possibility of thousands of lives that could have been saved by treating COVID with Ivermectin and hundreds of doctors whose licenses were revoked or practices harmed by the Food and Drug Administration’s ban on such treatment, the FDA is now saying it didn’t prohibit anyone from being treated by the drug, describing its statements as “merely quips.” Maybe it’s all fun and word games with the FDA, but to the millions of people who were affected by their statements that Ivermectin was not approved for COVID treatment, it was a game of life or death. The FDA approved the experimental mRNA shots with full knowledge of the deadly side-affects, but now it’s saying it never banned the use of Ivermectin. The Epoch Times reports that Department of Justice lawyer representing the FDA, Ashley Cheung Honold, during oral arguments on August 8 in the US Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit, said, “FDA explicitly recognizes that doctors do have the authority to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID.” But that’s not what FDA’s website says. The FDA has on its website the following statement, “The FDA has not authorized or approved ivermectin for use in preventing or treating COVID-19 in humans or animals.” Indeed, on August 21, 2021, FDA wrote on X (formerly Twitter), You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.” The post linked to a page with reasons why FDA does not approve Ivermectin for COVID treatment. Remember that? Now after a lawsuit by frontline doctors who were harmed by the FDA’s stance against Ivermectin, the FDA is saying that it didn’t really mean that Ivermectin couldn’t be used to treat COVID. Honald said, “In some contexts, those words could be construed as a command. But in this context, where FDA was simply using these words in the context of a quippy tweet meant to share its informational article, those statements do not rise to the level of a command…FDA is clearly acknowledging that doctors have the authority to prescribe human ivermectin to treat COVID. So they are not interfering with the authority of doctors to prescribe drugs or to practice medicine.” That’s not how the media construed the comments at the time. In fact, anyone considering Ivermectin as a COVID treatment was ridiculed, persecuted, and many doctors were prohibited from using the life-saving drug to treat COVID. Now FDA is passing its actions off in court as “quippy.” It’s not quippy. It’s not funny. FDA misled people to get them to take an experimental drug with deadly side-affects that were reported by the drug companies in documents submitted for FDA approval. Jeremiah 7:8 says, “Behold, you trust in deceptive words to no avail.” And in this case many did and many suffered for it. The fact of the matter is that we cannot trust this government. Our trust must be in Christ alone. Sources: Daily Devotion: Revived by God’s Word - by Greg Laurie – LORD, how great is your mercy; let me be revived by following your regulations. —Psalm 119:156 - Listen As Christians, we are either progressing or regressing. We are either going forward or going backward. The moment we stop our forward momentum is the moment we begin our backward regression. It’s the moment we start going in the wrong direction spiritually. Of course, we all have those times as believers when we stumble, when we trip up. There are times when we make the wrong decisions or think the wrong thoughts. When this happens, we need to repent, of course. But we also need revival and refreshment in our spiritual lives. And there’s refreshing power in the Word of God. The psalmist David wrote, “The instructions of the Lord are perfect, reviving the soul. The decrees of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple” (Psalm 19:7 NLT). If we want to be growing Christians, then we need to be Bible-studying Christians. We want to build our lives on Christ and His Word. At the end of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gave this summary statement: “Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock. Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won’t collapse because it is built on bedrock” (Matthew 7:24–25 NLT). Every life will be tested. Every one of us will face storms as followers of Jesus. So, let’s make sure that we build on the right foundation, which is a relationship with Jesus Christ. But we must also study the Word of God. As we read, study, memorize, and dig into the Bible, it will refresh us spiritually. Don’t build your Christian life on experience. Don’t build it on fickle emotions. Rather, build your life on Jesus Christ and God’s Word. PROPHECY UPDATE NEWS HEADLINES Yesterday's Prophecies - Today's Headlines HEADLINES IN PARTNERSHIP WITH TRACKING BIBLE PROPHECY 8/15/23
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