Revival or Rapture? – Jonathan Brentner -
Is this it? Are we at the end of human history as know it? Is the Rapture next on God’s prophetic calendar? Or are we about to see a worldwide revival that will halt the world’s seemingly unstoppable path to the kingdom of the antichrist? A song written and sung by Kari Jobe, Amen (Simple Gospel), affirms the later reality. The song contains these lyrics that point to the church as our hope in this current age: “The church will arise / With power and love / Our cities will know / The glory of God / The future is bright / There's nothing to fear / Revival is now / The Kingdom is here” The words to Jobe’s song sound wonderful, but does the Bible teach that the church will triumph over the current forces of darkness actively at work everywhere we look? No, it does not. Nor does it tell us that the future will be “bright” for planet earth apart from the return of Jesus. I believe the world has passed the point of no return; the coming day of the Lord will soon sweep over the earth and forever change life on the planet. Scripture teaches that God’s wrath is on its way to a Christ-rejecting world. As believers, we have cause for much optimism, but such an expectation lies exclusively in Jesus’ imminent return for His church. Our hope rests in our departure from this world, which may happen very soon. Yes, many have turned to Jesus as a result of the media-driven fear that resulted from the COVID-19 virus. We hear about pockets of revival in many places. Millions of Muslims have turned to Christ in past two decades. However, because of the following considerations, I believe the Rapture of the church represents the only real hope in our day. THE CONVERGING OF A MULTITUDE OF SIGNS The main characteristic of today that sets it apart from any other time is the convergence of a multitude of prophetic signs found in the Bible. Yes, the world wars of the past century were terrible and the death toll from the communist regimes exceeded one hundred million. However, back then the stage was not set for the antichrist as it is today. Consider how the following conditions make today much different:
I could list several more as I did in a recent post, A Dozen Prophetic Signs that Tell Us We Live on the Edge of Eternity. Today is qualitatively different than any other period of history; the current prophetic signs of the Bible reveal the closeness of the seven-year tribulation. THE GLOBALISTS ALREADY CONTROL MANY NATIONS Klaus Schwab, the founder and head of the World Economic Forum, is one of many leaders who have been pushing for a one world government during the past several decades. His efforts have come to the forefront since the COVID-19 virus swept over the earth. The Great Reset championed by the WEF is nothing less than a worldwide Marxist government that will enslave the people of the world. The virus and mRNA injections have become the backdrop for many nations imposing harsh restrictions on the populace. Canada, Australia, Germany, Italy, New Zealand, and many other countries have already imposed draconian restrictions on people that have all the earmarks of the coming Tribulation as described in the book of Revelation. In America, Marxist governors and mayors are already seeking to restrict all public functions to the vaccinated. The globalists already control much of the free world today and they will only intensify their stranglehold on all those under their control. For more on this, please see my previous post, Transhumanism and the Nearness of the Tribulation. It’s not a denial of God’s redeeming power that leads me to believe we live in the last days of human history; no, it’s a belief in what God’s Word says about the last days that drives me to that conclusion. THE RESISTANCE WILL FAIL Like many of you, I have seen the tens of thousands marching in the streets across the world in protest of the “vaccine” mandates. In the United States, the resistance to the COVID-19 injections grows steadily as more and more evidence points to their ineffectiveness and severely harmful affect on those injected with them. However, because of the time in which we live and the control that the globalists already have, I believe that the worldwide opposition to the mandates will eventually fail. Initially, the news that the U.S. Supreme Court had blocked Biden’s vaccine mandate for large businesses encouraged me. However, the fact that they did not extend the same protection to healthcare personnel troubles me. Does that not suggest that they made their initial ruling on something other than individual freedom? Why should one group be exempt from these draconian measures while others suffer great harm from them? Leo Hohmann, in his blog post Brace yourself for Impact: Luciferian elite launch ‘Great Collapse’ of Western civilization, wrote the following: “It’s all designed to happen by very powerful entities that operate at a level above our elected political leaders. The decisions that are leading to the collapse are being made by those buying into Klaus Schwab’s vision as put forth by the World Economic Forum and allied entities such as the United Nations, the Gates, Rockefeller, Soros and Ford foundations, and the corporate power elites on the interlocking boards of directors at Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street and Fidelity. Those four financial investment houses own a controlling share of almost every one of the world’s largest corporations, including the largest banks.”[i] The multitude of prophetic signs combined with the stranglehold that the globalists already have on the governments and world commerce tell me that the resistance we see will fail. To date, the protests have made no impact whatsoever in changing the policies of the nations where they have occurred. IT’S TOO LATE FOR AMERICA Noticeably missing from pages of biblical prophecy is any mention of the United States. Something must happen to remove America from its current position of power and influence in the world, and indeed it’s already happening. Please know that I love my country and cherish the freedoms and protections it has afforded me during my life. However, the powers that control the U.S. are leading us down a dark path from which there will be no return. We are divided as never before from a self-inflicted wound that’s incurable. I believe God’s judgment is already here and will only get worse in the coming months. Even if the U.S. Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade later this year, it will be far too late to make a lasting impact. The wicked scourge of abortion will continue unabated in many places. Unless we put an immediate, total, and abrupt end to barbaric practice of abortion and the resulting infanticide, we will remain on the path of God’s judgment. I believe the destruction of the U.S. will happen soon after the Rapture, but the signs of America’s demise will continue to worsen until then. Kari Jobe’s song, Amen (Simple Gospel), represents a false optimism that’s not found in Scripture nor does exist anywhere in our current world. The church will not arise victorious and make the glory of God known in our cities. How can anyone expect such a result with the church in its current divided and apostate condition? Most churches today preach a diluted or false Gospel that renders them powerless to affect lifegiving changes in their cities. Many of them advocate the very sins tearing apart the fabric of our society. How can they be a light in the darkness? I know of many pastors and teachers that advocate the church as our hope. I have heard this over and over from those with a wide variety of beliefs, even from those who say they believe the Bible. However, the future only holds joy and wonder because of Christ. He’s coming soon to take us up to heaven. We have a glorious future because of Jesus. It’s not just a matter of revival versus the Rapture; it’s that of trusting the only One with power to change the world in which we live. Jesus is the One that will bring about the glorious time we know as the Millennium. Those that believe the the church will bring about such a restoration either do not know, believe, or understand Scripture. My new book, The Triumph of the Redeemed-An eternal Perspective that Calms Our Fears in Perilous Times, is now available on Amazon and at the Defender Bookstore. [i] Leo Hohmann, Brace yourself for Impact: Luciferian elite launch ‘Great Collapse’ of Western civilization, at: Sowing Lawlessness… to Reap a Police State? – Hal Lindsey - On his third day in office, Manhattan’s new District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, instructed his staff to stop the prosecutions of many serious crimes. They will no longer prosecute people for resisting arrest, prostitution, theft of services, or most instances of trespassing. Where he can, the new District Attorney is downgrading crimes like armed robbery from felonies to mere misdemeanors. That means people using a gun to commit robbery will, in some cases, be back on the streets without ever seeing the inside of a jail cell. These changes, he said, will “make us safer.” Imagine a James Bond-style master villain with practically unlimited resources. Let’s say this villain wants a global police state. That’s a tall order. Our villain will have to move strategically. So, he starts with the world’s most influential nation — the United States. How would one go about turning a free nation into a police state? When you think about it, the answer is obvious. Inundate that nation with the seeds of lawlessness, then water those seeds. Encourage the weeds of crime while removing good and fruitful plants. Get rid of things like order and justice. Open the prisons. Make arrests meaningless. Reward evil and penalize good. Carefully nurture a garden of evil. This, in turn, will make life so miserable for ordinary citizens that they will not only tolerate more government reach into their lives, they will demand it! The villain’s goal is to make them want peace and safety at all costs. That’s where Manhattan, Los Angeles, and other major jurisdictions across the United States are headed. This country has chosen to embrace and even celebrate all kinds of sin and debauchery. Unless the US turns from this wickedness, it will fall. And that fall will devastate democracies everywhere. On our way down, the villain (in this case, Satan himself) plans to use American dysfunction to bring ever-increasing chaos to the whole planet. The Bible describes these two seemingly contradictory things both coming true in the last days — lawlessness and a police state. In Matthew, chapters 24 and 25, Jesus gives a discourse on the time leading up to His return. In Matthew 24:12, He said, “Lawlessness will abound.” [NKJV] Revelation 13 describes global government control so complete that people will be required to worship its leader. It describes a control mechanism so strict that people will not be able to buy or sell without government approval in the form of the mark of the beast. The technology enabling that level of economic control has only recently been developed and is just now coming into use. To enforce such draconian rules will take a surveillance state backed by a police state. How could people ever put up with such changes? Fear. And a big part of that fear will be the fear of lawlessness. People are beginning to hear the chaos of the streets pounding on the doors of their homes. More and more are afraid to go out. They fear every random sound in the night. As this gets worse, they will demand police protection at any cost, including the cost of their freedoms. In the long run, defunding police and failure to prosecute criminals will mean an increase in both police power and in government control. Nearing Midnight: New York City Has Turned into San Francisco – Todd Strandberg - It just dumbfounds me that one major city after another is having people vote into office individuals who are dingbats. When the people of Chicago voted for a cop-hating, Lesbian, leftist black woman, I knew it was going to be a disaster. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot turned the city streets over to criminals. The City of San Francisco is one of the most lawless cities in America. Drug addicts can shoot up with heroin in plain sight of a cop, and thieves can walk into a Walgreens and steal up to $950 worth of products with no consequences. The homeless can set up camp anywhere they like. Seattle, like most other Democrat-run cities across the US, has experienced a massive spike in crime thanks to radical, felon-first policies that have emboldened criminals like never before. Employees of KIRO News Radio captured a shocking example of this new policy in action when they recorded a driver of a stolen vehicle casually driving away from several police officers who had surrounded the car with their weapons drawn. In every other time in history, the reaction to what is taking place in Chicago, San Francisco, and Seattle would be an overwhelming demand for tougher policies on criminal activity. There would be a recall election for Lori Lightfoot to replace her with someone who makes the city safer for citizens. Amazingly, the surge in crime has had no effect on the trend towards lawlessness. The people of New York City voted into office a D.A. that is clearly on the side of criminals. In his first memo to staff, Alvin Bragg said his office “will not seek a sentence” except with homicides and a handful of other cases, including domestic violence felonies, some sex crimes, and public corruption. Bragg’s memo also detailed the following instructions for prosecutors to reduce charges filed by cops in various cases: Armed robbers who use guns or other deadly weapons to stick up stores and other businesses will be prosecuted only for petty larceny, a misdemeanor, provided no victims were seriously injured and there’s no “genuine risk of physical harm” to anyone. Armed robbery, a class B felony, would typically be punishable by a maximum of 25 years in prison, while petty larceny subjects offenders to up to 364 days in jail and a $1,000 fine. Convicted criminals caught with weapons other than guns will have those felony charges downgraded to misdemeanors unless they’re also charged with more serious offenses. Criminal possession of a weapon in the third degree, a class D felony, is punishable by up to 7 years behind bars. Burglars who steal from residential storage areas, parts of homes that aren’t “accessible to a living area,” and businesses located in mixed-use buildings will be prosecuted for a low-level class D felony that only covers break-ins instead of for more serious crimes. Those more serious crimes, class B and class C felonies, would be punishable by up to 25 and up to 15 years in prison respectively. Drug dealers believed to be “acting as a low-level agent of a seller” will be prosecuted only for misdemeanor possession. Also, suspected dealers will only be prosecuted on felony charges if they’re also accused of more serious crimes or are actually caught in the act of selling drugs. That felony would mean facing up to seven years behind bars. Bragg also ordered his staff to stop pursuing low-level offenses. People involved in prostitution, drug use, and petty theft now have an assurance that even if they are arrested, they will never see any jail time. If you don’t enforce lesser crimes, you will end up with more serious crimes. Someone who gets away with stealing from a drug store will be just as willing to rob a bank. “In Bragg’s Manhattan, you can resist arrest, deal drugs, obstruct arrests, and even carry a gun and get away with it,” Drug Enforcement Administration president Paul DiGiacomo said in a prepared statement. The moves sparked immediate outrage from cops who said the new policies will lead to more crime and shootings. The head of the NYPD’s largest union, the Police Benevolent Association, expressed “serious concerns about the message these types of policies send to both police officers and criminals on the street.” The reason why judges and district attorneys have gone soft on crime is because of our eroding moral foundation. Bragg doesn’t understand the basic nature of evil. He thinks if we just lower the standards on prosecution, the crime problem will go away. When New York quickly turns into San Francisco, there will be no backlash against Bragg’s policy change. San Francisco has a D.A. that operates just like Bragg, and no one cares because most people’s hearts are blind to the truth. “And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold” (Matthew 24:12). Another Major Shortage Alert: The Florida Orange Crop In 2022 Will Be The Smallest Since World War II - by Michael Snyder - Over the past couple of years, we have been hit by one thing after another. Whenever it seems like things may be calming down, another crisis suddenly erupts, and as a result a lot of Americans have developed a really bad case of “crisis fatigue” at this point. According to Google, crisis fatigue is “a burnout response to prolonged exposure to unexpected and stressful events”. Perhaps you can identify with that definition because it sounds exactly like what you are experiencing. Unfortunately, the truth is that what we have been through so far is just the beginning. As I have been warning for years, as “the perfect storm” gets rolling it is just going to keep getting worse and worse. This week, I was shocked to learn that we are now facing a major agricultural nightmare in the state of Florida. According to Fox Business, it is being projected that this will be “the smallest Florida orange crop since World War II”… Government agricultural forecasters said they expect the smallest Florida orange crop since World War II, touching off a rally in juice futures that were already at their highest level in years because of the pandemic. The U.S. Agriculture Department said last week that it expects Florida to produce 44.5 million 90-pound boxes of oranges this year, trimming its already low expectations and predicting that the crop will wind up smaller than the one that was ruined by 2017’s Hurricane Irma. If the forecast is accurate, it will be the smallest harvest since 1945. In 1945, there were 139 million people living in the United States. Today, there are 329 million people living here. So we are actually going to have less than half as many Florida oranges per person as they did in 1945. Let that sink in for a moment. At a time when food supplies are already getting very tight, we are being told that the orange harvest in Florida is going to be at a frighteningly low level. The primary reason why the harvest is going to be so bad is due to a plague called “citrus greening disease”… The big culprit this time around, the Florida Department of Citrus said, is citrus greening, an incurable disease that thins the crowns of trees and saps their vitality. Spread by invasive tree lice, greening has plagued Florida’s groves since it was first detected there in 2005. In a report on Wednesday, the Agriculture Department said a lot more oranges than usual are on the ground, and the fruit that is being harvested is unusually small. Needless to say, this is going to impact all of us. There will be less oranges in our grocery stores, and those that are available will be much more expensive… “You have your classical supply-demand mismatch,” said Shawn Hackett, president of Hackett Financial Advisors, which specializes in agricultural commodities analysis. Because of that, consumers should expect “much higher prices at the supermarket.” Orange juice is already ridiculously expensive. I can’t even imagine what a “much higher price” for orange juice would look like. Meanwhile, nationwide shortages of cold medicine and cough syrup continue to intensify. The following comes from an article about what is going on in north Texas… Shoppers in North Texas are noticing stores running out of cold medicine and cough syrup. Many stores are selling out of the items as soon as new shipments arrive. Chains say they are still struggling with disruptions to the supply chain. Many in the mainstream media are insisting that many of the painful shortages that we are now experiencing will begin to subside once warmer weather arrives. You can believe that if you wish. But the truth is that there are several factors which could soon make our supply chain headaches even worse. For example, a strict new vaccine mandate for truckers going into or out of Canada just went into effect. A similar mandate for truckers going into or out of the United States will be implemented on January 22nd. And unfortunately the trucking industry was given very little time to prepare for these mandates… When questioned about this, Canadian Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Dominic Leblanc says the trucking industry “has had adequate time to prepare for this.” Keep in mind, the mandate was announced 45 days ago (November 30th). According to the Canadian government, changing the structural rules for all the logistics and commerce in cross border shipping, 45 days is enough notice. Needless to say, this is going to cause even more supply chain problems, but at this point nobody is quite sure how bad things will get… The truth is no one knows how bad the disruption will be. What we do know is that there will be disruption, and there is no infrastructure for a level of rig-switching at the border crossing region that could accommodate changing rigs, drop-offs and/or pick-ups or driver transfers on the scale that is being discussed. The logistics here are a total mess. Personally, I think that Canada will be hit harder by this than the U.S. will. When the CEO of Canadawide Fruits was asked about the new mandates, he said that transportation costs increased by 25 percent last week alone… The mainstream media is finally warning that the trucker vaccine mandate will likely increase the costs of fruit and vegetables. The CEO of Canadawide Fruits told Bloomberg that the cost of transporting produce climbed 25% last week. Another major factor which is going to make things even more difficult in 2022 is the new energy crisis which has erupted in recent months. All traditional forms of energy are becoming more expensive, and that includes the price of oil. In fact, the price of West Texas Intermediate just hit the highest level in seven years… Crude prices rose to their highest level since the 2014 shale-induced oil crash, a milestone in a rally that is gathering momentum as geopolitical tensions threaten to knock supply. Futures for West Texas Intermediate, the main grade of U.S. crude, added $1.61 per barrel, or 1.9%, to $85.43 on Tuesday. That marks the highest closing level since October 2014, when oil prices were moving in the opposite direction as a gusher of U.S. crude flooded the market. It takes energy to produce the food that we eat, and it takes energy to transport that food to the stores. So higher energy prices will inevitably lead to higher food prices. Of course it isn’t just the price of food that is going to be shooting up. Just about everything is going to cost quite a bit more in 2022, and the inflationary spiral that has now begun is going to be exceedingly difficult to deal with. But our leaders in Washington insist that they have everything under control, and they want you to continue to trust their judgment. Daily Jot: Stupidocrisy: Biden’s destructive delusion - Bill Wilson – Economic indicators such as manufacturing production continues to fall. Retail sales fell 1.9% in December. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported on January 12 that inflation rose 7% in the 12 months through December, the highest since June 1982—that’s 40 years. Average hourly earnings adjusted for inflation fell 2.4% during the same time. Housing rental costs were up nearly 18%, the largest increase in history. Yet Joe Biden was delusional when addressing these historically bad numbers by saying: “Today’s report—which shows a meaningful reduction in headline inflation over last month, with gas prices and food prices falling—demonstrates that we are making progress in slowing the rate of price increases.” What? No wonder Rasmussen Reports indicate that 58% disapprove of Joe Biden’s job performance, 48% strongly disapprove. The guy’s policies are destroying the nation’s economy which is felt most by those of us who are considered the middle-class backbone of the country. You just can’t do what he did and have a good report. Think about it. Within his first week in office, he stopped work order on the keystone pipeline, killing11,400 jobs. The American Petroleum Institute said halting oil and gas drilling on federal lands would cost a million jobs. The Chamber of Commerce estimated the Paris Climate reentry would cost 6.5 million jobs. All in all, the new president may have put over 7.5 million Americans out of work in his first week. Plus, his actions raised fuel costs, which raises the cost of everything. What have you been paying for gas? Let us remember how the media and the delusional democrats attacked and demonized President Trump. Under just four years of Donald Trump, the economy grew at an average of 2.5% per year, not counting the COVID lockdown. Under the first three years of Trump, unemployment declined to 3.5%. Democrats and the mainstream news media like to say that Trump’s final employment report was far worse than any president, but they fail to say that the COVID lockdown turned Trump’s employment record upside down. Prior to the lockdown, the number of employed Americans broke 25 records, reaching an all-time high of 158.8 million. More Black folk were employed than in any time in US history. All this is wiped out with Biden’s systematic destruction of the economy in favor of statist control and heavy-handed government. Biden promises to kill the oil and coal industries and do all these things that will financially harm every American. The populated city areas vote him in anyway. Then he does it, costing us all, disproportionately the poor fools who voted for him. Proverbs 18:2 says, “A fool has no delight in understanding, but that his heart may discover itself.” You would think that when a guy says he is going to put you out of work, raise your taxes, and his actions will raise the cost of living for everyone, that people would understand his words. Even with all that, he says we are making progress. Progress at what? Destroying the nation and enslaving its citizens? How much foolishness does it take to have at least minimal understanding? Biden’s foolishness is both intentional and delusional. Nevertheless, it’s…Say it with me… Stupidocrisy. Daily Devotion: Hot-Water Faith - by Greg Laurie – And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him. —Hebrews 11:6 - Listen Someone has said that Christians are a lot like teabags. You don’t know what they’re made of until you put them into hot water. Maybe you’re in the hot water of temptation or testing right now, and you’re saying, “This is trying my faith. I don’t know if I can get through this. In fact, I’m starting to lose my faith.” James 1:2–4 tells us, “Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing” (NLT). Also, if you’re thinking about what the Scriptures say, it can strengthen and build your faith. Romans 10:17 says, “So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ” (NLT). In other words, we get faith by reading and understanding the Word of God. The more we read the Bible, the stronger our faith can become. So we want to be looking into the Word of God. Hebrews 11:6 says that “it is impossible to please God without faith” (NLT). What God did in the lives of people years ago, He can still do in the lives of people today. God wants to work in your life. He wants to work in your home. He wants to work in your sphere of influence. God wants to do something fresh in our generation. So we need to apply faith. However, the faith that cannot be tested is a faith that cannot be trusted. The faith we need grows stronger through testing. So if you have a real faith in God, your faith will grow stronger through adversity and difficulty, not weaker. FROM THE HEART Let Us Make the Short Time We have Left, Count for ALL of Eternity! 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Humbly Seek Your Support Prophecy Update has no corporate sponsors. This ministry is paid for and prayed for by readers and supporters. Without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update, Please pray about becoming a monthly supporter - thanks! If ever there was a time to invest in God's Kingdom, it's now! What on earth are you doing for Heaven's Sake? "Share in the Blessings and Rewards that will last Forever!" "Folks, it's all beginning to unravel. America is in more danger of falling than at any time in its history. But I believe Bible prophecy predicts this very decline. From this point on, we believers have to get serious. We are going to face discouragement, disillusionment and, most certainly, persecution in the time between now and the Rapture. But don't be discouraged or disillusioned. The coming turmoil will provide us unrivaled opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. So be ready to share your faith and your hope with those who need Christ. We still have time to reap a great harvest of souls for God's kingdom!" - Hal Lindsey 1) We need your prayers!- We proclaim the Truth of the Word of God and we are under constant spiritual and sometimes even physical attack. 2) We need your encouragement!- We need to hear from you, let us know how the Lord is blessing you through this ministry so that we can share it with others. 3) We need your input! - If you have a prophetic article or story or if there is a news related item we missed, let us know. 4) We need your financial support!- To put it quite simply, without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update. I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to get the Word out and keep the world informed. Remember, your gift, no matter how small, does make a difference! You will be helping to touch lives, around the world, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, thanks to the internet your generosity carries a global impact! - Thanks! Our Prayer for You- "Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else." 2 Corinthians 9:10-13 If you have been blessed by Prophecy Update and would like to help support this ministry financially. You can make a secure donation online by going to: DONATE NOW Or write us at: Prophecy Update P.O. 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