Root of New-World-Order Evil – Terry James -
“Follow the money” is a familiar suggestion when looking for the cause of something nefarious. To my way of thinking, nothing is more nefarious, in terms of human evil, than the powers and principalities of Ephesians 6:12 attempting to bring in their New World Order. This matter is at the very heart of Satan’s determination to enslave and rule over a world of human beings he wants to worship him. Just like in most all other areas of human interaction, “following the money” is essential in investigating the drive of the world’s globalists elite to control every facet of buying and selling. God’s Word says the following: For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. (1 Timothy 6:10) Wealth—that is, money and those who control money—is always at the heart of power. Satan, therefore, has plied those who covet power down through the ages with the riches of this world. He even tempted Jesus with the promise that he, Satan, would give Jesus all the wealth of the world if He would fall down and worship him. The devil continues along the same path he started on in the Garden of Eden. “You will be like God,” he told Adam and Eve, if they would just obey him and eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Any honest appraisal of things that have gone on in what is known now as the Washington, DC, swamp must conclude that the love of money is at the heart of the anti-God activities spawned by government and the vast amounts of money leaders wield. Many among our elected representatives shape and tailor policies to best suit the influence for votes they need to stay in power. –This and consort with powerful monetary entities who pay big sums for influence within policy-making. These, it seems, consider federal taxes their own, not ours. And the out-of-control spending has us many trillions of dollars in debt–debt that generations to come will never be able to pay. Yet the money-printing presses keep running. But there is an answer to the burgeoning debt on the way. We can clearly see the solution shaping up hour by hour. We have to get away from how business is currently done. We must go to the digital dollar—a type of electronic-funds transfer. The digital way of doing business is destined to be all we hear about in the coming days. Governments, both in America and abroad, must have total control over the rest of us and how we buy and sell. The digital dollar and all it entails is even now being designed to give power and authority not unlike that exerted over the Chinese people by the CCP. One excerpt article captures the essence of what is going on in the clandestine corridors of governmental power across the world. At the end of June government leaders and think-tank power brokers from around the world met at the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact in Paris… As with all climate change related events the discussion in Paris inevitably turned to international centralization of power and the formation of a global consortium to fix the problems that they claim sovereign nations cannot or will not fix. However, what I’m seeing more and more in the past couple years is a convergence of narratives – Central banks and international banks are now suddenly more concerned with carbon taxation and global warming than they seem to be concerned with stagflation and economic collapse. Likely because this was the goal all along and economic collapse is part of the plan. Globalists are now combining the climate change issue with international finance and monetary authority. In other words, they aren’t hiding the fact that the climate change agenda is part of the “Great Reset” agenda anymore. They are even suggesting that the threat of climate change be used as a springboard for giving global banks more power to dictate the circulation of wealth and for deconstructing the existing system so it can be replaced with something else… … I suspect that this is all culminating in a currency crisis which the globalists will use as an opportunity to finally introduce their CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) model. And once CBDCs are implemented their ability to dominate the populace will be complete. A cashless system with no privacy in transactions and the ability to shut down the buying power of individuals and groups at will? It’s a totalitarian’s dream scenario. (“Globalists Suggest ‘Finance Shock’ and Climate Controls to Launch Their Great Reset,” by Tyler Durden, authored by Brandon Smith via Alt-Market ZeroHedge, July 14, 2023) The United States, as we’ve discussed a number of times, is the nation-state holdup to this system being totally adopted. The American public cannot easily be cajoled into giving up the many luxuries that come from living in a free, constitutionally-protected society. However, the globalists elite have seen through the COVID pandemic that Americans are vulnerable to crisis-engendered threats. The lessons they learned haven’t been lost on those who would control the world through their nefarious planning—like the Great Reset. So look for talk of the digital dollar to increase greatly over the coming days. The crisis or series of crises must be an integral, even central, part of their Reset blueprint. America is the chief target of that blueprint planning. I believe they will not be able to bring America into this satanic monetary orbit without a crisis of monumental significance. But it will happen, I’m convinced, and have said so many times. That “crisis” will be one that is Heaven-sent to a judgment-deserving planet of God-rejecting earth dwellers. The Rapture will bring that crisis to fruition. From all of this evil will come the Antichrist mark-and-number system of Revelation 13:16–18. The Lord appeals to all people everywhere to accept His only Way to salvation, thus to avoid the judgment and wrath that are coming upon the planet. Here again is how to go to Christ when He calls God’s children to be with Him in the safety of Heaven: That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shall be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. (Romans 10: 9–10) Israel Watch: America’s Twilight – Jim Fletcher - There are many reasons to think our beloved country is in its final stages (as you’ve no doubt heard before, civilizations rarely make it past a few hundred years of prosperity and peace). Rome fell after 500 years, spiraling in a whirlpool of political viciousness and open immorality. Exactly where America is today. I always maintain that any country that harms Israel is on life-support—even if said country appears strong at the time. Death will come. We all know what Rome did to the Jews. The “Wars of the Jews” culminated in a brutal, satanic siege of Jerusalem in which men, women, and children were murdered by Vespasian’s forces. Rome was still early in its ascension as a world power. It would take another 400 years before she fell to German barbarians in Europe. For a very long time, Israel had serious friends in America, even in Washington. Presidents like John Adams had a soft spot for the Jews, even remarking on their legitimate national aspirations. As late as Harry Truman, American leaders at the highest levels were taking part in historical advancements on the path to the Final Return to the Land. I believe John Kennedy was the last president to have genuinely warm feelings for Israel, though several presidents for political purposes have seemed to support the Jewish state. JFK visited Palestine in 1939, and brother Bobby followed after statehood. I believe they knew what Israel faced in the region; their world travels gave them a unique perspective among presidents. At any rate, those days are long gone. The mendacity aimed at Israel, from Washington, is as bad as I’ve ever seen it. Considering the shameful administrations under Clinton and Obama, that’s saying something. We have an installed “president,” a truly sinister career grifter, who has for years touted his “great friendship” with Bibi Netanyahu. But the recent visit to the White House by Israeli President Isaac Herzog revealed much about the repulsive agendas our politicians have in mind for Israel. Israel’s presidency is largely a ceremonial post, but Herzog does what all of his class do: pander to fellow heads of state. Last year, when Biden flew to Israel, he got off the plane and told Herzog, “I’m home.” What a load of trash. That is just political theatre. This from a guy that behind-the-scenes relishes twisting Israeli arms. Much like he does Ukraine. Herzog, who has run for prime minister before, is not exactly a member of the Right. According to the Jerusalem Post: “Not only is Herzog not part of a Netanyahu government, but he is the person trying to bring about a compromise on the judicial reform issue, and is for a two-state solution, as well, putting plenty of distance between himself and Netanyahu’s positions that Biden finds problematic.” There you have it. Herzog is a leftist, perfectly content with a judiciary in Israel that is shockingly similar to ours: leftist in orientation, which pushes us all closer to living in a totalitarian state. In reality, Herzog was here to undermine his own government, not a unique situation in Israel. Even Shimon Peres played footsie with leftists in Washington. Netanyahu, though he doesn’t always react the way most of us wish he would, is a roadblock to the international community’s globalist aspirations, which harm Israel among other things. The two-state solution talk is especially problematic, since it continues—after 30 dismal years—to perpetuate an unworkable plan that rewards Palestinian murder of Jews. That’s what it is. I part company with anyone that supports the two-state mendacity. Also from the Post, we learn that Biden’s handlers had much up their collective sleeve: “Herzog was not the only person Biden met for over an hour that day. Thomas Friedman of The New York Times visited the Oval Office, as well. “What we know from Friedman’s column is that Biden said the following: ‘This is obviously an area about which Israelis have strong views, including in an enduring protest movement that is demonstrating the vibrancy of Israel’s democracy, which must remain the core of our bilateral relationship. Finding consensus on controversial areas of policy means taking the time you need. For significant changes, that’s essential. So my recommendation to Israeli leaders is not to rush. I believe the best outcome is to continue to seek the broadest possible consensus here.’” Friedman is a hack. Does anyone really believe that a largely incoherent Biden, during Herzog’s visit, could be so dialed-in and eloquent when talking with the government’s mouthpiece reporter? I’m quite certain Friedman wrote that bit with input from White House staff. Whatever happened to sovereign nations refraining from meddling in others’ internal politics? America is sliding toward abandoning Israel. I said it. It will happen. “All your allies have forgotten you; they care nothing for you. I have struck you as an enemy would and punished you as would the cruel, because your guilt is so great and your sins so many.” (Jeremiah 30:14) “‘But all who devour you will be devoured; all your enemies will go into exile. Those who plunder you will be plundered; all who make spoil of you I will despoil.’” (Jeremiah 30:16) The time is coming when Israel will be without friends. The great and vaunted relationship with the United States will be a thing of the past. Much of that due to the evil done by men like Joe Biden. But in that dilemma will come Israel’s true help. Her true lover. I hope that day is soon. [email protected] Prophecy Update Videos Must Watch Videos! Videos You Can Trust
“Worldcoin” Is Here: Just Get Your Eyes Scanned By “The Orb” And Your New “World ID” Will Be Issued To You - by Michael Snyder - Have you had your eyes scanned by “The Orb” yet? All it takes is just one trip, and once your biometric data is in the database you will receive some free money and a new “digital identity” that you will be able to use all over the Internet. Doesn’t that sound grand? As you will see below, hundreds of thousands of people in Europe have already signed up. Those that have created Worldcoin intend for it to be “a new identity and financial network” that is owned by everyone on the entire planet. The following comes directly from the official Worldcoin website… More than three years ago we founded Worldcoin with the ambition of creating a new identity and financial network owned by everyone; the rollout begins today. If successful, we believe Worldcoin could drastically increase economic opportunity, scale a reliable solution for distinguishing humans from AI online while preserving privacy, enable global democratic processes, and eventually show a potential path to AI-funded UBI. That initial paragraph certainly sounds wonderful. But once you start digging a bit deeper you quickly discover the dystopian details of this scheme. Once you sign up for Worldcoin, your new “World ID” will be issued to you. Ultimately, the goal is for the entire Internet to start using this new “World ID” system… Worldcoin consists of a privacy-preserving digital identity (World ID) and, where laws allow, a digital currency (WLD) received simply for being human. We hope that, where the rules are less clear, such as in the U.S., steps will be taken so more people can benefit from both. Needless to say, just offering a “World ID” is not going to motivate a lot of people to embrace this new system. So the founders are also offering free money to everyone that signs up where laws allow for such a thing. Ultimately, the goal is to “freely distribute tokens to all eight billion people on the planet”… The goal is simple and modest: To create a system that will, eventually, freely distribute tokens to all eight billion people on the planet, as a form of universal basic income (UBI). But because the rise of AI will make it tricky to figure out who is human and who’s a digital fake, Worldcoin first needs to create a system that lets people — all people, across the globe — prove that they are in fact human beings. The idea of a “universal basic income” certainly appeals to a lot of people out there. Especially the lazy ones. But if you want your free money, you have got to visit “The Orb”. The plan is for “The Orb” to eventually scan the eyeballs of every single person in the entire world. Here is more from the official Worldcoin website… You can now download World App, the first protocol-compatible wallet, and reserve your share. After visiting an Orb, a biometric verification device, you will receive a World ID. This lets you prove you are a real and unique person online while remaining completely private. As the global distribution of Orbs is ramping up, you can find the closest one and book time to be verified with World App and at Worldcoin is an attempt at global scale alignment, the journey will be challenging and the outcome is uncertain. But finding new ways to broadly share the coming technological prosperity is a critical challenge of our time. We hope you’ll join us. I don’t know about you, but I never plan to visit “The Orb”, and there is no way that I am ever going to allow these freaks to scan my eyeballs. But it is imperative for all of us to understand that this is a very serious threat, because one of the guys heading up this project is also the CEO of the company that brought us ChatGPT… If Worldcoin was the brainchild of some random crypto bro, maybe it could be laughed away as a delusion of grandeur. But the project has real intellectual heft. It was co-founded by Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI (creator of ChatGPT), who’s arguably the most central player in the development of AI. Altman suspects that the world will change forever if — or when — AI becomes so advanced that it achieves AGI, or Artificial General Intelligence, meaning it truly surpasses the abilities of humans. Sam Altman is certainly a force to be reckoned with. And now he is absolutely determined to get as many people into this new system as he possibly can. According to Zero Hedge, hundreds of thousands of people in Europe have already had their eyeballs scanned and have been issued a “World ID”… If reports are to be believed, the uptake in Spain, where the scheme first became available a year ago, is better than elsewhere – 150,000 participants in total, 20,000 new ones each day, and Barcelona is the place where a number of Orb scanners will be installed. Portugal is not far behind, with 120,000 participants, and Germany is said to also be warming up to the project, ever since it started expanding two months ago. All in all, some 2 million “biometric credentials” are now operated by Worldcoin. It is quite interesting that Europeans are embracing Worldcoin so enthusiastically. Whenever some new dystopian scheme comes along, Europe always seems to be the most fertile soil. Why is that? Whether this new scheme ultimately succeeds or fails, it appears to be inevitable that the powers that be will try to force digital identification upon all of us one way or another. And whoever controls the global system of digital identification that ultimately prevails will have immense power over the entire planet. We really are living in perilous times, and things will continue to get a lot more “interesting” in the months and years ahead. So I hope that you are ready for what is coming, because our world is starting to change at a pace that is absolutely breathtaking. Surveillance State: The Building Blocks Of A Digital Panopticon Prison – By Dean Dwyer - Although we celebrate the fact we live in a democracy, people mistakenly think that the principle of democracy alone guarantees their freedom. In fact, democracy is a double-edged sword. Historically (at least in Australia) it has wielded liberty. But it can just as easily wield tyranny, particularly in the wrong hands. Thomas Paine once said: “The greatest tyrannies are always perpetuated in the name of the noblest causes.” But I like this quote of C S Lewis because if we examine our relationship to leaders after enduring three years of their intense concern for us, they will forever maintain that what they did was in our best interests. The quote is as follows: “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” This world has seen tyrants come and go. But the worst of all is yet to come. The church-age believer will never get to meet this man and gladly so. He appears on the scene after the Bride of Christ is taken home to be with Him. Revelation 6:1-2: “Now I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals; and I heard one of the four living creatures saying with a voice like thunder, “Come and see.” And I looked, and behold, a white horse. He who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer.” To a world reeling from the chaos of the rapture, this man will appear to be a hero. His arrival on the scene and his subsequent conquering of the world is not through war, but through peace. This man will initially appear to be the man that the world needs to lead them through the greatest crisis they have ever faced. As one commentator stated: Great men of history, famous and infamous, are products of their times. And though we cannot exclude the sovereignty of God, it is easy to see why success or failure is sometimes born of ripe times and circumstances. The Antichrist himself will be a product of his time. A figure so sensational could come only out of sensational times. A world crisis will produce the Antichrist. The Antichrist will be the second member of the unholy trinity. The third member – a sinister minister – is simply known as the False Prophet. As one commentator accurately explained: “The devil is making his last and greatest effort, a furious effort, to gain power and establish his kingdom upon the earth. He knows nothing better than to imitate God. Since God has succeeded by means of an incarnation and then by means of the work of the Holy Spirit, the devil will work by means of an incarnation in Antichrist and by the unholy spirit.” In fact, a side-by-side comparison shows how Satan’s counterfeit closely resembles the work of the Holy Spirit: the Holy Spirit points men to Christ but the False Prophet points men to the Antichrist; the Holy Spirit is an instrument of divine revelation but the False Prophet is an instrument of satanic revelation; the Holy Spirit seals believers to God but the False Prophet marks unbelievers with the number of the Antichrist; the Holy Spirit builds the body of Christ but the False Prophet builds the empire of the Antichrist and finally, the Holy Spirit enlightens men with the truth but the False Prophet deceives men through falsehood. Although many of the specific details of prophecy are not revealed to us, the discerning prophecy student is clearly able to see that the unholy trinity is going to need a sophisticated surveillance system behind them in order to control the population of the world and the building blocks of that total surveillance system are forming right before our eyes. There are very few people that know that the foundational principle of surveillance began in the late 1700’s with the design of a new type of prison by a man named Jeremy Bentham. To many, Bentham was an innocent philosopher. But in reality, his writings give light to his real motive: the control of people through an established hierarchy. In 1791, Bentham published his design for the “Panopticon” prison. You see, around that time, crimes were dealt with in one of four ways. The harshest punishment was death. In fact, there were around 200 offenses (including something as minor as pickpocketing) that led to a death sentence. You could also be punished by being sent to prison, sent off to war or, as we well know, the other option was to be sent here – to a penal colony in Australia. There were few prisons in England at the time and they were mainly debtor prisons. Therefore, those who were committed to a prison sentence served their time in atrocious and overcrowded rooms. Even though some may have preferred prison to execution, war or exile, to Bentham those early prisons were not an acceptable alternative. Not only were the conditions horrible, but the rooms were also very dark and the guards were merciless and cruel. Central to Bentham’s ideas was the power of light. Rather than the constant threat of physical punishment, he believed flooding the prison with light would help keep order. So, in this way, he would substitute control through brutality with control through surveillance by bringing to light that which was hidden by the darkness. Now, if you can’t picture the Panopticon, it was a circular structure with prison cells on the outer rim of the circle and a guard tower located in the centre. It was the concept of the guard tower itself which really forms the basis of the modern surveillance society. In his design, Bentham envisioned a central guard tower with venetian blinds on the windows, which would keep the prisoners from seeing any activity inside. Fundamentally, they had no idea if anybody was in the guard tower or not. But the point was that it would keep the inmates in a constant fear of being watched. And because of its circular shape, one guard could watch the entire prison, rather than employing dozens to monitor traditional prison halls. The outcome of this is plain to see, as one person wrote: “Hence the major effect of the Panopticon: to induce in the inmate a state of conscious and permanent visibility that assures the automatic functioning of power.” In other words, whether or not that power was present (in the form of a stationed guard) the mere presence of the infrastructure available to keep a constant watch over the inmates was enough to ensure the behaviour of the inmates was radically altered. The same goal exists when it comes to you today. In reality, Bentham’s design had limitations – in the early days, the guard could only see into the cell by virtue of the small window area of the cell doors. Therefore, he was not able to see all of the activity going on inside. So, although revolutionary in scale, the Panopticon failed to provide a total surveillance reality. But what is being planned for this world will ensure that all of society will be monitored and controlled. Everything you try to hide from the watchers, they want to drag out into the light. Today, we are more likely to encounter the Panopticon effect through advanced technology. And just like the guard in the central watchtower that could see all of the inmates but they couldn’t see him, the current monitoring and collection of data is a one-way street. Governments, intelligence agencies and even large corporations like Google and Amazon collect data about you, but you are not afforded the same liberty in seeing exactly what they see. So, society is now divided into two groups – the watchers (who are invisible, unknown and unaccountable) and the watched (people like you and me). As one writer accurately explained about the watched: “He is seen, but he does not see; he is an object of information, never a subject in communication.” In other words – you are an object of power but not an agent of power. You see, the Panopticon was not simply designed so that inmates could be watched. The Panopticon was designed so that the inmates’ behaviour could be manipulated. It aimed, theoretically at least, to produce reform through the regulation of self. In short, it had a corrective purpose – behaviour needed to be modified and surveillance was going to achieve it. Klaus Schwab wrote a book called “The Great Narrative” (which is actually the sequel to the oft-quoted “The Great Reset”) in which he said this: “Narratives shape our perceptions, which in turn form our realities and end up influencing our choices and actions.” But it is becoming clearer and clearer that the only great thing that Schwab and Co are leading the world into is not The Great Reset or The Great Narrative but The Great Tribulation. The globalists are building a new Panopticon prison – but this time it will be in digital form: vaccine passports; artificial intelligence; central bank digital currency; “smart” appliances; surveillance cameras; implantable technology; digital ID. These measures, although claimed to improve your life, are actually the building blocks of a digital Panopticon prison which is almost complete. All just in time for the unholy trinity to be the cruelest “prison guards” the world has ever seen. Daily Jot: Neither safe nor effective - Bill Wilson – Documents used by Moderna for Food and Drug Administration (FDA) emergency use approval of the COVID “vaccine” indicate both the Moderna and the FDA knew of the dangers posed by the mRNA experimental drug. Some 13,685 pages related to Moderna’s COVID 19 clinical trials were released by the FDA as part of the Freedom of Information Act lawsuit by Dallas-based nonprofit Defending The Republic (DTR). Some 16 deaths were documented in the aftermath of taking the experimental serum. Moderna, however, conducted autopsies on only two and listed the cause of death for the vast majority as “unknown.” DTR stated that Moderna purposely decided not to investigate the cause of deaths. Notwithstanding, those running the studies concluded that the deaths were unrelated to the Moderna serum. DTR said, “There were numerous examples of participants with post-vaccination Bell’s Palsy and Shingles (Herpes Zoster). One 44 year-old female had “left side facial paralysis” just eight days after the second dose. Numerous vaccinated participants saw the onset of Shingles less than 10 days after vaccination. Other key observations during the Moderna “studies” involved serious adverse events for those in the vaccinated groups. A number of participants experienced: myocardial infarction (heart attack); pulmonary embolism; spontaneous abortion/miscarriage; transient ischemic attack (TIA); and lymphoma.” In January 2022, The Daily Jot obtained a similar confidential report by Pfizer to the FDA. The report, “5.3.6 CUMULATIVE ANALYSIS OF POST-AUTHORIZATION ADVERSE EVENT REPORTS OF PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) RECEIVED THROUGH 28-FEB-2021,” indicates as of February 28, 2021 there were 42,086 reports of 158,893 adverse events from the Pfizer COVID vaccine—all withheld from the public. Some of the results: “Pregnancy outcomes for the 270 pregnancies were reported as spontaneous abortion (23), outcome pending (5), premature birth with neonatal death, spontaneous abortion with intrauterine death (2 each), spontaneous abortion with neonatal death, and normal outcome (1 each).” Other results included: Anaphylaxis in 54% of the relevant cases retrieved, four causing death, and Pfizer concluded that the data “did not reveal any significant new safety information,”; Lack of efficacy was found in 3.9% of the database; 3.3% of the total database developed cardiovascular adverse reactions, Of the reported cases, “136 (9.69%) were fatal.” Again, Pfizer concluded: “This cumulative case review does not raise new safety issues.” Facts are that the US government knew all along that this serum was neither safe, nor effective, yet it conspired with big business and media to coerce Americans to take it, while censoring those who warned against it. This is criminal. Let us plead Amos 5:24 to our Lord that “justice run down as waters and righteousness as a mighty stream.” NOTE: If you have been vaccinated and experience any of the aforementioned symptoms, all is not lost. You can detox and neutralize/minimalize the effects of the spike proteins caused by the shots. Truth for Health Foundation ( ) also has treatment guides and can assist you in locating a doctor that understands the side effects of the COVID shot and can recommend an effective protocol. It is important that you take control and develop a comprehensive health strategy. Sources: Daily Devotion: A Tap From the Shepherd - by Greg Laurie – Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me. —Psalm 23:4 - Listen Have you ever had a tap from the Lord to move forward? Perhaps you were growing complacent as a Christian or maybe even lazy. So, God spoke to your heart and said, “Get up. Move. Do something.” Or maybe through a set of circumstances God reminded you of the importance of moving forward. Writing in Psalm 23, David said, “Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me” (verse 4 NLT). In David’s time, shepherds used the rod not only for discipline; they also used it along with the staff to lead the sheep forward. The sheep would get lazy sometimes. After a time of grazing in green pastures and drinking from peaceful streams, the sheep would lie on their sides and fall asleep. So, a shepherd would have to give them a good push with the rod and staff. But shepherds also used their rods and staffs to number the sheep. They would hold out their rods and staffs and count them as they passed by. In the same way, we need to remember that God knows who belongs to Him. Jesus said, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them away from me, for my Father has given them to me, and he is more powerful than anyone else. No one can snatch them from the Father’s hand” (John 10:27–29 NLT). God has numbered us. He knows who we are. We are a part of His family. And that brings comfort to us. He is there to number us. He is there to guide us. And when necessary, He is there to lovingly discipline us as well. PROPHECY UPDATE NEWS HEADLINES Yesterday's Prophecies - Today's Headlines HEADLINES IN PARTNERSHIP WITH TRACKING BIBLE PROPHECY 7/24/23
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This Site Was Updated By The Computer Group