Running Out of Time - By Daymond Duck -
On Apr. 25, 2022, All News Pipeline (ANP) posted an article by Stefan Stanford about the string of fires at U.S. food processing facilities. Stanford believes these fires will add to food shortages in the U.S. He said, “We’re running out of time to prep as we’re still, fortunately, able to do now.” I agree with what Stanford said, but here are some of my thoughts when I read it:
Much more could be said, but know that I believe we are in the last days of the last years before the Rapture of the Church, and we are running out of time to do whatever God wants us to do. Here are some articles that seem to indicate that we are in the last days of the last years. One, concerning food shortages: on Apr. 27, 2022, the CEO of Goya Foods warned that:
It was also reported that:
Two, concerning freedom of speech and religion in the coming world government: on May 14, 2008, Barack Obama was running for President of the U.S., and Michelle said,
On Apr. 27, 2022, it was announced that the Dept. of Homeland Security (DHS) has created a new Disinformation Governance Board. This “Arbiter of Free Speech” (Nina Jankowicz) is an extreme feminist that is on record as:
Jankowicz’s record is one of disinformation and opposition to free speech and the truth. This known purveyor of disinformation has been picked to head a new government agency to change and control people’s conversation. One commentator said she may censor or arrest people that disagree with the government narrative. Another commentator said this is an effort to crush Republican opposition and establish one-party rule. As a prophecy teacher, I am concerned that people could be denied the right to buy and sell for disagreeing with the government narrative. Three, concerning world government: on Apr. 27, 2022, it was reported that the World Economic Forum (WEF) was created by three members of the U.S. Council on Foreign relations (CFR) (Henry Kissinger, John Kenneth Galbraith, and Herman Kahn) and funded by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Kissinger recruited Schwab (head of the WEF) whose main goal seems to be to bring down leaders of nations and give their power to a handful of pre-selected people that support world government. This supports the long-held belief by some that a shadow government is running things in the world. The involvement of the CFR and CIA also confirms that world government is a goal of the U.S. even though many people have called it a conspiracy theory for years. Four, concerning world government: in late Apr. 2022, it was reported that the World Health Organization (WHO) will gather on May 22-28, 2022, to vote on 13 amendments the U.S. wants to a treaty that will give the WHO control over the health of individuals in every nation on earth. These amendments will transfer the power to make decisions on lockdowns, mandates, treatments, and more from national governments to the global WHO. The WHO will be empowered to determine who can and cannot meet, how many can meet, what treatments people can and cannot take, etc. Everyone on earth will be required to abide by WHO global dictates, and these amendments will not require the approval of nations (or the U.S. Senate) because they will be changes to an already-approved existing treaty. If these amendments are approved by the WHO (and they probably will be), they will become international law that replaces the sovereignty of nations six months from now (in Nov. 2022). The WHO could have control over the health care of everyone on earth before the end of 2022. This is solid evidence that the U.S. is working to establish a world government and humanity is running out of time. The WEF, CFR, CIA, and others want to control the world’s food supplies, health care, everyone’s conversation, what kind of vehicles people drive, people’s income, people’s religious beliefs, and more. Obama’s “fundamental transformation of the United States of America” is about the destruction of the America that many of us grew up in. The UN’s “Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” goals is about the establishment of a world government that will rule over the United States of America and all other nations. The coming Tribulation Period will be unlike anything that has ever happened before or ever will happen; and except those days be shortened, no flesh will be saved (Matt. 24:22). For those who question that the fundamental transformation of America is about the destruction of America that many of us grew up in, I ask:
Five, concerning Israel: it is beginning to look like the Israeli government may soon collapse. The government cannot lose any votes in the Knesset, but the Ra’am Party (Arabs) is threatening to withdraw its support, and if they do, the Israeli government will collapse. On May 1, 2022, it was reported that the Ra’am Party asked King Abdullah of Jordan to submit a list of demands concerning the Temple Mount that Israel must agree to or Ra’am will withdraw its support of the Israeli government, and it will collapse. These demands include stopping Jews from praying on the Temple Mount, stopping the Israeli police from interfering with Muslim rioters on the Temple Mount, and other actions that Israel cannot agree to. Six, concerning the Battle of Gog and Magog: the relationship between Russia and Israel continues to worsen. Russia’s Foreign Minister Lavrov recently said Hitler had Jewish blood. On May 1, 2022, Israeli Prime Min. said Lavrov’s statements “are untrue and his intentions are wrong.” He called Lavrov’s statements “lies.” On May 2, 2022, Israel summoned Russia’s ambassador to Israel to protest this. The co-operation between Russia and Israel in Syria appears to be coming to an end. Seven, concerning a covenant with many for peace in the Middle East: on May 2, 2022, a member of Israel’s Knesset (ruling body) called upon the EU to establish an inter-governmental group to work with nations with Israel and the Arabs to promote the Abraham Accords. It is interesting that the Antichrist will come out of the EU, and the EU is being asked to establish a body to work with many on something that could lead to a covenant of peace in the Middle East. Finally, are you Rapture Ready? If you want to be rapture ready and go to heaven, you must be born-again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this. [email protected] The Recipe for an Explosion on the Temple Mount: Israel and the Palestinians Live in Parallel Worlds - Brig.-Gen. (res.) Yossi Kuperwasser - The events around the Temple Mount and the Al-Aqsa Mosque, with the growing tension between Israel and the Palestinians, largely reflect the completely different ways the two sides view the reality around the mount, particularly Israel’s actions there. That disparity stems from different perceptual frameworks. In the Israeli perceptual framework, Israel is a state that seeks stability and is committed to the status quo on the Temple Mount, to the freedom of worship for all religions in Jerusalem, and to maintaining public order. However, the status quo is challenged by extremist groups from both sides, and Israel is taking the necessary measures to prevent them from undermining stability, including using reasonable force. It is thereby exercising its sovereignty and the responsibility entailed by it. However, many Palestinians, along with many Israeli Arabs and Muslims worldwide, plus international actors mainly on the Left, see the existence of the nation-state of the Jewish people in the Land of Israel as lacking all justification. In their view, Israel’s presence in east Jerusalem is illegal, and Israel as a state, and not just the marginal messianic groups within it, seeks to alter the status quo on the Temple Mount. This is not a worldview unique to radical political Islam, spearheaded by Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood. The Palestinian Authority is convinced that this Israeli threat to the Al Aqsa compound reflects the actual state of affairs, along with Jordan and many other actors in the Arab and Islamic world. Not long ago, Jordan convened a gathering of Arab foreign ministers, including representatives of the United Arab Emirates and Morocco—which, a month earlier, had taken part in the “Negev Summit” in Israel — to discuss Israel’s actions. A look at the resolutions of this conference indicates that all these actors are thoroughly convinced of the justice of their claims—that Israel is curtailing Muslims’ and Christians’ freedom of worship; seeks to apportion the prayer times on the Temple Mount just as in the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron; is using force against Palestinian worshippers and youth far beyond what is necessary, including acts of dangerous, unjustified, and violent forced entry to the Al-Aqsa Mosque; and is likely to spark a conflagration. Some of these actors, particularly Hamas, the Northern Branch of the Islamic Movement in Israel, Qatar, and Iran, see the threat of escalation as a means to counteract Israel and also to boost their own political status. Others see it as a way of damaging Israel’s international and regional status while also preventing a slide into a high-intensity violent confrontation that could jeopardize their own uncertain status as well. Is It Possible to Contend with Years of Incitement? Much has been said lately about the impotence of Israeli public diplomacy in contending with lies aimed at puncturing Israel’s international status and inflaming passions. Indeed, Israel’s public diplomacy is far from adequately fighting back against these lies. The problem, however, is much worse: the perceptual framework by which Israel’s enemies and adversaries internalize the reality is a product of long years of indoctrination and incitement based on religious beliefs and core values of Arab and Palestinian nationalism that portray the Jews in general, the Zionists in particular, and the settlers all the more, as the ultimate evil. For many Palestinians, the claim that Al-Aqsa is in danger is not just an incendiary slogan but a deep-seated belief. Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas sometimes explains that it was the Jews’ nature and their spheres of activity that caused their persecution in Europe. As Israel was observing Yom Hashoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day), more than 200,000 Palestinian Muslims gathered on the Temple Mount to mark “Laylat al-Qadr” (the night on which the Koran was given to Muhammad), and they proclaimed: “In blood and spirit we will redeem you, O Al-Aqsa!” Some of them added: “Khaybar, Khaybar O Jews, the army of Muhammad will return!” (referring to the Prophet Muhammad’s killing of the Jews of the oasis of Khaybar). As Einstein put it, “It is harder to crack prejudice than an atom.” In an interview with Christiane Amanpour on CNN, Prime Minister Bennett strongly objected to the claim of symmetry regarding terror. There is no symmetry, either, regarding incitement and education for hatred. In contrast to Israel, in the territories controlled by the Palestinian Authority and Hamas, education for denying Israel’s right to exist and for contempt of Zionists is a fundamental, institutionalized plank, both domestically and in public diplomacy. By leveraging the image of the Palestinians’ victimhood, they aim to infuse the international discourse with the Palestinian narrative that denies the existence of the Jewish people and their right to a nation-state, not even on one grain of the soil of the Land of Israel/Palestine. The Zionist endeavor is portrayed as colonialist activity and Israel as an apartheid state, accompanied by declarations that the Zionists are utterly evil and all the disadvantaged groups must unite in the struggle against them. The claim that Hamas is behind this effort is only partially correct; the Palestinian Authority is leading it in the international sphere. The Benefits Will Not Help As part of this indoctrination, the Palestinians deny the existence of the Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount. They have indeed been able to advance resolutions in UNESCO, the UN General Assembly, and even the Security Council that ignore the site’s holiness to Jews and the Jewish connection to Jerusalem. The most important of these is UN Security Council Resolution 2334, which the Obama administration promoted toward the end of its tenure. Moreover, the Palestinians make sure to use the name “Beit al-Maqdis al-Mazum”—a temple whose existence they falsely claim—whenever alluding to the Jewish Temple, asserting that despite its efforts, Israel has not managed to find archeological evidence of the Jewish Temple’s existence. Several years ago, I spoke with a senior Palestinian official well-versed in Jewish history, and I expressed bafflement about the insistence on denying a historical fact. He told me that he, too, had personally expressed perplexity on that score to Arafat and was answered with the question, “What pension are you supposed to receive?” After that, he stopped asking hard questions. Israel regards the Palestinian issue as a nuisance. With no possibility of reaching a permanent solution and seeking to ensure stability in the short term, it has decided to strengthen the Palestinian Authority and pacify the Gaza Strip with material benefits. It prefers to avoid a confrontation with the PA and Hamas on the issue of implementing sovereignty in Jerusalem and Arab population concentrations, and likewise around its international image. This approach indeed has certain advantages in the short term. However, it is likely to exact substantial costs in the medium and the long term because it creates a sense of achievement among our enemies, raises their hopes of further achievements in the conflict over who is right, and erodes Israeli deterrence. Collapse Of a Christian Worldview By Parents Has Infected Next Generation – George Barna - "Kids these days" are shaped by watching their parents. That's the takeaway from the Cultural Research Center (CRC) at Arizona Christian University's latest survey. "Young children are watching their parents. They're listening to their parents, and they're trying to put those two things together," said George Barna, CRC Director and FRC Senior Research Fellow for the Center for Biblical Worldview. "The problem is, they're seeing a contradiction between word and deed. The conclusion we discovered that children draw is, 'what a shame. My parents seem as confused as I am. So, this faith that they're talking about must not have the answers.'" The statistics are appalling. Among American parents of children under age 13, only two percent have a biblical worldview, and even among self-identified born-again Christians, the number is only eight percent. "Between 15 to 18 months of age is when most children start forming their worldview," explained Barna on Washington Watch. "By the age of 13, it's almost completely in place." Barna's worldview research discerns the presence of a biblical worldview with questions about biblical inerrancy, the character of God, the life of Christ, absolute moral truth, and salvation by faith. Just because parents aren't consciously building their children's worldview doesn't mean one isn't forming. "A child needs a worldview, so if we don't help them develop it, somebody else will." Barna's research found "four major influences on worldview": public schools, media, arts and entertainment, and "the laws of the land... because that's what teaches us right from wrong partly." So, if a biblical worldview isn't dominant, what is? "More than nine out of 10 parents of preteens (94 percent) have a syncretistic worldview -- a grab bag of beliefs and behaviors taken from a variety of philosophies of life," said Barna. "Most parents mix some biblical ideals with... Marxism to Eastern mysticism and everything in between." Throw in a little Marxism there, a bit of Eastern mysticism there, season generously with nationalism, stir in a dollop of post-modernism, and garnish with secular environmentalism -- and parents have concocted for their own worldview and their children's a witch's brew more poisonous than nutritious. God does not accept syncretistic worship (Exodus 34:14). Part of the problem is the teaching in churches, neither equipping children with a biblical worldview, nor empowering parents to do so. "We're telling them Bible stories, but not teaching them biblical truths," lamented Perkins. Instead of teaching the Bible and worshiping God, Barna added, churches are busy measuring the "numbers of people showing up." Sure, a brief, flashy performance might draw a crowd for now. But if churches neglect the core distinctives of Christianity, why should anyone bother even showing up for the long haul? If church becomes merely a forum for social interaction, families may as well spend their Sunday on the lake, at a cookout, or at the ballpark. Community outreach is fine, even necessary. But churches can't stop there. Perkins shared his own childhood experience in an unchurched home, and then attending Vacation Bible School. He came for the cookies and stayed for eternal life. "I'm grateful that the church I was in... taught the Scripture. And so I developed that biblical worldview." The church didn't just teach Tony; his whole family was saved as a result. "I can recall my dad reading Our Daily Bread and the Bible," Perkins continued. "I saw the Bible was important to him, so it became important to me." FRC President Tony Perkins asked Barna about the prospect for parents who lack a solid biblical foundation being able to instill on in their children, "how can you teach what you don't have?" Barna responded that an "outsourcing approach to parenting" is not the solution, even if it is "the chief parenting strategy of most young parents today." Hiring teachers, coaches, tutors, and pastors is risky, because who knows what behaviors they're going to model? No, the responsibility lies squarely on parents. "George and I are not giving our opinion," said Perkins. "It's God's word. He's the one that says parents are responsible for teaching their kids. So I can't apologize for that." Long before the invention of social science research techniques, God in his infinite wisdom designed a perfect mechanism for moral instruction: the family. "A worldview isn't just what you believe," said Barna. "It's also how you behave, because you do what you believe." When confronted with the bleak outlook that Barna's data show, we have two options. We can be paralyzed by anxiety and fear over what America is becoming, or we can trust that God, as always, will use these circumstances for his glory. "We have a remnant of about 15 million adults across the country that have a biblical worldview," Barna reminded viewers. "God always uses a remnant." 18 Signs That Food Shortages Will Get A Lot Worse As We Head Into The Second Half Of 2022 - by Michael Snyder - If you think that things are bad now, just wait until we get into the second half of this year. Global food supplies have already gotten very tight, but it is the food that won’t be produced during this current growing season in the northern hemisphere that will be the real problem. Worldwide fertilizer prices have doubled or tripled, the war in Ukraine has greatly reduced exports from one of the key breadbaskets of the world, a nightmarish bird flu pandemic is wiping out millions of chickens and turkeys, and bizarre weather patterns are absolutely hammering agricultural production all over the planet. I have often used the phrase “a perfect storm” to describe what we are facing, but even that phrase really doesn’t seem to do justice to the crisis that we will be dealing with in the months ahead. The following are 18 signs that food shortages will get a lot worse as we head into the second half of 2022… #1 The largest fertilizer company on the entire planet is publicly warning that severe supply disruptions “could last well beyond 2022”… The world’s largest fertilizer company warned supply disruptions could extend into 2023. A bulk of the world’s supply has been taken offline due to the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. This has sparked soaring prices and shortages of crop nutrients in top growing areas worldwide; an early indication of a global food crisis could be in the beginning innings. Bloomberg reports Canada-based Nutrien Ltd.’s CEO Ken Seitz told investors on Tuesday during a conference call that he expects to increase potash production following supply disruptions in Russia and Ukraine (both major fertilizer suppliers). Seitz expects disruptions “could last well beyond 2022.” #2 The world fertilizer price index has skyrocketed to absurd heights that have never been seen before. #3 It is being reported that global grain reserves have dropped to “extremely low” levels… “Global grains stocks remain extremely low, an issue that has become amplified because of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. “We think it will take at least 2-3 years to replenish global grains stocks,” Illinois-based CF Industries Holdings Inc.’s president and chief executive officer Tony Will said in a statement in Wednesday’s earnings report. #4 Due to the war, agricultural exports from Ukraine have been completely paralyzed… Nearly 25 million tonnes of grains are stuck in Ukraine and unable to leave the country due to infrastructure challenges and blocked Black Sea ports including Mariupol, a U.N. food agency official said on Friday. The blockages are seen as a factor behind high food prices which hit a record high in March in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, before easing slightly in April, the FAO said on Friday. #5 The out-of-stock rate for baby formula in the United States has now reached 40 percent… The out-of-stock rate for baby formula hovered between 2% and 8% in the first half of 2021, but began rising sharply last July. Between November 2021 and early April 2022, the out-of-stock rate jumped to 31%, data from Datasembly showed. That rate increased another 9 percentage points in just three weeks in April, and now stands at 40%, the statistics show. In six states — Iowa, South Dakota, North Dakota, Missouri, Texas and Tennessee — more than half of baby formula was completely sold out during the week starting April 24, Datasembly said. #6 In six U.S. states, the out-of-stock rate for baby formula has actually risen to 50 percent or greater. #7 Searches for the phrase “how to make homemade formula for babies” on Google have spiked 120 percent. #8 We are being told that this is a “perfect storm” as shelves become increasingly bare at food banks all around the nation. #9 In Canada, more than 1.7 million chickens and turkeys have already been lost in recent months due to the global bird flu pandemic. #10 In the United States, more than 37 million chickens and turkeys have already been wiped out due to the global bird flu pandemic. #11 The two largest reservoirs in California, Shasta Lake and Lake Oroville, have both fallen to “critically low levels”. #12 Some communities in southern California won’t be able to make it through the coming summer months without “significantly cutting back” on their water usage. #13 Many of the largest lakes around the world are currently in the process of disappearing because they are rapidly drying up. #14 Wildfires continue to absolutely devastate agricultural land all across the western half of the United States. This weekend, it was New Mexico’s turn to be hit the hardest… After a few days of calm that allowed some families who had fled wildfires raging in northeast New Mexico to return to their homes, dangerous winds picked up again Sunday, threatening to spread spot fires and complicate work for firefighters. More than 1,500 firefighters were on the fire lines at the biggest blaze east and northeast of Santa Fe, which grew another 8 square miles (20 square kilometers) overnight to an area more than twice as large as the city of Philadelphia. #15 We are being told that steak prices in the United States will “keep rising” in the days ahead. #16 Due to hail and frost, the Spanish apricot crop is going to be way below expectations… In Spain, the latest forecasts suggest production will not reach 60,000 tonnes, compared with 110,000 tonnes in 2019 and 100,000 tonnes in 2020 and 90,000 tonnes in 2021. In Murcia, where around two-thirds of Spain’s apricot production is located, farmers in the Mula River and northwest regions have been forced to write off the entire season following a severe hailstorm on Monday which not only resulted in the loss of the fruit, but also caused widespread damage to trees. #17 Overall, Spanish fruit production is expected to drop to the lowest level in 40 years. #18 Kansas Senator Roger Marshall is openly warning that a horrifying worldwide famine is coming… The war in Ukraine will lead to a worldwide famine in the next two years, warned Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Ky.), who serves on the Senate Agriculture Committee, warned on Tuesday. “You know I’m a big agriculture guy. Twelve, 15 percent of the agriculture products – corn and wheat, sunflower oil – come through that Black Sea, so— and fertilizers come from that area as well, so there actually is going to be a famine one to two years from now. I think two years from now will be even worse,” he told Fox Business’s “Mornings with Maria Bartiromo” on Tuesday. The alarm bells are ringing. Are you listening? In all of the years that I have been writing, I have never seen anything even close to this, and this crisis is only going to intensify as the months roll along. Daily Jot: The fight against liberty - Bill Wilson – Now more than any time in the history of the United States the citizens’ rights to freedom of religion and speech are not only under attack, but in danger. The Founding Fathers knew that unless there was freedom of religion, freedom of speech and freedom to peaceably assemble that a nation falls into tyranny. In most every instance when a dictator seizes power, these freedoms are revoked. Today in America, the government, the legacy news media and powerful corporations are working together to take these rights away from YOU. An example of people who are standing up to this attack on your rights is the lawsuit by Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt and Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry. Filed May 5 in the US District Court in Louisiana, the 86-page report accuses top government officials of conspiring to suppress information with social media giants Meta, Twitter and YouTube “under the guise of combating misinformation.” According to the New York Post and Fox News, the suit accuses the federal government of violating free speech rights by threatening big tech companies into silencing conservative viewpoints. It names former Biden Press Secretary Jen Psaki, COVID Czar Anthony Fauci, and Nina Jankowicz, the head of the Department of Homeland Security’s new Disinformation Governance Board. The filing claims: “Having threatened and cajoled social-media platforms for years to censor viewpoints and speakers disfavored by the Left, senior government officials in the Executive Branch have moved into a phase of open collusion with social media companies to suppress disfavored speakers, viewpoints, and content on social-media platforms under the Orwellian guise of halting so-called ‘disinformation.’ ‘misinformation,’ and ‘malinformation’…Labeling disfavored speech ‘misinformation’ or ‘disinformation’ does not strip it of First Amendment Protection … with the common understanding that some false statements are inevitable if there is to be an open and vigorous expression of views in public and private conversation … the First Amendment seeks to guarantee.” The list of examples is extensive—Suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story, the handling of COVID, election security issues among them. Add to that the Russian collusion story, the withholding of military aid to Ukraine story, and the list goes on and on. Now, the replacement for Psaki, who is leaving the White House pre-arranging a job with NBC, is openly gay Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, who “wife” is CNN national correspondent Suzanne Malveaux. Cozy, no? In April, Jankowicz told NPR, “I shudder to think about if free speech absolutists were taking over more platforms, what that would look like for the marginalized communities all around the world.” Jankowicz apparently believes free speech does no apply to criticism of LGBTQ+ grooming of minor children in schools, for example. Another example of marginalizing dissent is Joe Biden attacking the Make America Great Again movement, saying “this MAGA crowd is really the most extreme political organization that’s existed in American history–in recent American history.” He sees people who stand against his politics as extreme and he has taken steps to shut them down. The leftists also encouraged protesters to harass Supreme Court Justices at their homes, and to become violent against pro-life demonstrators. This is all the makings of a tyrannical environment. Galatians 5:1 exhorts, “Stand fast therefore in the Liberty by which Christ made you free and be not again entangled in the yoke of bondage.” We need to stand against those who would lead us into the chainwork of satan. What we face today is a real and present threat to this and future generations. Daily Devotion: The Most Important Tablets of All - by Greg Laurie – But I lavish unfailing love for a thousand generations on those who love me and obey my commands. —Exodus 20:6 - Listen Tablets are so much a part of our lives today. We read our emails on them, follow social media on them, and watch movies on them. Well, God had the original tablets—and a tech company didn’t make them. He gave them to Moses, engraved with His words by His very finger. We call them the Ten Commandments. At little more than three hundred words in English, the Ten Commandments form the foundation of the legal system and are at the heart of Western civilization. Most people acknowledge that the Ten Commandments are important and are true, but very few people know the Ten Commandments. A recent survey revealed that only 14 percent of Americans could name the Ten Commandments. If can remember details like the names of the Beatles or all the kids in the Brady Bunch, we could manage to memorize the Ten Commandments. But we need to do more than memorize these commandments; we need to internalize them because they’re not obsolete. They’re absolute. In fact, Psalm 1 tells us, “Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers. But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night” (verses 1–2 NLT). In other words, if you keep God’s commandments, you will be a happy person. The commandments are not like the bars of a prison to keep us inside. They’re like walls of protection to keep evil out of our lives. God has given us the solution to all our problems in the Scriptures, and they’re broken out for us in the Ten Commandments. He has given them to us for our own good, so we can go from hopelessness to happiness. 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The coming turmoil will provide us unrivaled opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. So be ready to share your faith and your hope with those who need Christ. We still have time to reap a great harvest of souls for God's kingdom!" - Hal Lindsey 1) We need your prayers!- We proclaim the Truth of the Word of God and we are under constant spiritual and sometimes even physical attack. 2) We need your encouragement!- We need to hear from you, let us know how the Lord is blessing you through this ministry so that we can share it with others. 3) We need your input! - If you have a prophetic article or story or if there is a news related item we missed, let us know. 4) We need your financial support!- To put it quite simply, without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update. I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to get the Word out and keep the world informed. Remember, your gift, no matter how small, does make a difference! 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You can make a secure donation online by going to: DONATE NOW Or write us at: Prophecy Update P.O. Box 40516 Bakersfield, CA 93384-0516 We are very pleased to offer all our readers this FREE download on Bible Prophecy from the Evangelical Bible College of Western Australia - Just download and enjoy and be blessed! Feel free to share it with all your friends and family members. Click below to download! "AS YOU SEE THE DAY APPROACHING" If You Died Today, Would You Go To Heaven? Find out, visit: How to know God DID YOU KNOW? You can submit an article, leave a comment or praise report at email: [email protected] Maranatha! (Lord Come Quickly) "On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand, All other ground is sinking sand." "Let Us make the short time we have left count for all eternity!" YBIC-Randy
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Teresa Snyder
5/20/2022 12:36:19 am
I was blessed by the truth that you shared. You where right on the money. Do you have suggestions of things we can do for saftey,
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