Russia, Iran, and Turkey Forming a Biblical Alliance - Britt Gillette -
Vladimir Putin will meet with Iranian and Turkish leaders in Tehran this week. The trip will mark only his second trip outside of Russia since the Ukraine war began. In his previous trip outside of the country, Putin visited Tajikistan (home to Russia’s largest military base outside of its own borders) to discuss Afghanistan’s stability. He then attended a summit in Turkmenistan to discuss energy policy with Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Iran, and Turkmenistan. Given Russia’s ongoing military campaign in Ukraine, these trips highlight the significance of Russia's relationship with these countries – and with Iran and Turkey in particular. So why should you care? You should care because more than 2,600 years ago, the prophet Ezekiel warned of a future time when a vast coalition of nations will attack Israel. The leader of this coalition is a man known as Gog, the ruler of Magog (Ezekiel 38:1). This is why the invading force is known as the Gog of Magog coalition. According to Ezekiel this alliance will send an overwhelming force to invade Israel in the last days. And today, for the first time in human history, we see this alliance forming. The Invading Nations Which nations does Ezekiel describe? He identifies the invading nations as “Magog, Rosh, Meschech, Tubal, Persia, Cush, Put, Gomer, and Beth-togarmah” (Ezekiel 38:1-6). If you look on a 2022 map of the globe, you won’t find any of these nations. So how can I say this alliance is forming? Because these are the ancient biblical names of these nations, and while their names have changed over the years, we can still locate them on a map today. Below is a list of each nation, followed by its modern day name: Rosh = Russia Magog = Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Afghanistan Persia = Iran Cush = Sudan Put = Libya Meshech, Tubal, Gomer, and Beth-togarmah = Turkey Putin’s visit to Tehran will mark the third nation he’s visited since the Ukraine war began, and all three – Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Iran – are part of the Gog of Magog alliance. Moreover during the course of these three visits, Putin will meet with two additional members of the Gog of Magog alliance – Kazakhstan and Turkey. Is this a coincidence? I don’t think so. It’s been centuries since Ezekiel first recorded these prophecies. Yet, this alliance has never existed. It certainly hasn’t invaded Israel. But now? Today, we see it coming together. An Unlikely Alliance Putin’s trip to Tehran to meet with Iranian and Turkish leaders should be of particular interest to those who study bible prophecy. Why? Because, until recently, these three nations made an unlikely alliance. First, these three nations have never been aligned in all of human history. Second, Turkey is a member of NATO, and until recently, actively sought EU membership. Third, for most of recorded history, Russia and Iran had a turbulent relationship with little cooperation. In fact, until the death of Ayatollah Khomeini, who deemed Islam incompatible with the atheism of the Soviet Union, the modern nation of Iran had little to do with Russia. But in recent years, Russia’s ties with both nations have strengthened. Following the death of Ayatollah Khomeini and the end of the Iran-Iraq war in 1989, Russia (then a part of the Soviet Union), started selling arms to Iran. In 1995, the Russian Ministry for Atomic Energy signed an agreement with Iran to finish the Bushehr nuclear power plant. The civil war in Syria was another area of cooperation between the two countries. Russia and Iran share a common interest when it comes to keeping Syrian President Bashar Assad in power. Russia has a vested interest in retaining access to the Syrian naval base in Tartus and stopping the spread of ISIS. As a longtime ally of Assad, Iran also has military forces in Syria. In addition, Iran is the primary sponsor of Hezbollah, a radical terrorist organization. Hezbollah has openly operated in Syria under Assad. It’s clear Russia and Iran have strengthened their diplomatic, economic, and military ties. But what about Turkey? Of all the members of the Gog of Magog coalition, Turkey is the most interesting. Why? Because it seems even more unlikely ally of Russia in an invasion of Israel. Following World War I, Turkey established a secular western democracy and became a model democratic republic in the Middle East. In 1949, Turkey became the first Muslim majority nation to recognize Israel. In 1952, it joined NATO. For the latter part of the 20th Century, Turkey was a strong ally of Israel, the U.S., and other western nations. As the 21st Century dawned, Turkey explored membership in the European Union. This would have further solidified the nation’s western ties. Instead, an event took place that reshaped the future of Turkey. In 2003, Turkey elected Recep Tayyip Erdogan prime minister. A former member of a banned Islamist political party, Erdogan’s administration has been hostile toward Turkey’s secular and democratic institutions. Under Erdogan, Turkey has turned from its traditional western allies and cultivated relationships with nations that oppose western democracy. In July 2016, Erdogan cracked down on his political opponents following what he claimed was a coup attempt. He imprisoned thousands of citizens and consolidated his grip on power. A 2017 referendum further extended that power. Now the president, Erdogan is the undisputed ruler of Turkey. The nation, once hailed as a model of freedom and democracy in the Muslim world, has quickly devolved into a totalitarian regime eager to befriend America’s enemies. In September 2018, Turkey met the leaders of Russia and Iran in Tehran to discuss the future of Syria. In February 2019, Turkey met the leaders of Russia and Iran in Sochi to coordinate joint military plans in Syria. Now, these nations are meeting once again in Tehran. The relationship between Putin and Erdogan is strong and growing. All that’s left to permanently move Turkey into the Russian ally column is a clear break between Turkey and NATO. What could cause that? We may be witnessing it now. Turkey is experiencing massive inflation. They also counted on Ukraine for a significant portion of their food supply. Inflation and food shortages threaten Erdogan’s grip on power. Where can he get a steady supply of energy and food? Russia. It may be what finally drives Turkey into Russia’s corner. When that happens, the key players in the Gog of Magog alliance will be in place. When Will All This Happen? So when will this invasion take place? The Bible says it will come “in the latter days” (Ezekiel 38:8). The original Hebrew word in this verse is “acharith” which means “after-part, latter part, last, close, or end.” In other words, this alliance will form in the last days just prior to the return of Jesus Christ. Ezekiel uses this same word “acharith” eight verses later, when he says the invasion will come “in the last days” (Ezekiel 38:16). This is confirmed again when Ezekiel reveals the Russian leader’s thoughts. Gog says to himself, “I will attack the once abandoned cities now populated with the Jews who returned from exile among the nations” (Ezekiel 38:12). This tells us Russia and its allies will attack the land when it’s filled with the exiles who return from among the nations. In other words, the target is modern day Israel. This means the invasion is coming in our day and time. Ezekiel stresses this fact again and again when He says the invasion will occur “after Israel’s people have been gathered from among many nations” (Ezekiel 38:8) and “when I bring my people home from among the enemy nations” (Ezekiel 39:27). This return home from among many nations has happened only once in all of human history – modern day Israel. While we wait for that moment, the military forces of the three most powerful members of the Gog of Magog alliance – Russia, Iran, and Turkey – are now cooperating in Syria. This puts their joint military forces right on Israel’s border. And not just any border – Israel’s northern border. This is where Ezekiel said the invading force will come from – north of Israel (Ezekiel 38:15; Ezekiel 39:2). Is this a coincidence? Again, I don’t think so. Never in history have these three nations formed an alliance. Now, they’re all stationed directly to Israel’s north. The stage is now set for the fulfillment of the Ezekiel 38-39 prophecies. Turkey has made a strategic choice to align itself with Russia and Iran. Eventually, Russia, Iran, Turkey, and the other nations in the Gog of Magog alliance will send an overwhelming invasion force against Israel (Ezekiel 38:8-9). When they do, God will destroy them and display His power and glory for all the nations to see (Ezekiel 38:23). It’s one more sign of how close we are to the Second Coming of Jesus. Jesus is Coming The rise of the Gog of Magog alliance is a major sign of the end times and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Remember, Ezekiel said this coalition will attack Israel “in the last days” (Ezekiel 38:16) “after they’ve been gathered from among many nations” (Ezekiel 38:8). The prophet Jeremiah spoke about this same regathering from among the nations. He said God would “gather the remnant of His flock from the nations where he had driven them and bring them back into the land” (Jeremiah 23:3-4). And then? And then God will “raise up a righteous descendant of King David, a king who will rule the land with wisdom” (Jeremiah 23:5-6). This righteous King is the long-awaited Messiah. Through the prophet Micah, God promised to “gather His exiles and form them into a strong nation.” Then, He promised to “rule from Jerusalem as their king forever” (Micah 4:6-7). The modern day nation of Israel is the fulfillment of God’s promise to regather His people back in the land of Israel. So it should come as no surprise to see Russia, Iran, Turkey, and the other nations Ezekiel noted in cooperation with one another. According to the Bible, it’s only a matter of time before they attack Israel (Ezekiel 38:8-9). And after that, it’s only a matter of time before Jesus returns to establish His everlasting Kingdom (Revelation 22:20). Take note – Jesus is coming! New insight on Klaus Schwab’s ‘You will own nothing and be happy’: How AI and the Internet of Things will control everything you do in life – Leo Hohmann - A friend contacted me today and informed me that the luxury carmaker BMW has announced plans to charge car owners $18 a month for heated seats. By itself, this sounds like no big deal. Most folks can’t afford a BMW anyway. But it fits into a broader trend that I think captures the true meaning of the World Economic Forum’s slogan related to the Great Reset, that “You will own nothing, you will have no privacy, and you will be happy.” When Klaus Schwab or some other globalist tells you that you will own nothing, they don’t necessarily mean that you will literally not own a thing and just rent everything from the billionaires. If that happened, Amazon and Walmart would go out of business. And we all know that cannot be allowed to happen. So while you may technically still own a house, a car, computers, appliances, a cellphone, etc., in the emerging digital economy, do you really own it? By that I mean, do you have full control over the usage of those products? If you have a deed or a receipt that says “paid in full,” are there special service fees required for the “privilege” of using that product? Even if there are no fees, does any outside entity have the ability to monitor or shut down whatever device you own? How much of your personal user data is being sent back to the manufacturer, which then uses it to sell you other products, or sells your data to the government and other corporations? Bill Gates’ Microsoft may have been the first to lure people into this trap, with his Windows Operating System and Office Suite. You buy it, they own it. If you don’t continuously update the software, feeding Microsoft data on your usage with each new update, you eventually lose it. It won’t work anymore, or at least not very efficiently. The same goes for your iPhone. Now it is happening with vehicles, and not only with luxury add-ons such as heated seats. You buy it, they own the software to block certain features. You have to pay them to unlock those features. Or, at the very least, they require you to “register” the product to unlock certain features.” You may not need to pay them but by registering you still hand over your personal data for free, which they use to bolster profits. And it’s about to get worse: By 2026 the federal government has mandated that all vehicle manufacturers include a remote “kill switch” in every vehicle that leaves their factories. Now we’re talking about not just a seat that won’t heat, but a car that potentially won’t run. Then you really won’t own that car at all, because as soon as your social credit score dips below a certain level the government can just flip the kill switch and your car has been rendered inoperable. This strategy will soon be extended to your house as well. Builders are building “smart houses” within “smart cities.” Trendy folks with more money than they know what to do with love these types of houses where everything is done for them. They don’t have to lift a finger. They walk into their smart house and bark out a certain command, or clap their hands, and the lights come on. The air-conditioning resets to the evening temperature they desire, and so on and so forth. But even homes that don’t carry the label of a “smart home,” are wirelessly connected and have vast potential for technocratic mischief by third parties who don’t live in your home. Why? Because 80 percent of U.S. homes already have the mechanism in place for the technocrats to intervene in your energy consumption. They’re called smart meters — little chips that interact with the power grid, monitoring not only how much power we’re using in real time but where exactly that power is drawing from. Every appliance made over the last 20 years or so contains a chip that is talking to the smart meter and telling the power company everything it needs to know about where your electric power usage is coming from. If you have guests at your house, your water supplier can tell by how many times the toilet flushes and the dishwasher runs how many living souls are staying there and for how long. Think of the possibilities. In the so-called “green economy” being pushed by the WEF, governments will at some point implement quotas on energy usage. If you have exceeded your monthly allotment for water or electricity, citing the latest climate change regulations, they automatically shut off the spigot, or maybe they will shut off certain appliances that have been overused by an “irresponsible” citizen that routinely exceeds his assigned carbon footprint. I can hear it now: “Three strikes and you’re out! No more power for you! No more water!” Oh, but don’t worry. Your friendly government regulator or his corporate partner will call you up and inform you that for wasteful folks like you, they have a special deal in which you can get some extra energy added to your monthly allotment if you pay the power company a fee to get it turned back on. Same thing goes for that shiny new electric car the politicians and media are telling you that you need to buy. How many charges will you be allowed before you’ve outstripped your allotment? Tesla, in fact, just warned its customers in Texas to “limit the number of charges” on their vehicles due to the heat wave. On Wednesday, The Verge reported that Tesla sent a notice to the computer screens inside Tesla vehicles in Texas saying, “A heat wave is expected to impact the grid in Texas over the next few days.” “The grid operator recommends to avoid charging during peak hours between 3pm and 8pm, if possible, to help statewide efforts to manage demand,” the alert added. Expect more of this in the future. The warnings on your screen will get progressively less polite and more punitive. They will sound less like recommendations and more like orders. We hear much talk in the mainstream media today about energy not being sufficiently available for the ultra-hot summers brought on by climate change, which is of course a lie — the real reason energy is lacking is because they have taken so many coal-fired power plants offline and are increasingly reliant on unreliable wind and solar. When you hear this kind of propaganda in the media, and you start to experience pre-planned blackouts, you should know that they are setting us up for the new resource-based digital economy of the Great Reset, where you will truly own nothing and learn to like it. But don’t get fooled by that word “own.” By “owning” nothing, what they are really telling us is that even the things we think we own are not under our control. Even firearms are moving in this direction. Digitally connected “smart guns” are said to be the wave of the future and threaten to obliterate the Second Amendment. This is why the globalist elites pushing the Great Reset want so desperately to usher in a new digital economy where everything is connected to the Internet, because it’s only through digitization that the technocrats will be able to truly monitor and control all facets of human activity. That’s what the Internet of Things is all about. Way back in 1970, Zbigniew Brzezinski, predicted this day would come. In his book, Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era, he stated: “The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities. ” Folks, we are there. In this world, government policies are increasingly driven by the private sector. Those in government just follow the money and the money is always in the latest, most invasive, artificial intelligence-driven technology. Everything is coming under the increasing control of Big Tech, Big Banks, and Big Pharma in collusion with the firmly entrenched administrative state. I can foresee a time when we may still own a lot of stuff on paper, but do we really own it? Or does it own us? And if you can’t learn to be happy living in such a society, if you complain too much and too loudly, there’s a special place set aside for such people. It’s called the gulag. This will not necessarily be a physical gulag, but it will be a place where all your privileges are taken away. In a technocracy, you have no rights, only privileges. So for the non-compliant, there will be no car, no house, no digital money in the bank, no cellphone in the pocket. You become a non person. Now that’s a place we need to learn to like. Not the technocrats’ one-world digital order of total information surveillance, but our own private world of off-grid survival. Now is the time to start practicing how to survive in the non-digital, off-grid world. Aldous Huxley, author of the 1932 dystopian novel Brave New World, also foresaw the coming technocracy. Huxley wrote: "The perfect dictatorship would have the appearance of a democracy, but would basically be a prison without walls in which the prisoners would not even dream of escaping. It would essentially be a system of slavery where, through consumption and entertainment, the slaves would love their servitudes. " So now you have it. The true meaning of “you will own nothing and be happy.” Don’t be deceived. Be smart. Prepare for the inevitable. Nearing Midnight: Love of Money: Evil – Terry James - A question that frequently comes to mind: Why does it appear that, no matter which way we look in the world of national leadership, there are those in charge who seem bent on destroying our nation? For example, consider that one writer described the Biden administration as having “throttled” US energy production. The president has trapped much of our nation’s vast energy reserves behind a wall of bureaucratic red tape. This action, which took place immediately after the president took office, has affected the American populace as few other economic decisions could. Gas prices—as you no doubt can attest personally—have more than doubled in some areas around the country. We are now facing, according to some who are supposed to know, energy costs for our homes that will double in some areas of the nation. All of this could begin to be instantly reversed by changing the energy policy back to the way it was before January of 2021. But those who are in charge are in the camp of the “green” fanatics who constitute a very small percentage of the American population. These have the complete support of the propagandists who are the national mainstream media and the Hollywood entertainment industry. They are the mouthpieces that day after day support every insane governmental policy imaginable. This involves not only the destruction of energy that runs our industrial productivity, but the moral energy that the US inherited by our founding fathers, who saw fit to write into our Constitution and other documents common sense derived from God’s Word. The question, again, is: Why are there those in leadership who are accomplishing the destruction of America? We have often heard that America won’t be destroyed from outside forces, but by forces within. I used to doubt that when at university and even later, but not anymore. The erosion has become a caustic environment induced by leaders who seem to have lost their collective mind. They want to listen to the madness that is the mantra of the “Mother Earth” worshippers—the environmental wackos who say they believe we are destroying the earth through fossil fuels and must now go “green” in order to save the planet. It is absolute madness, and we look at the leaders people keep electing who go along with all this insanity. The answer is that the entire cabal that joins in this effort is controlled by the mind of Satan himself. It is Ephesians 6:12 “on steroids.” But dissecting the things involved, we come to the crux of the matter. The cabal of leaders who are in control—many after decades of entrenchment within Washington, DC— are, I believe, in the financial pockets of the likes of George Soros and other elite globalist influencers. These influencers constitute the human element of the minions—the powers and principalities— in the high places of wickedness described by the Apostle Paul in Ephesians 6:12. Bottom line is the bottom line. That is, the Washington, DC, leaders, it is obvious, cast aside all concern for national well-being, for sovereignty, and all other facets involving our republic, including constitutional safeguards. They do so for one thing—to work toward financially feathering their own nests. The swamp is indeed a swamp of incestuous evil (in terms of nepotism and every other form of insider nefariousness). Now, I’m not saying that every congressman, senator, or other government official is in this category. But certainly those in this category control and shape policies that are, evidence proves, tearing the nation apart. A nation so divided cannot stand, said Lincoln, who was taking that truth from Jesus. These are doing the work of the evil one, whether realizing and acknowledging it or not. They are doing the globalist elites’ evil, which is, whether realizing it or not, doing the bidding of the mastermind behind the Great Reset blueprint to supposedly “build back better.” It is the same old luciferic ploy: “I will ascend and put my star above the throne of God.” He is the one who convinced the Tower of Babel builders to try to usurp that Holy Throne. He is back, in full fury, knowing that he has but a short time to try to turn around the fate that he will find impossible to avoid. He plies these one-world builders and the DC swamp creatures with promises of great financial gain, appealing to one of fallen man’s most lusted-after commodity. He appeals to their love of money, which is the root of all sorts of evil (1 Timothy 6:10). Money buys power and influence, which is at the nucleus of fallen man’s pride and anti-God lusts. As Henry Kissinger once said, “Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.” The wicked geopoliticians lust after what the devil offers—great wealth and power. It will bring them, they think, the ultimate in satisfaction and pleasure. They refuse to believe that God in Heaven owns everything of material and spiritual wealth, and He created it all in absolute perfection. Satan and his minions—both demonic and human—have perverted that which God created. To be in Christ, who paid in full for the sins of mankind, is to be a joint heir with Christ. Those in God’s family are to have all the wonders He owns. The love of God, not the love of money, is where true riches await those who accept God’s grace gift of salvation. Here, again, is how to become a joint heir with Jesus Christ: That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. (Romans 10:9–10) Everything Is Dying: We Are Witnessing Mass Extinctions On An Unprecedented Scale, But Most People Don’t Understand What Is Happening - by Michael Snyder - We were warned that if we stayed on the path that we were on that we would eventually see mass extinctions all over the globe. Unfortunately, nothing was done and now it is already happening. The creatures that inhabit our oceans are dying off. The insects are dying off. The birds are dying off. All around us there is death on a massive scale, but most people don’t understand what is taking place. We all stay in our own little protected bubbles, and we all keep listening to the corporate media tell us that everything is going to be just fine. But the truth is that everything is not going to be just fine, because we are literally destroying the Earth and everything in it. I wish that I could get more people to understand. The food that we eat, the water that we drink and the air that we breathe have all become highly toxic. But you don’t see the microplastics, the pesticides or the trace amounts of pharmaceutical drugs that you are constantly ingesting, and so you don’t think about them. And that is extremely unfortunate. Our oceans are literally being filled up by billions upon billions upon billions of extremely small bits of plastic, and the damage that these “microplastics” are causing is truly cataclysmic. As a result of our rampant polluting, approximately 90 percent of all plankton has now “vanished”… An Edinburgh-based research team fears plankton, the tiny organisms that sustain life in our seas, has all but been wiped out after spending two years collecting water samples from the Atlantic. The landmark research blames chemical pollution from plastics, farm fertilisers and pharmaceuticals in the water. Previously, it was thought the amount of plankton had halved since the 1940s, but the evidence gathered by the Scots suggest 90% has now vanished. If there is no plankton, there will be no food chains in our oceans. And without those food chains, most life in our oceans will perish. At this point we are being warned that “humanity will not survive the extinction of most marine plants and animals”… The scientists warn there are only a few years left before the consequences become catastrophically clear when fish, whales and dolphins become extinct, with grave implications for the planet. In the report, the researchers from the Global Oceanic Environmental Survey Foundation (Goes) state: “An environmental catastrophe is unfolding. We believe humanity could adapt to global warming and extreme weather changes. It is our view that humanity will not survive the extinction of most marine plants and animals.” But the vast majority of our food doesn’t come from the oceans. So we will be okay, right? I wouldn’t count on it, because our insects are rapidly disappearing as well. In fact, biologist Dave Goulson says that studies have shown that approximately 75 percent of all insects have been wiped out over the past 50 years… Estimates vary and are imprecise, but it seems likely that insects have declined in abundance by 75% or more since I was five years old. The scientific evidence for this grows stronger every year, as studies are published describing the collapse of monarch butterfly populations in North America, the demise of woodland and grassland insects in Germany, or the seemingly inexorable contraction of the ranges of bumblebees and hoverflies in the UK. We are dependent on insects in a multitude of various ways. For example, we need them to pollinate many of our most important crops… Bees get a lot of the focus and the attention when it comes to pollination, but there’s a whole array of insects that provide that pollination service. In fact, three-quarters of the world’s flowering plants and about a third of the world’s food crops depend on pollinators at some stage. And so it’s not just bees …. Flies are huge pollinators. That includes the midges that pollinate the cocoa crop that chocolate comes from. And there are wasps as well. Wasps are major pollinators. Again, another insect that’s widely disliked but actually crucial for our environment. Scientists tell us that almost all of the insects will be gone by the end of this century. If that were to happen, would humanity be able to survive? By the way, our birds are going extinct too. According to one study, 30 percent of all the birds in North America are already gone… North America’s birds are dying. Declared a man-made epidemic by a report in Science, approximately 100 bird species are recognized as endangered or threatened, with some estimates stating that about 30 percent of North America’s bird population has disappeared over the past half century. This amounts to 3 billion birds total. That is extremely alarming, but things are even worse in other parts of the globe. In fact, researchers are warning us that a “catastrophic decline of vulture populations” on the other side of the planet could cause disease to spread like never before… A catastrophic decline of vulture populations in Africa and Asia is causing alarm among researchers, who fear that a “cascade” effect could lead to the spread of deadly old and new diseases, including plague, anthrax, and rabies. For thousands of years, the birds have been synonymous with death and gluttony. “Where the corpse is, vultures will gather,” Jesus is quoted as saying in Matthew 24. But in reality, the birds serve us in ways that we are only just beginning to understand – helping to keep ecosystems and pathogens in check. All of the creatures that live around us matter. Even the vultures. Sadly, their numbers have already declined by up to 90 percent in some parts of Africa… Because of the centuries of bad press, experts say that African vultures have never been a well-funded research area like elephants or rhinos. But work by a handful of naturalists in Kenya offers clues about the consequences of their decline. A paper published earlier this year found that, over the last 40 years, vulture numbers have fallen by 88 percent in Kenya, Some birds of prey – like the augur buzzard and long-crested eagle – also plummeted by more than 90 percent. Of course we are systematically killing ourselves as well. One recent study discovered that more than 80 percent of children and adults in the U.S. have glyphosate in their urine… More than 80% of urine samples drawn from children and adults in a US health study contained a weedkilling chemical linked to cancer, a finding scientists have called “disturbing” and “concerning”. The report by a unit of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that out of 2,310 urine samples, taken from a group of Americans intended to be representative of the US population, 1,885 were laced with detectable traces of glyphosate. This is the active ingredient in herbicides sold around the world, including the widely used Roundup brand. Almost a third of the participants were children ranging from six to 18. Each year, close to 300 million pounds of glyphosate is used in the United States. We know that it is being sprayed on the food that we eat, but most of us never think about it because we can’t see it. And so we keep feeding a substance that we know causes cancer to our children on a daily basis… In 2019, a study by the Environmental Working Group revealed that the chemical was present in 17 of 21 oat-based cereal and snack products at levels considered unsafe for children. This was the same year when Sheppard co-authored a study linking glyphosate to higher rates of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma; another 2019 study, this time by the University of Washington, found that glyphosate exposure greatly increases the risk of cancer. In addition, the World Health Organization also studied glyphosate and determined that it “probably” causes cancer. Honestly, at this point we are probably too stupid to survive as a society for too much longer. We know that we are literally poisoning ourselves, but we just keep doing it. One of the overall major themes of my work is that time is running out for humanity. What I have covered in this article is just the tip of the iceberg. Sadly, most people don’t want to hear “doom and gloom” like this even though nobody can dispute that this is really happening. So if you don’t like this sort of “doom and gloom”, just go ahead and stick your head back in the sand. But no matter how much you may try to ignore reality, the mass extinctions that have begun are only going to intensify in the years ahead. Lot’s Fatal Flaw Was Compromising His Household To The Mob of Perversion – Pastor Jack Hibbs - Genesis 19 is one of the most shocking chapters of the Bible. I remember the first time I read it I thought, it’s hard to fathom a society that is so wicked and depraved that this scenario could even take place. But let me tell you, as the days and years have passed since that time, it’s no longer as difficult to imagine as it once was. I’m talking about the account of a man named Lot in the city of Sodom. Let me summarize for you what happens in Genesis 19. God makes it known to his servant Abraham that he plans to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, twin cities of sin and perversion. The wickedness is so widespread that God promised Abraham he would spare Sodom and Gomorrah if, even among the thousands of inhabitants, just ten righteous people could be found within the borders of these cities. Even that number couldn’t be found. But God, in His mercy, sends two angels on an extraction mission to rescue Lot (Abraham’s nephew) and his family from Sodom before annihilation descends upon it in the form of fire and brimstone. These angels, appearing as men, are seen entering Lot’s house by the men of Sodom, whose sinful perversion is so extreme that they pound on Lot’s door and openly demand that he hand the men (who are actually angels) over to them so that they could sodomize them. These weren’t just a few odd perverts. The Bible says that the crowd of demanding men was from every quarter of the city, and consisted of both young and old — that’s how pervasive the sin was. What was Lot’s response to their demands? “Please, my brothers, don’t do such a wicked thing.” So far, so good. If only he had ended his answer there. But then Lot tried to appease these wicked men with a terrible compromise: “Look, I have two virgin daughters. Let me bring them out to you, and you can do with them as you wish.” Lot had been living in a culture of immorality and perversion for so long that he was willing to offer his daughters to a sex-thirsty mob that was lusting to homosexually rape two complete strangers. What kind of a father does that? Imagine for a moment if Lot had shown some backbone. What if his answer had been, “No. Never. I am the protector of this household and all who enter this home. Take your perversion and get out of here!” Think of the messed-up lessons that Lot’s daughters were learning from him about their own value, the sanctity of sex, and the premium that culture places on instant gratification. We see the consequences of those lessons later when Lot’s daughters get him so drunk that he doesn’t even realize they have incestual sex with him in order to get pregnant. It’s all just so messed up, isn’t it? And it all comes down to compromise. As a follower of the Lord, Lot should’ve been far removed from the cesspool of sin in Sodom and Gomorrah — if not in physical proximity, at least in spiritual proximity. Lot should have been a shining light of righteousness in a dark place. But Lot compromised a little here and a little there, wanting to be liked by his neighbors and turning a blind eye to the wickedness that assailed him daily. Compromise is a slippery slope, and it doesn’t take long to slide backward into moral apathy. I’m here to tell you, my friend, that you and I are like Lot in today’s culture. We stand at the threshold of our homes as society pounds on our door with demands to give into immorality. We have the choice to make a stand or to compromise…often at the expense and to the detriment of our children. Look no further than Florida for proof. Disney, which was once a champion of families, has descended to the point where it stands in opposition to a common-sense law that protects kindergarteners through third-graders from sexual indoctrination (whether gay or straight) in schools. The company executives are actively and aggressively looking for ways to “add queerness” wherever possible to children’s programming, thanks to a “not-at-all-secret gay agenda.” They are removing the terms “ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls” from their theme parks to encourage the notion of gender fluidity. In short, they are knocking on the door of your household with the intention of sexualizing your children and violating their innocence. You have a choice to make a stand or give in to compromise. Imagine if we all had the backbone to say what Lot didn’t: “No. Never. I am the protector of this household and all who enter this home. Take your perversion and get out of here!” But here’s the allure to compromise for most of us: Disney produces really entertaining, high-quality, emotionally captivating, visually stunning, ear-catching, nostalgic products. It’s really hard to say no. And it’s not just Disney who is knocking. The list of knockers grows with each passing day. What it takes is a conscious decision and a firm stance to guard your threshold. Compromise is at your door and the next generation is at stake. What are you going to do about it? Daily Jot: Iran and the end times - Bill Wilson – The toothless United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency, the body charged with prevention of nuclear weapons expansion, has failed for decades to stop Iran from enriching uranium for a nuclear bomb. The Bush Administrations relied heavily on the UN’s so-called enforcement. Obama gave Iran a green light and billions in US cash to proceed under the guise of a nuclear prevention agreement. Trump froze Iran’s assets and pulled out of Obama’s agreement. And under Biden, Iran now announces that it has finally achieved the ability to produce a nuclear bomb. Iran has repeatedly proven that paying a terrorist-sponsoring state to stop a nuclear program is among the worst foreign policy strategies. Let us recall a Daily Jot of August 9, 2005 when Iran was “negotiating hard to avoid a showdown with the United Nations Security Council while it continues to build its nuclear program, surely in preparation for major prophetic fulfillment as the world enters the end times. The EU-3–France, Germany and Britain—offered the rogue terrorist state all sorts of economic and financial benefits if Iran would stop its nuclear production. An offer several months in the making, Iranian negotiators got just what they wanted—precious time to secretly continue development of nuclear materials. On parallel track, Iran is working with Russian and Chinese scientists to perfect its missile delivery systems that would include a payload roomy enough to carry the nuclear bomb they continuously deny they are making. “Additionally, Iran has brought in top tunnel engineers from North Korea to design and help build underground facilities undetectable by Western spy satellites. The Iranians rejected the [EU-3] offer saying that it did not allow for Iran to continue enriching uranium. The matter could be referred to the U.N. Security Council very soon, but Iran has two aces up its sleeve in this international nuclear poker game—China and Russia. Both countries have energy supply and weapons agreements with Iran worth billions of dollars and both countries are proven scoundrels as bribe takers from their permanent positions on the United Nations Security Council. And both countries have a prophetic destiny with Iran. These nations are tied together in an undeniable bond that weaves them into the fabric of the end times.” That was written nearly 17 years ago. Two years before, it was revealed through a defector that Iran had a secret nuclear weapons program. Two years later Russia and China announced there was no nuclear weapons program in Iran. Today, Iran’s nearly 20-year cat and mouse game appears to have paid off, in a large part thanks to American presidents that enabled and helped pay for it rather than standing up to it as did President Trump. Ezekiel 38 says that in the end of days, Gog of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal (all in Turkey), leads a coalition of Persia (Iran), Libya; and Ethiopia (Sudan) against Israel. When we see Iran, whose stated objective is the destruction of Israel, being brought into such a coalition with Turkey and these prophetic nations aligning against Israel, we know the time of the end is near. Daily Devotion: Your Local Mission Field - by Greg Laurie – But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? —Romans 10:14 - Listen I have a friend named Steve, who is also a pastor. Steve is very effective at sharing the gospel both in the pulpit and out of it. Whenever you’re around Steve, you can be sure it’s only a matter of time until he asks someone this question: “Has anyone ever told you there’s a God in Heaven who loves you?” I’ve watched him ask a coffee shop barista that question, with ten people in line behind us. I’ve been with him in restaurants where he did the same thing. He’s posed that question to random people on the street. And I’ve witnessed a variety of reactions. Some people say no. Others don’t know what to say. One day we were in a restaurant with two other pastors, and we were getting ready to order. The other pastors were having a theological discussion when Steve turned to the server and said, “Has anyone ever told you that God loves you?” The server was genuinely touched by Steve’s question. He said, “No, no one’s ever told me that.” “Well,” Steve said, “There is a God in Heaven who loves you.” And then he shared the gospel with him. Meanwhile, our friends were still discussing theology, oblivious to what was going on. A few more minutes went by, and Steve led the server to the Lord. It reminded me a little of the church today. We’re busy with our discussions and our political debates, but it’s time to lift our heads and look around us. Jesus said, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few” (Matthew 9:37 nlt). Sometimes we think we’d like to go to the mission field in another country to tell people about Jesus. But why don’t we just start by just crossing the street? There are opportunities in front of us every day. We simply need to be looking for them. FROM THE HEART Let Us Make the Short Time We have Left, Count for ALL of Eternity! IF YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED THROUGH THIS MINISTRY, THEN WE ASK THAT YOU WOULD PLEASE REMEMBER PROPHECY UPDATE IN YOUR GIVING - WE ARE TRULY, TRULY, THANKFUL FOR YOUR SUPPORT WORTHY OF YOUR SUPPORT? 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Without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update, Please pray about becoming a monthly supporter - thanks! If ever there was a time to invest in God's Kingdom, it's now! What on earth are you doing for Heaven's Sake? "Share in the Blessings and Rewards that will last Forever!" "Folks, it's all beginning to unravel. America is in more danger of falling than at any time in its history. But I believe Bible prophecy predicts this very decline. From this point on, we believers have to get serious. We are going to face discouragement, disillusionment and, most certainly, persecution in the time between now and the Rapture. But don't be discouraged or disillusioned. The coming turmoil will provide us unrivaled opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. So be ready to share your faith and your hope with those who need Christ. We still have time to reap a great harvest of souls for God's kingdom!" - Hal Lindsey 1) We need your prayers!- We proclaim the Truth of the Word of God and we are under constant spiritual and sometimes even physical attack. 2) We need your encouragement!- We need to hear from you, let us know how the Lord is blessing you through this ministry so that we can share it with others. 3) We need your input! - If you have a prophetic article or story or if there is a news related item we missed, let us know. 4) We need your financial support!- To put it quite simply, without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update. I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to get the Word out and keep the world informed. Remember, your gift, no matter how small, does make a difference! You will be helping to touch lives, around the world, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, thanks to the internet your generosity carries a global impact! - Thanks! Our Prayer for You- "Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else." 2 Corinthians 9:10-13 If you have been blessed by Prophecy Update and would like to help support this ministry financially. You can make a secure donation online by going to: DONATE NOW Or write us at: Prophecy Update P.O. 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