Satan’s Final Solution from the Beginning - By Joe Southerland -
“And the LORD said unto Satan, Behold, all that he hath is in thy power; only upon himself put not forth thine hand. So Satan went forth from the presence of the LORD” (Job 1:12). “He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil” (1st John 3:8). We are witnessing the trailing strands of Satan’s long, dark, corrupting thread that runs throughout the entire Bible. Before our eyes, Satan’s long-sought-after goal of obtaining complete global domination over Mankind is once again within his grasp. It has been a long, wide path of destruction Satan has blazed for himself and his minions to entrap Mankind in his tempting snares. But now, he is primed to finish what he conceived in his vile heart ages ago in the Garden of Eden — the complete spiritual defilement and domination of Mankind. Satan’s Opening Act In Genesis 3:15, after Satan’s first rebellious deceptions were vomited forth to Eve, God prophesied Satan and his minions would perpetually war with Eve’s seed, Jesus Christ, and those who called upon His name. Though this judgment was damning, Satan in his arrogant pride would claim victory, for He had succeeded in separating future generations of Adam from God, as they were now all born spiritually dead. But his dark work in Eden was only Satan’s beginning act. In Revelation 12:4, we see Satan, pictured as a dragon, as he starts his four-millennium-long pursuit of the woman (Israel/those in faith relationship with God), as he attempted to devour her child Jesus Christ even before he was born. The Bible provides us a wealth of historic details on Satan’s strategies to separate Mankind eternally from God. Satan’s Pre-flood Global Spiritual Corruption nearly succeeds… In Genesis 4:8, though not specifically mentioned, Satan’s handiwork is on display as he destroys the first two sons of Eve – Cain spiritually and Able physically. As in Job 1:6-12, God, for His greater purposes, had removed His hedge of protection and allowed Satan and Cain to perform their will. While God would ensure Mankind’s survival by blessing Eve with Seth, Satan would try to destroy them physically and/or spiritually by keeping them from calling upon the name of the Lord (Genesis 4:26). And he nearly succeeded, for God appears to have given Satan nearly free reign up until Noah and his family are sealed into the Ark. By Genesis 6:7 of the pre-flood era, Satan’s cancerous corruptions had spiritually blackened almost all of Mankind upon the face of the earth. Left to his own will and without the intervention of God, Mankind had descended into the self-centered spiritual decay outlined by the Apostle Paul in Romans 1:18-32. Satan rejoiced, for disastrously rebellious, pre-flood Mankind was deemed beyond redemption by God who sentenced them to the first death – as their bodies were washed away in the cleansing waters of the flood. Only Noah’s family of eight was hedged by God and saved. Satan’s Post-flood Global Destruction attempt… In Genesis 11, Satan tried to repeat his previous diabolical success by raising the first recorded global god-king, Nimrod, in order to again destroy what remained of Mankind, Noah’s rapidly expanding offspring. As a foreshadowing of things to come throughout history, Satan would empower a thoroughly corrupted man in willful open rebellion against God to do his evil bidding. Nimrod, Satan’s first prototype of the Antichrist, through wars of conquest, had subjugated all Mankind and, in doing so, created the first known One-World Government (OWG) and One-World Religion (OWR). God would have none of it and directly intervened, or Satan’s wicked plan would have worked to perfection. God abruptly thwarted the Father of Lies and miraculously confounded the tongues of all Noah’s 70 grandsons, formed them into separate nations, and then scattered them upon the face of the earth. Though Satan would use his god-king template to spiritually corrupt and deceive entire nations throughout history. Even though he is a powerful being, Satan has his limitations; for unlike God, he is neither omniscient, omnipotent, nor omnipresent. God Aborts Satan’s Plan and Hedges His Power Upon the Earth… God scattered the nations, knowing full well that Satan’s power is finite and that by decentralizing the governance amidst multiple nations, Satan’s influence and power would be dramatically weakened. God knows that the potential for great evil comes with consolidation of too much power in the hands of a few people, who could fall under the controlling and corrupting influence of Satan as he temptingly appeals to peoples’ self-centered, sin natures. Therefore, to maximize and enforce his will and deceptions upon the world, Satan must concentrate his power upon spiritually wicked rulers in high places of power and in principalities. It was Lord Acton, the British historian, who said, “All power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely.” The reason this quote rings so true is that it speaks directly to the fallen sin-nature that resides within each and every member of Mankind. Satan knows absolute power corrupts people, and ultimately his power over Mankind thrives upon that fact. Satan Focuses His Attacks upon Israel and the Seed of Eve… Hamstrung by God since the Tower of Babel, Satan’s strategy switched from taking global dominion outright to a two-pronged approach: 1) destroy the seed of Eve, which would come via the line of Shem (the Semites), Heber (the Hebrews) to Abraham (the Jews), and 2) corrupt the masses of humanity by spreading false religions which appealed to the sin-nature within Mankind. In short, Satan succeeded in corrupting/destroying the Lineage of King David and corrupting the nations of Israel/Judah to the point that God allowed the destruction of the Jewish nations, temple, and capital of Jerusalem. But Satan failed, for Israel “brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne” (Revelation 12:5). Thwarted by the Messiah, Satan retrenches for the Church Age Satan was enraged by the unforeseen events of the Messiah defeating death and then birthing the Church, but he was not defeated, and he retrenched. During the unfolding Church Age, Satan adds three new objectives to his plan: 1) destroy, attack and internally corrupt the churches, 2) destroy, attack and corrupt the remnant of Israel, and 3) set the stage for the Antichrist’s End-Time rule. Additionally, Satan still maintained his successful corrupting attacks upon the masses of humanity through raising and spreading false religions and spiritually compromising the rulers of the nations. However, Satan was frustrated; despite all his evil success, his limited power was insufficient to control all Mankind dispersed over the entire earth. But given time, that would all change. God Advances Technology – Satan’s Span increases For his greater purposes, God has allowed the advance of technology in the waning centuries of the Church Age as He oversaw the gradual accumulation of man’s knowledge of the underpinning laws upon which he created our world and our universe*. The Lord’s pleasure was to shape discovery and invention in order to set the perfect technological conditions to maximize the Lord God’s coming harvests for His kingdom. Satan, ever the opportunist, has always embraced and leveraged technology to expand his influence and power amongst Mankind. His corrupting lies were at first limited to face-to-face and word-of-mouth contacts, and then he gradually expanded his deceptions through the written and then printed word. Now, armed with global communications, mass media and social media, with little effort, Satan can place his lies and deceptions into the hands and before the eyes of nearly every soul on the planet. But Satan wants much more than that. Satan’s pride swells, for now, due to technology, he can once again consolidate and concentrate his power in his desire to control and defile all Mankind. And according to Scripture, he will attempt to do just that. Satan’s Final Solution – Totalitarian Global Control No longer limited geographically due to telecommunications, Satan can now enforce tight-fisted control over his children of disobedience to secure his global political and spiritual ambitions. Today, his globalist minions and crop of billionaire business elites are working with and within the nations and global governance bodies to form the underpinning structures required for the next phase of his plan. Satan’s grand strategy, first conceived in Babel, can now be vigorously relaunched with a new global god-king, the new Nimrod, Caesar, and Fuhrer. Known by many names — Son of Perdition, the Beast, the Antichrist — he will be installed and then enthroned by Satan to rule over the entire earth to align all of Mankind to his wicked will. We know from Revelation Chapter 17 that Satan’s Antichrist will cease power and control the world through ten evil kings/rulers who have sworn their complete allegiance to their master. The ensuing seven-year reign of the Antichrist will be the most horrific, brutal and bloody period of terror the world has ever seen, leading to the persecution, pursuit, enslavement, starvation and slaughter of hundreds of millions, if not billions. In the final three-and-one-half years of his demonic rule, the Beast will proclaim himself god and demand all nations, tribes and tongues worship him as God, or face death. According to Jesus Christ, this will be a time worse than any other in history. But Satan will not prevail. The Lion of Judah Triumphs At Tribulation’s end, all of Satan’s brilliant schemes will ultimately prove to be failures as the KING of KINGs and LORD of LORDs triumphantly returns and, with the utterance of His voice, destroys the Antichrist and his godless, satanic worshippers. Satan of Revelation Chapter 12, “the great dragon, that old serpent, called the Devil, which deceiveth the whole world” will, at the direction of the Lamb of God, be bound with a great chain and cast into a bottomless pit for a thousand years. Come out of her, my people Already, the Prince of the Power of the Air and his children are taking control of the data being transmitted into our lives as they work towards his final act of rebellion against God. Do not be ensnared in Satan’s deceptive utopian promises, nor his false religions, nor become tangled in the materialistic weeds of this fleeting world. Drawn near to Jesus Christ, and he will draw near to you even though he has never been far from you. Get right with God. Get into His Word. Spread the Gospel. May our mighty God bless and strengthen you! Maranatha! J&J Ranch Ministries “But as for me and my <ranch>, we will serve the LORD” (Joshua 24:15). All verses KJV. Author’s YouTube Channel * God’s Creation Laws – The Transcendent Foundation of the Universe Coming 'COVID-19 passports' – mark of the Beast? - By Brian Sussman - Brian Sussman sees a world where digitized proof-of-status would be ticket to society. By now most have decided their stance on the COVID-19 vaccine. You've either received it, plan on getting it, or are flat out saying, No way! This column is not meant to argue vaccine versus no vaccine. Instead, I'm concerned about the many conversations I've recently h – ad with friends who are convinced that COVID-19 vaccination passports – for air travel, access to job sites, schools and public places – should be, and will be, instituted soon. I also know of people who are considering proof of vaccination to attend their private wedding ceremony and reception. Currently, vaccination verification is limited to a paper form. Such a document could be easily forged. As such, alternate proposals are turning to technology. One proposal involves vaccination authentication that could be stored in a digital token on a smartphone app with various forms of two-step authorization as a safety mechanism. In fact, the International Air Transport Association (IATA), an airline trade association that represents 290 airlines worldwide, said on Nov. 23, 2020, that it was in the final stages of developing a digital vaccine passport for travelers. The IATA Travel Pass will let travelers share their vaccination status and COVID test results with airlines and border authorities via a contactless passport app. But there's a problem: What about those without a smartphone? Analysis has shown that African Americans are far less likely than white, Hispanic, or Asians to be tested before they end up in the emergency room. Mobile testing sites administered by Verily Life Sciences (a subsidiary of Google's parent, Alphabet) require people to have a smartphone and a Google account before getting tested. Residents in San Francisco's Tenderloin district, one of the city's poorest neighborhoods, were turned away from testing sites because they didn't have a smartphone. No surprise given that Google's entire business model is based upon gathering personal information for marketing purposes. In addition to those who don't have smartphones, there are countless individuals who do not want to share their personal health information with the likes of a private, for-profit corporation like Google. But don't worry, there's a plan for these concerns. It's called The Slippery Slope. Let's be clear: There is currently no vaccine for COVID-19 that insures immunity; one can still become ill. Also, the current vaccines do not prevent the spread of the virus. So what's going on here? Digital-format immunity passports would eventually likely normalize digital-format proof-of-status documents. Advocates of COVID passports visualize a world where we can't pass through a door to a plane, workplace, school, or restaurant until the gatekeeper scans our credentials. In no time the public would be conditioned to submit to these demands. This digital system could easily be expanded to check not just a person's immunity status, but any other bit of personal information a gatekeeper might deem relevant, such as banking information, age, pregnancy, HIV status, or criminal history; and all data – your data – could be accumulated into one database. And could we really trust those overseeing the databases? The next step in this plan will move from smartphone apps to invisible barcode-like tattoos stamped on the body of those who have been vaccinated. This would accommodate those without cell phones and prevent hackers from stealing personal information. The tattoo plan is funded by Bill and Melinda Gates. The easily applied invisible tattoos would likely be placed on the hand or forehead. Students of the Bible will immediately recall the mark of the Beast from the New Testament's book of Revelation: "He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave,to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads,and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast. …" (Revelation 13:16-17) No, I'm not claiming the vaccine is the mark of the Beast, but I am emphasizing that society is moving very quickly into a brave new world, especially in the realm of personal privacy and information security. Our government was designed to protect our liberties, not recklessly allow them to be abused. Rebuilding the Babel Tower - By Terry James - There is much speculation, supposition, and outright pontification on the matter of America being the Babylon of Revelation chapter 18. The theological seminary types whom I consider to be excellent scholars in correctly analyzing Bible prophecy, in most every case, come down on the side of the Babylon in Revelation 18 to be a literal, rebuilt Babylon where it once stood. America, they might add, is a city-state type that fits within the Babylon system of rebellion that has plagued the world throughout human history. But the US is not that “Mystery Babylon” that will be destroyed in one hour at some point during the seven-year Tribulation. I’m quite wishy-washy on this, because I don’t see where God’s Word absolutely states that it will be rebuilt in its original location. It is, after all, called “Mystery Babylon.” This makes it somewhat of an open question, so far as it being a literal Babylon, rebuilt in the literal, former location. That said, I will state that things presented in God’s Word make it look like it most likely will be a city rebuilt in its geographical location on the plains of Shinar. I just can’t visualize it being rebuilt quickly enough—that is, completed as a great city-state and then becoming such a grandiose, powerful influence on all of the world’s commerce. I just can’t see this all taking place based upon the swiftness of prophetic progression at this moment. Babylon’s ancient geographical location is almost totally nothing but desert. There is no sign of which I’ve heard that implies significant construction of any sort. Saddam Hussein had a small project or two started there to reconstruct Babylon for a tourist attraction. But that, as I understand, is in great disrepair and never amounted to much in the first place. So if the Babylon of Revelation chapter 18 is to be the one of prophecy that will be destroyed in an hour or two—if the beginning of the Tribulation is to be sooner rather than later—somebody better get to building, and quickly. And even if it is constructed almost overnight, as my good friend Dr. Mark Hitchcock has suggested in his book on Babylon, I, again, can’t visualize that city-state becoming the massive boon to all the world’s commerce within a short time. Of course, there is always great leeway for miraculous activity, particularly as time is compressed during these last-days developments. This could happen. I’m just too dense in my imagination to see it happening in fewer than several decades, at a minimum. Meantime, we look at the many Babylonian-like evils taking place in America and around the globe. The anti-God wickedness that is seen on the rise in every direction is appalling. The Lord’s patience is tremendous beyond all understanding, but is not infinite. That is, other generations have been judged—completely wiped out—with less evil and wickedness than this rebellious world manifests hourly. America, in particular, exhibits ancient Babylonian-level blasphemy and bloodthirsty activity beyond that of the ancients. We have put into our law the right, even the demand, that nearly seventy million babies be murdered in their mother’s wombs. This sort of wickedness, alone, was a major cause of God bringing down ancient Babylon and other empires. We, as a culture and society, haven’t yet placed infants in the red-hot hands of an idol like Moloch, but we have allowed the unborn—and even those just born—to be sacrificed upon the alters of sexual convenience that amounts to worship of debauchery. Satanic ritual, although disguised as art and/or entertainment, such as displayed during this year’s and previous Super Bowl halftimes, points to the Babylonian nature accepted by perhaps half of the American populace. Many worship at the altar of commerce, exhibiting a materialistic bent that doubtless would have put ancient Babylonians to shame. This unprecedented worship of the riches of this world is made possible by the technologies that have been created—technologies not available to those past civilizations. One such technological platform is, of course, Amazon. We had a neighbor who ordered things from Amazon and other sources, and the boxes just accumulated around the front and sides of her home. Some became concerned she was deceased or ill, but that wasn’t the case. She just ordered and ordered “stuff,” and never even took it into the house. The many, many packages stayed in the rain and through all other sorts of weather. Now this smacks of a dementia, I’ll admit, but the sort of culture that promotes worship of material possessions likely exacerbates such proclivity to develop forms of dementia. It is not surprising, therefore, that the following construction is in the offing. Amazon has just unveiled the plans for its new corporate headquarters that will stand in Arlington, Virginia, directly across the Potomac River from Washington DC. The announcement inaccurately describes the design as a “double helix” but scholars of ancient history and the Bible will readily recognize the ancient model for the design: the Tower of Babel… Helix Building: A “New Design With Mesopotamian Roots” Construction on their second corporate headquarters is expected to begin next year and when completed in 2025 at a cost of $2.5 billion. It will include 2.8 million square feet of new office space distributed across three 22-story buildings. The location is less than four miles from the Capitol Building… “The natural beauty of a double helix can be seen throughout our world, from the geometry of our own DNA to the elemental form of galaxies, weather patterns, pinecones, and seashells,” the company said. “The Helix at our Arlington headquarters will offer a variety of alternative work environments for Amazon employees amidst lush gardens and flourishing trees native to the region.” Though it is true that DNA is arranged in a double-helix, the architectural design is not, in fact, a double helix that appears like a ladder that has been twisted into a corkscrew. The design of the building is, perhaps, a single helix with a spiral walkway ascending the exterior of the building. The architectural design of the Amazon building does, in fact, closely resemble that of a ziggurat, a type of massive structure built in ancient Mesopotamia. A ziggurat has the form of a terraced compound of successively receding stories or levels. (Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, “Amazon Reveals Plan to Build ‘Tower of Babel’ Opposite US Capital,” Feb 10, 2021, Biblical News) While America might not be the Babylon of Revelation chapter 18, it sure more and more looks the part—up to and including the infamous tower that God brought crashing down for that people’s anti-God rebellion. Continue to pray that things will change, but realize that the Lord must judge wickedness. Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people. (Proverbs 14:34) The Lord of Heaven is not without complete awareness of His people having to contend with the wickedness all around them. This is why the following verse about that future Babylon of Revelation chapter 18. Perhaps it is a call we of this generation will soon hear from Heaven. Then I heard another voice from heaven say: ‘’Come out of her, my people,” so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues. (Revelation 18:4) Even so, come, Lord Jesus. Choose Life - Nathele Graham - [email protected] When things get tough, many people become downhearted. Depression sets in and life seems to have no purpose. This even happens to Christians. Too often the depression results in suicide. It’s sad that a person can get to the point where life is that unbearable. Even though at any given moment in time, circumstances seem to hold no hope, there’s always hope. God gave each person a gift of life, and that gift should never be taken for granted. Many things in life affect our outlook, but nothing we face should cause us to turn away from God. I remember when I was in school, we studied about the Great Depression. Many people lost their investments and thought there was no hope. Suicide was their way out of the problems. Today, some people who study history say there wasn’t an increase in suicides during that time. Whether suicide increased then or not, when a person loses all hope, they do irrational things…like take their own life. Many sources say that the suicide rate today is increasing. The blame is put upon anxiety over the fear of COVID-19 and the restrictions inflicted on the population. People are forced to isolate from each other, and that’s not a normal human condition…it’s not a Biblical thing to do. Christians are encouraged in Scripture to fellowship with one another. Fear of getting the virus causes anxiety, job loss causes a financial burden, and many more factors cause mental duress. People begin to see suicide as a way out of the despair. Scripture tells us that even the Apostle Paul came to a point in his life that he felt it would be easier to die. “For we would not, brethren, have you ignorant of our trouble which came to us in Asia, that we were pressed out of measure, above strength, insomuch that we despaired even of life: but we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves, but in God which raiseth the dead: who delivered us from so great a death, and doth deliver: in whom we trust that he will yet deliver us;” 2 Corinthians 1:8-10. Paul had faced many, many challenges that would have discouraged a lesser man, but Paul seemed to take beatings, prison sentences, and rejection by friends in stride, so it’s quite a confession on his part to admit he “despaired of life”. Suicide is a tragic response to a bad situation, and Paul not giving in to utter despair is an example to us today. Your determination to continue standing firm upon your faith could be the example people around you need in order to not give up in the face of trials. Life is precious from the moment of conception to the time that a natural end comes. We learn from the prophet Jeremiah, that God knows us long before we are conceived. “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5. Jeremiah didn’t see himself as a person who others would listen to. He felt he was too young to be a prophet and had no authority to speak for God. In spite of that, God chose him to speak on His behalf to people who needed to know God’s truth. Jeremiah’s fear was holding him back from doing what God had chosen him to do. Jeremiah may not have “despaired of life”, but he was fearful of speaking for God. “Be not afraid of their faces: for I am with thee to deliver thee, saith the LORD.” Jeremiah 1:8. Is fear or despair standing in the way of the purpose God has chosen you for? It’s important for you to remember that God is with you. If you serve Him, He will never turn away from you. You may face tough times and be ridiculed for your faith, but don’t back down. Jeremiah’s life wasn’t all smooth sailing and many people mocked him. He never gave up in despair but trusted God. “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6. Acknowledge God in every part of your life. By doing that, you won’t despair of life but will look for God’s blessings everywhere. Seek and ye shall find. Everyone, young and old, is important to God. He wants everyone to choose to come to faith in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, but that can only be done while living on this side of eternity. No matter what difficulty you might be facing today, let Christ be your strength. Turn to Him in faith and let Him open doors for you. Be patient because God’s timing is perfect and His ways are perfect. God hasn’t forgotten about you, and it’s important that you don’t forget about Him. “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28. Could it be that your depression comes from being out of fellowship with God? The good He wants to bless you with may be hindered by your walking in step with the world rather than in fellowship with God. Maybe you’re becoming depressed because you don’t think God cares about you, but remember that even things you see as bad will be used for good as God works in your life. Don’t despair and don’t give in to depression. Study Scripture while you wait for His will to be done in your life. You’ll find much comfort and hope in the word of God. If you listen to all the doom and gloom around, you’ll allow your mind to be overcome by fear. Job is an example of a man who would not give in to his trials. In the first chapter of Job, we get to know him a bit and see that he was a wealthy man who loved God. He had a large family that consisted of a wife, seven sons, and three daughters. These children liked to party a bit and Job was concerned for them. He offered sacrifices on their behalf in case they sinned. “…for Job said, It may be that my sons have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts. Thus did Job continually.” Job 1:5b. Do you spend time in prayer for others? Instead of dwelling on how bad things are in your life, if you pray for others you might find your own depression begin to fade. The closer we are to God the more Satan wants to separate us from Him. Satan arrogantly approached God and asked for permission to try to turn Job away from his faith. It’s important to understand that the troubles Job faced were allowed by God, but not caused by God. Satan is behind all that’s bad in the world and can influence weak minded people to do his bidding. God allowed Satan to try to turn Job’s heart away from God, and to despair. Job lost his wealth and all of his children died. Job was heartbroken, but he didn’t blame God. “In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly.” Job 1:22. The next satanic attack was upon Job’s health. Very ugly boils covered all of his body. His heart was broken, he was ruined financially, and he was hideous to look at. His wife was no help. “Then said his wife unto him, Dost thou still retain thine integrity? Curse God, and die.” Job 2:9. Instead of loving him for richer or poorer and in sickness and health, she blamed Job for not turning against God and dying. Then, friends came to him and pointed out all of his character flaws which they said were the reason behind his problems. Through it all, Job would not deny God. What he faced had the opposite effect of what Satan wanted. Job became very humble and he stood firmly upon his faith. “For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: and though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God: whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another; though my reins be consumed within me.” Job 19:25-27. Do you have faith like that, or do you curse God and despair of life? Job did get well and God restored all that he had lost. Job’s true wealth wasn’t in worldly wealth but in heavenly treasure. All these many thousands of years later, Job is still an example of faith and an encouragement to not give up, but to choose life. Instead of cursing God through bad times or becoming depressed, understand that you are precious to God. Your life matters. If you put your full trust in the Lord you will be an example to others and strengthen the faith of people around you. You might even be the example of Christian faith that brings another person to salvation in Christ. While you live in this world don’t despair, but choose life. Eternal life depends upon your choice to accept Christ today. Choose life…life in this mortal world and eternal life forever. God bless you all, Nathele Graham [email protected] [email protected] All original scripture is “theopneustos” God breathed. If you’d like to be on my mailing list to receive the commentaries just drop me an email and let me know. Daily Jot: Prophecy clock accelerates under Biden – Bill Wilson – After four years of an American administration supporting Israel, attempting to broker peace between Israel and its historically traditional enemies, and isolating one of the world’s leading sponsors of terror, the Biden administration is now dangerously reversing Middle East policy. The ebb and flow of prophecy is quickly advancing as President Biden is following in the anti-Israel footsteps of the Obama Administration. To the Judeo-Christian community, these are elements that advance prophecy by boosting the nations, such as Iran, who are specifically mentioned as those coming against Israel when the Messiah returns. Biden’s foreign policy signals a favoring of Iran and its nuclear ambitions. Two weeks ago, the Biden State Department revoked the terrorist designations of Ansarallah (the Houthis), the Yemen franchise of Iran’s international terrorist network. This move released millions of dollars in “humanitarian” aid that solidifies the Houthis grip on Yemen and allows Iran to redirect terrorist-sponsoring resources to other parts of the world. In the statement announcing the revocation, the State Department acknowledged that the Houthis routinely attacked US partners, and kidnapped and tortured US citizens. Nevertheless, Biden trusts the Houthis to distribute “humanitarian” aid to starving Yemenis, starvation and poverty the Houthis have caused by their cartel-like control of 80% of Yemen’s population. In another foreign policy move, Biden’s people are pressuring other nations to release money impounded by sanctions against Iran for violating nuclear non-proliferation agreements. For example, South Korea, after “consultations” with the Biden Administration, announced it is releasing some $7 billion of frozen assets to Iran. The Korea Times reported South Korea was in talks with Washington last month about “unfreezing” money to pay Iran’s dues to the United Nations, and to purchase “humanitarian items such as medicine and medical equipment.” Iran is pressuring Europe, Japan, Iraq, and Oman to release more funds, while at the same time attacking US partners and allies using proxies in Yemen and Iraq, according to multiple reports. Biden already has signaled that he intends to rejoin the failed nuclear agreement with Iran. Additionally, Biden has appointed several anti-Israel, pro-Islam people to high positions in his administration. Boosting Iran will not lead to peace, but to end time war. There are many references in the Bible to how Iran, Turkey and other Arab nations attack Israel in the end of days. For example, in Ezekiel 38:3-8, the Lord says, “Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal: and I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army…Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them…against the mountains of Israel…” These areas mentioned in the verses of Ezekiel 38 coincide with modern Turkey, Iran, Sudan, Libya, and parts of Iraq, even Saudi Arabia. Biden is following in the footsteps of Obama and is moving the prophecy clock forward. Watch and discern. Daily Devotion: Tenacious Faith - by Greg Laurie – How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of the messenger who brings good news, the good news of peace and salvation, the news that the God of Israel reigns! —Isaiah 52:7 - Listen Missionary George Smith died on his knees praying for Africa. He had been there only a short time when he was driven from the country, leaving behind only one convert. Years later, a group of men found a copy of the Bible that he left behind in Africa and met the one convert of George Smith’s ministry. They discovered his one convert had reached others, who had then reached others. And 100 years later, a missions agency discovered 13,000 people whose conversion was traced to the ministry of George Smith. Then there was Noah. The Bible calls him “a preacher of righteousness” (2 Peter 2:5 NKJV), yet he lived 120 years and never had a single convert. He stands as an example to those who faithfully sow the seeds of the gospel but can’t always measure their success outwardly. Maybe that describes you. You’ve told your whole family about Jesus, but no one has believed. You’ve told all your friends about Jesus, and not one of them has become a Christian. And you’ve invited all your neighbors to church, and no one has responded to your invitation. Remember, Noah didn’t have a lot of people who believed, yet we’re still talking about him today. The Bible tells us that “by faith Noah, being divinely warned of things not yet seen, moved with godly fear, prepared an ark for the saving of his household, by which he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness which is according to faith” (Hebrews 11:7 NKJV). So take heart. It isn’t over yet. Our job is to share the gospel, and it’s the Holy Spirit’s job to bring about conviction in the heart of a nonbeliever. Don’t underestimate the power of those little seeds of the gospel that you’ve sown in the lives of others. Just pray about it, and leave it in God’s hands.
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