‘Never Forget’: Why Allowing the Horrors of Oct. 7th To Be Forgotten Is Not An Option – By Joseph Kerr -
Never Forget. It’s a phrase that has gone out of vogue in recent years. People don’t talk about 9/11 anymore. I do because I lost many friends there. Marsh & McLennan was a client of mine when I worked on Wall Street. I knew many of their employees in the Twin Towers. I visited their offices in Tower One, floors 93 through 100. Most worked on Tower Two’s 40s and 50s floors, where I spent time at the hedge fund desks. On September 11, 2001, 1,908 Marsh & McLennan employees were in those two towers, including 129 visiting from out-of-town offices. Marsh and McLennan even had an employee on one of the flights that crashed into the towers. Jeffrey W. Greenberg, the CEO, confirmed those figures for a Harvard Business Review story, adding this personal note: “These are facts I can tell you with certainty; we have lived with them day and night ever since. What I cannot do is convey the grief we felt that day and the loss that stays with us.” “Never forget” is a two-word simple phrase with different meanings if you’ve been through a traumatic event or several. I can tell you what I felt and saw the day my first wife died. Burned into my memory is watching my daughter on her hands and knees wiping up the blood stain on the floor from where the paramedics worked on her. A plaque on my wall bears tiny footprints and handprints of Duane Robert Kerr, our baby Gloria carried to full term, knowing he would be born but never held. Those images are forever etched into my memory. Why? Because as painful as they are, I cannot allow myself to forget, not because I haven’t wished to, but because they are too important to ignore. That one fact – their importance – is why it is so crucial never to forget. We remember, we never forget, because the alternative to Never Forget is nearly unforgivable: Forgotten. Some people find it hard to view the images from 9/11. I confess I wept anew on those days’ 10th and 20th anniversaries and today as I write this. Even though I am blessed to be happily married to my second wife, an amazing woman I dearly love, I still find myself shedding tears on the date my first wife died. My oldest son has it even more difficult; the day she died was his 27th birthday. Some things we move beyond emotionally and practically, but it is reasonable and necessary that we never forget some things, especially the most difficult moments. Similarly, this recent tragedy of the black Shabbat massacre is a date and set of images that should never be forgotten. Some of the murdered included women and men, now in their 90s, who had survived the Holocaust as children. They never imagined they would survive that horror only to have their lives end in another, in their own homes. Several Holocaust survivors are among the hostages the war criminals still hold in Gaza. At least one has already died there. I sympathize with those who find it difficult to view the images, read the stories, or watch the videos of the scenes there. Some people could never stand to walk through the Holocaust museum, Yad Vashem, in Israel. There you view real relics recovered from Nazi death camps, photographs of babies, families, and a railroad boxcar that hauled many to their deaths. As you walk through Yad Vashem, a narrative plays in the background, with the voices of survivors telling their stories. It’s a somber, heavy experience, and truly one you never forget, nor should you. That’s the point. Most people have heard of Auschwitz. A few more could name one or two other death camps, Buchenwald, Treblinka. Could you name all 23 main death camps? How about the other 900 subcamps? Did you know there were that many? You can understand why, for a Jew, the phrase Never Forget is more compelling. To them, the alternative – Forgotten – is inconceivable. This has been a difficult three and a half months in Israel and Gaza. There are likely many more to come. Over 100 IDF soldiers have died fighting to free the hostages and citizens of Gaza from Hamas, ISIS, Islamic Jihad, and the Palestinian Authority, all of whom have or still hold hostages and fight there. The families of those fallen soldiers will never forget. The families of the dead or missing 1200 from October 7 will never forget. Never forget is a weighty, ponderous phrase. Memories of the dead, the wounded, the lost, or the massacred are hard memories. They are cumbersome to the heart, which is precisely why we must carry some. We should not hold onto hurts just to self-inflict hurt; that’s emotionally unhealthy. But we must hold onto the memories so we never forget. We need to allow God to bear the weight, and He will. Psalm 34:18 says, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” We are commanded to fulfill the “law of Christ” and bear each other’s hurts where we can (Galatians 6:2). But some memories, though tiresome and painful, must be borne. The feelings of shock, horror, pain, regret, indignation, acrimony, and offense you will encounter as you view the videos and read the accounts of real people will stay with you – and they should; they must. Dan Rather, the famed television commentator, said, “We cannot rely on memorials and museums alone. We can tell ourselves we will never forget, and we likely won’t. But we need to make sure that we teach history to those who never had the opportunity to remember in the first place.” That is why we must embed agonizing and uncomfortable memories, because some do not. Some people avoid pain at all costs. They navigate the long route around troubling feelings and grief. They don’t shed tears easily. I can empathize with people who have trouble dealing with painful experiences. I was an insurance adjuster when I arrived in Homestead, Florida, two days after Hurricane Andrew. I will never forget the stories of those who lived through it. Those memories are forceful and compel me to feel for those who lived things I cannot imagine. Never forget is a sizeable burden. I get that, but consider a Christian worldview on Never Forget. The Bible says “remember” 631 times. God created us to remember. We are told to “Remember the works of the Lord” (Ps. 77:11). “Remember those in prison as if you are bound with them” (Hebrews 13:3). Jesus said, “I have told you these things so that when their hour comes, you will remember” (John 16:4). The criminal next to Jesus offered a simple salvation prayer: “Remember me when You come into Your kingdom” (Luke 23:42). While it may be painful and unnerving to digest the scenes and sentences from Israel right now, knowing what is happening and having it embedded in your mind and heart fulfills what President Kennedy once said at a veterans memorial: “We must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” Some of the images from Israel you will never forget—you cannot unsee a baby’s room splattered with the blood of a mother who died trying to shield her daughter from the spray of bullets. You cannot forget the charred remains of teenagers who died holding each other as they were burned alive in their car, trying to escape the murderers at the concert venue. As a journalist, I can never unsee or forget the video that was circulated to the media compiled from the body-cam videos the terrorists proudly streamed during the attacks. I don’t recommend it for most people, and no, I won’t send it to you. Suffice it to say, the debauchery and levels of inhumanity are beyond words; most probably should never see it. When we endure but commit to memory what we must Never Forget, when we remember the painful and powerful, we ensure for the next generation that Forgotten is not an option. Time magazine printed a powerful open letter from John Spencer, a veteran, military strategist, and military scholar who journeyed to southern Israel to witness the horrific aftermath of the Oct. 7th massacre: The last house I entered was a house of a slain young couple that were due to be married very soon. Instead, flies, a splattering of blood, and the smell of death. The celling was riddled with holes from a terrorist grenade. When I left the house, I was confronted by the parents of a young man who died in the house. I was not ready for that. As a parent, what do you say to a parent who’s lost a piece of themselves in this way? I froze up. “I am sorry for your loss,” I said, peering into both the father and mother’s eyes to see their eternal pain. I put my hand over my heart and tried to express my condolences. I then walked away. A moment later, talking to my IDF escort, the father approached me. He said “please, please don’t let people forget.” It’s a difficult read, I’m warning you. But if you’re the kind of person who is challenged by suffering yet willing Never to Forget, I encourage you to read it in its entirety. Revelation 20: ‘The world that is not yet, but ought to be’ - By Mark Creech - A few years ago, I came across a tremendous sermon written by Theodore F. Adams, the late pastor of the First Baptist Church in Richmond, Virginia. Adam’s message was titled, “The World That is not Yet — But Ought to Be.” Adams said he based the message’s theme on a prayer once prayed by his brother, who was also a minister, in which such phrasing was used. Adams wrote: “Do we really believe what Jesus said: ‘All power is given unto me’? Who is to dominate this world — what faith and what philosophy? Is the world to be turned over to those whose idea is ‘rule or ruin;’ or do we really believe Jesus when he says, ‘All power is given unto me…Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them…teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.’ “Have we surrendered the dream; or do we still cherish the vision of our Lord when he taught us to pray, ‘Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth…?’ Surely that is the hope we cherish — the hope for ‘a world that is not yet, but ought to be.’ “That is the dream we cherish — a world that is not yet but that certainly ought to be, the world to which Christ came and for which he lived, and suffered, and died, and lived again! If the kingdoms of this world are really to become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, ours is a task to challenge the best that is in us. We need in such a day as this a faith with a world vision and God’s vision for the world of our day. Ours is the task to win that world to Christ as Lord and to see that Christ really is Lord in all of life, as well as in all the world.” Certainly, every faithful student of the Bible believes this way. This is the calling of God for every follower of Christ. This is the work to which Christ commissioned his disciples, and it is the work that believers of every age must do until this world that was not what it ought to be, finally is. Christians should be unified in this endeavor. However, there is some disagreement among God’s people about the way this vision ultimately comes to pass. The subject of The Millennium is taken up six times in chapter 20 of the Book of Revelation. The word “millennium” means a thousand years. Dr. Henry Morris in “The Revelation Record” says: “The twentieth chapter of Revelation has been the major battleground of the various competing systems of biblical eschatology. In general, the way in which this chapter is interpreted seems to determine how the entire Book of Revelation and, to a large extent, how biblical prophecy as a whole is interpreted. It is in this chapter that the record appears of a thousand-year period [The Millennium] when Satan is bound and the world is ruled in righteousness by Christ and the people of God. “But the question is whether, and to what extent, this record should be taken literally. Is this thousand-year period exactly 1,000 years, or is the number merely a symbolic number? Is Satan literally imprisoned and powerless during this time, or is he bound only in a relative sense by the liberating power of the Gospel? Is Christ to reign in a direct sense over the earth, on a literal throne, or is this only a figure of speech referring to the eventual conversion of the world to righteousness through the work of the Church and the preaching of the Gospel?’” Consider what the first three verses of the 20th chapter of Revelation say: “Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven with the key to the bottomless pit and a heavy chain in his hand. 2 He seized the dragon — that old serpent, who is the devil, Satan — and bound him in chains for a thousand years. The angel threw him into the bottomless pit, which he then shut and locked so Satan could not deceive the nations anymore until the thousand years were finished. Afterward, he must be released for a little while (Revelation 20:1-3).” In The Millennial Kingdom by John Walvoord, Walvoord summarizes the three primary views on the coming thousand-year reign of Christ on the Earth. The first view is “premillennialism,” which takes a more literal view than any other. “It views the end of the present age as sudden and catastrophic, with great judgment upon the wicked and the rescue of the righteous … Premillennialism generally holds to a revival of the Jewish nation and the repossession of their ancient land when Christ returns. Satan will be bound (Rev. 20:2) and a theocratic kingdom of righteousness, peace, and tranquility will ensue.” The second view is “amillennialism,” which Walvoord notes is the most popular view of the coming millennium. “Its most general character is that of denial of a literal reign of Christ upon the earth,” says Walvoord. “Satan is conceived as bound at the first coming of Christ. The present age between the first and second comings is the fulfillment of the millennium … It may be summed up in the idea that there will be no millennium than there is now, and that the eternal state immediately follows the second coming of Christ.” The third view is “postmillennialism.” Walvoord explains that postmillennialists “hold that the present age will end with a period of great spiritual blessing corresponding to the millennial promises accomplished through the preaching of the gospel. The whole world will be Christianized and brought to submission to the gospel before the return of Christ. The name is derived from the fact that in this theory Christ returns after the millennium.” Some mighty theologians have held to the amillennial and postmillennial positions. There is no heresy in either of these two views. But in my estimation, they are almost completely dependent on an allegorical or symbolic interpretation of Scripture, which leaves entirely too much room for the interpreter to impose his own views on the text rather than simply taking it for what it says. It also excludes the ability of the average person who reads scripture to determine what the supposed symbolic language represents. Moreover, despite the erroneous argument by amillennialists and postmillennialists that premillennialism is largely a new or very young approach to eschatology, the truth is, as Harold Wilmington states in his book, “The King is Coming,” it is the premillennial view that is the oldest of the three systems of interpretation. It was held by the early church fathers. He notes that theologians who held this view during the first century A.D. were Clement of Rome, Ignatius, and Polycarp. Theologians who held it during the second century were Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, and Tertullian. Great scholars who believed and taught it during the third century were Cyprian and Commodianus. Wilmington concludes, arguing: “Beginning in the fourth century, however, the Roman Catholic Church began to grow and premillennialism began to wither, for Rome viewed herself as God’s instrument to usher in the promised kingdom of glory. For centuries the precious doctrine of premillennialism was lost except to a few groups. But in the past few hundred years God has graciously revived premillennialism and restored it to its proper place, using men like Alford, Seiss, Darby, and C.I Schofield.” How marvelously timely the revival of premillennialism, especially as it seems quite apparent that we are in the last of the last days. Admittedly, at one point, the postmillennial view became very attractive to me. I wanted to believe it because of the nature of my ministry, which involves being a lobbyist for conservative evangelical churches across North Carolina. It is a more optimistic interpretation of “a world that is not yet, but ought to be.” Although I still strongly believe in the importance of engaging the public arena with the Word of God and see it as a part of the Great Commission of Christ, I cannot reconcile the doctrine of postmillennialism with human sinfulness as a deeply ingrained aspect of human nature that cannot be eradicated or even subdued by societal progress alone. A supernatural intervention by Christ is necessary to establish the kind of kingdom described as the millennial one. It is unquestionably true, as the late Dr. D. James Kennedy and Jerry Newcombe, in their book, What if Jesus Had Never Been Born? that the religion of Christ has made a positive impact on the world. The value it places on human life, helping the poor, and its contribution to education for the masses is undeniable. Its impact on the founding of America and in the development of civil liberties cannot be honestly dismissed. Neither can we dismiss its remarkable impact on science, economics, sex and the family, health and medicine, morality, the arts and music, and the countless lives marvelously transformed from helplessly iniquitous to characteristically godly. U.S. President, George H.W. Bush once said, “I want a kinder and gentler nation.” Nothing has done more to make the world “kinder and gentler” than Christian influence — nothing! Still, history shows the failure of past attempts to create utopian societies, and these failures support the premillennial view of the necessity of a future reign of Christ to bring about lasting peace and justice, which is very much what the millennium is about. The arguments for amillennialism seem just as weak. The idea that the interim period between Christ’s first coming and his second coming, which amillennialists symbolically interpret to represent the one thousand years that Satan is bound, hardly seems to be the case. As Morris says, it would seem that during this period “Satan has been more active than in all previous history, attempting, often very successfully, to hinder and thwart the preaching of the Word of God and the strengthening and spiritual growth of God’s people.” Morris quotes I Peter 5:8, which reads, “Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.” “This warning surely gives no suggestion that Satan is presently bound and powerless,” says Morris. “Neither are his wicked hosts, with whom we must ‘wrestle’ constantly (Ephesians 6:11-13) in order to ‘stand against the wiles of the devil.’” The opening verses of Revelation chapter 20 state that after Armageddon and the onset of Christ’s Millenial Kingdom, an angel comes down from Heaven bearing the key to the most horrid of prison cells, “the bottomless pit.” This angel’s mission is to arrest, cuff, and fetter the great Adversary and Deceiver, then throw him into the Abyss. There, Satan is jailed, along with the thousands of other fallen angelic agitators of sin. This cellblock is not simply locked but sealed, and the Evil One, and every spirit entity under his authority, are prevented from any further influence over the nations for 1,000 years — a millennium. Some contend this powerful angel must be Christ assuming the form of an angel. There would be no one better suited to execute the Devil’s sentence than Christ himself. Revelation Chapter 1 says Christ possesses the keys to Hades (Revelation 1:18). Others think the angel might be Michael, who led his holy angels to do battle with Satan and his malevolent minions, threw them out of heaven and down to earth (Revelation 12:7-9), and now come to clean up the mess by throwing them into the garbage bin located at the deep center of the earth. But the fact is, the apostle John doesn’t make clear the identity of this heroic angel. This angel has a “heavy chain in his hand” (vs. 1), which many say should not be taken literally but understood only as a symbol of his divine power to perform the task. No iron chain could ever bind Satan, they say. But if the literal sense makes sense why seek any other sense? Are we not to believe the Lord can forge chains sufficiently strong to bind the Dragon? Are we not to believe 2 Peter 2:4, which mentions the angels who sinned and were cast into hell, were reserved in chains of darkness until the judgment? If the Lord makes the chain, then who can break it? O may God hasten the day when the Serpent who tempted the human race into sin (Genesis 3), the Accuser and Persecutor of the righteous (Revelation 12:10), the primary source of false belief systems (2 Corinthians 11:14-15; I Timothy 4:1) and idolatries (I Corinthians 10:20), moral decay (Ephesians 6:12), conflict and division (James 3:14-16), spiritual blindness (2 Corinthians 4:4) and cultural shifts away from God (Romans 1:21-25) is isolated, contained, and no longer able to carry out his heretical, harmful, hedonistic, hostile, hypocritical, and hellish ways. No longer will he be able to rob this planet and its inhabitants of all things peaceful, perfect, pure, paradisiac, prosperous, and purposeful. He is imprisoned for no less than a thousand years, but then he is let out for a short time, which is a subject for additional commentary. There is still so much more to learn about this fascinating time in the future. Wilmington mentions something about the millennium that few people know about. At Christmas time the hymn “Joy to the World” is sung by millions. But most are completely unaware this magnificent hymn written by Isaac Watts is not about the first coming of Christ at his birth. Instead, it’s actually about the Millennial Kingdom Christ inaugurates at his second coming. Consider the words: Joy to the world! The Lord is Come! Let Earth receive her King. Let every heart prepare him room, And heaven and nature sing. No more let sins and sorrow grow, Nor thorns infest the ground; He comes to make his blessings flow, Far as the curse is found. He rules the world with truth and grace, And makes the nations prove The glories of his righteousness And wonders of his love. This is the world that is not yet but ought to be. And, it shall wonderfully and joyfully be, when Christ comes back again. DOWNLOAD THE PROPHECY UPDATE APP Prophecy Update Videos Must Watch Videos! Videos You Can Trust
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I believe where the Lord guides, the Lord provides and most of the time He provides through the willing and generous hearts of believers just like you and me. I genuinely believe that Prophecy Update and many other like-minded ministries, are needed now more than ever! The world is getting darker daily, almost hourly, but never has the light of the Word of God shone so brightly. Never in our history has there been such a thirst for Truth and a need for a Savior! The Prophecy Update website, newsletter, and Video Channels are all dedicated to providing the truth, encouraging and informing believers, and prayerfully opening the eyes and hearts of non-believers with the Gospel, but none of it would be possible without your prayers and support. DONATE HERE Your can also mail your support to: Prophecy Update PO Box 40516 Bakersfield, CA 93384 They Are Doing Some Real “Island of Dr. Moreau Level Stuff” In Secret Labs All Over The Planet - by Michael Snyder - Do you believe that scientists should be creating entities that are part-human and part-animal? Do you believe that scientists should be creating lab-grown “synthetic” human embryos that that do not require eggs or sperm? Do you believe that scientists should be performing “gain of function” research on the deadliest diseases ever known to humanity? Unfortunately, all of these things are already happening in secret labs all over the planet. Our world is filled with mad scientists that have absolutely no problem doing “Island of Dr. Moreau level stuff”, but of course they won’t want to take any accountability if the horrifying creatures and diseases they unleash upon the world end up causing enormous problems. This week, we learned that a team of scientists in China was able to clone a rhesus monkey and keep it alive for two years… Scientists in China on Tuesday announced that they have cloned the first healthy rhesus monkey, a two-year-old named Retro, by tweaking the process that created Dolly the sheep. Primates have proved particularly difficult to clone, and the scientists overcame years of failure by replacing the cloned cells that would become the placenta with those from a normal embryo. They hope their new technique will lead to the creation of identical rhesus monkeys that can be experimented on for medical research. Could this technique be used to create an army of identical cloned monkeys? Sure. Could it also be used to create an army of identical cloned humans? Let’s hope that we never find out. Another team of researchers in China has created a monkey from two separate embryos. It is being reported that this infant monkey has an “eerie green glow“… Scientists have just achieved a milestone in stem-cell biology after creating a monkey from two embryos. And proof of the achievement, perhaps unnervingly, showed up in the infant primate’s eerie green glow. Although research labs have created such “chimeras,” or organisms with cells from two distinct sources, in rats and mice, monkeys have been more challenging to work with because of their increased biological complexity and longer gestation and maturation time. In previous attempts, scientists have struggled to successfully incorporate injected stem cells into a monkey, with less than 5 percent of the final organism grown from donor cells. In the new work, published November 9 in Cell, researchers managed to create a monkey that had an average of more than 60 percent donor cell expression across tested organs. We should all be extremely alarmed when we read about experiments such as this. But at least the first two examples that I have shared with you did not involve human genetic material. Last June, researchers in the UK created “synthetic human embryos” without using human eggs or human sperm… Scientists have created synthetic human embryos using stem cells, in a groundbreaking advance that sidesteps the need for eggs or sperm. Scientists say these model embryos, which resemble those in the earliest stages of human development, could provide a crucial window on the impact of genetic disorders and the biological causes of recurrent miscarriage. However, the work also raises serious ethical and legal issues as the lab-grown entities fall outside current legislation in the UK and most other countries. Could such embryos be “grown” to maturity in a lab setting? If so, is this something that could be done on an industrial scale? And once they enter the world, would such entities be considered human? In other cases, scientists are actually creating entities that are part-human and part-animal. For example, scientists in China have been able to grow “kidneys containing human cells in pig embryos”, but some human cells also ended up in the brains of the pigs… Chinese scientists have succeeded in growing kidneys containing human cells in pig embryos, a world first that could one day help address organ donation shortages. But the development, described in a study in the journal Cell Stem Cell on Thursday, raises ethical issues—especially since some human cells were also found in the pigs’ brains, experts said. The researchers from the Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health focused on kidneys because they are one of the first organs to develop, and the most commonly transplanted in human medicine. That is just sick. Let me give you another example that is even more alarming. It is being reported that a “mutant coronavirus strain” that was created in China was able to kill 100 percent of the “humanized mice” that it was tested on… Chinese scientists have been experimenting with a mutant coronavirus strain that is 100 percent lethal in mice — despite concerns such research could spark another pandemic. Scientists in Beijing — who are linked to the Chinese military — cloned a Covid-like virus found in pangolins, known as GX_P2V, and used it to infect mice. The mice had been ‘humanized’, meaning they were engineered to express a protein found in people, with the goal being to assess how the virus might react in humans. Yeah, that is just what we need. Why in the world would scientists ever create such a mutant strain? And why would they test it on creatures that are mostly mice but that are also part human? According to the Daily Mail, every single one of the “humanized mice” that the strain was tested on was dead within 8 days… Every rodent that was infected with the pathogen died within eight days, which the researchers described as ‘surprisingly’ quick. The team were also surprised to find high levels of viral load in the mice’s brains and eyes – suggesting the virus, despite being related to Covid, multiplies and spreads through the body in a unique way. If something like this got out, what would happen? Right now, there is so much speculation about “Disease X”, and the WEF is certainly not helping matters by making it one of the primary topics of discussion at their yearly gathering. And media outlets around the globe are certainly fueling the hype machine by declaring that “Disease X” could potentially kill 50 million people… Global health experts are warning of a new pandemic, dubbed ‘Disease X’ by the World Health Organisation, that could be 20 times deadlier than Covid-19 and potentially claim 50 million lives. This looming threat could strike at any moment and is likely to have a far greater impact than Covid, which caught the world off guard in early 2020. I don’t think that we should be giving a hypothetical disease a name and be speculating about potential death rates. But without a doubt I do believe that extremely deadly pestilences will be very common during the years ahead. As you sleep tonight, crazed researchers all over the globe will be performing extremely bizarre experiments on some of the deadliest diseases on the entire planet. And in many cases, they will be purposely trying to make those diseases even deadlier. Such experiments really are an existential threat to all of us, and it is just a matter of time before more “accidents” happen. Digital ID Framework — The WEF Is Creating Much More Than ‘Proof of Identity’ - By Pastor Dean Dwyer - (Queensland, Australia) — In Australia, submissions regarding the government’s proposed digital identity legislation will end on 19 January 2024. This was only ratified by a Senate vote on 30 November 2023, meaning there is a politically motivated miniscule time frame for the Australian public to voice its opposition. One can’t help but wonder if the government has deliberately chosen an expiration date when people have been distracted by Christmas or may still be enjoying a holiday. That aside, many believers continue to hold real concerns about what a digital identity framework will mean for citizens. The term “identity” has a long history, deriving from the Latin root idem implying sameness and continuity. That is to say that your identity is connected to you personally, remains with you personally and can never relate to another person. Even in cases of identity fraud, your identity is not permanently taken from you. You are still you, no matter who tries to pretend to be you. In times past, nobody was particularly concerned about analyzing their identity until the 20th century when the term “identity” came into popular usage. Erik Erikson (1902-1994) was a German-American child psychoanalyst known for his theory on psychosocial development of human beings. He was the man who coined the phrase “identity crisis”. Since then, rather than asking what class or nation one belonged to, the question had more to do with, “who am I?” Erikson’s definition of an identity crisis is as follows: “The condition of being uncertain of one’s feelings about oneself, especially with regard to character, goals and origins, occurring especially in adolescence as a result of growing up under disruptive, fast-changing conditions.” Whether Erikson’s views were helpful to society or not, as the concept of an identity crisis has evolved, we are now mired in debates about how one acquires an identity. Is it given to me socially? Is it part of my character? Have my parents played a role in my identity? Do I get to define it myself? Is it God-given? Then there is the question of the hour: what role should the government play in my identity? We live in an age of unprecedented interest in the subject of personal identity, yet people remain somewhat confused about it. So, in order to develop a socially acceptable formula, people turn to characteristic identity markers such as ethnicity, gender, sexuality, age, culture, occupation, social status, religion and marital status. But there is also a growing movement which encourages people to look “within” for their personal identity. In the modern age, that remains the oft-repeated mantra due largely to those who espouse the belief that humanity can find the answers to life’s tough questions without God. These are also the same people who completely reject the existence and authority of God due to the fact that being subject to some external authority, in their view, is akin to oppression. So, if God does not exist, mankind must be the highest authority on all things relating to self. Whilst “you belong to yourself” sounds like a solemn, self-loving and expressive way of affirming some fundamental human right, it is a lie. Already one of the most popular female vocalists of all time, Taylor Swift recently gave some very bad advice to all of her fans when receiving her honorary doctorate from New York University. She said: “We are so many things, all the time. And I know it can be overwhelming figuring out who to be…I have some good news: it’s totally up to you. I also have some terrifying news: it’s totally up to you.” Well, like Taylor Swift, I also have some good news and some not so good news. Let’s begin with the good news which is what we already know as believers – we are made in the image of God and although we are all sinners, we can be reconciled to God through a saving faith in Jesus Christ. This is the great paradox of Christianity. While many are actively trying to find their identity, it actually takes surrender in order to discover your true purpose in life, which is to glorify God. Literally, our identity must be hidden in Christ because the believer’s entire Christian life, after salvation, is defined by their identification with Christ (Colossians 3:3; Galatians 2:20). So, while unbelievers the world over espouse a view that they are in control of their own body and identity, for the believer we must take seriously the words of 1 Corinthians 6:19: “Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.” Now, the not so good news. Although each of us knows who we are, the Australian government (like many others throughout the world) wish to introduce a digital identity framework so that people may “prove who they are online.” Naturally, whenever a government is keen to sell an idea to the public, it espouses the benefits and downplays the concerns. In the words of the Australian government, “For Australians, this means a safe, secure, convenient and reusable way to prove who they are online, and having access to more services and businesses from the comfort of their home at a time that suits them.” The government, supposedly, wants to empower people. The ordinary person on the street remains concerned that a growing digital framework will in fact overpower them, not empower them. In a 2016 presentation, the World Economic Forum (“WEF”) defined the term “identity” in the following way: “Identity…is a collection of individual attributes that describe an entity and determine the transactions in which that entity can participate.” A digital identity would mean storing these characteristics in a central digital system from where they could be called up at any time – instantaneously. To save us from speculating, the WEF gave a relatively harmless example: a person may only buy a bottle of wine (the transaction: purchase alcohol) from the age of 18 (the attribute: age) in a certain jurisdiction (the location: city, state, country). You might already foresee the problem. Through the use of digital identity (and future digital currency) governing authorities are able to severely restrict purchasing power. For instance, what if they wanted to restrict wine sales to those over 40 in metro areas? Using a digital framework, they would easily be able to. But let’s take it a step further because a lot more data can be imported into a digital identity system. Online search history, social media interactions, medical data (ie. vaccination status), religious beliefs etc. might all be used to create a digital identity which either empowers or overpowers you. In short, let me put it in spiritual terms which are easy to understand. Psalm 139:1 says: “O LORD, you have searched me and known me.” Digital identity is Satan’s counterfeit. Through this digital framework, the WEF is creating much more than proof of identity. It is intended to create a kind of transparent human being, with every detail known so that every detail of our lives may be controlled. Ultimately, this will all be in the hands of the Antichrist and False Prophet. It is a foreshadowing of the mark of the beast. Daily Jot: Stupidocrisy: Defunding public safety and funding illegals – Bill Wilson – Liberals are so funny, except when they are not. We saw how liberals in many cities across the US defunded police departments by diverting taxpayer money to social services. They thought that they could “reason” with criminals to abandon their lives of crime and become responsible citizens. When everything from petty crime to mass attacks on department stores to murders increased significantly, these same liberals just cannot figure out why. We saw last week crime ridden Chicago’s Alderman Brian Hopkins bemoaned Chicago being a sanctuary city because of increased homelessness and associated crime. Now comes the Governor of Massachusetts with another attack on public safety. Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey, a Democrat of course, is up against a budget crisis in her state. She has decided to cut some $375 million from the state’s FY 2024 budget. Sounds responsible, especially for a Democrat. But then again, the devil is in the details. She is cutting $294 million in aid to dependent children and the state supplement to Social Security. Remember how Republicans are always blamed for Social Security cuts and abandoning needy children? Well, in Massachusetts, there aren’t enough Republicans to blame, but we can wait and see. Additionally, Healey is cutting $1.68 million to firefighters in small towns across the state. AND she is opening up college financial aid to illegal aliens. Here again, a liberal Democrat politician is making a big deal about budget cuts, but the cuts are aimed at kids, Social Security recipients and firefighters. At the same time, the liberal is opening the doors to tuition aid for illegal aliens. She is aiding the lawless at the expense of the law-abiding. Of course, the liberals in academia are elated. In a news release from the Governor’s office, presidents of universities and community colleges are quoted in support of such “equity.” As an example, Rob McCarron, President and CEO of the Association of Independent Colleges and Universities in Massachusetts, said “On behalf of the Commonwealth’s State Universities, I am thrilled that the Governor continues to increase access to a college education for all people that reside in Massachusetts.” Cause and effect: For all the Democrat rhetoric about how kids are going hungry, Healey is cutting their lifelines to meals and healthcare; For all the fear-mongering that’s done about Republicans balancing the budget on the backs of senior citizens, Healey is cutting Social Security; For all the bombast about public safety, Healey is cutting funding to small town fire departments. BUT she is increasing the budget for education to illegals, or quite frankly, transferring taxpayer money to liberals in academia who probably couldn’t hold a job in the real world and are teaching our kids their “expertise” in anti-God, anti-American ideologies. When houses burn and children go hungry, Healey won’t understand. As is written in Psalm 92:6, “A senseless man does not know, Nor does a fool understand this.” Say it with me…Stupidocrisy. Sources: Daily Devotion: An Inside Look - by Greg Laurie – But the LORD said to Samuel, “Don’t judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The LORD doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” —1 Samuel 16:7 - Listen Our culture today is enamored with beauty. We elevate attractive people in our culture and give them a lot of attention. If God has given you natural good looks, that is a wonderful thing. Just be sure that you don’t neglect what’s on the inside. When God sent the prophet Samuel to Bethlehem, Samuel knew the next king of Israel was among Jesse’s sons. And when he saw Jesse’s sons, and Eliab in particular, he thought he knew which one it would be. But God told him, “Don’t judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7 NLT) God was saying that for Him, motive and intent are everything. He was looking on the inside. Meanwhile, Samuel was missing it. Finally, Samuel said to Jesse, “Are these all the sons you have?” (verse 11 NLT). “ ‘There is still the youngest,’ Jesse replied, ‘but he’s out in the fields watching the sheep and goats’ ” (verse 11 NLT). In other words, “We have one other kid. He’s a shepherd. I don’t know if you want to talk to him.” It’s important to understand that in ancient Israel, a shepherd was not a great position in life. We have romanticized the idea of shepherds because they were watching their flocks on the night the angels came to them and announced the birth of Jesus. But a shepherd in those days was pretty low on the socioeconomic ladder. In fact, the testimony of the shepherd wasn’t even allowed in a court of law. Jesse was saying, “He’s just a shepherd.” But Samuel wanted to see him. In walked David, probably smelling like sheep. And God said, “This is the one; anoint him” (verse 12 NLT). Then Samuel took out his flask of oil and anointed David with it. No doubt David’s brothers were watching this and thinking that Samuel had lost his mind. There is no way this could be true. As for his father, Jesse, it doesn’t appear that he had a lot of love for David. When he told Samuel, “There is still the youngest,” he was speaking of him in a derogatory manner. David later wrote in one of the psalms, “Even if my father and mother abandon me, the Lord will hold me close” (Psalm 27:10 NLT). Those who are rejected by their parents often become beloved of God. Maybe you’ve come from a home where you were unappreciated by your parents. Maybe they never expressed their love toward you or even told you they were proud of you. Or maybe they showered their affection on an older or younger sister and forgot about you. And that has always hurt you through life. I came from a broken home. So, when I gave my life to Jesus Christ, it was amazing to realize that I had a heavenly Father who loved me. And He loves you as well. PROPHECY UPDATE NEWS HEADLINES Yesterday's Prophecies - Today's Headlines HEADLINES IN PARTNERSHIP WITH TRACKING BIBLE PROPHECY 1/17/24
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