11 Compelling Signs of the Last Days - By Jonathan Brentner - Is today any different than tumultuous times in past history, such as those of the world wars in the past century? Yes, we live in the shadow of the Tribulation period amid what I refer to as mild precursors compared to that which will happen after the Rapture of the church. I’m convinced that we live in biblical times that are far different than any time since the late first century AD when John penned the words to the book of Revelation. I say this because of the abundance of signs pointing to the soon arrival of the seven-year Tribulation. Although many mock our expectation of Jesus’ soon appearing, the words of Scripture side with those of us who cherish the hope of His imminent return. If you doubt that the Rapture will happen anytime soon or even in your lifetime, please take the time to consider how the biblical evidence I present below points to the Lord’s imminent intervention in our world. I am also writing to encourage those who anticipate meeting Jesus in the air but have grown weary or even disheartened as they wait for that day. Please be comforted knowing that we live in the season of Jesus’ appearing. He will most assuredly reward your patient focus on your “blessed hope.” Israel’s Miraculous Rebirth as a Nation Did you know that Isaac Newton predicted that Israel would reappear as a nation before the Tribulation period? Based on his in-depth study of the books of Daniel and Revelation, he made that startling claim over 250 years before Israel sprang into existence in 1948. Newton correctly recognized that the fulfillment of most end-time biblical prophecies requires that Israel exist as a nation prior to the start of the Tribulation. The Bible long ago said that Israel would again exist in the last days. Its miraculous rebirth as a nation after two millennia, with its original language from antiquity, alone makes today far different than any other time since the first century AD. But there’s so much more that signifies the nearness of the Tribulation and hence, Jesus’ appearing that happens before it starts. Third Temple Fever in Israel Isaac Newton also wrote that Israel would build its third temple before Jesus’ Second Coming, which happens at the end of the Tribulation. Do we see any signs that Israel plans to do this? Absolutely! In 2022, the arrival of five perfect red heifers from Texas sparked a jubilant celebration throughout Jerusalem. Only one hair of a different color disqualifies a heifer, which makes finding even one perfect animal highly unlikely. As I write in March 2024, reports abound that one of the recently appointed temple priests will soon sacrifice one of these red heifers with is ashes preserved for the required purification of the future temple and its priests. The Bible says that Israel will have a temple again during the Tribulation. The celebrations and preparations for the third temple are significant; don’t let anyone tell you they are not. The Riders of the Apocalypse I purchased Billy Graham’s book, Approaching Hoofbeats, soon after its publication in 1983. I don’t remember all that I thought as I read it forty years ago, but I know the book sparked hope regarding the nearness of the Rapture. As I recently skimmed through its chapters, the stark differences between then and now became readily apparent. Some of the signs that four decades ago seemed so indicative of the nearing Rapture pale by comparison to what we witness all around us. The Antichrist Rides It’s only been in the past six years or so that Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum (WEF) came out of the shadows and revealed their true intentions of world governance. They now invite the news media into their once-secret meetings and openly discuss their true intention to enslave the world under “Build Back Better,” a euphemism for their intent to create a Marxist, totalitarian world government. I do not believe that Klaus Schwab is the coming “man of lawlessness” that Paul describes in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-10. However, he does provide an apt illustration of how the antichrist might gain control of our world under the cloak of promoting peace and making life better for everyone. The Threat of Nuclear War Today’s world is exceedingly more dangerous than it was in 1983. The prospect of a nuclear war was a possibility back then; now most regard it as a matter of when rather than if. Citing the significant risk for a nuclear war, a group called “The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists” made headlines on January 23, 2024, by resetting their Doomsday Clock back to ninety seconds before midnight. Below is a quote from their website from that day. A durable end to Russia’s war in Ukraine seems distant, and the use of nuclear weapons by Russia in that conflict remains a serious possibility. In February 2023, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced his decision to “suspend” the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START). In March, he announced the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus. In June, Sergei Karaganov, an advisor to Russian President Vladimir Putin, urged Moscow to consider launching limited nuclear strikes on Western Europe as a way to bring the war in Ukraine to a favorable conclusion. Today’s world is exceedingly more dangerous than it was in 1983. The prospect of a nuclear war was a possibility back then; now, most regard it as a matter of when rather than if. As a young child, I felt the widespread fear that gripped America during the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. Although the possibility of a nuclear attack is significantly higher today than sixty-two years ago, the difference is that back then, the news media honestly reported the dangers to the American people. Economic Peril In January of 2024, the national debt level of the United States reached $34 trillion. According to several reports, the U.S. is adding one trillion dollars to its debt every one hundred days. Congress and the President are spending our country into oblivion, as evidenced by the recent $1.2 trillion spending bill, which passed with support from both political parties. Such mismanagement of spending is not only foolhardy but also hastens the economic destruction of America. The current trend of rising red ink is not only unsustainable, but it also signifies that the black horse of severe economic peril (Revelation 6:5-6) will soon ride across both America as well as the entire world. The economies of the world will totally collapse; it’s unavoidable. But for the restraining hand of the Lord, this calamity would’ve already occurred. The Pale Horse A radio interviewer once asked me if I thought the riders of the Apocalypse were already active in our world. I replied with a firm “no.” First, the Bible tells us that the Rapture will happen before the Lord Jesus releases the Seal Judgments, as recorded in Revelation 6. Second, although there’s violence, pestilence, and a substantial number of deaths occurring in our current world, the totals fall far short of the horrific conditions described in connection with the hoofbeats of the pale horse. Revelation 6:7-8 says that “over a fourth of the earth” will perish as the result of Jesus opening the Seals. Even considering the disappearance of people at Jesus’ appearing, that number might exceed one and a half billion people. That places the coming Day of the Lord’s wrath beyond anything recorded in history. Digital Currency Another sign that shouts to us regarding the nearness of the Tribulation is the push for digital currencies. During the September 2023 meeting of the G-20 nations in New Delhi, India, the leaders “agreed to a plan to eventually impose digital currencies and digital IDs on their respective populations, amid concern that governments might use them to monitor their people’s spending and crush dissent.” This pact includes a pledge “to build the necessary infrastructure to implement digital currencies and IDs.” The antichrist needs just such a system in place by the midpoint of the Tribulation in order to control the buying and selling throughout the world (Revelation 13:16-18). He cannot do this if people are able to use cash or write checks for whatever they need. In America, the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) is coming to us by way of the Federal Reserve’s FedNow, which has gone live. David Bowen, in his article, FedNow Goes Live, Paving The Way To A Central Bank Digital Currency, wrote this about the matter: The Federal Reserve claims this is the alternative to a CBDC — a Central Bank Digital Currency. But really, this is a steppingstone to a CBDC. Once the public gets more comfortable with the speed of FedNow and the system is accepted as the standard procedure, you’ll get a Central Bank Digital Currency. The inevitable collapse of the economy in the U.S. will speed up the path to a CBDC in America, which will quickly become a unified worldwide currency during the Tribulation, if not before it starts. Mark of the Beast Technology Prior to the technical advances of the past fifteen years, the antichrist would have needed an exceedingly large army in each and every nation in order to enforce the requirement of his mark for all worldwide commerce, as Revelation 13:16-18 says will happen in the middle of the seven-year Tribulation. Previous to this century, it would have been impossible for one person to exert such control over the commerce of the world. With today’s artificial intelligence (AI), gigantic databases, and the 5G network, the technology exists for one person to set the parameters and thus control all purchases for whatever people might want or need. These innovations not only make the fulfillment of Revelation 13:16-18 possible but also inevitable given the goals of the WEF and those at the UN with its Agenda 2030. The world governance they promote is eerily similar to the one the Bible says will exist during the future Day of the Lord. UFOs and Aliens This may seem like an unusual sign of the end times; however, the wide acceptance of extraterrestrial life, along with many governments acknowledging their existence, demonstrates the increased activity of Satan as he seeks ways to explain our sudden disappearance via the Rapture. I recently listened to a short clip on Twitter of an interview with Yuval Noah Harari, bestselling author and confidant of Klaus Schwab. Harari predicted the end of human-dominated history because of an upcoming alien invasion. “History will continue with somebody else in control,” he said. In previous interviews, I have heard Harari point to AI and transhumanism as the future of the human race. Why is he now saying that extraterrestrials will dictate mankind’s future? Does Harari’s apparent change in thinking demonstrate how far the Luciferian globalists are willing to go in preparing the world for our disappearance via the Rapture? I think so. They will say the aliens, AKA demons, snatched us away. Some new age gurus predict that the aliens will take us away from Earth for reprogramming due to our antiquated ways of thinking, and later return us to Earth. Harari, like other globalists, assumes that these aliens are far more advanced than humans in both intelligence and technology. Why is that? I believe it’s because the elite must promote the illusion of vast superiority in order for people to believe that alien lifeforms are capable of making tens of millions instantly disappear from all over the world. The Seven-Year Commitment On September 18-19, 2023, a majority of UN member nations committed to a seven-year plan of accelerated growth toward the implementation of the 17 Strategic Development Goals (SDGs) of Agenda 2030. Below is a quote from the UN’s website pertaining to the purpose of this summit: The 2023 SDG Summit took place on 18-19 September 2023 in New York. It marked the beginning of a new phase of accelerated progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals with high-level political guidance on transformative and accelerated actions leading up to 2030. Convened by the President of the General Assembly, the Summit marked the halfway point to the deadline set for achieving the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals. It was the centerpiece of the High-level Week of the General Assembly. The Summit responded to the impact of multiple and interlocking crises facing the world and is expected to reignite a sense of hope, optimism, and enthusiasm for the 2030 Agenda. Is this renewed sense of urgency just because the globalists sense they are falling behind in their agenda? Or do they know something that most people today don’t? And how can we ignore the fact that they are thinking in terms of a seven-year span of time? Scoffing One of my favorite Peanuts cartoons pictures a troubled Charlie Brown seeking Lucy’s five cent psychiatric help. After Lucy provides several cautions about worrying, she says, “If you have to worry, you should worry about this very moment.” In response, a puzzled Charlie Brown asks, “This moment? Why this moment?” It’s then that a soccer ball comes flying through the air, bonks him in the head, and sends him flying to the ground. Lucy then explains her diagnosis, “I saw this ball heading this way, see, and…” In his second letter, the Apostle Peter warns that in the last days, many people, unlike Lucy, will fail to accurately diagnose the moment in which they live. They will see the same multiple signs of the approaching Tribulation that we do but will interpret them far differently, reject our diagnosis, and ridicule our hope. “…knowing this first of all, that scoffers will come in the last days with scoffing, following their own sinful desires. They will say, ‘Where is the promise of his coming?’” (2 Pet. 3:3-4a). The apostle’s words aptly depict our day. The Rapture has become the object of scorn in many churches, even in places that once taught it as a core belief. Such mocking of our expectation of Jesus’ appearing fulfills Bible prophecy concerning what the Bible said would happen in the last days. (In my experience, the fiercest scoffing of the Rapture and resulting opposition to my ministry has come from pastors who claim to believe in the inerrancy and inspiration of Scripture.) The Epidemic of Deception After the disciples asked Jesus about the signs of the end of the age and of His coming, the first words He spoke were these, “Take heed that no man deceive you” (Matthew 24:4). A little later in the same discourse, the Lord spoke of the great deception that will happen during the Tribulation period (Matthew 24:24): “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.” The Apostle Paul, in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, wrote this about the coming “man of lawlessness:” “The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved” (2:9-10). As we look around us, it’s unmistakable that the gaslighting of the masses has reached epidemic levels, which clearly signifies that we live in the shadow of the coming seven-year Tribulation when such duplicity will become ever worse than now. In order for the globalists’ agenda to succeed, they must convince the masses of an alternate reality that does not match what we both see and experience. For example, the world sees an elderly and feeble President that has dementia; he gets lost walking into the White House. Yet, we hear news media reports telling us that Biden has the energy of a “forty-year-old” with a remarkably sharp mind. This is gaslighting; it’s the effort to convince us of an alternate reality. The Pole Shift Since 2001, the earth’s magnetic north pole has been moving. A May 2020 article on the Forbes Magazine website discussed how this shift has speeded up in recent years, but it did not discuss the dire consequences should the north and south poles swap place. What does this have to do with Bible prophecy? It’s because what some scientists, mostly unbelievers, tell us will happen during a pole shift is remarkably similar to what Isaiah says will happen in the Day of the Lord (24:19-20), as well as John’s description of the sixth seal (Revelation 6:12-17). When I read their warnings, It’s like I’m reading what the Bible says will happen early in the Tribulation period. Could this be the reason behind the passion for building underground bunkers among the wealthy and world governments? Underground Bunkers A few years ago, I read a mystery novel about the building of elaborate underground bunkers in former missile silos as protection from nuclear war and other forms of devastation. Fiction has become reality. For months, social media has been abuzz with reports of Mark Zuckerberg, billionaire founder of Facebook, building a massive underground shelter in Hawaii. This comes alongside reports of many other wealthy people, as well as most governments, constructing elaborate underground places of refuge packed with storable food and resources for a long duration. Do you know that this fulfills Bible prophecy? Long ago, the Lord told the prophet Isaiah that during the last days, people would hide in holes in the ground in a vain effort to escape His wrath: “And the haughtiness of man shall be humbled, and the lofty pride of men shall be brought low, and the Lord alone will be exalted in that day. And the idols shall utterly pass away. And people shall enter the caves of the rocks and the holes of the ground, from before the terror of the Lord, and from the splendor of his majesty, when he rises to terrify the earth” (Isaiah 2:17-19, my emphasis). Skipping forward to Revelation 6:15-17, John repeats the Isaiah 2 prediction as he recounts what will happen when Jesus opens the sixth seal and causes many to suspect that it will be the feared pole shift. Could this also be one of the factors behind the passion for building underground bunkers? I believe it’s likely. The elite powerbrokers of our day recognize the dangers that lie ahead for the U.S. but label those of us who cite them as “conspiracy theorists.” Please Don’t Ignore the Signs The signs point to the nearness of the judgments described in Revelation chapters 6-18. Please, I beg of you, don’t ignore the signs regarding the nearness of God’s wrath falling upon this world. If your hope rests in Jesus and Him alone for the forgiveness of your sins and eternal life, let the assurances of Scripture encourage and comfort you. The Bible says the Lord will take believers out of this world before the Day of the Lord’s wrath falls on the unsuspecting world (1 Thessalonians 5:1-11). We don’t know how much longer we will wait, but rest assured of this: Jesus is coming back for us. If you have not yet put your trust in Jesus alone for eternal life, please, please read my post, Jesus Is the Only Path to Eternal Life. In it, I explain how you can know that Jesus has forgiven all your sins and that you possess eternal life and with the sure hope of receiving an immortal and incorruptible body at Jesus’ appearing (1 Corinthians 15:48-54). Please don’t delay; call upon Jesus while you may! Tomorrow may be too late to avoid the death and destruction that is surely coming to our world. *** Note: In Hereafter, It’s Far Better Than You Can Imagine, Terry James and I describe the future glory that awaits us as believers, beginning with Jesus’ appearing to take us home. From beginning to end, we emphasize the jubilant joy that awaits us in Heaven. The last chapter contains twenty-seven frequently asked questions and answers pertaining to Heaven and our experience there. Note: Please consider signing up for my newsletter on the home page of my website at . Thanks! We Are Just One Step Away From An Apocalyptic War In The Middle East - by Michael Snyder - Did you see what just happened in Damascus? In an absolutely stunning move, Israel took out the head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps. Needless to say, the Iranians are absolutely furious and they are promising a “harsh” response. For a long time, I have been warning my readers that an apocalyptic war in the Middle East will be one of the conflicts that defines World War III. The good news is that the war in the Middle East has not escalated to an apocalyptic level yet. But after what we witnessed on Monday, we are just one step away. The building that was destroyed by the IDF airstrike was reportedly directly next to Iran’s embassy in Damascus… A building next to Iran’s embassy in Damascus has been destroyed in an airstrike, reportedly killing a senior commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps and five others – with state media saying Israel was behind the attack. Pictures show the building in Syria’s capital razed to the ground, with huge plumes of smoke rising from the site following the explosion this afternoon and emergency workers rushing to the scene. This particular building was apparently the residence of the Iranian ambassador to Syria. The Syrian government says that the missiles that destroyed this building were fired from the Golan Heights… The Syrian Ministry of Defence responded with a statement. “This evening, the Israeli enemy launched an air aggression from the direction of the occupied Syrian Golan, targeting the Iranian consulate building in Damascus,” it said. “Our air defences responded to the missiles and shot down some of them. The aggression led to the destruction of the entire building and the martyrdom and injury of everyone inside. “Work is underway to recover the bodies of the martyrs, treat the wounded and remove debris.” It appears that the IDF was targeting a gathering of very important regional leaders. Mohammad Reza Zahedi was among those that were killed. He was the head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps… The head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), Mohammad Reza Zahedi, was confirmed killed in the strike, alongside several other Iranian diplomats visiting the Syrian capital. The IRGC-managed Fars News agency announced the commander’s death on X, formerly known as Twitter. Another important Iranian military official named Haji Rahimi is also dead… Haji Rahimi was named as the second commander killed in the attack on Iran’s consulate building in the Syrian capital, according to the statement shared by state news agency IRNA on Monday night. Haji Rahimi was reportedly a coordinator for the Quds Force, according to Iran’s semi-official Tasnim News. This was a major victory for Israel, but the Iranians will inevitably respond. In fact, Iran’s ambassador to Syria has already publicly stated that the response will be “harsh”… Iranian Ambassador to Syria Hossein Akbari, who was not injured, said at least five people had been killed in the attack and that Tehran’s response would be “harsh.” The Iranian Embassy in Lebanon said that the “barbaric Israeli aggression is a flagrant violation of international laws, diplomatic norms, and the requirements of the Vienna Convention.” We shall see what Iran chooses to do. As Zero Hedge has aptly noted, if Iran’s response is too severe, it could spark “an all-out regional war”… Depending on Iran’s response, this could be the start of an all-out regional war. For months now, Iranian-made ballistic missiles and drones have rained down on Israel, fired by Iran’s proxies in Lebanon and Yemen. This new brazen Israeli attack on Iran’s embassy takes things into uncharted territory, and also opens up the potential for the Iranians to target Israeli embassies abroad. Of course the Iranians have already been escalating matters. Prior to the IDF airstrike on Damascus on Monday, Iranian-backed militants in Iraq used a drone to attack a key naval base in southern Israel… In a significant first of the Gaza war marking a very serious escalation, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have confirmed that a drone which slammed into a naval base in Israel’s southernmost city of Eilat early Monday morning was launched from Iraq. The IDF its statement said it identified a “suspicious aerial target” that breached Israeli airspace “from the east” before making impact “in the Eilat Bay area” on the Red Sea. While this isn’t necessarily the first instance of Iraqi militant groups claiming to have fired on Eliat, it appears to be the first time that direct impact was made on an Israeli navy base and that the IDF has confirmed it. How far can both sides push one another before events spiral completely out of control? Sadly, we are getting dangerously close to a point of no return. Meanwhile, the Israeli government is also having to deal with violent anti-Netanyahu protests all over the nation… Israeli police violently clashed with protesters across the country last night, as tens of thousands took to streets across the nation to oppose Benjamin Netanyahu’s leadership during the Israel-Hamas war. Protesters from all parts of Israeli society flooded streets to share their rage at the Israeli prime minister and his handling of the war in Gaza that has so far left nearly 33,000 people, most of whom are civilians, dead. And police took extreme measures to get them under control, with photographers capturing brutal moments where cops dragged demonstrators across tarmac and beat them into submission. Benjamin Netanyahu certainly isn’t going to allow such protests to alter the course that he has set. He continues to insist that the war will never be won unless the IDF goes into Rafah… Israel will defeat Hamas by entering the terrorist stronghold of Rafah in the Gaza Strip and destroying the remaining battalions there, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stressed Sunday night. “There is no victory without entering Rafah; there is no victory without destroying the Hamas battalions there,” said Netanyahu in a primetime address, adding that the operation “will take time, but it will happen.” The premier reiterated that only a combination of military pressure and tough negotiations would bring about the release of the remaining 134 hostages taken to Gaza by Palestinian terrorists on Oct. 7. As I discussed last week, it appears that a ground operation in Rafah will begin either this month or next month. While all of this is happening in the Middle East, we desperately need strong leadership in the White House. Instead, either Joe Biden or Kamala Harris will be running things until at least January 2025… Only 38 percent of likely 2024 voters believe President Joe Biden will be alive at the end of another four-year term, according to an exclusive poll for And that means one thing: Vice President Kamala Harris is just as likely to be in the top job as Biden come January 2029 if he wins reelection. Some 36 percent of likely voters believe Harris will be president at the end of the term. The exact same proportion as think Biden will be in the job. When the time comes to make absolutely critical decisions regarding the conflict in the Middle East, do you trust either of them to be up to the job? For a long time, we have been warned that the Middle East would eventually erupt in flames. Now we are right at the door. Unfortunately, most people in the western world have no idea how bad this war in the Middle East is going to become. 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Your Support is Important to this Ministry - We Could Not Do This Without Your Support! Let Us Make the Short Time We have Left, Count for ALL of Eternity! Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift! II Corinthians 9:15 Worthy of Your Support? It has been said, one of the most reliable ways to determine if a ministry is worthy of your financial support is to examine its fruits. If Prophecy Update is keeping you informed and if that information inspires you and causes you to draw closer to the Lord, if Prophecy Update equips you with valuable information and knowledge to share with and encourage other believers and open the eyes of non-believers and if Prophecy Update keeps you connected to current events relating to Bible Prophecy then you are partaking of the fruit produced through this ministry. None of this would be possible without the Lords blessings and your support. I believe where the Lord guides, the Lord provides and most of the time He provides through the willing and generous hearts of believers just like you and me. I genuinely believe that Prophecy Update and many other like-minded ministries, are needed now more than ever! The world is getting darker daily, almost hourly, but never has the light of the Word of God shone so brightly. Never in our history has there been such a thirst for Truth and a need for a Savior! The Prophecy Update website, newsletter, and Video Channels are all dedicated to providing the truth, encouraging and informing believers, and prayerfully opening the eyes and hearts of non-believers with the Gospel, but none of it would be possible without your prayers and support. DONATE HERE Your can also mail your support to: Prophecy Update PO Box 40516 Bakersfield, CA 93384 World-Rending Catastrophism Imminent – Terry James - From Your Dictionary: Catastrophism definition: The prediction or expectation of cataclysmic upheaval, as in political or social developments. › catastrophism There is a phenomenal build-up toward something fearful that permeates the human psyche. Even though much of the world, particularly here in the United States, is totally oblivious, the build-up is sensed by anyone and everyone who thinks outside of their self-orbit, their incremental, moment-by-moment existence. The expressed thinking verbalized by many might take the form of “The world has gone crazy.” Or “This is completely insane.” However, the frustration is framed, evidence that induces such frustration is in every direction one looks at this present moment. I’m convinced that this growing world-wide angst is generated by and inspired by the scheming of such would-be world rulers, as found within the World Economic Forum (WEF). By this, I mean these Ephesians 6:12-type minions of the human sort include in their wicked planning, creating such fears through their chaos so as to set the stage for what is to come. This, I believe, is at the heart of the thing of evil they term “The Great Reset.” Of course, no mere human agency could come up with nor could implement such a massively affecting plan. The demonic minions of that Ephesians 6:12 cabal are incessantly doing their worst in order to please Lucifer the fallen one, doubtless the chief fomenter of the Build Back Better Great Reset. And it’s really the same old construction blueprint – just a neo-Bable redo but with exponentially increased fervor – thus because the chief architect knows this is it. This world system has reached the final moments on God’s Prophetic Clock. Lucifer must get done what is necessary to try and save himself from what the God of Heaven, Creator of all things, Who cannot lie, has Declared is Lucifer’s fate. So, I have given the commentary the title: World-Rending Catastrophism Imminent. Satan must, in short order, bring the world to this point of rebellion against all things godly; thus, he must believe in his totally reprobate thinking and prevent God’s Prophecy from fulfillment – the Prophecy found in the Psalms. “Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion. I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee. Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel. Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth. Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him” (Psalms 2:6-12). The kings, the potentates, the judges, and the vast majority of humanity fit into the designation “heathen” of this prophecy. For broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many go down that road. While narrow is the gate that leads to God, and few there are who go therein, Jesus said. Satan observably has the heathen raging down that broad way to destruction. Jesus must, the Psalms prophecy tells, deal in great Judgment against this rebelliousness. This is, of course, what the approaching Tribulation will entail. This is the catastrophism that is impending, and even many among the heathen sense its approach. Still, the old serpent who brought iniquity into the world afflicts lost mankind with his insane rage, as is observable to those in God’s family who are spiritually attuned to the issues and events of the hour. One writer I find observant in this regard has synopsized rather succinctly the nucleus evil being perpetrated by the Ephesians 6:12 cabal –at least by the human minions within that wickedness in high places. WEF founder and director Klaus Schwab brags about how he has “penetrated the cabinets” of Canada’s Justin Trudeau, France’s Emmanuel Macron, and many other governments with WEF Young Global Leaders. The WEF trains these young leaders to change the world through all-encompassing digital surveillance technology and public-private partnerships (a perfect breeding ground for fascism). So don’t expect the pummeling of citizens’ basic rights and freedoms to end anytime soon. Trudeau is very much a puppet, just like Joe Biden here in America, Olaf Scholz in Germany, Macron in France, and Sunak in the U.K., and you can see how their policies mirror each other on climate change hysteria, gun control, cracking down on free speech, the obsession with vaccines, ever-expanding abortion rights, and the whole LGBTQ agenda… Slay News concludes: “There is no easier way to control the masses than to control their access to money and their ability to buy, trade, and freely move about.” All of this will be controlled by tracking your data and sharing it with the various choke points of social control – your freedom of movement, your freedom of expression, assembly, religion, your freedom to have an opinion, your freedom to remain anonymous, your freedom to buy and sell, and most importantly of all your freedom to have a free will. Will AI control the world? Absolutely. The question is, will you submit to it? [Source: Globalists are constructing AI-powered control grid designed to end independent journalism and free speech on the internet, Leo Hohman, [email protected], March 18, 2024] All of this means that there is impending Judgment from God Who will bring all back under control by placing His Son upon the Millennial Throne in Jerusalem. Meantime, there is great catastrophism about to occur in this rebellious, anti-God world. It will begin when Jesus Christ calls all of God’s Family alive on the planet, along with those believers who have died during this Age of Grace, into His Presence upon the Clouds of Glory. Seven years of catastrophic Judgment will then commence upon a planet that Satan will assault, with Antichrist’s dictatorship being allowed to rage for a time. You don’t want to be on Earth at that, the worst time of human history, according to the Lord Jesus (Matthew 24:21). Here is how to go to Christ when He rescues God’s Family. “That if you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and will believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart man believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:9-10). Revelation 22: Yearning at life’s window, awaiting the Savior’s return - By Mark Creech - More than a half-century ago, my mother had a career in country music. She did quite well, having recorded a country version of the song, “The Night They Drove Ole Dixie Down.” She was extraordinarily talented and had an amazing stage presence that made her the opening act for many country music stars such as Ernest Tubb, Dolly Parton, Hank Williams, Jr., Charlie Pride, Merle Haggard, String Bean, Grandpa Jones, Bill Anderson, Tammy Wynette, Loretta Lynn and others. In addition to being rated #21 of the top female vocalists of 1972 with a single by Billboard magazine, she was also the recipient of two ASCAP (American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers) awards that same year. She even made a guest appearance on the Grand Ole Opry, which was previously located in the famous Ryman Auditorium, in Nashville, Tennessee. I was very proud of her, but I missed her and my Dad, so very much. My Dad was managing her career and traveling with Mom as she sang at clubs and stage shows across the country. So, both my parents were gone and on the road for most of my middle years and adolescence. I lived with my grandparents during this time, who now as an adult I realize made great sacrifices to care for me. I loved my grandparents, and they were good to me. But more than anything in the world, I wanted to go home and live with my Mom and Dad. Late in the evening, sometimes the phone would ring and it would be my parents calling. I would run to answer the phone, hoping to be the first to pick it up, where it sat atop an old 40s-style radio in the hall, a relic of a bygone era. My grandparents’ phone was an older model and seemed a little heavier than the more modern ones. It had a thicker handset that could tire your hand holding it. But whenever I would hear my parents’ voices on the other end, I tried to keep them on the line as long as I could, even if it was a costly long-distance call, and even if holding the handset to my ear would make my hand tired. The best phone calls were when Mama would say, “We’re coming home this week. We’ll be late, probably in the early morning hours when it’s still dark. You be ready for us to come by and pick you up.” There was nothing so thrilling as the thought of going home and being with Mama and Daddy. Whenever I knew they were coming home, if it was at night, I might sleep in my clothes. My bed was pushed up against a second-story window looking down at the street below. The bed, which was an antique, had a large headboard high above the mattress, so I would sit on my knees to see over it and out the window. I watched and waited many times all night, yearning and looking out that casement to see their car turn onto Dobbs Street and at the house of my grandparents. When they arrived, they would sweep me up in their arms and we were happily homebound. Our blessed Lord Jesus, risen from the dead, has now gone away to prepare a place for us in Heaven. This world is not our home. Every Christian, born of the Spirit, loves the Lord and earnestly wants to be with him. In the book of Revelation, Christ has sent us his messenger to say he’s on his way to pick us up. Be ready to go, says the Lord. These words bring us hope and comfort, and one day Christ will appear and sweep us up in his arms and joyously take us home to live with him forever. In the last six verses of the book of Revelation, it reads: “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this message for the churches. I am both the source of David and the heir to his throne. I am the bright morning star.” The Spirit and the bride say, “Come.” Let anyone who hears this say, “Come.” Let anyone who is thirsty come. Let anyone who desires drink freely from the water of life. And I solemnly declare to everyone who hears the words of prophecy written in this book: If anyone adds anything to what is written here, God will add to that person the plagues described in this book. And if anyone removes any of the words from this book of prophecy, God will remove that person’s share in the tree of life and in the holy city that are described in this book. He who is the faithful witness to all these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon!” Amen! Come, Lord Jesus! May the grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s holy people." Since we’ve come to the end of Revelation, perhaps it would be helpful to summarize as succinctly as possible what this prophetic book has shown us. The apostle John, exiled to the island of Patmos for proclaiming the Gospel of Christ, receives divine revelations from God. These visions are to be conveyed as letters to seven churches in Asia Minor, addressing their conditions and calling for repentance. The book unfolds as a timeless message, speaking to the needs of churches throughout history. Through heavenly scenes and symbolic imagery, John unveils God’s plan for the end times, symbolized by the opening of seals, blowing of trumpets, and pouring out of bowls, each bringing judgments upon the earth for sin. Yet amidst the chaos, there is a vision of victory as God seals his servants and a multitude from every nation worships before his throne. The narrative progresses with symbolic representations, including a woman who represents God’s final dealings with Israel, a dragon who represents the devil, and a Beast who embodies the Antichrist. The culmination is about a colossal battle that occurs between good and evil, leading to Christ’s literal and triumphant return. The fall of Babylon, the defeat of Satan, and the establishment of Christ’s reign on Earth are foretold. After a thousand-year reign of peace and unprecedented prosperity, a portion of humanity still rebels against the Lord, and the revolt is quickly quashed. Afterward, the faithful enter into a new Heaven and a new earth, dwelling with Christ for eternity. The epilogue in Chapter 22 is a fervent invitation to come to Christ and find salvation. The book of Revelation declares the future of the redeemed is filled with hope, happiness, and Heaven. The saved, like all the rest of humanity, may have to suffer in this life from physical pains, chronic illnesses, grief from diverse losses, traumas, and financial hardships. Because of their faithfulness to Christ, they may have to endure social isolation, marginalization, oppression, and persecution. Nevertheless, for them, there is the sure promise that their future is incomparably radiant with splendors so remarkable they can hardly imagine them (I Corinthians 2:9). Those who are disobedient to God’s offer of salvation in Christ, however, are subject to the troubles and disappointments of this life, some more than others, but still all. In the end, they have nothing to look forward to beyond the grave, but misery and never-ending fiery agonies of the soul. On whose authority is this future foretold? It is none other than the same person whose identity and authority are mentioned in the first and last chapters of the book. Both chapters describe Jesus’ self-identification using titles such as the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End, emphasizing his eternal nature and supreme authority. Additionally, they depict Jesus as the root and descendant of David, affirming his Messianic lineage. Moreover, the Bright Morning Star in Revelation chapter 22 seems to echo Christ’s dazzling appearance in chapter 1. Just a few years back, Hollywood unveiled “Don’t Look Up,” a film featuring Leonardo DiCaprio and Jennifer Lawrence, among other acclaimed actors. Directed by Adam McKay, this satirical comedy-drama follows two astronomers who stumble upon a dire revelation: a comet hurtling towards Earth. Despite their frantic attempts to alert the public and government officials, their warnings are met with skepticism, denial, and even political suppression. While intended as a commentary on contemporary issues like climate change denial and political polarization, I couldn’t help but draw parallels between the film’s plot and biblical themes. I thought of the “Bright Morning Star,” the Lord Jesus Christ, on a collision course with a world engaged in a hostile insurrection against its Sovereign Creator. Over and again, the message to prepare for Christ’s return is heard from faithful preachers and evangelists, read in the Bible, proclaimed on radio and television programs, posted online and social media, and individual believers often share their personal experiences related to their faith and anticipation of Christ’s return. Yet, the response is mostly dismissal, doubt, and disbelief. Still, the Lord pleads for people to come to Him in repentance and faith. Before the book of Revelation ends, people are invited to come four times. The Spirit says, “Come.” The work of God’s Holy Spirit is to convince people of their sins, and judgment, pointing them to the saving grace of God in Christ. The Spirit of God knows the best way to speak to each person. As someone once said, with some people the Spirit of God may, figuratively speaking, need only a pop gun to turn them around. They need only a gentle touch. Such was the case with Lydia, of whom the Bible says God simply “opened her heart” to receive the message (Acts 16:11-15). Others need an elephant gun, like the apostle Paul on the Damascus road, a terrible persecutor of the Church, who was dramatically converted to Christ (Acts 9:1-19). God had to knock him off his horse and blind him before he saw the truth. Some people come easily to Christ, while others need convincing by harsher means. The “Bride,” the Church says, “Come.” This is the primary mission of the New Testament Church. There are innumerable methods the Church employs to invite people to trust Christ: sermons, Bible studies, educational programs, personal evangelism, creative arts, helping the poor and needy, and social engagement in the public square. Some pastors and their churches opt to steer clear of politics, fearing it may alienate people. However, this disengagement has unfortunately allowed morally questionable individuals to fill the void and wrongly influence and codify legislation. Measuring political initiatives against biblical standards is vital for the Church to fulfill its role as “salt and light,” as commanded by Christ. While those whose hearts are at enmity with God can find just about any reason to reject the Lord and criticize His followers, engaging in cultural and societal affairs doesn’t inherently drive people away from the Lord. Instead, it provides a platform for presenting Christ to the masses. Let anyone who hears this blessed message of hope and deliverance, say “Come.” In the Gospel of John, chapter 4, verses 4 through 42, Jesus meets with a Samaritan woman at a well and offers her living water. Without ever having met her before or anyone who knew her, Jesus revealed he knew everything about her life: her past marriages and her current relationship. The woman suddenly realized Jesus was a prophet and briefly discussed worship with him. Jesus declared to her that he was the Messiah. She believed and was so excited that she forgot to take her water jar with her, as she bolted from the well to run into her hometown and tell everyone of her encounter with Jesus. She said to the people in her village, “Come and see a man who told me everything I ever did!” (vs. 29). Because of her witness many others believed in Christ. “Come, come, come, this must be the Savior of the world, the Messiah,” she was telling everyone. Indeed, says the Lord Jesus in Revelation chapter 22 and verse 17, “Let anyone who hears this say, ‘Come.’” Psalm chapter 107 and verse 2, admonishes: “Has the Lord redeemed you? Then speak out!” Jesus says let anyone who is thirsty, parched, and dry: mentally, emotionally, spiritually, let him come to me. Jesus promised, “Those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life” (John 4:14). The late W. A. Criswell, in his commentary on Revelation, has beautifully written: “When God says, ‘Let him,’ where is the power that can interdict God’s mandate? ‘Let him.’ When God said ‘Fiat lux,’ ‘Let there be light,’ who could deny the light that burst into this darkened world? When God says, ‘Let him,’ who can deny the humblest, feeblest, most timid of sinners coming to the Lord to be saved? Who could interdict? Who could intervene? Could all the power of Hell? Could Satan, could the devil, could evil angels so black and dark, could doubt and fear, could anything stand between us and God? When God says, ‘Let him come,’ the Almighty Sovereign of Heaven and earth means, ‘Let him come.’” Sadly, many people feel that they are too sinful to come. Jesus says that anyone who humbly comes to him, he will in no way reject them (John 6:37). Other people erroneously feel they are too good to come. They don’t realize they are sinners desperately in need of forgiveness and reconciliation with God. The Lord says to them, “‘Come now, let’s settle this …Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow. Though they are red like crimson, I will make them as white as wool’” (Isaiah 1:18). Finally, Jesus gives an incredibly solemn warning. He cautions never to tamper with the content of the book of Revelation by either adding or subtracting from it. Furthermore, since this prophetic document is tied to both the Old and New Testaments, the warning would extend to the entire Bible. To do so would be courting disaster, more specifically, the loss of one’s soul. In The Revelation of Jesus Christ, prophecy expert, John Walvoord penned: “Though frequently in the Bible there are other warnings against tampering with the Word of God, this is among the most solemn (cf. Deut. 4:2; 12:32; Prov. 30:6; Rev. 1:3). No one can dare add to the Word of God except in blatant unbelief and denial that the Word is indeed God’s own message to a man. Likewise, no one should dare take away the words of the Book, since to do so is to do despite to the inspired Word of God. What a solemn warning this is to critics who have tampered with this book and other portions of Scripture in arrogant self-confidence that they are equipped intellectually and spiritually to determine what is true and what is not true in the Word of God. Though not stated in detail, the point of these two verses is that a child of God who reveres him will recognize at once that this is the Word of God.” Years ago, during my early days as a Christian in high school, I encountered a unique situation regarding the Bible. I was dating a girl whose family followed a religious group that provided them with a distinct translation of Scripture, tailored to their denomination’s beliefs. One day, her father read John 1:1 to me from their denominational Bible, stating, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god.” Instantly recognizing the discrepancy, I spoke up, arguing that the Bible declares Jesus as God in that same verse, and not “a god.” Their Bible had completely modified the text. This encounter shed light on the practice of certain religious groups altering Bible texts to suit their doctrines. Some even incorporate extra-biblical revelations or additional books, claiming they are essential for understanding Scripture fully. Similarly, the Queen James Bible, introduced in 2012, reinterprets passages to support LGBTQ+ rights, exemplifying this trend. However, such actions contradict Christ’s clear admonition against amending the Holy Scriptures. To tamper with God’s Word by changing or revising it constitutes a serious offense, as it distorts the truth and undermines the integrity of Scripture. This is a very serious sin! “Yes, I am coming soon!” says Jesus. I would like to conclude this commentary with the eloquent words of M.R. DeHaan from his book, Revelation: “The night is dark, and the world seems to be in the throes of death. Humanity is engulfed in turmoil and confusion. The dark clouds of coming judgment and distress are upon the horizon, and the rumblings of coming judgment may be heard. Men everywhere are wondering about the future, and some are despairing. One of these days or nights, however, while the world is occupied with its frivolities and empty pleasures and scoffing at the Word of God, a form will rise above the lashing waves, as on Galilee, to vindicate forever the devotion and patient watching of that remnant in all ages who have not abandoned the hope of his coming again, and take them home to the realms of bliss where sorrow and sighing, loneliness and heartache will never be known and where, with love ones gone before, they shall rest forever in the perfect service of their Lord.” O yes, how the children of God, earnestly wait, watch, and survey the horizon from life’s window, away from their real home, wanting to be with the One who loves them supremely. The most passionate longing of their heart is, “Come, Lord Jesus” (Revelation 22:20). Come and sweep me up and take me home. “May the grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s holy people” (Revelation 22:21). Daily Jot: It’s better to do than wait - Bill Wilson – In reading the headlines of late–of war, of domestic unrest, of political calamity in America–many emails to The Daily Jot are falling into a couple of categories. First, some people say that they just want the rapture to come and get them out of here so they do not have to deal with the world. Others say that God is in control of everything so why worry about America and what she does. God knows the plan, it’s his plan and he will work it no matter what we do. While these comments are on the hearts and minds of many, and at least some of the doctrine rings true, they are both misguided and wrong minded. I know I will step on a lot of toes here, just know that I do so out of love that you might not be deceived. As for the rapture. The scriptures over and over tell us that we will not know the time or the season when the Lord will return. Acts 1:7, Jesus says, “It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.” The Apostle Paul writes in 1 Thessalonians 5:1, “But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write to you.” Jesus said in Matthew 24:36, “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.” Yes, we can discern the events of these days and know that we are close to the return of Jesus, but we are told to watch, pray, and be about his business. The rapture will come when God says, not when man wants it. Yes, God is in control of the plan. But God has always worked through the actions of man. He judges nations. And nations are made up of leaders and followers. And we know that God shall judge the people. In Matthew 25 Jesus continues his discourse on the end times. In verses 31-33, He says, “When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats. And he shall set the sheep on his right hand but the goats on the left.” He goes on to say how he will judge the nations. This specifically speaks of nations. America is worth saving because it is still the one place on earth where there is freedom of speech and freedom of religion, although both are under attack. Americans are blessed because they traditionally have been purveyors of the Great Commission and have been allies of God’s people. There is judgment coming both for the nations and for the people. I for one would not want to stand before the Lord and have to answer to having a choice of leaders, but choosing ungodly leadership; I would not want to stand before the Lord and have to answer for not being about his business because I was waiting for the Lord’s return. I would not want to stand before the Lord and have to answer for having the authority to overcome evil with good and not have used it. But that’s just me. Daily Devotion: A Spiritually Bankrupt Culture - by Greg Laurie – Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. —Romans 12:2 - Listen The culture in which we live today is spiritually bankrupt and hostile to God. We’re living in a world that is hostile to our faith and values as followers of Jesus Christ. That is why the Bible says, “Do not love this world nor the things it offers you, for when you love the world, you do not have the love of the Father in you. For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the Father, but are from this world” (1 John 2:15–16 NLT). As Christians living in a culture that is hostile to our faith, it is tempting for us to try to fit in and not stand out as people who really believe in Jesus, as people who hold certain values. But if you are a child of God, then don’t hide it. Be proud of it. In this day, when it’s acceptable to openly mock and deride Christians, it is a real temptation not to stand up for what you believe. Yet the Bible tells us, “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect” (Romans 12:2 NLT). Instead of being squeezed into the mold of the world, we are to fill our minds with the things of God. We’re to fill our lives with the things that will build us up spiritually. If we do this, God says that He will reveal His will. This is called a conditional promise. We need to do our part, and thus, God will do His. And if we do not do our part, then He will not do His. If you are not willing to “let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think,” then don’t expect to know God’s will for your life. But if you are willing to take these steps and make this commitment, then God promises that He will reveal to you His good and pleasing and perfect will. And God’s will for you is always good. The psalmist David reminds us, “Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!” (Psalm 34:8 NLT). Remember that God is good. Some people have a warped concept of God as being some kind of celestial party pooper in Heaven. They think that God is waiting for them to surrender their lives to Him so that He can make them miserable. However, that is a warped concept of our heavenly Father. His plan for you is good. It is perfect. And it is better than your plan for yourself. If God gives you many years in life, I think you’ll find, in retrospect, that you were glad you walked in the will of God. I can also guarantee that you’ll regret it if you don’t. PROPHECY UPDATE NEWS HEADLINES Yesterday's Prophecies - Today's Headlines HEADLINES IN PARTNERSHIP WITH TRACKING BIBLE PROPHECY 4/2/24
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