Hamas and the End Times Wars - Dr. Nathan E. Jones -
Subscribe to our Channel Is the battle with Hamas an end times war? Tim Moore: We remain heavy-hearted due to all of the terrible events that have been transpiring in Israel. We’ve watched in dismay as Hamas terrorists invaded Israel to massacre men, women, and children, and as they took hostages back to the Gaza Strip to try and prevent Israel from engaging. A lot of people watching this unfold have in the past interpreted every conflict with Israel as having the potential of fulfilling a prophetic end times war. Nathan Jones: Yes, that phenomenon was something that our ministry’s founder, Dr David Reagan, used to note from all the way back in the 1980s. Some skirmish or war would break out in the Middle East and immediately he would get flooded by questions if it was the battle of Armageddon, as most Christians have only ever heard of that prophetic battle. In truth, there are actually nine wars of the end times. What’s going on now between Israel and Hamas, well, we don’t know just yet if it’ll become prophetic. Israel has waged numerous wars, even as early as when they were founded in 1948. The War of Independence of 1948-49 was followed by the Suez War of 1956. Then came the Six Day War of 1967, the Yom Kippur War in 1973, the Lebanese War in 1982, the First Intifada or Arab Uprising from 1987 to 1993, the First Gulf War of 1990-91, the Second Intifada from 2000-05, the Hezbollah War of 2006, the First Gaza War with Hamas in 2009, the Second Gaza War in 2012, and the Third Gaza War in 2014. This fight could become merely the Fourth Gaza War of 2023. So, no, Israel’s latest war with Hamas is clearly not the war to end all wars — Armageddon. But, the question remains, will this lead to a prophetic war? That’s what a lot of people have been writing into the ministry asking. What we can tell you is that, no, we do not think at this stage that this engagement between Israel and Hamas is one of the prophesied end times wars. But, it could lead to an actual end times war if it gets bigger. Tim Moore: It certainly could. This is a timely question as Israel is still in the beginning of its response to Hamas and has been preparing to enter the Gaza Strip. Just hours following the attack, our friend Pastor Robert Jeffers was on Fox News, and he stated that 39% of Americans believe that we are now living in the end times. So, the message of Bible prophecy has become something that resonates in the hearts of many Christians. They understand that we are living in the season of the Lord’s return. And yet, it is not our practice to try to tie every single episode in history as we’re living through them into something foretold in Scripture. We merely point out where the prophecies fit within a pattern that is clearly laid out in Scripture. For instance, our Lord Jesus said in Matthew 24 that in the end times, there will be wars and rumors of wars. These wars happen worldwide, of course, but when they happen to Israel they become the focus of the entire world’s attention. The Birth Pains Nathan Jones: We must realize how prophetically important it is that Israel is even back in their land again. After all, what nation comes back from the dead after 1900 years. It’s a modern-day miracle! And for the end time prophecies to happen, Israel has to actually be living in their land as prophesied. The Bible prophesied that the Jewish people would return a second time to transform a barren and desolate wasteland and make it bountiful again, which it now is. Prophecy also foretold that once the nation of Israel was reborn, that’s when it would actually begin to experience birth pains. And that’s exactly what’s been happening since May of 1948. The newly reborn nation of Israel has been experiencing war after war as hostile Arab neighbors long to destroy her completely. Tim Moore: Isaiah 66:7-9 tells the prophecy of these birth pains that would begin after the nations’ rebirth. We know that from the War of Independence, through the skirmishes throughout the 1950s, to the Six Day War in 1967, to the Yom Kippur War, all the intifadas, and the recent struggles with Hezbollah and Hamas — all of these wars are the prophesied birth pains. The Psalm 83 War Tim Moore: No nation has had greater animosity towards Israel than the terrorist groups — the Islamists — who are occupying Gaza. I say occupying because Hamas overthrew the government that was in Gaza and then took control. This Mafia-type organization is motivated solely by their hatred for the Jews and Israel. Destroying Israel is Hamas’ only objective, and that’s the same motivation with Hezbollah up in Lebanon. They really don’t want to be a governmental force of good for their own people, as they at times claim, rather their actions show that they are only inspired by their hatred to kill the Jews. It’s this satanically inspired hatred that causes us to anticipate the next prophetic war to be the Psalm 83 War. Israel will defeat those immediate neighboring nations in a manner that would allow Israel to live securely with cities that don’t even have walls around them. We’re not there yet, but this new war with Hamas could become the precursor to the larger Psalm 83 conflict that would leave Israel even more secure than it is today. Nathan Jones: Yes, one of the biggest proponents for a Psalm 83 War is eschatologist Bill Salus. I spoke with Bill and asked him if he saw this conflict as the beginning of the Psalm 83 War, or even if other prophecies such as Isaiah 17 and Jeremiah 49 that prophesy Israel destroying the city of Damascus in Syria in one evening, are about to happen. What could destroy a city in one evening but say nuclear weapons? Bill says that it is too early to tell. Maybe this conflict will escalate into a much larger war, but at this point, it remains yet another skirmish that Israel is having to deal with. As part of the birth pains, the Lord is funneling the politics so that Israel will have no friends to turn to for help as the whole world eventually comes together against it, all so that the Jews turn to God alone for deliverance. So, maybe we are watching the advent of the Psalm 83 War as Israel conquers its hostile surrounding neighbors — Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt — all those nations that border Israel and yearn for her destruction. The War of Gog and Magog Nathan Jones: Following the Psalm 83 War looms a much larger war. We know that behind Hamas is Iran. Another prophetic war that Psalm 83 is leading up to involves Iran — the War of Gog and Magog. Tim Moore: We believe the following prophetic end times war is described in Ezekiel 38-39. Ezekiel prophesies how Iran allies with Russia and Turkey in what is called the War of Gog and Magog. The leader of this coalition of nations lies north of Israel — Russia — which Ezekiel designates as Gog. This alliance of nations — this axis of evil — also includes the nations in northern Africa and the ‘Stan nations’. Combined, these nations form an outer ring of Islamic aggression. Along with Russia, the Islamic world attempts to gain spoil by plundering Israel in its attempt to destroy her. Israel will defeat the inner ring of hostile Muslim nations according to Psalm 83, but that will lead to a much more massive war with the outer ring of Islamic nations plus Russia. Obviously, we’re not dogmatic about the timing or even the order of these end times wars. We just know that Scripture foretells that there will be a series of wars in the end times that will inevitably lead to the whole world coming against Israel. The World For Israel… For Now Tim Moore: President Biden, whom I greatly disagree with over his support of Iran, having recently given them 6 billion dollars, has to his credit said that on behalf of the United States, we will stand with Israel. Biden gave a personal anecdote about his visiting Israel some 50 years ago while he was already serving in the Senate. Speaking to a leader while in Israel, Biden was taken outside and told to look around for Israel’s “secret weapon.” I thought President Biden was going to say Israel’s secret weapon was that God is on their side, but that’s not where he went because that’s not the way he thinks. Rather, he said Israel’s secret weapon is that they’ve got nowhere else to go. In other words, they fight because there is nowhere else the Jews can flee to but Israel. They’ve been rejected and ejected from every other country. Israel was born out of the horror of the Holocaust, and now there are people even in our nation who are advocating “gas the Jews,” as we heard students protesting at Harvard University and on the streets of New York. These people are filled with a satanic hatred for the Jewish people. But, at least for now, the United States and other nations are standing with Israel. However, you have to wonder how long that support will continue once Israel finally enters Gaza to eliminate Hamas. Hamas terrorists purposely hide behind innocent civilians, now including Israeli hostages. Nathan Jones: The Arabs and the Palestinians, which are pretty much one and the same, are masters at public relations. So, yes, the world right now is saying, “Israel, yeah, we’re behind you!” But, the world is infected with a satanic hatred of the Jews. It’s hard to understand why people hate the Jews so much, well the Bible tells us that it’s satanic in nature. So, yes, once Israel starts fighting on the ground in Gaza, the tide of public opinion will likely change, and people will become like, “Okay, you’ve overdone it with the Palestinians.” Then there’s a good chance that Hezbollah in Lebanon will jump into this conflict which will then soon morph into the Psalm 83 War. As a result, Israel will enlarge its territory. What’s interesting about this new war is that we can trace the drones that hit Israel’s borders and the money behind Hamas to Iran and Russia. Ezekiel 38-39 foretells Russia coming down against Israel because it yearns to plunder Israel. Just what does Israel have now that Russia would want? Israel is now a direct threat to Russia’s economy when it comes to selling natural gas, especially to Europe. That “hook in the jaw” God uses to draw Gog down to Israel is already here. It’s clear that these prophetic wars are so close as every day something happens that reveals their nearness. Of course, we’re not rejoicing that this new Israel-Hamas war is happening, but rather we look to what happens after the Gog-Magog War when God supernaturally steps in and destroys the threat of Russia and Iran and Turkey and Gog’s remaining coalition. The Jews will turn to God, though not yet to His Son. Then, once the Tribulation commences, the whole world will turn against Israel. That means the United States will turn against Israel on that day. Blessed Promises Tim Moore: We do not relish or celebrate the darkness, rather we recognize that because we have read the Word of God and so understand what Christ has revealed through His prophetic word, we know that the world will indeed grow increasingly dark. We will have trouble in this world, and yet these troubles are external to Christians because internally in our hearts we will not be troubled — if we stand on Jesus Christ. Christians have that assurance. All of these end times signs merely demonstrate that Jesus Christ is at the very gates of Heaven and that we are currently living in the season of Christ’s return. So, again, we don’t celebrate any of these horrors of war. We reject and condemn them and those who are acting satanically, filled with great evil and malice towards the Jewish people. We know God is still on His throne. He is still in control. And He will bring a great remnant of the Jewish people to salvation. Nathan Jones: How blessed it is to read Psalm 121:4, “Behold, He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.” The Israelis are not alone, for God is on their side. Of course, the Lord wants them to feel alone so they’ll turn to Him and repent. We know from prophecy that a third of the Jews by the end of the Tribulation will turn to Jesus Christ. How encouraging, too, that if the Lord is protecting His people, where 60% of the Jews in Israel don’t even acknowledge that Yahweh exists, how much so will Christ take care of Christians. As Psalm 121:5-7 continues: “The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade at your right hand. The sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord shall preserve you from all evil; He shall preserve your soul.” What a blessed promise to Christians! Tim Moore: Christians have so many blessed promises that we should remind each other of them. After all, we’re supposed to encourage one another and all the more as we see the day of Christ’s return drawing near. In the immediate response to the horror of Hamas’ incursion into Israel, I read from Psalm 7. The last verse contains King David’s affirmation of his faith, “I will give thanks to the Lord according to his righteousness and will sing praise to the name of the Lord most high.” This chapter comes after a Psalm where David is calling on the Lord to defend him from those who mean him harm and wish to destroy him. David still clings to hope. I would point people also to the prophet Habakkuk. Habakkuk was told of the devastation that would befall his land. Heartbreaking! And yet, at the end of this hymn of praise that Habakkuk had written and set to music, he affirms that even if that agricultural society was decimated, even if their crops were destroyed and all of their flocks were cut down in the fields, he said in Habakkuk 3:18, “Yet I will exalt in the Lord, I will rejoice in the God of my salvation.” We who know the God of our salvation is — Jesus Christ. Regardless of the circumstances in this world, we will rejoice in Jesus. And then, in verse 19, Habakkuk says, “The Lord God is my strength, and He has made my feet like hinds feet, He makes me walk on high places.” I’m reminded of when we go to the desert areas of Israel and see those little ibexes that climb those mountains, standing on the clefts in the rock that don’t look wide enough to even lay your finger on. And yet, their feet are so sure that they do not fall from those tiny places. Because they have hinds feet they can reach great heights. Likewise, we have been assured that our God is our strength and that He gives us feet that can stand in places where others would fall. We can attain high places even as others are brought low. And so, we want to give you a word of encouragement. This is not “the” war of the end times, but those wars are coming. Frankly, the end time is coming whether we’re ready or not, so may this be the day when you turn to the Lord Jesus Christ and pray for His salvation. Claim Jesus as your strength and your blessed hope. WATCH: The Final Countdown: Has An Apocalyptic Confrontation Between the U.S. And Iran Become Inevitable? - by Michael Snyder - It is becoming clear that the U.S. is going to be heavily involved in the war in the Middle East, and it is becoming clear that this is going to mean a direct confrontation with Iran. Are you ready for that? Are any of us really ready for such an apocalyptic scenario? Hamas and Hezbollah wouldn’t be anything without funding and arms from Iran. So Iran is the “big dog” that is ultimately responsible for all of the terrorism. On the other side, the U.S. is the “big dog” that funds and supports Israel. In the end, it was probably inevitable that the two “big dogs” would tangle eventually. According to CNN, U.S. officials have intelligence that indicates that Iranian-backed terror groups “are planning to ramp up attacks against US forces in the Middle East”… The US has intelligence that Iranian-backed militia groups are planning to ramp up attacks against US forces in the Middle East, as Iran seeks to capitalize on the backlash in the region to US support for Israel, according to multiple US officials. The militia groups have already launched multiple drone attacks on US forces in Iraq and Syria. But the US now has specific intelligence that those same groups could escalate even further as the war between Israel and Hamas continues. Of course Iranian-backed terror groups have already been attacking U.S. forces over and over again in recent days. In fact, U.S. troops in Iraq and Syria have been assaulted by such groups a total of 13 times within the past week… U.S. troops positioned in the Middle East have been attacked 13 times in the last week with a mix of one-way drones and rockets, according to Pentagon officials. U.S. Department of Defense spokesman Air Force Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder confirmed Tuesday that troops in Iraq had been attacked 10 times between Oct. 17-24, while during the same period troops in Syria had been attacked three times. Pentagon officials said Monday that all the attacks on U.S. troops have Iran’s fingerprints on them, though there is no evidence at this time showing the country’s leaders ordered the attacks. That last sentence makes me sick. It doesn’t matter if Iran’s leaders specifically ordered the attacks or not. These groups only exist because of Iran. They get their funding and weapons from Iran. So they are going to do what the Iranians want them to do, and they are not going to do what the Iranians don’t want them to do. The bottom line is that Iran is responsible. On Tuesday, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken promised that the U.S. would respond “swiftly and decisively” to any attack from Iranian proxy groups… Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Tuesday warned Iran that the United States would respond “decisively” to any attack by its proxies, as tensions rise with the Israel-Hamas war. “The United States does not seek conflict with Iran. We do not want this war to widen. But if Iran or its proxies attack US personnel anywhere, make no mistake. We will defend our people, we will defend our security — swiftly and decisively,” Blinken told a UN Security Council session. Really? So do it. Iranian-backed terror groups have already attacked our forces 13 times. Go get them. Do you need an engraved invitation? Needless to say, the Biden administration isn’t eager to fight the Iranians and the terror groups that they sponsor, because that could potentially spark the apocalyptic phase of World War III. That probably would not be good for Joe Biden’s chances of winning in 2024. And as the war in the Middle East fully erupts, there are hundreds of thousands of U.S. citizens that may need to be evacuated… The administration, despite its forceful public support for Israel, is deeply alarmed by the prospect of escalation, and in recent days it has turned its attention in part to the complicated logistics of abruptly having to relocate a large number of people, according to three people familiar with the discussions. There were about 600,000 U.S. citizens in Israel and another 86,000 believed to be in Lebanon when Hamas attacked, according to State Department estimates. Personally, I don’t know why any U.S. citizens would still be in the Middle East at this point. If you are there right now, you need to understand that a major war is about to erupt. The death and destruction that we will witness will be off the charts. So get out while you still can, and you can return once the fighting is over. Earlier today, I was stunned to learn that French President Emmanuel Macron is interested in putting together an “international coalition” to fight Hamas… French President Emmanuel Macron calls for the international coalition fighting the Islamic State group to be expanded to also fight Hamas after the October 7 assault on Israel. Macron, speaking after talks with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem, said that countries fighting ISIS “should also fight against Hamas.” But I don’t think that it will happen. I think that Europe will sit this one out, because I think that most western European nations would prefer to stay out of the war in the Middle East. So it will be the U.S. and Israel on one side, and the Iranians and their proxies on the other. And it won’t be pretty. There is one more thing that I wanted to quickly mention before I close this article. In the year after Roe v. Wade was overturned, the number of legal abortions in the United States actually went up… In the year after the Supreme Court ended the constitutional right to abortion, something unexpected happened: The total number of legal abortions in the United States did not fall. Instead, it appeared to increase slightly, by about 0.2 percent, according to the first full-year count of abortions provided nationwide. Our nation had an opportunity to change direction, but that did not happen. And now as we prepare to fight World War III, we should not expect our efforts to be blessed. Of course Iran is not the only opponent that the U.S. has to deal with. Conflicts with China and Russia are looming as well. I can definitely understand why the Biden administration is hesitant to start hitting the Iranians and their proxies, but they aren’t going to stop hitting our troops. So either the Biden administration is going to have to pull all U.S. forces out of Iraq and Syria, or U.S. forces are going to have to start striking back. Prophecy Update Videos Must Watch Videos! Videos You Can Trust
Your Support is Important to this Ministry - We Could Not Do This Without Your Support! Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift! II Corinthians 9:15 Worthy of Your Support? It has been said, one of the most reliable ways to determine if a ministry is worthy of your financial support is to examine its fruits. If Prophecy Update is keeping you informed and if that information inspires you and causes you to draw closer to the Lord, if Prophecy Update equips you with valuable information and knowledge to share with and encourage other believers and open the eyes of non-believers and if Prophecy Update keeps you connected to current events relating to Bible Prophecy then you are partaking of the fruit produced through this ministry. None of this would be possible without the Lords blessings and your support. I believe where the Lord guides, the Lord provides and most of the time He provides through the willing and generous hearts of believers just like you and me. I genuinely believe that Prophecy Update and many other like-minded ministries, are needed now more than ever! The world is getting darker daily, almost hourly, but never has the light of the Word of God shone so brightly. Never in our history has there been such a thirst for Truth and a need for a Savior! The Prophecy Update website, newsletter, and Video Channels are all dedicated to providing the truth, encouraging and informing believers, and prayerfully opening the eyes and hearts of non-believers with the Gospel, but none of it would be possible without your prayers and support. DONATE HERE Your can also mail your support to: Prophecy Update PO Box 40516 Bakersfield, CA 93384 Nearing Midnight: Genesis 6 Sickness – Terry James - In thinking on this commentary, it occurred to me that Genesis chapter 6 came into view when Khaled Mashal, former leader and a founding member of Hamas, called for war not just against Israel but against the entire world. He demanded that all of the Muslim nations surrounding the Jewish state come together and begin attacking in all-out jihad. But he said it wouldn’t stop there. The entirety of Islam must take over the world, using all the violence, death and mayhem that could be mustered. The holy prophet Muhammad had long ago ordered such an action to fulfill Allah’s wishes, Mashal says. Those wishes included world conquest so peace and joy could then reign on earth. This brought into view thoughts that I believe are most relevant at this moment regarding God’s prophetic timeline. Here are Jesus’ words predicting how things will be when He next intervenes into the affairs of wicked, rebellious humankind: “And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all” (Luke 17:26). So what was going on that caused the Lord to completely destroy all flesh on earth except for Noah and his family? Genesis provides the answer: “And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth” (Genesis 6:13). Can we doubt with any degree of certainty that, over the past years, we’ve witnessed developments hinting strongly that the world is becoming like it was in those antediluvian times? Can we doubt that we’re seeing corruption that seemingly rivals that of the days of Noah? Just within the past two weeks or so, we’ve seen growing violence, as understood from the words of Mashal, who wants all-out jihad not just against Israel but against all people who resist Mohammad’s call to Islamic world domination. A former Muslim terrorist who is now a Christian was the first to expose the contents of Mashal’s demand for increased jihad. Brother Rachid, as he is called, gave the following as some of the Hamas founder’s desires. 1. To show anger, especially on October 13, 2023, in Muslim countries and also among Muslim Diaspora around the world; he called it “the Friday of Al-Aqsa flood.” He said this will send a message of rage to Zionists and to America. 2. He asked for financial help from all Muslims around the world to help with their money. He called it “Financial Jihad.” He asked Muslims to give to the fighters of Gaza in order to compensate them for the destruction. 3. He asked for political pressure from Muslim leaders and Muslim nations to stop Israel’s military invasion of Gaza. 4. The most important thing: He asked all Muslims around the world to carry Jihad by their souls; to fight and be martyrs for Al-Aqsa. He wants Muslims to fight against the Jews, starting with Muslims who live in the countries surrounding Israel: Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Egypt (but also other countries), to go to the borders and try to enter, each by his own means. He said: This is the time for Jihad to be applied on the ground rather than just in theory.He asked the Mujahedeen to go in long caravans to spill their blood on the land of Palestine. (“Hamas Leader Calls for Global Muslim Uprising In ‘Day of Rage’ On Friday, Report Says,” Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge, October 11, 2023) The Genesis 6 sickness spreading by the likes of Mashal and other wicked minions are front and center at this advanced moment on God’s prophetic timeline: Scenes of indescribable horror in which infants and babies were slaughtered — with some beheaded — in the kibbutz of Kfar Aza in southern Israel by Hamas terrorists were reported by international media on Tuesday morning. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) took dozens of foreign reporters to witness the site of the massacre on Tuesday. Charred homes stood in the background as smoke wafted in the air and the bodies of dead civilians and terrorists still littered the ground. The journalists, under the protection of dozens of Israeli soldiers, toured the site with cameras rolling. “It’s not a war,” Gen. Itai Veruv, head of the IDF’s Depth Command, told reporters. “It’s not a battlefield. You see the babies, the mothers, the fathers in their bedrooms, in their protection rooms, and how the terrorists kill them … It’s a massacre.” The scene recalled some of the darkest chapters in Jewish history. Israeli officials have called Hamas’ surprise invasion of Israel over the weekend — in which Kfar Aza was one of the hardest hit areas — one of the largest massacres of Jews since the Holocaust. (“‘It’s a Massacre’: Babies Reportedly Slaughtered by Hamas Terrorists in Kibbutz Avatar”; By Algemeiner staff) The Genesis 6 sickness has infected not just those who would wage atrocities against the Jews. The evil has spread to every culture on earth—including our own here in America. (Consider, for example, the many millions of babies in their mothers’ wombs who have been murdered through abortion, their bodies torn apart in the process.) I believe Jesus’ “days of Lot” prophecy (Luke 17:28) spoke to the way things are in America today just before the Rapture. It is the Lord’s prophecy of coming destruction on a specific locale, like Sodom and Gomorrah in those ancient times. Thus, His “days of Noah” (Luke 17:26) prophecy was about the way things are quickly developing worldwide—as witnessed by Mashal’s call for global jihad. Violence, indeed, is filling the whole earth! Dr. David Jeremiah addressed to some extent this matter recently: A rainbow. Animals marching two-by-two. A famous boat ride. This is the happy picture so many of us have from childhood of the biblical story of Noah. But the message behind the story is much more serious—a depiction of God’s judgment raining down on a sinful world… with a critically important prophetic connection! Jesus warns His followers, including you and me today: So… are we living in those “days of Noah?” The short answer is yes—our world today is just like Noah’s before the flood. Jesus warns His followers, including you and me today: “But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be” (Matthew 24:37-39). Just like the ark that Noah was building could have been seen for miles, the warning signs for this generation are all around us. The clouds are gathering. Distant thunder is rumbling. And the door to salvation stands open. For now. But despite warnings, people do not expect judgment. Noah’s neighbors did not expect a flood—and neither do yours. Deep down, most people—if they give any thought to eternity at all—tend to think they will have a chance at the last minute to say or do the right thing to secure their place in God’s kingdom. But the Rapture doesn’t work that way. It will be instant and irreversible. And on that day, when God shuts the door as securely as He shut the door on the ark, no amount of knocking, pounding, or pleading will open it. This is why you and I must be ready. And why we must do everything possible to give our families, our friends, and our world every opportunity to enter in now—before it’s eternally too late! (Dr. David Jeremiah, Turning Point, October 12, 2023) (I highly recommend Dr. Jeremiah’s new book on the Rapture: The Great Disappearance. You can find it at Here is how to be ready before that ark door closes—the only way to be Rapture ready: “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:9-10). A Nation Like No Other: Israel’s Battle In The Court Of World Opinion – By Erick Stakelbeck - It seems that the memory of October 7 is fading for some in the so-called international community. You remember October 7, right? When 1,400 Israelis, the vast majority of them civilians, were massacred in cold blood. We’re learning more about it now as videos of Israel’s interrogations of Hamas terrorists are on record, sharing exactly what they did and what they were told to do by their Hamas masters—gruesome, demonic, wicked acts. In a few days, the world is going to return to its default position of knee-jerk, anti-Israel bile. They will basically tell Israel, “It’s a shame what happened, but you had it coming for all that you’ve supposedly done to the Palestinians over the years, and you must have a proportionate response. You cannot act with severity against the Hamas jihadists living in Gaza. Civilians might get killed. There needs to be an immediate ceasefire and an international peacekeeping force, perhaps.” That would be the grand plan of the likes of the UN. If you have any doubt about what I’m saying, former US President Barack Obama released a statement yesterday that was highly critical of Israel, warning Israel to follow the international rules of war. This is something that Israel knows, does very well, and doesn’t need Barack Obama lecturing and intoning to them. Nonetheless, he couldn’t resist weighing in and taking some potshots at Israel. UN Secretary-General Draws Moral Equivalency Between Israel And Hamas In addition, today, we had an absolute moral disgrace at the United Nations. The Secretary General of the UN, António Guterres, stated, “October 7 did not happen in a vacuum. Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation.” Wait, I thought it was 75 years, in their view? Does he mean since 1967, Israel’s miraculous victory in the Six-Day War, where they reunited Jerusalem and, once again, exercised control over Judea and Samaria, the biblical heartland? Folks read between the lines. This is the Secretary General of the UN, basically saying that Israel had it coming. They provoked this. It’s Israel’s fault. This didn’t happen in a vacuum. This happened not because Hamas is a vicious, genocidal jihadist organization devoted to Israel’s destruction. It happened because the Palestinian people have been supposedly subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation. Did he forget that there is not one Israeli living in Gaza right now? Oh, there are Israeli hostages. There are over 200 still in the bowels of hell within some tunnels beneath Gaza in Hamas captivity. They have very short memories at the UN, apparently. In 2005, every last Israeli “disengaged,” as they called it, and withdrew from Gaza. Beautiful Israeli communities in Gaza were uprooted, and every last Israeli left. There is no occupation of Gaza. There is also no entity, no nation, or state known as Palestine. There is Gaza, and there is the West Bank, which we call Judea and Samaria because that’s what the Bible calls it. What occupation? When we’re talking about Judea and Samaria, we are talking about Israelis living in the land where their forefathers and mothers lived 3000 years ago. Call me crazy, I think Jews should be able to live wherever they want to live. But that’s not the view of our enlightened overlords here in the West and at the UN. The double standards continue. The UN Secretary-General drew a moral equivalency between Israel and Hamas, blatantly and disgracefully. Thankfully, Israel’s Ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, had a very strong response, calling on Gutierrez to resign. And, rightly so. Israel’s Foreign Minister Eli Cohen also spoke today before the UN Security Council, saying, “Mr. Secretary-General, in what world do you live?” Has Guterres already forgotten that 1,400 Israelis were just slaughtered in cold blood in the worst massacre of the Jewish people since the Holocaust? The World’s Obsession With Israel The world is obsessed with Israel. Do you doubt it? Israel was attacked, and yet the world obsessively, after a short grace period, started to bombard Israel with pressure and watch their every move. Blinken suggested humanitarian pauses in the war. Whoever heard of such a thing in warfare? Has any other nation been asked to do that? Would the US do that? Would Russia or China? I think not. Israel is a sovereign nation being lectured to by the world. Why? It’s clearly a spiritual issue. The book of Zechariah 12:1-3 talks about this, and the Bible is very clear that the days are coming when the world will be absolutely obsessed with Israel and, in particular, Jerusalem. Israel is not only the center of the world geographically; it’s at the center of God’s prophetic plan. The devil—yes, he exists—hates what God loves. God holds the title deed to that land. God says that Israel is the apple of His eye, and the people of Israel have returned, never to be uprooted again. Whoever heard of such a thing as Israel’s rebirth in 1948? A people, mostly dispersed for 2,000 years to the ends of the earth, come back against all odds out of the ashes of the Holocaust to reestablish a thriving and successful nation? Do you think God has nothing to do with this? Ultimately, we can talk about secular reasoning all day, but you can’t separate this from God. Israel is not like other nations, and that’s why the world is obsessed with it. As the world is crashing down, we know God Almighty still sits on the throne. These are prophetic times, no doubt, and the prophetic chess pieces are moving on the board. Daily Jot: Stupidocrisy: Joe’s foolish Middle East policy - Bill Wilson – Joe Biden and his rare October 19 television speech is a poster child for apocalyptic prophecy. It is this type of leadership that accelerates the world into the end times. Oh, the poor Palestinian people. Biden says they are used by the terrorists (that they elected) as human shields and those nasty Israelis that defend themselves are obviously going to take it out on the Palestinian citizens. That’s why we need to send the Palestinians billions of dollars more in humanitarian aid. Problem is, that humanitarian aid allows extra funding for the terrorists the Palestinian people elected to run Gaza as an Islamic caliphate. Biden says he wants to end this terrorism, but it was his actions in a large part that funded the terrorism. Biden points the finger at Iran. Iran, he says, is backing Hamas and Hezbollah with funding and weapons. This is not new. Iran has been doing this for decades. But Joe Biden and Barack Obama have a great solution—give Iran billions of dollars hoping that Iran will all of a sudden have a change of mind about eliminating Israel from the face of the earth. Joe and his band of delusional Democrats may think that if they speak words of peace and harmony to the barbarians of Islam that they will change their ways and sing Kumbaya with their Jewish cousins. Ain’t gonna happen, Joe. Iran will continue to fund terrorism worldwide and especially against Israel. Then Joe gives us all a lecture on Islamophobia. We, as Americans, are to be receptive of the followers of Islam. Hate has no place in America, Joe says. Somebody ought to be telling the leaders of Islam about all that. American Jews don’t seek out Muslims to maim or kill them. In fact, the majority of Americans—Christian or Jew—are not perpetrating violence on Muslims. But Muslims, on the other hand…check the crime figures. Follow the news. How often do you hear of an Islamic organization denouncing attacks on Jews or Christians? It’s a rare mention. But we often hear about Muslims supporting terrorist activities against Jews because “they are Jews and they are pigs.” It’s not a phobia if it’s truth. Which brings me to the entire concept of Middle East peace hinging on a two-state solution—Palestinians (represented by Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, etc.) living side by side in peace if only they had their own country. Gaza worked out real well, Joe. Who are you fooling? Those who study end time prophecy know that there will be no peace until after the return of Christ. Jeremiah 6:13-14 hits the nail on the head: “For from the least of them to the greatest, all are greedy for gain; from prophet to priest, all practice deceit. They have also healed the hurt of My people slightly, Saying, ‘Peace, peace!’ When there is no peace.” This describes Joe—greed and deceit. His foolish Middle East policy of soothing Israel while appeasing terrorists is, say it with me…Stupidocrisy. Daily Devotion: Moral Illiteracy - by Greg Laurie – Jesus replied, “ ‘You must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. —Matthew 22:37–38 - Listen Our country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles. And more specifically, many of our founding fathers professed belief in Jesus Christ. Though revisionists try to change that narrative, a careful study of history will show that it’s true. It’s our departure from this truth that has brought us to where we are today. With abortion on demand on an epidemic scale, marriages falling apart at record rates, and rampant violence in our streets, this should not surprise us. The Bible says, “They have planted the wind and will harvest the whirlwind” (Hosea 8:7 NLT). How true. Our departure from God’s principles has brought us to the moral illiteracy that we have today. In his book Why Johnny Can’t Tell Right from Wrong, William Kilpatrick wrote about how, as a college professor, he started noticing what he called signs of moral illiteracy among his students. For instance, in a discussion about the Ten Commandments, no one could list them, either individually or as a class.[1] Kilpatrick was right in noting a connection between morality and the Ten Commandments. That’s because in the Ten Commandments, we find absolute truth written by the finger of God on tablets of stone. It’s truth we can depend on, truth we can believe in. With the Ten Commandments God is saying, “Here is what I have done for you: I have forgiven you of your sin, redeemed you, and bought you. Now here is what you can do for Me: you can keep My commandments.” The Bible says, “We love each other because he loved us first” (1 John 4:19 NLT). In Matthew’s Gospel we read about an expert in religious law who tried to trap Jesus. He said, “Teacher, which is the most important commandment in the law of Moses?” (Matthew 22:36 NLT). Jesus answered, “ ‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments” (verses 37–40 NLT). Now, Jesus wasn’t doing away with the Ten Commandments. Rather, He was summing them up perfectly. If we love God with all our hearts, souls, and minds, then we won’t have any other gods before Him. We won’t worship idols or take God’s name in vain. And if we love our neighbors as we love ourselves, we won’t steal from them, lie to them, or covet something that belongs to them. Essentially Jesus was saying, “Get this down, and the commandments will come together for you.” It all starts with God’s place in our lives. We will serve what or whom we worship. Jesus said, “You must worship the Lord your God and serve only him” (Matthew 4:10 NLT). If God is number one in our lives, then everything else will find its proper balance. But if He is not, then everything else will fall into chaos. [1] William Kilpatrick, Why Johnny Can’t Can’t Tell Right from Wrong: And What We Can Do About It (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1993). PROPHECY UPDATE NEWS HEADLINES Yesterday's Prophecies - Today's Headlines HEADLINES IN PARTNERSHIP WITH TRACKING BIBLE PROPHECY 10/25/23
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