It Is Impossible to Look at What Took Place That Night And Not See The Hand Of God – By Amir Tsarfati - Shalom from Israel! Saturday night was very tense. There were rumors that Iran was actually going to do something they had never done before. They were going to attack Israel from their own soil. In the past they always had their little proxy terrorist minions do their dirty work. Why get Persian hands bloody when there are plenty of Arab to do the job? But this time, they felt that to keep their honor, the world needed to see them step up and act. All the rumors indicated that it was going to be an air attack, and it was going to be massive. The Attack Then it launched. Dozens and dozens of explosive drones began their slow trip toward Israel. It’s an 8-hour flight for a drone to cross the airspace between Iran and my country. As we in Israel awaited their arrival, it was like watching war in slow motion. But then the situation escalated. Drones were launched from proxy militias in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen, countries closer to Israel. Those were followed by cruise missiles. In all, 185 suicide drones and 36 cruise missiles filled the air. The Israeli Air Force set to work, sending fighter jets to destroy these flying explosives before they reached our borders. But we weren’t alone. The United States, the UK, and France joined us in plucking them out of the sky. Then came Phase Three of the attack. The drones and cruise missiles were not the end game. Their role was to deplete Israel’s air defense system prior to the primary attack – 110 ballistic missiles. As I mentioned earlier, it takes a drone eight hours to fly from Iran to Israel. A cruise missile’s flight is two hours. But a ballistic missile can traverse the gap in 12 minutes. I have to give the ayatollahs credit – it was a good plan. It just wasn’t good enough. In the end, 99% of the missiles and drones were intercepted. Those that managed to make it through caused a little bit of damage to an airfield and critically injured an innocent child. The Historic and the Miraculous History was made in the early morning hours of April 14. But more significantly, God clearly showed Himself. It was historic in that Iran had never attacked Israel before from its own borders. As I mentioned earlier, they always had their proxies do their dirty work. This was the first time in the nearly 76 years of Israel’s existence and the decades of the Islamist regime in Iran that the ayatollahs put their own fingers on the trigger and pulled. It was historic in that never before had an aerial attack of this type and this size been carried out. Again, there were 185 drones, 36 cruise missiles, and 110 ballistic missiles launched in a coordinated assault with the intention to cause major damage and loss of life. Some may balk, saying, “Yeah, but only one child got hurt. Israel really needs to temper its response.” Let me ask you this – picture a mass shooter loading himself up with multiple guns and 200 rounds of ammunition. He then goes to a crowded event and opens fire. Several people are struck and wounded, before he is tackled by bystanders and subdued. Do we say, “Relax, it’s not a big deal. It’s not like he actually killed anyone.” Or, do we say, “Thank the Lord that this man’s plan to massacre all those people was thwarted. Let’s put him away so that he can never do it again.” Iran’s intention was to kill many Israelis, and it is by that intention that they should be judged and punished. It was historic in that not only did Israel receive help from the US, the UK, and France, but Saudi Arabia and Jordan also participated in shooting down anything that entered their airspace. Help, though, from our Sunni friends had begun prior to that night. The Wall Street Journal reported that Saudi Arabia and the UAE funneled classified intelligence through the US to Israel that helped spoil Iran’s plan. It’s truly remarkable to see the ever-growing effects of the Abraham Accords, mediated by the previous US administration. It was miraculous in that this level of success never should have happened. Mordecai Avitbul, a Doctor of Physics who works for Israeli security, said, “When I look at what happened on Saturday night on a scientific level, it simply cannot happen.” He explained that to have such a high percentage of weapons destroyed would take every element of the process – human, electronic, mechanical – working just perfectly. He went on to say, “The likelihood that everything works out just as it should does not exist in complex systems like the defense systems that were operating…. Even if we got 90% protection, it would be a miracle…. If this is not an act of God, then I no longer know what a miracle is.” If you feel he may be a biased observer, let me assure you that he is not the only one who sees the miraculous in this event. A close friend of mine in the US who is involved in military security related to missiles and weapons of that sort has assured me that it is impossible to logically look at what took place that night and not see the hand of God. It just doesn’t happen. If it seems like I am taking a victory lap, let me assure you that I am not. Intercepting hundreds of warheads and stopping a disastrous attack isn’t a victory. It’s just success. Victory is never achieved by defensive actions. The enemy will just fall back, regroup, find ways to improve, and try again. Attacking and defeating the enemy is the only path to true victory. That is why Israel must now go on the offensive. The Response No sooner were the engines cool on the jet fighters than the US and Western Europe began to warn Israel against a strong response. As I mentioned above, their logic went something like, “Yeah, Iran was wrong for doing that, but nobody really got hurt, right? Let’s just forget it and move on.” Really? Let’s imagine an enemy fires 110 ballistic missiles at the White House or Buckingham Palace or the Élysée Palace. Just because your air defenses shoot the weapons out of the sky, are you then going to say, “Tsk, tsk, tsk. This is your warning, guys. Better not do it again”? Israel is going to respond, and it will do so with force. Iran crossed a line and now they have brought the fight to their own soil. It may be a blow to their nuclear program, causing destruction to their production facilities. Their infrastructure may be targeted, taking out dams or electrical stations. The response could be directed at their economy, destroying oil production. Considering the Iranian currency hit an all-time 700,000 rials to the US dollar following the failed attack, this could be particularly damaging. Whatever it will be, it is likely the ayatollahs will have to wait and wonder. Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi indicated that a response was unlikely to occur until after Passover ends on April 30. This would enable a homefront policy that would provide for a much-needed, almost-normal Passover week for the people of Israel. It will also give the leaders of the Islamist regime time to sweat. Already they are pulling back workers and reducing the presence of IRGC senior officers from Syria. I understand the strategic benefits of waiting and moving in a time of our own choosing. However, I still think that a forceful attack that same night would have been more effective. The psychological impact of their failure being compounded by a devastating strike by Israel could have gone a long way towards demoralizing and quieting the violent religious radicals who are running the country. In a perfect world with the current U.S. administration’s pressure, an attack would have already been carried out. There is one more twist to this story. A rumor has surfaced today of a deal that may be taking shape. If Israel does not attack Iran, the U.S. will 1) impose severe sanctions on Iran, 2) approve the actions on Rafah in the south and Hezbollah in the north, and 3) transfer the financial aid approved for Israel. Should this be true, it is almost as if Iran has unwittingly fixed all of the U.S.–Israel problems on the regional disputes. I see what the US and Israel are doing here; however, I’m not okay with any of this. This does not sound like Middle East language. It has much more of an American feel. When you leave an attack such as this unanswered in the Middle East, it emboldens the other side to feel like they’ve deterred you. I believe that Israel must do something militarily. Ideally, to the three points above, I would add a fourth that would allow Israel to hit back at Iran. Even if it is something minor, it would at least show that any strike they give will not go unanswered. Then, if Iran were to retaliate, we could come back on them forcefully giving us a win either way. I do know one thing for sure, that however Israel responds and whatever the resulting escalation might entail, both Iran and Israel will survive this conflict. My confidence does not come from the military or infrastructure or allied relationships. My assurance is rooted in the Bible, where Ezekiel 38 tells me that when Russia comes against Israel it will not be alone. Among those joining Russia will be Persia, or Iran. Thus, Iran must be around to attack, while Israel must still exist so that it can be attacked. There is such clarity when people know their Bibles. The Rest of the War In the south, the IDF is intensifying its readiness for a major assault on Rafah. Prior to the attack, all the civilians in the area are being encouraged to leave immediately. Any who refuse the order will likely get moving once the bombs start dropping. As always, the IDF will do all it can to minimize civilian casualties, despite Hamas’s policy of using their own people as human shields. Daily strikes are taking place against Hezbollah in Lebanon. On Tuesday, a targeted attack in the city of Ain Ebel took out Ismail Youssef Baz, commander of the coastal sector of Hezbollah. That same day, another airstrike in Al-Shahabiyeh killed Muhammad al-Shahouri, commander of the Rockets and Missiles Unit of the Radwan Forces’ Western Region. No Hezbollah leader is safe as long as they are targeting Israel. In a heartbreaking story, Nova survivor, 19-year-old Guy Ben Shimon, told a State Audit Commission on the treatment of survivors of the October 7 massacre at the dance festival that “there have been almost 50 suicides among the Nova survivors. This number, which was true two months ago, may have increased since.” The victims of Hamas’s holocaust continue to increase even to today. As evil as Hamas is, they are not without friends. A recent article in The Times revealed that Iran has given at least $222 million to the terrorist organization. This isn’t a surprise. However, the article revealed the money pipeline which passed from Iran to Beirut to the Hamas Politburo to Yahya Sinwar in Gaza. Knowing this trail allows the possibility of freezing the Hamas accounts. Turkish President Erdogan gave Hamas some legitimacy, saying, “There is no difference between the Turkish national forces in the (Turkish) War of Independence and the Hamas movement now.” So, what I hear you saying is that Turkey’s freedom fighters also kidnapped, raped, tortured, and murdered innocent civilians? Are you sure Hamas is who you want to link your country’s history to, Mr. Erdogan? The Link Between Bethlehem and Bahrain – Jesus showed up in Bethlehem, in person. It's an amazing story. Over the festive season many (who have the luxury of doing so) will have tuned out the grim news from the Middle East and tuned into that wonderful miracle of God coming to live among us in Bethlehem, Judea, 2000 years ago. And the physical real estate connected with His coming has suddenly become very important again. Keeping both the Bible and current events in mind, what's going on in the Middle East from a biblical point of view at the moment? And what has Bethlehem got to do with Bahrain? A SILENT NIGHT IN BETHLEHEM Today Bethlehem and Nazareth are now both Muslim dominated cities. In 2023 the usual Christian celebrations were cancelled, ostensibly in sympathy with the Palestinian cause. Wild claims that Jesus was in fact a Palestinian gained major traction on TikTok and other social media. Images of a keffiyeh clad baby in a cradle of rubble in a Bethlehem church went viral, attempting to erase the Jewish identity of Jesus and imagining He might have been exempt from terrible fate assured of any Jewish person who ends up in the hands of Hamas. Worse, an AI image of Jesus dressed in Hamas military uniform has also been doing the rounds. There's a demonic attempt to rip the Christian faith away from the ongoing story Israel. To recast Jesus as Palestinian is to tear the King of the Jews away from His own family. It can't be done. The birthplace of the Messiah was in Bethlehem, Judea, and Jesus is from the line of Judah. But since God loves the Palestinians as much as the Jews, why does it matter? Because God incarnate needed a family and a land to be born into, and they are both known by the name of Israel. This irks a lot of people terribly. Christmas was also banned in Iran, perhaps less surprisingly. What might surprise you though is the number of Iranians who protested. Huge crowds gathered to worship at the Cathedral in Isfehan on Christmas Day, and videos showed a boy on his father's shoulders pounding on the locked door, unable to enter, shouting “Jesus, please open the door!” The crowds chanted, “Behind these closed doors, Jesus is waiting!” An Iranian friend explains, “They have heard Jesus' message of peace and tranquility to the world!” 50,000 mosques in Iran have now closed as people have abandoned Islam in droves, sick of the evil Islamic regime they've suffered under. Now many are turning to Jesus instead. We are praying that a similar phenomenon will happen in Gaza as disillusionment with Hamas becomes more widespread. Meanwhile, terrorists from extremist Muslim groups slaughtered hundreds of Christians over the Christmas weekend in Nigeria, adding to the 50,000 murdered there since the introduction of Sharia law. That massacre got a lot less attention, along with many other evils and tragedies which don't involve Israel. But the fact that there are people in Iran and Nigeria who love and worship Jesus testifies that that the good news birthed in Bethlehem went out from Israel, across the Middle East, and is reaching the ends of the earth. It's gone global. And the murderous hatred of the antichrist spirit isn't far behind wherever the gospel goes. If the incarnation sowed the seed of the Messianic Age and the long wait until His return is the time of gestation, we are surely in the last stages before the birth. And the birth pangs hurt. BETHLEHEM AND BAHRAIN Fireworks and celebrations circled the globe as the new year 2024 came in, but Israel was having an altogether different display of ballistics in the sky. Unwanted fireworks, as some have said. Rockets were fired into multiple cities from Gaza as the clock struck midnight. Hamas is not letting up in its determination to destroy Israel, or at least kill as many as possible. What happened to the Abraham Accords? The nations around Israel have created hostile battle lines on every side, much as described in Psalm 83, but we need to also keep in mind the seismic developments of the Abraham Accords and the Middle East peace plan. First to sign up to normalize relations with Israel were Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates, later joined by Morocco and Sudan. Saudi Arabia was just about to join before Israel was so viciously attacked. In fact, many believe this imminent peace deal was part of the reason behind the attack. These matters all have a significant bearing on preparing the ground for the Messiah's return. The scene is being set. But what is hard to take for many Christians is that it is all so… political. This makes many squeamish. For 2000 years believers have got used to worshiping in Spirit and in truth with no need for a temple, a mountain, or even a land. Many have been lulled into believing that this will continue forever. But it won't. Things are about to get real again. In fact, they have been getting very real for the last hundred years or so. If the first coming of Jesus required a land, a family, and a physical environment to enter into, so it will be for His glorious return. The geo-political landscape is shifting into place and lining up for the exact scenario foretold in the Bible. If Bethlehem represented part of the physical infrastructure for the first coming, Bahrain and the Arab nations in the new Abraham Accords represent the development of the reality that Jesus will return to. Just as there were very specific and literal prophecies about the first coming (born in Bethlehem – Micah 5:2, of a virgin – Isaiah 7:14, from the tribe of Judah – Genesis 49:10, out of Egypt – Hosea 11:1 etc) so there are very specific and literal prophecies about the second (He will return to Jerusalem – Matthew 23:37-39, stand on the Mount of Olives – Zechariah 14:4, defeat Israel's enemies – Isaiah 63:1-6, and Jewish people will welcome Him back to Israel – Ezekiel 20:40). Bahrain's acceptance of Israel along with other Arab states is helping to pave the way towards the 7 year peace deal with Israel that will be broken half way through, as the Bible says (Daniel 9:27). We may not know exactly how all these matters will pan out, just as it must have been somewhat perplexing to contemplate how a virgin would give birth, but not one word of God will fall to the ground. Watch and see. But we need to be prepared for things to start changing. IT'S ALL ABOUT JESUS The ascension of Jesus and outpouring of His Spirit on all flesh catapulted the faith of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob out to the nations. Before that moment our faith was firmly tethered to the land. Trudging through deserts, digging wells, building walls and fighting enemies… the story of the Bible, Israel, and God's plan for humanity can be literally be found in the ground in archaeological digs. The story started in Iraq but mainly took place in Israel, with other places such as Egypt, Babylon, Assyria, and Rome having parts to play. A physical Israel, both land and people, were required for His first coming. A nation called Judea, a stable in Bethlehem, and a Roman occupation that insisted on taking a census (and with a penchant for crucifixions) all had to be in place. However just as an airplane has no need of airport facilities while in the air, ever since Jesus ascended to heaven, the physical reality of Israel has been unnecessary. Once Jesus sent His Spirit to live in the hearts of each believer, from that moment, our faith became airborne. Believers in Brazil or South Korea can live their lives without need of a temple since He lives within us all by His Spirit, anywhere in the world. It's been this way for two millennia and we have got very used to it. However Jesus is returning soon, and preparing a landing strip will become necessary again. The ground must be ready. God's word will come to pass exactly as He said, with or without us. The people must be back in the land of their forefathers, which means Israel had to be regathered. According to Scripture, when Jesus returns there will be a temple in Jerusalem again, and the surrounding nations will be on the brink of annihilating Israel after a broken peace treaty. These things must take place. Bahrain has taken the opposite stance to Bethlehem in this round of war, condemning the massacre committed by Hamas and standing with Israel. The kings of the south seem to be allied with one another and with Israel, Houthi rebels excepting. We will see more of this developing in time to come. PREPARE THE WAY If you find yourself struggling with ancient biblical passages about war and conquest which seem to be endorsed by God, you are not alone. War is hell, as the watching world sees in full color. What's interesting is that just as the presence of Israel in the land of promise was hotly contested and hard fought the first time around, so it is again now. We're back in physical mode after 2000 years, and everything is being readied on the ground once again, this time in preparation for the second coming. Jesus had to be born into the physical land of Israel through the physical people of Israel as the prophets foretold, and He will once again return again to the same patch of real estate to be welcomed by his family in the flesh. This simply wasn't a possibility for the vast majority of church history, to the point that most doubted that Israel had any further role in God's plans, but it is very much in focus now. Israel matters because the God of Israel matters. His plan is that the Messiah would come, both times, to this land. And the Jewish people are integral to the story—to be clear, this is not because they are better in any way, but Israel has been chosen for God's purposes. Just like the donkey that unwittingly became part of the Triumphal Entry when Jesus needed a colt to fulfill prophecy. Moreover, the future destiny of nations like Iran, Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia also feature in the Bible. These matters are not allegorical. As the Messiah prepares to come again to Jerusalem, our airborne faith needs once again to accommodate the physical. His feet will stand on the earth. Israel's enemies are real and physical, not only spiritual. The land is made of earth, sand, and dust. The people are flesh and blood. The boundaries of nations are forged in meetings of men and trying to avoid politics is like trying to avoid physics. They are realities that are part and parcel of setting the scene for the return of the King. Battles must be fought and blood will be spilled because Satan and his adherents will not just acquiesce. They'll fight against God every step of the way. The loss of the Ottoman Empire in 1917 is still smarting in much of the Muslim world, and every inch of lost ground must be reclaimed in the Islamic mindset. But God has put His stake in the ground and Israel is not budging on His watch. It will, however get very messy. The tumult across the Middle East which has made refugees of so many—Jews, Palestinians, Syrians, you name it—is all part of the inevitable birth pangs of wars and shakings, and a terrible increase of evil. But 1948 was key. Israel was reestablished and God is regathering His people. Physically. We can either work with God, helping to prepare the way, or oppose His plans as He readies Himself to return. God is allowing individuals and nations the freedom to hate Him, His Messiah, His people and His plans. Freewill is hardwired into God's created order. But He knows exactly how it will all work out and fit together, and He cares for all the peoples of the Middle East. He hasn't forgotten anyone. The raging of the nations shouldn't be a surprise to us any more than the oppressive presence of the Roman Empire 2000 years ago. But we can take solace from the fact it's all been foreseen and accommodated for in God's perfect plan. The Messiah is coming to save. But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, who are too little to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel, whose coming forth is from of old, from ancient days. Therefore he shall give them up until the time when she who is in labor has given birth; then the rest of his brothers shall return to the people of Israel. And he shall stand and shepherd his flock in the strength of the Lord, in the majesty of the name of the Lord his God. And they shall dwell secure, for now he shall be great to the ends of the earth. And he shall be their peace. (Micah 5:2-5) DOWNLOAD THE PROPHECY UPDATE APP Prophecy Update Videos Must Watch Videos! Videos You Can Trust
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I believe where the Lord guides, the Lord provides and most of the time He provides through the willing and generous hearts of believers just like you and me. I genuinely believe that Prophecy Update and many other like-minded ministries, are needed now more than ever! The world is getting darker daily, almost hourly, but never has the light of the Word of God shone so brightly. Never in our history has there been such a thirst for Truth and a need for a Savior! The Prophecy Update website, newsletter, and Video Channels are all dedicated to providing the truth, encouraging and informing believers, and prayerfully opening the eyes and hearts of non-believers with the Gospel, but none of it would be possible without your prayers and support. DONATE HERE Your can also mail your support to: Prophecy Update PO Box 40516 Bakersfield, CA 93384 Biden Set to Cede Future Pandemic Response to WHO Next Month – Fred Lucas - Congressional Republicans are calling on President Joe Biden to abandon plans for a pandemic treaty that would strengthen the World Health Organization, citing that global body's numerous failures during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., backed by about half of all Senate Republicans, signed a letter to Biden urging him to withdraw from two agreements with the World Health Organization that would boost its authority to declare public health emergencies and give it new powers over the U.S. and 193 other member states during such emergencies. The letter to the president from Senate Republicans also asks that he submit any such pandemic agreement with WHO--criticized for going easy on China during COVID-19--to the Senate for ratification. "China has far too much control over the WHO. We certainly don't want the WHO to control our individual health decisions," Johnson said at a press conference Thursday outside the Capitol, flanked by several House Republicans and other conservative leaders. "I have a bill that would deem any agreement between the Biden administration and the WHO a treaty to come before the Senate for debate and ratification. That is absolutely crucial," Johnson said. The Biden administration looks to commit the United States to the new global pandemic preparedness agreement, as well as to revised rules within the International Health Regulations adopted in 2005. The existing rules allow the World Health Organization, with the consent of member nations, to declare a "Public Health Emergency of International Concern." The amendment will allow WHO to do so over the objection of member nations. Even if the Biden administration tries to commit the United States to the agreement May 27 at the World Health Assembly--absent Senate ratification--at a minimum Congress can ensure that it doesn't go unnoticed, said Rep. Ralph Norman, R-S.C. "We are going to expose it. They needed four months to get the amendments out there that are going to be considered on May 27," Norman told The Daily Signal as speakers took questions. "That's unacceptable. I've seen too many documents at the last minute. This is too important to let this go by." Norman added that he is calling on Biden to be transparent with Americans about the pandemic agreements. "What I will ask him to do, and it will fall on deaf ears, is to show the American people exactly what you are submitting America to," Norman said. "Show us the fine print. Ladies and gentlemen, the devil is in the details of almost everything that my colleagues and I have to deal with. So exposure is what we can do right now, and he can lead the way as the leader of the free world. Do I think he will do it? No." Earlier this month, the White House released a Global Health Security Strategy that says in part: The United States is supporting efforts to strengthen global policies and legal preparedness, including negotiating a pandemic agreement and targeted amendments to the IHR [International Health Regulations], as these two instruments have the potential to provide the international community with the opportunity to establish a shared path forward for preventing, preparing for, and responding to international health emergencies. Nations that belong to the World Health Organization agreed in November 2021 to negotiate and draft an agreement based on WHO's constitution to strengthen pandemic prevention, according to the White House. Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J., chairman of the House Foreign Affairs subcommittee on global health, global human rights, and international organizations, also spoke at the press conference. "It remains unclear whether the Biden administration intends to submit this treaty agreement to the Senate for its constitutionally required advice and consent as a prerequisite for ratification," Smith said. "An executive agreement bypassing Senate ratification would be an egregious mistake." In January 2022, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations that would enable WHO's director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, to declare a public health emergency in any member nation--even over the objections of a member nation. "Every single day you wake up and say to yourself, 'Well, what more can it be? I can't believe what just happened,'" Rep. Scott Perry, R-Pa., said at the press conference. "They can't do anything else," Perry said, referring to the Biden administration. "As bad as it is in dealing with this government taking away our rights every single day, just imagine how difficult it is going to be to drag our rights back away from some international organization of bureaucrats that aren't even elected, that don't care about America, that don't care about our Constitution and don't care about what we think." The change could provide unilateral authority to WHO's Tedros to declare a public health crisis in the United States or other countries, without consultation. The proposed changes to the International Health Regulations would cede control to World Health Organization "regional directors." The regional directors would have authority to declare these types of emergencies, and WHO's chief could issue an "intermediate public health alert." The agreement also includes ways to control information about a pandemic. The World Health Organization covered up for the Chinese Communist Party at the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak and should have less power, said Jenny Beth Martin, president of Tea Party Patriots Action. "There is not a single one-size-fits-all solution to health care in America. There is certainly not a one-size-fits-all solution to health care around the entire world," Martin said at the press conference. "What we saw during COVID, as states were able to compete with one another and show the differences in their policies, we saw which policies work the best," she said. "If we wind up having a one-size-fits-all solution for the entire world, we may never know the solution that actually is the best." WHO came under withering criticism for its handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly for failing to send a team to China during the initial spread of the coronavirus that causes the disease, as required by the existing International Health Regulations. Under the proposed agreement, the U.S. and other member nations would provide financial assistance to developing countries. Critics note that the United Nations continues to classify China as a developing country despite its large economy. Other provisions of the pandemic treaty would promote "sustainable and geographically diversified production" of vaccines and other pandemic-related products and require spending for research in developing countries. The agreement would establish a WHO Global Supply Chain and Logistics Network with international requirements for manufacturing and exporting pandemic-related products. It would create a new position called the "secretariat for the WHO pandemic agreement." In the past, the World Health Organization and the United Nations have worked against the interests of the United States, Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, said. "This agreement would subject the United States to the powers of the World Health Organization without going through what we need to do in the Senate, without the people's representatives having a voice and ceding our sovereignty to these enemies who are undermining our national security and the interests of the United States," Roy said. The Texas Republican later added: "When are we going to stop funding the organizations that are undermining our freedom?" If Christians Aren’t Standing with And Supporting the Jewish People… Who Will? – By Robert Gottselig - I’m sure you’re all well aware that this past weekend, Iran launched hundreds of drones, cruise, and ballistic missiles toward Israel from Iran. In a joint effort, the Israeli Air Force and its allies, including the US, the UK, France, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia, downed the majority of the drones and cruise missiles outside of Israel. At the same time, Israel shot down the majority of the ballistic missiles with their Arrow Two and Three systems. As Amir Tsarfati pointed out on his telegram Channel, “No country [has] ever intercepted over 100 ballistic missiles in space within one hour.” Ultimately, we know that God protected Israel and His chosen people from the colossal damage that could have happened. In Psalm 121:4, God says, “Behold, He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.” Tsarfati further said that “prayer was the most successful air defense system.” I agree. We know that when God’s people pray, and especially when they have been and still are interceding for Israel and the Jewish people, God hears their prayers. Yet, I wonder: how many churches were praying for Israel? Did pastors give an update from their pulpits this past Sunday to their congregation, informing them of the situation and then interceding and praying for Israel? How many have been doing that since October 7th? Israel is in some very troubling times, and they need our love and support, and as Christians, we should be giving them that. Perhaps if your church is silent on the matter, you need to find out what your church’s biblical position is on Israel. It may not be what you think. If Christians aren’t standing with, praying for, loving, and supporting the Jewish people… who is? Sure, the world was sympathetic when it came to Israel being attacked, but as soon as Israel went on the defensive, a lot of the world became silent and even spoke out against them. Israel was made to be the villain, and what Hamas and Iran have done no longer mattered. We’ve seen that in many of the wars that Israel has fought, where the moment that Israel defended itself, the world pressured Israel to cease. Of course, the most recent example of that is the ongoing war that we are seeing in Gaza. Now, the same is happening once again with Iran as they launched an attack on the Jewish State. The Biden Administration, though they were supportive in helping down these suicide drones and missiles, urged Israel not to retaliate and escalate things any further—‘Oh, Israel. It wasn’t all that bad. Only one 10-year-old girl was severely injured!’ French President Emmanuel Macron and leaders around the world are saying much of the same. Yet, Iran has repeatedly called for Israel to be wiped off the face of the map, and they’re racing toward a nuclear weapon in order to do that. They are the number one state sponsor of terrorism. Iran has its proxies in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon with Hezbollah, the Gaza Strip with Hamas, and Yemen with the Houthis—which were firing on Israel as well while Iran was launching its attack. Iran is clear that their intentions are not to build peace with the Jewish state but to annihilate it, and they’re working, as I mentioned, hard in their race toward a nuke in order to do that. To make matters worse, since October 7th, we’ve seen all these Pro-Palestinian rallies on our streets and around the world calling for the elimination of Israel. They are true to their mantra when they say, “From The River To The Sea, Palestine Will Be Free.” That’s exactly what they mean—no Israel. With what happened over the weekend with Iran, once again, we saw Pro-Palestinian supporters fill the streets and cheer Iran on for what they did. Such was the case with activists in Chicago, who praised the attack: I just have to report something to everyone. And so it begins, so to speak. Twelve days ago, Israel brazenly hit an Iranian Embassy compound in Syria, violating international law… and Iran has just responded about 30 minutes ago [cheers and applause]. They’ve sent, and this is from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard directly, they’ve sent drones and missiles against specific targets in occupied Palestine—Israeli targets in occupied Palestine. And they believe that they will be in Palestinian—I don’t call it Israeli airspace—Palestinian airspace right between 2 and 4:00 a.m., which means between 2 and 4 hours from now. It’s 12 midnight in Palestine right now. In addition, there are reports of drones having been fired on Israel from Yemen and Iraq [cheers and applause]. It’s disgusting, to say the least. Some are saying that Israel had it coming because they attacked the Iranian Consulate in Damascus, resulting in the killing of Iranian Commanders. Friends, that was a headquarters for terrorists, and one of them was a senior military commander, Mohammad Zahedi, who was involved in the planning and execution of the October 7th Massacre. Israel had every right to take out this demonic monster. Isaiah 5:20 says, “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness.” My question is very simple: What side do you want to find yourself on? I trust you want to find yourself on the side of good. I trust you want to find yourself on the side of the God of Israel. As Christians, let us continue to lift Israel up in prayer and stand with and support the Jewish people. Pastors need to be educating their congregations about what God’s prophetic plan is for Israel. Again, if believers won’t stand with Israel, who will? For all those Christian leaders, non-Christian leaders, and people of the world who have zero compassion for Israel and are happier siding with the Palestinians, understand that God will continue to protect His chosen people regardless of what you think, say, or do. But here are some words worth meditating on: In Psalm 129:5, God says, “Let all those who hate Zion Be put to shame and turned back.” Daily Jot: The American Chronicles: GI Joe American Hero - Bill Wilson – Sonny and I had been saving up our money for months. He had seen a commercial on TV that promoted a nearly foot-tall action figure called GI Joe in 1964. The action figure, not a doll mind you, was about to come out in the stores and we wanted to be the first to buy one. Finally, when the release day had come, we bugged my parents to take us shopping to Kent, a little further down the road than Ravenna, Ohio to Hills Department Store, where we were hoping to find the first GI Joes. Imagine our excitement as we rushed through the various aisles in the toy section to catch our first glimpse of this new toy. If memory serves me right, they cost about $2.50. We were short a few cents so Mom helped with taxes. My brother teased us about boys playing with dolls, but undeterred we informed him that it was an action figure, not a doll. These GI Joes became the catalyst for many an adventure played out on the living room and bed room floors in the winter time and far more outside when the Ohio weather became bearable. While we were fascinated with the M-1 rifle and the many poses we could do with GI Joe, it was the imagination he sparked in us that inspired many a battle, many rescues, many commando raids that may have started out with the action figures, but ended up with Sonny and I acting out our own battle scenes in the barn or out in the woods. When we weren’t playing Cowboys and Indians, we were playing Army. The folks at Hasbro were pretty smart. They kept releasing accessories for GI Joe. And, of course, Sonny and I had to buy them. Green Beret’s, bazooka’s, grenades, frogman suits, airman suits, various camouflaged clothing and weapons. Then we had to have an official foot-locker to keep all the equipment. We had some of the best times playing with GI Joe. There was a place back in the woods by the creek where there was a dirt hill. That was a choice location to fight battles. Normandy was recreated there. GI Joe came across the creek, crawled through the dirt, dodging bullets and hurling grenades at the enemy occupying the top of the hill. Later, a competing figure came out call Captain Action, who came with a parachute. We adapted the parachute to fit GI Joe. We would toss him out of the third-story window at Sonny’s house and watch him float to the ground. Got a lot of exercise taking turns running up and down all the stairs to see GI Joe parachute behind enemy lines. I still have my original GI Joe and all his military gear. In fact, every year as my son Christian was growing up, we would buy a GI Joe (the original large size) on the 4th of July. It renewed our patriotism and gave me an opportunity to talk about our country and the brave people who served it in the military, of which Sonny was one. Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.” Before he passed on, Sonny and I were reminiscing about GI Joe. Those GI Joes helped teach us about patriotism, responsibility, leadership and honor, because that’s what GI Joe represented to us. Still does. Daily Devotion: Going Undercover - by Greg Laurie – If anyone is ashamed of me and my message in these adulterous and sinful days, the Son of Man will be ashamed of that person when he returns in the glory of his Father with the holy angels. —Mark 8:38 - Listen The first time I heard the gospel on my high school campus, I didn’t walk up and join everyone who was at the meeting that day. My high school had a group of outspoken Christians who held daily Bible studies on the front lawn of the school at lunchtime. Everyone knew who they were. And we either hated them or felt sorry for them. My friends warned me to stay away from the Christians, which I did for a while. But I also was sort of interested in these unusual people who carried Bibles to school and talked about Jesus as though He were their next-door neighbor. Then, one day, out of curiosity, I went to one of their meetings. However, I sat close enough to hear what was going on but far enough away that I didn’t appear to be part of them. And that was the day I gave my life to Jesus Christ. Initially, I was reluctant to be identified with the Christians. I wanted to do things quietly and secretly. A lot of people are like that today. They don’t want to say they’re Christians. They prefer to be undercover believers. Nicodemus went undercover, so to speak, to engage in conversation with Jesus. The Bible tells us that he came to see Jesus “after dark” (John 3:2). To his credit, at least Nicodemus went to see Him. Why would Nicodemus seek out Jesus at night? There are several possible explanations. For example, maybe it was a cooler time of the day to visit. But I think the more plausible explanation is that Nicodemus, being a man of notoriety, wanted to talk with Jesus incognito. He didn’t want to be recognized because he went to ask Jesus a lot of serious questions. After all, Nicodemus was a man who was supposed to have the answers. Instead, he had questions. When some people are first checking out the gospel, they’re apprehensive. That’s because they’re afraid of what others might think. In the end, Nicodemus turned out to be one of the most courageous of Jesus’ followers. After the crucifixion, a man named Joseph of Arimathea showed up with Nicodemus to claim the body of Jesus. John’s Gospel gives us this detail: “With him came Nicodemus, the man who had come to Jesus at night. He brought about seventy-five pounds of perfumed ointment made from myrrh and aloes” (19:39 NLT). At this point the Lord’s own disciples had deserted Him. But Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea came and claimed the body of the Lord. They were willing to be counted for their faith. As the years have passed, I’ve seen many people fall away from the faith whom I thought would make their mark on this world for God. And I’ve been very surprised. Then, there have been others whom I thought would do nothing, and they’ve done a lot. Nicodemus started slowly, but in the end, he came through. It is great to start the race well. But it’s also important to finish it. PROPHECY UPDATE NEWS HEADLINES Yesterday's Prophecies - Today's Headlines HEADLINES IN PARTNERSHIP WITH TRACKING BIBLE PROPHECY 4/19/24
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