Are The Nations Seeking To ‘Impose’ A Peace Covenant Between Israel and Her Neighbors? – By Mark Hitchcock - This last week, when Iran unleashed its barrage of 350 drones and missiles against the Jewish State, maybe the most surprising aspect was that Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) supported Israel. Let that sink in for a moment. All these nations are opposed to what Israel is doing in Gaza. They’re not friendly with Israel in every respect. However, these three nations supported Israel against an aggressive attack from the Islamic Republic of Iran. Even Jordan took part in shooting down Iranian missiles. You could say, “These missiles were over their airspace. They would obviously shoot them down.” Well, years ago, they would have been glad to have any missiles flying over their airspace knowing the target was Israel. Other Arab nations, like Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, provided valuable Intelligence to Israel about the timing of the attack. According to reports, Iran tipped off Saudi Arabia as to what it was doing and when it would do it. Saudi Arabia then secretly passed that information along to Israel to give them a heads-up for the timing of this attack—something that would have been unthinkable even just a few years ago. The support of these nations for Israel has astounding prophetic significance in the set up of the Ezekiel 38 war in which a coalition of nations in the end times—Russia, Iran, Turkey, Libya, Sudan, and maybe other Islamic nations as well—will invade Israel. Israel ‘Living in Safety’ According to Ezekiel 38, before the invasion occurs, there must be peace and rest in Israel. This is an essential precondition for the Gog Magog invasion. Ezekiel 38:8-9, 11 tells us what has to be in place for the Gog Magog invasion to occur. “After many days, you will be called to arms,” referring to the Gog coalition. “In future years you will invade a land that has recovered from war, whose people were gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel, which had long been desolate. They had been brought out from the nations, and now all of them live in safety.” Not only does Israel need to be re-gathered and brought from the nations, which occurred in 1948, but they will also have to be living “in safety.” Verse 9 continues, “You and all your troops and the many nations with you will go up, advancing like a storm; you will be like a cloud covering the land.” Verse eleven then states, “You will say, ‘I will invade a land of unwalled villages; I will attack a peaceful and unsuspecting people—all of them living without walls and without gates and bars.'” That doesn’t describe Israel today. Israel, sometime in the future, will have some sense of security and let down their guard. That is, I believe, going to happen because of a covenant or treaty that the Antichrist will make to bring peace to that part of the world. That will likely have to be in place before the Gog Magog Invasion occurs. What we’re witnessing today is more and more willing peace partners for Israel among these Arab neighbors. That is something that we have not seen since 1948, and it is a necessary precondition for the beginning of the Tribulation, where the Antichrist will forge a peace agreement with Israel. Daniel 9:27 says, “he [meaning the prince/Antichrist that is coming] will confirm [you can also translate that word as compel] a covenant with many for one ‘seven’ [set of seven years]. In the middle of the ‘seven’ [years] he will put an end to sacrifice and offering.” The event that starts the seven-year Tribulation is this peace treaty that the Antichrist makes and forges with Israel and its neighbors. Revelation 6 tells us that the Tribulation begins when a rider on a white horse rides forth and brings about a great diplomatic victory. After this, in Revelation 19, we have Jesus coming back to Earth on a white horse in victory. Revelation 6 is the beginning of the Tribulation when this counterfeit Messiah rides forth on his white horse, “conquering and to conquer.” It describes him as having a bow with no arrows. So, his conquest is diplomatic—it’s a bloodless conquest—and he is going to make this peace agreement with Israel and her neighbors. That peace condition will be the precondition for the Gog Magog war that will occur in the tribulation period. An ‘Imposed’ Peace This week, Time magazine published an article titled “A Million Dollar Middle East Peace Plan,” which I encourage you to read. It lays out a scenario for peace between Israel and its Middle East enemies that is chillingly similar to what the Bible predicts. The author, Kai Bird, says, “This conflict is so dangerous that the time has come for the international community to impose a solution.” A compelled solution to the nations? That is precisely what Daniel 9:27 says, “He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.'” Some take the idea of “confirming” to mean that he will simply strengthen an already existing covenant. But that idea of “confirming,” literally in Hebrew, means to “make strong.” He is going to make strong a covenant—or even “compel” a covenant. The Time Magazine article insists that “the international community” needs to “impose a solution.” According to the author, they must “convene a Geneva peace conference” where all the essential parties will be forced to participate and “face financial and legal sanctions if they fail to show up.” “A conversation will take place in which all parties are heard,” the author described. “But the American, European, and other international diplomats invited to Geneva will be responsible for the actual drafting of a peace treaty.” So, nations other than Israel and their enemies will develop this peace treaty draft. It will be brokered by outside forces, which is exactly what Daniel 9:27 predicts. The author concludes, “This will be an imposed peace because the global stakes are too high.” The plan is to “impose peace” upon these nations. That’s what the Bible predicts. It will be an imposed, compelled, or “take it or leave it” covenant that will be negotiated and brokered by the Antichrist, who will rise from Europe and a revived/reunited Roman Empire. A Flashing Red Light The current crisis between Israel and Hamas, as well as Israel and Iran, is setting the stage for the Gog Magog war, but it’s also setting the stage for the event that has to proceed that war, which is the coming Middle East peace. All the ingredients for this Middle East peace are coalescing. We see a coalition of willing partners now for Israel. We see people calling for peace to be imposed by outside forces. All the key threads are being woven together right before our eyes. A possible escalating cycle of attacks will only serve to further prepare for the Antichrist’s arrival and the coming time of Tribulation. What is happening right now is a flashing red light that the coming of Jesus Christ could be very soon. Perfect Setup - By Daymond Duck - On Apr. 8, 2024, Bible prophecy expert Hal Lindsey wrote, These (nations arming as never before, Russia attacking Ukraine, China threatening Taiwan, etc.) and a host of other things going on today make a perfect setup for events that the Bible says will take place during seven years of tribulation. I believe those years are very close. But they are not imminent. The global conflagrations described in Revelation will not take place until after the Rapture — that is, until after God has evacuated His people from the planet. I can only speculate on what Hal Lindsey’s list of “other things” would include, but here is a short list of things that I see:
These things are a perfect setup for the fulfillment of Tribulation Period prophecies, and (as Hal Lindsey noted) the Rapture will happen before that. Here are recent events that appear to indicate that the end of the age is near. One, on Apr. 13, 2024, Iran started attacking Israel:
On Apr. 14, 2024,
(More: Concerning the Battle of Gog and Magog, God said, “Thou (Russia and her allies) shalt ascend and come like a storm, thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land, thou, and all thy bands, and many people with thee.” Iran’s drones headed toward Israel like a cloud. When Russia and her allies attack Israel, the planes and drones will head toward Israel like a cloud: Ezek. 38:9.) (More: God promised Israel, “No weapon formed against thee shall prosper.” Iran’s drones failed, and the planes and drones of Russia and her allies will fail: Isa. 54:17.) On Apr. 15, 2024,
On Apr. 16, 2024,
On Apr. 17, 2024,
Two, concerning the decline of America: on Apr. 15, 2024, protestors in NY City, Waved Hezbollah (a terrorist group) flags and chanted “Death to America.” Grabbed a U.S. flag out of the hands of a young man, set it on fire, and it caught his clothes on fire. Three, concerning deceit and the coming economic collapse: on Apr. 10, 2024, it was reported that “Democrat economist Larry Summers (served Clinton and Obama administrations; Harvard Univ. Professor; Chief Economist of World Bank, etc.), who repeatedly warned President Joe Biden in 2021 that his reckless government spending would lead to a serious inflation crisis, warned again this week that things have not improved and inflation is running much higher than the official government numbers state.” As I understand it, this influential, highly respected Democrat warned that the American public is not being told the truth about the rate of inflation and the danger it poses for the U.S. (More: On Apr. 13, 2024, it was reported that the price of oil has started back up, and if gas reaches $4 a gallon, Biden may sell more oil from America’s strategic oil reserves to improve his chance of being re-elected.) (More: On Apr. 16, 2024, the Institute for Energy Research said the Biden administration and its allies have taken over 200 actions against the oil and natural gas industries that are deliberately designed to make it harder to produce energy here in America. This is contributing to the price increase, and they may try to cover it up by finishing off America’s already low strategic oil reserves.) (My opinion: It seems to me that it would be wiser to spend money to replace the oil that has already been taken out of our strategic oil reserves than it is to finance drag shows, transgender surgeries, gay rights, and abortions in America and other countries.) Four, concerning deceit and bias in the media: a senior editor (a Democrat) at the National Public Radio (NPR) organization recently admitted that 100% of staff in editorial positions are registered Democrats (87 Democrats and no Republicans). U.S. taxpayers are NPR’s primary source of funding, so Republicans are asking why the organization only employs registered Democrats to edit its programs. Five, concerning a borderless world and the surrender of America’s sovereignty: on Apr. 11, 2024, a group of 20 state attorneys general sued the Biden administration for flying “hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens from crime-plagued nations directly into cities across the United States.” (More: On Apr. 11, 2024, a federal judge ruled that Georgia’s law requiring voters in Georgia to be citizens of the state of Georgia is legal. Plaintiffs argued that using their driver’s license, etc., to prove they live in the state is an unfair and illegal burden. In essence, the judge ruled that it is reasonable and not illegal.) (More: On Apr. 13, 2024, former Pres. Trump met with the U.S. Speaker of the House to discuss new legislation to prevent illegal aliens from voting in U.S. national elections and possibly impacting the outcome. The Biden administration opposes attempts to require voters to prove they are citizens.) Six, concerning deceit, a borderless world, and the decline of America: on Apr. 16, 2024, the U.S. National Security, Border, and Foreign Affairs subcommittee is expecting to be told that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Service officials are monitoring 6 million illegal immigrants that have been let into the U.S., and approximately 617,000 of them have criminal convictions or criminal charges pending against them. The subcommittee expects to be told that many of these criminals are gang members, drug dealers, and outlaws. Incidentally, the Biden administration has been telling us that our border is secure. Here is my daily update on the Israel-Hamas war: Wednesday, Apr. 10, 2024 (Day 187): The one hundred-thirty-second day of the resumed war.
Thursday, Apr. 11, 2024 (Day 188): The one hundred-thirty-third day of the resumed war.
Friday, Apr. 12, 2024 (Day 189): The one hundred-thirty-fourth day of the resumed war.
Saturday, Apr. 13, 2024 (Day 190): The one hundred-thirty-fifth day of the resumed war.
Sunday, Apr. 14, 2024 (Day 191): The one hundred-thirty-sixth day of the resumed war.
Monday, Apr. 15, 2024 (Day 192): The one hundred-thirty-seventh day of the resumed war.
Tuesday, Apr. 16, 2024 (Day 193): The one hundred-thirty-eighth day of the resumed war.
FYI: God does not send anyone to Hell (all of us are born with a sin nature and destined to go to Hell because we sin), but God has provided a way (Jesus) for everyone to go to Heaven (and He is the only way to get there (John 14:6). Finally, are you Rapture Ready? If you want to be rapture ready and go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this. [email protected] DOWNLOAD THE PROPHECY UPDATE APP Prophecy Update Videos Must Watch Videos! Videos You Can Trust
Your Support is Important to this Ministry - We Could Not Do This Without Your Support! Let Us Make the Short Time We have Left, Count for ALL of Eternity! Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift! II Corinthians 9:15 Worthy of Your Support? It has been said, one of the most reliable ways to determine if a ministry is worthy of your financial support is to examine its fruits. If Prophecy Update is keeping you informed and if that information inspires you and causes you to draw closer to the Lord, if Prophecy Update equips you with valuable information and knowledge to share with and encourage other believers and open the eyes of non-believers and if Prophecy Update keeps you connected to current events relating to Bible Prophecy then you are partaking of the fruit produced through this ministry. None of this would be possible without the Lords blessings and your support. I believe where the Lord guides, the Lord provides and most of the time He provides through the willing and generous hearts of believers just like you and me. I genuinely believe that Prophecy Update and many other like-minded ministries, are needed now more than ever! The world is getting darker daily, almost hourly, but never has the light of the Word of God shone so brightly. Never in our history has there been such a thirst for Truth and a need for a Savior! The Prophecy Update website, newsletter, and Video Channels are all dedicated to providing the truth, encouraging and informing believers, and prayerfully opening the eyes and hearts of non-believers with the Gospel, but none of it would be possible without your prayers and support. DONATE HERE Your can also mail your support to: Prophecy Update PO Box 40516 Bakersfield, CA 93384 6 Global Events that Could Rock the World at Any Moment – Britt Gillette - One or more of these events could suddenly hit the world. What should you do? The constant state of crisis we see in the world today is exactly what Jesus said the world would look like just prior to His return. He said many things will happen, but “all this is only the first of the birth pains, with more to come” (Matthew 24:8). What does this mean? It means we should expect painful events on a global scale to increase in both frequency and intensity in the time leading up to His return. What’s Coming Next? If that’s the case, then what’s the next major event? If the global events we’ve endured over the past few years are going to be more frequent and more severe, what are the most likely events we’ll see next? The possibilities are endless. We could see large magnitude earthquakes, major terrorist attacks, or even another global pandemic. We can’t be certain what the next event will be, but here are the six most probable events on the horizon: 1) The Destruction of Damascus Last weekend, Iran launched over 300 drones and missiles at Israel. As of this writing, Israel has yet to respond, but it’s widely believed they will respond militarily to this unprecedented attack. If so, Iran has vowed to retaliate. In fact, Iran threatened to strike Israel with a weapon “never used before.” What are they referencing? No one knows for sure. It could be a bluff, but it could also be a reference to chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons. In the event of all-out war between Iran and Israel, Iran will almost certainly unleash its proxies in Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and other parts of the world. Hezbollah is believed to have approximately 150,000 rockets and missiles pointed at Israel from southern Lebanon and Syria. If Hezbollah engaged in a massive attack on Israel and overwhelmed Israel’s air defenses, it’s not out of the question we could see Israel respond with a nuclear weapon. Damascus is known to be a hotbed of terrorists with a mix of Syrian militants, Iranian military personnel, and Hezbollah leaders. If it feels its existence is threatened, Israel will use every weapon at its disposal, and Damascus is one of the top targets. Israel has the ability to destroy the city with a nuclear strike, and many people believe Isaiah 17 (which describes the destruction of Damascus) is a prophecy yet to be fulfilled. Don’t be surprised if the current conflict escalates to a point where we witness exactly that – the destruction of what many believe is the longest continuously inhabited city on earth. 2) Iranian Closure of the Strait of Hormuz Even if we don’t see an escalation to all-out war between Israel and Iran, we’re very likely to see Iran take another action – the closure of the Strait of Hormuz. The failure of Operation Prosperity Guardian to open the Red Sea is evidence the deterrent effect of conventional naval power has ended. Drones now dominate conventional weapons systems on the battlefield. We see this in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and we see it in the Red Sea. The Red Sea shipping corridor has been closed to western shipping since Iran, working through its Houthi rebel proxies in Yemen, launched a campaign to attack and harass western container ships. If Iran can shut down Red Sea shipping lanes, closing one of the most vital corridors to world trade for the past four months, then why can’t they do the same in the Persian Gulf? Given its location, Iran effectively controls the Strait of Hormuz, the narrow shipping lane that’s the only way in or out of the Persian Gulf. Last weekend, Iran hijacked the MSC Aries, marking the sixth vessel recently hijacked by Iran or its proxies. Over 20% of global oil consumption travels through the Strait of Hormuz, making it the most important maritime chokepoint in the world. Rather than engage in an all-out kinetic war with Israel, Iran may instead chose to harass western shipping in the Persian Gulf or altogether block any ships associated with countries supporting Israel. Even without completely closing off access, a few attacks on oil tankers would dramatically increase insurance costs for oil tankers – costs that would be borne by the whole world in the form of higher oil prices. If Iran did shut down Persian Gulf oil tanker traffic, global oil prices could immediately skyrocket to over $180 per barrel or more – an event that would trigger a global financial crash the likes of which we’ve never seen before. 3) Cyber Attacks on Infrastructure Despite the warnings, many people remain oblivious to the prospect of cyber attacks on vital infrastructure. We’ve seen numerous instances where this has taken place on a limited basis, but the prospects of escalating war in the Middle East and other places around the globe make this more likely with each passing day. The threat is greater now because state-sponsored cyber attacks during a time of war will likely cause damage and chaos on a much greater scale than attacks we’ve seen in the recent past. In the past few years, nation states have shown a greater willingness to attack vital infrastructure. Examples include destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines and Houthi threats to sever underwater Internet cables in the Red Sea. Recently, Iran threatened to attack U.S. water systems, and speculation continues over whether or not the Baltimore bridge collapse was due to a cyber attack or not. The WEF has warned of (which probably means they’re preparing to launch) a global cyber attack on the Internet. A broad-based attack could shut down financial institutions, water supplies, the electrical grid, and/or other resources vital to daily life. Such an attack could take place at any moment, and most people are woefully unprepared for such an event. 4) A Global Banking Crisis In March 2023, a global banking crisis emerged, resulting in the second, third, and fourth largest bank failures in U.S. history. In addition, Credit Suisse (a global systemically important bank) came close to failure before a shotgun wedding with UBS. A failure of Credit Suisse would have triggered a global financial crisis, prompting credit fears to spread through the global financial system overnight. Central bank actions (such as the Federal Reserve’s Bank Term Funding Program) kicked the can down the road, delaying the crisis for another day. But the end of that program, along with other factors, sets the stage for a new banking crisis to re-emerge at any moment. Some of the largest banks in the world (such as J.P. Morgan, Bank of America, and Goldman Sachs) recently issued disappointing earnings reports due to a number of factors. One of those is the imploding commercial real estate market, which has hammered a number of regional banks already, and could trigger a crisis worse than the 2008 sub-prime housing crisis. On top of that, the recent rise in interest rates has hit bank balance sheets hard with U.S. banks alone currently sitting on more than $600 billion in unrealized losses. As if the banking environment weren’t already difficult, the Bank Term Funding Program that helped prevent the 2023 banking crisis from consuming the entire banking system came to an end on March 11th. In addition, a major source of post-pandemic liquidity for banks – the Federal Reserve’s reverse repo facility, is drawing down to its end. The result is a set-up that could quickly lead to a re-emergent banking crisis at any moment. 5) A Currency Crisis As if all these other prospective events weren’t bad enough, we’re also on the verge of a major currency crisis. The Japanese yen currently sits at its lowest level relative to the U.S. dollar since 1990. To prevent the situation from getting worse will likely require the Bank of Japan to raise interest rates or the U.S. Federal Reserve to lower interest rates. Given the recent persistence of inflation, it’s unlikely we’ll see the U.S. lower rates in the short-term. This means the Bank of Japan may be forced to raise rates and take other measures to defend its currency. This is especially true if conflict in the Middle East leads to a spike in oil prices. If oil prices spike while the yen continues to depreciate relative to the dollar, Japan (the fourth largest economy in the world) will stand on the precipice of economic ruin. Despite efforts to move away from the petro-dollar, the majority of global oil transactions are still denominated in U.S. dollars. Japan produces virtually zero fossil fuels domestically, making it heavily dependent on foreign imports to power its economy. If the yen continues to depreciate relative to the dollar, while oil prices spike, Japanese energy costs will skyrocket as the Japanese are forced to trade yen for dollars in order to buy oil. Faced with an economic meltdown regardless of what actions it takes, the Bank of Japan would almost certainly move to defend the value of yen. This would cause a reversal of the yen carry trade (succinctly explained here), which could quickly lead to a disorderly unraveling of financial positions all over the world. Along the way, we could see margin calls and exploding derivatives positions that crash global financial markets. Yet despite the potential carnage, most people remain unaware of this possibility. 6) The Rapture of the Church The overwhelming majority of the world remains ignorant of the reality that Jesus will one day return for His church. Jesus promised to keep the church from the Tribulation (Revelation 3:10), and signs all around us indicate the 7-year Tribulation period is drawing near. Furthermore, Paul says Jesus will come in "the twinkling of an eye" (1 Corinthians 15:52). This means, in a faction of a second, Jesus could snatch every born again believer from the face of the earth. Imagine the implications. The disappearance of potentially hundreds of millions of people in an instant would cause global chaos in-and-of itself. That’s before accounting for all of the second order impacts of so many missing people all over the globe. Each and every one of those people play a major role in someone’s life, and the sudden disappearance of so many will directly impact society and all its institutions in profound ways. In fact, the rapture of the church could trigger many, if not all, of the events in this article in an instant and without warning. What You Should Do With all these things on the verge of taking place, what should you do? Simple. Make the most of the time you have left. If you’re not a Christian, turn to Jesus now. The Bible says we’re all sinners (Romans 3:23), and the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). Yet, while we were still sinners, Jesus died for us (Romans 5:8). He paid for our sins through His blood as shed on the cross, and there is no other name by which we are saved (Acts 4:12). Jesus alone is the way to heaven (John 14:6), so put your faith in Him while you still can. If you’re already Christian, don’t fear the things of this world, especially the coming events of the Tribulation. Jesus promised to protect His followers from “the great time of testing that will come upon the whole world” (Revelation 3:10). So Christians will not endure the Tribulation. However, don’t think that means you won’t face sorrows in this life. Jesus says you will. He says you’ll face many trials and tribulations in this world, but don’t be discouraged, because He has overcome the world (John 16:33). Understand this – the rapture of the church could be the next traumatic event to hit the world. Think of those left behind. Think of the fear they will have. Think of the world they’ll be living in. Let that motivate you to spread the Gospel. Right now, more people than ever are seeking God. And according to His purpose, He uses every event for good (Romans 8:28). World-shaking, global events are no exception. Traumatic global events are an assault on the world’s sense of security. It’s in these moments when people seek God the most, because He can not be shaken. He’s the rock upon which you should build your life (Psalm 18:2). If you do, such events won’t have the same impact on your life. So if you know this already, make sure to share what you know. Take advantage of this moment and tell others about the hope you have in Jesus Christ (1 Peter 3:15). You may not have much longer, because He’s is coming soon! An Ancient Evil Reborn in Today’s America - By Hal Lindsey - On a spectacularly beautiful September morning in 2001, hijacked planes struck the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington. The bloodlust of radical Islam needlessly took the lives of thousands. And, briefly, America woke up. That short-lived awakening was purchased at a terrible cost. But while it lasted, it was amazing. People from sea to shining sea realized again what it meant to be Americans. They didn’t suddenly become blind to the nation’s shortcomings, but they also saw what was rare and precious in the American spirit. Then the nation drifted back into slumber. While the people slept, an ancient evil rose among them. At the beginning of this millennium, most people, including Jewish Americans, thought antisemitism had mostly been banished from the land. But after 9/11, against all reason, it started growing again. Today it manifests itself everywhere. Young people speak antisemitic slogans as a bizarre form of virtue signaling. We can see it in the signs and hear it in the chants on campuses and in the streets. Young people, most born after 9/11/2001, today sing out the ideologies of our 2001 enemy — “Death to America!” … “There is only one Solution, Intifada. Revolution!” … “Long live Hamas!” … “Death to Jews!” They compare those who disagree with them to the Ku Klux Klan. But who would agree more with the chant, “Death to Jews!” than the KKK? These pitiful children have become the thing they decry. They warn us of their intent, saying, “The 7th of October is going to be every day for you!” They often cry out, “We are Hamas!” If they are Hamas, it means they want to kill Jews and Christians. Their hate has nothing to do with so-called colonization. It is all about hatred for “people of the book” because they are Jews and Christians. By claiming to be Hamas, campus radicals are actually saying they want to murder your babies and burn your homes. They want to behead and mutilate. They want to rape, take hostages, and then keep on raping. That’s what October 7th was about and what they praise. If they “are Hamas,” they want to replace democracy with a theocratic ruling elite. Hamas leaders have not held an election in Gaza since they came to power in 2006. Gaza’s Hamas overlords ended women’s rights, destroyed freedom of religion, criminalized freedom of speech, and have done their best to end freedom of thought. They murder homosexuals, a group whose cause most of these young people consider dear to their hearts. The control Hamas exercises over its subjects knows no limits. They tell women, for instance, exactly what clothes to wear. Antisemitism is just one aspect of the ancient evil. It can be described more generally as open rebellion against God. God loves people, so the ancient evil hates people. God chose one people for the task of presenting Himself to the world through His words and the Word. So, the evil does everything it can to engender hatred against the chosen nation, and especially toward a Jew called Jesus Christ, the Word incarnate. What is the answer? Be faithful. If you are a Christian, draw close to the Lord. Pray fervently. Study His Word. Stand as a friend to Israel. It is not that they can do no wrong. They can, and often do, make egregious errors. They have embraced many of the same sins and ungodly attitudes that are bringing about America’s moral freefall. But in all that, remember God’s Word. Israel is what God says that it is. Daily Jot: The metzora’s tongue - Bill Wilson – Along with all the name calling and labeling we hear in today’s society comes division. We are a nation divided. Christ said in Matthew 12:25, “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand.” There are many who believe that because of this division the United States is on a severe decline, the likes of which Americans have never before experienced. Division is a terrible thing. Division tears apart husbands and wives, families, friends, churches, communities—you name it, when division seeps in, bad things happen. It comes down to whether you are part of the problem or part of the solution. And it usually starts with the tongue. There is much written about speech in the Bible, Proverbs 18:21 says, “The tongue has the power over life and death, those who indulge in it must eat its fruit.” James writes, “And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defiles the whole body, and sets on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell.” Christ said in Matthew 15:11, “It is not what is entering into the mouth that defiles the man; but that going forth out of the mouth, this defiles the man.” Because we are made in the image of God our words matter, God created and sanctified everything through His Word (John 1:1-3), and words are sacred. Revelation 20:12 tells us that our words and deeds are recorded in the heavenly scrolls. The Jewish sages have written that one who causes division by his speech is a “metzora,” from a play on the Hebrew phrase motzi ra, “one who brings forth (speaks) evil.” The sages say that because the metzora caused division by his speech, he was divided from society and exiled outside the camp, experiencing the measure for measure punishment meant to cause him to repent and come to the priest who would meet him outside the camp. In the case of the metzora, God imparted the spiritual disease of tzara’at and separation in order to remind the person of his sin and the need for atonement (kind of a holy time out!). The metzora would undergo a series of sacrificial rituals ending with tevilah, immersion in a mikveh, a ritual bath. The purification ritual was meant to illustrate the need of spiritual rebirth. In His final instructions to His disciples, Jesus showed how much the “tevilah” and “mikveh” would play a part in making all the Gentile nations into disciples of the Messiah—“Therefore, go and make disciples from all nations, immersing them into reality of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit…(Matthew 28:19).” Essentially, we are all metzoras as LORD Jesus visits and heals us “outside the camp,” as He did the man afflicted with tzara’at in Matthew 8:1-7. He alone is the Healer of our uncleanness before God, and through His touch we are purified and made acceptable for true spiritual worship and relationship. Otherwise, by our own words and actions, we would be divided from the heavenly kingdom as many are divided from each other in this day and age. Daily Devotion: Radio Silence - by Greg Laurie – Seek the LORD while you can find him. Call on him now while he is near. —Isaiah 55:6 - Listen During World War II, a fleet of US ships was patrolling the waters in the Northern Atlantic in search of German U-boats. One night, some American pilots took off from an aircraft carrier and were ordered to return by a certain hour. But the pilots thought that with a little more time, they could find the enemy and score an impressive hit. So, they stayed out a bit longer. And as the sun set, German ships entered the area. What the pilots didn’t know was that the Americans had ordered radio silence between the ships and the aircraft so the enemy wouldn’t find them. And the pilots who hadn’t returned on time were running out of fuel. They desperately were trying to find the aircraft carrier, but all the ships had gone dark. The Americans had to make a decision. They could either save the lives of several American pilots or lose hundreds, maybe thousands, of American sailors. So, to the shock and horror of those onboard the ships, the planes crashed into the icy waters of the Atlantic. In the same way, there are people who repeatedly reject God’s call. They keep resisting the urging of the Holy Spirit. But one day, God will order radio silence, so to speak. God said, “My Spirit will not put up with humans for such a long time, for they are only mortal flesh” (Genesis 6:3 NLT). Speaking through the prophet Isaiah, God also said, “Seek the Lord while you can find him. Call on him now while he is near” (Isaiah 55:6 NLT). Most people become Christians by the age of eighteen. That’s because when we’re young, we are open. We’re flexible. By nature, young people thrive on adventure. In contrast, when you get older, you become set in your ways. Older people like routine, predictability, and stability. Nicodemus, a Pharisee, understood this. John’s Gospel tells us his story. He was getting on in years. And when he was talking with Jesus, he had enough spiritual perception to realize that he had to act on what Jesus was saying. Jesus had told him, “Unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God” (John 3:3 NLT). From the original language, we could translate the term “born again” as “born from above.” This is not evolution but revolution. It is not reincarnation but a spiritual birth. That’s because apart from Christ, we are dead in our sins (see Ephesians 2:1). Here’s what Jesus was saying: “Nicodemus, although you’re a moral guy and a religious guy, it isn’t enough. The fact that you are at the top of the heap in your religion means nothing. It hasn’t brought you any closer to Heaven. You need to be born again.” There are a lot of people like Nicodemus out there. When someone tells them, “You need Jesus,” they say, “It’s okay. I’m already a churchgoer.” The question is, Are they born again? Either you are or you aren’t. We must be born again to enter the kingdom of God. PROPHECY UPDATE NEWS HEADLINES Yesterday's Prophecies - Today's Headlines HEADLINES IN PARTNERSHIP WITH TRACKING BIBLE PROPHECY 4/22/24
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Mary c Atkins
4/22/2024 03:41:47 pm
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