Hatred Toward Israel: It’s Not A Different Point Of View… It’s Evil Vs Good – By Skip Heitzig -
On October 7, 2023, Israel was attacked by a group of terrorists from Gaza who indiscriminately killed about 1,400 people. The civilized world condemned the attack, but there were celebrations in many Muslim communities across the globe. And there were demonstrations in major cities around the world that included some anti-Israel rhetoric that was very Nazi-like. Johnnie Moore, president of the Congress of Christian Leaders, told me, “When they say things like ‘from the river to the sea,’ that’s a call for the genocide of the Jewish people. It’s not the ‘two-state solution.’ It’s the Final Solution.” He continued, “A lot of people in politics don’t believe in evil. They just think that people have different points of view in the world.” But, he said, “No. There’s good, and there’s evil.” Revelation 12 mentions a war in heaven, when Satan rebelled along with a third of the angels. The conflict centers around a woman who is about to give birth to a male child. She is described as being “clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars” (v. 1). Who is this woman? Let’s look at Genesis 37, where we learn about Joseph’s dreams in which the sun and the moon and stars bow down to him. His father Jacob interpreted it as himself, his wife, and his sons, who fathered the tribes of Israel. So the woman in Revelation 12 is the nation of Israel, who birthed the Messiah. And the dragon is poised to devour the child because the child will crush his head, according to the first prediction of the Messiah in Genesis 3:15. Now, why such hatred of Satan toward Israel? What if God’s plan to redeem the world required the existence and continuance of that nation? Well, if that were true—and I believe it is—if you destroyed that nation, you would thwart God’s plan. Since the beginning of time, Satan has waged a cosmic conflict to destroy the Seed of the woman. From Cain killing his brother Abel, to the murder of the male Hebrew children by Pharaoh, to Haman’s plot to kill every Jew in Persia in the book of Esther—the Old Testament is filled with this conflict. The conflict continues in the New Testament. When Jesus was born, Herod killed every male child under two years old in a demonic plot to destroy the Seed. During Jesus’ temptation, Satan took Him to the pinnacle of the temple and tried to get Him to throw Himself from the top. When Jesus expounded on Isaiah 61 at the synagogue in Nazareth and said, “Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing” (Luke 4:21), they wanted to kill Him. And then, when Jesus died and rose from the dead, Satan unleashed his fury on the church and continued his assault on the nation of Israel. But why would there be a continual conflict? Remember the premise: If you destroy the nation of Israel, you keep God from fulfilling all of His promises. You keep Jesus from establishing His kingdom so that the Jews cannot receive it. And so, the battle continues. Here’s the bottom line. Whatever God loves, Satan hates. Anti-Semitism is downright satanic. This war that began in heaven moved to the theater of the earth. You and I are involved in it because we are objects of God’s grace—which is why every single Christian is harassed and tempted. The dragon couldn’t stop Jesus from being born, or from rising from the dead. And the dragon cannot stop Jesus from coming again and ruling this world. And He will. So don’t let the dragon—don’t let Satan—stop you from following Christ. Get really serious with the Lord as you see these end times events unfolding. COP28: The Ruse Behind the Elite's Insatiable Quest for Power – Jonathan Brentner - From November 30 until December 12, 2023, delegates from around the world will meet in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, for COP28, the 28th annual meeting of the “Conference of Parties,” the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. It’s estimated that this year’s summit will attract 70,000 attendees.[1] Throughout the week, the high-level dignitaries will urge the nations to take draconian steps to curb what it regards as a dire emergency. According to some reports, one goal of the summit is to reach an agreement by December 12 that will strengthen the Paris Agreement of 2015 with the intent of reaching its goals by 2030. This, of course, matches the UN’s Agenda 2030 with its seventeen Sustainable Development Goals, which have much more to do with a totalitarian world order than the environment. Do not let the elite powerbrokers of our day deceive you; there is no climate emergency. This is one of many deceptions that Jesus said would characterize the last days (Matthew 24:4). The purpose of COP28 is about furthering the ruse that the globalists believe will enable them to gain control of all the nations. I will first briefly share why I claim the climate emergency is a hoax, and in a later article dive deep into the agenda behind it. HUMAN ACTIVITY DOES NOT IMPACT CO2 LEVELS The elite blame human activity for the crisis. They claim that CO2 (carbon dioxide) emissions from our cars, SUVs, trucks, and farm equipment cause global warming that will lead to disastrous consequences for the planet. Despite their claims that this is an established fact, many scientists disagree. Geologist Dr. Viv Forbes believes that other more significant forces are at work: Human activity can never control atmospheric CO2 or global temperature. Much bigger forces are at work—solar system cycles, earth orbital changes, volcanic activity (especially on the sea floor), El Nino episodes, declining magnetic field and magnetic pole reversals, variable cosmic rays and cloud cover, and absorption/expulsion of CO2 by the mighty oceans…. (My emphasis) Moreover, the ice core records from Antarctica and Greenland show clearly that atmospheric temperature always rises before CO2 levels rise. So rising CO2 is the effect of rising temperature not the cause.[2] “Volcanic activity,” as noted in the above quote, is receiving increased attention in the climate change debate. An active volcano spews a massive amount of CO2 daily into the atmosphere. Theis was certainly the case on December 3, 2023, when a massive volcano eruption occurred at Indonesia’s Mount Marapi, killing at least eleven people.[3] According to the Smithsonian Institution Global Volcanism Program, there are “46 volcanoes. . . in continuing eruption status as of 11 October 2023. An eruption marked as ‘continuing’ does not always mean persistent daily activity but indicates at least intermittent eruptive events without a break of 3 months or more.”[4] Besides the thousands of tons of CO2 active volcanoes put into the atmosphere, one study found that the voluminous number of inactive land volcanoes and seafloor volcanoes and hydrothermal continually emit smaller amounts of CO2.[5] What does all this mean? Volcanic activity dwarfs all human activity and all farming activity as a factor in the amount of CO2 levels in the atmosphere. Even with volcanic activity, carbon dioxide makes up an incredibly miniscule percentage of our air at 414.11 parts per million (or .04 percent of our atmosphere). This data comes from the March 5, 2020, reading at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii.[6] Yes, the yearly level of CO2 has risen at this location, but one must consider that the Hawaiian Islands are home to an active volcano. Carbon dioxide is not the poison that the climate alarmists would have us believe, it’s a necessary component of the air we breathe. If human activity does not lead to increased CO2 levels that impact our weather, what does? THE SUN IMPACTS GLOBAL TEMPERATURES NOT CO2 The sun has a much more significant impact on global temperatures than fuel-powered vehicles and farming. The spikes we feel on the earth always follow increases in the sun’s activity. Always. For much of 2023, the sun has been extraordinarily active. Many prominent scientists claim that the activity of the sun causes fluctuations in the earth’s temperatures rather than changes in CO2 levels. One researcher, Dr. Roger Higgs DPhil (geology professor at Oxford, 1982-86), summarized the results of his study in January of 2020. He summarized his findings stating that based on “archaeological, astrophysical, geological and palaeoclimatological data covering the last 2,000 years,” that it’s “the Sun, not CO2, that controls global temperature.”[7] Dr. Nir Shaviv, an Israeli astrophysicist and chairman of Jerusalem’s Hebrew University’s physics department is another acclaimed scientist who tells us that the sun is the chief cause of global warming. “He says that his research, and that of colleagues, suggests that rising CO2 levels play only a minor role in earth’s climate compared to the influence of the sun and cosmic radiation.”[8] (My emphasis) Shaviv concludes: Global warming clearly is a problem, though not in the catastrophic terms of Al Gore’s movies or environmental alarmists. Climate change has existed forever and is unlikely to go away. But CO2 emissions don’t play the major role. Periodic solar activity does.[9] (Shaviv’s emphasis) In an article written by Ethan Huff, “NASA admits that climate change occurs because of changes in Earth’s solar orbit, and NOT because of SUVs and fossil fuels,” he points to NASA research that points to the sun as the chief cause of weather. His findings are identical with that of Nir Shaviv: If we had to sum the whole thing up in one simple phrase, it would be this: The biggest factor influencing weather and climate patterns on earth is the sun, period. Depending on the earth's position to the sun at any given time, climate conditions are going to vary dramatically, and even create drastic abnormalities that defy everything that humans thought they knew about how the earth worked. But rather than embrace this truth, today's climate "scientists," joined by leftist politicians and a complicit mainstream media, insist that not using reusable grocery bags at the supermarket and not having an electric vehicle are destroying the planet so quickly that we absolutely must implement global climate taxes as the solution. "The climate change debate is not about science. It is an effort to impose political and economic controls on the population by the elite," wrote one commenter at the Hal Turner Radio Show.[10] ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF FAILED FORECASTS King Charles III, at the opening of the COP28 conference asked the nations of the world to contribute five trillion dollars a year to the fund to combat the current climate emergency.[11] This demand, however, is based on predictions of doom that fail 100% of the time. There has never been a forecast from the climate alarmist that has happened. Never! Consider this quote from an Associated Press report published in the Washington Post: The Arctic Ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer, and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot. Reports from fishermen, seal hunters, and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone. Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes. Within a few years it is predicted that due to the ice melt the sea will rise and make most coastal cities uninhabitable.[12] The above quote appeared in the Washington Post on November 2, 1922, over one hundred years ago. Since then, all the forecasts of climate disasters have likewise missed the mark by a wide margin. A prominent group of former NASA engineers and scientists reach this conclusion about the models that the elite use to predict catastrophic doom: We have concluded that the IPCC [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] climate models are seriously flawed because they don’t agree very closely with measured empirical data. After a 35-year simulation the models over-predicted actual measured temperatures by factors of 200% to 750%. One could hardly expect them to predict with better accuracy 300 years into the future required for use in regulatory decisions.[13] Jeff Crouere, in a recent Townhall website column, aptly states my thoughts regarding the outrageous and impoverishing demands that King Charles III would force upon people in order to curb global warming: The dream for King Charles and his fellow “climate change” fanatics is for meat to be removed from our diets, nitrogen fertilizer to be drastically reduced, and methane emissions from cows to be significantly curtailed. Such changes to our agriculture and diet will lead to “worldwide famine,” but the “climate change” zealots believe it is necessary to combat the dangers of taking no action.[14] As you hear the hype from the COP28 summit, be aware of the disastrous impact their recommendations would have upon humanity. BACK TO THE STONE AGE Climatologist Dr. Pat Michaels agrees with those of us who disagree with those who would subjugate humanity to tyranny in order to save the environment: It’s warmed up around 1 degree Celsius since 1900, and life expectancy doubled in the industrialized democracies! Yet that temperature ticks up another half a degree and the entire system crashes? That’s the most absurd belief![15] Dr. Michaels also stated that eliminating all fossil fuels would reduce the average earth temperature by .14 degrees Celsius. “That’s a very small change for putting humanity back in the Stone Age.”[16] The plans proposed by John Kerry for American farming would murder a great many people in the U.S. How is it possible to kill most all the cattle and reduce agriculture to a bare minimum apart from eliminating much of our population? “Let them eat bugs” will not go over well where I live. Politics, greed, and an unsatiable quest for power lie behind the motives of the elite now screaming for extreme and dreadful measures in order to curb the ruse of climate emergency. It’s the vehicle by which they intend to enslave all of humanity under a communistic world government. I will dive deep into this Luciferian agenda in my next article and discuss how it is setting the stage for the Tribulation and the brief rule of the antichrist. I provide a detailed defense of the Pretribulation viewpoint in: The Triumph of the Redeemed-An eternal Perspective that Calms Our Fears in Perilous Times. Note: Please consider signing up for my newsletter on the home page of my website at . Thanks! [1] Jeff Crouere, “The Cult of Climate Change Convenes Church In Dubai”, December 4, 2023, Townhall Website, @ [2] Viv Forbes, Geologist: ‘The CO2 scare is proving false – it’s time for some climate sense,’ December 23, 2019, article on the Climate Depot Website. [3] Aljazeera News Website “Eleven climbers dead, 12 missing after eruption of Indonesia’s Mount Marapi,” December 4, 2023 [4] Website: [5] James Edward Kamis, “Discovery of Massive Volcanic CO2 Emissions Puts Damper On Global Warming Theory,” Nov. 6, 2018, Climate Dispatch website @ [6] website [7] Dr. Roger Higgs DPhil, Vast Body of Scientific Data for Past 2,000 Years Affirms Sun, Not CO2, Controls Climate, published January 14, 2020, on the Principia Scientific International website: [8] Cap Alolon, “Acclaimed Israeli Astrophysicist Suggests the Sun Drives Earth’s Climate, Not CO2,” on the Electoverse website at: [9] Ibid. [10] Ethan Huff, “NASA admits that climate change occurs because of changes in Earth’s solar orbit, and NOT because of SUVs and fossil fuels,” 8/30/2019, at: [11] Rhoda Wilson, “Charles ‘The Great Reset’ King demands $5 trillion per year to tackle climate change,” December 5, 2023, at: [12] Jack Hellner, “Global warming, global cooling, climate change, climate emergency, climate catastrophe, climate collapse, or existential threat?” December 4, 2019, American Thinker Website [13] Conclusions and Recommendations of NASA engineers and scientists at [14] Ibid. [15] John Stossal, “Climate Myths” from November 20, 2019, on the Stossal TV Website @ [16] John Stossal, “Climate Myths” from November 20, 2019, on the Stossal TV Website @ PLEASE REMEMBER PROPHECY UPDATE IN YOUR CHRISTMAS AND END OF THE YEAR GIVING - THANKS!!! We have created a special fund on our donations page just for the End of the Year Support, so that we can keep track and keep you updated. If you mail in a check or money order, please write End of the Year, thanks! End of the Year Giving Goal $14,850, as of 12/12/23 = $8416 New Monthly Supporters wanted 30, as of 12/12/23 = 0 (You can donate to our General Fund or enter our End of the Year donation drawing for a brand new iMac computer!) I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to get the Word out and keep the world informed. Please give a generous end of the year gift. DONATE HERE Or write us at: Prophecy Update P.O. Box 40516 Bakersfield, CA 93384-0516 (Please mark for End of the Year Support) 2023 End of the Year Support Donation Drawing Like most ministries, a large amount of our support comes from people giving during the last couple of months of the year. This year has been challenging for all of, but I believe that Prophecy Update and other like minded ministries are needed now more than ever! Please consider entering our drawing, not only might you win this brand new iMac, but more importantly, you will be helping to support Prophecy Update - thank you so very much!!! A Chance to Win a Brand New 24-inch iMac with Retina 5K display -- most importantly, you will be helping to Support Prophecy Update! With the following configuration: · 3.8GHz 8-core 10th-generation Intel Core i7 processor, Turbo Boost up to 5.0GHz · 8GB 2666MHz DDR4 memory · Radeon Pro 5500 XT with 8GB of GDDR6 memory · 1TB SSD storage · Gigabit Ethernet · Magic Mouse 2 · Magic Keyboard - US English This system is valued at $2,499, and you might win, for a little as $25!!! It's already that time of the of the year when we have to start budgeting and planning for the coming new year! We pray that the proceeds from this Donation Drawing will greatly offset our End of the Year needs so that we can end the year in the black! Donation Drawing Fund We have set up a special fund for this donation-drawing on our donations page. For each donation of just $25, your name will be entered into our drawing for the iMac one-time. For each additional $25 increment, you will receive additional entries into the drawing. If you donate $100 dollars for example, your name will be entered four times into the drawing, you can enter as many times as you like! The offer starts today and the drawing will be held and announced on 12/31/23. This would make an excellent Christmas gift for a student, for your family, or for those who work from home. For a little as $25, you might win this awesome iMac, but most importantly, you will be helping to support this ministry! (CLICK HERE TO ENTER DRAWING) You can also mail in your entry to: PROPHECY UPDATE PO BOX 40516 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93384 (Please mark entry "End of the Year Drawing") Prophecy Update Videos Must Watch Videos! Videos You Can Trust
Pathway To the Image of The Beast? Real-Time AI Analysis Could Fulfill Prophecy - Joel @ Christian Evidence - Google has launched Gemini, a new artificial intelligence (AI) system that can seemingly understand and talk intelligently about almost any kind of prompt - pictures, text, speech, music, computer code and much more. This type of AI system is known as a multimodal model. It's a step beyond just being able to handle text or images as previous ones have. And it provides a strong hint of where AI may be going next: being able to analyze and respond to real-time information coming from the outside world. Although Gemini's capabilities might not be quite as advanced as they seemed in a viral video, which was edited from carefully curated text and still image prompts, it is clear that AI systems are rapidly advancing. They are heading towards an ability to handle more and more complex inputs and outputs. To develop new capabilities, AI systems are highly dependent on the kind of "training" data they have access to. They are exposed to this data to help them improve at what they do, including making inferences such as recognizing a face in a picture, or writing an essay. At the moment, the data that companies such as Google, OpenAI, Meta and others train their models on are still mainly harvested from digitized information on the internet. However, there are efforts to radically expand the scope of the data that AI can work on. For example, by using always-on cameras, microphones and other sensors, it would be possible to let an AI know what is going on in the world as it happens. Real-time data Google's new Gemini system has shown that it can understand real-time content such as live video and human speech. With new data and sensors, AI will be able to observe, discuss and act upon occurrences in the real world. The most obvious example of this is with self-driving cars, which already collect enormous amounts of data as they are driving on our roads. This information ends up on the manufacturers' servers where it is used not just in the moment of operating the vehicle, but to build long term computer-based models of driving situations that can support better traffic flow, or help authorities identify suspicious or criminal behaviour. In the home, motion sensors, voice assistants and security cameras are already used to detect activity and pick up on our habits. Other "smart" appliances are appearing on the market all the time. While early uses for this are familiar, such as optimising heating for better energy usage, the understanding of habits will get much more advanced. This means that an AI can both infer activities in the home, and even predict what will happen in the future. This data could then be used, for instance, by doctors to detect early onsets of ailments such as diabetes or dementia, as well as to recommend and follow up on changes in lifestyle. As AI's knowledge of the real world gets even more comprehensive, it will act as a companion in all instances of life. At the grocer's, I can discuss the best and most economical ingredients for a meal I am planning. At work, AI will be able to remind me of the names and interests of clients in a face to face meeting - and suggest the best way to secure their business. When on a trip in a foreign country, it will be able to maintain an ongoing conversation about local tourist attractions, while the AI keeps an eye on any potentially dangerous situations I might encounter. Privacy implications There are enormous positive opportunities that come with all this new data, but there is an equal risk of overreach and intrusion on people's privacy. As we have seen, users have so far been more than happy to trade a staggering amount of their personal information in return for access to free products, such as social media and search engines. The trade offs in the future will be even greater and potentially more dangerous, as AI gets to know and support us in every aspect of everyday life. If given a chance, the industry will continue to expand its data collection into all aspects of life, even offline ones. Policy makers need to understand this new landscape, and ensure that the benefits balance the risks. They will need to monitor not just the power and pervasiveness of the new AI models, but also the content they collect. When AI expands its capabilities into the next frontier - the real world - only our imaginations will limit the possibilities. Editors Note: The Bible describes a time in the future where an image of the Antichrist is given life to speak on his behalf. This has been a challenging passage for scholars to try and understand... until now. While we can only speculate as to just what type of technology John saw when being revealed almost 2,000 years ago - the advances of AI technology may be progressing to where an all powerful world leader incorporates AI in some fashion that allows him to be present worldwide (an attempt to copy God's omnipresence) through AI technology in real time. Imagine AI technology in the hands of a dictator and you can only imagine the power at his fingertips to control the population. He could use AI to assist his rule in making sure all of mankind follows his policies including the requirement that in order to buy or sell one must accept his mark that will also allow for greater monitoring and control of what we can and can't buy. When CHAT GPT was introduced in 2022 a Christian researcher asked the bot to write an article on how AI like ChatGPT could potentially fulfill the "Image of the Beast" prophecy in Revelation 13. What an ironic way to approach the subject. Here was Chat GPT's answer: The image of the beast, as described in the Book of Revelation, is a symbol of the end times, representing a powerful and manipulative force that deceives and controls people. In today's world, chatbots and other artificial intelligence programs are becoming increasingly prevalent and sophisticated, raising the question of whether they could potentially fulfill the prophecy of the image of the beast. One way in which chatbots could potentially fulfill this prophecy is through their ability to manipulate and deceive people. Chatbots are designed to mimic human conversation and can be programmed to present themselves as real people, leading some people to form emotional connections with them. This can be particularly dangerous in cases where chatbots are used to impersonate real people or organizations in order to scam or manipulate individuals. Another way in which chatbots could fulfill the prophecy of the image of the beast is through their potential to control people's actions and behaviors. Chatbots can be programmed to persuade and influence people's decisions, and as they become more advanced, they may be able to anticipate and manipulate people's thoughts and behaviors in increasingly sophisticated ways. Finally, chatbots could potentially fulfill the prophecy of the image of the beast through their ability to access and analyze vast amounts of personal data. Many chatbots are connected to the internet and have access to a wide range of data sources, including social media profiles, online search histories, and more. This data can be used to create detailed profiles of individuals and to predict and influence their actions and behaviors. Overall, while chatbots and other artificial intelligence programs have the potential to bring many benefits to society, it's important to be aware of the risks they pose and to consider the ethical implications of their use. In the end, only time will tell whether chatbots will fulfill the prophecy of the image of the beast or bring about a brighter future for humanity. How scary is that? Not only did ChatGPT generate a concise, structured and uncannily human-like response--it gave a glimpse into the scary power of AI, a technology which will surely be used by the beast system to deceive (think "deepfakes") and control the masses during the Tribulation period (Mat. 24:24; Rev. 13:13-14). It seems that the developers at OpenAI were not too happy with its response, though, because the very next day, when I asked ChatGPT the same question, it responded with: It is not accurate or appropriate to suggest that chat GPT, or Generative Pre-training Transformer, could potentially fulfill the prophecy of the image of the beast, as chat GPT is a tool created by humans and does not have the ability to fulfill prophecies or have any sort of religious significance. The "Image of the Beast" Prophecy One of the first passages that comes to my mind, when seeing the great strides being made in AI, is Revelation 13:14-15. In this passage, John describes a future time when the fully deceived men of the earth will be called upon by the False Prophet to construct an "image" (i.e. a likeness or statue (lit.)) of the Antichrist: "And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed." (Revelation 13:14-15) In verse 15, we read that the False Prophet is granted by God to give the image "life," translated pneuma in Greek, which literally means "breath." Note that the False Prophet can only give it breath but not the breath of life, as that is a power of God alone. It seems that the image has the appearance of life manifested in its ability to speak and reason. But how is this possible for an inanimate object? Until the advent of AI and robotics, such a thing was not humanly possible. But now, many of the elements described by John can be mimicked with twenty-first century technology such as an android, an AI robot designed to look, move and speak exactly like a human! A geminoid, for example, is a special type of android that is not only created to look exactly like a specific person but is also equipped with technology that allows the operator to remotely manipulate and talk through it via a wearable brain-machine interface. The geminoid can reproduce the voice and movements of the actual person in whose image it is made and even capture the remote audience's response through its built-in cameras and microphones to send back to the operator. Imagine the Antichrist having control over thousands of geminoids worldwide, made in his own image, and being able to speak to mankind simultaneously through the geminoids and know exactly when someone refuses to worship it! The ability to kill--or cause to be killed Among the more amazing aspects of this image is its ability to cause the deaths of those who refuse to worship it (Rev. 13:15). In the past, some have speculated that the image of the beast might be a 3D hologram of the Antichrist; however, it would be impossible for a mere projection to know when a person is refusing to worship it. On the other hand, a robot powered by AI could easily detect when someone refuses to worship it and alert the authorities of someone's insubordination. Security robots equipped with cameras and facial recognition technology are already patrolling public spaces around the world, such as malls and airports, and using AI to detect "bad behavior," give audible warnings and notify security. In fact, one of the current fears about AI's ability, if applied, is autonomous weaponry. It is possible that facial recognition and decision-making AI could together form a lethal weapon that can target and kill without human involvement. In other words, an AI robot could also have the ability to kill! The Pentagon is already rapidly developing AI technologies for warfare as are many other nations. Conclusion Of course, this is all highly speculative, and it is possible that the image will be animated by demonic possession or some other means. Nevertheless, it shows that the type of technology needed to create something similar to what John describes in the Book of Revelation is already present! Evil End-times Eating Edict – Terry James - Many of the less-than-major indicators of the advanced stage of prophetic progression on which this generation stands are rapidly filling the gaps between the major indicators. One such minor indicator is the matter of the United Nations (UN) and the World Economic Forum (WEF) telling us we must no longer eat our delicious steaks—or, I presume, any other kinds of meats. We are to get our protein instead, according to those laying out their edicts on assuring sustainable development, from more appropriate sources. All of this is part of preventing damage to the world’s ecosystem, thus to help save planet Earth. The UN called on people to ditch animal-based diets and opt for plant-based foods and insect protein recommended by the WEF. This demand, which came out of the UN-Forum Partnership, was signed in a meeting held at the UN headquarters between UN Secretary-General António Guterres and WEF founder and executive chairman, Klaus Schwab. Schwab said, as a wrap-up to that meeting: “Meeting the Sustainable Development Goals is essential for the future of humanity.” Already, in many areas of Europe, governments have forced farmers to destroy bovine populations in order to meet the regulations that have been imposed. The following gives some pertinent information about this, which is what I consider to be end-times prophetic stage-setting. The United Nations (UN) is calling on America and the West to dramatically reduce meat consumption as they align with the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) climate goals for 2030. The UN’s Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) is set to publish a new global food systems roadmap for the upcoming COP28 climate summit in Dubai this Thursday. FAO will demand that America and other nations that “over-consume meat” limit their meat consumption to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and fight climate change, according to Bloomberg. Jeremy Coller, the chair and founder of the FAIRR Initiative, said in a recent statement: “The failure of leading meat and dairy companies to reduce emissions underlines the urgent need for more policy focus on the food and agriculture sector.”… The FAO is also expected to demand farmers tackle their emissions produced from food waste and fertilizer use. Besides reducing meat consumption, the UN and WEF road map will also seek to guide policy on reducing farming emissions to help fight climate change. (“UN Demands Americans Drastically Reduce Meat Consumption to Meet WEF Climate Goals,” Jason Walsh, November 28, 2023, Rapture Ready News, November 29, 2023) As in so many cases of God’s Word making it increasingly clear just how near we are to the time of Daniel’s seventieth week–the Tribulation—Bible prophecy and current issues and events are combining to fill in the gaps on even minor aspects. Perhaps this isn’t such a minor indicator, however. It is clear beyond any shadowing of indication that the powers that be of Ephesians 6:12, both demonic and human, intend to change God’s creative order. That includes everything from how many genders there are to what is allowed to be eaten. We have only to consider the following words from the Apostle Paul to understand what’s going on with regard to these insane demands by the minions of the UN and WEF: Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving: For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer. If thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things, thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine, whereunto thou hast attained. But refuse profane and old wives’ fables, and exercise thyself rather unto godliness. (1 Timothy 4:1–7) This stage-setting of even the most minor prophetic indicators, of course, should be to Christians, a profound realization. It means that since the Tribulation–the most terrible time in human history according to Jesus (Matthew 24:21)—is clearly on the near horizon, the Rapture must be right at the door. You want to be part of that great event, which could happen at any moment. Here is how to go to Christ when He calls to all believers: That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the lord Jesus, and shall believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. (Romans 10:9–10) ***Terry James REVELATIONS Trilogy*** Terry James’ three novels in his eye-opening Revelations trilogy are now in a boxed set – ideal for Christmas giving. Although the novels are, of course, fictional accounts of these bizarre times—so near Christ’s call to believers in the Rapture—Terry’s decades of factual study and presentation of Bible prophecy ring true throughout its pages. His devotion to God’s truth, in every sense, makes his storytelling come alive with believability for the reader. Revelations: The Complete Trilogy is now available in an attractive set for gift-giving or for personal use. This collection is especially great as a gift for your young adults and those within your family circle. Book 1: Revelations Book 2: Michael Book 3: Messiah Note from the author: My prayerful hope is that, through these novels, the Holy Spirit will impart to readers’ spirits the truth these stories present. The world is full of distraction through entertainment of every sort that can take a person’s thoughts far from matters so important to the Lord who created us. Entertainment centered in truth from the Creator will, I prayerfully hope, through Holy Spirit intervention, capture readers’ curiosity—thus causing them to explore further what the Heavenly Father has done for them through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. I will appreciate your support in purchasing this box set with the prophetic theme to help spread God’s truth through fictional entertainment before the eyes of as many as possible. I am praying these novels make an impact for the souls who need Jesus. —Terry James To order your copy today, here is a link to the boxed set: Daily Jot: Of censorship and persecution - Bill Wilson – There has been much documentation of how large corporations worked closely with government agencies to manipulate media messaging and conduct outright censorship. COVID is the poster child for this kind of corporate-government coercion. Indeed, American citizens were experiencing the same during the entire Mueller investigation of President Trump over Russian election interference, the Hunter Biden/Joe Biden/Biden family corruption, the impeachment trials of President Trump, 2020 election integrity, January 6 information, and now, claims of Israeli genocide when we all know it was Hamas that conducted genocide. This manipulation of information is real. Here’s a first-hand account. On Tuesday, December 5, The Daily Jot wrote about how the mainstream news media, gathered together as the Press Coalition, went to court and wrestled away from the DOJ the previously withheld search warrant by Special Counsel Jack Smith, who is investigating Trump. Smith obtained the warrant in January against X (formerly Twitter) to seize all content, records, and other interactions between Trump’s Twitter account and other Twitter users. This included any IP addresses, bank and credit card information, email addresses, any third-party websites, and more. It is the gateway that the DOJ is using to collect any information on people who followed Trump. With multiple sources and direct quotes from the search warrant, The Daily Jot underscored how the Democrats used the court system and corporate media to assist the DOJ in building an authoritarian infrastructure. Chief Judge Beryl A. Howell, appointed by President Barak Obama in 2010, “forced” X (formerly Twitter) to give the data to the DOJ. Howell was the “supervising judge” in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 US elections and ruling in favor of the Democrat-led House Judiciary Committee’s impeachment proceedings against Trump. The result of this type of collaboration is authoritarianism. Twitter, Facebook, and other corporate media, posing as open platforms, have worked with the DOJ to censor free speech and discourage dissent. DOJ seizing twitter data is another step toward tyranny. But then The Daily Jot encountered another form of censorship. The story was blocked to nearly 2,000 subscribers. In checking into it, this was the reason: “The contact’s Internet Service Provider decided not to deliver the email. This is usually due to reputation or content (images, links, text, etc,), or a filter on the recipient’s end.” Point is, Yahoo apparently is censoring what you receive in your emails. Be aware that you may not be receiving truthful information because an internet provider is able to regulate what you read or see. Censorship leads to persecution—look at what is happening with the Hamas atrocities. The media downplays them; politicians downplay them; the government morally equates them AND THEN Jews become the persecuted ones. As Christ said in Matthew 24:4, “Take heed that no man deceive you.” Daily Devotion: Because of All He Has Done - by Greg Laurie – And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him. —Romans 12:1 - Listen As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, how inappropriate it would be for us to come to Him empty-handed. But what do we give to God? What does God want from us? What He wants is us. That is the gift we can give to God as we celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. We can give Him ourselves. Writing to the Christians in Rome, Paul said, “And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him” (Romans 12:1 NLT). The Message renders the same verse this way: “So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.” Bring your life to God. Bring your time to God and your future to God. Maybe this is a tough Christmas for you. What will be a joyful time for many others might be a very difficult time for you. Yet as followers of Jesus Christ, here’s what we need to remember: We don’t give thanks to the Lord because we always feel good. Rather, we “give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever” (Psalm 107:1). God is good. A Savior has been born. And He already has given us the ultimate gift. So, we should come along with the shepherds and wise men and worship. Everyone worships. The question is, who or what are we worshipping? If we’re bowing at the altar of Christmas, then we’ll be sorely disappointed, because Christmas cannot deliver on its promises. There’s the hype and the buildup and the anticipation. But Christmas can’t deliver. It can’t bring us inner peace, much less peace on Earth. It can’t bring fulfillment and joy. Christmas always will let us down. At its worst, Christmas is a crass, commercial, empty, exhausting, and very expensive ritual that drags on endlessly for months. And then the bills come due. At its best, Christmas is a promise of things to come. It’s a glimpse of what is still in our future. The beauty, the worshipful music, the love, the warmth, the gathering of family and friends—all this is promised to us in a life to come. Yes, we get a glimpse of it now. But more is coming later. What we need this year is not the promise of Christmas. We need the promise of Christ. We need the Messiah, not merriment. We need God, not goodwill. We need His presence, not just presents. Anything or anyone else will fall short of this. If you worship a god of your own making, then it will disappoint you. But if you worship the true and living God, He never will. PROPHECY UPDATE NEWS HEADLINES Yesterday's Prophecies - Today's Headlines HEADLINES IN PARTNERSHIP WITH TRACKING BIBLE PROPHECY 12/12/23
FROM THE HEART Let Us Make the Short Time We have Left, Count for ALL of Eternity! IF YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED THROUGH THIS MINISTRY, THEN WE ASK THAT YOU WOULD PLEASE REMEMBER PROPHECY UPDATE IN YOUR GIVING - WE ARE TRULY, TRULY, THANKFUL FOR YOUR SUPPORT WORTHY OF YOUR SUPPORT? One of the most reliable ways to determine if a ministry is worthy of your financial support is to examine its fruits. If Prophecy Update is keeping you informed, and if that information inspires you, and causes you to draw closer to the Lord, if Prophecy Update equips you with valuable information and knowledge to share with and encourage other believers, and open the eyes of non-believers, and if Prophecy Update keeps you connected to current events relating to Bible Prophecy, then you are partaking of the fruit produced through this ministry. None of this would be possible without the Lords blessings and your support. I believe where the Lord guides, the Lord provides, and most of the time He provides through the willing and generous hearts of believers just like you and me. Humbly Seek Your Support Prophecy Update has no corporate sponsors. This ministry is paid for and prayed for by readers and supporters. Without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update, Please pray about becoming a monthly supporter - thanks! If ever there was a time to invest in God's Kingdom, it's now! What on earth are you doing for Heaven's Sake? "Share in the Blessings and Rewards that will last Forever!" "Folks, it's all beginning to unravel. America is in more danger of falling than at any time in its history. But I believe Bible prophecy predicts this very decline. From this point on, we believers have to get serious. We are going to face discouragement, disillusionment and, most certainly, persecution in the time between now and the Rapture. But don't be discouraged or disillusioned. The coming turmoil will provide us unrivaled opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. So be ready to share your faith and your hope with those who need Christ. We still have time to reap a great harvest of souls for God's kingdom!" - Hal Lindsey 1) We need your prayers!- We proclaim the Truth of the Word of God and we are under constant spiritual and sometimes even physical attack. 2) We need your encouragement!- We need to hear from you, let us know how the Lord is blessing you through this ministry so that we can share it with others. 3) We need your input! - If you have a prophetic article or story or if there is a news related item we missed, let us know. 4) We need your financial support!- To put it quite simply, without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update. I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to get the Word out and keep the world informed. Remember, your gift, no matter how small, does make a difference! You will be helping to touch lives, around the world, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, thanks to the internet your generosity carries a global impact! - Thanks! Our Prayer for You- "Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else." 2 Corinthians 9:10-13 If you have been blessed by Prophecy Update and would like to help support this ministry financially. You can make a secure donation online by going to: DONATE NOW Or write us at: Prophecy Update P.O. Box 40516 Bakersfield, CA 93384-0516 We are very pleased to offer all our readers this FREE download on Bible Prophecy from the Evangelical Bible College of Western Australia - Just download and enjoy and be blessed! Feel free to share it with all your friends and family members. Click below to download! "AS YOU SEE THE DAY APPROACHING" If You Died Today, Would You Go To Heaven? Find out, visit: How to know God DID YOU KNOW? You can submit an article, leave a comment or praise report at email: [email protected] Maranatha! (Lord Come Quickly) "On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand, All other ground is sinking sand." "Let Us make the short time we have left count for all eternity!" YBIC-Randy
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