Bare-Knuckle Brawl — Israel Will Not Stop Until These Terrorists Are Permanently Off the Threat List – By Amir Tsarfati -
Shalom from a grieving Israel. I finally was able to make it home yesterday after days of trying to catch earlier flights. What I found here was a nation that is brokenhearted, yet full of resolve. We have put up with the terrorists surrounding us and picking off our people one-by-one. When we would respond, it would be with a method of retaliation commensurate to the murderous action taken against us. But then a terrorist army invaded from Gaza and horrifically slaughtered more than 1200 of our innocent babies, children, elderly, women, and men. They shot them, burned them, stabbed them, and decapitated them. At that point, it was no longer about retaliation against terrorists. We were at war. As I write this to you today, please understand that my emotions, along with those of all my fellow Israelis, are still raw. For those of you in America, think of how you felt five days after 9/11. So, while I will seek to communicate matter-of-factly, you will hopefully understand when there is steel in my words. I recognize that there are those in Gaza who do not agree with what was done by their leaders and fellow countrymen. I am sorry for what you must endure because of their evil actions. But, once again, this is war. You are not victims of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). You are victims of your own leadership. I’ll begin this article with a brief look at the current situation. I will not focus on what initially took place in the attacks, because I have already covered that in the Special Edition: The War in Israel article published on Sunday. If you haven’t read it already, I would encourage you to do so. This newsletter will center on developments since that last newsletter. Then, I will look at the major players involved – who are showing themselves as Israel’s friends and who are making it clear that they are our enemies. Finally, I will lay out the three levels of Israel’s response to this attack as we look to the future. The Current Situation Israel is fighting a three-front war. In the northeast, mortar shells have been fired across the border from Syria. The IDF is closely watching activity from that region, because it is a hotbed of activity by Iranian-supported proxy militias. Russia also continues to have a strong presence there, although it is decreasing as they siphon off troops from Syria to fight in Ukraine. The second front is Lebanon in the north. Hezbollah is sending commando raids into Israel, while firing rockets over the border. Leaders from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), as well as from Iranian proxy militias like Kata’ib Sayyid al-Shuhada, are in Lebanon orchestrating the terrorist actions. Hezbollah leadership is being very vocal against both Israel and the United States. I expect this front to explode soon due to the pressure being put on it by the IRGC. The primary front is in Gaza to the south. This is where the attack against Israel originated, and this is where Hamas has its stronghold. Gaza looks like a warzone because that is exactly what it is. The IDF is on a mission to destroy Israel’s southern enemies – the terrorist organizations Hamas and Islamic Jihad. To find them, they must root them out. That is why you are seeing building after building coming down in Gaza. This is not a police operation. We will not risk our people going door to door to find criminals. This is war, which means destroying the weapons, resources, safehouses, and personnel of your enemy. Those who understand war recognize the need for leveling buildings and cutting services like electricity and water. Those who don’t, cry out, “Unfair! Overkill!” If any of those naysayers actually looked at the pictures of decapitated babies and of families who were burned alive, I wonder whether they would have the same reaction. Expect the strength of Israel’s prosecution of the war in Gaza to be what begins to turn the sentiment of the world, particularly in Europe, back against us. In Israel, more than 400,000 reservists have been called to service. We are strong, and we are united as a nation. Once again, I hearken back to 9/11. As a population, we are where America was on that tragic day. All of our social and political differences have been set aside for another time. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has created a special emergency wartime government consisting of himself, former Prime Minister and Defense Minister Benny Gantz, current Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, former IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eizencot, and Minister of Strategic Affairs Ron Dermer. This unity government’s sole purpose is the successful prosecution of the war until peace and safety are once again achieved. Israel’s Global Friends The United States It is in the difficult times that one learns who are true friends and who are enemies. The one nation that has shown itself above all others to be a friend of Israel is the United States. For all the areas in which I strongly disagree with this administration, it has stepped up strongly to support our efforts to protect ourselves. I must give credit where credit is due. What is taking place now is not politics; it is war. And the US is our closest wartime friend. On Tuesday, the USS Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group arrived in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea as a deterrent against any other nations, i.e., Lebanon, from getting involved in the war. Hezbollah immediately spoke out against America, saying they will not be intimidated by a carrier. They should be. The US is also replenishing Israel’s weapons and ammunition stores. Included in that is a request by four senators, two from each party, to transfer to Israeli control two Iron Dome batteries that are currently under US oversight. In Israel, we are truly blessed to have the United States of America by our side. Europe For all the United Nations votes that go against Israel because of perceived slights against the Palestinians, the support from Europe has been surprisingly strong. Maybe for the first time, many are seeing in the radical element in Gaza what we have been dealing with for decades. The number of landmarks and governmental buildings that were either lit up with Israel’s blue and white or flew an Israeli flag was quite moving. Words of support and encouragement poured in from governmental leaders throughout the continent. Just yesterday, the Bundestag in Germany – of all places – stood for a minute of silence for Israel’s victims. Amazing! The support of Europe is not just of the visual encouragement kind. The governments of Great Britain, France, Italy, and Germany have joined the United States in a coalition committed to coming against any third country that looks to enter the war with Hamas. Many in Lebanon know that this partnership is directed primarily towards them. The leader of Lebanon’s Khataib Christian Party warned Hezbollah against dragging their country into a conflict in which they all will pay a heavy price. The Middle East Jordan has allowed the United States to deploy the 101st Airborne Division on its bases in support of Israel. The United Arab Emirates strongly condemned the attack against Israel, and warned Syrian President Bashar al-Assad against joining in the war. After an initial issue with Egypt over an attempt to export supplies into Gaza, there has been calm between Israel and its southern neighbor. Cairo has even opened up its borders to Gazan refugees and is willing to receive Israeli hostages if and when they are freed by the terrorists. Israel’s Global Enemies Iran The nation responsible for the attack from the north is Iran. They recruited the proxy militias. They funded them, trained them, positioned them, and now they have deployed them. Make no mistake, the religious tyrants in Tehran have escalated this conflict to the level for which they will pay a very heavy price. Russia Russian President Vladimir Putin blames Israel for the conflict. Relations between Moscow and Jerusalem have soured over gas and the ongoing conflict with Syria. Some of the techniques used in the Gazan terrorist invasion smacked of Russian involvement, and it would not be surprising to hear that they were involved in training the attackers. Radical Left It amazes me that even after the reports of the murder of children, the decapitation of babies, the burning alive of families, and the raping and torture of hostages, thousands of people in cities around the world took to the streets in support of Hamas. Seriously. There are times I am just flabbergasted not just by evil, but the joyful support by the radical left of evil’s heinous actions. Sadly, as the prosecution of the war continues, more and more will listen to the mindless and heartless chanting of these people, and will be swayed to their side. Eventually, Israel will once again be viewed as villains for defending ourselves. How do I know this? Because I’ve seen this same movie far too many times before. What’s Next? Phase 1 – Cleanse Israel of Terrorists This is easier said than done. Even up to today, terrorists are being found hiding out in the south. The bigger concern, though, is up north. If this region hasn’t blown up by the time this newsletter is released, I along with most Israelis believe it will sometime soon. Yesterday, my family and I escaped to the bomb shelter because we received notice of a drone and aircraft invasion from the north. It turned out that all the security alerts the country experienced were part of a cyber-attack. Still, we all expect that in the near future, the alerts we receive will be real. Phase 2 – Destroy Hamas and Islamic Jihad You can add Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthis in Yemen, the Taliban in Afghanistan, ISIS in Syria and Iraq, and any other terrorist group that joins in this attack on Israel. We’ve played around with terrorism too long. The Gazan, West Bank, and northern border terrorists are emboldened, embedded, and well supplied. They play on our compassion and our scruples about commensurate retaliation. Those gloves are off. It is now a bare-knuckle brawl, and Israel will not stop punching until these terrorists are permanently off the threat list. Phase 3 – Go After Nations Who Helped Ayatollah Khamenei, you cannot hide behind your proxy militias anymore. Everyone knows that it is you supplying them with weapons, training, and funds. We know that it is the voice of your leadership that is sending your ignorant fighting sheep out to be slaughtered. We’ve let it go for this long, but we will not anymore. That also goes for you, Vladimir, and you, Recep, and any other puppet masters who are pulling the strings of terrorism in the Middle East. Any of you who have read my novels know the old Talmudic saying, “If anyone is coming to kill you, rise up and kill them first.” We Israelis are tired of people coming to kill us. It’s time for us to rise up. We are in the beginning stages of a long battle. I can’t say that it will get worse before it gets better, because I can’t imagine anything worse than what has already taken place in southern Israel. I’ve compared this event to a second 9/11, but as I’ve seen the pictures and heard the stories it is nothing less than a second Holocaust. Maybe not in numbers, but certainly in brutality and depth of evil. Still, the numbers are horrific. Proportionally to the population, it is like 26,000 Americans being viciously slaughtered in one day. And rather than it being one grand event that took everyone out, it was innocents being killed one by one. Children in front of their parents, and parents in front of their children. Gunned down at a party, shot in their beds, executed in the streets. Absolutely barbaric. Pray for Israel. Pray for our leaders, particularly those of the emergency government. Pray for our military. Hundreds of thousands have left their jobs and their homes to temporarily step back into uniform. Pray for the families of the dead. Pray for the recovery of the wounded. Pray for those who are hostages or who were hostages. So many have been brutalized in the most violent of ways. Most of all, pray that God will somehow be glorified in all of this. He is good. He is God. We trust His ways. If Israel, Hezbollah and The U.S. All Do What They Say They Will Do, Prepare For The Hot Phase Of World War III - by Michael Snyder - Most people have no idea what is about to happen in the Middle East. The mainstream media is treating this crisis as simply a temporary conflict between Israel and Hamas that will eventually pass. But that isn’t what this is. This is the final conflict between Israel and Hamas, and it is going to spark a much wider war. Sadly, after the atrocities that Hamas has just committed, the Israelis have no choice. If U.S. women were raped and U.S. babies were ruthlessly slaughtered most Americans would feel the exact same way. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is telling us that “every member of Hamas is a dead man”, and the only way to accomplish that is to go into Gaza and kill them… Announcing the formation of a unity government in a late night TV appearance, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to keep fighting Hamas. “Every member of Hamas is a dead man,” he said. “Hamas is Daesh [Islamic State group] and we will crush them and destroy them as the world has destroyed Daesh,” he said in a brief televised statement, the first delivered jointly with his war cabinet. Netanyahu also detailed some of the atrocities that took place during the Hamas attack. He said boys and girls were shot in the head and that people had been burned alive. If Israel moves into Gaza, the Wall Street Journal is reporting that Hezbollah has warned “that it is prepared to open a second front”… If Hezbollah—which is designated a terrorist group by the U.S. and is closely linked to Iran—enters the conflict in a concerted way, it would stretch Israel’s army and strain the country’s air defenses, given Hezbollah’s arsenal of missiles capable of striking Tel Aviv. Hezbollah has privately warned Israel that it is prepared to open a second front if Israeli forces launch a ground assault in Gaza, according to Arab officials and diplomats. But whether Hezbollah follows through with the threat is a central topic of debate for Israeli leaders. The Biden administration seems to think that Hezbollah is probably bluffing. But they aren’t bluffing. And if Hezbollah officially enters the war, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant is pledging to “return Lebanon to the Stone Age”… Israeli leaders are trying to deter Hezbollah from joining the fight. “Do not make a mistake,” Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said while visiting troops in northern Israel on Tuesday. “If, God forbid, an escalation or confrontation erupts here, we will return Lebanon to the Stone Age.” In addition, as I discussed yesterday, there have been reports that Israel has also threatened to destroy Damascus. Needless to say, such a move would bring Syria into the war. And actually Israel is already conducting air strikes in Syria. On Thursday, the IDF bombed the major airports in Damascus and Aleppo… But it seems Israel is indeed holding the Syrian government under Bashar al-Assad responsible, as on Thursday the IDF has struck back against Syrian targets. Syrian state television is now confirming that Israel has launched attacks on the country’s two main international airports, in the capital of Damascus and Aleppo in the north. It happened while an Iranian plane was inbound. According to Reuters, “Local media channel Sham FM said Syrian air defenses were launched in response to both attacks. It said here had been damage but no casualties at the Aleppo airport, but did not give any information on the impact of the strike on Damascus Airport.” State media has confirmed that the Israeli strikes hit runways and have left both airports out of commission. It’s not the first time Israel has attacked these airports, but them being both hit in a simultaneous operation appears a first. The Israeli army spokesman has also announced, “We bombed Damascus and Aleppo airports in response to the firing of mortar shells from Syria.” On top of everything else, the Wall Street Journal is also reporting that the U.S. is promising to defend Israel if Hezbollah “launches a major attack”… The U.S. has in turn warned Hezbollah and Iran that it will defend Israel if the Lebanese militant group launches a major attack. Israel’s defense minister vowed to send Lebanon back to “the Stone Age” if Hezbollah attacked. Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived in Israel, where he said the U.S. had sent an aircraft carrier to the region to deter Hezbollah from entering the fight. “We’re on the sword’s edge,” said one former Israeli defense official. “Brinkmanship is a dangerous way of life.” If the U.S. starts bombing Hezbollah positions in Lebanon, Hezbollah units in Syria and Iraq will consider U.S. forces in those two countries to be fair game. Of course if everything that I have discussed above actually happens, it will only be a matter of time before Iran is directly involved in the conflict. Can you see how this war could spiral out of control very quickly? But at this point there is no turning back. On Thursday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shared photographic evidence of the atrocities that Hamas has committed… Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has shared horrifying proof that babies were ‘murdered by Hamas monsters’. Netanyahu showed US Secretary of State Antony Blinken graphic photos of babies who had been burned to death. has decided against publishing the photos due to their extremely graphic nature. A spokesperson for the Israeli PM said he shared “horrifying photos of babies murdered and burned by the Hamas monsters”. He added: “Hamas is inhuman. Hamas is ISIS.” During a press conference, Israel’s President Isaac Herzog shared some of the harrowing reports he received from investigators, including that the bodies of those murdered by Hamas presented “signs of torture”. And it is being reported that journalists from the Jerusalem Post have confirmed that babies were actually beheaded by Hamas at the Kfar Aza kibbutz… It comes as apparently verified photographs of other babies beheaded by the ruthless terrorists in the Kfar Aza kibbutz just a mile away from the border were ‘confirmed’ by journalists at the Jerusalem Post. The Kfar Aza kibbutz was one of the first Israeli settlements to be targeted on Saturday morning by Hamas. It was here that the terrorists, wielding assault rifles and grenades, ruthlessly shot dead screaming families as they begged for their lives before setting fire to their homes. But that isn’t all that has been confirmed. In one instance, one woman actually had an unborn child “sliced from her womb” by Hamas terrorists… A rescue team who visited the kibbutz, where the smell of rotting bodies still hangs in the air, told how they saw a pregnant lady lying on the floor of the first house they walked into. When they turned her over, they saw that her unborn baby had been sliced from her womb. ‘We saw a pregnant lady lying on the floor, and then we turn her around and see that the stomach is cut open, wide open,’ Yossi Landau, an aid worker at the NGO Zaka, told i24News, his voice cracking with emotion. ‘The unborn baby, still connected with umbilical cord, was stabbed with a knife. And the mother was shot in the head. And you use your imagination, trying to figure out what came first.’ How would you feel if that had been done to someone that you love? Right now, the people of Israel are filled with fury. Israel will send troops into Gaza because they have no other option. And when that happens, the Great Middle East War will have begun. I have been warning that this war would be coming, and now it is here. We are going to see unimaginable death and destruction in the days ahead, and our world will never be the same again. Prophecy Update Videos Must Watch Videos! Videos You Can Trust
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I genuinely believe that Prophecy Update and many other like-minded ministries, are needed now more than ever! The world is getting darker daily, almost hourly, but never has the light of the Word of God shone so brightly. Never in our history has there been such a thirst for Truth and a need for a Savior! The Prophecy Update website, newsletter, and Video Channels are all dedicated to providing the truth, encouraging and informing believers, and prayerfully opening the eyes and hearts of non-believers with the Gospel, but none of it would be possible without your prayers and support. DONATE HERE Your can also mail your support to: Prophecy Update PO Box 40516 Bakersfield, CA 93384 Christian Leaders Respond to War In Israel: It Always Comes Back To Jerusalem – By Decision Magazine - With war raging between Israel and Gaza-based Hamas fighters, and with the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah firing missiles at an Israeli position in northern Israel, evangelical leaders are calling on Christians to pray. On Facebook Tuesday, Franklin Graham posted: “We just saw Hamas brutally murder 900+ Israelis, most all civilians. If you want to know what else they’re after, a Hamas Commander made it clear. He said they want to kill every Jew and every Christian—and take control of the ‘entire 510 million sq. kilometers of Planet Earth.’ If you think what is happening in Israel is limited to Israel, think again. “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!” (Psalm 122:6). In another post, Franklin said, “The Bible instructs us to ‘Pray for the peace of Jerusalem’ in Psalm 122. I am praying for Israel—I pray that God will protect them from their enemies. Will you join me in this prayer?” Greg Laurie, senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship and a member of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association’s board of directors, pointed out in a blog post that the attack by Hamas is being funded by Iran, whose leaders make no secret of their goal to destroy Israel and what they describe as the “regime that is occupying Jerusalem.” “Interesting how it always comes back to Jerusalem,” Laurie observed. “The Bible predicted, thousands of years ago, that the end time events would revolve around Jerusalem. Not San Francisco. Not Los Angeles. Not Moscow. Not Paris. “But Jerusalem, this tiny little city, in this tiny sliver of land, will play a key role in the events of the last days. It’s the focal point of end times events. It’s amazing when you think about it, because in Zechariah 12:3–4 God says, ‘And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it. In that day, saith the Lord, I will smite every horse with astonishment, and his rider with madness: and I will open mine eyes upon the house of Judah, and will smite every horse of the people with blindness.’”. Laurie encouraged Christians to be doing two things in light of the war: “Jesus said, ‘Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near’ (Luke 21:28). That’s what we need to be doing, looking for the soon return of Jesus Christ. “But we also need to pray. The Bible tells us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6). We want to pray that they arrive at some kind of peace. We want to pray that this horrific terrorism stops, and that they’re able to get their hostages back. And we want to pray that God places His hand of protection on the nation of Israel during this unprecedented war.” Pastor Stephen Khoury, president of Holy Land Missions, said in a video: “We only have one enemy, and that one enemy is Satan and his works and his soldiers.” Khoury, who pastors Calvary Baptist Church in East Jerusalem, added, “We’re praying for both—praying for the Jew and the Arab. … We’re praying for God’s grace, His salvation and His mercy to fall on people.” The “Global Day Of Jihad” On Friday The 13th Will Only Be Just The Beginning… - by Michael Snyder - Law enforcement agencies all over the United States are deeply concerned about the potential for chaos during the “global day of jihad” on Friday the 13th, and I think that there is good reason for them to be on high alert. There are more radical Muslims in the United States than ever before, and many of them are rabid supporters of Hamas and Hezbollah. But this “global day of jihad” is only just the beginning. Once the Great Middle East War really gets rolling, I expect that we will see terror attacks throughout the western world on a scale that we have never seen before. So I am not just concerned about one day. Ultimately, I believe that we are entering a period when Islamic terrorism in the western world will become more common than ever. If you have not heard about it yet, this Friday is supposed to be a “day of jihad” all over the planet… The Palestinian Hamas terror group known as Hamas has called on Muslims worldwide to stage a “Day of Jihad,” or holy war, on Friday, October 13th — coincidentally, a date that resonates with horror movies and the upcoming Halloween holiday. Hamas referred to the day as “Al-Aqsa Flood” Friday, referring to the name of the operation in which it murdered more than 1,200 Israelis, wounded roughly 3,000, and kidnapped over 100. Will we actually see a large scale response to this call for “jihad”? I don’t know. MEMRI has translated the statement that was put out by Hamas, and the following are the five goals that the terror group hopes to achieve… “First: We declare next Friday, ‘The Friday of the Al-Aqsa Flood,’ as a day of general mobilization in our Arab and Islamic world and among the free people of the world. It is a day to rally support, offer aid, and participate actively. It is a day to expose the crimes of the occupation, isolate it, and foil all its aggressive schemes. It is a day to demonstrate our love for Palestine, Jerusalem, and Al-Aqsa. It is a day for sacrifice, heroism, and dedication, and to earn the honor of defending the first Qibla of Muslims, the third holiest mosque, and the ascension of the trusted Messenger. “Second: We call upon our rebellious youth throughout the West Bank, in its cities, villages, and uprising camps, in the streets and neighborhoods of Jerusalem, and at the squares of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, to rise up, join massive demonstrations, and shake the ground beneath the feet of the Zionist invaders and their settler gangs. Engage with their soldiers and cowardly army in every place, affirming the unity of destiny and the path towards Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa, liberating them from the defilement of the Zionist occupation. “Third: Our people within the occupied territories of 1948, people of honor and courage, who have borne much to preserve their Palestinian-Arab identity. This day is your day to mobilize, assemble, and stand united in guarding the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque. Preserve it, its Islamic heritage, its divine message, and prevent settler gangs from desecrating it. Thwart the fascist occupation’s plans to divide it, Judaize it, and build their alleged temple. Unite with your people in Gaza and the West Bank. “Fourth: We call upon the masses of our Arab and Islamic nation and our Palestinian people in all places, including refugee camps and the diaspora, to march towards the borders of our beloved Palestine in massive gatherings. On this day, we declare our solidarity with Palestine, Jerusalem, and Al-Aqsa. For those geographically distant, let them gather at the nearest point leading to Jerusalem. “Fifth: We call upon the free people of the world to mobilize in solidarity with our Palestinian people and in support of their just cause and legitimate rights to freedom, independence, return, and self-determination. Instead of showing up to support Hamas, people all over the world should actually be protesting the horrific atrocities that Hamas has been committing. There is no possible justification for the things that Hamas has done. And if they are given more opportunities, they will commit more atrocities. Here in the United States, authorities will be trying to prevent Hamas supporters from attacking “Jewish houses of worship, Jewish-owned businesses and Israeli diplomatic buildings”… Local and federal law enforcement agencies across the U.S. are stepping up their patrols of Jewish houses of worship, Jewish-owned businesses and Israeli diplomatic buildings as calls for attacks on the Jewish community in the U.S. intensify online. Former Hamas leader Khaled Mashal recently called for Friday to be a global day of “anger” in support of the recent Hamas attack on Israel, which has left over 1,300 Israelis dead. He said demonstrations would send a “message of rage to Zionists and to America.” Let’s hope that the chaos can be minimized. But things are already starting to get kind of crazy in Paris… WATCH: And demonstrations have already started on college campuses all over America. At the University of Wisconsin, supports of Hamas were chanting “glory to the martyrs”… Geoffrey Datz stumbled upon a protest on the University of Wisconsin campus on Tuesday in support of the Hamas killers who slaughtered 260 Jewish kids at a dance party on Saturday morning. The protesters were chanting, “Glory to the martyrs!” The “martyrs” are, of course, the Hamas terrorists who were killed by Jews before they were able to finish their mass slaughter of Jews on Saturday. Are you kidding me? These young people actually want to give “glory” to those that raped women, killed babies and abducted the elderly? In recent days, quite a few leftist organizations here in the United States have made public statements of support for Hamas. It has gotten so bad that even Jake Tapper of CNN seems concerned… “These last few days have been a real eye-opening period for a lot of people — a lot of Democrats, a lot of progressives — in terms of antisemitism on the left.” WATCH: There has always been more antisemitism on the left. And much of it is being fueled by radical Muslims. This week, the Ford Community & Performing Arts Center in Dearborn, Michigan was absolutely packed with radical Muslims that were wildly cheering for Hamas… You will raise an eyebrow or two at the video we’re about to present. It’s not footage from a Hamas gathering, but rather a rally right in Dearborn, Michigan. During the pro-Palestinian event, attendees were waving Palestinian flags high inside the spacious Ford Community & Performing Arts Center. The rallygoers seemed to have found their new favorite team: Hamas. “You think we’re going to zip our lips and tiptoe around when folks label Hamas as a terrorist gang? Think again. They aren’t the bad guys,” declared one speaker. His comments were met with roaring cheers from the crowd. But he didn’t stop there. “You want a real terrorist? Point your finger at Benjamin Netanyahu and his posse,” he proclaimed. The applause just kept coming. “And it’s not just Netanyahu; it’s every puppet dancing on his strings, backing his agenda in Palestine,” he added, fueling even more cheers. This is what happens when you allow vast hordes of radical Muslims to migrate to your country and take over entire communities. WATCH: This is not going to end well. But most of you already knew that. Meanwhile, the Biden administration is actually forcing Americans that want to be evacuated out of Israel to sign promissory notes… In a time when Americans in Israel are relying on their government for support and protection, the U.S. State Department’s Consular Affairs Crisis Management System (CACMS) has left many American citizens hanging in the wind, demanding them to sign promissory notes as a precondition for any assistance in evacuating from the crisis-hit region. The so-called “assisted departure options” were outlined in an email sent to American citizens stranded in the Middle Eastern nation, stating that the U.S. government would offer loans for transportation. The Biden regime’s assistance to Americans wishing to depart Israel will come at a financial cost. Specifically, the email states that “departure assistance is provided via a loan from the U.S. government, which requires travelers to sign a promissory note (an agreement to repay) prior to departure.” What kind of government would force citizens to pay for their own evacuations from a war zone? This is nuts. The Biden administration can’t seem to do anything right. And they certainly won’t be able to protect us from Islamic terror. So I would encourage you to do what you can to protect yourself and those that you love, because things are going to start getting pretty intense from this point forward. A new era of Islamic terror has begun, and Friday the 13th will only be just the beginning… Daily Jot: The American Chronicles: The Denise and Mark Story - Bill Wilson – Denise and I grew up together. We are cousins. My Dad’s mom and her Dad’s mom were sisters. We went all the way through school together, graduating in the same class. We played together in elementary school. I remember Denise’s love for horses, and sometimes during recess she would be the lead horse with many of us following her “prancing” all around the playground. Nowadays, they probably would have us all under psychological surveillance, but we had fun and we were good kids growing up in a gentler time of innocence than today. After school, Denise and I kind of lost touch of one another. At a class reunion several years ago, we got reacquainted together with our spouses, Mark and Chris. The years go by again and we saw each other at our 50th class reunion. This time we planned to get together and stuck to it. Denise and Mark came to visit. It was like learning all over again that we were family, cautiously approaching certain subjects, like politics. But after a while, no holds were barred. We were all on the same page and our life’s experiences were very similar. Mark turns out to be a history enthusiast so we decided to load up and go on a history tour of the area. Within 20 miles, there is a lot of history, starting with Harpers Ferry, WV where not only John Brown ignited the fuse to the Civil War with his failed slave rebellion (which got him hanged), but also the battle leading up to the bloodiest day of the Civil War in nearby Antietam. Now, Denise is also a history buff, but in a different sort of way. She likes antiquing. As we explored Frederick, Md., one of the major stops was an antique emporium. It’s like going through a museum. A lot of stuff. Many things that are antiques now are from our childhood. Time flies. From small glass knickknacks to large pieces of furniture, each one I’m sure has its story, if only it could talk. Denise and Mark found a unique cabinet with doors, drawers and shelves. After deciding it would fit in their car on the way home, Denise just couldn’t pass it up. We celebrated at a restaurant across town, appropriately named Brewers Alley. Then there was more shopping—chocolates (Denise’s passion), a French Boutique and more. We also have common interests in camping, beaching, horses and the mountains. We ate, talked, reminisced, shared family stories, and laughed—a lot. We toured shops, even found a local artisan Joe Straka, who for 40 years has “thrown” pottery—a term for hand-making pottery. His artistry was too much for Chris to resist, and Service Dog Charlie will be eating only table scraps for the next month because of our purchases! Joe’s demonstration of how he shapes and makes pottery reminded me not only of the history we saw, but also of our journey over the years with Mark and Denise. It starts out without a lot of form and by the end, after much toil, shaping and reshaping, if we have the fortune of God’s hand in our lives, there is something beautiful and long-lasting. As God said in Jeremiah 18:6, “as the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are you in My hand.” Thankfully so. Daily Devotion: While You’re Waiting - by Greg Laurie – And so, dear friends, while you are waiting for these things to happen, make every effort to be found living peaceful lives that are pure and blameless in his sight. —2 Peter 3:14 - Listen I became a Christian in 1970. There was a lot of excitement back then, because a revival called the Jesus Movement had broken out. Historians agree that it was a genuine spiritual awakening. There also was a lot of teaching about the last days. We thought Jesus was coming back at any moment. Back then, I was a graphic artist, so I designed a “Jesus is coming!” bumper sticker. But now some Christians are wondering why He hasn’t come back yet. Did He forget His promise to us? The Bible tells us why Jesus hasn’t returned: “The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent” (2 Peter 3:9 NLT). The Lord is waiting for the last person to believe. And when that day comes, when that person believes, we will meet Him in the air in the Rapture. The passage continues, “Since everything around us is going to be destroyed like this, what holy and godly lives you should live, looking forward to the day of God and hurrying it along. . . . And so, dear friends, while you are waiting for these things to happen, make every effort to be found living peaceful lives that are pure and blameless in his sight” (verses 11–12, 14 NLT). How are we to live as we await the return of Christ? We should live holy and godly lives, making every effort to be spotless and blameless and at peace with Him. That is what we should be doing. And if we don’t understand this, then we’re missing the point. People have an endless appetite for last days events. They want to hear about the Rapture, the Antichrist, the Tribulation, Armageddon, and all the rest. That is great. But as we study all these things, what we learn should have an impact on the way we live. As we look forward to the return of Christ, we should be shining lights in a dark place. Jesus said, “Be dressed for service and keep your lamps burning” (Luke 12:35 NLT). In this statement, Jesus was referring to a first-century Jewish wedding. These weddings were unique in that no one knew when the bridegroom would arrive. It might be at 3:00 in the morning or at 3:00 in the afternoon. But suddenly the announcement would go out that the bridegroom was on his way. Everyone would quickly take their places, and then the wedding would begin. Jesus was saying this is what it will be like as we wait for His return. So, let’s be ready to go. Let’s be shining our light. As our culture gets darker, we need to shine brighter as Christians. Let’s be known for what we are for rather than what we are against. Let’s look for opportunities to show the love of Jesus Christ in a tangible way, earning the right to share the gospel. PROPHECY UPDATE NEWS HEADLINES Yesterday's Prophecies - Today's Headlines HEADLINES IN PARTNERSHIP WITH TRACKING BIBLE PROPHECY 10/13/23
FROM THE HEART Let Us Make the Short Time We have Left, Count for ALL of Eternity! IF YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED THROUGH THIS MINISTRY, THEN WE ASK THAT YOU WOULD PLEASE REMEMBER PROPHECY UPDATE IN YOUR GIVING - WE ARE TRULY, TRULY, THANKFUL FOR YOUR SUPPORT WORTHY OF YOUR SUPPORT? One of the most reliable ways to determine if a ministry is worthy of your financial support is to examine its fruits. If Prophecy Update is keeping you informed, and if that information inspires you, and causes you to draw closer to the Lord, if Prophecy Update equips you with valuable information and knowledge to share with and encourage other believers, and open the eyes of non-believers, and if Prophecy Update keeps you connected to current events relating to Bible Prophecy, then you are partaking of the fruit produced through this ministry. None of this would be possible without the Lords blessings and your support. I believe where the Lord guides, the Lord provides, and most of the time He provides through the willing and generous hearts of believers just like you and me. Humbly Seek Your Support Prophecy Update has no corporate sponsors. This ministry is paid for and prayed for by readers and supporters. Without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update, Please pray about becoming a monthly supporter - thanks! If ever there was a time to invest in God's Kingdom, it's now! What on earth are you doing for Heaven's Sake? "Share in the Blessings and Rewards that will last Forever!" "Folks, it's all beginning to unravel. America is in more danger of falling than at any time in its history. But I believe Bible prophecy predicts this very decline. From this point on, we believers have to get serious. We are going to face discouragement, disillusionment and, most certainly, persecution in the time between now and the Rapture. But don't be discouraged or disillusioned. The coming turmoil will provide us unrivaled opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. So be ready to share your faith and your hope with those who need Christ. We still have time to reap a great harvest of souls for God's kingdom!" - Hal Lindsey 1) We need your prayers!- We proclaim the Truth of the Word of God and we are under constant spiritual and sometimes even physical attack. 2) We need your encouragement!- We need to hear from you, let us know how the Lord is blessing you through this ministry so that we can share it with others. 3) We need your input! - If you have a prophetic article or story or if there is a news related item we missed, let us know. 4) We need your financial support!- To put it quite simply, without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update. I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to get the Word out and keep the world informed. Remember, your gift, no matter how small, does make a difference! You will be helping to touch lives, around the world, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, thanks to the internet your generosity carries a global impact! - Thanks! Our Prayer for You- "Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else." 2 Corinthians 9:10-13 If you have been blessed by Prophecy Update and would like to help support this ministry financially. You can make a secure donation online by going to: DONATE NOW Or write us at: Prophecy Update P.O. Box 40516 Bakersfield, CA 93384-0516 We are very pleased to offer all our readers this FREE download on Bible Prophecy from the Evangelical Bible College of Western Australia - Just download and enjoy and be blessed! Feel free to share it with all your friends and family members. Click below to download! "AS YOU SEE THE DAY APPROACHING" If You Died Today, Would You Go To Heaven? Find out, visit: How to know God DID YOU KNOW? You can submit an article, leave a comment or praise report at email: [email protected] Maranatha! (Lord Come Quickly) "On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand, All other ground is sinking sand." "Let Us make the short time we have left count for all eternity!" YBIC-Randy
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