The Anatomy of a Scoffer - By John Salom -
Surely at some point, as a modern-day watchman on the wall, you have experienced that sharp smirk or the raising of unbelieving eyebrows as you attempt to explain to a lost friend or family member that the world we now see unfolding before our very eyes is exactly as the Bible said it would be at the end of the age and that the long-awaited return of Jesus to this earth is finally upon us! Perhaps your warnings have even evoked laughter or biting sarcasm, scoffing of a more contentious nature? None of this, however, has really come as a surprise to you, as this sort of response is exactly what is expected from among those who are perishing. The real dismay then comes when you find yourself on the receiving end of scoffing not from an unbeliever but from a fellow brother or sister in Christ. To share that news that ought to be exciting to any follower of Jesus, only to have it summarily rejected can leave us scratching our heads with questions. Why would those who love Jesus or at least profess to love Him be opposed to His return to gather us all unto Himself that where He is, we may be also? The answer to that question can be a bit complicated, but we shall endeavor to address it with wisdom from God’s word. I believe Peter’s second and final epistle can shed some light on this perturbing phenomenon we are experiencing in this last hour. The elder apostle, knowing and stating in this epistle that he is not long for this world, pulls no punches as he pours out his final words to those sheep he had once promised his Master he would feed. Let us read carefully his words: “knowing this first: that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, and saying, ‘Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation'” (II Peter 3:3-4). Two words jump out at me in this passage that I believe help to explain the aforementioned phenomenon, “fathers” and “creation.” Allow me to expand on this. Firstly, who are these fathers mentioned here by the apostle? I want you to consider now that this is already very near the time of Peter’s death and also very near the time of Paul’s death. Furthermore, James, the brother of our Lord and the writer of his own epistle, had already been martyred at the time of this writing. James, in full and eager expectation, wrote before his death: “You also be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand” (James 5:8). Paul, in his epistles to the Corinthians and the Thessalonians, had more than once spoken as if the coming of our Lord Jesus was very near, and yet he himself would soon be “absent from the body” long before his prediction would come to pass. Peter himself, who had proclaimed Christ’s return as far back as his first message on the Day of Pentecost, would soon be gone. I believe that these fathers who have fallen asleep that Peter is referring to are the very same men who initially proclaimed the return of Christ, those early Church fathers who would ultimately not be around to see the return of Christ during their lifetime. The scoffers would one day say, “These men who once warned us of this coming day are long gone, and everything goes on just like it always has!” Now let us briefly consider the word creation. These same scoffers are acknowledging creation. In fact, in the following verse, it says they willfully forget the flood that once destroyed the world. Notice they don’t deny that flood. You see, friends, these scoffers acknowledge the fathers, they admit to creation, and admit to a worldwide flood. These scoffers that Peter is warning us about are none other than believers! He is warning us not to be like these believers! Listen to his words just a little bit further down in his letter: “Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God.” Don’t scoff at that Day he is exhorting; look for it and hasten it! The scriptures are abundantly clear that the Christian should ever be on the watch for his Master’s return. That we are to actively look for and be constantly prepared for His return. Consider these words from Luke’s gospel: “Let your waist be girded and your lamps burning; and you yourselves be like men who wait for their master, when he will return from the wedding, that when he comes and knocks they may open to him immediately. Blessed are those servants whom the master, when he comes, will find watching” (Luke 12:35-37a). Further down in the same passage, it reads: “‘Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.’ Then Peter said to Him, ‘Lord, do You speak this parable only to us, or to all people?’ And the Lord said, ‘Who then is that faithful and wise steward, whom his master will make ruler over his household, to give them their portion of food in due season?'” (Luke 12:40-42). How appropriate that it was Peter, the apostle who was once commissioned with the statement “feed my sheep” is here asking this question of our Lord some 30 years prior to the writing of his second epistle where he is echoing the words of his Master. Here are a few more passages for your consideration. “But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly. For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth. Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man” (Luke 21:34-36). I humbly encourage all my preterist brethren to consider that the events of A.D. 70 were not as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth. “But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into. Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect” (Matthew 24:43-44). “But if that evil servant says in his heart, ‘My master is delaying his coming,’ and begins to beat his fellow servants, and to eat and drink with the drunkards, the master of that servant will come on a day when he is not looking for him and at an hour that he is not aware of, and will cut him in two and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites” (Matthew 24:48-51). “Remember therefore how you have received and heard; hold fast and repent. Therefore if you will not watch, I will come upon you as a thief, and you will not know what hour I will come upon you” (Revelation 3:3). “And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding; and the door was shut. Afterward the other virgins came also, saying, ‘Lord, Lord, open to us!’ But he answered and said, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you.’ Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming” (Matthew 25:10-13). Let us not forget that while we cannot know the day or the hour, we can and should know the season! “But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief. You are all sons of light and sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober” (I Thessalonians 5:4-6). And finally: “And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching” (Hebrews 10:24-25). Again, the warnings are abundantly clear that we are not only to be watchful and prepared at all times but that we can also know and distinctly see when the Day is approaching. When Jesus had once sternly rebuked the Pharisees for not discerning the times in which they lived, did it not infer that there were indeed many signs that they should have rightly discerned at His first advent? Should we now also be guilty of the same blindness at His second advent? If I am expected to know these signs of the times, what are they then, you may ask? What follows are just a handful of the many we find in scripture. Imagine for a moment an ancient people group who, nearly two thousand years ago, were defeated and displaced from their ancient homeland, becoming refugees in every corner of the globe. Imagine then that this ancient culture maintained a lot of their ancient ways and their heritage in whatever corner of the world to which they had been scattered for nearly two millennia. Then imagine those same peoples returning to that land they had once been displaced from for so long, a land that lay barren and desolate for the entirety of their absence, just as had been prophesied over 3,000 years ago by the mouth of Moses. This is a feat that had never before occurred in all of human history. Never has there been a displaced civilization in all the annals of recorded history that was removed and then ended up returning to their ancient homeland and resuming their existence as an ethnic group or a nation. The scriptures give us numerous prophecies from both the major and minor prophets concerning this return to the land of their fathers. Against all odds, Israel became a nation once again in just one day, as foretold by the prophet Isaiah. It took two world wars and the coming together of a million different pieces of a very complex puzzle for it to occur. It was nothing short of a modern-day miracle and is also the most prominent sign that we are living at the end of the age. Both the Apocalypses of Daniel and John are not possible without the existence of a national Israel. They are God’s prophetic time clock and the reason for the 7-year Tribulation, otherwise known as the time of Jacob’s trouble or the 70th week of Daniel. These will be the last 7 years of human history before Messiah comes to establish his Kingdom upon the earth. Moreover, what can be known from scripture about this terrifying time in human history can already be seen on the prophetic horizon. Not very far off in the distance, I might add! Take, for example, the early judgments of the Lord, the 7 seals from the book of Revelation. The second seal tells us of a rider on a fiery red horse to whom it was granted that he should take peace from the earth and that people should kill one another. The scripture tells us that he is given a great sword. We live in a society today where violence is teeming just below a very thin veneer of civility that is hanging on by a thread. Generations have been conditioned with the increasingly violent nature of our entertainment, from movies to video games. Mass shootings, violent uprisings, rioting, and brazen acts of lawlessness are the order of the day. The rider on the red horse will not have to stir the waters of our present world very much to accomplish his goal. What about the third seal, one that points to a worldwide famine and hyperinflation? When the rider on the black horse makes his debut, a loaf of bread will be going for the bargain basement price of just a whole day’s wage! Have you not heard of the countless food processing facilities that have suspiciously burnt to the ground in the last year or so? Or maybe the displacement of farmers that is happening around the globe in places from the Netherlands to India to the United States? The war in the Ukraine, considered the bread basket of Europe, is causing alarming shortages. How about the war on cattle or rice in the name of climate change? Rice being the primary food staple in huge swaths of the globe. Maybe you’ve heard about globalist billionaires who are buying up farmland as quickly as they can in order to stop farming from taking place altogether under the false pretense of saving the planet? Or maybe you’ve heard of the extremely alarming shortages of fertilizer worldwide, which is desperately needed to maintain the global food supply? Has anyone noticed any recent inflation trends? All of this amounts to various experts around the globe sounding the alarm that we are headed for severe global famine in the near future. We are racing toward the four horsemen as they race toward us, friends. What other signs, you say? Give me more; I’m still not convinced! Revelation 13 tells us of a one-world government, a one-world currency, and a one-world religion. Allow me to answer those future predictions made in Revelation with current preparations that are being made right before our eyes: the World Economic Forum, Central Bank Digital Currencies, and AI. The WEF has made no attempt to conceal their agenda. The wealthiest, most powerful, most influential people on the globe meet regularly in Davos, Switzerland, to discuss and hasten their Agenda 2030. In summary, it is a plan for world governance. CBDC’s (Central Bank Digital Currency) are not your digital bank account, credit cards, or Apple Pay on your phone. This is different. They represent a currency that is programmable, can carry with it an expiration date, and has the capability of being turned on or off. Sound familiar? Like maybe something that could be used to control your ability to buy or sell? Believe it, friends, they are coming to a theatre near you very soon! We already have numerous examples, from FedNow, to the UniCoin, to the soon-to-be-introduced BRICS currency that has been announced for a late August of ’23 debut. These digital currencies will not be the notorious mark of the beast but will be used to facilitate that mark during the Tribulation. Lastly, if you have not been keeping up with the advances in AI, I congratulate you on your off-the-grid existence; you are likely not reading this article. 2023 is turning out to be the Year of AI. Every day we hear on the news some interesting new tidbit that is related to AI. Perhaps it is the many characters who have been involved over the years in its development that are now screaming from the rooftops about its dangers and the need for serious regulatory action to be established while others call for a six-month moratorium on all further developments of this technology? Maybe it is the warning of the many jobs AI is soon and sure to make obsolete? Even more nefarious than this, though, is this author’s belief that AI will soon be the source of great deception upon mankind. Its intelligence will soon far exceed that of a human to the point that it will be presenting concepts that are beyond our capacity to even understand. Make no mistake about it, though, friends; it is not sentient; it does not have a soul. It is a computer with lines of code and has gathered all of its intelligence from the vast amounts of human data that has been made available to it. Human data that in this world has been corrupted by the fall of mankind. As the old saying goes, garbage in garbage out. Now we are hearing famous transhumanists like the WEF’s own Yuval Noah Harari proclaiming that AI will give us the first religious texts not written by humans. Just this week, a Lutheran church in Germany held the first service where the sermon had been entirely written by AI and was facilitated by a chatbot avatar that led the service from a large monitor that stood in place from where the preacher would normally deliver his message. AI will soon be offering humanity extremely advanced and deceptive philosophy and could very well be the source of this false religion that the Bible tells us will take the world by storm. Its incredible potential to mimic and create deep fakes, like the recent video that appeared to depict Russian President Vladimir Putin declaring martial law on state television, causing a panic on many who believed it to be genuine, and its uncanny ability to produce increasingly convincing holograms of stars long since deceased may very well be how the image of the beast is given “breath” or life. Rev 13:15 It will undoubtedly play a role in the monitoring of every person on the globe, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave. Still not convinced? Let’s see what the apostle Paul had to say about these days. “But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,” (II Timothy 3:1-4). Sound eerily familiar? Give yourself just 5 minutes on your choice of TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube, and see if Paul’s description isn’t spot on when compared to our day. We live in a day when prominent companies are tripping over themselves to be next in line to lose billions of dollars just to align with woke ideologies, where drag queens dressed as nuns are the new elementary school teacher or worse, Sunday school teacher, and where pornographic material has replaced coloring books. Noah and Lot would feel right at home in these days. If this doesn’t qualify as perilous times, then you, too, have a conscience that has been seared as with a hot iron! Shall I go on? How about I ring off just a few more signs for good measure? Increased atmospheric disturbances, volcanoes, and earthquakes (creation is groaning with birth pangs). Pestilence (think 2020, need I say more?) Wars and rumors of wars (the conflict in Ukraine has us closer to nuclear war than we ever were during the Cuban missile crisis). Preparations being made for a third Jewish temple, which, according to scripture, will be in place during the Tribulation; everything from the Temple Institute to DNA tests done to find descendants of Levi, a revived Sanhedrin, and perfect red heifers being flown into Israel. Tell me that all of these predictions from scripture concerning a nation that by all reasonable accounts shouldn’t even exist are merely coincidence, and I’ll tell you that the fat lady is singing while she rides a flying pig through hell on a cold day. And yes, there’s still a hell no matter what your local Laodicean seeker-friendly pastor coddled you with this last Sunday during his humanistic motivational self-improvement speech. Go ahead and add apostasy to that list of end times signs (2 Thes 2:3, 1 Tim 4:1). Friends, JESUS IS COMING SOON! Still, we have yet to finish dissecting our scoffer and have not satisfactorily answered our original question. We can see that the scripture encourages us not to scoff at the Lord’s return, that God’s Word, in fact, repeatedly exhorts us to be watching, praying, and anticipating His return. Furthermore, the scripture tells us as children of light that we can see the Day approaching and then gives us numerous signs to be looking for, many of which we’ve just reviewed. So, what is it then? Why are there still so many believers wearing ‘foolish virgins’ t-shirts and failing to B.Y.O.O.(Bring Your Own Oil)? I find that a very satisfying explanation actually comes from one of the least likely characters from the Old Testament. Yes, I still read my Old Testament, no matter how many preachers try to convince me it is no longer relevant. I find that it continues to stubbornly be the foundation upon which all of my New Testament is built. So, who is this unlikely character to which I am referring? It is none other than Jericho’s surprise hero of the Faith, the harlot Rahab. The second chapter of Joshua tells us how two Israelite spies were successfully hidden by Rahab when their presence had been detected within the city walls of the ill-fated Jericho. Three things, I believe, distinguished Rahab and sealed her own fate in this tale of courage and belief that is later recapped for us in the famous Hebrews faith Hall of Fame, Hebrews 11. Firstly, the Bible tells us that Rahab was informed. She tells the spies that she had kept up with the children of Israel’s escapades since their hurried escape from Egypt and the parting of the Red Sea. An event that had taken place over 40 years prior before she was even born. She goes on to say that she knew of their conquests and their successes as they made their way to the land of Canaan and how God had granted them victory every step of the way. Secondly, being armed with this information, the seed of faith began to germinate in the heart of this Canaanite woman. She makes this confession of faith when she states, “for the LORD your God, He is God in heaven above and on the earth beneath.” Her faith was so great that the author of Hebrews lumped her in among a list of people who showed tremendous faith over the years. No doubt, Rahab was truly afraid as she saw those things that were coming upon her city, her family, and her own life. Surely, she was tempted to turn these spies in and perhaps find favor among the king of Jericho and her city’s leaders. Maybe she even entertained the thought that if the spies were caught, the children of Israel might change their minds about attacking her city. We will never know what emotions and inner turmoil Rahab was suddenly faced with as these two men showed up on her doorstep. What we do know is the simple statement that Hebrews gives us that “Rahab did not perish with those who did not believe.” This was no small matter of flipping a coin or consulting a magic 8 ball; no, Rahab committed to her actions and her decisions and laid everything on the line based upon her belief. This was true genuine faith. Thirdly, Rahab understood that everything was getting ready to change, that the life she had once known in Jericho was over. The children of Israel were here, and “normal” wasn’t coming back. She was willing to let go of her world for whatever it was that God had next for her, no matter how different things may end up being. The scripture tells us that Rahab eventually went on to marry a prince of Judah and that this Gentile prostitute became a part of the bloodline that would eventually lead to the Messiah. How absolutely fitting for the undeserving to become worthy of such an honor by means of faith. This is why the author of Hebrews included this unlikely candidate among such a prestigious list. So, there you have it, my beloved brother or sister that is a card-carrying member of the End-Times Scoffer’s Club. It is high time that we, like the courageous and wise Rahab, got informed. We need to be students of God’s Word and understand Bible prophecy, not just ignore it because of past foolishness among Christians who mistakenly made wild predictions or tried to set dates for the Lord’s return. The damage done to those of us who are truly waiting for our Lord’s return through this misguided enthusiasm has been a true tragedy among the Body of Christ. Our faith in this hour needs to be the unshakable faith of a decisive Rahab, a faith that helps to loosen our grip on this dying world. Too many of us are in no rush to see the Lord’s return because we are hanging onto a great many unfulfilled dreams of this temporal and passing world. It is time to let Jericho go. This is not our home, nor has it ever been, friends. This is why our own Prince of Judah has gone on to prepare a place for us. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! John Salom [email protected] Judgment Is Coming Soon – By Amir Tsarfati - When many look at the world around us, they see chaos. I see something different. I see God warning the people of this world that His judgment is coming soon. The Bible shows us that this is the way He operates – warning, then judgment. God sent Noah to warn the world that His judgment was coming. He sent angels to warn Sodom and Gomorrah that judgment was coming. He sent prophets to Israel to warn them judgment was coming. And He told the whole church of the signs that judgment is coming. The world may not like to hear it, but part of the gospel message we are to take to the world is that judgment is coming, so repent! But how can they heed God’s call to repent, if we don’t share with them His warning? Tell someone about Jesus today. He is the only way to escape the things that are coming upon the whole world. Romans 10:14-15 KJV – “How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!” China Moves to the Western Hemisphere Tuesday, it was reported that China and Cuba are in negotiations to construct a military training facility in the Caribbean country. This is a huge development, because it raises the prospects of Chinese troops being stationed right on America’s doorstep. Not since the Cold War has a superpower enemy been so close to the US mainland. Moving forward with this major of a provocation is a clear sign of the disrespect and disdain that China’s President Xi Jinping holds for the Joe Biden administration. Earlier in the week, Xi gave a visual demonstration of this attitude when he sat at the head of the table during official talks with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, rather than directly across from him as diplomatic etiquette would demand. Helicopter Gunships Assist in Anti-Terror Raid in Jenin The Israeli military raided the troubled city of Jenin in the West Bank on Monday. When the intensity of the ground battle reached a fever pitch, the Israeli Air Force brought in helicopter gunships to assist. This is the first time in two decades that these military copters were employed in the West Bank. Jenin is a terrorist stronghold for both Hamas and the Islamic Jihad. Five Palestinians were killed and more than 90 were wounded in the conflict. Israeli casualties included eight wounded personnel. Four Israelis Killed in West Bank Terror Attack In an attack that Hamas claimed was a response to the IAF’s raid on Jenin, two gunmen opened fire at a restaurant and gas station on Tuesday. Four Israelis, including one teenager, were killed and four more were wounded. One of the Hamas terrorists was killed on the scene, and the second was shot down a short time later by security forces. As the Palestinians celebrated the deaths, US Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides took the opportunity to express his regret for the loss of life on both sides. Israeli Ambassador to the US Michael Herzog quickly shot back in a tweet, “Any attempt of a so called ‘balanced’ condemnation is misguided and disrespectful to the memory of the victims.” In response to the attack, the Israeli government has vowed to build 1000 new housing units for Jewish families in the same area. Israel’s Game-Changing Anti-Terror Tactics Israeli police snipers killed two terrorists on Wednesday as the men were advancing toward the settlement of Shiloh. This took place soon after another terror suspect was taken into custody as he advanced toward Hebron armed with an axe. That same night, the IAF carried out its first targeted airstrike in years in the West Bank. They destroyed a car that was carrying a Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist cell that was on its way to carry out a shooting attack at the Jamalah checkpoint. This drone strike was a game-changer. The West Bank terrorists thought that they were immune to the tactics employed in Gaza. Now, they realize that if they bring Gaza-style terror to Judaea and Samaria, they’ll get the IDF’s Gaza-style answer to that terror. Druze Community Protests Wind Farms Violent protests broke out between hundreds of members of the Druze community and the Israeli police in the northern part of the Golan Heights. The Druze are angry at governmental plans to build wind turbines on their agricultural land. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke with the spiritual leader of the Druze, Sheikh Mowafaq Tarif, and agreed to halt construction for 10 days so that a solution could be negotiated. Intel Makes Record Deal with Israel In the largest ever international investment in Israel, chip-maker Intel has committed to put $25 billion into building a factory. This will be the third chip manufacturing plant that the company has constructed in the country. Intel’s willingness to make this deal is a blow to the progressive left’s propaganda efforts to keep new investments out of the country because of Israel’s move toward judicial reform. Russia to Open Consulate in Jerusalem Moscow will open what it calls the “branch office of the Consular Section of the Russian Embassy in Israel” in Jerusalem. While the embassy will remain in Tel Aviv, both sides feel this is a significant step in diplomatic relations between the two nations. The downtown location, which is now a parking lot, will include a residence for Russian diplomats and a conference hall. Putin Takes Optimistic Tone in Keynote Address Russian President Vladimir Putin presented the keynote speech on Friday at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. If we go by what he said, everything from the war with Ukraine to the Russian economy to international relations all seem pretty rosy. The next day, while meeting with African leaders, Putin held up a piece of paper that he claimed was a draft of a peace agreement between Russia and Ukraine from March 2022. Everything looked good for signing until Russia pulled away from Kyiv as they promised. Once that happened, according to Putin, Ukraine took the advice of the US and the West and “threw it all onto the rubbish heap of history.” Ukraine Claims Russia Mined Nuclear Power Plant Russia has planted mines in the cooling pond of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, claimed Kyrylo Budanov, head of Ukraine’s military intelligence, on Tuesday. If these mines are detonated, 2 million square kilometers of land could be polluted, including parts of Moldova, Turkey, and Belarus. Latvia Hands Over All Its Helicopters to Ukraine The Baltic country of Latvia is going all in on its support of Ukraine’s military efforts. Said the country’s prime minister, Krisjanis Karinš, “All of our Stinger missiles are now in Ukraine. We had a helicopter fleet, with the last of them still being repainted so they can be used; the last of them will go to Ukraine.” The small country will also support Kyiv with training, drones, ammunition, and humanitarian aid. Prophecy Update Videos Must Watch Videos! 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They Want To Implement A Global System Of Digital Identification “For All” That Would Be Connected To Our Bank Accounts - by Michael Snyder - It doesn’t take a genius to figure out where this could be heading. For a moment, I would like for you to imagine a rather chilling “fictional” scenario. Not too far in the future, all “global citizens” are required to possess proper “digital identification” or else they will not be permitted to access the new global digital financial system. Central banks all over the globe have rolled out their new “central bank digital currencies”, but in order to use those currencies you must “prove that you are who you say you are”, and the only way to do that is with the new global system of digital identification that has been introduced. As cash is phased out, those that resist being part of the new global system are increasingly pushed to the outer fringes of society. Hardly anyone is willing to employ them any longer, it has become virtually impossible for them to get loans, and they are looked down upon by much of the general population. And then after the vast majority of the global population has “willingly” signed up for the new global system of digital identification, it is announced that the system will now become mandatory. That means that anyone that does not submit will not be able to buy, sell, get a job or have a bank account. You may think that I am exaggerating the dangers of a global system of digital identification. I wish that I was. Once a global system of digital identification is introduced, it will rapidly become our most important form of identification. It will become more important than your driver’s license and more important than your Social Security number. Pretty quickly, it would become required for almost every financial transaction that you make online. A lot of people may think that would be a good thing. After all, there are so many scammers and thieves on the Internet these days. And I would agree that there is a need for more financial security on the Internet, but I am 100 percent against any type of global digital identification system because the potential for tyranny would be off the charts. Unfortunately, that is exactly the type of system that is now being proposed by policy makers at the United Nations. In a May 2023 policy brief entitled “A Global Digital Compact — an Open, Free and Secure Digital Future for All”, we are told that “an open, free, secure and human-centred digital future” is absolutely critical for the “attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals”… The present brief proposes the development of a Global Digital Compact that would set out principles, objectives and actions for advancing an open, free, secure and human-centered digital future, one that is anchored in universal human rights and that enables the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals. It outlines areas in which the need for multi-stakeholder digital cooperation is urgent and sets out how a Global Digital Compact can help to realize the commitment in the declaration on the commemoration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the United Nations (General Assembly resolution 75/1) to “shaping a shared vision on digital cooperation” by providing an inclusive global framework. Such a framework is essential for the multi-stakeholder action required to overcome digital, data and innovation divides and to achieve the governance required for a sustainable digital future. Most people in the general population would not be too alarmed after reading that introductory paragraph. But as they say, the devil is in the details. If you go to page 8 of the policy brief, you will find the section where a system of digital identification “linked with bank or mobile money accounts” is proposed… Digital IDs linked with bank or mobile money accounts can improve the delivery of social protection coverage and serve to better reach eligible beneficiaries. Digital technologies may help to reduce leakage, errors and costs in the design of social protection programs. I briefly mentioned this the other day, but I don’t think that most people understood the implications that this has for all of us. Under such a system, if your social credit score gets too low you could be put in “digital jail” for a certain period of time. Your “digital privileges” would be suspended for a while, and that would mean that you could not buy, sell or live your normal life for the duration of your punishment. Of course if you insist on being a “repeat offender” enough times, you could have your “digital privileges” revoked permanently. What would you do then? You wouldn’t be able to buy or sell anything. You wouldn’t be able to get a job. You wouldn’t be able to have a bank account. At best, you would be a total outcast from society. Don’t be fooled into thinking that this sort of a system is a long way off. Three months from now, the European Union will “mandate” that all member states offer a “digital identity wallet” to every single one of their citizens and businesses… The European Union will mandate digital identity under eIDAS 2.0, which will go into effect in September 2023 and ensure all Member States offer a digital identity wallet (DIW) to citizens and businesses. According to the European Commission, “At least 80% of citizens should be able to use a digital ID solution to access key public services by 2030.” Initially, participation by individuals and businesses in the EU system will be voluntary. But over the past few years we have seen how quickly “voluntary” measures can become “mandatory”. When I say that we are living in one of the most critical times in all of human history, I am not joking. There is a reason why the UK, the EU and the U.S. are all getting ready to roll out CBDCs. And there is a reason why “digital identification” has suddenly become such a hot issue. They really do want to build a digital prison for all of us, and if you plan to object the time to do so is now. WEF’s Calls for an AI-Generated Bible Are Embedded In A Much Broader Agenda – By Answers In Genesis - Do humans need a new Bible written by artificial intelligence (AI)? Biblically, the resounding answer is no. But Professor Yuval Harari, contributing author and conference speaker for the World Economic Forum (WEF), recently claimed otherwise. In a videoed interview, Harari remarked that AI could not only write a new “Bible,” but also a correct one—implying that God’s Word is incorrect. For context, Harari had been explaining how AI is different from all other previous technological breakthroughs because it’s the first technology that can make decisions—including decisions about humans—and generate ideas. To illustrate, Harari noted that the world-changing breakthrough of the Gutenberg printing press could generate copies of the Bible. But the printing press could not create new content to include in the Bible, nor could it interpret or evaluate the Bible. However, Harari continued, “AI can create new ideas, can even write a new Bible. . . . Throughout history religions dreamed about having a book written by a superhuman intelligence, by a non-human entity.” He then stated (although not entirely accurately) that every religion claims its holy book originated from “superhuman intelligence” while other religions rely on manmade texts. Harari continued, “In a few years, there might be religions that are actually correct, that—just think about a religion whose holy book is written by an AI. That could be a reality in a few years.” What should we make of these remarks? Let’s look closer at who Harari is and what technology he was talking about, so we can understand these comments’ significance. Who Is Yuval Harari? Along with being a historian, futurist, and Israeli university professor, Yuval Harari is a well-known author and contributor to the World Economic Forum. He’s written two popular books, one titled Sapiens that chronicles the (supposed) evolutionary rise of humanity and a second attempting to predict the rise of a new human species—hence the title Homo Deus, meaning “God Man.” Noteworthily, Harari does not view this foreseen new human species as divine. He does not believe in any form of supernatural. Instead, he views homo deus as superhuman, much like the Greek gods who were not omniscient or all-powerful, but simply had powers that made them appear godlike to the people in Greek mythology. Harari believes that homo deus will be that kind of person. While Harari self-identifies as an atheist, the group he is most commonly associated with, the World Economic Forum (WEF), openly courts faith leaders. A range of religious leaders, from Pope Francis to Rick Warren, has spoken at the Forum’s annual meeting in Davos. And Christianity is far from the only religion present at Davos. The Forum collaborates with all faiths. Just what is the WEF? The WEF The WEF is an NGO noted for lobbying governments to enact progressive policies. However, they go far beyond mere lobbying. WEF founder and leader Dr. Klaus Schwab admits that the Forum “penetrate[s] the cabinets” of world governments to achieve their agenda. They do this through a program called the Young Global Leaders. Notable alumni of the program include the current leaders of Canada, France, and Belgium. The program also includes royals from at least two countries (including the crown prince of Norway); journalists from major news organizations like the Washington Post, CNN, and Fox News; CEOs and VPs from major companies like Citi Bank and Verizon; founders of major brands like Airbnb, Facebook, and Wikipedia; parliamentarians from Chile, Israel, Nepal, New Zealand, and Finland; and professors from universities like Harvard, Johns Hopkins, and UC Berkley. Schwab has not just penetrated a handful of cabinets, but the much wider world. An organization with tentacles as widespread as the WEF’s should be taken very seriously. It is important to know what they are about and why they would care so much about using AI to reprogram religions. It may help to know that in 1974, Dr. Schwab insisted on hosting an openly Communist Brazilian archbishop named Dom Hélder Câmara at the Forum in Switzerland—even though Switzerland’s laws against Communism made Câmara’s appearance there illegal. Many of the ideas espoused by the WEF itself are Marxist or neo-Marxist in nature. For example, Schwab advocates for increased governmental control of economies through public-private partnerships to push society toward desired goals. To do this, he calls for what he terms a Great Reset, borrowing from WEF contributor Richard Florida’s book of the same name. Richard Florida explicitly calls for renting instead of home ownership, reduction in car travel, and reduction in energy consumption. His solution to achieve these goals is either a 15-minute city or a 15-minute baseline, where everything you need is within a 15-minute walking/driving distance except in exceptional circumstances. The only way to enforce such a system would be checkpoints or a complete change in values, eliminating freedom of movement. Schwab echoes Richard Florida’s desire to reduce private property but goes a step further by openly calling for global governance to fix the issues. Harari appears to concur, writing in Homo Deus that the goal of government has morphed into providing people with happiness. To ensure this happiness, Harari also calls for a global government. To do this, Harari advocates providing chemicals that induce happiness in the brain, either by bioengineering or by turning humans into godlike cyborgs. This is transhumanism in a nutshell. Harari postulates a future in which the elites of society are effectively made immortal by medicine and technology while the “useless class” are cared for by the state. The combination of Harari’s ideas about happiness and the Marxian reduction of private property led the WEF to release a video in which the sentences “You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy” featured prominently. Importantly, these ideas are not new but have been part of a long-running agenda openly linked to spiritual darkness. As this article documents, a prominent nineteenth-century advocate for communism named Robert Owen wrote that séance spirits he communicated with endorsed a globalist form of socialism in which people would essentially own nothing and be happy. The spirits told Owen that they would gradually persuade people to adopt this scheme, even if nobody believed Owen at first. Now we’re apparently watching that prediction unfold in real time. The WEF’s deadline for many of their stated goals is 2030—as of this writing, less than seven years away. Getting to 2030 The problem the WEF and other likeminded organizations has is that the vast majority of the world’s population is religious—and religion tends to value private property and human rights, at least to some extent. The Bible is explicit that both life and property are inviolate and cannot be taken without process of law. The Ten Commandments clearly state that both murder and theft are wrong, with no exceptions. The WEF recognizes that the values people hold often come directly out of their faiths. Therefore, faiths must change. Correspondingly, the WEF partners with world leaders to change the religious practices of a given faith to better suit their agenda. During the Ebola crisis in West Africa, faith leaders were coopted to change burial practices—ostensibly to reduce death tolls, even though people felt that their religious convictions were being violated. Whether the burial practices were causing extra deaths is immaterial. The point is, religious convictions were reshaped, from the top down, to suit the agenda of an outside group. What has happened once, can and will happen again. Put into context, Harari’s comments about AI seem much more concerning. Harari views himself as a prophet, proclaiming potential doom unless humanity does something. He views religion in general with disfavor, but the idea of an AI-generated religious book that lacks what he terms “the myths of other religions” appears more palatable. Such an idea would also align with the WEF’s stated goals. After all, an AI-generated religious text could be programmed to promote the values of the WEF: lack of private property, restricted freedom of movement, and transhumanism. These values also meld perfectly with Harari’s view that liberty, including cognitive liberty—along with equality and rights—is a socially constructed myth. Keep in mind, Harari said such a religion would be essentially correct. He does not believe in absolute right and wrong, so the only correct is that which aligns with his views. What Is AI? Essentially, AI is software programmed in ways that try to replicate human intelligence. Like an artificial brain, AI can be designed to receive sensory input from devices like cameras or microphones, interpret the data, and perform specific actions in response—including by means of an artificial body (a robot). “Weak” AI, which is programmed to perform highly specific tasks, is already widespread. But “strong” AI, which would theoretically equal or surpass human intelligence, is still speculative. Weak AI relies mainly on “rote learning,” or memorizing information from past experiences to solve specified problems. Strong AI, however, would supposedly achieve general intelligence—the ability to apply knowledge from past experiences to solve new problems. Already, some researchers believe they have found “sparks of general intelligence” in ChatGTP-4. This program, the latest version of the AI language model that’s been making global shockwaves, can generate complex written content in seconds—including stories, poems, movie plots, essays, sermons, answers to abstract questions, and much more. Just what is ChatGPT? While the “chat” part alludes to the program’s function as an advanced chatbot, the “GPT” bit stands for “generative pre-trained transformer.” Transformer indicates the type of AI system involved, which is designed to work like an artificial network of neurons (brain cells). Pre-trained means the program has already “learned” to function by analyzing massive sets of data—in this case, text from sources across the internet. And generative refers to the program’s ability to create humanlike written materials based on that data. Benefits and Risks Ultimately, AI is a tool—albeit an incredibly powerful one. And like any tool, humans can apply AI (whether intentionally or unintentionally) for helpful or harmful purposes. Already, a wide range of AI applications exist to make tasks easier, quicker, and more efficient. Current or prospective AI technologies may benefit multiple fields including medicine, agriculture, business, finances, education, and the military. For instance, one research team observed that AI’s benefits for medicine alone include “improving diagnostic accuracy, detecting diseases before they express, improving prevention, designing patient-centred care pathways, enhancing epidemiology, supporting population health management, and reducing the negative impact of social determinants of health.” However, the researchers continue, “The same technologies pose some critical threats to patient privacy and safety, care providers safety from liability, opportunities for employment, patient engagement, clinician trust and scientific progress itself.” These observations highlight how even within one field, the same technology can harbor both benefits and risks we need to consider if we’re to use the technology wisely. One foreseeable risk, for instance, is that growing reliance on AI for written content may contribute to a “dumbed-down” society of people who cannot think, research, or communicate for themselves—and are therefore easy to control. Professor Harari also noted several additional risks in the interview quoted above, explaining how abuses of AI’s abilities (including its potential for manipulating people’s political opinions) could undermine democracy, fuel an “arms” race between nations, and leave only dictatorships surviving. Others fear even worse scenarios. For instance, a recent opinion editorial published by Scientific American claimed, Once AI systems are built into robots, they will be able to act in the real world, rather than only the virtual (electronic) world, with the same degree of superintelligence, and will of course be able to replicate and improve themselves at a superhuman pace. Any defenses or protections we attempt to build into these AI “gods,” on their way toward godhood, will be anticipated and neutralized with ease by the AI once it reaches superintelligence status . . . We won’t be able to control them because anything we think of, they will have already thought of, a million times faster than us. Still others, however, laud these qualities in hopes of creating AI “gods.” For instance, as AiG has previously reported, Elon Musk has stated that Larry Page, a cofounder of Google, wanted AI programmers to develop “digital super-intelligence, basically a digital god, if you will, as soon as possible.” If mixed with humans, the goal could be to create the homo deus that Harari writes of. AI Is Not God God’s Word clearly answers such attempts to elevate creation—including human creations—to a godlike status. Here are just a few examples: Isaiah 44:9-11 KJV – “They that make a graven image are all of them vanity; and their delectable things shall not profit; and they are their own witnesses; they see not, nor know; that they may be ashamed. Who hath formed a god, or molten a graven image that is profitable for nothing? Behold, all his fellows shall be ashamed: and the workmen, they are of men: let them all be gathered together, let them stand up; yet they shall fear, and they shall be ashamed together.” Isaiah 45:5 KJV – “I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me:” Isaiah 45:20 KJV – “Assemble yourselves and come; draw near together, ye that are escaped of the nations: they have no knowledge that set up the wood of their graven image, and pray unto a god that cannot save.” Jonah 2:8 KJV – “They that observe lying vanities Forsake their own mercy.” Although far more sophisticated than the statue idols that people in biblical times worshipped, “digital gods” are still the works of human hands—lifeless things that cannot love, cannot save, and cannot redeem creation from its sin-cursed state. AI Is Not the Authority for Truth Relatedly, because AI programs have human developers and rely on text from human authors, AI is prone to being tainted by the errors and biases of fallen, finite, fallible humans. (You can see just a few important examples of these errors and biases in this video with AiG’s Bryan Osborne.) For all these reasons, humans must not fall into the trap of looking to AI as the ultimate authority for truth. Only the Word of our all-knowing, infinite, infallible God can fill that role. But voices like Professor Harari’s seem to suggest that AI should function as humanity’s authority for truth—at least, for spiritual truth—by generating new “holy books.” Harari cannot say these books would be “correct” without setting himself as the authority for truth above God’s Word, as humans have attempted to do since Eden. AI Is Not the Church’s Spiritual Leader Even without overtly “worshipping” AI or revering AI-generated text as a “holy book,” Christians may still fall into the trap of looking to AI for other forms of spiritual leadership. Recently, for instance, a church in Germany hosted a service entirely produced by AI—featuring AI worship leaders, an AI pastor, and an AI-generated sermon. Such “services” not only harbor the risk of importing biased, unbiblical messages into the teachings rather than “rightly handling the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15), but AI “church” also contradicts the biblical concept of church. Biblically, church is not a spectator sport where people download entertainment and information from whatever source—human or digital—happens to provide it. Church is the fully human body of Christ, who gather in fellowship around the worship, Word, and remembrance of our fully divine and fully human Savior. Robots do not belong either as participants in the pews or pastors in the pulpits. On that note, another way churches might forfeit spiritual leadership to AI is if pastors increasingly use AI to generate sermons. While AI could be applied for helpful purposes to assist with research, summarizing sources, or similar tasks, pastors who relegate their exegetical duties to AI put themselves and their congregations in danger on multiple levels. For starters, conceding spiritual authority to AI opens the door for unbiblical (or simply non-factual) teachings to reach congregants—especially if pastors are not staying in the Word themselves to catch such errors. But perhaps more significantly, reliance on AI cheats the pastor out of his biblical responsibility to study to show himself approved, diving into the Word of God for himself to become “complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” Conclusion In summary, Harari’s recent calls for an AI-generated Bible did not appear in isolation but are embedded in a much broader agenda that sets up humans (or human technology) as the authority for truth. This agenda, apparent in the openly stated goals of the WEF, envisions a new form of humanity united under a system of global governance, shared property, and manmade spirituality. These realities highlight the appeal of an AI-authored “holy book” which could provide spiritual guidance in line with the worldview beliefs specified for the new society. AI would make for an especially compelling spiritual leader figure for this type of society, as AI’s superhuman-like powers might easily distract people from the reality that its answers are not neutral but the result of programming by fallible, fallen, biased humans. AI is not God, cannot function as humanity’s authority for truth, and must not be treated as a spiritual leader. What does all this mean for Christians? First, although the scope and scale of these realities are certainly daunting, Christians must rest assured that God is sovereign over his creation, none of this surprises him, and he will not allow human schemes to unfold apart from his purposes. As the tower of Babel reminds us, human ambitions to apply technology in hopes of collectively ascending to God’s level are nothing new—and God can easily thwart them if he so chooses. Christians can also respond by continuing to faithfully study and stand on the actual Word of God, remembering to apply biblical critical thinking in recognition of AI’s fallibility. Along the way, we’re also wise to keep our research, writing, and communication skills sharp rather than dull our God-given mental capacities by increasingly outsourcing such tasks to AI. Pastors, especially, must not fall into the trap of letting AI take over their biblical responsibilities. Finally, Christians can approach these times as opportunities to share the gospel, pointing others to the true hope for humanity that digital “gods” can never offer. Daily Jot: The Farm Chronicles: Going Froggin’ - Bill Wilson – The pond was an ongoing temptation. My parents didn’t want me or my friends playing in the pond because they were concerned about one of us drowning, or in my Mother’s case—getting so much mud encrusted on me that it may disrupt her clean house when I came in the door! In any case, that pond was the best thing for an adventurous boy, or group of boys. There were so many interesting exploits surrounding it. I used to make my rounds trying to catch frogs or turtles. Sneaking quietly along the edges of the pond and swiftly and silently pouncing on a frog before he jumped into the water was great sport. If I missed, usually they were back sunning themselves after I made my way all around the pond. One particular summer, I found an old milk cooler that had been tossed out back behind the barn with all the other old artifacts of a time passed—horse drawn wagons, a horse drawn hay loader—cool stuff that me and my friends concocted many a frontier/western/Civil War/Army dramas in our quest to right wrongs and revel in being the heroes. Well, that old milk cooler, rusted as it was, still held water. And it was perfect for what I wanted to do. I spent the morning cleaning it up and getting it leveled on the South end of what we called the “shed.” The shed was more than a shed—it was a horse barn, a hay storage, a workshop and a garage, but it always had been known just as the “shed.” I filled the cooler with water. Then I went out to the pond. Like a ninja, silently stalking my prey, I would sneak up behind an unsuspecting frog bathing himself in the morning sunshine. I had to take great care to approach the frog in just the right way so he couldn’t see me or my shadow. In less than a heartbeat, I would aim for where I thought the frog would jump and if I was quick enough, I would snatch the frog up in my hand. Over the course of a few days, I caught seven frogs and gave them a new home in the old rusted milk cooler. I fed them and cared for them every day. When winter came around, I transferred them to a very large fish bowl I kept in the dining room. There, I trained them every day. Yes, trained them to sit on the linoleum floor and wait their turn to proudly ride on the roof of my Tonka truck around the dining room and the kitchen. These frogs loved it. They would sit in a line and wait their turn to take a ride. When the tour de Wilson was complete, I would put them back in the fish bowl. And the next one would kind of hop up for his ride. Back in the day, we didn’t have video games or 200 TV channels to occupy our minds during boring times, but we did have frogs! In the Bible, the Lord used frogs as judgment, especially on Egypt, as is told in Psalm 105:30, “Their land brought forth frogs in abundance, in the chambers of their kings.” The Ohio pond frogs could have been descended from the Biblical frogs, but their demeanor was likely far more pleasant and entertaining than those that helped liberate the Israelites from slavery. Daily Devotion: Pushing Others Forward - by Greg Laurie – All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it. —1 Corinthians 12:27 - Listen When Pastor Chuck Smith was helping our church start our ministry of large-scale evangelistic events, he was willing to take the role of a servant to help it happen. I remember saying to him, “It’s a great quality that you have always given an opportunity for others to be used by God, and you were willing to stand back and let that happen.” He was always willing to push others forward because his goal was to see God glorified. Think of what can happen if every Christian were to take that attitude. We should be able to rejoice when God is working in another person’s life. Yet we may see God bless someone in a tangible way, and we don’t think it’s fair. Maybe God begins to bless and use a certain individual, and we say, “Lord, wait a second. I have faithfully served You all these years. But this Johnny-come-lately pops up, and You’re blessing this person instead of me. It isn’t fair! I’m so much godlier than they are. I’m more committed than they are. And most of all, I’m humbler than they are.” However, we should rejoice that God is being glorified and that the gospel is being preached. Speaking about the body of Christ, the church, the apostle Paul wrote, “If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it, and if one part is honored, all the parts are glad. All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it” (1 Corinthians 12:26–27 NLT). We need to guard against the petty jealousy and rivalry that we can so easily fall into. If God lifts up one of us and blesses us, we should rejoice. It doesn’t have to be you or me. What’s important is that God is the One who’s receiving the glory. PROPHECY UPDATE NEWS HEADLINES Yesterday's Prophecies - Today's Headlines HEADLINES IN PARTNERSHIP WITH TRACKING BIBLE PROPHECY 6/23/23
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