The Blessed Hope: Part I - By Mark Hall -
OUR BLESSED HOPE God’s word is a wonderful book of hope. God’s word reveals the hope of forgiveness and eternal life. God’s word gives us the hope of God’s promises and the glorious hope of an eternal kingdom that will never end. But one of our greatest hopes as believers in Christ is the promise of His return. The return of Jesus Christ is not a superstitious myth or a tall tale. I assure you that the return of Jesus Christ is as sure as the rising sun. To understand the return of Jesus Christ, we must first realize that between now and the day Jesus Christ returns to this earth as the King of kings, there are many events that must first take place. There must first be an alignment of a ten-kingdom empire of global authority. From that world empire, a lawless man of great deception will rise to power. There must be the signing of a treaty that will begin a seven-year tribulation. There must be world wars and famine, with terrible deception and great destruction. These are just a few of the many coming attractions that must take place before the second coming of Jesus Christ. But there is also one other event that must also take place, and for the believer, it is the most exciting event found in the word of God. It is called the catching away of the saints, or the Rapture of the church. I believe it is the next great event on God’s prophetic calendar. Bible prophecy reveals that Rapture will be the most dramatic, world-shaking event in human history. It will be an event of such magnitude that the world will never again be the same. It will far surpass the shock of Pearl Harbor and 9-11. It will ultimately divide every person on earth between those who believe in Jesus Christ and those who don’t. Those who believe in Christ and are followers of Christ will instantly vanish from this earth, where we will be immediately ushered into the glorious presence of Jesus Christ, our eternal Savior and King. Glory to God; What a day that will be! Those who reject Christ will be left behind to face a world that will be far different than anything they have ever imagined. Those left behind will confront a new world order of despair, evil, lawlessness, and a global demonic ruler, the antichrist, and his satanic program of terror. Those left behind will experience the floodgates of God’s wrath upon an evil and godless world through 21 divine judgments that are beyond my ability to describe. But for those who know Christ, we have the promise of a blessed hope in a kingdom of glory that will never end. As your pastor and your watchman, I preach this message to inspire you to live godly lives as we wait for our blessed hope in Christ’s return, and as a warning to those who choose to reject Jesus Christ as the only way of salvation. THE COMING OF CHRIST To fully understand the return of Jesus Christ, we must first recognize that the coming of Christ will take place in two distinct and separate events. Most people know about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, which happens at the very end of the tribulation when He physically returns to this earth and sets up His kingdom for a thousand years. But there is also another event called the Rapture that is different from the Second Coming. The Rapture is a very unique and special event when Jesus returns for His church in what the Bible calls the great catching away of the saints and our blessed hope. This Blessed hope, which we call the Rapture, is a supernatural event when the Lord Jesus Christ appears in the sky, and in a moment faster than the blink of an eye, He catches away His church to be with Him, in His glory forever. This mind-bending, earth-shattering event is vividly described in I Thessalonians 4:16-18. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 “For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus, we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words.” There are four powerful points that we must not miss about this future event. IN CHRIST First, verse 16 reveals that only those who are in Christ will experience this glorious event that we call our blessed hope. The big question is, what does it mean to be in Christ?
It means you believe He will return as the eternal King of kings and Lord of lords. Only those who are in Christ will experience this Blessed Hope when we will be instantly caught up to be with the Lord forever in His kingdom of glory. Whatever you do, make sure… make very sure, you are in Christ. THE TRANSFORMATION Second, our blessed hope is a transformation event where we will be instantly changed. Paul explains in I Corinthians 15 how in the twinkling of an eye, we are instantly transformed from a body of corruption and sin into a brand-new perfect body that will last forever. That’s what I call a true blessing of hope… 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 “Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed—in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed” (NKJV). In the twinkling of an eye, we will be instantly changed. The Greek word for twinkling is the word “Atomos,” which is where we get our word atom. The meaning is that this event will happen so quickly, with such supernatural speed, that it will happen faster than the blink of an eye. In a moment faster than time can be measured, we will be instantly transformed from this old body of sin into a new heavenly body to meet the Lord in the air, where we will be ushered into His eternal and glorious presence. Third, what will we be like when we are transformed into a new body? 1 John 3:2 “Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.” For those who are in Christ, at the moment of the Rapture, we will be transformed into a new perfect body just like Jesus! It will be a perfect body; a glorious body; a body that will never know sin or sickness or pain or sorrow. It will be a heavenly body that will last forever! This is why I am so excited about the future. This is why I am looking for Jesus Christ and His promise of a blessed hope! THE RAPTURE Fourth, as you may have already noticed, the word “rapture” is not found anywhere in the Bible. Skeptics take great delight in pointing out that the word “Rapture” does not appear anywhere in the Bible, and therefore, they say there is no such thing as a rapture. However, that’s not true. The word “rapture” is not found in the English Bible because it’s not an English word. The word “rapture” is a Latin word translated from the Greek word “Harpazo” found in I Thessalonians 4:17, which means to “take out or to “snatch away without warning.” It is from this Greek word “Harpazo” that we get the Latin word ‘rapture’ and our English phrase “caught up” found in I Thessalonians 4:17. The point is, although the word “Rapture” is not in the English Bible, it is very clear that the teaching of the Rapture is. WHY IS THE RAPTURE SO IMPORTANT? Why is the Rapture so important? Why should we be looking for our blessed hope? First, the Rapture is important because the Rapture is God’s fulfilled promise to deliver the church from the coming wrath and judgment of God upon the whole world. 1 Thessalonians 1:10 “to wait for His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, even Jesus who delivers [rescues] us from the wrath to come.” This is God’s promise to deliver those who love His Son, Jesus Christ, from the terrible wrath that will soon come upon the whole world, and God will not forsake His promise. Revelation 3:10 “Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth” (NKJV). The word “from” is the Greek word “ek,” which means to physically remove something or to take something out of. In other words, Jesus says, “I will take you out of the world and keep you from the hour of trial” that will come upon the whole world. This is why Paul called this wonderful promise our blessed hope… Titus 2:13 “looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ…” (NKJV). The Rapture of the church is not something we are to fear or dread; it is a blessed hope of God’s glorious promise to rescue us from the coming wrath of God that will be poured out upon a sinful and evil world. This is why Jesus said in Luke 21:36 “Watch, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man” (NKJV). Think about this for a moment. Jesus warned of a future generation that would be so bad that we should pray to escape all that would come upon the whole world. I believe we are that generation, and we should pray for and look forward to the coming of Christ. Second, the Rapture is important because when it happens, it will literally be a life-changing event that will trigger the final days of planet Earth as we know it. The Rapture will be the catalyst that sets everything into hyperdrive motion. For example: It will set into motion the economic collapse of world governments and will bring about a final world empire of a one-world government and a one-world currency. It will set into motion the rise of a world dictator known as the antichrist. It will set into motion a seven-year tribulation of such unimaginable wrath and judgment that Jesus said it would be the worst time period in human history. This is why we are encouraged to look for our blessed hope in Jesus Christ. Third, and very importantly, the wonderful, good news is that as believers in Christ, we are not looking for the coming wrath of God. We are not looking for the antichrist. We are looking for, and waiting for, the blessed hope of Jesus Christ, our great Savior and Lord. Jesus said, when you see all these things happening, “lift up your head for your redemption is very near” (Luke 21:28). THE MOMENT OF THE RAPTURE That brings us to this question; how will the Rapture trigger end-time events? In your imagination, picture what this electrifying moment will be like. Picture a day like any other day when suddenly and without warning, Jesus Christ, the eternal King of kings, appears in the clouds of heaven like a flash of lighting. Suddenly, the sound of a heavenly trumpet vibrates across the heavens. In the twinkling of an eye, every born-again, Bible-believing Christian instantly vanishes from this earth faster than the speed of light and is immediately ushered into the eternal presence of Jesus. Imagine the shock of those left behind, who witness this world-shattering moment as friends and family members suddenly vanish before their eyes. Children, parents, spouses, friends, coworkers, all who love Jesus Christ will disappear faster than the blink of an eye.
Every person on planet Earth will be affected by this event. Panic will grip the world as the world will encounter chaos unlike any other time in history. In the days that follow, the world economy will collapse as governments and nations seek to deal with this devastating nightmare. In a split moment of time, the world will be changed forever. It will be a day so catastrophic that it will always be remembered as THE DAY… And very importantly, in a single instant, the world will suddenly find itself without the influence of godly men and women. One of the most intriguing points about the Rapture that so many seem to overlook is that when this moment happens, every believer in Christ will, in an instant, be removed from this world, which means every single person left on planet Earth will be a Christ-rejecting, God-hating, sin-loving unbeliever. Picture in your mind that, in this single moment, the entire world will instantly be fully immersed in a spiritual darkness unlike anything the world has ever known. Image in the theater of your mind a world where every single person on planet Earth is an unbeliever that does not know or believe in God and has rejected the light of God’s truth. And in that vacuum of spiritual darkness, evil will grip the world like a steel trap. The world has never experienced anything like it. In the ensuing days, the most evil man in history, whom the Bible calls the antichrist and the beast, will quickly ascend to world power, and with him will come hell on earth. Those who rejected Jesus Christ will quickly discover they have been left behind to face a nightmare of spiritual darkness that Jesus said would be the worst time period in human history. But, glory to God… those who are caught up to meet the Lord will experience the fullness of God’s glorious blessing of hope that is promised to every believer. This great hope is so amazing with glory and truth that Paul wrote in I Thessalonians 4:18… “encourage each other with these words.” When Jesus comes for His bride, the church, He will come suddenly; He will come without warning to snatch us away to His dwelling place for eternity. This is why we are to be looking for, waiting for, and longing for our blessed hope in Jesus Christ. IN CLOSING, WHY SHOULD WE BE LOOKING FOR THE RAPTURE? In closing, since the Bible says we don’t know the day or hour of Christ’s return, why then should I be looking for the Rapture? I can give you several reasons, but the most important reason is that if you are not looking for Jesus Christ, then most likely you are not prepared for His coming, and that would be a terrible tragedy. As believers in Christ, we are commanded to watch and pray and to be prepared at all times for Christ’s return. I want to make it very clear that those who are not in Christ will be left behind. Whatever you do, make very sure you are not one of those who is left behind. For those who reject Jesus Christ and suddenly find themselves left behind in a world of darkness and evil, I want to point out two things that are absolutely vital for you to hear. First, when the Rapture happens, and it will happen, it will be a day the world will never forget. But… it may also be your last day in this world. When the Rapture happens, the world will explode into chaos and turmoil. My point is, if… if… you happen to survive the initial chaos and madness on the day of the Rapture, my suggestion is for you to immediately fall upon your knees and cry out to God for mercy. For those left behind, life will be full of terror and evil beyond anything the world has ever known. The moment you know the Rapture has happened… the moment you realize you have been left behind… is the moment when you realize that everything you have heard today is true… I call you in the name of Jesus to give your life to Christ. This is why I preach this message now so that you can take this moment to give your life to Christ and not be left behind to face a world gone mad with evil. Second, if you suddenly find yourself left behind because you stubbornly insisted on staying in this evil-loving world, I give you permission to break into my house (After the Rapture and not before!). In my library, you will find three full shelves of books on Bible prophecy and end times. You are welcome to take what you need and prepare yourself for what is to come. Very soon, the trumpet call of God will sound in the heavens when Jesus Christ, our Savior and King, will suddenly appear in the sky, and with a heavenly command, He will shout out, “Come up here!” And in the twinkling of an eye, our bodies will be instantly changed from a mortal corrupt body of sin to an eternal, immortal body of glory. In an instant, faster than time can be measured, we will rise up with believers from all over the world to meet our eternal Lord and Savior in the air.
Your eternal destiny is at stake. So, I ask you, if Jesus Christ came in the next 60 seconds, would you be caught up to meet the Lord in the Rapture, or would you be left behind? Today is the day that God has given you to secure your eternal ticket for the next great, world-shaking event on God’s calendar, the Rapture of the church, our blessed hope! Jesus Christ is the only way to escape what is about to happen on planet Earth. Let today be the day for you to surrender your life to Jesus Christ. Romans 10:9-10 “if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” Is God on The Brink of Saying ‘Enough Is Enough’ To the Wickedness In Our World? – By Terry James - It is something almost none of us want to even think about, much less jump into the middle of and confront face to face in order to put an end to it. But it is now here, right in our faces, as the neo-Sodomites are setting the stage for the moment when God in Heaven will say, ”THAT’S ENOUGH!”, as he has done at various times in the history of the human race.
Jesus, as I incessantly harp on, has prophesied a time near the end of this Age of Grace when God will again say, “THAT’S ENOUGH!” (See Luke 17:28–30 below, which, as I’ve indicated over and over, is the definitive Rapture passage issued by the very Word of God–Jesus Christ.) I absolutely believe Jesus will very soon shout with the voice of an archangel, and with the trump of God: “Come up here!” (Revelation 4:1–2). Rapture Ready News provided the stories that set in motion my urge to address this most profound signal that God is on the brink of again saying, “Enough is enough!” Consider the following two excerpts: Drag Marchers At NYC Pride Event Shout “We’re Here, We’re Queer and We’re Coming for Your Children!” LGBTQ activists participating in New York City’s annual Drag March on Friday sparked outrage for chanting “we’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children” in a Manhattan park. The marchers, many wearing flamboyant dresses and clothing, walked through Tompkins Square Park in the East Village Friday night as part of the city’s Pride Month celebrations. What was all that about? Oh nothing, just the Pride Movement announcing their plans to groom and recruit your kids. Fully Naked Men Expose Their Genitalia to Children at Seattle Pride Parade Meanwhile in the Democrat hellhole of Seattle… Fully naked men exposed themselves to children at a pride parade in Seattle, Washington on Sunday. The naked men rode bikes and flashed children as they rode by. As stated above, no one wants to even think on this kind of wickedness, much less get involved to the point of having to confront and fight against it. But it is a necessity, or else our children and grandchildren will eventually be victims of the neo-Sodomite drive to carry out Satan’s blueprint to immerse culture and society beneath the cesspool of wickedness that now threatens these days—days that have inarguably become like they were in the days of Lot. Here again is what Jesus foretold. I believe His warning is for this very time when we are watching things like the above unfold. Luke 17:28–30 KJV – “Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.” Just as matters involving Israel and the Gog-Magog coalition forces are in view, and just as all issues involving movement toward Antichrist’s coming regime are developing swiftly, the cultural and societal corruption is quickly swamping America and the world in Sodomite-like evil. Here is what God says about satanic assault on children. Luke 17:2 KJV – “It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.” I believe our God is about to say: “That’s enough!” Prophecy Update Videos Must Watch Videos! Videos You Can Trust
Franklin Graham: ‘Never Before in America Have, We Seen Such Open Contempt For The Word Of God’ – By Rev. Franklin Graham - Just a few weeks ago, I had the privilege of proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Seoul, Korea, at the 50th anniversary of my father’s historic 1973 Crusade, where he preached to more than 3 million people. That year, on June 3 alone, a crowd of 1.1 million gathered at Yoido Plaza—a runway used during the Korean war—to hear my father’s message from God’s Word. At the anniversary event, an overflow crowd of 70,000 came to hear the Gospel at Seoul’s World Cup Stadium. I was joined in Seoul by my sons Will and Roy and our good friend Dr. Billy Kim, who served as my father’s interpreter in 1973. We celebrated God’s faithfulness and the saving power of God’s Gospel. The last time my father spoke with Dr. Kim, he told him, “Let’s have one more Crusade in Korea,” so I’m sure my father would have been very excited and thankful about what just happened. I preached the same Gospel message that my father preached then, and just like 50 years ago, God’s Spirit worked to bring many to repentance and saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Even though five decades have passed since that wonderful Crusade, the needs of the human heart haven’t changed. There is a new generation of people who need to know that God loves them and cares for them, and that they can have a personal relationship with God when they repent of their sins and call on the Name of Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. They need the sure and eternal hope that only God can give. By God’s grace and through His power, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association has been proclaiming the same, simple Gospel message around the world for more than seven decades now. We know the Gospel itself is the “power of God to salvation” (Romans 1:16). In all we do, we always seek to come alongside the church, as well as other ministries that share the same passion for evangelism that we have. Just a few weeks before I was in Seoul, I spoke at the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) Convention in Florida, the world’s largest association of Christian communicators. NRB member organizations represent millions of listeners, viewers and readers. I touched on how my father used television and radio from the early days of his ministry, and today at BGEA, we work to proclaim the Gospel by every effective means available to us. I also shared how my father used his platform to help others in ministry. As large corporate tech companies are increasingly hostile to the Christian faith, we at BGEA are taking proactive steps to help ensure we can keep on proclaiming the Gospel regardless of “progressive” policies that seek to silence us. These moves make it possible to offer strategic help to like-minded ministries that face the same dangers. Make no mistake, the cancel culture from woke businesses, schools and corporations is coming hard after Christians who are faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ in matters involving mankind’s sin, God’s holiness, and Jesus as “the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). As Jesus advised His disciples on His last night with them: “If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you” (John 15:18). I warned the thousands at the NRB convention that a storm is coming, and we’d better be ready because it appears as if all the demons in hell have been turned loose. Never before in America have we seen such open contempt for the Word of God. And when I say demons, I mean just that. We know that Satan and his rebellious, unholy allies were cast down out of Heaven at one point. “And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” (Revelation 12:7-9). Behind the disdain and hatred for Christ and His followers is the evil one, plus his minions who for a season have been allowed by God to work evil on Earth. Remember that the devil is a deceiver, a murderer, a destroyer by his own sinister, wicked nature. He and his demonic hordes—who knows how many—are especially adept at lying. The devil lied to Eve in the Garden, telling her “you will not surely die” (Genesis 3:4). But of course both Eve and Adam believed the lie and the fall of mankind into sin began for all. Speaking to the Pharisees about the devil, Jesus said, he “abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” (John 8:44). One of the big lies in our culture today is that persons are free to change their gender, biological identity or their sexual preferences. That is a demonic lie. The Bible says, “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them” (Genesis 1:27). This is the authoritative, unchanging truth of the Word of God. Another demonic lie in our culture today is that a baby in the womb is simply a mass of tissue—without value, soul or meaning—that can be aborted. The Bible says, “For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:13-14). The Apostle Paul said that he had been set apart for the Gospel “from my mother’s womb” (Galatians 1:15). Perhaps the greatest demonic lie in our culture is that we are all basically good, with no responsibility toward anyone except ourselves. The Bible says that “there is none righteous, no, not one; there is none who understands; there is none who seeks after God … there is none who does good, no, not one” (Romans 3:10-12). The Bible says, “each of us shall give account of himself to God” (Romans 14:12). The good news is that Satan has already been decisively defeated on the cross by the Lord Jesus Christ (Colossians 2:15). He works his woe, but he knows that his time on Earth as the deceiver and destroyer will soon be over (Revelation 12:12), and he and his rebellious demons will be forever cast into the burning lake of fire (Revelation 20:10). Until that time, we stand on the all-powerful, never-changing truth of God’s Word, and we refuse to buy into any of the enemy’s wicked tactics. In Christ Jesus, we are always more than conquerors, whatever the culture may futilely say. How Many July 4th Celebrations Do We Have Left? - by Michael Snyder - I hope that this Independence Day was the greatest Independence Day that you and your family have ever experienced. Personally, I had the opportunity to spend some time with family over the past several days, and that helped to rejuvenate me. We should be thankful for times like these, because we will not always have them. In fact, at the rate that America is falling we may not have too many July 4th celebrations left. Just about every major decision that our leaders make is self-destructive, and if we stay on the road that we are currently on our nation is not going to survive. So let us hope for some sort of a great awakening to happen soon, because the clock is ticking. In a recent article, Jeff Lukens pointed out that when nations finally die they tend to do so “with surprising speed”… When nations die, they do so with surprising speed. Ernest Hemingway made a similar observation when a person in his novel was asked how he went bankrupt, and his reply was, “Gradually, then suddenly.” Nations are built upon classical values — perseverance, self-reliance, and honor. A great nation is one whose values have made it unusually prosperous. In its latter days, the nation becomes hollowed out and burdened with a costly, top-heavy government. The middle class is expected to provide generosity to the masses. Over time, traditional values fade away, and everyone seeks to live off everyone else. The United States shows aspects of a once great power past its prime. It is socially and politically divided, aware of the necessity for changes, unable or unwilling to make them, and losing the conviction in the shared goals that earlier invigorated it. Sadly, he is quite right. Our core values have been fading away for decades, and at this point most Americans realize that something has gone horribly wrong. In fact, a recent Gallup poll discovered that a whopping 87 percent of us rate the overall state of America’s moral values as either “poor” or “only fair”… A record-high 50% of Americans rate the overall state of moral values in the U.S. as “poor,” and another 37% say it is “only fair.” Just 1% think the state of moral values is “excellent” and 12% “good.” We know that we are deeply sick, but we don’t have the willpower to turn things around. In addition to the moral decay that we see all around us, Americans are also losing faith in the things that are supposed to unite all of us as Americans. Another Gallup survey that was recently conducted found that only 29 percent of Democrats and only 33 percent of Independents are “extremely proud” to be Americans at this point. Patriotism is in decline, and this is especially true among our young people. As a result, fewer and fewer of them want to serve in our all-volunteer military, and this is starting to cause major problems. Our “all-volunteer force” has been shrinking, and so if a major war were to erupt we would likely see a draft be instituted… Because of its cost, the AVF is too small to handle a major war or emergency. When faced with two medium-size campaigns, in Iraq and Afghanistan, the AVF was seriously challenged to provide sufficient troops, despite constant mobilization of reservists, the enlistment of local allies, and the deployment of copious contractors. A major conflict would break the AVF—an open secret in defense circles, but something that few in Washington want to discuss. Over the past year of fighting, Russia and Ukraine have both taken casualties equal to at least half the active-duty U.S. Army. (U.S. military doctrine says that a force is destroyed after sustaining 30 percent casualties). Selective Service, subject to even less scrutiny than the AVF, remains on the books because if we ever enter into another major conflict, we will need a draft again. Could you imagine how our young adults would respond if such a thing actually happened? There would be riots all over the country. Right now, so few young people want to enlist that the U.S. Army isn’t even coming close to meeting their recruiting targets… The result is that 2023 is likely to be the worst year for military recruiting since the AVF began. Most of the services have already said that they will fail to hit their recruiting targets. The Army, short 15,000 recruits last year and facing the same shortfall this year, is shrinking. The Army’s top enlisted leader, Sergeant Major of the Army Michael Grinston, recently warned that trying to do more with less is putting “an enormous strain” on soldiers and their families. In order for an all-volunteer military to work, a significant portion of the population has got to deeply believe in the core values that the country represents. But what are America’s core values today? The guy in the White House and his family have made millions of dollars by doing favors for foreigners, and our deeply corrupt news networks don’t seem to care very much. The values that Joe Biden says that he represents are diametrically opposed to the values of our founders. At this point, the White House is literally seething with evil, and so it shouldn’t surprise us that the Secret Service just found cocaine in the White House library… A game of Internet Clue has broken out on social media as Americans share memes about the cocaine found at the White House over the holiday weekend. Mystery ensued on Tuesday following reports that a suspicious white powder that turned out to be the narcotic was found at the White House library on Sunday, sparking a hazmat situation and forcing an evacuation. The discovery came two days after recovering addict Hunter Biden, 52, was last seen at the White House, and internet trolls took joy in speculating on the culprit. During his lifetime, Hunter Biden has consumed mountains of cocaine, and so there is lots of speculation that he was responsible for bringing it into the White House. Hopefully that is not true, because it would be really bad news if he was experiencing a relapse. Of course the White House library is under video surveillance 24 hours a day, and so the Secret Service should be able to easily determine who brought cocaine into that room. But if it was Hunter Biden, I am sure that the story will be hushed up and brushed under the rug. In Washington, deception and lies have become more common than the truth, and most Americans are entirely convinced that this will never change. But one way or another, change is coming. No government that hates the truth will stand for long. And as James Howard Kunstler has aptly observed, truth will ultimately prevail even if America does not… Hard times will produce strong men and women with a bias toward reality, which naturally tends to comprise things that are truthful. Untruth will be consigned back to its traditional category: Evil. It will be shunned, as it should be. Nations come and go and perhaps America, as a federation of states united as one, will go. Many of the self-evident truths that were born with her will remain to be honored one way or another, in some region of this large land-mass, or another. Events await. Facing our time of dark uncertainty, we have a lot to think about this Fourth of July, a very solemn holiday. We certainly do have a lot to think about. Time is running out. Will America wake up in time? Daily Jot: Stupidocrisy: Delusional Deprogramming - Bill Wilson – There are a lot of stupid things being done in this world by self-proclaimed smart people. We see it every day. The lack of common sense, common decency and common manners has become, well, common. In fact, it is a phenomenon and when it becomes institutionalized, I would say it is Stupidocrisy. We especially see it in political leaders. We also see it in those who blindly follow conspiracy theories that are totally absurd just because they want to believe it is truth. Each week, The Daily Jot tries to pick out the most stupid thing of the week and call it what it is—stupid—in this once a week feature, Stupidocrisy. Hopefully, it gives you a chuckle and a way to talk about these things with others. This week’s Stupidocrisy is about deprogramming. The left’s talking points in October 2021 on all their propaganda outlets (translated mainstream media) pondered how to deprogram 74 million people who voted for Donald Trump. They said these mostly white supremacists are responsible for a delusional cult that is dangerous to America. They say that the handful of people who took selfies at the Capitol on January 6 and that the delusional QAnon followers are representative of all Trump voters. Throw in everybody who is white, Christian and not a Democrat, and there’s probably more than 74 million, but that’s a good start for the left and Democratic Party leaders. By the way, aren’t most of them white, and claim to be Christian? And wasn’t it the Democratic Party that institutionalized the white supremacist Jim Crow laws? Even today, they use the word “delusional” a lot. If we are going to talk delusional, it’s not really fair to do so without mentioning some of the things the 74 million might think a little odd about the leftists and the Democratic Party leadership. Things like: codifying the legality of infanticide in the name of healthcare; the idea that there are some 112 genders needing special protected “rights”; that the weather can be changed by taxing people; shutting down the gas and oil industries, putting thousands out of work, raising the price of energy, and becoming dependent on evil empires like China; supporting a terrorist state cutting Israel in half; quarantining healthy people—oh, there is much, much more, if we truly want to understand delusion and the need for deprogramming. Did it ever occur to these leftists that maybe there were 74 million people in America that just don’t agree with the stupidocrisy offered by the Democratic Party? Did it ever occur to them that 74 million voters might just want to know what actually did happen in Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Georgia that possibly had a bearing on the outcome of the presidential election—just to get closure? If all these people are delusional and there is nothing to worry about, why are the leftists and politicians holed up in Washington, DC behind razor wire, chain fences and 20,000 troops? Proverbs 16:22 says, “Understanding is a wellspring of life unto him that has it: but the instruction of fools is folly.” Yep. Come to think of it, maybe some deprogramming wouldn’t be so bad after all. Especially, if it gets rid of…say it with me…Stupidocrisy. Daily Devotion: Obedience and Joy - by Greg Laurie – Joyful are those who obey his laws and search for him with all their hearts. They do not compromise with evil, and they walk only in his paths. —Psalm 119:2–3 - Listen When Potiphar’s wife tried to tempt Joseph, it was his love for God that functioned as a deterrent. It kept him from sinning. Joseph said, “How could I do such a wicked thing? It would be a great sin against God” (Genesis 39:9 NLT). When we keep God’s commandments, we should keep them with all our hearts because we love God. We should want to keep them. Of course, the devil will try to stop us from walking according to God’s commands. He will set traps for us and try to trip us up. He wants to keep us from living holy and happy lives. Some people see God’s laws as restrictive, as things that prevent them from really enjoying life. However, His commands protect us from the things that can harm us. And keeping His commands is the way to live life to its fullest. Therefore, the law is something that we should want to keep. The psalmist wrote, “Joyful are those who obey his laws and search for him with all their hearts” (Psalm 119:2 NLT). A few verses later we read, “How can a young person stay pure? By obeying your word” (verse 9 NLT). I think we all recognize that young people today are facing some serious temptations. But this principle also applies to every Christian. If you want to live a clean life, you must obey the Word of God. This means not just reading the Bible but doing what it says. As someone pointed out, “It is not how you mark your Bible; it’s how your Bible marks you.” Read God’s Word with a desire to apply it to your life. It’s attention with intention. If you will apply yourself wholly to the Scriptures and apply the Scriptures wholly to yourself, it will have an impact on your life. PROPHECY UPDATE NEWS HEADLINES Yesterday's Prophecies - Today's Headlines HEADLINES IN PARTNERSHIP WITH TRACKING BIBLE PROPHECY 7/5/23
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