The Days of Elijah – Pete Garcia -
When we think about the last days, our first thoughts often turn to compare them to the days of Noah and Lot. After all, Jesus is the one who made that comparison (Luke 17:26-30). We might also think about the birth pangs Jesus spoke of in His epochal Olivet Discourse or Paul's grim warnings of perilous times. All of these are accurate descriptions. However, those weren't the only appropriate descriptions. When we take into consideration, typology, this opens the door to describing the last days in many other facets. The last days, in keeping with the context of Genesis chapter six, connect the days of Noah to the scope of global wickedness and violence running rampant in his day. In keeping with Genesis chapters 18-19, Lot’s Day highlights the depth of immorality and moral depravity men were capable of. Although we are seeing the shadow of this growing longer in our day, the full depth and scope of darkness will not be felt until the rapture door is shut, and those that dwell on the earth prepare for the fiery trial they are about to endure. However, there is another time that may be more apropos of the time just prior to That Day (the Day of the Lord), and that is to the days of Elijah. Now, I don’t want to make too much of a comparison between ancient Israel and the United States, but if you think about it, the days we are living in now are for the Church, increasingly like those days. It was under King Solomon's son Rehoboam and servant Jeroboam, we saw the kingdom of Israel first divided. King Jeroboam replaced the worship of the true God Yahweh in the north (Israel), for the adoption and normalization of pagan idolatry of her surrounding neighbors. He did this because he didn't want his subjects traveling south to Jerusalem, fearing they might one day side with Rehoboam. By Elijah's day, the Israelites were still living in a divided kingdom with the northern kingdom being ruled by Ahab and Jezebel and the southern kingdom being ruled by Jehoshaphat. Nevertheless, from Jeroboam's reign down through Ahab, the northern kingdom was plagued by one wicked and oppressive leader after another. In fact, in its 200 years, the kingdom of Israel never had one righteous leader. In the north, we see the incremental normalization of the institution of child sacrifice, which was done to satiate the bloodlust of their new false gods, Baal, Asherah, and Molech. There was also a growing tumult to the east in what was called Mesopotamia. It was in Elijah’s day that we start to see the ascent of Israel and Judah's future enemies. There was the Assyrian Kingdom which was quickly becoming a regional powerbroker. The Assyrians would be subsequently followed by the increasingly powerful Babylonian, Persian, Greek, and Roman empires. Lastly, in Elijah’s day, we see the supernaturally miraculous delivery of the man himself. Historical Revisit After King Solomon died, the nation of Israel split in two with Rehoboam ruling in Judea, and Jeroboam ruling in the north of what was called Israel. Down the line, all of Israel’s kings were evil. Not a single righteous one in the whole lot. King Ahab was the son of King Omri, king of Israel, and He ruled for 22 years from 874-853. He married Jezebel, the Sidonian (Sidon was a Phoenician city north of Tyre in what is now, modern-day Lebanon) and he worshipped her god Baal. The Sidonians used to be the Phoenicians, who used to be the Canaanites. Remember that Solomon had become trading partners with Sidon in his day, and it is presumed that a relationship remained intact all the way to Ahab. Ahab was a wicked king who set up a temple to Baal in Samaria, Israel’s capital, as well as Bethel and Dan. Now, Jeroboam had long since established idol worship in the north because he didn’t want his people going south to the temple in Jerusalem because he feared they would become loyal to Rehoboam and help overthrow him. It was during this time that Ahab and Jezebel attempted to push Baal worship on a nation and tried to silence God’s prophets. Apparently, she had killed so many that Obadiah, an officer in Ahab’s court, had hidden a hundred prophets in two caves because he feared she would kill them all. She was even more wicked than Ahab and convinced him to do things like killing Naboth (through false witnesses and treachery) so he could take over his vineyard. Abbreviated timeline of Elijah; timeline from Timeline (1 Kings 16:29 - 2 Kings 2:11) ~900 BC: Elijah is born in Tishbe, Gilead ~874 BC: Ahab becomes king of Israel ~873 BC: King Ahab builds an altar in the temple of Baal ~870 BC: Elijah warns King Ahab that God will send a drought as punishment for worshiping Baal ~870 BC: God instructs Elijah to hide near the brook Cherith, where the ravens would feed him ~867 BC: Elijah challenges King Ahab and Baal’s prophets to show the people who the real god is ~867 BC: Elijah orders the people to execute the prophets of Baal at Brook Kishon ~867 BC: Elijah asks God for heavy rains to end the drought ~867 BC: Elijah runs away to escape Jezebel’s vengeance ~867 BC: God asks Elijah why he was hiding in a cave ~867 BC: God instructs Elijah to anoint Hazael, who is to be king of Syria ~867 BC: God tells Elijah to anoint Jehu king of Israel, and Elisha to replace him as prophet ~865 BC: Elijah anoints Elisha by placing his cloak on him ~862 BC: God prophesies King Ahab’s death and tells Elijah to deliver the prophecy to the king ~862 BC: Elijah prophesies Jezebel’s death, that she will be devoured by dogs by the wall of Jezreel. [my comment: she dies later at the hands of King Jehu at Naboth’s vineyard 2 Kings 9:30-37- of note, even though Jehu was evil, God used him as an instrument to destroy the line of Ahab] ~849 BC: Ahaziah dies exactly as God has told Elijah. – 2 Kings 1:17 ~849 BC: A fiery chariot drawn by fiery horses appears, and a whirlwind takes Elijah to heaven. (end quote) Even in our day, we see our nation becoming increasingly divided. We see the growing tumultuous undercurrents around the globe in every direction. We have global wickedness reaching peak levels. We have global immorality reaching peak levels. We see abortion killing more than a billion babies on the altar of convenience around the world. The normalization of idolatry is now the norm, not the exception. We have had, at least since the 1960s, a deep state ran, criminal bureaucracy controlling the levers of power in our nation’s capital. With two brief exceptions, we’ve seen wicked and oppressive leadership in our nation, as well as around the world for the better part of seventy years. Even after her violent and gruesome death, the Spirit of Jezebel lives on. We see that in the letter to the church at Thyatira (Revelation 2:20) Jezebel’s reputation continues on as Jesus speaks against this church: “But I have this against you, that you tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess and is teaching and seducing my servants to practice sexual immorality and to eat food sacrificed to idols.” Presumably, the woman Jesus was referencing wasn’t actually named Jezebel, but she was very Jezebel-like in that her immorality and idolatry continued to plague God’s people. In my table of the seven letters showing how these churches historically fulfilled the past two thousand years of Christendom, Thyatira represents the corrupt Roman Catholic church that venerates Mary, the Queen of Heaven, even above her Son. We know that Roman Catholicism has adopted and embraced many aspects of paganism from the surrounding cultures from which she sprang up (the Roman Empire) and has committed many, gross violations and blasphemies from the Inquisitions, the selling of indulgences, the demand for abstinence (leading to centuries of problems with molestation and abuse) as well as the introduction of idols in the form of Mary, Christ on the cross, angels, and saints. Christendom course-corrected with the Protestant Reformation, but within two centuries, it too had become corrupted by dead orthodoxy. Ross Douthat, in his book, “Bad Religion: How We Became a Nation of Heretics” (Simon & Schuster, 2012) writes this: Orthodox Christianity used to be like a river with tributaries of heresies that ran into it, today, heresy is the main branch of the river, with orthodox doctrine making up the minor tributaries making very little difference. When we consider the recent (and depressing) Pew and Gallup polls that show an increasing abandonment of the Christian faith, it shouldn't be any wonder why over half our nation seems to be losing its mind. In fact, the abandonment of faith is a direct correlation to the sanity of a nation (Romans 1). Just as the kingdom of Israel abandoned the true God for idols, in the process, they came under an increasingly burdensome and continuous cycle of wicked and oppressive leaders. And just when things seemed to come to their very worst, God raised up Elijah. Then it happened, when Ahab saw Elijah, that Ahab said to him, “Is that you, O troubler of Israel?” 18 And he answered, “I have not troubled Israel, but you and your father’s house have, in that you have forsaken the commandments of the Lord and have followed the Baals. 19 Now therefore, send and gather all Israel to me on Mount Carmel, the four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal, and the four hundred prophets of Asherah, who eat at Jezebel’s table.” 20 So Ahab sent for all the children of Israel, and gathered the prophets together on Mount Carmel. 21 And Elijah came to all the people, and said, “How long will you falter between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him.” But the people answered him not a word. 22 Then Elijah said to the people, “I alone am left a prophet of the Lord; but Baal’s prophets are four hundred and fifty men. (1 Kings 18:17-22) You know the rest of the story. God gave Elijah the victory when He consumed the altar with fire, also destroying the 450 prophets of Baal. But just as quickly as it happens, Elijah was plagued by fear and he ran fearing the wrath of Jezebel. And Ahab told Jezebel all that Elijah had done, also how he had executed all the prophets with the sword. Then Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah, saying, “So let the gods do to me, and more also, if I do not make your life as the life of one of them by tomorrow about this time.” And when he saw that, he arose and ran for his life, and went to Beersheba, which belongs to Judah, and left his servant there. But he himself went a day’s journey into the wilderness, and came and sat down under a broom tree. And he prayed that he might die, and said, “It is enough! Now, Lord, take my life, for I am no better than my fathers!” 1 Kings 19:1-4 But why? If I were Elijah, I'd be strutting around the land with my chest out feeling ten feet tall and bulletproof. And yet, here we see him hiding in a cave bemoaning his existence. What happened? I think (my opinion) was that after the Mt. Carmel victory, Baal, who many views as one of the ten demon kings of hell, (also, the demonic entity who personifies the idol god Ba-al), waged intense spiritual warfare on Elijah on account of the loss of the 450 Baal prophets that just got executed. We see this same level of spiritual warfare going on in our own society today, with previously unimaginable issues like transgenderism, pedophilia, incest, polygamy, homosexuality, violence, murder, mayhem, and treachery of all sorts making all manners of progress in becoming normalized in our world. Folks, behind each of these issues, is a demonic entity waging war on the human race pushing their pet projects so as to demoralize, dehumanize, and destroy humanity. But it's not just the overtly wicked agendas running afoul today. The more nefarious ones are the subtle ones that shroud themselves in good works, good intentions, and just enough truth in them, to make them sound legit. Things like the social justice gospel, the green gospel, seeker-friendly churches, Hebrew roots, emergent church movements, the prosperity gospel, as well as all works-based religions, and any philosophy that promotes human reasoning over biblical truth. I don't mean to sound like a broken record, but if it feels like we're losing the battle for our culture, it is because we are...because that's the level of intensity these demonic powers are attacking us with and giving them the results they want us to feel. They are ramping up their attacks because they know their time is running short. Should the Lord tarry, true biblical Christianity will become marginalized, vilified, and ultimately, ostracized. The public marketplace of ideas today is being increasingly privatized with rules and regulations so that we can't preach on the corners or the pulpits. At the same time, they are minimizing the biblical truth online so that it can be censored and penalized from social media platforms, personal platforms, and ultimately, from the internet altogether. Starting to sound a lot more similar to how it was in Elijah’s day when Jezebel was killing all the prophets, and ultimately Elijah as well doesn't it? But through it all, God was there. Then He said, “Go out, and stand on the mountain before the Lord.” And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice. So it was, when Elijah heard it, that he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood in the entrance of the cave. Suddenly a voice came to him, and said, “What are you doing here, Elijah?” And he said, “I have been very zealous for the Lord God of hosts; because the children of Israel have forsaken Your covenant, torn down Your altars, and killed Your prophets with the sword. I alone am left; and they seek to take my life.” Then the Lord said to him: “Go, return on your way to the Wilderness of Damascus; and when you arrive, anoint Hazael as king over Syria. Also you shall anoint Jehu the son of Nimshi as king over Israel. And Elisha the son of Shaphat of Abel Meholah you shall anoint as prophet in your place....Yet I have reserved seven thousand in Israel, all whose knees have not bowed to Baal, and every mouth that has not kissed him.” 1 Kings 19:11-18 Conclusion Folks, I know we are living in dark times. I know many of you (probably most) feel alone out there. It seems like everywhere you look, everyone is bending the knee to this woke, corrupt, and fallen culture. But God has reserved His own, who haven't (and won't) bend the knee to the god of this world. We know that after this, Elijah does what God requests, and then comes the time (some 18 years later) for him to hand his mantel to his successor, Elisha, that God does the greatest demonstration of glory yet...He brings Elijah home in style. Then it happened, as they continued on and talked, that suddenly a chariot of fire appeared with horses of fire, and separated the two of them; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven. 2 Kings 2:11 We know, someday very soon, that our Lord (the same Lord of Elijah) will bring His bride the Church home to heaven an equally glorious fashion. We are going to be caught up and be instantaneously transformed from mortal to immortal, from corruptible, to incorruptible. Maranatha!! But Elijah's story isn't over quite yet. We know in our absence, God will send Two Witnesses back to earth to preach the eternal gospel of Jesus Christ to the Jewish people in Jerusalem. I believe these two to be Moses (the Law) and Elijah (the Prophets). Perhaps this was what that meeting of the minds was about on the Mount of Transfiguration (Matt. 17:2-4). Furthermore, we know from the Old Testament that Elijah must return. Malachi 4:5-6 states: “See, I will send you the prophet Elijah before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I will come and strike the land with a curse.” Had Israel in Jesus' day accepted Him as Messiah, John the Baptist would have been Elijah (Matt. 17:9-13). But, they didn't, so Elijah will come, along with Moses, to do just as stated in Malachi 4:5-6 and Revelation 11. Remarkably, to this day, the Jewish Seders still include an empty chair at the table in anticipation that Elijah will return to herald the Messiah in fulfillment of Malachi’s word. (Paraphrased from here). So what do we do in our day? We fight. We take a stand just like Elijah on Mt. Carmel. Yet... For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12 The above passage doesn't say we don't wrestle, WE DO! We just don't wrestle against our fellow humans (most of whom are trapped and imprisoned under the bondage of darkness). We wrestle against those forces who keep them in bondage. For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled. 2 Corinthians 10:4-6 (my emphasis) Finally, do all you can to stand when that evil day comes...and it's here. The reason I like to address you all as being part of the 310 Tribe, is that a tribe (as opposed to a family) denotes that amongst your other duties, you fight. You fight because you are all warriors. You don't need a black belt in Karate or Kung-Fu to fight this kind of fight, you need a black belt in Prayer-Fu! You need a sound mind, which you get through the daily reading of the Word of God that cleanses our minds and brings every thought (not just the bad ones) into submission. Lastly, we need charity (love) because the last thing we want to be is a bunch of clanging symbols. Jesus said, "By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another" (John 13:34-35). Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Ephesians 6:10-13 Amen and Maranatha! No Generation Has Ever Been Exposed To What Is Culminating Before Us Today – By Amir Tsarfati - We are the greatest generation. There is no doubt about it. We are the generation that can see the Fig Tree blooming. We are the generation that can see the land of Israel, the people of Israel, the enemies of Israel. We are the generation that can see all the stage for the antichrist ready, all the stage for Ezekiel war to come to pass, all the stage for a third temple to be built right after that, all the stage for the technology, and the satanic brainwashing of the world. But we, we are different. We are not of this world. All of us, the Bible says in Philippians, are “to do all things without complaining and disputing, that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of the crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as light in the world holding fast the word of life, so that I may rejoice in the day of Christ that I have not run in vain or labored in vain.” The greatest hope is Jesus Christ and you will never be able to communicate the gospel with fear and anxiety, but with power, with love and with sound mind, and not with conspiracy theories. Laughing and mocking and sensationalizing and wasting time on idle things, all of which will fail to be a good witness. The greatest hope is Jesus Christ, for God has not given us the spirit of fear but power and love and of sound mind. “These things,” Jesus said, “I have spoken to you that in me, you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome this world.” And allow me to ask you to stand up and to read together with me the following verse from Revelation 22. Let’s read it together. [Together] He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming quickly.” Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. “With great power comes great responsibility.” You’ve heard it. I’ve heard it. We’ve all heard it. This phrase has proceeded out of the mouths of many notable people – even Spiderman’s uncle. While you won’t find this exact phrase in the Scriptures, there is a spiritual truth in the Bible that parallels this secular saying: 1 Corinthians 4:2 KJV – “Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.” What the apostle Paul was communicating in this verse is the reality that when God has called, equipped, and commissioned someone, it’s REQUIRED that they be found faithful. Not perfect – Faithful. In this particular context, Paul was referring to those entrusted with the mysteries of God. You see, there is no calling in life that comes with as much responsibility as a divine calling. Let’s broaden the scope a bit. What if I told you that every Christian is responsible to know what God has revealed in the Scriptures and live their life accordingly? Listen, God will hold the entire unsaved world accountable for its unbelief at the Great White Throne Judgment. You best believe that He has spoken, and He expects His children to listen. Not only do we proceed in ignorance when we fail to heed His words – we miss out on the blessing of watching Him fulfill what He revealed thousands of years ago. The generation we’re living in today is nothing short of amazing concerning the prophecies of the Bible that are developing before our very eyes. We’re seeing a culmination of things spoken of by the prophets taking shape on a weekly basis. Tragically, the world maintains its course with the blind leading the blind. Adding insult to injury, much of the church blends right in, fitting into the description Jesus gave of the last days: Matthew 24:38-39 KJV – “For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” Jesus ascended into heaven. Israel is back in the land. The prophecies of Ezekiel are alive and well. This is the greatest generation from a prophetical perspective. Apostasy within the church is growing at an alarming rate. This means the hour is late and that our departure to be with the Lord is all the more imminent. Since this is true, how then should we live? Ephesians 5:15-16 KJV – “See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” The fulfillment of God’s promises and fruition of the words of the prophets (spoken by God) reveals to us the times and the seasons in which we live. No generation has ever been exposed to what is culminating before us today. Are you watching? Are you ready? As students of the Bible, and, therefore, stewards of what God has communicated, you and I are expected to be faithful in sharing the saving message of Jesus Christ with the world before us. Revelation 22:20-21 KJV – “He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.” Even so, come, Lord Jesus! Prophecy Update Videos Must Watch Videos!
Wake Up America! Apocalyptic Scenarios Are Unfolding All Around Us, But Most People Are Still Asleep – Michael Snyder - How can you get people to wake up if they are determined to keep sleeping? For decades, global events have been moving us in a very ominous direction, and ever since this decade began the pace of change has accelerated dramatically. But even though we just keep getting hit by one major crisis after another, most people still do not get it. Almost everyone seems to be under the impression that the massive problems that we are experiencing right now are “just temporary” and that everything will “return to normal” soon. Meanwhile, apocalyptic scenarios continue to unfold all around us at a breathtaking pace. Earlier today, I pulled up a USA Today article about the Doomsday Clock that boldly declared that “the world is closer to annihilation than it has ever been”… The world is closer to annihilation than it has ever been since the first nuclear bombs were released at the close of World War II, The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists said Tuesday. The time on the Doomsday Clock moved forward from 100 seconds to midnight to 90 seconds to midnight. It’s a reset of what has come to be known as the Doomsday Clock, a decades long project of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists featuring a clock face where midnight represents Armageddon. Yes, we really are on the brink of nuclear war, but the vast majority of the general population hasn’t gotten the memo. Instead, most of them are having a great time partying, spending money like there is no tomorrow, and getting into other sorts of trouble. But just because most Americans choose to ignore the war does not alter the reality of what is taking place. Sadly, both sides just continue to escalate the conflict. In fact, it appears that the Biden administration will soon be sending M1 Abrams tanks to Ukraine for the very first time… The Biden administration is leaning toward sending “a significant number” of M1 Abrams tanks to Ukraine, two U.S. officials said, and an announcement could come as early as this week. The development comes amid a public standoff with German officials, who are under pressure to send their own Leopard tanks and allow other European countries that operate the German-made vehicles to do so as well. And it is being reported that the German government has reversed course and has now decided to send Leopard 2 tanks to the Ukrainians… German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has finally decided to send a battalion of sought-after Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine, Der Spiegel reported on Tuesday, after weeks of pressure from Ukraine and European allies. On the other side, the Russians have chosen to send a warship armed with hypersonic missiles within shooting range of major east coast cities… A Russian warship armed with “unstoppable” hypersonic missiles is sailing towards the US coast in a show of strength, reports claim. The guided missile frigate Admiral Gorshkov has been closely monitored by Nato navies on its maiden voyage armed with 6,670mph Zircon weapons. An unconfirmed Russian Telegram channel report says it was “spotted on radar in neutral waters of the Atlantic Ocean – at an effective salvo launch distance from the US coast”. Both sides are playing a very dangerous game. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov just warned that we on the verge of seeing “a real war” between the western powers and Russia… ‘When we speak about what is happening in Ukraine – it is a war, not a hybrid one, almost a real war, that the West has been plotting for a long time against Russia,’ Lavrov said today. If our leaders were sane, they would be trying to find a peaceful solution to this crisis while it is still possible. Instead, we seem to be playing a very twisted game of “nuclear chicken” where we see how close we can come to the line without actually starting a nuclear war. So what happens if a “mistake” is made and the missiles start flying? You might want to start thinking about that. Meanwhile, it appears that the coming war between Israel and Iran is also getting closer. In fact, the U.S. and Israel are conducting “the most significant exercise between the United States and Israel to date”… The Israel Defense Forces and U.S. Central Command on Monday announced the launch of a large-scale drill, which a senior U.S. defense official called “the most significant exercise between the United States and Israel to date.” The unprecedented drill, dubbed “Juniper Oak 2023,” involves over 140 aircraft, 12 naval vessels, and artillery systems from both countries and will last until Friday, CENTCOM said in a statement. Once the war between Israel and Iran starts, our planet will never be the same again. Speaking of the planet, it is being reported that the inner core has apparently stopped moving… A new study published in Nature Geoscience by geophysicists Yi Yang and Xiadong Song of Peking University in Beijing explored the nature of movement of Earth’s inner core, largely made up of iron and molten liquids. They found the inner core’s movement recently reduced enough they consider it “paused,” all part of what “seems to be associated with a gradual turning back of the inner core as a part of an approximately seven-decade oscillation.” But don’t worry, because scientists think that this is normal. Maybe it is. Probably it is. Hopefully it is. Because if it isn’t normal for the Earth’s inner core to “pause”, then there is a possibility that we are all in really big trouble. In other planetary news, an enormous asteroid that was “just discovered this past weekend” is about to zip past our world at an “extremely close” distance… An asteroid just discovered this past weekend is set for an extremely close encounter with Earth—and you can watch it live as it zooms past our planet. Most people assume that our scientists have a really good idea of what is going on up there, and that if a major threat was coming they would tell us about it. Unfortunately, the truth is that their ability to detect giant space rocks is still fairly limited, and this new space rock that was “just discovered this past weekend” will come closer to us than we are to the center of our planet… At that point, the space rock will come “only” about 6,500 miles from the center of the Earth while traveling at roughly 33,300 miles per hour. Given that the average radius of the Earth—the distance from the center to the surface—is considered to be roughly 4,000 miles, 2023 BU will zip past us at an altitude of around 2,500 miles above the ground. Let me try to explain this another way. This space rock will come more than 30 times closer to us than the moon is… The approach is so close that it is less than 3 percent of the average distance between the Earth and the moon. The asteroid will also pass within the orbits of geostationary satellites, which circle the Earth above the equator at an altitude of 22,236 miles. In other words, a space rock that was “just discovered this past weekend” is going to come very close to hitting us. But it won’t hit us. Maybe. Probably. Hopefully. If everything else that I have shared so far is not enough, it is also being reported that “excess deaths” are soaring all over the globe… Healthcare spending is at record-high levels across the Western world, yet systems are struggling to cope. The combined effects of the pandemic and a rapidly ageing population are stressing hospitals, ambulance crews and social care services to their limit. Excess deaths – those beyond usual numbers – are consequently soaring: the crisis is global. What this means is that far more people are dying than normal all over the world. In fact, we are being told that there were approximately 15 million “excess deaths” worldwide in 2020 and 2021… Nearly 15 million excess deaths from any cause are thought to have occurred during 2020 and 2021, according to new WHO research – nearly three times the 5.42 million coronavirus fatalities reported over the same period. Health statistician William Msemburi said the figure was also likely especially high due to people dying from delayed health screenings and medical procedures. More people will be dropping dead today, and more people will be dropping dead tomorrow. But at least you won’t be one of them. Maybe. Probably. Hopefully. I could go on and on, but this article is already getting way too long. We keep getting hit by one thing after another, and I really like how Hal Lindsey summarized the current state of affairs in his most recent article… The price of eggs… a Mall of America security guard threatening the wearer of a “Jesus saves” t-shirt… attacks on the US power grid… a worldwide obsession with pornography… another wave of nuclear threats coming out of Russia… a universal weakening of democratic institutions… a global reshuffling of leaders… threats of “civil war” in Israel… corruption in the highest levels of government across the world… weaponized Artificial Intelligence… deep fake audio and video enabling previously unimagined levels of deception… global economic chaos… and on and on. What do these and hundreds of other things like them have in common? Needless to say, the answer to Hal’s question is quite obvious. The reason why so many apocalyptic things are happening is because we really are living in apocalyptic times. Hopefully the general population will wake up and realize what time it is, because the clock is ticking. A Real Reason to Panic - By Steve Schmutzer - An awful lot of God-fearing, Constitution-supporting, and law-abiding people in America are deeply frustrated and concerned watching the obvious fraud that is now our nation’s elections. A sizeable portion of THOSE folks are pretty sure the libs as a whole – and much of the “Republicrat” leadership – now routinely endorse lawless behavior to make it seem as though their candidates-of-choice “win” the vote. A part of THAT second group is convinced this is all orchestrated by a corrupt justice system, globalist resources, covert tactics, and very dark agendas. And finally – a smaller subset of that last bunch remains sure that God is STILL in control. Put me in that very last category. I’m watching a lot of people who call themselves Christians punch the panic button these days. “How could God allow this?” “We must be entering the Tribulation now.” “Is Joe Biden the antichrist?” “Obviously, this means the Rapture is about to happen.” The constant display of foolishness in much of the church today is distressing to see and hear. It is self-evident that Christ’s bride knows very little about the plans of her Groom. Here are just a few points to keep in proper perspective during these turbulent times: Number one. Insofar far as Bible prophecy is concerned – and its primary developments and signs – things pivot around the nation of Israel. As Dr. John MacArthur said, “If you get Israel right, you get your eschatology right.” If you take your eyes off God’s timepiece, you cannot properly understand these days we live in. Assessing sweeping prophetic matters through the lens of America’s affairs is mostly a show of ignorance and a waste of time. Number two. It’s a herculean stretch to suggest the debacle of our nation’s elections – or any other national dynamic – signals the Rapture is about to happen. Our ‘blessed hope’ (Titus 2:13) is not linked to any specific event this way. It is an imminent and signless wonder. It will come without warning. The apostle Paul anticipated it in his time. We should be looking for it with equal anticipation each and every day that God gives us breath and life. Number three. Apart from the fact that we can indeed see a choreography of Tribulation-era elements beginning to take shape – global pandemics, surging lawlessness, specific alliances in the Middle East, and appeals for a one-world governance among those – nothing about these developments mean believers will endure the Tribulation. The FULL counsel of Scriptures makes it clear believers will leave this planet before Daniel’s 70th Week starts. True saints here and now are “not appointed to wrath” (1 Thess. 5:9). And lastly, and most importantly, make sure your “ticket to heaven” is in order. Matthew 7:21-23 makes it very clear a lot of people will find out too late they really weren’t saved. This is one of the most frightening portions of God’s Word, and if you want to understand real panic, read this passage carefully. Bluntly put, there are a lot of folks regularly in the pews these days that are not in a right relationship with Jesus Christ. They certainly think they are – but for various reasons, they’ve become seduced by ‘Christian culture’ instead. They’re invested in a list of rituals, performances, ideas, and credentials that impress man rather than God. It’s a matter of eternal importance to get this issue right, and if it’s not – then believe me, that’s a REAL reason to panic. All that said, a challenging but vital question to ponder is, “What is my eternal condition?” (2 Cor. 13:5). Well, let me ask you something. Do you really see the evidence of the Holy Spirit’s control in your life? It’s an issue worthy of your most concerted and humble self-evaluation. David modeled the right posture when he prayed, “Search me, God, and know my heart; try me and know my thoughts. And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting” (Psalms 139:23-24). Coming full circle to the deceptions and challenges of our times – according to James chapter 1, it’s the trying circumstances that prove out the integrity of our faith. It’s when we’re smack dab in the middle of crushing trials, pains, distress, and despair that our faith is expected to show up and make a difference. How do you know if your faith is genuine if it’s not tested? Can you be sure you’ve got the real deal if you habitually react to tough situations just like those “who have no hope” do (1 Thess. 4:13)? No. You really can’t. A faith that’s real gently brushes out the cobwebs of panic, fear, anger, resentment, and self-entitlement from the darkest corners of your heart. A faith that’s real permits eyes and minds to perceive with a calm serenity. A faith that’s real is grieved when sinful temptations win some daily battles. A faith that’s real counts every trial as a conscious ‘joy’ because it’s another opportunity to stand strong and be assured of a right relationship with our only Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Are you feeling some anxiety and distress about the failing world you see around you? Then take that opportunity to focus on the real joy that is yours if these things confirm to you that you are indeed walking on the narrow path. Trust me; there is no greater urgency these days than to make sure your heart is right before God. Daily Jot: Stupidocrisy: blah, blah, blah, blah, blah - Bill Wilson – In recent years it started with Hillary Clinton having classified emails on a server in her bedroom closet. Then came Donald Trump having classified documents at his home in Florida. Then it was Joe Biden having classified documents since he was Vice President sitting behind his corvette in his home’s garage. Now it’s former Vice President Mike Pence’s turn, with classified documents found at his home. Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah. There’s a pattern here. It’s not hard to make the jump that all these people, probably from the time that they started classifying documents, have had classified documents at one time or another in their personal possession. It’s not the classified docs. There’s more to the story. The enemy doesn’t need to break into the White House to get this stuff. They just need to hang out behind Joe’s garage, or be some politician’s house cleaner. They might be able to find out something of interest. I don’t think so. I think there is something else going on. In Clinton’s case, it was the powers that wanted to draw attention away from the millions upon millions she was bilking from the Russians in her pay for influence scheme. It took a back of the plane meeting on an airport tarmac between her former president husband and the Democrat Attorney General Loretta Lynch to call off the dogs. Then the FBI was on again off again before the 2016 election about Clinton’s guilt over the classified emails. Recently, former president Obama’s office said they have nothing to say about whether there were classified documents hanging around the Obama household. It seems like the media is on alert for a classified document here or one there or whatever. Investigations are underway by the Justice Department. Imagine the Justice Department whose head is appointed by Biden “investigating” whether Biden illegally stored classified documents underneath his corvette in his Delaware home’s garage. Given Biden’s demented state, nobody really expects he would know if he had classified documents or if he would even know what “classified” means. There seems to be more to this story than meets the eye. The Democrats and the news media are playing the American people like kids in a river on each other’s shoulders having a chicken fight. Everybody can see what’s happening above the water, but who knows what’s going on below? The deep state keeping control of its oligarchy running the country? The Democrats wanting to get rid of Biden because he’s become a liability? The ongoing narrative against Trump and Republicans as “threats to democracy”? Who really knows? It’s all so very confusing. 1 Corinthians 14:33 says God is not the author of confusion. In John 8:44, Christ says of the devil, “When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar and the father of it.” All this “classified document” stuff is a smoke screen for something far worse. Until then… Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah. Say it with me…Stupidocrisy. Daily Devotion: A Prerequisite for Discipleship - by Greg Laurie – If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple. —Luke 14:26 - Listen The popularity of Jesus was exploding. Everybody wanted to be near Him. But He could see there were a lot of individuals who didn’t understand what it really meant to be His disciples. He knew that a lot of them were nothing more than fair-weather followers. One day Jesus turned to the adoring masses and laid out the criteria for what it means to be His disciples. His words still ring true for us today. These perhaps were among the most solemn and searching words that ever fell from the lips of Jesus Christ. And this is the only time He explained the severity of His terms for disciples. He began, “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple” (Luke 14:26 NKJV). A statement like that sounds shocking to us today. Why is Jesus asking us to hate members of our families and even our own lives? In the light of the New Testament, Jesus was not demanding an unqualified hatred. After all, He would not command us to honor our fathers and mothers and then tell us to hate them. Nor would He command husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the church and then tell them to hate their wives. And He wouldn’t tell His followers to love their enemies and then hate them. Jesus essentially was saying, “Are you willing to be more than just a fair-weather friend?” If you really want to be His disciple and live the Christian life to its fullest, then you must love Jesus more than anyone or anything else. In what seems to be a paradoxical statement, there is very clear logic: by loving God more than anyone else, we develop a new love for others that we have never known. PROPHECY UPDATE NEWS HEADLINES Yesterday's Prophecies - Today's Headlines HEADLINES IN PARTNERSHIP WITH TRACKING BIBLE PROPHECY 1/25/23
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